D-R 1 Daily Medical O2 Supply Position of Districts: Date 03.08.2021

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D-R 1 Date 03.08.2021 05.

00 PM
Daily Medical O2 Supply Position of Districts

Medical O2 need per day in MT Medical Oxygen availablity in Metric Tonnes (MT)
How How
Medical O2 many many Name of Supplier Name of
Sr No District need per days it hours it of O2 For district Supplier of O2 Remark Regarding O2 availability and
Hour in MT will be will be Suppling for For district Status Homuch O² was received in District ,
Govt Private Suffice Suffice Government Suppling for from where and at what time it was
Total received
Hospitals Hospitals In Situ O2 the need the need hospitals Private hospitals
Tank Dura Jumbo Total
Production of district of district

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
alternate day Oxygen Getting From bhilai
1 Amravati 3 5 8 0.333 53 1.2 17.02 3.50 74.73 9.3 224 Vallabh Gases Vallabh Gases one tanker And Daily Requirement 18 to 20
Oxygen from Surashri Industry. It provide 10
SURASHRI AND MT oxygen liquid after 1 day. Mauli Industry
2 Akola 2 1 3 0.125 36.4 1.8 5.12 0 43.32 14.4 347 MAULI UDYOG providing Jumbo Cylinder. 10 MT Capacity
AKOLA Plant implemented in GMC. Daily 10 MT
Tanker needed.
Goverment Medical College getting oxygen
from Aditya pvt. ltd. Devli (Wardha). Private
Aditya pvt. ltd. Oxylife gases and
3 Yavatmal 1 1 2 0.083 20.4 11.0 11.40 0 42.80 21.4 514 Hospitals getting Oxygen from Anox pvt. ltd.
Devli (Wardha) mukundrai gases
Nagpur and chakan refilling from oxylife
and Mukundray pvt. ltd.

from Essem Gases Shivam Jalgaon, ESSEM GASES PVT JALNA Oxygeon
Jalna, Mauli Udyog Surushri Akola, liquidTank 11.40 MT and MAULI Akola
4 Buldana 0.34 0 0.34 0.014 13.91 3.4 3.59 3.78 24.63 72.4 1739
Akola , INOX Pune Mauli Akola, Jumbo Cylinder 0 MT Received
and INOX Nagpur Essam Jalna Date 21/07/2021

Surushri, Akola The firms from akola supplied the oxygen.

Surushri, Akola
5 Washim 0.05 0 0.05 0.002 0 1.5 2.06 1.4 4.96 99.2 2381 Mauli Akola Actually every day the quantity always vary
Mauli, Akola
KMT Akola firmwise on day to day basis.
Total 6.39 7 13.39 0.558 123.71 18.9 39.19 8.68 190.44 216.8 5204
One Metric Ton 02 = 669 Jumbo Cyllinders One Jumbo Cyllinder=7 meter Cube O2
Note: The districts have to update the information daily and change the font colour from red to black after updation .
Daily Consumption of O2 for ICU VENTILATORS OXYGEN BED in Districts D-R2 Report Date 03.08.2021 Time 05.00 PM
ICU beds Ventilators beds Oxygen beds Total Total Total
Estimated Medical O2 Patients
Total No No. of ICU Medical Medical Medical Total No No. of Medical Medical Medical O2 Total No No. of O² Medical Medical Medical Medical O2 need per on O²
ICU of beds O2 need O2 need O2 need of Venti Venti O2 need O2 need need per of O² beds O2 need O2 need O2 need need per Day Total Hour in MT
Sr. Active beds occupied lit per of 24 hrs per Day in beds beds lit per of 24 hrs Day in beds occupied lit per of 24 hrs per Day in in Cubic Estimated For Report
No. District Cases O2 Need
minute per bed in Cubic occupied minute per bed in Cubic minute per bed in Cubic Meters Date
(Column ( #)
per bed liters Meter per bed liters Meter per bed liters Meter

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24

1 Amravati 89 318 8 11.9 17136 137 108 2 30 43200 86 913 22 7.14 10282 226 450 0.58 0.024 32
2 Akola 34 210 2 11.9 17136 34 105 2 30 43200 86 948 14 7.14 10282 144 265 0.34 0.014 18
3 Yavatmal 18 279 4 11.9 17136 69 165 0 30 43200 0 1297 15 7.14 10282 154 223 0.29 0.012 19
4 Buldhana 35 472 1 11.9 17136 17 110 3 30 43200 130 1023 11 7.14 10282 113 260 0.34 0.014 15
5 Washim 32 90 1 11.9 17136 17 60 0 30 43200 0 600 2 7.14 10282 21 38 0.05 0.002 3
Total 208 1369 16 548 7 4781 64 1235 1.60 0.067 87
Average Consumption of O2 per bed per minute Average Consumption of O2 per bed/day Calculations As per formula given by CS Sir

Colour codes
Note:The districts have to update the information daily and change the font colour from red to black after updation . 1 Editable cells 2 Cells with Formula in s 3 Transported from other Sheet

Daily Position of Remdesivir Availability in District D-R 3 Report Date 03.08.2021
Total Remaining stock /
Remdesivir vials How many days
Shortage (IF Minus) of
required per day Remdesivir available remdisivir in district as on date suffice needstock
remaining will
(approx) Total of district whether demand of needed
Sr No District need per Subtracting daily need Remarks
day remdisivir is given to FDA?
Govt. Private For For
hospital Hospital For Govt. Private Total Govt. Hospital Pvt. Hospitals For Govt. Private
Hospital (Col 6-Col 3) (Col 7-Col 4) Hospitals
Need need Hospital Hospitals
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
From Govt. Quota Given to
Yes FDA Daily monitoring
1 Amravati 400 500 900 5406 250 5656 5006 -250 13 1 about Demand
PDMC to meet temporary
Yes FDA Daily monitoring
2 Akola 75 150 225 7184 863 8047 7109 713 95 16 about Demand
Yes FDA Daily monitoring
3 Yavatmal 0 0 0 5840 500 6340 5840 500 0 0 about Demand
Yes FDA Daily monitoring
4 Buldhana 5 1 6 4625 85 4710 4620 84 924 10 about Demand
FDA is monitoring the daily
5 Washim 2 1 4 7108 32 7140 7106 31 3553 14 deamnad
Total 482 652 1135 30163 1730 31893 29681 1078 4585 41

Name of Active Cases Admitted % of Active Total No No. of ICU Total No of No. of Venti Total No of No. of O² Total % of % of Active Total Total Medical O2 Actually Used per Day Per Day Per Day Oxygen District
District Patients Patient ICU of beds beds occupied Venti beds beds O² beds beds Patients on admitted patients on Estimated Oxygen Oxygen consumption /
Admitted occupied occupied Oxygen patients on Oxygen Medical O2 Govt Hospitals Private Total Consumtion Consumpti Patient /
Oxygen need per Day Hospitals (CuM) on in Litre Minute/Day
in MT (Ltr)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 # 14 15 16 17(10*770) 18(11*1000) (10/5/24Hr/60Min 20

Amravati 89 23 25.8 318 8 108 2 913 5 15 65.22 16.85 0.58 3 5 8.00 6160 6160000 285.19 Amravati

Akola 34 27 79.4 210 2 105 2 948 14 18 66.67 52.94 0.34 2 1 3.00 2310 2310000 89.12 Akola

Yavatmal 18 10 55.6 279 4 165 0 1297 15 19 190.00 105.56 0.29 1 1 2.00 1540 1540000 56.29 Yavatmal

Buldhana 35 28 80.0 472 1 110 3 1023 11 15 53.57 42.86 0.34 0.34 0 0.34 262 261800 12.12 Buldhana

Washim 32 5 15.6 90 1 60 0 600 2 3 60.00 9.38 0.05 0.05 0 0.05 39 38500 8.91 Washim

Total 208 93 30.75 1369 16 548 7 4781 47 70 75.27 33.65 1.60 6.39 7 13.39 10310 10310300 102.28

Colour codes
Note: The districts have to update the information daily and change the font colour from red to black after updation . 1 Editable cells 2 Cells with Formula in sheet 3 Transported from other Sheet

DR 5 Abstract of District wise PSA proposed+ Existing Date:- 03.08.2021

Total PSA
No of Plant Existing/ PSA Plants No of PSA Pending for
Total PSA No. of Completed PSA Plants in Tender/work
Capacity of in Which Amount in DPDC Funds From SDRF Rs
Sr No. District Plants O2 Existing Plant Capacity of Tender is which Work order and Rs Lacs Rs in Lacs in Lacs Remark
proposed+ PSA Plant daily O2 Order is presently in
generation Published
Existing generation in MT Issued process
in MT

1 Amravati 17 13.8 1 0 0 8 8 425.68 293 132.68

2 Akola 8 6.00 0 0 0 5 3 411.7 411.7 0 Remaining 3 from CSR
3 Buldhana 19 13.49 12 8.35 0 7 0 387 387 0 2 are from BPCL CSR
4 Washim 5 5.3 2 1.4 0 3 0 148.16 148.16 0
5 Yavatmal 10 7.9 2 0 0 8 0 984.29 984.29 0
Total 59 46.49 17 9.75 0 31 11 2356.83 2224.15 132.68
l Information Regarding PSA Unit Date- 03.08.2021

Status of incomplete PSA

No Of Plant Plant Plant Plant If proposed- Fund Source District
Plant Plant Capacity In
Plant Completed Capacity In Capacity In Capacity In Expected Amount in Total
Sr. No District PSA No. Location name Address capacity Capacity Capacity In MT -
&installed Completed/e LPM - MT - LPM - Status date of (DPDC/ Rs Lacs Amount Remark
(units) MT Work Order Work Order Work Order SDRF/ CSR)
PSA Units Existing Proposed Proposed Date Issued Not Issued completion in Rs Lacs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
A - District Level purchase Plant
Civil Work under Process.
Electrical 3 phase power 80
Dist Women kv under process
1 Amravati 1 Amravati Hospital 600 LPM 1.14 0 0 0 1.14 600 21.04.2021 Issued 30.06.2021 State 74.08

Civil Work under Process.

Electrical 3 phase power 40
2 Amravati 2 Tiosa SDH Tiosa 210 LPM 0.39 0 0 0 0.39 210 28.04.2021 Issued 30.06.2021 State 58.6 kv under process

Civil Work under Process.

Rural Hospital Electrical 3 phase power 40
3 Amravati 3 Nandgaon Khand. Nandgaon 210 LPM 0.39 0 0 0 0.39 210 28.04.2021 Issued 30.06.2021 MLA 58.6 kv under process

Civil Work under Process.

Electrical 3 phase power 40
4 Amravati 4 Dharani Sub District 210 LPM 0.39 0 0 0 0.39 210 28.04.2021 Issued 30.06.2021 NHM 58.6 425.68 kv under process
Hospital Dharni

Civil Work under Process.

Electrical 3 phase power 40
Public Health kv under process
5 Amravati 5 Benoda 210 LPM 0.39 0 0 0 0.39 210 19.05.2021 Issued 05.07.2021 MLA 58.6
Center Benoda

Civil Work under Process.

Electrical 3 phase power 40
6 Amravati 6 Chandur Bazar RH Chadur Bazar 210 LPM 0.39 0 0 0 0.39 210 19.05.2021 Issued 15.07.2021 MLA 58.6 kv under process

Civil Work under Process.

DCHC Rural Electrical 3 phase power 40
7 Amravati 7 Anjangaon Surji Hospital 210 LPM 0.39 0 0 0 0.39 210 05.05.2021 Issued 15.07.2021 MLA 58.6 kv under process
Anjangao Surji

Total (A) 1860 3.48 3.48 1860 425.68 425.68

B - Oxygen generation plant from CSR / PM care / DRDO / NHI Fund / Donattion etc.
Civil Work under Process.
DCHC RRSH American Electrical 3 phase power 40
8 Amravati 8 Amravati 500 LPM 0.94 0 0 0 0.94 500 15.07.2021 india 0 kv under process
Amravati Foundation
Civil Work under Process.
DCHC RRSH P.R. Pote Electrical 3 phase power 40
9 Amravati 9 Amravati 130 LPM 0.19 0 0 0 0.19 130 15.07.2021 kv under process
Amravati-1 Foundation

Civil Work under Process.

DCH RRSH Covid DCH RRSH Covid Electrical 3 phase power 80
10 Amravati 10 1000 LPM 2.06 0 0 0 2.06 1000 15.07.2021 PM Care kv under process
Hospital Hospital

Civil Work under Process.

DCHC General Electrical 3 phase power 80
11 Amravati 11 Amravati Hospital 1000 LPM 2.06 0 0 0 2.06 1000 15.07.2021 PM Care kv under process
Civil Work under Process.
Electrical 3 phase power 40
12 Amravati 12 Daryapur SDH Daryapur 200 LPM 0.37 0 0 0 0.37 200 30.06.2021 PM Care kv under process
DCH RH chandur Functional
13 Amravati 13 chandur Rly Rly 130 LPM 0.19 0 0 0 0.19 130 Installed 31.07.2021 CSR
Civil, Electrical 3 Phase
power 40 Kv Work
14 Amravati 14 Morshi SDH Morshi 500 LPM 0.94 0 0 0 0.94 500 Delivered Issued Delivered AVAADA Processed

Civil Work under Process.

Sub District Electrical 3 phase power 80
15 Amravati 15 Achalpur Hospital 1000 LPM 2.06 0 0 0 2.06 1000 30.06.2021 State kv under process

DCH District
16 Amravati 16 Amravati Hospital 600 LPM 1.14 0 0 0 1.14 600

17 Amravati 17 Amravati Hospital 200 LPM 0.37 0 0 0 0.37 200

Total (B) 5260 0 10.32 0 0 0 10.32 5260 0 0

Total Amravati (A+B) 17 7120 13.8 0 0 0 13.8 7120 425.68 425.68

Information Regarding PSA Oxygen Plants

Plant Status of incomplete PSA
Plant Plant No Of Capacity In Plant Plant Plant If proposed- Fund Source District
Sr. No District PSA No. Location name Address Plant Capacity Capacity In Completed MT - Capacity In Capacity In Capacity In Status Expected (DPDC/ Amount in Total Remark
capacity &installed LPM - MT - LPM - If Work Order date of Rs Lacs Amount
(units) MT Completed/e E-Tender Issued Date of Work Order SDRF/ CSR)
PSA Units xisting Existing Proposed Proposed Date Not Issued completion in Rs Lacs
Work Order

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Collector office civil work
18 Akola 1 GMC Akola Road 500 LPM 0.94 0 0 0 0.94 500 completed 11/05/21 15/07/21 DPDC 60

GMC Akola Collector office purity testing is in

19 Akola 2 500 LPM 0.94 1 0 0 0.94 500 completed - 10/07/21 CSR 35.53
(MAHGENCO) Road - progress
Collector office civil work
20 Akola 3 GMC Akola Road 500 LPM 0.94 0 0 0 0.94 500 completed - - 31/07/21 CSR 33.17

21 Akola 4 District Women Station Road 500 LPM 0.94 0 0 0 0.94 500 civil work - - 31/07/21 CSR 38 411.7
Hospital Akola completed

22 Akola 5 RH Akot Akot 300 LPM 0.56 1 0 0 0.56 300 completed 06/05/21 31/05/21 DPDC 61.25 purity testing is in
civil work progress
23 Akola 6 RH Balapur Balapur 300 LPM 0.56 0 0 0 0.56 300 machinery 06/05/21 31/07/21 DPDC 61.25
installation is in
progress purity testing is in
24 Akola 7 RH TELHARA TELHARA 300 LPM 0.56 1 0 0 0.56 300 completed 06/05/21 30/06/21 DPDC 61.25 progress
civil work
25 Akola 8 RH BARSHITAKALI BARSHITAKALI 300 LPM 0.56 0 0 0 0.56 300 machinery 06/05/21 31/07/21 DPDC 61.25
installation is in
Total Akola 8 3200 0 6 3 0 0 6 3200 5 0 5 0 411.7 411.7

Information Regarding PSA Oxygen Plants

Plant Status of incomplete PSA
No Of Plant Plant Plant If proposed- District
Plant Plant Plant Completed Capacity In Capacity In Capacity In Capacity In Expected Fund Source Amount in Total
Sr. No District PSA No. Location name Address capacity Capacity Capacity In &installed MT - LPM - MT - LPM - Work Condition If Work Order date of (DPDC/ Rs Lacs Amount Remark
(units) MT E-Tender Issued Date of Work Order
PSA Units Completed/e Existing Proposed Proposed Date Not Issued completion
SDRF/ CSR) in Rs Lacs
xisting Work Order
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
26 Buldhana 1 RH Malkapur Malkapur 400 LPM 0.9 0 0 0 0.9 400 In Progress 08.05.2021 Issued 15 Days DPDC 60
Plant in
Plant in working
27 Buldhana 2 G H Khamgaon ( 1 ) khamgaon (1) 400 LPM 0.9 0 0.9 400 0 0 condition 04.05.2021 working DPDC 99.26
28 Buldhana 3 RH Jalgaon Jamod Jalgaon Jamod 400 LPM 0.9 0 0 0 0.9 400 In Progress 08.05.2021 Issued 1 month DPDC 60

29 Buldhana 4 RH Mehkar Mehkar 400 LPM 0.9 0 0 0 0.9 400 In Progress - Not Issued - DPDC

Plant in
30 Buldhana 5 RH Deulgaon Raja Deulgaon Raja 400 LPM 0.9 0 0.9 400 0 0 Plant in working 04.05.2021 working DPDC 99.26
condition condition
Plant in
District Women Plant in working cent gov Central government
31 Buldhana 6 Hospital Buldana 1 Buldana 400 LPM 0.9 1 0.9 400 condition - - - working funded fund
District Women cent gov
Buldhana 7
Hospital Buldana 2
Buldana 400 LPM 0.9 0 0.9 400 In Progress - 15.08.2021 - 15.08.2021 funded

District Hospital
Buldhana 8
Buldana 1000 LPM 1.87 0 1.87 1000 In Progress - 15.08.2022 - 15.08.2022 DRDO

Plant in
Civil Hospital Plant in working
32 Buldhana 9 Shegaon Shegaon 500 LPM 0.94 0 - - 0.94 500 condition - 26.06.2021 Issued working CSR 387

33 Buldhana 10 G H Khamgaon ( 2 ) Khamgaon 500 LPM 0.94 0 0 0 0.94 500 Material received - 26.06.2021 Issued 1month CSR

34 Buldhana 11 R H Chikhali Chikhali 300 LPM 0.56 0 0 0 0.56 300 in progress - 21.06.2022 Issued 1 month DPDC 89.95

35 Buldhana 12 Laddhad Hospital Buldana 200 LPM 0.36 1 0.36 200 Plant in working - - - - - 0 Private Hospital. No
(Private) condition funding from Gov

Shri Yogiraj Hospital Plant in working Private Hospital. No

36 Buldhana 13 Chikhali (Private) Chikhali 200 LPM 0.36 1 0.36 200 condition - - - - - 0 funding from Gov

Silver City Hospital Plant in working Private Hospital. No

37 Buldhana 14 (Private) khamgaon 200 LPM 0.36 1 0.36 200 condition - - - - - 0 funding from Gov

38 Buldhana 15 Chajed Hospital Buldana 200 LPM 0.36 1 0.36 200 Plant in working - - - - - 0 Private Hospital. No
Buldhana (Private) condition funding from Gov

Gajanan hospital Plant in working Private Hospital. No

39 Buldhana 16 Mehkar (Private) Buldana 200 LPM 0.36 1 0.36 200 condition - - - - - 0 funding from Gov

Sushrut Hospital Plant in working Private Hospital. No

40 Buldhana 17 Buldana 200 LPM 0.36 1 0.36 200 - - - - - 0
Buldhana (Private) condition funding from Gov

Multi Speciality Plant in working Private Hospital. No

41 Buldhana 18 Hospital Buldana 200 LPM 0.36 1 0.36 200 condition - - - - - 0 funding from Gov

42 Buldhana 19 Shri Sidhivinayak Buldana 200 LPM 0.36 1 0.36 200 Plant in working - - - - - 0 Private Hospital. No
Hospital (Private) condition funding from Gov

Total Buldhana 19 6700 0 13.49 9 8.35 3400 5.14 2500 0 387 387

Information Regarding PSA Oxygen Plants

Status of incomplete PSA
Plant Plant No Of Capacity In Plant Plant Plant If proposed- Fund Source District
Sr. No District PSA No. Location name Address Plant Capacity Capacity In Completed MT - Capacity In Capacity In Capacity In Status Expected (DPDC/ Amount in Total Remark
capacity (units) MT &installed Completed/e LPM - MT - LPM - E-Tender If Work Order Work Order date of SDRF/ CSR) Rs Lacs Amount
PSA Units Existing Proposed Proposed Date Issued Date of completion in Rs Lacs
xisting Work Order Not Issued

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
42 Washim 1 Lady Hardinge DCH Washim 600 LPM 1 1 1 0 0 600 Commissioned on 19.04.2021 - DPDC 74.08 PURITY REPORT IS

CSR by MIDC, Mubai

43 Washim 2 SDH Karanja 500 LPM 0.7 0 0 0 0.7 500 In Progress - 31.07.2021 CSR - through MERCK group of

44 Washim 3 Lady Hardinge DCH Washim 200 LPM 0.3 1 0.37 200 0 200 Commissioned on - - - PM Care -

Installation going on.

45 Washim 4 Lady Hardinge DCH Washim 600 LPM 1 0 0 0 1 600 In Progress Expected date of
19.04.2021 15.07.2021 DPDC 74.08
commissioning is

46 Washim 5 District Hospital, Washim 1000 LPM 1.9 0 1.9 0 1.9 1000 Proposed Civil Work PM Care
Washim ongoing
Total Washim 5 2900 0 4.9 2 3.27 200 3.6 2900 2 - - - 148.16 148.16

Information Regarding PSA Oxygen Plants

Plant Status of incomplete PSA
Plant Plant No Of Capacity In Plant Plant Plant If proposed- Fund Source District
District PSA No. Location name Address Plant Completed Capacity In Capacity In Capacity In Status Expected Amount in Total Remark
Sr. No capacity Capacity Capacity In MT -
&installed Completed/e LPM - MT - LPM - date of (DPDC/ Rs Lacs Amount
(units) MT SDRF/ CSR)
PSA Units Existing Proposed Proposed completion in Rs Lacs
Plant Plant No Of Plant Plant Plant If proposed- Fund Source District
Plant Completed Capacity In Capacity In Capacity In Capacity In If Work Order Expected Amount in Total
Sr. No District PSA No. Location name Address Capacity Capacity In MT - Status E-Tender Issued Date of Work Order (DPDC/ Remark
capacity (units) MT &installed LPM - MT - LPM - date of Rs Lacs Amount
PSA Units Completed/e Existing Proposed Proposed Date Work Order Not Issued completion SDRF/ CSR) in Rs Lacs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

47 Yavatmal 1 GMC Yavatmal Yavatmal 600 LPM 1.12 1 0 0 1.12 600 completed DPDC 195.97

Work order Issued work in progress will be

on 06.05.2021
PM Care complite in next 10 days
48 Yavtamal 2 GMC Yavatmal Yavatmal 2000 LPM 3.96 0 0 0 3.96 2000 31.07.21 195.97
Administrative Approvel is
Donation given, Work order In Progress
49 Yavatmal 3 Womans Hospital Yavatmal 500 LPM 0.94 0 0 0 0.94 500 In Process 10.07.21 International 195.97
Yavatmal Airport
work in progress will be
Rural hospital complite in next 15 days
50 Yavatmal 4 Umarkhed 300 LPM 0.56 0 0 0 0.56 300 Work order 15.07.21 DPDC 61.75
Umarkhed Issued on
Work order 984.29 work in progress will be
51 Yavatmal 5 Rural hospital Wani Wani 425 LPM 0.79 0 0 0 0.79 425 Issued on 30.06.2021 DPDC 87.63 complite
work in progress will be
PM Care complite in next 30 days
52 Yavatmal 6 SDH Pandharkawada Pandharkawada 200 LPM 0.37 0 0 0 0.37 200 Work order 31.07.21 Fund 61.75
Issued on
work in progress will be
Work order complite in next 15 days
53 Yavatmal 7 SDH Darhwa Darwha LPM 0 0 0 15.07.2021 DPDC 61.75
Issued on
300 0.56 0.56 300 28.05.2021
work in progress will be
Work order
54 Yavatmal 8 SDH Ralegaon Ralegaon LPM 0 0 0 Issued on 15.07.2021 Donation from
ACC trust 61.75 complite in next 15 days
300 0.56 0.56 300 28.05.2021
Work order work in progress will be
55 Yavatmal 9 SDH Pusad Pusad 300 LPM 0.56 0 0 0 0.56 300 Issued on 15.07.2021 DPDC 61.75 complite in next 15 days

Satya sai Private

56 Yavatmal 10 Hospital Yavatmal 300 LPM 0.56 1 0 0 0.56 300 completed 15.07.2021 DPDC 61.75

Total Yavatmal 9 5225 0 9.98 2 0 0 9.98 5225 0 8 0 0 0 1046.04 984.29

D R-6 Fire & Structural audit of CCC, CHC , CH and Other Hospitals Date 03.08.2021

Covid Care Centre (CCC) Covid Health Centre (CHC) Covid Hospital (CH)
(1) (2) (3)
District Total Fire Audit Structural Oxygen Fire Audit Oxygen Structural Total Fire Audit Structural Fire Audit Structural Total Fire Audit Structural Fire Audit Structural
Number Completed Audit Audit Pending Audit Audit Number Completed Audit Pending Audit Number Completed Audit Pending Audit
CCC Completed Completed Pending Pending CHC Completed Pending CH Completed Pending

1 Amravati 28 15 4 28 13 0 24 11 7 2 4 9 26 26 12 0 14
2 Akola 13 4 5 0 9 0 8 22 22 17 0 5 23 23 22 0 1
3 Yavatmal 38 0 0 38 38 0 38 11 11 7 0 4 1 0 0 1 1
4 Buldhana 25 24 0 24 1 1 25 54 36 36 18 18 17 13 13 4 4
5 Washim 11 11 11 11 0 0 0 12 12 12 0 0 11 11 11 0 0

Total 115 54 20 101 61 1 95 110 88 74 22 36 78 73 58 5 20

Other Covid Hospital Total number CCC + CHC + CH + Other Covid Hospital Total % CCC + CHC + CH + Other Covid Hospital
(4) (=1+2+3+4) (=1+2+3+4)
Total Fire Audit Structural Oxygen Fire Audit Oxygen Structural Total Fire Audit Structural Fire Audit Structural Total Fire Audit Structural Fire Audit Structural
Sr. Number Completed Audit Audit Pending Audit Audit Number Completed Audit Pending Audit Number Completed Audit Pending Audit
No. other covid Completed Completed Pending Pending Completed Pending in % Completed in % Pending in
hospitals in % %

1 Amravati 45 0 0 4.56E+09 45 0 45 110 48 18 62 92 110 43.6 16.4 56.4 83.6

2 Akola 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58 49 44 9 14 58 84.5 75.9 15.5 24.1
3 Yavatmal 34 30 29 32 4 2 5 84 41 36 43 48 84 48.8 42.9 51.2 57.1
4 Buldhana 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 73 49 23 47 96 76.0 51.0 24.0 49.0
5 Washim 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 34 34 0 0 34 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0

79 30 29 49 50 382 245 181 137 201 382 64.1 47.4 35.9 52.6
NOTE :- Pls Submit comprehensive report in context to the above information, duly signed by the concerned authorities.

टिप - १ अमरावती मनपा क्षेत्रातील एकू ण ८, CCC पैकी ४ चे structural audit पूर्ण झाले असून ४ नवीन बांधकाम आहे.
२ अमरावती मनपा क्षेत्रातील एकू ण १७, DCH पैकी १२ चे structural audit पूर्ण झाले असून ५ नवीन बांधकाम आहे.
“ D R-7 Oxygen audit of CCC, CHC, CH and Other Hospitals Date 03.08.2021

Covid Care Centre (CCC) Covid Health Centre (CHC) Covid Hospital (CH)
Sr. (1) (2) (3)
District Total Number Oxygen Audit Oxygen Audit Total Number Oxygen Audit Oxygen Audit Total Number Oxygen Audit Oxygen Audit
CCC Completed Pending CHC Completed Pending CH Completed Pending
1 Amravati 28 28 0 11 11 0 31 29 2
2 Akola 13 0 13 22 22 0 23 23 0
3 Yavatmal 38 0 38 11 10 1 1 1 0
4 Buldhana 25 24 1 54 36 18 17 13 4
5 Washim 11 11 0 13 13 0 11 11 0
Total 115 63 52 111 92 19 83 77 6

Other Covid Hospital Total number CCC + CHC + CH + Other Covid Total % CCC + CHC + CH + Other Covid Hospital
Total Number (4) Audit Oxygen Audit Total Number Hospital
Oxygen Oxygen(=1+2+3+4)
Audit Oxygen Audit Total Number (=1+2+3+4)
Oxygen Audit Oxygen Audit
Sr. No. District
other covid Completed Pending Completed Pending Completed in % Pending in %
1 Amravati 45 42 3 115 110 5 115 95.7 4.3
2 Akola 0 0 0 58 45 13 58 77.6 22.4
3 Yavatmal 32 32 0 82 43 39 82 52.4 47.6
4 Buldhana 0 0 0 96 73 23 96 76.0 24.0
5 Washim 0 0 0 35 35 0 35 100.0 0.0
Total 77 74 3 386 306 80 386 79.3 20.7
NOTE :- Pls Submit comprehensive report in context to the above information, duly signed by the concerned authorities.
D-R8 Districtwise Medical Oxygen storage capacity & Actual Storage in Metric Tonnes (MT) Date 03.08.2021 05.00 PM
Medical Oxygen Medical Oxygen storage
Actual Total oxygen Medical Capacity in Number of capacity in Metric Tonnes Details Regarding O2 storage as on report Date Total Medical Oxygen Acually Available in Districts O2 Coming in
use of District MT O2 need in Metric Tonnes (MT) % Total District
per Hour Cyllinders / Tanks (MT) Medical
in MT Empty
Space in Oxygen
Sr For Actually
District Report Stored District
No Actually Available
Date Name of Agency / Tank Stored Oxygen in in Tank In In Situ
Govt Private No Of Dura hospital and Tank in % to in MT Storage in Dura In Jumbo production to Total in How
Cylinders of O² in Total Storage Quantity many hrs
Hospita Hospital Total Total Cyllind
Cyllinders Tank dura Jumbo Total Capcity Oxygen in
ls s Tanks ers Location of Storage Total Cyllinders
Tank in MT in MT District in Capacity of Tanks district Capacity
Tank in MT
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
1.Shree Vallabh Gas
1 Amravati 3 5 8 0.024 4 14 2000 56 4.2 20.03 80.23 20 15 75.0 % 5 15 1.21 17.02 3.5
Agency 0 0
2.Irwin Hospital 10 10 100.0 % 0 10 0 0
6 4.6 76.7 % 1.4 4.6
Hospital Phase 1
21 18.4 87.6 % 2.6 18.4
Hospital Phase 2 0 0
5.PDMC 6 5 83.3 % 1 5 0 0
Total Amravati District 63 53 84.1 % 10 53 1.21 17.02 3.5 74.73 93.14 % 12 today
1.Government Medical
2 Akola 2 1 3 0.014 5 8 2500 73 1.82 22.73 97.55 10 7.4 74.0 % 2.6 7.4 1.8 5.12 0
College Akola
2.District Women
13 5 38.5 % 8 5
Hospital Tank
3.SDH Murtizapur 10 8 80.0 % 2 8
4.Surashi Agency 20 14 70.0 % 6 14
5.Mauli Udyog Akola 20 2 10.0 % 18 2
Total Akola District 73 36.4 49.9 % 36.6 36.4 1.8 5.12 0 43.32 44.41 % 0 Nil
1.Mukundrai Gas MIDC
3 Yavatmal 1 1 2 0.012 2 23 1496 23 6.9 14.98 44.88 10 10 100.0 % 0 2.5 11 11.4 0

2.Oxylife Gas Chinchbardi 13 10.4 80.0 % 2.6 3

Total Yavatmal District 23 20.4 88.7 % 2.6 5.5 11 11.4 0 27.9 62.17 % 0 Nil

District Covid Hospital

4 Buldana 0.34 0 0.34 0.014 1 20 1852 22.36 6 18.55 46.91 22.36 13.91 62.2 % 8.45 13.91 3.35 3.59 3.78 10.72 22.85 % 0 Nil
Buldhana tank

No Oxygen storage tank

available in district
5 Washim 0.05 0 0.05 0.002 0 30 779 0 9 7.8 16.8 However Stored in 0 0 0.0 % 0 0 1.5 2.06 1.4 4.96 29.52 % 0 Nil

Total 6.39 7 13.39 0.067 12 95 8627 174 28 84 286 181 123.71 68.2 % 58 108.81 18.86 39.19 8.68 175.54 61.30 % 12 0
Instructions : You have to Update in Column 16, 20, 21 and 22 only.
Note: The districts have to update the information daily and change the font colour from red to black after updation .
Storage of LMO (Liquid Medical Oxygen) in Amravati Division Dt.19.07.2021
Sr. Total LMO storage to LMO storage already Proposed new location for
no. Name of District be crated (in MT) available in LMO storage with capacity Remark
( in MT) and capacity (in MT)

1. SDH Achalpur - 10 MT

1 Amravati 72 48.27 30 2. RH Warud - 10 MT

3. SDH Dharni - 10 MT

1. Akola GMC-10 MT
2 Akola 93 73 20
2.Akola GMC Superspeciality -10 MT

1. VNGMC Yavatmal - 21.94 MT

3 Yavatmal 66 55.88 capacity, 27.94
14.28 MT storage 2. SDH Pusad - 6 MT

Buldhana 22.36 MT storage already available.

Khamgaon 22.36 MT. will complete till 31 July 2021

4 Buldhana 50.72 22.36 28.36
Deulgaon Raja 3.00 MT. will complete till 31 Aug 2021

Mehkar 3.00 MT. will complete till 31 Aug 2021

5 Washim 27 20 0 Lady Harding Hospital Washim- 20 MT

Total 308.72 163.63 106.3

District Master Information Format
Date - 19/07/2021 Amravati Akola Yavatmal Buldhana Washim Total Divison
Type of O2 Supply Source of Existing & in-progress Unit Capacity (MT) Unit Capacity (MT) Unit Capacity (MT) Unit Capacity (MT) Unit Capacity (MT) Unit Capacity (MT)
Existing Government 1 0.19 0 0 1 1.12 3 2.7 2 1.4 7 5.41
Existing Private 0 0 0 0 1 0.56 8 2.88 0 0 9 3.44
Total Existing (Gov & Pvt) 1 0.19 0 0 2 1.68 11 5.58 2 1.4 16 8.85
PSA Plant Proposed Government 15 13.24 8 6 8 8.09 5 4.5 3 3.9 39 35.73
Proposed Private 1 0.37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.37
Total Proposed 16 13.61 8 6 8 6.21 5 4.5 3 3.9 40 34.22
PSA Total (Existing + Proposed) 17 13.8 8 6 10 9.8 16 10.08 5 5.3 56 44.98
Existing Government (Civil Hospital) 3 37 3 33 3 33.94 1 22.36 0 0 10 126.3
Existing Private Hospital 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6
Existing LMO Total 4 43 3 33 4 55.88 1 22.36 0 0 12 154.24
Proposed Government 3 40 2 20 2 27.94 3 28.36 1 20 11 136.3
Proposed Private 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Proposed 3 40 2 20 3 49.88 3 28.36 1 20 12 158.24
LMO Total (Existing + Proposed) 7 83 5 53 6 83.82 4 50.72 1 20 23 290.54
Private Refiller 0 0 0 0 2 23 0 0 0 0 2 23
Existing Dura- Government 0 0 6 1.36 4 1.25 20 6 15 4.5 45 13.11
Existing Dura- Private 12 3.6 0 0 19 5.71 0 0 0 0 31 9.31
Existing Jumbo- Government 582 5.82 661 6 1347 13.47 1852 5.4 365 7.7 4807 38.39
Existing Jumbo- Private 1742 17.42 0 0 717 7.17 200 2 0 0 2659 26.59
Existing Small- Government 250 0.46 230 0.44 207 0.44 0 0 0 0 687 1.34
Existing Small- Private 310 0.58 0 0 122 0.26 0 0 0 0 432 0.84
Cylinder Total Cylinder - Government & Private 2896 27.89 897 7.8 2416 28.3 2072 13.4 365 7.7 8646 85.09
Proposed Dura- Government 0 0 20 4.54 15 4.51 0 0 0 0 35 9.05
Proposed Jumbo- Government 400 4 150 1.36 750 7.5 0 0 0 0 1300 12.86
Proposed Small- Government 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Proposed Total Cylinder Government 400 4 170 5.9 765 12.01 0 0 0 0 1335 21.91
Total Cylinder -(Existing & Private) Govt &
3296 27.89 1067 13.7 3181 40.31 365 7.7 9981 103
Private 2072 13.4
Existing 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3
Proposed 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5
ASU Total 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 8
Existing (PSA+LMO+Cylinder+ASU) 2902 74.08 900 40.8 2421 63.92 2084 41.34 367 9.1 8674 229.24
Proposed (PSA+LMO+Cylinder+ASU) 420 62.61 180 31.89 776 69.98 8 32.86 4 23.9 1388 221.24
Total O2 availability (Existing + Proposed) 3322 136.69 1080 72.7 3197 133.9 2092 74.2 371 33 10062 450.49
DR-11 Dated 03.08.2021
Oxygen Demands in Districts
Admitted Patients on Oxygen demand Oxygen demand
S.N. District Active Patients patients oxygen before (MT) After (MT)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Amravati 6979 1633 1088 20.00 22.01

2 Akola 34 27 18 15.00 20.00

3 Yavatmal 18 10 19 10.00 23.00

4 Buldhana 35 28 15 10.00 20.28

5 Washim 32 5 3 6.75 8.50

Total 7098 1703 1143 61.75 93.79

विभागाअंतर्गत Mucormycosis ने बाधीत झालेल्‍या रुग्‍णांची संख्‍या DR-10 Dt. 27-07-2021

Mucormycosis ने
दवाखान्‍यात दाखल झालेल्‍या उपचारानंतर दुरुस्‍त उपचार घेत असलेल्‍या रुग्णां
‍ ची
अ.क्र जिल्‍ह्याचे नाव बाधीत झालेल्‍या रुग्णां
‍ ची मय्यत झालेल्‍या रुग्णां
‍ ची संख्‍या
रुग्‍णांची संख्‍या झालेल्‍या रुग्‍णांची संख्‍या संख्‍या

१ अमरावती 66 66 23 31 12
२ अकोला 66 66 29 5 32
३ यवतमाळ 64 64 26 5 27
४ बुलडाणा 64 64 58 5 1
५ वाशिम 26 26 21 4 1
एकू ण 286 286 157 50 73
Availability of Availibality of space within Abaility to Ability to
Wheather the
capacity of MGPS (Medical Gas health facility compus for provide 3 phase provide DG set health facility has
Name and Full address of the Total Bed Pipline System) plant room, dimensions power supply for power
District proposed PSA existing LMO
Sr. no. facility where the PSA site has capacity for the and cylinder may range form 6x6x5 (20Kw for backup (Range
Name plant in litres per (Liquid Medical
been indentified health facilty menifold in the meter for smallest plant smallest plant form 20 Kw to
minutes (LPM) Oxygen) Facility
proposed faility upto 18x18x8 meter for upto 220 Kw for 220 Kw)
(Yes/No) largest (Yes/No) largest (Yes/No) (Yes/No)

1 Akola GMC Akola 750 1000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (10 KL)
2 Akola SDH MURTIZAPUR 100 500 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (10 KL)
3 Amravati Regional Referral Super 450 606 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (20 KL)
Speciality Hospital Amravati
4 Amravati General Hospital 60 606 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (10 KL)
5 Buldhana RH Malkapur 50 480 No Yes Yes Yes No
6 Buldhana RH Mehkar 50 480 No Yes Yes Yes No
7 Washim District Civil Hospital 200 600 No Yes Yes Yes No
8 Washim Rural Hospital, Mangrul Pir 30 200 No Yes Yes Yes No
9 Washim Rural Hospital, Risod 30 200 No Yes Yes Yes No
10 Yavatmal GMC Yavatmal 577 850 yes Yes Yes Yes Work in progress
11 Yavatmal Womans Hospital Yavatmal 200 850 Work in progress Yes Yes Yes Work in progress
12 Akola District Women Hospital 100 1000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (13 KL)
13 Akola RH Akot 500
14 Amravati SDH Morshi 20 210 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
15 Amravati SDH Daryapur 20 210 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
16 Buldhana RH Jalgaon Jamod 50 480 No Yes Yes Yes No
17 Buldhana womens hospital buldhana 200 400 Yes Yes Yes Yes yes (20KL)
18 Yavatmal SDH Pandharkawada 60 90 Work in progress Yes Yes Yes Work in progress
19 Yavatmal SDH Darwha 60 90 Work in progress Yes Yes Yes Work in progress
20 Washim Rural Hospital, Malegaon 30 200 No Yes Yes Yes No
PDMC (Privatee Medical
21 Amravati 100 606 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
22 Amravati Rural Hospital Dhamangaon 20 210 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Rural Hospital Nandgaon
23 Amravati 70 210 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
24 Amravati Rural Hospital Tiosa 70 210 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
25 Amravati Sub District Hospital Dharni 60 210 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
26 Amravati Sub District Hospital Achalpur 60 210 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Status If proposed - If proposed- Fund Source
Sr District Location name Address Plant capacity (Existing/ Work order Expected date Amount Comment
No. (In LPM) Proposed) date & details of completion (DPDC/SDRF/

1 Akola GMC Akola Collector office 500 LPM Proposed 11/05/21 15/07/21 DPDC 60

2 Akola GMC Akola Collector office 500 LPM Completed - 10/07/21 CSR 35.53 purity testing is in
(MAHAGENCO) Road progress

3 Akola GMC Akola (CSR)

Collector office 500 LPM Proposed - 31/07/21 CSR 33.17
District Women
4 Akola Station Road Akola 500 LPM Proposed - 31/07/21 CSR 38
purity testing is in
5 Akola RH Akot Akot 300 LPM Completed 06/05/21 31/05/21 DPDC 61.25 progress
6 Akola RH Balapur Balapur 300 LPM Proposed 06/05/21 31/07/21 DPDC 61.25
purity testing is in
7 Akola RH TELHARA TELHARA 300 LPM Completed 06/05/21 30/06/21 DPDC 61.25 progress
8 Akola RH BARSHITAKALI BARSHITAKALI 300 LPM Proposed 06/05/21 31/07/21 DPDC 61.25
Super sp Hospital
8 Amravati RRSH 606 LPM Proposed 20.04.2021 01.06.2021 SDRF 11980000
9 Amravati District Hospital Amravati 606 LPM Proposed 20.04.2021 01.06.2021 SDRF 7400000
Trauma Care
10 Amravati Nandgaon KH 210 LPM Proposed 28.04.2021 01.06.2021 SDRF 5860000
Rural Hospi
11 Amravati Tiwasa Tiwasa 210 LPM Proposed 28.04.2021 01.06.2021 SDRF 5860000
12 Amravati SDH Dharani Dharani 210 LPM Proposed 28.04.2021 01.06.2021 SDRF 5860000
13 Amravati SDH Achalpur Achalpur 210 LPM Proposed 28.04.2021 01.06.2021 SDRF 5860000
14 Amravati SDH Morshi Morshi 210 LPM Proposed 28.04.2021 01.06.2021 SDRF 5860000
15 Amravati Daryapur SDH Daryapur 210 LPM Proposed 01.06.2021 01.06.2021 SDRF 5860000
16 Amravati Amravati PDMC (Private 606 LPM Proposed 01.06.2021 01.06.2021 SDRF 7400000
Medical Collage)

17 Amravati Dhamangaon Rural Hospital 210 LPM Proposed 01.06.2021 01.06.2021 SDRF 5860000

18 Buldana RH Malkapur Malkapur dist 100 jumbo Cyl Proposed Nil 30.06.2021 SDRF 15000000
buldhana (0.9 MT)
civil hospital khamgaon dist 100 jumbo Cyl
19 Buldana Khamgaon buldhana (0.9 MT) Proposed 27.04.2021 10.06.2021 SDRF 15000000

Jalgaon Jamod dist 100 jumbo Cyl

20 Buldana RH Jalgaon Jamod buldhana (0.9 MT) Proposed Nil 30.06.2021 SDRF 15000000

Mehkar dist 100 jumbo Cyl

21 Buldana RH Mehkar buldhana (0.9 MT) Proposed Nil 30.06.2021 SDRF 15000000
22 Buldana RH deulgaon raja Deulgavrajaraja dist 100 jumbo Cyl Proposed 27.04.2021 10.06.2021 SDRF 15000000
buldhana (0.9 MT)

23 Buldana District Women District Women 80 jumbo Cyl Proposed - 27.04.2021 Central Govt. 7500000 Installation will be
Hospital Hospital Buldana -1 (0.75MT) complete in 3 days

Work order
24 Washim Lady Hardinge DCH Washim 600LPM Proposed issued on 31.05.2021 DPDC 7408800
Work order
25 Washim SDH Karanja 600LPM Proposed issued on 31.05.2021 DPDC 7408800
26 Washim Lady Hardinge DCH Washim 200LPM Proposed - 26.04.2021 Central Govt. - complete.
Work order
27 Yavatmal GMC Yavatmal Yavatmal 850LPM Proposed Issued 15.06.2021 DPDC 20000000
Womans Hospital
28 Yavatmal yavatmal 425LPM Proposed In process 30.06.2021 DPDC 8763000

Rural hospital Work order

29 Yavatmal Umarkhed Umarkhed 90LPM Proposed Issued 15.05.2021 DPDC 5310000
Work order
30 Yavatmal Rural hospital Wani wani 90LPM Proposed Issued 15.05.2021 DPDC 5310000

31 Yavatmal SDH Pandharkawada 90LPM Proposed In process 30.06.2021 DPDC 5310000

32 Yavatmal SDH Darwha Darwha 90LPM Proposed In process 30.06.2021 DPDC 5310000
33 Yavatmal SDH Ralegaon Ralegaon 90LPM Proposed In process 30.06.2021 DPDC 5310000
34 Yavatmal SDH Pusad Pusad 90LPM Proposed In process 30.06.2021 DPDC 5310000
Total 225741011.7
Information Regarding PSA Oxygen Plants

Plant Plant Plant Plant If proposed- Fund Source

No of Plant Plant Plant Plant Status Capacity Capacity Capacity In Capacity In If proposed - Only Work Work Order Expected Amount in Rs District Total
Sr. No District Total Division Location name Address
capacity Capacity Capacity In Capacity In (Existing/ Only Existing In MT - In LPM - MT - LPM - Work order date & Proposed Order Amount in Rs Comment
PSA (units) MT LPM Proposed) details Issued Not Issued date of (DPDC/SDRF/C Lacs Lacs
Existing Existing Proposed Proposed completion SR)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

1 Akola 1 Amravati GMC Akola Collector office Road 500 LPM 0.94 500 Proposed 0 0 0 0.94 500 11/05/21 E-Tender 15/07/21 DPDC 60

GMC Akola purity testing is in

2 Akola 2 Amravati (MAHAGENCO) Collector office Road 500 LPM 0.94 500 Proposed 0 0 0 0.94 500 - 10/07/21 CSR 35.53 progress

3 Akola 3 Amravati GMC Akola (CSR) Collector office Road 500 LPM 0.94 500 Proposed 0 0 0 0.94 500 - 31/07/21 CSR 33.17

District Women
4 Akola 4 Amravati
Station Road Akola 500 LPM 0.94 500 Proposed 0 0 0 0.94 500 - Proposed 31/07/21 CSR 38
purity testing is in
5 Akola 5 Amravati RH Akot Akot 300 LPM 0.56 300 Proposed 0 0 0 0.56 300 06/05/21 E-Tender 31/05/21 DPDC 61.25 progress

6 Akola 6 Amravati RH Balapur Balapur 300 LPM 0.56 300 Proposed 0 0 0 0.56 300 06/05/21 E-Tender 31/07/21 DPDC 61.25

purity testing is in
7 Akola 7 Amravati RH TELHARA TELHARA 300 LPM 0.56 300 Proposed 0 0 0 0.56 300 06/05/21 E-Tender 30/06/21 DPDC 61.25 progress

8 Akola 8 Amravati RH BARSHITAKALI BARSHITAKALI 300 LPM 0.56 300 Proposed 0 0 0 0.56 300 06/05/21 E-Tender 31/07/21 DPDC 61.25

Regional referral super

8 Amravati 1 Amravati Amravati speciality Hospital Amravati 606 LPM 1.13 606 Proposed 0 0 0 1.13 606 20.04.2021 Issued 01.06.2021 SDRF 119.8

9 Amravati 2 Amravati Amravati General Hospital Amravati 606 LPM 1.13 606 Proposed 0 0 0 1.13 606 20.04.2021 Issued 01.06.2021 SDRF 74

10 Amravati 3 Amravati Achalpur Sub District Hospital Achalpur 210 LPM 0.39 210 Proposed 0 0 0 0.39 210 28.04.2021 Issued 01.06.2021 SDRF 58.6

11 Amravati 4 Amravati Tiosa Rural Hospital Tiosa 210 LPM 0.39 210 Proposed 0 0 0 0.39 210 28.04.2021 Issued 01.06.2021 SDRF 58.6

12 Amravati 5 Amravati Nandgaon Rural Hospital Nandgaon 210 LPM 0.139 210 Proposed 0 0 0 0.139 210 28.04.2021 Issued 01.06.2021 SDRF 58.6
Khandeshwar khandeshwar
13 Amravati 6 Amravati Dharani Sub District Hospital Dharani 210 LPM 0.39 210 Proposed 0 0 0 0.39 210 28.04.2021 Issued 01.06.2021 SDRF 58.6

14 Amravati 7 Amravati Morshi Rural Hospital Morshi 210 LPM 0.39 210 Proposed 0 0 0 0.39 210 In Progress E-Tender Not Issued 01.06.2021 SDRF 58.6

15 Amravati 8 Amravati Daryapur SDH Daryapur 210 LPM 0.39 210 Proposed 0 0 0 0.39 210 In Progress E-Tender Not Issued 01.06.2021 SDRF 58.6

16 Amravati 9 Amravati Amravati PDMC (Private Medical College) 606 LPM 1.13 606 Proposed 0 0 0 1.13 606 In Progress E-Tender Not Issued 01.06.2021 SDRF 74

17 Amravati 10 Amravati Dhamangaon Rural Hospital, Dhamangaon 210 LPM 0.39 210 Proposed 0 0 0 0.39 210 In Progress E-Tender Not Issued 01.06.2021 SDRF 58.6

18 Buldhana 1 Amravati RH Malkapur Malkapur 400 LPM 0.9 400 Proposed 0 0 0 0.9 400 In Progress Proposed - Not Issued 1 month SDRF 150

19 Buldhana 2 Amravati Civil Hospital khamgaon 400 LPM 0.9 400 Proposed 0 0 0 0.9 400 In Progress Issued 1 month SDRF 150

20 Buldhana 3 Amravati RH Jalgaon Jamod Jalgaon Jamod 400 LPM 0.9 400 Proposed 0 0 0 0.9 400 In Progress Proposed - Not Issued 1 month SDRF 150

21 Buldhana 4 Amravati RH Mehkar Mehkar 400 LPM 0.9 400 Proposed 0 0 0 0.9 400 In Progress Proposed - Not Issued 1 month SDRF 150

22 Buldhana 5 Amravati RH Deulgaon Raja Deulgaon Raja 400 LPM 0.9 400 Proposed 0 0 0 0.9 400 In Progress Issued 1 month SDRF 150

District Women Central

23 Buldhana 6 Amravati
Hospital Buldana 1
Buldana 400 LPM 0.9 400 Existing 1 0.9 400 - - - - - - -
government fund

24 Buldhana 7 Amravati District Women Buldana 400 LPM 0.9 400 Proposed 0 0 0 0.9 400 In Progress Proposed - Not Issued 1 MONTH SDRF 75
Hospital Buldana 2
Buldhana 8 Amravati Laddhad Hospital Buldana 200 LPM 0.36 200 1 0.36 200 - - - - - - - - Private Hospital...
25 (Private) Existing - No funding from
Shri Yogiraj Private Hospital...
26 Buldhana 9 Amravati Hospital Chikhali Chikhali 200 LPM 0.36 200 Existing 1 0.36 200 - - - - - - - - - No funding from
(Private) Gov
Private Hospital...
27 Buldhana 10 Amravati Silver City Hospital khamgaon 200 LPM 0.36 200 Existing 1 0.36 200 - - - - - - - - - No funding from
(Private) Gov
Chajed Hospital Private Hospital...
28 Buldhana 11 amravati Buldana 200 LPM 0.36 200 Existing 1 0.36 200 - - - - - - - - - No funding from
Buldhana (Private)
Lady Hardinge Work order issued on
29 Washim 1 Amravati
Washim 600 LPM 1.12 600 Proposed 0 0 0 1.12 600
Proposed Issued 31.05.2021 DPDC 74.08

Work order issued on

30 Washim 2 Amravati SDH Karanja 600 LPM 1.12 600 Proposed 0 0 0 1.12 600
Proposed Issued 31.05.2021 DPDC 74.08

31 Washim 3 Amravati Lady Hardinge Washim 200 LPM 0.37 200 Existing 0 0 0 0.37 200 - Existing - - 26.04.2021 Central Govt. - Installation
DCH complete.

32 Washim 4 Amravati Rural Hospital, Mpir 200 LAM 0.37 200 Proposed 0 0 0 0.37 200 NIL Proposed - Not Issued - SDRF 55 461.32

33 Washim 5 Amravati Rural Hospital, Risod 200 LAM 0.37 200 Proposed 0 0 0 0.37 200 NIL Proposed - Not Issued - SDRF 55

34 Washim 6 Amravati Rural Hospital, Malegaon 200 LAM 0.37 200 Proposed 0 0 0 0.37 200 NIL Proposed - Not Issued - SDRF 55

35 Washim 7 Amravati District Hospital, Washim 600 LPM 1.12 600 Proposed 0 0 0 1.12 600 NIL Proposed - Not Issued - SDRF 74.08
Lady Hardinge Work order issued on
36 Washim 8 Amravati DCH Washim 600 LPM 1.12 600 Proposed 0 0 0 1.12 600 30.04.2021 Proposed Issued 31.05.2021 DPDC 74.08

37 Yavatmal 1 Amravati GMC Yavatmal Yavatmal 850 LPM 1.59 850 Proposed 0 0 0 1.59 850 Work order Issued Issued 15.06.2021 DPDC 200

38 Yavatmal 2 Amravati Womans Hospital Yavatmal 425 LPM 0.79 425 Proposed 0 0 0 0.79 425 In Progress Proposed Not Issued 30.06.2021 DPDC 87.63

39 Yavatmal 3 Amravati Rural hospital Umarkhed 90 LPM 0.17 90 Proposed 0 0 0 0.17 90 Work order Issued Issued 15.05.2021 DPDC 53.1
Umarkhed 24.04.2021
Rural hospital Work order Issued
40 Yavatmal 4 Amravati Wani wani 90 LPM 0.17 90 Proposed 0 0 0 0.17 90 24.04.2021 Issued 15.05.2021 DPDC 53.1
41 Yavatmal 5 Amravati SDH Pandharkawada 90 LPM 0.17 90 Proposed 0 0 0 0.17 90 In Progress Proposed Not Issued 30.06.2021 DPDC 53.1

42 Yavatmal 6 Amravati SDH Darhwa Darwha 90 LPM 0.17 90 Proposed 0 0 0 0.17 90 Work order Issued Issued 30.06.2021 DPDC 53.1

43 Yavatmal 7 Amravati SDH Ralegaon Ralegaon 90 LPM 0.17 90 Proposed 0 0 0 0.17 90 Work order Issued Issued 30.06.2021 DPDC 53.1

44 Yavatmal 8 Amravati SDH Pusad Pusad 90 LPM 0.17 90 Proposed 0 0 0 0.17 90 Work order Issued Issued 30.06.2021 DPDC 53.1

Total 2015 0 28.969 15103 0 5 2.34 1200 26.629 13903 0 0 0 0 0 0 2982.25 2982.25
Note Districts are Updating this Sheet

District wise Abstract of PSA

No. of
No of PSA Proposed
PSA Plants
No of Total PSA Plants in Plants in No. of Amount in Rs DPDC Funds
Sr.No District Which Tender which Work (Sites has Existing From SDRF Rs in Lacs Remarks
PSA is Published Order is been PSA Plant Lacs Rs in Lacs
Issued identified
and Futher
process is
going on)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Akola 8 0 5 8 0 411.7 411.7
2 Amravati 10 4 6 0 0 678 0 678
3 Buldhana 11 0 2 4 5 825 0 825

4 Washim 8 0 3 4 1 461.32 222.24 239.08

5 Yavatmal 8 0 3 5 0 606.23 606.23 0

Total 45 4 19 21 6 2982.25 1240.17 1742.08

Number of Plant Number of % work
Plant Capacity (LPM) /
Total Existing Patients Proposed Capacity In Patients Work Order Work Order order issued
District Division Capacity In Proposed
Plants Plants supported - Plants MT - supported - Issued Not Issued of proposed
MT - Existing Capacity (LPM)
Existing Proposed Proposed plants
as a %

Akola Amravati 8 0 0 0 8 6 400 5 3 71 0%

Amravati Amravati 8 0 0 0 8 3.94 311 8 0 100% 100%

Buldhana Amravati 16 9 10.08 400 6 5.25 923 4 2 67% 83%

Washim Amravati 7 1 0.37 50 2 2.24 120 2 0 100% 17%

Yavatmal Amravati 8 0 0 0 8 3.39 145 3 5 38% 0%

47 10 10.45 45 32 20.82 1899 22 10 17% 50%

Amravati Total
No of Total PSA Plants in Which PSA Plants in which
Sr.No District PSA Division Location name Address Tender is Published Work Order is Issued Work Order Not Issued PSA Plants Proposed

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Akola 1 Amravati GMC Akola Collector office Road - Issued - proposed

2 Akola 2 Amravati GMC Akola (MAHAGENCO) Collector office Road proposed

3 Akola 3 Amravati GMC Akola (CSR) Collector office Road proposed

4 Akola 4 Amravati District Women Hospital Station Road Akola proposed
5 Akola 5 Amravati RH Akot Akot - Issued - proposed
6 Akola 6 Amravati RH Balapur Balapur - Issued - proposed
7 Akola 7 Amravati RH TELHARA TELHARA - Issued - proposed
8 Akola 8 Amravati RH BARSHITAKALI BARSHITAKALI - Issued - proposed
Regional referral super speciality
9 Amravati 1 Amravati Amravati BMCRC Issued
Hospital Amravati
Repeat Order On DH
10 Amravati 2 Amravati Amravati General Hospital Amravati Issued
11 Amravati 3 Amravati Achalpur Sub District Hospital Achalpur Issued
12 Amravati 4 Amravati Tiosa Rural Hospital Tiosa Issued
Rural Hospital Nandgaon
13 Amravati 5 Amravati Nandgaon Khandeshwar khandeshwar Issued
14 Amravati 6 Amravati Dharani Sub District Hospital Dharani Issued
15 Amravati 7 Amravati Morshi Rural Hospital Morshi E-Tender Not Issued
16 Amravati 8 Amravati Daryapur SDH Daryapur E-Tender Not Issued
17 Amravati 9 Amravati Amravati PDMC (Private Medical Collage) E-Tender Not Issued
18 Amravati 10 Amravati Rural Hospital, Dhamangaon E-Tender Not Issued
plant Started on
19 Buldhana 1 Amravati Buldana E-Tender 15.05.2021
District Womans Hospital Buldana
work order issued on
20 Buldhana 2 Amravati Khamgaon E-Tender
Civil Hospital Khamgaon 1 27.04.2021
21 Buldhana 3 Amravati Civil hospital Khamgaon 2 Khamgaon CSR Issued
22 Buldhana 4 Amravati civil Hospital Shegaon Shegaon CSR Issued
23 Buldhana 5 Amravati SDH Malkapur Malkapur E-Tender Issued
24 Buldhana 6 Amravati RH Jalgaon Jamod J.Jamod E-Tender Issued
work order issued on
25 Buldhana 7 Amravati Deulgaon Raja E-Tender
SDH Deulgaon Raja 27.04.2021
26 Buldhana 8 Amravati R H Chikhali Chikhali E-Tender Issued
27 Buldhana 9 Amravati R. H. Mehkar Mehkar E-Tender Not Issued
28 Washim 1 Amravati Lady Hardinge DCH Washim - - - Proposed
29 Washim 2 Amravati SDH Karanja - - - Proposed
30 Washim 3 Amravati Lady Hardinge DCH Washim - - - Proposed
31 Washim 4 Amravati Rural Hospital, Mangrul Pir Mangrul Pir - - - Proposed
32 Washim 5 Amravati Rural Hospital, Risod Risod - - - Proposed
33 Washim 6 Amravati Rural Hospital, Malegaon Malegaon - - - Proposed
34 Yavatmal 1 Amravati GMC Yavatmal Yavatmal - 24.04.2021 - -
35 Yavatmal 2 Amravati Womans Hospital Yavatmal Yavatmal - - - Proposed
36 Yavatmal 3 Amravati Rural hospital Umarkhed Umarkhed - 24.04.2021 - -
37 Yavatmal 4 Amravati Rural hospital Wani wani - 24.04.2021 - -
38 Yavatmal 5 Amravati SDH Pandharkawada Pandharkawada - - - Proposed
39 Yavatmal 6 Amravati SDH Darhwa Darwha - - - Proposed
40 Yavatmal 7 Amravati SDH Ralegaon Ralegaon - - - Proposed
41 Yavatmal 8 Amravati SDH Pusad Pusad - - - Proposed

District wise Abstract

PSA Plants in
No of Total No of PSA Plants in which No of PSA Plants in which Work
Sr.No District PSA Which Tender Work Order is Issued Order Not Issued PSA Plants Proposed PSA Plants Completed
is Published
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Akola 8 0 5 3 5 3
2 Amravati 10 4 6 0 0 0
3 Buldhana 8 0 2 4 2 1
4 Washim 7 0 2 4 1 1
5 Yavatmal 8 0 3 5 0 0
Total 41 4 18 16 8 5

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