Unlock The Edge

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ROADMS unlock the edge of the network

Article  in  IEEE Communications Magazine · August 2008

DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2008.4557057 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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2 authors, including:

Thomas A Strasser
Nistica, Inc., Bridgewater, NJ, United States


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ROADMS Unlock the

Edge of the Network
Thomas A. Strasser and Jay Taylor, Nistica, Inc.

ABSTRACT the various architectures for ROADM deploy-

ments. While large mesh applications with 1 × 9
Since their introduction in 2003, reconfig- and even 1 × 23 cross-connect modules are tech-
urable optical add/drop multiplexers have nically challenging and garner a lot of attention,
brought new flexibility and scalability to what was the underlying ring nature of deployed fiber
once a static optical telecommunications net- topologies provides the majority of deployments.
work. In five short years, ROADMs have become Ring topologies remain for three simple reasons:
a mainstream requirement in core networks, and • The fiber plant was originally built out in
are an essential feature in metro DWDM deploy- this fashion.
ments. As the demand for bandwidth and flexi- • They offer protected service levels.
bility overwhelm the edge of the network, carriers • They offer the lowest cost points for back-
are deploying ROADM-equipped nodes that are haul and broadcast services.
well suited for ring topologies. This is no easy As a result, the largest opportunity for ROADM
task as new nodes must accommodate 40 and 100 applications is the two-degree (1 × 2) ring
Gb/s channel capacities, be economically viable, ROADMs that serve the needs of over 80 per-
and be frugal in both power consumption and cent of deployments.
footprint. ROADM vendors have made great
strides recently and are now able to take the
ROADMs closer to end users with high-band- EDGE NETWORK
width applications.
ROADM vendors are challenged when trying to
EDGE NETWORK TRANSFORMATION meet their customers’ expectations for the metro
and edge networks. In addition to providing
The edge of the telecommunications network is accepted core ROADM functionality, ROADM
a natural fit for the reconfigurable optical suppliers are expected to provide seamless inter-
add/drop multiplexer (ROADM) (Fig. 1). New operability with existing WDM system architec-
traffic patterns resulting from the intrinsic tures at an attractive price point. Some of the
churn of services and the broadcast nature of key benefits derived by carriers are given below.
content delivery are colliding with the limits of Logistics simplification by single-code
the legacy infrastructure. Service providers devices: FOADM deployment on a large scale is
have traditionally deployed fixed optical considered impractical due to the need to track
add/drop multiplexers (FOADMs) because of multiple product codes or part IDs. For exam-
their low initial capital expense (CapEx) with ple, a fixed filter that adds or drops a specific
the understanding that their associated opera- wavelength has to be binned and tagged as such.
tional costs (OpEx) would run high due to pro- In a 100-GHz-spaced 40-plus-channel dense
visioning truck rolls and forklift upgrades. wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) sys-
Until recently the exorbitant OpEx for these tem, operations personnel have to track 40-plus
fixed solutions was grudgingly accepted by car- product codes and manage the inventory as well
riers due to the large CapEx differential as the replacement parts. ROADMs provide
between FOADM and ROADM solutions, but immediate relief because of their ability to add
new low-cost, flexible modules have pushed the or drop any channel anywhere in the network.
FOADM into obsolescence. This transforma- Product designers can thus order and track a sin-
tion is reflected in the recent growth of gle product ID and deploy the same part every-
ROADM infrastructure in carrier networks. where in the network without regard to future
Since 2007 Verizon and AT&T have deployed uncertainties in traffic patterns or network
over 1000 ROADM nodes as the demand for demands.
high-speed data services and video applications Ease of provisioning provided by colorless
form the main offerings in their FiOS and U- modules: In FOADMs and previous-generation
verse plans, respectively. ROADMs that used planar lightwave circuits
With the fixed nature of new network builds (PLCs), each port is associated with a specific
largely eliminated, the focus has now shifted to wavelength. As a result, operators have to man-

146 0163-6804/08/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE IEEE Communications Magazine • June 2008

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ually connect specific fibers to specific Low insertion loss: This is a requirement for
transponders or service interfaces during ser- any module used in an edge environment that With pricing
vice turn-up or provision for large fiber patch experiences many wavelength adds and drops.
pressures continuing
panels that prove cumbersome and manually By limiting the insertion loss of each device,
intensive. Colorless ports are now available designers can greatly reduce the number of opti- to build in the
with the emergence of wavelength selective cal amplifiers and, in turn, greatly reduce the marketplace for
switch (WSS) ROADMs, where a port is not overall cost of the system.
burdened with a specific wavelength. In fact, Flat, sharp filter functions: Optical perfor- large-scale
multiple wavelengths can be added to, or mance characteristics still reign supreme in the deployment of
dropped from, a single port, thus adding to the evaluation of ROADM performance. In
ROADMs, the
flexibility of network expansion in multiple FOADM-based systems, Gaussian filter shapes
dimensions. All wavelengths are now available would create a narrowing effect as a channel technical community
at any port, allowing operators to remotely pro- passed through multiple nodes, creating an ultra- remains focused on
vision services via software commands and narrow operating window at the receiver.
point-and-click provisioning. ROADM filters with flat tops and sharp edges delivering high-end
Elimination of stranded bandwidth: In addi- have changed this dynamic to enable a cascade telecom-grade
tion to the operational complexity of deploying of up to 24 nodes in a system. While most prac-
performance to
FOADMs, static systems are highly inefficient in tical deployments today fall short of this num-
terms of bandwidth utilization. Banded filters ber, carriers are planning for a future where its masters.
that enable the add/drop of four or eight chan- multiple rings may be interconnected with all-
nels presuppose a certain traffic demand based optical interfaces.
on forecasts. Most network planners, on the Flexible channel plan: First-generation
other hand, would argue that the only certainty ROADMs that used PLC technology as well as
in their business is that future traffic demands many current-generation ROADMs are specifi-
would be uncertain. This disconnect manifests cally designed for fixed channel plans. For
itself in the form of wasted bandwidth. Very example, a system builder needs to prespecify
often, over half the channels assigned between the channel spacing, say 50 or 100 GHz. If a
locations remain unused, and reconfiguration of 100 GHz spaced system needs a future upgrade
these channels is an operational nightmare given to 50 GHz channel spacing (due to bandwidth
the lack of optical expertise and complexity of growth), the installed ROADM module would
the task. The ability to send any wavelength with need to be replaced. This burden is unaccept-
a single-wavelength granularity from any node to able given the multiple channels already being
any other node has considerably eased the carried through the common equipment of a
restrictions imposed on network planners, and node. Some of the recent ROADM offerings
has led to the complete utilization of all band- provide a flexible channel plan, a feature that
width in the network. allows the operator to adapt the channel pass-
Despite the tremendous benefits afforded by band to multiple different channel spacings,
agile ROADM-driven optical systems, the opera- generally some mix of 50 and 100 GHz. This is
tors remain focused on reducing their CapEx, not only critical for mixed traffic but also essen-
while enjoying the operating expense (OpEx) tial for future upgrades to support 40 and 100
cost savings provided by the ROADMs. As a Gb/s transport.
result, optical system builders or network equip- Drop and continue: As video becomes an
ment manufacturers are integrating the integral part of telcos’ and cable service pro-
ROADMs with their traditional synchronous viders’ offerings, and the move to high-definition
optical network/synchronous digital hierarchy broadcasts becomes the norm, the ability to opti-
(SONET/SDH) systems, or with the emerging cally broadcast high-bandwidth channels
Ethernet and packet solutions. They are inte- becomes a table stakes requirement. This
grating multiple functions on single, compact requirement translates to the ability to drop and
line cards and utilizing a minimum number of continue a copy of the signal on a per wave-
slots in the chassis (thus allowing the rest of the length basis. Several ROADM offerings provide
slots for use as service interfaces). As these sys- this feature, which enables carriers to pick and
tems are deployed closer to the edge of the net- efficiently distribute video channels.
work, the economics of ROADMs are garnering Integrated optical channel monitor (OCM):
significant attention from ROADM module sup- As wavelength services proliferate, and
pliers. ROADMs enable the seamless add/drop of
channels, carriers and system developers need
to monitor and track the various wavelengths in
ROADM MODULE FEATURES the network. Optical channel monitors that feed
AND PERFORMANCE back critical health information such as channel
ID, optical signal-to-noise ratio, and center
With pricing pressures continuing to build in the wavelength are becoming increasingly deployed
marketplace for large-scale deployment of in the agile network. An optimum location for
ROADMs, the technical community remains these OCMs is at the site where optical chan-
focused on delivering high-end telecom-grade nels are being reconfigured. This collocation
performance to its masters. In particular, the requirement has translated into the need for an
system requirements of two-degree, or 1 × 2, integrated optical channel monitor in the
ROADMs in ring topologies demand that the ROADM module. OCM integration into the
ROADM modules perform at their pinnacle in ROADM module provides tight closed-loop
multiple dimensions. An ROADM’s most impor- control, in addition to cost savings and a
tant features include: reduced footprint.

IEEE Communications Magazine • July 2008 147

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Due to the
onslaught of new
broadband services
and the natural
service entropy that
WiMax VOD Data center
occurs at the Data center head-end

network’s edge,
ROADMs are an Local VOD
integral enabler of

10 Gb
the delivery of these
services going IP-DSLAM

forward and are 1 x N ROADMs

1 x 2 ROADMs
unlocking the edge
of the network. MSAN



Access Metro optical edge Metro core

VOD: Video on demand MSAN: Multiservice access node

MSPP: Multiservice provisioning platform IP-DSLAM: Internet protocol digital subscriber line access multiplexer

■ Figure 1. 1 × 2 ROADMs will dominate the metro optical edge.

TECHNOLOGIES have been marketed as 1 × 1 WSS) and 1 × 4

WSS devices. LCDs claim superiority over
The right combination of features and require- MEMS due to the absence of moving parts, but
ments for various network segments has now suffer from the same inflexibility of channel
crystallized in the minds of system builders and plans as MEMS-based ROADMs. This is anoth-
service providers. Several technologies are capa- er technology that will continue to flourish, but
ble of delivering some or most of these features, with limited application in fully flexible systems.
and the battle for deciding the dominating tech- Two technologies have recently emerged in
nology has just begun. the marketplace, providing all the key functions
PLC-based ROADMs are expected to fade desired by carriers and system developers. Digi-
from memory because of their high insertion tal light processing (DLP) switches and liquid
losses, imperfect filter shapes, and fixed channel crystal on silicon (LCoS), the two leading display
plans. The early promise, and to some the holy technologies, are being adapted for telecom-
grail, of a fully integrated single-chip ROADM grade use. Both technologies offer thousands of
has not been achieved, and the market for these pixels on a miniature chip that can route wave-
devices is expected to drop precipitously in the lengths at will, providing full flexibility. Features
next two years. like drop and continue on a per-wavelength
Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)- basis, the ability to carve up available spectrum
based ROADMs have enjoyed a significant mar- as 100 GbE applications emerge and low costs
ket share in the last two years. These devices associated with high-volume industries make
typically use a single mirror to reconfigure one these technologies the most promising ROADM
wavelength, and usually contain an array of offerings in the marketplace.
MEMS mirrors. While extremely flexible, Clearly, suppliers who can execute these tech-
MEMS-based devices suffer from their inability nologies and provide attractive price points will
to provide flexible channel plans, intrinsic per- dominate the market over the next five years,
channel drop and continue, and a small footprint which will see the first phase of large ROADM
when extended to 50 GHz channel spacing. deployments.
However, this technology has been made practi-
cal for telco-grade applications and is expected
to dominate applications where full flexibility
and future-proofing of networks is not a high ROADMs are successfully reducing costs and
priority. simplifying operations throughout the telecom-
Liquid crystal device (LCD)-based ROADMs munications infrastructure. Cost and footprint
are the second largest selling technology in the will be the new constraints as carriers look to
market, made popular by waveblockers (which bring flexible and scalable channel management

148 IEEE Communications Magazine • July 2008

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from the core to the edge of their networks. nologies in the next-generation transmission platforms of
AT&T and Lucent Technologies. He helped develop the first
Because ring topologies dominate the metro and WSS ROADM-based metro core DWDM system as chief
edge segment, successful ROADM solutions will technologist at networking startup Photuris. He is currently
embrace 1 × 2 architectures whose feature set developing next-generation optical subsystems as chief
and performance, in many cases, must be superi- technology officer at Nistica, Inc., Bridgewater, New Jersey.
He has taught several short courses, and served as OFC
or to their brethren in the core. Due to the 2004 Technical Program Co-Chair and General Co-Chair of
onslaught of new broadband services and the NFOEC/OFC 2006. He holds 37 patents, and has contribut-
natural service entropy that occurs at the net- ed over 100 presentations and publications in the field of
work’s edge, ROADMs are an integral enabler optics and communication devices.
of the delivery of these services going forward J AY T AYLOR (jtaylor@nistica.com) is director of marketing
and are unlocking the edge of the network. DLP and business development at Nistica, where he is responsi-
and LCoS technologies that offer full flexibility ble for strategic marketing, customer and competitive
and attractive price points are expected to domi- intelligence, offer management, and public relations.
Before joining Nistica, he was director of corporate strate-
nate this industry in the next five years. gy and development at Lucent Technologies where he eval-
uated new business opportunities for Bell Labs’ emerging
technologies, and supervised corporate-wide product port-
BIOGRAPHIES folio planning on a quarterly and annual basis. Prior to
THOMAS A. STRASSER [M] (tstrasser@nistica.com) received a Lucent he was with Celight, in marketing, business devel-
Ph.D. in materials science and engineering from Cornell opment, and product management roles, where he quanti-
University. He worked in optical fiber device research at fied market/product strategies for ULH DWDM networks.
Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, where his group He has an M.B.A. from the NYU Stern School of Business
invented and developed manufacturing for enabling tech- and a B.S. in optics from the University of Rochester.

IEEE Communications Magazine • July 2008 149

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