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A. Reading comprehension
Marketing is often considered to be 'just' advertising and selling, but these represent only a
small part of the 'marketing mix'. This narrow perception ignores the broader aspects of
marketing, which include the development of services, distribution and pricing. Localization,
which involves ensuring that services and products are placed in a local setting, is also
The basic objective of marketing is to attract new customers. It is also used to attract repeat
trade from existing customers. Public relations has often been used to boost existing products
and services, for example by creating or renewing visibility. Public relations and marketing
should be coordinated to ensure that the same objectives are achieved by both. Efficiency in
marketing is required to achieve this. In order to attract more customers, both external and
internal marketing should be implemented. External marketing is focused on potential clients
outside the organization. Examples are advertising, special promotions and direct mail.
Simultaneously, internal marketing (service and sales skills) needs to be developed. The
distinction between the two is very important. Without good internal marketing, the results of
any campaign to attract new customers will be disappointing. Potential customers will be
attracted to the company, but then lost through poor sales techniques or poor after-sales service.
Public relations and marketing come under the heading of communication. PR tends to deal
with issues rather than specifically with products. Instruments used in public relations include
publicity releases, employee training seminars, communications and events management.
Whereas advertising sells, the public relations practitioner's role is to inform, through publicity-
related activities. These activities include editorial media coverage, special events, company
image programmes and promotional activities.
In the past, the focus was on specialization. The key to 21st century marketing is integration.
Integration is a recent approach to marketing communications planning, driven by technology
and customers. Today, many practitioners, especially those working in promotions and events,
describe themselves as a 'total service agency'. In other words, their focus is on an integrated
marketing and communication approach. Integrated marketing has had a significant impact on
improving marketing efficiency. Caywood (1997) described integrated marketing as the
integration of advertising, public relations, direct marketing and sales promotion into a
comprehensive plan. There are many terms referring to this practice, For example, the term
'marcoms specialist' is used to describe public relations practitioners who have a greater focus
on the marketing and sales aspects. It is possession of core skills that enables better results to be
obtained in less time by experienced marcoms professionals. However, creativity may be
compromised. Conflicts may arise between short-term sales promotion goals and long-term
image advertising goals. Internal power struggles between specific managers may result in a

lack of coordination. The agency may lack people with real experience of all the marketing
communications disciplines. Today's marketing, via the Internet, involves interactive
communication. It requires an integrated approach. Messages are more credible if every
communication has a consistent message and strategy.
Advances in communications technology have accelerated the movement towards personalized
marketing communications. Increasingly, Internet or online marketers today are using new,
interactive, highly targeted media - rather than the one-way interruption messaging of the past.
The marketing communications environment has also changed. Previously, the focus was on the
mass market. Today, the niche market is significant. This involves targeting a smaller, often
specialized market sector. For example, instead of offering a general office cleaning service,a
company may focus on the cleaning of windows only. Internet users are looking for products, or
niche products, that will provide them with a solution . This also involves niche market research
by the marketer. For example, he/she will need to understand the niche words and phrases that
grab the attention of the Internet user.
Internet or online marketers today get exposure on the Internet by using social media sites,
starting a blog, etc. Marketers may use tools such as affiliate marketing, in which traffic from
one website is directed to another. To create an awareness of a product or service, marketers
focus on a target audience. Messages are not necessarily promotional, but are more about
delivering useful content. They may range from company news messages to showing the
company supporting a specific cause. This reflects a new approach, where the focus of
marketing starts with understanding what consumers are interested in, and adjusting products
and services towards that. The marketing focus of the 21st century is customer-centric from the
customer standpoint rather than from a product or service standpoint
I. Read the text and answer the following questions
1. What are the broader aspects of marketing?
2. What has PR often been used for?
3. How does external marketing differ from internal marketing?
4. What instruments are used in public relations?
5. What is the key to 21st century marketing?

6. How do practitioners who work in promotions and events describe themselves?

7. How has the marketing communications environment changed?
8. How do Internet or online marketers today get exposure on the Internet?

II. Read the text and decide whether each statement is True or False
1. Advertising and selling only represent a small part of the marketing mix.
2. Public relations amd marketing mustn’t be coordinated to ensure that the same objectives
are achieved by both.
3. Without good internal marketing, the results of any campaign to attract new customers
will be disappointing.
4. Intergrated marketing isn’t important for improving marketing efficiency.
5. Advertising, public relations, direct marketing and sales promotion are combined in
intergrated marketing.
6. If every communication has a consistent message and strategy, messages are more
7. In order to create a reputation for an enterprise, marketers focus on a target audience.
8. The marketing focus of the 21st century is customer-centric from a product or service
B. Word study
I. Match the words or phrases with their correct definitions
1. public relations A. a person who employ all means of modem communication to
achieve an effective two-way flow of information between the
organisation and its target groups
2. target audience B. the communication that takes place within an organization
3. PR campaign C. the process by which a business or other organization deals with a
sudden emergency situation
4. PR practitioner D. a specific group of customers most likely to respond positively to
your promotions, products, and services
5. corporate PR E. the application of project management to the creation and
development of small and/or large-scale personal or corporate events
6. in-house PR F. the professional maintenance of a favorable public image by a

company or other organization or a famous person

7. event management G. a series of activities that are planned in advance and relate to a
specific goal
8. crisis management H. a set of activities involved in managing and orchestrating all
internal and external communications aimed at creating favourable
point of view among stakeholders on which the company depends

II. Fill in each blank with one correct word

internally goals message customer
ambassadors crisis employees brand
British entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson once said, ‘clients do not come first. Employees come
first. If you take care of your employees, they’ll take care of the clients.’
This may go against everything you were ever taught about putting the ‘…………… (1) first’,
but his advice is spot on. Your employees are on the front line, interacting with customers and
representing your …………… (2). If they’re not happy, neither your customers or your bottom
line will be happy.
Therefore, how do you make your workforce happy? Pay and conditions are important.
However, making them feel valued, informed and listened to is key, and this is where internal
communications PR comes in.

Internal communications is a branch of public relations that deals with communication within a
business or organisation. It’s a form of PR that happens …………… (3), and it’s used to
inform, engage and motivate …………… (4) and ensure everyone in the organisation is
‘singing from the same hymn sheet’.
Internal communications PR should be part of your overall PR strategy and should reflect your
brand promise, values and business …………… (5) in exactly the same way as your external
communications. Just like your external PR strategy, the consistency of your …………… (6),
the frequency of your message and the channel you use are key to your success.
So what are the key benefits of an internal communications PR strategy? Employee
engagement, a reduction in staff churn, creating a team of brand …………… (7) who can boost
sales, and having a structure in place to manage any type of …………… (8).
III. Write the correct form of words in brackets
Public Relations definitions from experienced PR practitioners.

“Reputations are still at the heart of PR, but the road is longer and has many
more twists and turns. Today, for me, PR is about the art of (1. communicator /
communicate / communicating), creating debate, shaping personalities,
influencer relationships, producing quality content, and owning the
conversation. We also can’t ignore the rising (2. importance / important /
unimportant) of search engine optimization as an objective in our PR
Danielle Hibbert, Senior Project Manager at Belfast-based consumer PR
agency Clearbox
“It’s ensuring that your brand has a clear message and successful PR is ensuring
that message is (3. affect / effectively / effective) represented and interpreted to
the right audience. Effective PR is about being proactive, not just reactive to
situations or brand/business activity. With the rise of PESO (Paid, Earned,
Shared, and Owned), PR’s need to focus on content with transparency is key.”
Jordan Townley, PR & CSR Specialist
“Public relations is the practice of understanding the purpose of an organization
and its relationships within (4. societal / society / social). It is the planned and
sustained activity of engagement between these two parties to (5. influential /
influence / influencer) behavior change, and build mutual understanding and
trust. Engagement between an organization and its publics is the core of public
relations practice. It is a two-way process by which an organization
communicates with its publics and vice versa.”
Stephen Waddington, Chief Engagement Officer at Ketchum
“PR is the ability to attract the attention of selected audiences through (6.
strategy / strategist / strategic) and (7. tactical / tactics / tactician) spreading
of key messages.
PR is a set of tools we use in our everyday work to achieve the above-mentioned
goal. Regardless of the press release, event, interview, blog, or another tool
employed by the communication professional, PR requires the building of
relationships with your audiences or transmitters of your messages.”
Filip Kochan, Communications Officer, Poland and the Baltics, World Bank
“Public relations is the art of creating lasting relationships, based on respect and
truth, between (8. independent / dependent / interdependent) entities existing
in the public domain. PR has nothing to do with manipulation, twisting the
reality, smearing competitors or political opponents, or praising made up
qualities of products, services, parties, or public figures. PR teaches you the
principles of correct exchange of information between individuals and
Grzegorz Szczepański, CEO at Hill+Knowlton Strategies Poland, ZFPR

C. Translation
I. Translate the following text into Vietnamese
1. Public relations must not only keep the company's public informed of new products, policy
changes and staff changes, but it must keep top management informed of the public's reaction to
the company and its products. Because of the strategic role of public relations, it is important to
maintain close contact with the upper level of management.
2. Public relations is a management tool aimed at bringing people together to promote
understanding. The public relations practitioner uses different forms of communication to
establish efficient two-way interaction between the company and other groups of people.
3. Public relations is about influencing, engaging and building a relationship with key
stakeholders across numerous platforms in order to shape and frame the public perception of an
4. The focus of public relations, is to foster a relationship between the public and an
5. A good PR practitioner will analyze the organization, find the positive messages and translate
those messages into positive stories
6. A public relations practitioner helps people and organizations to gain public acceptance by
explaining the aims, objectives and methods of their organization, and by building and
maintaining a favourable image.

7. Public relations professionals try to influence the public’s perception of their client’s brand,
reputation, or image.
8. Community relations involves improving an organization’s image with the local or regional
community. Often, businesses will engage with the community directly through events, charity
work, or getting involved with a local project.
9. Media relations concerns your dealings with the press and media. Scheduling press
conferences, organizing interviews, and writing press releases are all common examples, but
any type of communication with the press falls in the realm of media relations.
10. Public affairs requires developing a relationship between your organization and the
government. You must form and build connections with government officials who care about
and may even promote your cause.

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