Consumer Behavior Final Report

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Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................3
ATTACHMENT AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOR................................................................................................5
NEED OF THE STUDY....................................................................................................................................5
SCOPE OF THE STUDY..................................................................................................................................5
ATTACHMENTS IN CONSUMER BEHAVIOR..................................................................................................5
Determinants of Attachment.......................................................................................................................7
ATTACHMENT CHANGES OVER TIME...........................................................................................................7
Research Approaches:.................................................................................................................................8
Decision Making Line up with Buyers and merchants:-.............................................................................11
1) Need Recognition: -.......................................................................................................................11
2) Information search:-......................................................................................................................11
3) Option Evaluation:-........................................................................................................................11
4) Purchase Decision:-.......................................................................................................................12
5) Post-Purchase Evaluation:-............................................................................................................12

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In this report it has been tried to analyze and find how attachment of consumers with the product

or a service impacts the buying behavior of the consumers, the buying behavior could be positive

or negative depending on the attachment of consumer that could be positive or negative.

The attachment can also be determined by the income of the consumer, which type of product it

is, attachment could be emotional or mental or functional/psychological.

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Consumer Behavior is the investigation of buyer and the cycles they use to pick, use (devour),
and discard items and administrations, including purchasers' passionate, mental, and social

Consumer Behavior consolidates thoughts from a few sciences including brain research, science,
science, and financial aspects.

Considering customer behavior is significant in light of the fact that it assists advertisers with
understanding what impacts purchasers' purchasing choices.

By seeing how buyers settle on an item, they can fill in the hole on the lookout and recognize the
items that are required and the items that are old.

Examining consumer behavior additionally assists advertisers with concluding how to introduce
their items in a manner that produces a most extreme effect on buyers. Understanding customer
purchasing behavior is the critical mystery to coming to and connecting with your customers,
and changing them over to buy from you.

A consumer behavior examination ought to uncover:

• What buyer think and how they feel about different other options (brands, items, and so

• What impacts customers to pick between different alternatives;

• Consumers' behavior while investigating and shopping;

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• How buyer current circumstance (companions, family, media, and so forth) impacts their

Consumer Behavior is regularly impacted by various components. Advertisers should consider

customer buy examples and sort out purchaser patterns.


Throughout the span of their lives, buyers connect with a large number of brands, yet they foster
connections to a couple of them.

An attachment is a sort of enthusiastic security that ties the buyer to specific brands and, from a
showcasing point of view, is the thing that assists with clarifying why customers are focused on
specific brands.

Since these sorts of brands are significant and significant to buyers, they frequently make a
special effort to possess and secure them.

These attachments could be positive or negative contingent upon the idea of the item for instance
a family purchasing same brand of a food since it is being purchased through ages of that family
and the family is decidedly joined with the brand.

There could be emotional, physical and useful attachment.


The need of the study is to find out why consumer becomes attached to a specific brand what are
the factors and why they feel confident using the brand.


Scope of the study is why consumers attached to a specific brand and what the driving factors
behind the attachment are.

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Limited information available regarding the topic on different sources.


We characterize the level of consumer attachment as the strength of the passionate bond a
customer encounters with a specific item. Consumer attachment infers the presence of an
enthusiastic tie between an individual and an article. An item to which an individual is appended
is viewed as extraordinary and regularly implies a ton to that individual. Thus, the individual will
encounter enthusiastic misfortune if that item is lost. In such conditions it is far-fetched for the
individual to discard the item. Set up that our essential interest is the strength of the enthusiastic
bond an individual encounters with an item. It's probably going to add that individuals generally
report that they experience good feelings towards the items to which they feel connected.

The feelings could be good, like satisfaction, love, pride, security, and solace. In any case, in
specific cases the feelings could likewise be negative (e.g., trouble), for example when the item
was a token of tough situations. Connection varies from other buyer conduct develops, on the
grounds that it centers on the buyer's relationship with a specific item example. Interestingly,
item contribution tends to an individual's sentiments towards a whole item classification, like
vehicles, though brand dependability and brand connection center around the brand rather than
the actual item. Individuals may hold tight to items to which they are joined in any event, when
these items at this point don't work as expected, proposing great item utility is anything but an
important condition for shopper item connection. As we would like to think, the way that an item
satisfies its essential utilitarian capacity, for example, showing the right an ideal opportunity for
a clock or shipping an individual starting with one spot then onto the next for a vehicle, doesn't
add to the level of connection.

Just in situations where an item performs better compared to average, for instance since it is
incredibly simple to utilize, may this add to the level of connection experienced.

At the point when an item is decided to be indispensable, it's anything but an emblematic
significance to its proprietor that is absent in different items, in any event, when they are
genuinely indistinguishable. For example, the way that a specific individual has truly contacted
the item or that the item was acquired in an uncommon setting (during an excursion, at a birthday
celebration) has made it exceptional to its owner. These sensations of essentialness are probably

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going to frame the main part of connection, since they depend on the individual, quirky
relationship with the item, while different segments are primarily dictated by the (more far off)
maker and vender. Hence, we anticipate a tight connection between proportions of essentialness
and connection.

In situations where an item is decided to be key, it is normal so for functional reasons, not for
enthusiastic reasons. The item can't be missed, in light of the fact that it is expected to play out
specific capacities. Since connection can happen independent of the item's achievement in
satisfying its essential utilitarian capacity, connection is probably not going to be identified with
an item's vitality. Likewise, the level of essentialness won't be identified with the level of

In any case, passionate connection doesn't appear to be an important essential for self-
augmentation. Individuals may respect their assets all in all, including those claimed for
utilitarian purposes, as self-expansions. A few articles become seen as parts of the self when an
individual can practice force or authority over them. For instance, a craftsman may see his
apparatuses as self-augmentations since he needs these instruments to play out his work.
Likewise, his instruments are essential for his character: without them he doesn't feel a
woodworker any longer. In this way devices might be valued for both their enthusiastic and their
utilitarian advantages. Consequently, we anticipate that the degree of self-extension should be
connected both to proportions of the strength of passionate connection (essentialness) and
utilitarian purchaser item connections (imperativeness).

Determinants of Attachment
People form feelings of attachment to objects irrespective of the primary functions these
products perform. Why then do people become attached to objects? In the consumer behavior
perspective people use objects to define the self, to create a sense of identity, to remind
themselves and others of who they are or who they would like to be, and to protect and enhance
their self.


From the perspective of supportability, it is fascinating to decide changes in the level of customer
item connection over the long haul, since they will somewhat be answerable for the snapshot of
item removal. We can say that there are five phases in the improvement of connection and dis
attachment for a specific item:

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Reacquisition, early possession, develop proprietorship, predisposal, and post disposal. Albeit
the length of these stages may vary impressively between items, they appear to apply to a wide
range of items. Sentiments towards an item may as have now begin to create before the item is
really gotten. An individual intending to purchase an item, however missing adequate cash to get
it might as of now fantasize about how it will be to possess or utilize the item.

Makers can animate such sentiments towards new items through promoting. These sentiments
are probably going to improve the level of item connection an individual encounters after the
item has been obtained. The snapshot of item securing is vital in giving the main event to actual
contact with the item and for opening up the opportunities for recollections to be framed. On the
off chance that the item is a blessing, an exceptional individual may introduce it's anything but a
unique event. The current proprietor may have purchased the item in an exceptional store or in a
spot a long way from home. These conditions influence an individual's first impressions toward
an item and are probably going to influence the feelings experienced during possession. The
items in individuals' homes have a place with one of the three moderate stages early and develop
proprietorship and predisposal. During possession, utilization exercises can be characterized as
putting away, utilizing, looking after, fixing, and discarding the bought item. A buyer's feelings
with respect to a particular item are probably going to change over the long haul because of
elements in the objective item (for example misfortune in usefulness, change apparently), the
customer (for example expanded age, change in day to day life cycle, move to another house),
the item customer cooperation (for example distinctive use, possession), and the situational
setting (for example style changes, innovative enhancements). Given the enormous number of
tough items that are purchased and claimed in prosperous social orders, almost certainly, dis-
connection for some, items begins not long after the item is obtained, while just couple of items
stay loved for quite a while.

Research Approaches:
Is an exploration strategy method in which the activities of individuals are watched and recorded
either by cameras or by spectators?

Appropriately performed and recorded perceptions supply preferable outcomes over those got
with study strategies secret shopping – is utilized to see the collaboration among clients and
workers Secret Shopper – is a scientist who acts like a client and goes into a business to notice
workers and activities Disservices – can't gauge mentalities or inspiration; gives what an
individual does, not why Benefits – quicker; individuals act typical since they are ignorant;
practical Retail location Research – is an amazing type of exploration that consolidates regular
perception with individual meetings to get individuals to clarify purchasing practices.

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An impressive array of research supports the relationship between attachment and
Social behaviors (see Mikulincer and Shaver 2005 for the discussion). Previous research on
Mother-child attachments has identified four distinctive behavioral indicators of attachment
(Bowlby 1979; Hazan and Zeifman 1999): (1) proximity seeking (an infant’s desire to be
Close to his/her mother), (2) secure-base behaviors (the willingness to explore unfamiliar
Environments when the mother is within close proximity), (3) safe haven (seeking security,
Protection, and comfort from the mother when the environment is threatening), and (4)
Separation distress (experiencing emotional and physical distress from real or threatened
Separation from his/her mother). Building on these ideas and focusing on separation distress, the
attachment literature has developed a more general model of attachment and behaviors.
Specifically, individuals avoid the separation of danger from the attachment object by adopting
hyper activating attachment strategies (Mikulincer and Shaver 2005; Berman and Sperling 1994).
Such strategies involve increased vigilance to threat-related cues and a reduction in the threshold
for detecting cues of attachment figure’s unavailability (Bowlby 1973). In a marketing context,
such hyper activating strategies are revealed by hoarding behavior to prevent product
unavailability and hypervigilance to threats of the product being taken off the market (e.g., being
replaced by a new brand).
The attachment literature also indicates that hyper activating strategies can lead to self-defensive
motivation revealed by cognitive closure and rigidity, the rejection of information that heightens
ambiguity and challenges the validity of one’s existing beliefs, derogation of members of other
groups, and prejudice toward people who are different from oneself. In a marketing context, such
behaviors would include counter-arguing of competitive information that derogates the brand,
biased processing of information that is ambiguous about the brand, and selective attention to
information that is positive about the brand (Jain and Maheswaran 2000). It would involve
derogating others who use competing brands and a rejection of what they stand for (e.g.
Thompson, Rindfleisch and Arsel 2006).
The adult attachment literature reveals other marketing-relevant outcomes of strong Attachment.
In person to person contexts, individuals who are strongly attached to others are Loyal to their
partner (Drigotas and Rusbult 1992), and resist competing alternatives
(Johnson and Rusbult 1989). In marketing, strong attachments should therefore be characterized
by resistance to the allure of new product offerings and their purported benefit superiority. Brand
loyalty, despite potentially better alternatives, should prevail. Individuals who are strongly
attached to others also forgive the mishaps of their partner (McCullough et
al. 1998). Hence, one would anticipate that consumers who are strongly attached to a brand show
loyalty even during times of marketplace failures, such as product recalls, evidence of product
harm crisis, and negative information about the company or the people who work for it
(Ahluwalia, Unnava and Burnkrant 2000).
The literature also suggests that when attachment to others is high individuals are willing to
make sacrifices and personal investments so as to support the relationship’s continuation (van
Lange et al. 1997). In a marketing context, one would anticipate that consumers would make

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sacrifices of their personal resources—money, time, and energy to continue their relationship
with the brand. Time and energy investments would include willingness to delay purchase when
the brand is unavailable, the engagement in extended search for the brand, involvement in brand
communities, writing letters and participating in blogs related to the brand. Monetary
investments include a willingness to pay a price premium.
The introduction of this paper noted that consumers’ behaviors toward a brand may be
understood in the form of a hierarchy. Given the numerous behaviors that consumers can enact
toward a brand, a critical question concerns the relationship between brand attachment strength
and the various behaviors that comprise the hierarchy. Earlier, we noted that one’s willingness to
make sacrifices to maintain a relationship with the brand is an empirically supported
discriminator of brand attachment strength. We therefore identify willingness to
Sacrifice personal resources for the brand as the basis on which attachment strength is linked to
the behaviors within the hierarchy.
We articulate two dimensions of the sacrifices of personal resources. The first concerns
consumers’ willingness to sacrifice self-image resources for the brand. Self-image
(Or ego) resources refer to psychological resources one cherishes with respect to the self.
They include self-pride and self-esteem. By publicly displaying, defending, advocating, or
promoting their support for a brand, consumers are willing to face the risk of social ridicule,
discredit and social rejection. The second dimension is consumers’ willingness to sacrifice scarce
discretionary resources. To support a brand, consumers often make sacrifices of such personal
discretionary resources as money, time and energy. While the self-image resource dimension
concerns others’ judgments on one’s self-image, the personal resource dimension refers to one’s
willingness to expend one’s own discretionary resources for the brand.
The more resources (self-image and/or personal discretionary resources) the individual is willing
to risk or expend for the brand, the more strongly attached to the brand they are likely to be.
Specifically, when attachment is high, consumers perceive the brand to be an extension of
themselves. They are defensive of attacks or criticisms against their brand and interpret such
criticisms as personally threatening. Thus they are willing to engage in behaviors on behalf of the
brand, despite the potential self-image-related risks such behaviors may carry. Moreover, since
strong brand attachment involves automatic retrieval of brand self-connections, these individuals
have less control over brand related defensive behaviors.
These consumers are also less cost-benefit oriented in their reactions to their brands. Thus
personal sacrifices of time, money and/or energy are more automatic.

The current paper proposes that "connection" is a more proper develop than disposition for
clarifying higher request, relationship based practices applicable to showcasing trade. We
characterize brand connection as the strength of the intellectual and passionate bond associating
the brand with oneself. This definition includes two special and fundamental components: (1)

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connectedness between the brand and oneself and (2) an intellectual and passionate bond, the
strength of which inspires a status to dispense one's preparing assets toward a brand. We
investigated factors that make brand connection, the impacts of brand connection on higher
request relationship-based trade practices, and why connections (and henceforth connections)
debilitate or end. At last, we recognized potential self-report pointers of connection and portray
their connections to surviving proportions of connection announced in the purchaser conduct
While the spotlight above has been on connection and its possible prevalence in anticipating
trade relationship results comparative with perspectives, it is likewise helpful to recognize the
develop from possibly related builds, including brand responsibility, contribution, what's more,
love. These builds share some normal qualities with however are reasonably unmistakable from
brand connection.

While the responsibility build has been characterized in an assortment of ways (Johnson 1973,
1991; Lydon, Burton and Menzies-Toman 2005; Fehr 1988), in a showcasing setting the develop
has been principally conceptualized as far as goals to stay faithful to (and thus keep a
relationship with) the brand later on (Ahluwalia, Unnava and Burnkarnt 2000; Moorman,
Zaltman, and Deshpande 1992). We contend that in brand (and other) connections responsibility
is a result of connection. Brand connection mirrors a shoppers' mental perspective (solid self-
brand linkages and programmed recovery of contemplations and sentiments about the brand)
while brand responsibility reflects goal to lock in in practices that keep a brand relationship.
Connection prompts responsibility; not the invert. In addition, we recommend that connection is
a more significant objective for advertisers than is responsibility. Responsibility may include a
vow to remain in a relationship for an assortment of reasons irrelevant connection. People might
be focused on a brand because of absence of contending options or out of some feeling of good
or legally binding commitment to the organization or its sales reps. Responsibility shaped
through factors other than connection may not be related with solid types of conduct like interest
in the brand. Responsibility not founded on connection won't have solid self-brand associations
and programmed recovery of musings and sentiments about the brand and thus won't anticipate
higher request relationship based practices.

Enthusiastic connection can likewise be thoughtfully recognized from "association". As with

responsibility, contribution is subsumed inside connection. Shoppers who are joined to an article
are likewise liable to be engaged with it. Consequently contribution ought to be high for brands
for which purchasers are genuinely joined. Be that as it may, passionate connection is neither
vital nor adequate for contribution. Buyers can be engaged with brands for which they have
grown almost no connection. Further, passionate connections to brands are obviously applicable
to the domain of feelings, though the idea of inclusion seemingly taps the domain of cognizance
(Thompson et al. 2004). While inclusion and connection share an availability to react (Park and
Mittal 1979), with inclusion this preparation is connected to individual outcomes and the longing
to keep away from hazard, just as broad target preparing of data intended to lessen hazard. In

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contrast, connection is connected to the association between the brand and oneself and the
propelled preparing of data intended to hold this enthusiastic bond.
At long last, connection bears some closeness to the developed of adoration. Without a doubt
most of the prototypical highlights of adoration (e.g., trust, mindful, genuineness, and fellowship;
see Fehr 1993) are likewise normal of solid connections. In any case, love is a feeling that
portrays the connection bond, not simply the connection bond. Hence, while one may sense love
in the presence of the connection object, connection is more than this inclination. The developed
of affection has likewise been considered as far as connections. For instance, a few scientists
have described various sorts of affection that portray connections (Sternberg 1987; Fehr and
Russell 1991). Models incorporate kinship love, familial love, maternal love, heartfelt love,
fixation, sexual love, and so forth) Notwithstanding the kind of affection, we expect that
connection is intelligent of solid associations between oneself and the brand and programmed
recovery of considerations and sentiments about the connection object. Familial love can differ
on these measurements, as can heartfelt, companionship, and maternal love. We expect that a
substantial size of purchasers' enthusiastic connections to brands that is in light of the two key
properties ought to be associated with proportions of brand responsibility, contribution, love, and
perspectives. In any case, the calculated contrasts depicted previously recommend that these
develops ought to likewise be exactly discriminable

Decision Making Line up with Buyers and merchants:-

1) Need Recognition: -
The purchasing choice interaction starts when a purchaser acknowledges they have a need.

2) Information search:-
Is a phase in the Consumer Decision Process during which a purchaser look for interior or outer
data. This is the point at which an individual attempts to look through their memory to see
whether they review past encounters with an item, brand, or administration.

3) Option Evaluation:-
The way toward assessing the practicality of another item or administration, through research led
straightforwardly with likely customers. This technique permits associations or organizations to
find their objective market, gather and archive sentiments and settle on educated choices.

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4) Purchase Decision:-
The perspective that drives a buyer from distinguishing a need, creating choices, and picking a
particular item and brand. Some buy choices are minor, such as purchasing toothpaste, while
different buys are major, such as purchasing a house.

5) Post-Purchase Evaluation:-
Post-buy conduct is the last stage in the purchaser choice cycle when the client evaluates whether
he is fulfilled or disappointed with a purchase. For model, the client may feel constrained to
address whether he has settled on the right choice.

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