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Foram Kamal Barot

In this fast-evolving world, data rules us all. Our shopping habits, travel plans, entertainment
experiences, education etc. all run through the internet. And all these internet activities spawn
gigantic amounts of data. In a quintessential day, when I see Amazon endorsing products,
Facebook encouraging customized advertisement for me, the popular TV show Netflix
produced, I am taken aback by today’s large volume of data and cutting edge technology has
achieved, helping individual or organization to make wise decisions, and improving and
optimizing existing process in an unprecedented way. As one would imagine, the ultimate use of
data science will obviously become more ubiquitous. I feel excited about the wide application of
data science nowadays, with my strength and interest, I want to contribute to that age of
evolution. Thus, a Master's Degree in Data science is a logic zenith of my passion for solving
such problems through data analytics.

I was deeply fascinated by the actuary profession. From my panorama, when it comes to the
science of financial risk management and control, which apparently is much needed in today's
ever-changing world. Actuaries are often seen participating in high-level business decision-
making and solve actual problems in day to day industry. Because of my extrovert personality, I
always find myself wanting to be around others to work with them. And being an actuary lets on
me do both. Thus, my decision to pursue the Master’s Program in data science from your
University stems from my certainty to establish myself as an entrepreneur as well as to learn
from stalwarts in the field. MS in Data Science is ideal coursework for graduates aspiring to
progress in this niche domain of data science. As per my intense research, it uplifts your
potential and blends concepts of mathematics, computing, engineering, and business to
develop problem-solving skills. My diploma in financial management an online platform I am
learning a subject named “Information systems for managers” in my diploma course and this
has been quite different from what I studied during my bachelor's or for actuarial science.
Through my coursework, I look forward to enhancing my technical skills. This subject consists of
the basic concepts of information systems like managing green IT, cloud computing and
Internet-of-Things, IT infrastructure, Information systems security and control, IT development
and project management, management of data resources etc. This is all very new for me and
hence it was very interesting and challenging at the same time since I do not have an IT

Moreover, my long term goal is to set up a business which works on data, To fulfil my dream I
believe , Masters of Science in Data Science would prepare me to progress in industries which
deal in data such as banking, healthcare, government, insurance companies, and management
by conceding me to inculcate and assess strategies. Also, I also gained proficiency in R
software, and have done the CORe program from the Harvard business school online. These
courses prepared me to contribute to business discussions and decision-making and it helped in
advancing my career. It contributed to facing real-time challenges faced by seasoned leaders
across a plethora of industries, create business intuition through interactive learning exercises,
and join a global community of peers. I feel extremely fortunate to gain valuable experience in
the domain of analytics, I feel that continuous learning is the key to life. I still believe that I have
a lot to learn in this vast domain of big data & data science, a formal Master’s degree in Data
Science will be the stepping-stone towards realizing my dreams. This graduate program in data
science will train me in a plethora of methods of statistical analyzing as well as the technical
skillset needed to complete the given task. All throughout my course, I aspire to uplift my
technical, programming and analytical acumen. However, the opportunities to work with industry
partners and hands-on experience on live projects will give add on experience working directly
on the relevant topics. In a nutshell, this program, will me entrepreneur understanding and
technical expertise that I will need to continue my career as a data scientist.

Education, often that we choose and I want to pursue I believe is an unending process.
Expertise in any circle of life can be achieved with immense hard work, determination, and
dedication. Yet, the lack of in-depth knowledge of the subject would leave the conceptual skills
sketchy. hence, I would like to take up a course that not only supplements the knowledge I
possess but also provide a strong foundation for my research-oriented study, which would allow
me to explore the unknown in this journey of MS in data science. A prominent staff, excellent
research facilities, pleasant university ambiance and a balanced academic program which are at
the utmost priority to the fields of my interest I feel, make the perfect place to embark upon an
academic career. Your university is a confluence of people from varied cultures, nationalities,
religions, races, and ideologies. I am sure that my susceptibility to these kinds of manifold would
aid in the overall development of my persona. I aver that I possess the intellectual ability and the
preparation to set out on an exhilarating and arduous path of graduate study at your university. I
am sure that my drift and excursion will see me through the challenge and I am convinced that
my study at your department would be a rewarding experience. I look forward to having a long
and beneficial association with your esteemed university.

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