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GERPHIS - Y08 Quiz #4

1. The U.S. has been one of the richest country in the world, however, back in early 90's,

America faced a deepest and longest economic problem. It was called Great Depression

because the market stock crashed meaning the prices of the goods changed over an hour

or day and the unemployment raised at 25 percent and almost everyone suffered. After

the great depression, the United States of America became an isolationist country.

Meaning, they focused on the internal problems of their country and they were not

making any agreements with any countries even they were facing problems. Because the

Filipinos were colony of the America, we were greatly affected by the great depression,

Filipinos were free to go back to the America back and forth. America had to get

materials from the cheapest source possible - the Philippines, which caused their own

farmers to suffer. Racism in America also grew especially to Filipinos, which was why

they were driven out of labors because of the rise of Filipino immigrants. To stop the rise

in immigrants, the Tydings-Mcduffie law was passed. This slowed down the immigration

of Filipinos. The Philippines was known for its source of cheap labor, which was why a

lot of Asian Americans migrated. Being a colony of America, the Philippines were the

only Asian Americans who were able to own lands and acquire American citizenship. It

affected the making of the said law in terms of economic and immigration policies since
Americans viewed Filipinos as competitors. After the law was passed, the immigration

law should be implemented to the Filipinos born in the Philippines. They were now not

allowed to go back and forth to America freely and now they were viewed by Americans

as aliens. President Roosevelt practiced exclusion from foreign affairs in order to remove

America from the Great Depression. Roosevelt resulted into the New Deal where he

allotted 400 million dollars for 4 million Americans to not be jobless and isolationism,

which granted the Philippines self-governance. As America prioritized its own materials,

trade between them and the Philippines stopped. The Tydings-Mcduffie law affected the

relations between the America and the Philippines, which resulted to the stop of

economic growth in the Philippines because of the exportation of raw materials to the


2. From what I understood, the actual meaning of self-government of the Philippines was

the independence of our country from the United States. We would have our own

government without the intervention of the American government. Many Filipino fought

and died just to achieve this independency, but from what I see it was a way for the

Americans get rid of us. The self-government granted to us by America was giving us our

own government but still in a way controlled by them. Under the provisions stated in the

Tydings-Mcduffe law, America can still intervene with the government of the Philippines

- trade restrictions and aid were economically favorable to America for at least 10 years

after its independence. It is unfair that even though we were given "independence",

America has still control on a number of things in our own government and that they do
not want to remove their military bases here. However, the US government always

maintained from the of end of the Spanish American War that it would eventually grant

the Philippines its independence. That being said, I believe that America gave the

Philippines' its independence as a gift but with selfish reasons as America still restricted

the Philippines actions.

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