Playing Cards - Sakul (Print)

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I lost my I am sorry to

hamster this hear that.


Have you met Nice to meet

Andy? you, Andy.

I have to go Have a safe

now. journey.

I cannot go to It is alright,
your party Albert.
tonight, John.
May I have a Sure, here you
packet of are.
sugar, please?

I am taking All the best,

part in the Romeo!
This question Let me have a
is so hard, look.

This lake is Please do not

very deep. swim here.

Please help Thank you, Pn.
yourself to the

This box is so Do you need

heavy. any help?

Whose cat is I think it is

this? Amy’s.

Do you live No, I just live

here? next door.

This pudding is Yes, it is my

very nice. favourite.

I am not You should go

feeling well back and rest,
today. Leo.
I scored 90%
for my Maths Well done!

How much is It is RM5.00

this? only.
Is this a No, it is a

library? museum.

May I have a Yes, please

bowl of soup, wait for a
please? minute.
The floor is Please be

wet. careful.

Hello, may I Sure, please

speak to Mr. hang on.
Can I have Give me a cup
your order, of coffee,
sir? please.

It is time to Good night,

go to bed. mom.
Excuse me, do
you know Mr. No, I do not.

Your room is I will clean it

messy. now.
I have failed Please do not
my Science give up now.

This dress is Yes, I love it

so beautiful. so much.
How many There are five
people are there
people in my
in your family?

Do you like my Yes, it looks

new car? awesome!

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