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Name ___________________________________________ Portage Township Schools

Total ____/5 CCRS

Reading: 4.RL2.2
Quarter 3 – Form A

Larryboy and the Awful Ear Whacks Attack

Larryboy could not believe his eyes. A great big slimy purple blob was creeping over the
hill, wiggling as it came.

"Oh, no!" said Larryboy. "It's a giant purple slime monster! Bumblyburg is doomed!"
Larryboy thought to himself. "We need a superhero or something to stop it!"

He was very afraid. But he had to try to stop the giant purple slime monster. The town
depended on him! The monster was passing the bushes where Larryboy was hiding. So he closed
his eyes, gritted his teeth, and bonked the monster on the head.

"Hey!" said the giant purple slime monster. "That hurt!"

adapted from "Larryboy and the Awful Ear Whacks Attack" by Bob Katula

1. Part A: One lesson of this story is that

A. sometimes you must show courage even though you are afraid.

B. if you are cowardly and weak, you will win against evil.

C. when you are afraid, you can always run away.

D. you will be rewarded if you are honest and kind.

Part B: What are two examples of evidence that prove the lesson in this story?

A. So he closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and bonked the monster on the head.

B. A great big slimy purple blob was creeping over the hill.

C. He was very afraid, but he had to try to stop the giant purple slime monster.

D. The monster was passing the bushes.

4.RL.2.2 Form A

2. Which sentence best paraphrases the story?

A. A great big slimy purple blob was creeping over the hill.

B. Larryboy wanted to help Bumblyburg, so he hid behind the bushes and bonked

the monster on the head.

C. A monster in Bumblyburg.

D. The monster was passing the bushes and Larryboy hit him on the head.

The Astronomer

An astronomer used to go out at night to look at the stars. He would walk through the
town with his whole attention fixed on the sky. One evening, he fell accidentally into a
deep well because he did not see it on the ground. He cried about his sores and bruises
and yelled loudly for help. A neighbor ran to the well and learned what had happened.
The neighbor said, "Astronomer, why, in looking up to see into heaven, did you not
manage to see what is on earth?"
adapted from "The Astronomer" by Aesop

3. Part A: What is one theme found in the story?

A. Be sure to have only safe hobbies.

B. Pay attention to your surroundings.

C. Use a telescope to look at the stars.

D. Avoid talking to your neighbors.

Part B: Highlight the underlined sentence that supports the theme in the story.

4. Which sentence best paraphrases the story?

A. An astronomer who loved the sky.

B. An astronomer loved to look at the stars, but he did not pay attention to where he
was going and accidentally fell into a well , so he was hurt and learned to pay
attention to his surroundings.

C. Everyone should try and be an astronomer.

D. Astronomy is a very dangerous hobby.

4.RL.2.2 Form A

The Lion and the Mouse

Once when a Lion was asleep a little Mouse began running up and down
upon him; this soon wakened the Lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, and
opened his big jaws to swallow him. "Pardon, O King," cried the little Mouse:
"forgive me this time, I shall never forget it: who knows but what I may be able to
do you a turn some of these days?" The Lion was so tickled at the idea of the Mouse
being able to help him, that he lifted up his paw and let him go. Some time after the
Lion was caught in a trap, and the hunters, who desired to carry him alive to the
King, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him on. Just
then the little Mouse happened to pass by, and seeing the sad plight in which the
Lion was, went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the King of
the Beasts. "Was I not right?" said the little Mouse.


5. Look at the following events below. Choose only the three main events and write
them in the boxes in the order in which they occurred.

Events from story

Hunters captures the Lion and

ties him to a tree.

The hunters leave to find a

wagon to carry the Lion on.

The Lion was asleep.

The Lion lets the Mouse go.

The Mouse chews through the

ropes and frees the Lion
4.RL.2.2 Form A

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