Globalization and Global Politics

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ton the socal ad poli i polis su your economic tur, ae Your 5 eration des 0. Lon (Mts, NY ithof an (2019, The cambridge (2005), Foundations of “Away of yobs se 4a, or (208), van iii) jommea ew or et ne gba 2nd 08 Century are ory (London nando reso: ogre for: Routledge, nb. Weiss 1999), ANTHONY MCGREW [Why is globalization so contentious? ‘What are the implications ofthe current crisis of globalization for world politics and ‘world order? How does the study of globalization advance understanding of world politics? Readers Guide Globalization sa conept which frst the wide Ing, deepening, and acceleration ef worldwide con nec of interconnected. Popular metaphors porta In vd tema: ‘hrking wor net ‘roed world th death of stance sleba vile, fr hbalelzaton: Globalization, insmutaneousy univing and diving the weed, is 2 much more pe and consadctry phenomenon than these metaphors presi This eapter wil epore these Compete and contractions through an analss ofthe characters apd dynamics of contemporary otazaton Making sense of lotion seer ‘alto comprehending nding wo pelsin the twenty fest entry. 20 Introduction Atul overa century ago the so-called lle pont ( Earpean glbalztion ctastopnaly imploded hit th onc ofthe Piet World War, Global connec: tty, swith yar, has een central othe formation af the modern word pte a essential to understand tng contemporary word pelts (Bayly 200, 208; ‘erhammel 208, Yet within the academy the sig cance of lobliatin s serouly contests, while Trond the academy iti deeply detested by mans Treading advocates oF nationalst populsm (pare tlsclly ea gail phenazenon) hls chapters ‘Making sense of globalization CGobaization today is evden in almost every spect ‘kmodeen fe, fon fasion to fnance, sei mea fo supermarket mechani, multiaionl corpers ton tothe #MeToo movement. Indeed i 0 integral to the fancining of madern economies ad societies thot is an insitionalized feature of contemporary Hie leat for the woods most prosperous izes Unies, for instance, are terlly gb st tone rm the recrtnent of student tothe dsemi ation of acters esearch Mapping globalization tn today’s global econorny, the fate and fortunes of tire nations communities and households across the word i hound together through complex webs of bal rade, fice and production networks Sachs Ae negation ofthe arid economy that no national ‘ono can slate elm the working gba) srarktean the 2008 global financial rss (GPC) dem ‘sated to such dvstroseflect (fe Ch. 16. Agobsl ‘Tah was only averted through coordinated ation by the words mor economies at the 2009 G20 sum tr which (atthe ne) prompted the roe Heaie: Commmanis) China comes 1 the “rescue of global Before the erpton ofthe GRC cconomie abla tion (oeannedy global fwsofcapalsrade,andpro- (decon reached historic ews consistently oxtacing foralnont three devades the growth af the word econ tu. ts peak in 2007, global lows af ep, gods Anducrvices were estimated a staggering 58 pe cent nganine to thee pts. The sts conerned with ‘taking send of gbliation by adresig some fan “Tamenta questions What iglbolzation? What acts dominant features? Howe test conceptualized and ‘etned The second prt reaseses te current iss ‘Or ghbalizaton longi is potential consequences for ihe liberal word order and wold plies The third Costes the comtbutions of globalization scholar Ship to arancing + ciel uaderstanding of en'y ‘rt contury global fais The chapter conciaes with ‘rfetections on the three or framing questions a world econo ativity (GDP) (McKinsey Global tate 2016) Global econamicinteratin had iste tine and expanded to embrace most ofthe words population as the emergig economics of Chinn Bedi Ina, and eters were fll incorporated into fatchowe work economy. Following the GRC the ace of econoc globalization slowed al nd ade as trspraily eered. pron rau commentory about end of ablation oF Adelobalzation,Alkhough day 201) lbs economic lene remain blow pel 2007 level they ave forthe ow prtreoneed to levels ear o above those othe ham af this entry, ao etinated a 39 er cent of yard GDP and expected to continue to grow (ahowgh ove seh inthe recent pas (MeKinsey Global ote 2016, WTO 2018eLund el 209. “very single working day, total turnover on the word's money markets amounts to 2 remarkable Jeiston, wn jst sbor of the combined annoal (Go? ofthe UK und Franc, the ith and seventh ar ‘Se ectmomies inthe world, spective, as of 2017 few governments today ve the resources fo resist tained (hoo global maketspeclation aginst their currency without lgniicant consequences for ‘dometcecmomie stably and prosper ee CR-27)- Nor are goveraments necessarily the primary dei Thom maker n today’s global economy, since trans ‘onal corporations scores of which hve turnovers Mehich well exceed the GDP of many counties, oon for over 38 pe cent of word tpt, conto} {nba production etwas which account or 30 pet nr of word trade, and are the primary sources of oncerned with sing some fa What ares cualived and | comequcnces ie. The hid zation schol hing of tent concludes with ngaestions Kinsey Global ain hd inte fof the word’ les of Ch corporate ito f the GFG, the rami 3 ers, promt lbalization 0° lob ecoaomic hey hae for he some thos ofthe 39 percent of ogow although vekinsey Global 2018, taraover on the jo 4 remaable ombined anual ind seventh ar ively, a of 20172 ores to resist cclstion agaist cansequences ft erty (ee Ch. 27). he primary desi care usnovers many counties 1 utp, cone cout or 30 pet amar soures of international investment in manufacturing and se ves (UNCTAD 2018). Every iPhones the product of

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