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4 (Sem–5/OTBE) RFB ( 2 )

(c) Goodwill is considered as goods under
( Held in 2021 ) the Sale of Goods Act.
ŒÂ>‡≥A° öo∏ [§y˚°„ "‡“¸>π "ã„>t° öo∏ §Â[∫ Ko∏
A°π‡ “⁄°˙
Paper : 5.4 (d) A cooperative society cannot become a
banker and use the word ‘bank’ in its
Full Marks : 56
Time : 3 hours &J> Œ≥§‡⁄ Œ[≥[t° Χ}A° “í§ Î>‡Ø‡Ïπ "‡πÁ° ëΧ}A°í
The figures in the margin indicate full marks ≈¶Ïi°‡ [>\π >‡≥t° §∏Ø“‡π A°[π§ Î>‡Ø‡Ïπ°˙
for the questions
Answer either in English or in Assamese 2. Answer the following questions (each within
30 words) : 2×3=6
[>Ï≥ó‡v°˚° ö¯≈óŒ≥Ë“π l°¸v°π [∫J‡ (ö¯[t°Ïi°‡ 30 ≈¶π [Æ°t°πt°) :
( Marks : 28 )
(a) Who can accept an offer?
1. State whether the following statements are
True or False : 1×4=4 ö¯—z‡Ø &i°‡ ÎA°‡Ï> N¯“o A°[π§ ö‡Ïπ?
[>Ï≥ó‡v°˚° l°¸[v°˚°Œ≥Ë“ «°á˝° Î> "«°á˝° [∫J‡ :
(b) Define ‘pledge’.
(a) Consideration must be real and not
ë\‡≥‡>t° W°[v°˚°íπ Œ}`°‡ [∫J‡°˙
ö¯[t°É‡> §‡—z[ØA° “í§ ∫‡[K§ A°‡ø[>A° >“⁄°˙
(c) What are the consequences of breach of
(b) The general rule is that, the wife is the warranties?
agent of her husband. ÎKÔo W°t¢° Æ°Uπ ö[πo[t°Œ≥Ë“ [A° [A°?
Œ‡ã‡πo [>⁄≥ ">ÂŒ[π —|„ &Kπ‡A°„ Ît°*Úπ —¨‡≥„π
1-21/806 ( Turn Over ) 1-21/806 ( Continued )
( 3 ) ( 4 )

3. Answer any three from the following (e) State the legal status of a registered
questions (each within 200 words) : 6×3=18 cooperative society.
[>Ï≥ó‡v°˚° ö¯≈óŒ≥Ë“π [ô ÎA°‡Ï>‡ [t¡[>i¡à¹ l°¸v°π [∫J‡ (ö¯[t°Ïi°‡ &i°‡ ög„Æ°v°˚° Œ≥§‡⁄ Œ[≥[t°π "‡“¸>Kt° [—Ç[t° l°¸Ï¿J
200 ≈¶π [Æ°t°πt°) : A°π‡°˙
(a) Can silence be fradulent? Give your GROUP—B
legal opinion.
( Marks : 28 )
Î≥Ô>t°‡ ö¯t°‡πo‡≥Ë∫A° “⁄Ï>? Ît°‡≥‡π "‡“¸>Kt° ≥t°‡≥t°
ɇ[R° ãπ‡°˙
4. Answer any four from the following questions
(b) What remedies are available to an (each within 250 words) : 7×4=28
aggrieved party in case of actual breach
[>Ï≥ó‡v°˚° ö¯≈óŒ≥Ë“π [ô ÎA°‡Ï>‡ W¡à[¹i¡à¹ l°¸v°π [∫J‡ (ö¯[t°Ïi°‡
of contract under the Indian Contract
250 ≈¶π [Æ°t°πt°) :
Æ°‡πt°„⁄ W°[v°˚° "‡“¸>π "ã„>t° ö¯Aı°t° W°[v°˚° Æ°Uπ Τ°yt° (a) “The law will not enforce a promise
¤°[t°N¯—Ç ö¤°π “‡t°t° [A° [A° ö¯[t°A°‡π l°¸ö∫ß° =‡ÏA°, given for nothing.” Discuss.
[∫J‡°˙ ëëö¯[t°É‡> "[§“Ï> [É⁄‡ ö¯[t°≈¯Á°[t° "‡“¸Ï> §∫Ø;
(c) “The position of a finder of goods is
>A°Ïπ°˙íí "‡Ï∫‡W°>‡ A°π‡°˙
exactly that of a bailee.” What are the (b) “Impossibility of performance is, as a
obligations of a finder of goods? rule, not an excuse for non-performance
ëëΓÏπ‡Ø‡ §—Òπ ö¯‡öA°π —LJ> \‡[≥> N¯“„t°‡π ÉÏπ°˙íí of a contract.” Discuss.
ΓÏπ‡Ø‡ §—Òπ ö¯‡öA°\>π ɇ⁄§á˝°t°‡Œ≥Ë“ [A° [A°? ëë[>⁄≥ ">ÂŒ[π Œ¥ö‡É>π "Œ¥±‡Ø>„⁄t°‡ W°[v°˚° Œ¥ö‡É>
(d) A sells his horse to B for R 5,000. B pays >A°π‡π "\“‡t° “í§ Î>‡Ø‡Ïπ°˙íí "‡Ï∫‡W°>‡ A°π‡°˙
to A R 4,000. Is A an unpaid seller? (c) Discuss the situations in which an
What is your legal opinion? agent is personally responsible for acts
A Î⁄ Ît°*Úπ ÎQÚ‡π‡Ïi°‡ B A° 5,000 i°A°‡t° [§y˚°„ done on behalf of his principal.
A°Ïπ°˙ B Î⁄ A A° 4,000 i°A°‡ ö[πÏ≈‡ã A°Ïπ°˙ A ≥ÂJ∏ §∏[v°˚°π Ì“ A°‡ô¢ Œ¥ö‡É> A°ÏπÚ‡Ït° ö¯[t°[>[ã\>
&\> "ö[πÏ≈‡[ãt° [§Ïy˚°t°‡ “⁄Ï>? Ît°‡≥‡π "‡“¸>Kt° §∏[v°˚°Kt°Æ°‡ÏØ \Kπ„⁄‡ Γ‡Ø‡π Îö¯¤°‡öi°Œ≥Ë“ l°¸Ï¿J
≥t°‡≥t° [A°? A°π‡°˙
1-21/806 ( Turn Over ) 1-21/806 ( Continued )
( 5 )

(d) “A seller cannot convey a better title to

the buyer than he himself has.” Discuss
the exceptions to this rule.
ëë&\> [§Ïy˚°t°‡“¸ Ît°*Úπ [>\π *W°πt° =A°‡ —¨Œt°ÓA°
ÎA°‡Ï>‡ l°¸v°≥ —¨Œ Îy˚°t°‡Ó∫ “—z‡îzπ A°[π§ Î>‡Ø‡Ïπ°˙íí
&“¸ "‡“¸>π §∏[t°y˚°≥Œ≥Ë“ l°¸Ï¿J A°π‡°˙
(e) State the provisions regarding
settlement of disputes of a cooperative
society under the Assam Cooperative
Societies Act, 2007.
"Œ≥ Œ≥§‡⁄ Œ[≥[t° "‡“¸>, 2007-π "ã„>t° &i°‡
Œ≥§‡⁄ Œ[≥[t°π [§§‡É [>Õö[v°A°πoπ [>⁄≥Œ≥Ë“ l°¸Ï¿J
(f) State the provisions regarding
investment of funds of a registered
cooperative society.
&i°‡ ög„Æ°v°˚° Œ≥§‡⁄ Œ[≥[t°π öÂÚ[\Œ≥Ë“ [§[>Ï⁄‡K A°π‡π
[>⁄≥Œ≥Ë“ l°¸Ï¿J A°π‡°˙


1-21—PDF/806 4 (Sem–5/OTBE) RFB

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