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! Problems from the leading edge of the plate?

Assume the air 419

to be
at a temperature of 300 K.
Mass Transfer C
6.49 A thin, flat plate that is 0.2 m " 0.2 m on a side with
Problems rough top and bottom surfaces is placed in a wind tun- 6.52 On a summer
nel so that its surfaces are parallel to an atmospheric relative humi
Boundary Layer Profiles 6.4 Water at a temperature of T! ! 25$C flows over one of
airstream having a velocity of 30 m/s. The air is at a the surface of
the surfaces of a steel wall (AISI 1010) whose tempera- meter of wate
temperature of T! ! 20#C while the plate is maintained
6.1 The temperature distribution within a laminar thermal ture is Ts,1 ! 40$C. The wall is 0.35 m thick, and its water is also 2
at Ts ! 80#C. The plate is rotated 45# about its center
boundary layer associated with flow over an isothermal other surface temperature is Ts,2 ! 100$C. For steady- tion mass trans
point, as shown in the schematic. Airflows over the top
flat plate is shown in the sketch. The temperature distri- state conditions what is the convection coefficient asso-
and bottom surfaces of the plate, and measurement of 6.53 It is observed
bution shown is located at x ! x2. ciated with the water flow? What is the temperature
the heat transfer rate is 2000 W. What is the drag force 23#C has a ma
gradient in the wall and in the water that is in contact
T∞ T∞ Free stream on the plate? ambient air is d
with the wall? Sketch the temperature distribution in
the wall and in the adjoining water. (a) Determine
boundary for this situ
!t L = 0.2 m
layer (b) Estimate t
Heat Transfer Coefficients
ambient ai
Ts Air
6.5 For laminar flow over a flat plate, the local heat transfer (c) Estimate t
T∞, u∞
coefficient hx is known to vary as x"1/2, where x is the water and
x3 distance from the leading edge (x ! 0) of the plate. assuming
What is the ratio of the average coefficient
Ts between cient rema
x the leading edge and some location x on the plate to the
view 6.54 The rate at wh
(a) Is the plate being heated or cooled by the fluid? local coefficient x? of thin, flat plate
uction to Convection from the surfac
(b) Carefully sketch the temperature distributions at 6.50 6.6 As
A flat plateofis preventing
a means of planar dimension
ice formation 1 mon% the0.75 m. For
wings of by measuring
x ! x1 and x ! x3. Based on your sketch, at which aparallel
small, laminar
private flow over ittheis plate,
aircraft, calculate
proposed that the ratio
electric summer day
ssociated with the (c) of the three and
Calculate x-locations
plot the is the local heat
thermal flux largest?
boundary layer of the average
resistance heat elements
heating transfer coefficients
be installed overwithin
the entire
the water and the
e ratio of the aver- At which location is the local heat flux smallest?
thickness !t for the two fluids over the same range plate,
wings. h To /h , for two
L,1 L,2 cases. In Case
representative 1, flow
power is in the
require- humidity of th
, that is associated (c) Asof the
x used
part (b). At anincreases,
velocity x-locationthewhere both
velocity short direction
ments, consider(Lnominal
! 0.75 m); in conditions
flight Case 2, flowfor is which
in the long
the rate is known
er coefficients for fluids
and experience
thermal laminar
boundary layers flow conditions,
both explain
become thinner. direction
plane moves(L !at1100
m). m/s
Which orientation
in air that is atwill result in the
a temperature mass is lost b
which fluid
Carefully has the
sketch thelargest temperature
temperature gradient atat
distributions larger
of heat transfer
$ 23#C. rate? See Problem
If the characteristic length6.5.
of the airfoil is area? What is t
e average Nusselt the plate surface,
x ! x2 for (i) a low free stream
!"T/"y "y"0 velocity and (ii) a
. Which fluid is associ- ! 2 m flow
6.7 LParallel and wind tunnel measurements
of atmospheric air over a flat indicate
plate an
of 6.55 Photosynthesis
ndtl numbers for a ated free
high withstream
the largest localBased
velocity. Nusselt number
on your Nu?
sketch, average
length Lfriction
! 3 m coefficient
is disrupted of byCf ! array for
an0.0025 the nom-
of stationary plant, involves
may be expressed Which velocity
which fluid is associated
conditionwith willthe largestthe
induce local heat
larger inal
placed in the what
flow is path
the average
over theheat flux needed to
plate. from the atmo
local coefficient
convective heath?flux? maintain a surface temperature of Ts ! 5#C?
The rate of ph
6.39 Forced air ata Tsurface, V
6.2 In flow over ! " 25#C and V and
velocity " 10 m/s is usedprofiles
temperature to cool 6.51 A circuit board with a dense distribution of integrated of the rate of C
electronic elements
are of the forms on a circuit board. One such ele- circuits (ICs) and dimensions of 120 mm " 120 mm onTs assimilation is
ose values depend ment is a chip, 4 mm & 4 mm, located 120 mm from a side is cooled by the parallel flow of atmospheric air through the bo
2 3
h convection heat the leading u(y) ! edge Ay #ofBythe" Cyboard. and Experiments have with a velocity of 2x m/s. surface. Under
itions the value of revealed T(y)
that ! flowD #over
Ey #theFyboard
" Gyis 3 disturbed by the
is 6 " 10$ 4 kg
elements and that convection heat transfer is correlated Air Laboratory measurements of the local convection coeffi- leaf surface a
it possible for the
where the coefficients
by an expression A through G are constants.
of the form cient at the surface of theIntegrated circuit
plate are made(IC)for a prescribed
cient is 10$ 2 m
ection heat trans- u∞ = 2 m/s
Obtain expressions for the friction coefficient C f and value of V and T & T . The results are correlated by an terms of kilogr
onditions involv- x " 0.04 Re
0.85 1/3 s !
the convectionNu coefficient hx inPrterms of u!, T!, and expression of the form hx ! 0.7 # 13.6x " 3.4x2, where area of leaf sur
me characteristic
appropriate profile coefficients and fluid
V , T∞ l = 4properties.
mm hx has units of W/m2 ! Circuit
K andboard
x is in meters. Evaluate the
ce and ambient 6.56 Species A is ev
6.3 In a particular application involving airflow over a Chip average convection coefficient hL for the entire plate and
the ratio wind
hL/h tunnel tests under the same flow con- B. Assume tha
heated surface, the boundary layer temperature distribu- Board L at the trailing edge.
L, the local heat ditions, the average frictional shear stress on the upper in the concen
tion may be approximated as 6.8 For laminar free convection from a heated vertical sur-
y as x!1/2, where x
xT"T L = 120 mm face, the local convection coefficient may be expressed
! "
the plate. What is s u!y
ber for the entire Estimate Tthe"surface ! 1 " exp "Pr
temperature of"the chip if it is dis- as hx ! Cx"1/4, where hx is the coefficient at a distance x
! Ts
r at x " L (NuL)? sipating 30 mW. from the leading edge of the surface and the quantity C,
where y is the distance normal to the surface and the which depends on the fluid properties, is independent of
r a flat plate with 6.40 Prandtl
Consider the electronic
number, Pr ! cp!/k elements
! 0.7, that are cooled by
is a dimensionless x. Obtain an expression for the ratio hx/hx, where hx is the
l boundary layer forcedproperty.
fluid convectionIfin Problem
T! ! 400 6.39.
K, TheTs !cooling
300 K,system
and average coefficient between the leading edge (x ! 0) and
larger than the uis!/"
! 5000and m"1tested
, what at sea surface
is the level (pheat # 1flux?
atm), but the the x-location. Sketch the variation of hx and hx with x.
s !. Determine circuit board is sold to a customer in Mexico City, with
glycol under the an elevation of 2250 m and atmospheric pressure of
76.5 kPa.
nd thermal bound- (a) Estimate the surface temperature of the chip
from the leading located 120 mm from the leading edge of the board
flow of air, water, when the board is operated in Mexico City. The
se assume a mean dependence of various thermophysical properties
on pressure is noted in Problem 6.22.
(b) It is desirable for the chip operating temperature to
e for air at 300 K be independent of the location of the customer.
tream velocity is What air velocity is required for operation in
ence between the Mexico City if the chip temperature is to be the
me in both cases, same as at sea level?
6.41 Consider the chip on the circuit board of Problem 6.39.
ansition to turbu-
To ensure reliable operation over extended periods, the

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