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Submitted for the partial fulfillment towards the awards of the degree in
Master of Business Administration of Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical
University, Lucknow

Submitted by:

Anjali Kumari

Roll No : 1901330700014

(Batch: 2019-21)

Under the supervision of

Prof. Simran Kaur


Noida Institute Of Engineering and Technology(NIET)
19 Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida,G.B.Nagar (UP),India-201306
Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Greater Noida

Dabur India Limited
22, Site IV, Sahibabad- 201010
Ghaziabad (U.P.)
Tel.: (0120) 2779701-25
Fax: (0120) 2777816-817


This is to certify that Ms. Anjali Kumari a student of MBA from Noida

Institute Of Engineering and Technology (NIET), has completed her

summer training Report from 2nd Nov,2020 to 16th Dec,2020. She has carried

out a training report on “Recruitment Process at Dabur India Limited”.

She has also submitted report of this effect.

“We wish her good luck for her future endeavors”.

For Dabur India Limited

Mr. Satish Yadav

(HR Manager)

Date: 17th Dec, 2020

Regd Office: 8/3, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi- 110002


I “Anjali Kumari” hereby declare that the work which is being presented in this report
entitled “RECRUITMENT PROCESS AT DABUR INDIA LTD.” is an authentic
record of my own work carried out under the supervision of Mr.

The matter embodied in this report has not been submitted by me for the award of any
other degree

Department of Business Administration. Name: Anjali Kumari


This is to certify that the work which is being presented in this report entitled
“RECRUITMENT PROCESS AT DABUR INDIA LTD.” is an authentic record of
the student carried out under my supervision. The statements made by the candidate
are correct to the best of my knowledge.

Prof. Simran Kaur Name of supervisor:

Mentor (STPR) Designation
Date: Date:


First of all, I bow in reverence of almighty God, the creator and sustainer of this
universe for providing me enough patience, zeal and strength that enabled me for
successful completion of this study.

I would like to thank Ms. Simran Kaur faculty - Management Department in Noida
Institute Of Engineering and Technology(NIET) for her valuable support and

I would like to extend my heartiest gratitude towards every member who has guided
and supported me and participated to complete this report.

Lastly, I would like to thank my family for their valuable suggestions and moral

DATE: ________________

PLACE: ________________ (Anjali Kumari)


The purpose of my project was to learn the practical application of Recruitment

Process and its importance in Dabur along with the HR policies of Dabur which
prides itself to be the market leader.

While carrying out the study I have gained a good amount of knowledge and insights
of how HR department works but I have touched the tip of iceberg. There was more to
learn but due to constraint of time it was not possible. The HRD manager has to work
with the missionary spirit. Unlike many roles in an organization where tangible short-
term benefits can be obtained, it is difficult for HRD functionary to demonstrate any
tangible short- term accomplishment. Yet HRD managers are tempted to show to the
top management, line manager and themselves that they are making things happen
through training program, performance appraisal, reward systems and the like.

In Dabur a meticulously natural team stands at the very heart of the group. A steadfast
dedication to qualify an attainment of maximum team potential are the touchstones of
the company.

The company is engaged in constant learning process through intensive selection and
training program. Indeed, the aspiration is to shape a winning team of self motivated,
empowered, professionals with knowledge and confidence to take independent
decision. Dabur recognizes each employee’s individuality, ability and efforts and also
applauds for their contribution to the success of the group.


As in case of any other functional area like marketing, production or finance, the work
personnel department has also to be planned. Planning in the personnel area is mainly
concerned with crystallizing from where the right type of people can be secured for
future anticipated vacancies.

Manpower planning is the process by which management determines how the

organization should move from its current manpower position to its desired
manpower position. Through planning, management strives to have the right number
and the right kinds of people, at the right places, at the right time, doing things, which
result in the growth and success of both- the organization and the individual. The
manpower planning is one of the basic steps in the recruitment and selection

Recruitment is the process wherein the organisation finds the best candidate among
the vast array of candidates. The function that locates the sources where from the
required human resources can be available and to attract them towards the
organisation is known as recruitment.

Selection can be defined as the process wherein the organisation has to select a small
lot of people who are useful to the organisation in terms of their capabilities and their
qualifications. The main aim of organisation at this stage is to have a well-equipped
manpower efficient enough to handle all the tasks gracefully.

This project entitled "Recruitment Process At Dabur India Ltd (DIL)" aims at
studying the recruitment and selection procedure undertaken at this ever growing
organisation. The project gives a brief idea as to how the whole process works. Every
organisation has different policies, at times unique and it is very rare that the policy of
one organisation matches to the policies of another organisation.

It is true that the success of any organisation depends upon the old dictum: right
person for the right job. At the same time it is all the more important to have right and
tested combination of recruitment and selection policies to attract, select and appoint a
desired lot and replenish it from time to time. The transformation from a family
concern to FMCG industry has tested the recruitment and selection policies and the
organisation. The sustainability and success of this living legend over hundred years
has proved that the strategies adopted by this multinational are true to its needs and
requirement. DIL has a strong work force of 7,740 employees.
DIL has succeeded over hundred years because it still follows the basic dictum and is
being guided by the vision and the age-old the principles which are followed



No. NO.
10. CONCLUSION 80-81
13. Questionnaire 87-93


Dabur India Limited came into existence over 100 years ago in 1884 at Calcutta. The

founder, Dr.S.K.Burman, was a practicing allopathic doctor. At that time Malaria,

Cholera and Plague were the common diseases. He was a physician who brought

ayurvedic medicines to the masses of Bengal. Initially established as a proprietary firm

for the manufacture of chemicals and ayurvedic drugs it was later on 19th November

1930 incorporated as private limited company. Late Shri C.L.Burman, son of late Dr S.K.

Burman and his son late Shri P.C.Burman in the name of Dr S.K.Burman Pvt.Ltd. to

expand the operations by setting up production facilities at Garia and Narendrapur, West

Bengal and Daburgram, Bihar.

Dabur (Dr.S.K.Burman) Pvt. Ltd. was merged with Vidogum and Chemicals Ltd. w.e.f.

1st July1985 and the amalgamated company was renamed DABUR INDIA LIMITED

and a fresh certificate of incorporation was issued to that effect. In 1970, the bulk of

manufacturing facilities were shifted from West Bengal to Faridabad in Haryana.

In 1975,vidogum and chemicals were incorporated in technical collaboration with

Unipekin AG (Switzerland) for the manufacture of edible grade and industrial grade

Guargum powder at Alwar in Rajasthan.

In 1977,a modern automated plant was set up in Sahibabad (U.P.) for the manufacture

of Chyawanprash, Asavrishthas, Hair oil, Tooth powders, Hajmola, and other Ayurvedic

specialties. Certification for production of toiletries and food grade products was issued

on 13th October 1986 by the registrar of Delhi and Haryana to the company, Dabur

Private Limited, a closely held Public Limited Company.

It was incorporated as a Private Ltd. Company in the name of Dabur (Dr. S.K.

Burman) Pvt. Ltd. From a humble beginning in 1884, a manufacture of traditional

medicine in Calcutta, Dabur has come a long way to become a multifaceted

multinational, multi-product, modern Indian corporation with a global presence. It now

enjoys the distinction of being the 2nd largest FMCG Company and is praised to become

a true Indian Multinational.

The main plant was set up in Sahibabad (U.P.) in 1977 for manufacturing of

Chyawanprash, hair oil, tooth powder, hajmola and other ayurvedic medicines and food

products etc. Dabur's main line of business is in the sphere of Health care, Personal care

and Beauty care. Its strength lies in natural and herbal preparations.

Dabur's corporate philosophy has always been ahead of its time. The founder's

initial success was mainly due to his direct main campaigns- a technique that became

very popular nearly a century later. The company was one of the earlier Indian

companies to have fully equipped R & D lab as early as in 1919. Today, the company

has its own mainframes and computers are a way of life here.

Dabur is also an ISO 9002 certified company. The certification was obtained in

1995 by SGS YARSLEY international services Limited U.K. Dabur's revenue today

exceed Rs.8700 crores with market capitalization of over Rs.80,000 crores.

Dabur has 11 manufacturing plants in India and Nepal and a licensee in the Middle

East. It has manufacturing base in Egypt also. The company has over 7,000 employees .

The Indian market is being served through a transactional network of sales offices

and carrying and forwarding agents. The company has its offices in London, New

York and Moscow. Dabur products are being exported to around 100 countries. Dabur

portfolio is exceeding 500 products of FMCG and health care products.

The Board of Directors of Dabur India Limited (DIL) met on september 30,

2020 to consider the unaudited financials of the company for the second quarter that

ended on June 30, 2020. Company has recorded a growth of 19.5% per cent in its

consolidated net profit per cent growth in its turnover during Q2 2020-2021.

The consolidated revenue of DIL, during the three-month period, has increased

from Rs 2,212 crore to Rs 2,516 crore while the net profit has increased to Rs 481.7

crore as against Rs 403 crore a year earlier.

The second quarter results should not be annualized as sales usually improve in

subsequent quarters.

More than a century ago, a young doctor started with a vision to provide innovative
and affordable health care products to Indian masses. Thus, was born an organisation
today known as Dabur India Limited. The twelve hundred crores corporate today
started with a small dispensary at Calcutta, the noble thoughts of Dr.S.K.Burman
being the main source of inspiration behind the project. From that humble beginning,
the company has grown into India’s leading manufacturer of consumer health care,
personal care and food products. This phenomenal progress has seen many
milestones, some of which are mentioned below:

 1884: Dr.S.K.Burman lays the foundation of what is known as Dabur India

Limited. Started from a small shop at Calcutta, he began a direct mailing
system to send his medicines to even the smallest of villages in Bengal. The
brand name Dabur is derived from the words "DA" for Daktar or doctor and
"BUR" from Burman.

 1896: As the demand for Dabur products grows, Dr. Burman felt the need for
mass production for some of his medicines. He set up a small manufacturing
plant at Garhai near Calcutta.

 Early 1900s: The next generation of Burman's take a conscious decision to

enter the Ayurvedic medicines market, as they believe that it is only through
ayurveda that the healthcare needs of poor Indians can be met.

 1919: The search for processes to suit mass production of ayurvedic medicines
without compromising on basic ayurvedic principles lead to the setting up of
the first Research and Development laboratory at Dabur. This initiate a
pain staking study of ayurvedic medicines as mentioned in age old scriptures.

 1920s:A-manufacturing facility for Ayurvedic Medicines is set up at

Narendrapur and Daburgram. Dabur expands its distribution network to Bihar
and northeast.

 1936: Dabur India (Dr. S.K.Burman) Pvt.Ltd. is incorporated.

 1940: Dabur diversifiers into personal care products with the launch of its
Dabur Amla Hair Oil.

 1949: Dabur Chyawanprash is launched in a tin pack and becomes the first
branded Chyawanprash of India.

 1956: Dabur buys its first computer. Accounts and stock keeping are one of
the first operations to be computerized.

 1970: Dabur expands its personal care portfolio by adding oral care products.
Dabur Lal Dant Manjan is launched and captures the Indian rural market.

 1972: Dabur shifts base to Delhi from Calcutta. Starts production from a hired
manufacturing facility at Faridabad.

 1978: Dabur launches the Hajmola tablets. This is the first time that a classical
ayurvedic medicine is branded from Shudhabardhak bati to Hajmola tablets.

 1979: The Dabur Research Foundation (DRF), an independent company is set

up to spearhead Dabur's multi-faceted research. Commercial production starts
at Sahibabad. This is one of the largest and most modern production facilities
for ayurvedic medicines in India at this time.

 1984: The Dabur brand turns 100 but is still young enough to experiment with
new offerings in the market.

 1986: Dabur becomes a public Limited company through reverse merger with
Vidogum Limited, and is re-christened Dabur India Limited.

 1989: Hajmola Candy is launched and captures the imagination of children

and establishes a large market share.

 1992: Dabur enters into a joint venture with Agrolimen of Spain far
manufacturing and marketing confectionery items such as bubble gums in

 1993: Dabur set up the oncology formulation plant at Baddi, Himachal


 1994: Dabur India Limited comes out with its first public issued at a premium
of Rs.85 per share. The issue is subscribed over 21 times.

 1994: Dabur enters the oncology (anti-cancer) market with the launch of
Intaxel (Pacitaxel). Dabur becomes only the second company in the world to
launch this product. The Dabur Research Foundation develops the unique eco-
friendly process of extracting the drug from the leaves of the Asian Yew Tree.

 1995: Dabur enters into a joint venture with Osem of Israel for
food and Bongrain of France for cheese other dairy products.

 1996: Dabur launches Real fruit juices, which heralds the company's entry
into the processed food market.

 1997: The foods division is created, compromising of real fruit juices and
Homemade cooking paste to form the core of this division's product portfolio.

 1998: Project STARS (Strive To Achieve Record Successes) is initiated by the

company to achieve accelerated growth in the coming years. The scope of this
project is strategic, structural and operational changes to enables efficiencies and
improves growth rates.

 1998: The Burman family hands over the reins of the company to a
professional, Mr. Ninu Khanna joins Dabur, as the Chief Executive Officer.

 1999-2000: Dabur achieves the Rs.1000 crores turnover mark.

 2001-2002: Launched Amla Light, new flavors in Real Juices-grapes, guava,
apple active, orange active, homemade pappad, Vatika- an anti-dandruff

 2005: New launches homemade coconut milk (in south), Tang, Tomato puree,
Vatika light.

 2006: Dabur achieves Rs.3,184 crores turnover mark with an increase of 9 per
cent. Turnover of FMCG reaches to Rs 1356.5crores, which shows a profit of
Rs. 78 crores. Turnover of pharmaceuticals reaches to Rs 190 crores with a
profit of Rs.17 crores.

 2020 : Dabur reported a revenue from operations of Rs 8,704 crore , up 2%

from Rs 8,533 crore a year earlier . In the first 11 months of the year , Dabur
was on track to deliver a best-in-class 6% growth in Revenue , but was
derailed by the sudden onslaught of COVID-19 pandemic in march 2020 .

Founding Thoughts

"What is that life worth which cannot bring comfort to others"

The doorstep ‘Daktar’

The story of Dabur began with a small, but visionary endeavour by Dr. S. K.

Burman, a physician tucked away in Bengal. His mission was to provide effective and

affordable cure for ordinary people in far-flung villages. With missionary zeal and

fervour, Dr. Burman undertook the task of preparing natural cures for the killer diseases of

those days, like cholera, malaria and plague.  

Soon the news of his medicines traveled, and he came to be known as the trusted

'Daktar' or Doctor who came up with effective cures. And that is how his venture

Dabur got its name - derived from the Devanagri rendition of Daktar Burman. Dr.

Burman set up Dabur in 1884 to produce and dispense Ayurvedic medicines. Reaching out

to a wide mass of people who had no access to proper treatment. Dr. S. K. Burman's

commitment and ceaseless efforts resulted in the company growing from a fledgling

medicine manufacturer in a small Calcutta house, to a household name that at once evokes

trust and reliability.




"To be the leader in the Natural Foods & Beverages Industry."

Strive to deliver this by:

 Consistently delighting the consumer through

 Being the company of choice for our business

 Delivering higher returns to stakeholders



This is our company. We accept responsibility and accountability to meet business



We all are leaders in our responsibility, with a deep commitment to deliver the results.

We are determined to be the best at doing what matters the most.


People are our most important asset. We add value through result- driven training and

we encourage rewards and excellence.


We have superior understanding of consumer needs and develop products to fulfill

their demands.


We work together on the principle of mutual trust and transparency in a boundary

less organization.


Continuous innovation in products and processes and is the base of our success


Knowledge is the key to growth in today's world. Whatever be the industry, it is

the knowledge, which provides cutting edge to individual and organisations. For more

than a century nature has been a rich source of knowledge for DABUR. Nature has

not only gives it the ingredients for all its products but also has taught it how to create

a harmony within and outside the organisation. Nature has inspired DABUR in all its

acts. Ayurveda - the science of life is based on principles of nature. All ayurvedic

preparation has their ingredients derived from nature. Dabur has converted the healing

properties of natural ingredients and the age-old knowledge of ayurveda into

contemporary health care to eliminate health problems of its consumers.

Dabur is committed to expand the reach of its age-old knowledge of ayurveda and

Nature through web. Through web the aim is to overcome the physical boundaries to

take ayurvedic way of life to global frontiers. Dabur India limited understands its

responsibility as a corporate house. It has not only set a sight on increasing turnover

and profitability of the company but also on propagating Ayurveda - The Indian

System of Medicine.


Head office : Sahibabad, Ghaziabad (U.P.)

Regd. Office : Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi
Corporate office : Kaushambi, Ghaziabad (U.P.)
Sales & Marketing : New Delhi

Chandigarh (H.P.), New Delhi (Delhi), Jaipur (Rajasthan), Kanpur (U.P.), Patna
(Bihar), Ahemadabad (Gujarat), Indore (M.P.), Cuttak (Orissa), Mumbai
(Maharashtra), Hydrabad (A.P.), Chennai (TamilNadu), Bangalore (Kamatka), Kochi
(Kerela), Guwahati (Assam), Kathmandu (Nepal), Russia, U.K.

Baddi (H.P.), Ghaziabad (U.P.), Alwar (Rajasthan), Daburgram (Bihar), Kalyani&
Narendrapur (West Bengal), Katni (M.P), Birgunj (Nepal), Egypt.

Jammu, Chandigarh (HP) Ambala (Punjab), New Delhi (Delhi), Ghaziabad (U.P.),
Dehradun (U.P.), Lucknow (UP), Rachi, Patna (Bihar), Guwahati (Assam), Calcutta
(West Bengal), Jaipur (Rajasthan), Ahemadabad (Gujarat), lndore (M.P.) Raipur
(M.P.), Bhubaneshwar (Orissa), Cuttak (Orissa), Mumbai (Maharashtra), Hydrabad
(A.P.), Chennai (TamilNadu), Bangalore (Karnataka), Cochin (Kerela)


HEALTH CARE PRODUCTS: Markets a range of OTC health care: products

based on ayurveda, some of its products like Chyawanprash, Hajmola, Hajmola
Candy, Pudinhara are market leaders with over 65 per cent market share in their
respective categories.

PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS: It includes hair care, oral care and honey.
Dabur Amla as a brand has made its mark beyond India; it is a leading hair oil brand
in Middle East and Africa. Other well-known brands are Vatika, Dabur Lal Dant

AYURVEDIC SPECIALITIES: There is a range of over 400 Ayurvedic

medicines. It has vast range of classical ayurvedic drugs and priority ayurvedic
medicines developed by own R&D.

PHARMACEUTICAL DIVISION: It includes a range of natural ethical

products like Livfit, Lionitus, Legal etc, and angel of contract media and
gynecological. This division has a major presence in Anti-thronbolytic, Anti-migrane
therapy and radio opaque dyes.

ONCOLOGY: The formidable range includes brands such as Intel, Docetaxel that
were manufactured in India for the first time by Dabur. The company is a market
leader in this category in India and plans to establish itself as a general Oncology
player in selective global market.

BULK DRUGS AND CHEMICALS: Dabur manufactures synthetic and

semi-synthetic bulk pharmaceutical substances, bulk natural compounds and
intermediaries. Isolation of pure natural compounds and custom synthetics are focus

FOODS DIVISION: One of the youngest divisions of the company markets a
range of sauces, ethnic pastes and foods. Real fruit juices gave Indian consumer for
the first time, fruit juices with nothing artificial, no preservatives, no colour and no
flavors added. Launched two years back, the range includes Real Juices and cooking
pastes under the brand name Home Made.

NATURAL GUMS: This division manufactures and process Guar gums, Gum
Karaya, tamarind based gums and psyllium husk. The division produces a range of
industrial and grade natural gums to meet the customer specifications.

AYURVEDIC VETERINARY: It deals exclusively in animal hea1thcare.

Markets safe and non-toxic herbal veterinary products for poultry.



Sahibabad unit1: The key product line of this unit includes Asavs, Hajmo1a,
Hingoli, Oncology medicines, Dabur Amla hair oil, Chyawanprash and Ashokarisht.
The unit operated on these shifts as well as a general shift, with product lines running
for one, two or three shifts according to the market demand and supply chain

Sahibabad unit 2: Recently established for manufacturing and packing Dabur hair oil
in Pet Bottles.

Baddi unit 1: The most modern plant for manufacturing ayurvedic medicines and
honey, this unit was built following stringent guideline for pharmaceutical units.

Baddi unit 2: Manufacturing one of Dabur's most popular products-Dabur

Chyawanprash, this unit also boasts of the most modern processing and packaging
unit for the medicated oil Asavrishthas.

Baddi Injectibles: This unit manufactures Oncologicals, and is certified by OGYI of

Hungary and South Africa.

Alwar: This unit manufactures food and print grade Natural gums, Psyllium Husk
and Ayurvedic Veterinary products.

Narendrapur: One of Dabur oldest plant. It produces Ayurvedic medicines and


Kalyani: This bulk drugs unit was bought from Pfizer and upgraded to manufacture
oncology bu1k drugs of critical importance.

Katni: Set up in the heart of Amla producing belt of India. This unit manufactures
Amla pishi, an essential ingredient in Dabur Chyawanprash.

Birgunj, Nepal: Dabur's first overseas manufacturing unit. It is one of the most
important besides Sahibabad and Baddi. This modern manufacturing unit churns out
Ayurvedic Medicines, Oral Care and Hair Care Products, Honey and Fruit Juices. It
also has the facility to process leaves of the Asian Yew Tree to extract Paclitaxel, an
important part of all anti-cancer products.

Egypt: This part was established to serve Saudi Arabia and the fast growing African
market. It manufactures Hair and Skin Care and Food products.


Dabur International Limited: Dabur has also collaborated with Bongrain of France
for the manufacture and marketing of speciality cheese and other Dairy Products. This
joint venture company has already made its presence felt in the Indian cheese market
through the launch of processed cheese under the brand name Lebon, and a specialty
cheese under the brand nam.


Subsidiary units which come under the umbrella of the Dabur India
Organisation are:

Dabur Foods Limited: Dabur Foods Limited, a 100 per cent subsidiary of Dabur
India Limited, is spearheading Dabur's foray into food processing industry. The
company, set up in April 1999,is marketing a range of fruits juices under the brand
name Real, Homemade Cooking Paste and Sauces and Lemoneez -- lemon juice.
Dabur was the first company in India to introduce fruit juices in packaged form
without any artificial additive. Real is today the market leader in this category with
more than 50 per cent market share. Homemade cooking paste is the only national
brand in this category. Lemoneez is the only product in its category available in
unique drop and trickle pack and uniquely shaped tabletop pack.

Dabur Nepal Private Limited: Dabur Nepal was the first manufacturing base
overseas for Dabur group. The company is today the leading exporter of Nepal and
the third largest and most modern manufacturing base for Dabur. Dabur Nepal is
today involved in promoting cultivation of herbs and apiculture activities in Nepal.
The Company has set up state of the art greenhouse at Banepa for developing
sampling for 20 medicinal plants. Dabur Nepal has also set up an Apiculture center
for promoting bee-keeping activity in Nepal and developing queen bee colonies for

Dabur Egypt Limited: Dabur Egypt is group's gateway to Africa. This

manufacturing base set up a couple of years back to cater to the demands of Middle
East and African market is producing Hair Care, Skin Care Products and foods.

Dabur oncology PIc: Set up recently in UK, this subsidiary of Dabur India Limited
will be manufacturing anti-cancer formulations for European market. The company is
in the process of setting up manufacturing base near London and is expected to start

operation from year 2001.

Dabur Research Foundation (DRF): Incorporated in 1979, is a premier research

organisation recognized by Department of Scientific and Industrial Research,
Government of India. It is situated at Sahibabad, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. DRF
today is known for its path breaking research in the field of health care and personal
care. The foundation is on the forefront of oncology research and is in the process of
developing many new molecules to fight with a dreaded disease like Cancer. In fact
DRF was the first organisation in the world to develop a process for extraction of
Paclitaxel, a drug, for cancer without harming its source tree. This process has now
become a universal one.










Dabur Foods Limited: 100% subsidiaries (taking care of all the food


Dabur Nepal Limited: Wholly owned subsidiary in collaboration with DRF

Dabur Egypt Limited: Wholly owned subsidiary.

Dabur Oncology Limited: Wholly owned subsidiary.

Dabur Overseas Limited: Owned subsidiary.

Dabur International Limited: Subsidiary (not yet commenced business)


Dabur CEO Dabur CFO Dabur wins Dabur amongst The second
amongst 25 amongst India's ICSI National top 'HOT annual listing of
Best of the Best top three CFOs Award for FMCG' the smartest
India's truly Excellance in Companies chief financial
world class Corporate officers in India
managers Governance Inc.

Dabur India in Dabur amongst Dabur India Dabur India India's most
Forbes "Best top 10 Great ranks 53rd Most rated IInd most valuable
under a Billion" Place to Work Valuable Indian dynamic companies
Company FMCG

  LDM into Limca Book of records 2005  

 FORBES: Amongst the top 20 “Best under a billion” companies in India

under $ 1 billion recognized by FORBES

 Great Places to work – Ranked 10th among the Top 25 Great Places to Work

 ICSI award for Excellence in Corporate Governance

 Market Cap crosses $ 1 billion. Best performing stock in the NSE in 2005

with 122% growth

 The Economic Times company of the year – nominated amongst the top 10.

 Economic Times – 42nd in the list of top 500 companies this year, 2nd in


 BT 500 – 53rd in Business Today ranking on 500 India's Most Valuable


 Chairman nominated for the E&Y Entrepreneur of the year award

 CEO – Among top 25 - Smart Managers of the Year.

 Udyog Ratna for Chairman and Gr. Director from Uttranchal government and

Himachal Pradesh Government.

 Dabur Foods got 4 Awards At The 7th Annual Dairy & Beverages Seminar

Tallest inflatable and longest billboard made during the Kumbh mela and submitted to

Limca Book of records have been published in 2005 .


Dabur India Limited has marked its presence with some very significant achievements and today

commands a market leadership status. Our story of success is based on dedication to nature,

corporate and process hygiene, dynamic leadership and commitment to our partners and

stakeholders. The results of our policies and initiatives speak from themselves.

 Leading consumer goods company in India having Net sales of Rs. 8704 crore (FY2019-


 2 major strategic business units (SBU) - Consumer Care Division (CCD) and Consumer

Health Division (CHD)

 3 Subsidiary Group companies - Dabur Foods, Dabur Nepal and Dabur International

and 3 step down subsidiaries of Dabur International - Asian Consumer Care in

Bangladesh, African Consumer Care in Nigeria and Dabur Egypt.

 ultra-modern manufacturing units spread around the globe

 Products marketed in over 100 countries

 Wide and deep market penetration with over 2 million retail outlets all over India 

CCD, dealing with FMCG Products relating to Personal Care and Health Care

 Leading brands –

 Dabur - The Health Care Brand

 Vatika-Personal Care Brand

 Anmol- Value for Money Brand

 Hajmola- Tasty Digestive Brand

 and Dabur Amla, Chyawanprash and Lal Dant

Manjan with Rs.100 crore turnover each

 Vatika Hair Oil & Shampoo the high growth brand

 Strategic positioning of Honey as food product, leading

to market leadership (over 40%) in branded honey


 Dabur Chyawanprash the largest selling Ayurvedic

medicine with over 65% market share.

 Leader in herbal digestives with 90% market share

 Hajmola tablets in command with 75% market share of

digestive tablets category

 Dabur Lal Tail tops baby massage oil market with 35%

of total share

CHD (Consumer Health Division), dealing with classical Ayurvedic medicines

 Has more than 250 products sold through prescriptions as

well as over the counter

 Major categories in traditional formulations include:




- Medicated Oils

 Proprietary Ayurvedic medicines developed by



 Isabgol


- Trifgol

 Division also works for promotion of Ayurveda through

organised community of traditional practitioners and

developing fresh batches of students 

At Dabur, quality is a relentless commitment to continuous improvement in products,
process and systems to provide consistent quality products to meet customer's
requirements worldwide.
The Board of Directors of Dabur India Ltd (DIL) met to consider the unaudited
financial results of the company for the quarter ended September 30th, 2020.

Dabur India Ltd reported a strong growth in its performance for the second quarter of
2020-21, backed by sustained efforts in driving demand for its Ayurvedic Healthcare,
Hygiene and Nutrition products, coupled with strong innovation to meet the emerging
consumer needs in the wake of the COVID pandemic. Dabur ended Q2 2020-21 with
a 13.7% growth in Consolidated Revenue at Rs 2,516 Crore, up from 2,212 Crore a
year earlier. This is the highest Revenue growth reported by the Company in the last
couple of years.

Consolidated Net Profit for Q2 of 2020-21 surged 19.5% to Rs 481.7 Crore as against
Rs 403 Crore a year earlier.

Dabur’s India FMCG Business led the growth with a 19.8% surge, with an underlying
FMCG Volume Growth of 16.8% during the Second Quarter of 2020-21. Dabur’s
Standalone Net Profit grew 20.6% to Rs 392.7 Crore as against Rs 325.5 Crore a year

 To focus on customers successfully and to strive to meet their needs and

 To manufacture effective health care products at competitive

prices and to improver the Quality of Life of common masses.

 To implement and emphasise on systems to ensure prevention of errors rather

than detection of errors.

 To ensure global competitiveness by striving to achieve Current Good

Manufacturing Practices (CGMP).

 To ensure safety in all operations and to follow the systems in all areas of

 To continually train people to build up and upgrade skills and expertise and to
involve them to become committed to the quality process.

 To reduce wastages within the organisation and increase productivity.


 "Developing to built" philosophy for HR personnel.

 Shifting to zonal set up of sales and marketing to facilitate better distribution.

 Adopting contribution enhancement plan for performance management.

 Empowering employees through Employee Stock Purchase Option Plan.

 Backward integration strategy in Ayurvedic Products by engaging in

plantation of herbs needed for the production of Ayurvedic Products.

 Continuous enhancement of automation.

 Continuous emphasis on Research & Development (DRF i.e. Dabur Research

Foundation is a separate company working in collaboration with Dabur solely
for the purpose of R&D


Vice President

General Manager

Deputy General Manager

Senior Manager


Assistant Manager


Assistant Officer


Senior Mechanic/Senior Assistant

Mechanic/Junior Chemist

Union Mechanic



CEO Mr. Mohit Malhotra


Chairman Mr. Amit Burman

Vice Chairman Mr. Mohit Burman

Directors Mr. Aditya Burman

Mr. Saket Burman

Mr. P.N. Vijay

Mr. R.C. Bhargava

Mr. P.D. Narang

Mrs. Falguni Nayar

Mr. Ajit Mohan Sharan

Dr. Ajay Dua

Dr. S. Narayan


State Bank of India , Punjab National Bank , Standard Chartered Bank , The

Hongkong & Shanghai Bankimg Corporation Ltd. , Citibank N.A. , HDFC Bank Ltd ,

ICICI Bank Ltd. , Bank of Nova Scotia , IDBI Bank Ltd.


Dabur is committed to maintaining the ecological balance. It understands the need for

a healthy and eco-friendly environment for the existence living beings. The

company's reforestation program aims at planting medicinal herbs, plants and trees in

the Himalayan range extending in to Nepal. An in-house tissue culture program

actively supports this exercise.


 Personnel department is headed by Vice- President (HR)

 Functions of Vice President (HR)
 Personnel administration
 Recruitment and Promotion
 Industrial Relations
 Human Resource Group
 Human Resource Development
 General Administration and Welfare
 Public Relations
 Security/Fire Vigilance
 Medical Services
 Implementation Of Official Language Policy (Hindi)
 Land Acquisition

The above functions are grouped under different General Managers/Deputy

General Managers. These executives provide support to Vice President (HR) on
different issues, which arise in Headquarter/regional offices and field. Vice President
(HR) has the responsibility of keeping the Board of Directors informed on the above
mentioned personnel activities and also on Industrial Relations. In addition to this, he
is also expected up date senior officials in their respective areas


Dabur has made a mark and created a space for itself while catering to the needs of
the Indian customers. It fulfills all their requirements while assuring the quality
product. Asking about the name of the five largest FMCG companies in India one is
likely to dash of one of that own desi -sounding brands like Chyawanprash, Vatika,
Hajmola etc. This is the stand of Dabur that it has acquired over the years .

The Board of Directors of Dabur India Limited (DIL) met on

september 30, 2020 to consider the unaudited financials of the company for

the second quarter that ended on June 30, 2020. Company has recorded a

growth of 19.5% per cent in its consolidated net profit per cent growth in its

turnover during Q2 2020-2021.

The consolidated revenue of DIL, during the three-month period, has

increased from Rs 2,212 crore to Rs 2,516 crore while the net profit has

increased to Rs 481.7 crore as against Rs 403 crore a year earlier.

However, most of its turnover comes from two divisions -Family Product Division
(FPD), accounting for 40 percent, and secondly, Health Care Division (HCD), which
accounts for 30 per cent. FPD is Dabur's biggest, having the biggest product -Dabur
Amla Hair Oil, and a brand of Rs.160 Crores in fiscal 1999-2000.The strategies in the
hair care market emphasis brand extension. It plans to launch two new products, Amla
light and Vatika light over the next few months.

A separate company, Dabur Foods, looks after food products such as real fruit juice
and homemade of pastes. Dabur sees a lot of potential in the "real" brand-currently .

The Pharmaceuticals division is internally considered of great promise with the

potential of producing safe medicines much required by mankind. Its most promising
product is anti-cancer drug, Intaxel, which is prepared of ingredients from the
Himalayan Yew Tree.

Dabur Amla, which is derived from vegetables and minerals, has an 80 per cent
market share in the heavy perfume hair oil segment. The other leading brand in the
Hair Care Division, Dabur
Vatika shampoo was launched at the end of 1998.In the
fiscal year 1999-2000,it was Rs.2 crores brand with a 30 per cent market share of
Rs.75 crores herbal shampoo market.

All the products of Dabur are prepared from natural extracts; they are pure and
nutrition. Dabur's brand offers products both for fun or health; Dabur has a brand to
match to the demands of majority of cross-section of the people across various market
segments, different cultures and also tries well to cater to the global demands.


 The products offered by Dabur are unique thus attracting many


 The brands are strongly enriched in traditional usage and habits.

 The brands are prepared in active collaboration with the mother nature
and Dabur is also having right consideration that its products do not cause
any harm to the environment thus takes necessary steps.

 The products offer immense potential for growth and extension.

 FESTIVAL CELEBRATIONS: Dabur celebrates the festivals with its

employees and sweets are distributed. This helps to maintain constant

interaction with the employees and the employees in turn feel assured thus

boosting their morale.

 RECREATIONAL TOUR: An annual recreational tour is organized and 50

per cent of the expenses are borne by the organisation. This helps in enhancing

togetherness among the employees.

 IT'S NOT ALL WORK AND NO PLAY: Dabur does not expect its

employees to work all day long because the work gets monotonous, resulting

decrease in the efficiency. Hence, Dabur has formed Dabur Cricket Club and

also provides the facilities for indoor games like table tennis.

 MEDICAL ATTENTION: At Sahibabad Factory, two part time doctors and

two full time nurses are available round the clock to ensure health and safety

of workers.

 UNIFORMS: To maintain uniformity in the factory premises the uniforms are

provided both for summer and winter with a pair of shoes.

 STAFF BUSES: The organisation provides the facility of buses to its

employees to help in easy commutation.

 MESS FACILITIES: The Company provides the facility of mess to its

workers as well as staff. A contractor manages it proper hygienic conditions

are maintained. Employees of Grade V and above use the Executive Mess.

 STAFF SALE: The Company provides products to its employees at a

concessional rate through the staff sales canteen.

 HIRE/PURCHASE SCHEME: Sale of consumer items is organized for the

employees of Dabur on a yearly basis under the welfare scheme.


employees and their family members can open a recurring deposit account

with Bharat nagar Post Office.

 BLOOD DONATION: Dabur organizes blood donation camps at Sahibabad

factory in association with the Lions Club Of Delhi Cosmopolitan, in the

month of February/March every year.

 CHUNNI LAL MEDICAL TRUST: Dabur rightly believes in following the

path of its founder-Dr.S.K.Burman-to serve the poor and the needy. The

Chunni Lal Trust was established to achieve this goal.


Nov.1993, Sustainable Development Society (SUNDESH) is a registered

voluntary organisation. It aims at improving the Quality of Life of the rural

people in its area of operation.

 Dr.S.K.BURMAN CHARITABLE TRUST: This trust provides

reimbursement for workers who cannot afford their medical expenses.

 PARKING FACILITY: There are separate parking space for cars/scooters

and motor cycles/cycles and that too free of cost.

 LONG SERVICE AWARDS: Employees belonging to grade I &IX, who

have put in 10 years of service with the company are given Meritorious

Services Award Certificate along with a Titan wrist watch and on completion

of 25 years of service, they are given 4 silver glasses along with the certificate.


Dabur India Ltd. selects the future employees keeping everything in mind right from
the qualification of the employees to the future prospects-both of the organisation and
the employees.

The first step involves the filling up of Manpower Indent Form. This form is filled
up by the department, which is having the vacancy. The form consists of various
questions which are to be answered like if the current vacancy is a replacement
vacancy, its reason is to be specified -the factors which resulted it like death,
retirement etc.

The department is required to give the qualifications that the future candidate should

In the next step, this form is given to the Human Resource (HR) department; this
department sees if the position can be filled through internal sources. The internal
sources can be transfers, promotion etc. In the case of internal sources, the
recommendations of the employees are not taken into consideration. If the HR
department does not find suitable candidate within the organisation then this
department has to give reasons for it. The form then goes to the Corporate HR for its

When the suitable candidate is not available within the organisation, the organisation
then moves to the outside world for filling up the vacancies.

If the number of employees required is large then the company has in its consideration
three ways-
 The Data bank of the organisation.

 Advertisements.

 Contacting large consultants.

The company maintains a databank of the candidates, which is used when the number
of vacancies to be filled up is large. The sources of databank can be the qualified
candidates who had applied in the organisation earlier but due to some reasons could
not join the organisation.

Advertisements are the second big source to attract the candidates. These are having
much larger scope and reach to a number of people. The qualifications required by the
organisation and the criteria could be described in detail.

Large number of consultants also constitutes a big source. Many people register
themselves with these consultants and they act as a bridge between the organisation
and the candidates. The consultants provide the company required details about all
criteria. These consultants are fixed for the organisation, which are chosen on the
basis of their performance. In case of overseas recruitment it is checked whether their
Indian counterparts can perform the job efficiently or not. If need arises then they are
also taken through consultants.

But if the number of vacancies is very small then the organisation takes the help of the
local consultants.

The candidates are then required to fill up the Application Form. This form requires
the candidate to fill the details regarding the previous employment, if any and his
personal data. The form is having details regarding like the marital status,
organisation structure, the position held by the candidate, his salary structure, the top
three deliveries to the organisation that proved to be beneficial to the organisation,
career goals, his strengths and weaknesses etc.

After the application form has been duly filled and submitted, the selection process
starts wherein the candidate has to pass through various stages and interview. The

interview panel consists of the persons from Corporate (HR), and other persons
including the executives from the department for which the vacancy is to be filled.

The selected candidates are then short-listed. The short listed candidates are then
given priority numbers; this is due to the reason that sometimes the candidate who is
having first priority is unable to join the organisation due to some reasons then in that
case the candidate next in the priority list is given preference.
The candidate has to under go medical examination and his credentials are verified.

After qualifying these stages, the candidate is then absorbed in the organisation and
explained his/her duties. This phase marks the end of the selection procedure.

Dabur India Ltd.also performs Campus interviews as and when the need arises. The
esteemed organisation also provides apprentice training-wherein the organisation
trains the people in the working of the organisation and gives then stipend. If these
trainees are found useful to the organisation then they are absorbed in the organisation
else they are given certificate so that they can show this as an experience and get a job


Recruitment and selection are the most important functions in an organisation because
with the help of these functions the management selects the best available candidate
from a batch of them. The organisations, in this growing competitive world, need to
have the best of the manpower so as to have an edge over its competitives.

According to Flippo, "Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective

employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an

In the words of Yoder,"Recrutiment is a process to discover the sources of manpower

to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measured
for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an
efficient working force."

The recruitment needs can be classified into-

 Planned.
 Anticipated.
 Unexpected.

Planned need arise from changes in the organisation and retirement policy. These
occur due the expected changes in the organisation so the management can make a
proper policy for it.

Anticipated need refer to the movements in personnel which an organisation can

predict by studying the trends in the internal and external environments.

Resignations, deaths, accidents and illness result in to the unexpected needs.


 Recruitment is a process or a series of activities rather than a single


 It is a linking activity as it brings together the employers and


 It is positive process because in this activity the employers want to have

the maximum number of job seekers so as to have a wider scope for
choice ultimately leading in spotting right persons for job.

 It is an important function as it makes it possible to acquire the number

and type of persons required for the effective functioning of the

 It is an on going function in all the organisations, but the volume and

nature of recruitment varies with the size, nature and environment of
the organisation.

 It is a complex process because a number of factors affect it --the

nature of the job offered, image of the organisation, organisational
policies, working conditions etc.


The various sources of recruitment are -

 Internal Sources: Include-
 Present Employees who can be transferred or given promotions.
 The retired and retrenched employees who want to return to the
 Dependents and relatives of the deceased and disabled employees.

 External Source: Consist of-

 Press advertisements.
 Campus Interviews.
 Placement Agencies.
 Recommendations.
 Recruitment at factory gate.
 Employment Exchanges
During my short stint at DIL, it was observed that the recruitment need of DIL is
diversified. It needs persons who have knowledge of use, processing of natural
ingredients of number of varied products, technical know-how of latest industrial
technical knowledge, and computer applications to pharmaceutical industry to
manual workers. The importance of the process could be understood that the
present work force of DIL is 7,740 employees. Hence, the recruitment and
selection procedure should match the complexities of the need and at the same
should commensurate with the complex need of the organisation.


Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate out of the all the applicants. In
this process, relevant information about the applicants is collected through a series of
steps so as to evaluate their suitability for the job to be filled.

It is the process of matching the qualifications with those required for the job so that
the candidate can be entrusted with the task that matches with his credibility.
It is a process of weeding out unsuitable candidates and finally identifying the most
suitable candidates.

This process divides the candidates into two categories-the suitable ones and the
unsuitable ones. The suitable people prove to be the asset for the organisation.
Selection is a negative process because in this process the management tries to
minimise the number of people at each step so that the final decision can be in the
light of all the factors and at the end of it best candidate is selected. Selected
candidate the has to pass through the following stages-

 Preliminary Interview.
 Application Form.
 Selection Test.
 Selection Interview.
 Physical Examination.
 Reference Check.
 Final Approval.
 Employment.

Preliminary Interview is the initial screening done to weed out the undesirable
candidates. This is mainly a sorting process in which the prospective candidates are
given the necessary information about the nature of the job and the organisation.
Necessary information about the candidate is also taken. If the candidate is found
suitable then he is selected for further screening else he is dropped. This stage saves

the time and effort of both the company and the candidate. It avoids unnecessary
waiting for the candidate and waste of money for further processing of an unsuitable

Application Form is a traditional and widely used device for collecting information
from candidates. This form asks the candidates to fill up the necessary information
regarding their basic information like name, address, references, date of birth, marital
status, educational qualifications, experience, salary structure in previous organisation
and other such information. This form is of great help because the scrutiny of this
form helps to weed out candidate who are lacking in education, experience or any
other criterion provided by the organisation. It also helps in formulation of questions,
which will be asked in the interview. These forms can also be stored for future
references thus maintaining a databank of the applicants.

Selection Tests are being increasingly used in employee selection. Tests are sample of
some aspect of an individual's attitudes, behaviour and performance. It also provides a
systematic basis for comparing two or more persons. The tests help to reduce bias in
selection by serving as a supplementary screening device. These are also helpful in
better matching of candidate and the job. These reveal the qualifications, which
remain covered in application form and interview.

Selection Interview involves the interaction of the employer and the employee.
Selection involves a personal, observational and face-to-face appraisal of candidates
for employment. It is an essential element of the selection procedure. The information
obtained through application form and test can be crosschecked in the interview.

The applicants who have crossed the above stages have to go through Physical
Examination either by the company's physician or the medical officer approved for
the purpose. The main aim is to ensure that the candidate is physically fit to perform
the job. Those who are found physically unfit are rejected.

The next stage marks of checking the references. The applicant is asked to mention in
his application form the names and addresses of two or three person who know him
well. The organisation contacts them by mail or telephone. They are requested to

provide their frank opinion about the candidate without incurring any

liability. The opinion of the references can be useful in judging the future behaviour
and performance of a candidate.

The executives of the concerned departments then finally approve the candidates
short-listed by the human resource department. Employment is offered in the form of
an appointment letter mentioning the post, the rank, the salary grade, the date by
which the candidate should join and other terms and conditions in brief. Appointment
is generally made on a probation of one or two years. After satisfactory performance
during this period the candidate is finally confirmed in the job on permanent basis or

Selection is an important function as no organisation can achieve its goals without

selecting right persons for the required job. Faulty selection leads to wastage of time
and money and spoils the environment of an organisation. Scientific selection and
placement of personnel can go a long way in building up a stable workforce. It helps
to reduce absenteeism and labour turnover. Proper selection is helpful in increasing
the efficiency and productivity of the entrepreneur.


The recruitment process can be a hectic task for any enterprise. However, if you
have an effective recruitment policy, then it significantly eliminates the
employee turnover; making it easier for you to choose the just right candidate
who not only meets the work-related competencies, but also complements the
core values of your organization.

A recruitment policy is a document that summarizes the guiding principles

regarding how an organization will conduct the overall recruitment and
selection process. The policy has a pivotal role to hire the most suitable
candidates based on the work ethics and business goals that an organization
seeks to serve.


 To ensure all recruitment and selection procedure comply with the Equal
Opportunity Policy.

 To ensure that all appointments are made on merit to attract sufficient applications
from potential candidates for appointment with the skills, qualities abilities,
experience and competencies deemed as being nesessary to the job.

 To develop and maintain procedure which will assist in ensuring the appointment
of the most suitable candidate.

 To ensure that recruitment procedure are clear, valid and consistently applied by
those involved in recruitment and that they provide for fair and eqitable treatment
for those who apply for employment.

To base selection decisions and criteria directly on the demands and requirements of

the job and the competencies identified as necessary for satisfactory performance.


Areas : Within Organisation

Research Design : Exploratory

Sources of Information : Primary Data

Secondary Data

Data collection Method : Structured Non Disguised


Types of questions Used : Open Ended

Multiple Choice

Close ended


Target Group : Employees

Sampling Method : Random Sampling

Sample Size : 50 Employees

Research in common refers to a search for knowledge. Research can also define as a

systematic & scientific search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact it is

art of scientific investigation.

“Systematic effort to gain new knowledge”

- Redman & Mory

“The manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the purpose of generally to

extend, correct or verify knowledge whether that knowledge aids in construction of

theory or in the practice of an art.”

- Clifford Woody

Types of Research :- The basic types are :-

1. Descriptive & Analytical

2. Applied & Fundamental

3. Qualitative & Quantitative

4. Conceptual & Empirical

As such the term “Research” refers to the systematic method consisting of enunciating

the problem, formulating a hypothesis, collecting the facts or data, analyzing the facts.


This project entitled Recruitment and Selection in Dabur India Ltd (DIL) is aimed at

studying the recruitment and selection procedures at DIL. Recruitment and selection

procedures of any organisation are very important functions because these decide the

most suitable manpower which steers the industry to its desired goals.

The main objectives of this project are:

 To study the Recruitment and Selections procedures used at DIL.

 To analyze the effectiveness of this very important function in terms of

development of the organization and the individual.

QUESTION: What are the sources for recruitment and selection?





About 75% of the manager say that they prefer both internal as well as external source

for recruitment and selection where as only 9% go for internal source and 18% go for

external sources.

Question: Which method do you mostly prefer for recruitment and selection

preferred way of recruitment?


32% 65%


About 65% of the mangers go for direct recruitment and selection and 32% go for

indirect and only 3 % go for third party recruitment way.

Question: When do you prefer to go for manpower planning?

30% 20%



Around 50% of the managers go for Quarterly manpower planning and 20 % do not

follow any pattern they don‟t have any fixed time where as 20% go for yearly.

Question: What are the sources for external recruitment are


25% 34%

33% 8%


In AVIVA 34% of manager go for campus interviews, 33% go for data bank, 25%

from the casual application that are received and only 8% go for any placement


Question: What form of interview did you prefer?





Most of the manager Prefer Personal interviews, 30% prefer to take telephonic

interviews where as only 20% go for video conferencing and rest 10% adopt some

other means of interviews

Question: How do you rate the HR practices of the company?






50% of the managers feel that HR department is good where and 30%say that‟s its

very good where as 20% says its average and only 10% manager feel it‟s bad.


HRM is an affair for the management. It needs a handsome amount and longtime. So

management has to play safe game for the benefits of the company as well as the

workers. One wrong decision may enforce the company to fall into deep troubles. So

selecting the weak areas of staffs and workers should be done every carefully. For that

the management should be conduct a test.

For providing an effective HR functions, company requires a knowledgeable

management. Selecting a particular manager is again a difficult job. Trainer demands

handsome money. Training needs time and cost both.

To conclude, it is very clear that training should be provided but not at the loss of the

company. It is very costly and time taking affair. But it is more important for the

development of the company. So management can’t avoid it any cost.


This summer Project has given me immense exposure to learn about different HR

functions of a large company. I have learnt a lot and experienced what is the recent

HR scenario of HRD in a large company. For this project I took help of the books and

internet that gives me a good knowledge about different HR functions and policies.

‘Necessity is the mother of Invention’ this is true everywhere. In the study first of

all I tried to find out the cause of the process of Recruitment and selection.

I got the answer from DABUR that here in DABUR major cause for the process

is its Expansion program as DABUR is growing vastly. Few other reasons are

Replacement vacancy Retirement hardly takes place here.


An organization’s excellence depends upon its employee’s performance, which

has not only to be maintained on a consistent level, but also must be improved

constantly. All this can be achieved if suitable employees are selected, through

proper Recruitment and Selection procedure.


The research in DABUR has helped me in broadening my view. It has helped me to

know that HR is the heart of every organization. It made me aware about how policies
play an important role in the smooth functioning of any organization. But I have
found that there is something that lacks in the company and which is possible to
DABUR is engaged in making maximum sales, providing satisfaction to its
customers, as well as maintaining good relations with the corporate world. But it has
not thought about maintaining a healthy relation with its employees. This is the reason
that there was an increase in the labor turnover. Also, it has never given consideration
to find the reason lying behind the same.

Employee retention is crucial to the long-term success of your business and therefore
the ability to retain employees is a primary measure of the health of your
organization. Of significant concern is the fact that unplanned employee turnover
directly impacts the bottom line of a business.

The company can undertake the following steps to maintain long and existing
relationship with its employees as well as a steady increase in sales:-

1. Employees should know clearly what is expected of them-

Continually changing expectations minimize employee’s sense of internal
security and create unnecessary stress. It is beneficial therefore to provide a
specific framework, in which people can work.

2. Employees should be provided with quality management and leadership-

It is well documented that people leave their managers more often than they
leave the company or the job. Turnover issues that cause an employee to feel
unvalued by their manager include lack of feedback about performance, lack
of clarity regarding earning potential, failure to hold scheduled meetings, and
the failure to provide a framework for the employee to succeed. Ensure that

the right people are in place to lead your teams, departments, business units
and the organization as a whole towards success.

3. The company should compensate candidates applying for any position in the
organization in case of external recruitment; this will give candidates a
positive impression about the company.

4. The references given by the candidates at the time of selection should be

brought into use and should be verified in order to avoid undesired candidates.

5. Job specifications should be disclosed at the time of recruitment and selection

so that employees are well aware of the tasks to be performed by them and the
expectations their seniors have from them.

6. Company should undergo personality test in order to judge the personality of

the person applying for the job.

7. Company should have a round of panel interview so that decision of selecting

a candidate is not based on personal biasness of the interviewer, interviews
should therefore be followed by group discussion.


 Gupta C.B., Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New

 Dcenzo & Robbins Human Resource Management, Prentice-Hall


 Monappa, Arun Managing Human Resources, McMillan India





Gender: Male Female

1: When are the resources need and forecasted?

 Quartely
 Monthly
 Annualy
 Not Fixed

2: How is the resource need forecasted?


3: How do you rate the recruitment procedure?

 Short
 Average
 Long
 Very Long
 Cant say

4: What is the process you follow for recruitment and selection? People explain the
same in brief?


5:Which method do you mostly prefer from the following for recruitment and

 Direct Method
 Indirect Method
 Third Party

6: What sources you prefer for recruitment and selection?

 Internal sources
 External sources
 Both

7: What are the sources for internal sourcing among the following -:

 Present permanent employees

 Present temporary employees
 Retrenched / Retired / employees
 Deceased / disabled / employees

8: What are the sources for external recruitment among the following

 Campus interviews
 Placement agencies
 Private employment agencies
 Public employment agencies
 Professional associations
 Data bank
 Casual applicants
 Other, if any please mention



9: Which is the most successful method for recruitment?


10: How many rounds of interviews are conducted?

 1-3

 3-5

 More than 5

11: Are you satisfied with round of interviews conducted?

 Yes

 No

 To some extent

 Cant say

12: What form of interview did you prefer?

 Personal Interview
 Telephonic Interview
 Video Conferencing
 Any two (then tick those two)
 All three

13: Are you satisfied with the interview process?

 Yes
 No
 To some extent

14: If no then what is the reason? And suggest the measures to be taken for


15: Are you satisfied with the present method being followed by the company for
recruitment and selection?

 Yes
 No

16: If no, what steps would you prefer, to make improvement?


17: Are the aptitude test conducted?

 Yes

 No

 Till some extent

 Can’t say

18: If yes then it is for

 Fresher
 Executives
 Other (specify)


19: Do you conduct any of these test?

 Psychometric test
 Medical test
 Reference test check
 Other (specify)


20: How do you rate the HR practices of the company?

 Very Good
 Good

 Average

 Bad


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