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of India derives its au$ority frcm the peode of Indh. Parliament, rcpresenung ste people ls
supreme ir the admhi*ntron of dre Cotrntry. The Cortncil of Mhisters is ollectircly responsible to tfrc Lower House of the
parliament for its acts of omissim and commissbn. Parliament can force'an Feortive to resign by elgressing no<mfidence or
by repcting any of tfie policjt's of the Executirre.
Par{iamsrfs confol over.the executivt can broadly be described under the folbwing trvo lreads:-
1.C.ontol over general polLy;
Z. C-onbol over public finance.
' The Parliament is the suprcme legislahrre of the Union, corsisting of two Horses of Padiament and the President of Indh.

. A dtting of the House ls duly constituted wlren it b presi<Ied orrer by the Speaker/Chairmanor any other member
aompetent-b preskle over a sitting of the Hotrse urder the Consthrtion or tfe Rubs of Procedure and Conduct of Business of
Lok Sabha/ Rajya Satha and has qrorum.
Timings :Morday to Frftlay
Rajya Sabha : 11 to 5 (Lundr: 1 to 2.30)
tok Sabha 11 to 6 (Lundt: 1 to 2 PM)
Quorum means the minifium nrmber of members required to be present at a sitting of the Horse for valid
transactjon of its hrsirrcss. The quorum to constjtute a meeting of either House of Padiament is one bnth of the total
number of membens of the llouse. This irrcludes the Speaker/€hairman or the Presiding Offier for the time behg.

ADJO1 RI{MEI{T (of dttings- &ue*nes doe not lapre)

It means pcQonement of a sitting of the House to an lrcur or part of the same day or to a particular day or sine
die, i.e. without any definite date behg fted for the next sitting. After the House b adFumed sine die, a sitting of the Hotse
can be called by tfre Speaker. Or adlrumment of the Hotrse sine die, the hr$ness pendhg before the House does not lapse.
Sessim means a series of sittings of the House from the time of summonhg to the time of protogation by the
Presidenl The Pr€nsident $ralt frrom time b time summon eadr House of Parlianrent b meet at srdr time and place as he thinks
At 1he commencement of the first session after each genenl ehctions to the Hotrse of Peopb and at the
commencement of first session each year, the President strall address both Horses of Parlhmsrt assembled together and
inform Parliament of the cause of its summorc
The Praident is constiMionally bound to summon Parliament witholt allowhg a 9p of six months between two
sessions. Therefore there arc three sessions in a year.

PROROGATIOII (of g;r:n byPasitldrt- Eudns tapw ex@pt..)

of a sesion of the Hotse On prorogation of the House, all business pending
Prorogati,m meas the termhatinn
before the House, ocept what b saved by Artich 10{3) of the Constibrtion ard Rule 284(Business po'ding bebre a
Committee) and 336(A Motirxr, Reshrtbn or an Amendment moved and b pedirg in the House) of the Rules of Procedure and
Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha, lapses. After the House is proogued, rn siiling of the Flouse can be called unless the
President sumrrcns tlre Hotrse afresh under Art.Stt(l) of the Corslihrtion whldt realf means a new session.
'The House b adjotrmed by ttre Speaker whereas it is prorogued by the President. The PreEdent has power to
promulgaE Ordinances wfren the Flouse is prorogued but not when the tblse ls adjutmed.

DISSOLUTION (by or&rof Ptuidat or at tlp end of 5aears)

of the life of the House i.e. tok Sabtn either by an order made by the President
Dissolutbn means ttrc end
under Article 85(2Xb) of the CmSitution or m the erqiry of the psiod of five years frrorn tte date appointed br its first
meeting. It is follared by the election of a new llcuse.
Effect of 'dissolution'on fire bills:
a) A bill pending in the Lnk Sabha lapses;
b) A bill passed by the Lok Sabha but pending in Rajya Sabtra also lapees;
c) A bill perrding in the Rajya Sabha but yet to go to l,ok'Sabha does not lape.

It is the &rllelin (puHicafron) of the House conemed cmtainfrU a brief reord of the praedings of the House
at eadr of its dting, informatlm rdating to tle busines of the tlcuse arxi ttw relating to Parliarlentary Committees.
'A Llst of Burlness for the day sfiall be prcpared by the Secretary€eieral and a copy thereof sftall be made available
for the use of every rnember. No htsiness, not frrhrded in the list of buslrcss for the day shall nonrnlV, be tmnsacfrd at any
sitting withaft the permi**n of the Speaker.
2OI 3
The right to rnove a 'clos'rre nption',is
questbn. In order to bring a a valuable weapon ln the hands of a member
debate ioi'close, a mmour-ma-y-L to ..rt $lort the debate on any
aceptanae of closure rests with tre
aiscreu"n 6r .ut"-ct
and morre That t*
qtrestion be now pur.
il,r"*. r" accepts i! he considers whether the q'esticn The
me House tras reeiv"ea JeeuilE"l "i..
or no! whether *not tu vrews or-Ere oof,*, bebre
hane been adequatery

It a diffierent brm of dosrrc' It means
the h-rsiress in hard.m t'-e 'time the-grtting by the_speaker of otrtshndirg question
or questiors rehgng to
thereon bei'ng allowed' thlke"'ait;ut
alrotted'for id dd;sdor1 The chair pue 6e question,
&;G, u",u;.ribrine t" b" ilpil; not prco€ired by any
House, guilloune, technically soeatcng,'aep;ie=s
no furher discus*on
motion. under the ruhs of the
only to ut; b.riAid.nrands, Apopriation Bi[
and Finane Bill.
The Table is just in frront of the desk-of. the.secre{v ca3ral bebur the
speaker's chair. papers whidr are
5ffiir.:-fi't":: *lllj* or me iouse are placed on t iriiui. Durirs sinirss or rrl uotrse, the Ron or Hernbers is

when it is propceaG
copy of tte paper' authenticabd uv
'l"ri[ltc-.on treEoe of either House, otherwise than as a part of reply to a qrestbn,
r,i, concemed, prerenoty on,urefrront page of the paper, a
in the manner descibed
n:"'t"t5ffi"#ffi 'fi ffitrli*1fl
"paper b be laid on the Table oi tot "*g*"#jST"H;S;;;;#HIiii"'.i*i-n."."4iiL,tt*o
S"Ohu/Rajya SaUnaJ
New Dethi' signal,re

- forThes'Pplv
seoetariat of the House oncemed sfrouH.
t 1"-I-:-0"* u".a ii *, q: arso-be ,"*rffi'{ht"t"" *"*;r copies of the paper are kept
".dF;f .d;phr. The nan*, designation and terephone number of the
rrJ &uro also be inaicaea iuc*ep".t" L" d *L"ra
ffi":$l*ilffi?$;9* to the press onry after
It means tfie Prime Mirnister, if he is a rnember of
nomina*d by the prime Minisbr to nrnction the Horse, or a Minis'ter who is a Member of the
House an<l b
ai the Leader of the Hor6e.
It indudes the chamber, tfie Lobbies, the
Yrv Galhries
vu'E'rs{ q'ru
sPecify. and sidr
ilu other place as the speaker may from time
' to time

At the ommencment of the Hotrse ot loT time to time, tln speaker sfnll mminaE from amongst
panel of mt npre than En chairman,
Deputy speaker when sorequested by
;).il of whom rilt ;rdid;';ver the t{ouse h t. ib*nc" of the tf." mrnbers
speaker and the
the Speaker or, in his lou.n=e uv-r," Deputy speaker.
such a chairman sfnllhold office
il*:,:;5,flT:;:HJ&:JgU:,:[f ni:,',n*:jHfi 'ul'dG;na,;iL;*.idinsoverrreJiringorure
il"*Htaffiffi:#li:HffiLffi::}Tiil:;. t#"tno. "r pi,r.,*"i'd,",u*, viz. staned ererinns,
Starred euestiors
These are answercd orally on the floor
of the l-louse and with reference to the answer given, members
ask supplementary quetions' These *iir
ou hcrfigenuy an$cipaei'wtrle preparing 'Note br Supplementaries, are entiued to
the Minbter. for the qse of

Unstared egestions
These cafi br writen ansuteF whicft
are placed on the Tabb of the House ard no srpplemertaries arc mked
respect of sudr ans-$rers. in

Short Notice euestions

TFee rnay be ri only in regard to ma-ters of publlc impoftanc€ of an
urgent nature through NoTICE SHoRTER
THAN 10'ctEAR DAYS and answered ;;;lv;';rred
quetbru. it C ru,in ne adretion o? the ttinstera eather
to acept or

not to rcaept a d'lgrt notice question. If the Minbtd,r is unable to ans:wer, but fte Question is of sufficient ptb|ic importance,
tle Speaker qny direct that the question be placed as the first quesUori m the l[st of questions for the day on tvhidt it would be
.l* I oral ansvvers.

ryot less than 15 dear days notice of a quetion b required to be girren .by a member to the Secretary General, Lok
Satrtra/Rajya Satfra. lle girc atbast five days notice to the MlnbEr to whom the qugstbn is addressed. In pradir, horvever,
in oder to gi\€ the conemed Depadment as mudr time as posble for preparation of an; aRsy{er, an advane copy of the
Question h the povisi,mally admitEd form is forwarded b that Deparfinent by the Lok Sabtn/Rajya SaHra Secrebriat.

Condition5 for admissibiliW of Parliament qtrestions

. Under rnentbned onditions have b be satisfied for the admissim of a quetion:-
i. It $all not relate to a patter lvhiCh is not primarily ttre oncem of the Govemment of lrdia;
ii. It shall not rais€ matters ON bodies or pemons not primarily'rcsponsible to the Governm€nt of India;
iii. It $all not relate to a matter wiUr rt'hi:h the Minister is notofficially oncerned.

i" ft shall not ordinarily exceed 15O rrords;
v. It shall not mise questiorc of policy bo large to be dealt with within the limits of an answer b a questi:n;
vi. It shall not ask for inbrmatbn on bivial matters;
vii.It shall not repeat in substance quesdons already ansurered or to which an answer has been refused;
ft shall not ordinarily ask for information on matbrs of past hisbry;
ix. It shall not ask for informaticn set fortfr in acessible documents or in ordinary works of reference;


x. It shall not bring in any name or statement not sficdy necessary b make the questbn intelligible;
xi. ff it aontains a statement tirc nember sfrall make himsdf responsiHe for the aauracy of the statemeng

xii. It shall not ontain arguments, inferences, ironical expressions, irnpltatbns, epithets or defamatory staternents;
xiii. It shall not ak fior an e:gression of opinion or tfre solution of an absbact legal question or of a hypothetical
xiv. It shall not ordinarily ask as to the draracter or conduct of any persm o(cept in hb official or public capmity;

xv. It $all not ask br inbrmation on a matter which is under adjudicatiqr by a Gouft of law having jurisdiction h any
paft of India;
xvi. It shall not ask for inbrmatbn regarding Cabinet discussions or advice given to the President in relation to aty matter
in rqect of wftth there is a C,onstitutonal, statutory or conventional obligation not to dMose inbrmatim;
xvii. It *tall not ordinarily ask br information on matErs rvhich are under onsideration of a Parliamentary C.ommittee;
xviii. .ft shall not ask abotrt proceedirrgg in a @mmittee whicfr have not been plaed before the House by a report from tfre
xix. It $all not ordinadly ask about matters pending before any statrbry tribunat or stahrtory authodty peforming
anyjdicial or quasi-judicial functirns or any Commission or Cort of Enquiry appohbd to enquire intq or investigate,
any matter but may refer to matters concemed with procedure or subject or stage of enquiry if it b rpt fikefy to
prejudie the onsftleration of the matter by the bibunal or Commission or Court of Enquiry.

p(. It $all not make or imply a charge of a personal draracter;
lo<i. It dtall not reflect on the character or conduct of any person vrfpse on&rct can mV be challenged m a s.ffinWe

nii. It shall not reEr discourteously b a friendly foreign ountry;
Easic rules
1. A minimum of 15 cbar days writEn notkr stnrld be girren to tle Secretary General of the House wih official
designation of the Minbter;
2. The qtetion *touH be @rrecdy addressed to the Mhister wth Ete hep of dernarkadon of responsitrilities.
3. To get an oral answer, an ( * ) mark sfrotrld be pJL
4. The pnncph of one Starrcd question from one l.lembera day wifl be a@.

5. A maximum of 2O Starred question will be dtni&d in a day.

6. Separate guestiong strould be q.bmitted br StiireA dd U,starred category.
7. If in the ophion of the Speaker, any Questim by a Member for ORAL nrvSlven is of srdr a nabre that a irfllen reply
would be.more 4propriaE, ffre Speakg may dtuect that $ch questim be placed on the list for writur
8. If a rnember gives notie for both Stared and urffind
Qr^esibns, one starred and bur dirtaned questtirs wil be liste<t
a d3y.-Il_a member glves mti,ce foq mqry unstaned ques{bns, a total of 5 urstaned questims wilt'be tsted fur a day.
I bt"l of 230 tnstaned questions ciuld be listed. br-me aay. Clhere could be an aiAn. of 25 qrestim pefthh; to
Statgptabs urder Presidents' Ruh)
10. The questiors sftould be self contained and cornpleb.
11. lf the question pertains to any nffspaper Gport or ary earlier questions, the sr.rpporting.mabrful
srold abo be
12. An 'arswe/ to a question in the Hotrse $rall mt refur to the answer
b a question or proceedings h trc Cond dudqg a
oinent s€ssbn.
13. A supplementary question consequent to Oral ans$rer to a question may be held-'out of order' if h tE qirin-of
i. It does not arise from the main question or its arc$€r;
ii. Instead of seekihg inbrmation, it gives inbrmatbn;
iii. tt involrres morc than one separate issues;
iv. It seeks confirmatjon or denial of an opinion; and
v. It infringes any of the rules regarding questirns.
14. A Question may be addressed b a PRIVATE MEMBER provided the subject matter of the question relahs b sonn BILI.
RESOLUTION or OTHER MATTER conne@d with the business of the House fior wnid'r tnt particuhr rrcmber b
responsible. Procedure is'the same.
15. Ansurer to Parliament Quest'ons will be DEEMED To HAVE BEEN LAID ON THE TABLE. at the end of the
a) Qrestbn Hour, if-
If a question is without asterisk mark or if a question phced on the list of questiorts for oral ansu,er-on any day b not
called for answer within the time availabh for arswering questions on that &y;
b) If there is no Question Hotrr owhg to cancellation or Jsiting or ib a-djoummlnt without transacling any hrsiness for
QUetion Hour is dbpensed with tur any reason;
If the Qgetion Hour is intemrpted afur having taken up trte list of questions br oral an$,\,er and the list 's pargy
dbpos€d of, but the sitting continues.
16. If the 'last sifting of a Sesion' is cancelled, the Que$irns in the lbb of Qrestions br oral as well as writEn ansrrer fq
that day SHALL IAPSE.
When lhe question h qalled, the l.lember should ek tfn question. If not asked despi6 hb presene OR 6.19
Member is absent when the qtrestion is called, the Speaker may, at his discretion, direct that the ansrver
be given.

when a opy of the provisionally admitted question is received in the oncemed office, it b atbnded to, qiying top
priority. In case of mis*ent questbns, immediate steps are taken to see that it is transmitpd to
ffre oncenred. A dran rpply is
prepared on the basis of arrailable information and submitted along
with a rpE for s-rpptemortaries, h case of Starred
ouestions and Short Notice Questions. Any information/data requiredlor provftling ansurer
is called fur fiom the fieH units or
sqbordin3te offies by the quickest possible m@ns. The dnft is modified, if there isneed for dohg
so, after rE recept of finilly
admitted question.
The ansrrers are alwalrs to the point and onpteb. Unless intended, no evasive answeF are prwiled. If ttre
involvesdabonE iqformation (which would last for rs bonds or more), a staiement will be attacfied with all information and
fte repvg-!rc_( * ) questim it wiil be mqrtioned 'staternent being placed'
If the Qgeston is ln Hirdi language, the rcply will abo ue i;'uinOi. Englisfr translatjon is do prwiled.
If he repV to a Question call for senstive infurnration being disdosed, it may be stated 'that it may.not be h pt|blic
interest to answer the quesuon'. Eefore sendhg Oris kind of replv. the approval of the Minster irl ctrarge
has to'oe taksr.

Zerc Hour
-- lilormally, he first horr of the Hotrse i.e., A.M to !2.00 Noon b called
Questim Hour. The fu$ness of tfre
Hot6e starts after the question hour. The busineqs may irdude statement of the memders, papers
b be hit m the table
ng f3se or qhef legislative business. The slot immeoiatey afbr the questbn hour and before tfre start of the buiness of b
called Zero Fbur. It is called 'Zero" because there b m srcfr remgnised allotment df time
and this is ttre enqoadment q1 the
busineSs time of the Flouse. DttrirlS Zerc Hour, members are free 6 ask or to
ralse any issue whether tisbd or. unli*d withq.rt
any restriction. It b not mentioned in the Rutes of Busiiess of parlhment


The Speaker may allot Half-an*tour m 3 si[ings h a week for raidng discr.esion on a rnatbr of sufficient publk
importance which has been the glbiect of a recent questbn. Oral or WritEn, and tfre anslrrer to whili
needs furtrer efrrcHation
ff a matEr of lacl A member wishing to raise gdt a matter has to give notice in writing to tfre Seoetary€eierd of the
Hose concerned three dap h advane of the day on wfrftfi the nnneis dedred to be raised srdfying f,6 po;rnt
or pohts

dmt he wisties to raise aaompanied by an explanabry noE, statiqg the reasons for raising dlsos*n m the mattet irt
Only one Half an l-tcur disqrssion b allowed in me sitting. Only one disorssim in the name of one mernber h a week
No member can raise more than two disols$ms in one sessirn
The Speaker/Chairman may waive ttre requirernenG aorrcemhg the perbd of Notlcg with t|le cqent dttrc Minister
oncemed. It b not admitbd if. it is intended'b revise the.polLy. There b m nption mr any votiE. The rpn$er 'makes 3
stdbment and the MinisEr gives replv. Afur'the nrenrlg/.makes the statement, rtot more than FOUR renfprs who have
inUmated in advane i.e. before comrnencement of the sittirg, can put quesAons br furtrcr dariftatim (befurc On reply of the


. Thb b onp more device available b a Private Member to bring to the notiQe of the House ma'tErs d URGENT PUBI IC
IMPORTANCE to raise a disarcsion for short duration. A Member of Parliament desirous of raising a DISCIISSIOI,I Ot{ A l.lAT-It;R.
OF URGENT PUBUC IMPORTANCE nny give Notie ilr wdting, b the Secretary General of the House tmerned spetifying the
matter to be raised, together with an e)elanatory mb stating the reasors and urgetcy. The l{dti<- *todd be $pported'lry
adeast two members.
A Notice of Short Duration Dlsorssion, to be admissible, *rould. raise a nntter which is pnrnarfiy ttrc orcgrn of the
Unbn Goremment and strould not be based on unsrstahed allegations arrd strould not be hypotetical and t *urb involve an
ehment of Urgency. Only one mathr can be rdlsed in a l{,otice.
The Speaker, after due consideration of the matter and the urgency, may admit the notce and fr( the date fe.rr
disorssbn. Not more than TWO HOURS are allowed at or before the end of the sitting. The S@ may allov two
sittings in a week br Short Duratbn Disans;icn. BAC h(es the date. In Rajrc Sabha, the Chairman h snittalbn with Ute
leader of the House fxes the dae.
On the date fixed, wlrcn the member is called by Speaker, he makes a brief Statement and the Mi*sbr bdefly reptbs.
There is no fornral motion or vo6qg qr the matF. Thereafbr, members who gave priof intimafion, take part in disdtssion.
The Member who gave mtice for the discussion has NO RIGHT TO REPLY. The MinisEr makes a brief staEnrent by way of


A Miilisbr may make a Strc Moto Statement under Rule 372, ut a matter of public importance, wilfi the consent of tlre
Speaker. It could be on a Raikay accident or l{ajor E:pkr:ion or an occurrence qf serious nature. Thb uprrld pre-empt the
necessity fur Calling AtEntion or Adjoumment Motion. If there are any questions or Calling Attention or Adirrrrrent Motion on
the issue on tfn srbject, the Slo t'loto Statement shotld orrer all the relevant points. No quation $all be asled at the time
Bre stabrnent is made.
Afleast two copies strould be given to the Lok Sabha Secrctariat one day in advance or adeast at 10 AM on the day orl
whkh tte StaEment is proposed.(Remaining copies strould be provided by 10.30 AM) This will be inctuded in the Agenda orr
the date as frrdicated by the Minbter and normallv as a first item after the question hour and hying of papers.

Point of Order (Rule 376) relate to the hErpretation or enforcernent of Rules of Bushess of the Houe or
Constihrtional pmvisions and b raise a question wtridt is within the cognisance of the Speaker. Poht of Oder can be raised
only on the business on hand and only durhg tarsition from one business to another. No deb?te strall be afiowed on a Point
or Order, but the Speaker may, if he thi,nks fit, hear members before giving his decision. A Point of Order b not a pdnt of
privilege. A member shall not raise a point of order -
a. to ask br hfonnatbn; or
b. to erelain hb position; or
c. when a question on any motion b being putto the l-louse; or
d. whkh nny be hypothetical; or
e. that Division Belb did rct ring or were not heard.

Under Rule 377, a Member wfto wi*res h bring to the notke of the Hous any matEr whitt b mt a point of otder
shall give notie to the Secretary Genenl in writing stating brierffy tfre point wtridr he wistrcs to raise in the
Hogse togetherrtith reasons for wishing to raise iQ and he shall be permitted b do so, only after EE Spealer he girren
his consent and at srdr time and dab as ttre Speaker may fix.
The Notice shall saUsty the following calditions: i. it shall mt refer a matEr whidr is not drc qxnm rif the GoI;
slrall not exceed 250 uords; iii. It shall not cfihh argufnenB, inferenes, toonical el@ressbns, imptatins or defamabry
staEmenE & it stnll not refer to proeedhgs of a parfiamentary committee.
tlotice received during a week ommencjng hqn its first sitting till 10.00 hours on tte last day of the week qt whiclr
the Hotse siE shall be vald for that week No rnember Stal raise more than sre matter durirg the neek

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