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Part- A (4X5= 20 marks)
1. Read the following sentences and answer the questions below: (5 Marks)
a) The committee were divided in _____ opinion on how to manage the funds.
 His
 Their
 its
b) Both the boys and the girls were busy on _____ assignments.
 His or her
 Their
c) Someone left _____ book in my room.
 Their
 His or her
d) Ram and his classmates are busy planning ______ class’s field trip to Bangalore.
 Their
 His
e) Munnar has been an important tourist destination. ____ is a beautiful hill station with
compelling sceninc beauty.
 It
 Where
 What

2. Rearrange the jumbled sentences in order using the discourse markers (sentences S1 & S5
are in the right place): (5 Marks)
S1. Nilgiri Tahr is endemic to the Nilgiri Hills and is seen in parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala
P. Though they were found aplenty initially, unregulated hunting has brought its count to a mere
Q. The government has set up national parks and wildlife sanctuaries which are offering a perfect
refuge to these animals.
R. But for the Wildlife Protecion Act, this count could have further dwindled to mere hundreds.
S. Not only is it endemic, but also an endangered species which needs to be protected.
S5. One such endeavor is the Mukurthi National Park in Tamil Nadu.

3. Choose the right synonym of the word given in bold. (5 Marks)

Too many parents these days can’t say no. As a result, they find themselves raising ‘children’ who
respond greedily to the advertisements aimed right at them. Even getting what they want doesn’t
satisfy some kids; they only want more. Now, a growing number of psychologists, educators and
parents think it’s time to stop the madness and start teaching kids about what’s really important:
values like hard work, contentment, honesty and compassion. The struggle to set limits has never
been tougher—and the stakes have never been higher. One recent study of adults who were
overindulged as children, paints a discouraging picture of their future: when given too much too
soon, they grow up to be adults who have difficulty coping with life’s disappointments. They also
have distorted sense of entitlement that gets in the way of success in the work place and in
1. What word can replace the word ‘greedily’ in the passage.
a) enthusiastically b) actively c) desirously d) violently
2. What does the author mean by the word ‘madness’ in this passage.
a) mental instability b) craze c) retardation d) anger
3. State whether the following statement is true or false:
Overindulged children deal with the vicissitudes of life constructively.
4. State whether the following statement is true or false:
Children who are self-centered grow up to be adults who misapprehend the use of power.
5. Suggest a title for this passage

4. Present the following information in the form of a flow chart: (5 marks)

Earlier, it was quite difficult to withdraw money from the bank. People had to wait in long queues
for the same. With the coming of the Automated Teller Machine (ATM), this process has been
greatly simplified. This passage talks of the steps involved in withdrawing money from an ATM.
Firstly, the ATM card is inserted into the ATM. The machine asks to choose the appropriate
language of operation. Secondly, the language is selected. After that, the PIN is entered. Then, the
appropriate account for transaction is chosen. Then, the required amount is entered on the screen.
The ATM dispenses the receipt for the transaction which is collected by the user. The cash is
dispensed by the machine which is collected from the ATM. Finally, the ATM card is taken back
by the user.
By following the above-mentioned simple steps, money can be collected from an ATM anytime,
PART B (4X20= 80 marks)
5. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
African American civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was awarded the Nobel Peace
Prize for his nonviolent resistance to racial prejudice in America. At 35 years of age, the Georgia-
born minister was the youngest person ever to receive the award.
Martin Luther King, Jr., was born in Atlanta in 1929, the son of a Baptist minister. He received a
doctorate degree in theology and in 1955 organized the first major protest of the civil rights
movement: the successful Montgomery Bus Boycott. Influenced by Mohandas Gandhi, he
advocated nonviolent civil disobedience to racial segregation. The peaceful protests he led
throughout the American South were often met with violence, but King and his followers persisted,
and their nonviolent movement gained momentum.
A powerful orator, he appealed to Christian and American ideals and won growing support from
the federal government and northern whites. In 1963, he led his massive march on Washington, in
which he delivered his famous ‘‘I Have a Dream’’ address. In 1964, the civil rights movement
achieved two of its greatest successes: the ratification of the 24th Amendment, which abolished
the poll tax, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibited racial discrimination in
employment and education and outlawed racial segregation in public facilities. In October of that
year, King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He donated the prize money, valued at $ 54,600,
to the civil rights movement. In the late 1960s, King openly criticized U.S. involvement in Vietnam
and turned his efforts to winning economic rights for poor Americans. By that time, the civil rights
movement had begun to fracture, with activists such as Stokely Carmichael rejecting King’s vision
of nonviolent integration in favour of African American self-reliance and self-defence. In 1968,
King intended to revive his movement through an interracial ‘‘Poor People’s March’’ on
Washington, but on April 4 he was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, by escaped white convict
James Earl Ray, just a few weeks before the demonstration was scheduled to begin.

1) State if the following statements are True or False. (5 marks)

a) The late 60s saw the resurgence of Civil Rights Movement.
b) Dr. King was awarded the Nobel Prize for his peaceful resistance to racial discrimination.
c) The assassinator of Dr. King was already a criminal.
d) Civil Rights Act successfully ended prejudice based on colour in job opportunities.
e) The Bus Boycott movement organized by Dr. King was a big letdown.

2) What did Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., win the Nobel Peace Prize for? (2 mark)
a) Nonviolent resistance to racial prejudice b) African American self-reliance
c) Violent resistance to racial prejudice d) African American self-defense

3) This article describes a sequence of events. What happened in the sequence of events before
King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? (2 mark)
a) King donated $ 54,600 to the civil rights movement
b) King turned his efforts to winning economic rights for poor Americans
c) King planned an interracial ‘‘Poor People’s March’’ on Washington.
d) King led a massive March on Washington, in which he delivered his ‘‘I Have a Dream’’

4) Martin Luther King, Jr., was committed to nonviolent resistance to racial prejudice, even when
facing people who disagreed. What evidence from the text best supports this conclusion? (2 mark)
a) ‘‘The peaceful protests he led though out the American South were often met with violence,
but King and his followers persisted, and their nonviolent movement gained momentum.’’
b) ‘‘A powerful orator, he appealed to Christian and American ideals and won growing support
from the federal government and northern whites’’.
c) ‘‘By that time, the civil rights movement had begun to fracture, with activists such as Stokely
Carmichael rejecting King’s vision of nonviolent integration in favor of African American
self- reliance and self-defense”.
d) ‘‘In the late 1960s, King openly criticized U.S. involvement in Vietnam and turned his efforts
to winning economic rights for poor Americans.’’
5) Read these sentences from the text:
‘‘Influenced by Mohandas Gandhi, he advocated nonviolent civil disobedience to racial
segregation’’. Based on this evidence, what is the meaning of the word ‘‘advocated’’ in this
excerpt? (2 mark)
A) urged support of B) resisted C) acted against D) criticized
6) What did Dr. King advocate as a response to racial segregation? (2 mark)
7) Answer the following questions in one or two sentences: (2×2 ½ =5)
b) Identify two of King’s achievements that contributed to his winning the Nobel Peace Prize.
c) Why might King’s work and accomplishments have been considered especially prize

6. Write an essay on the topic, “The Role of Social Media during Covid Pandemic”
(20 marks)
7. Read the following job vacancy advertisement and apply for one of the posts called for.
Invent necessary details for the cover letter and resume. (20 marks)

8. The Principal of your institution has asked you to present a report on the need for offering
German Classes for Mechanical Engineering students. You have conducted a survey and
collected information from students on their expectations. Present a report incorporating
your study and findings. Your report should have a front page, an introduction, Study and
findings, recommendations and a conclusion. (20 marks)

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