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Group Check ID G201905200000029

.4N, 1-2,;\ Send with fee and attachments to:

CHAR500 NYS Office of the Attorney General 2017
Charities Bureau Registration Section
NYS Annual Filing for Charitable Organizations 28 Liberty Street
Open to Public New York, NY 10005 Inspection

1. General Information

0 1 0 1 1 2 3 1 2 0 1 7
For Fiscal Year Beginning (mm/dd/yyyy) / / 2017 and Ending (mm/dd/yyyy) _ / /
Name of Organization: Employer Identification Number (EIN):
Check if Applicable:
DONORS TRUST INC 5 2 2 1 6 6 3 2 7
Address Change

Name Change Mailing Address: NY Registration Number:

1800 DIAGAONAL RD STE 280 2 1 - 2 0 - 6 9

Initial Filing

Final Filing City / State / Zip: Telephone:

ALEXANDRIA VA 22314 703-535-3563
Amended Filing

Reg ID Pending Website: Email:


Check your organization's Confirm your Registration Category in the

0 7A only EPTL only DUAL (7A & EPTL) EXEMPT*
registration category: Charities Registry at

2. Certification
See instructions for certification requirements. Improper certification is a violation of law that may be subject to penalties. The certification requires two

We certi6, under penalties of perjury that we re ed this por including all attachments, and to the best of our knowledge and belief,
they are true, correct and comple ' • • • c• • .• e laws of the State of New York applicable to this report.
LAWS° N . BADER, PRESIDENT & CEO 05/1 5/2019
President or Authorized Officer: • a -. . - k ,14--A-aa..e. PrinLName and Title Date


Chief Financial Officer or Treasurer: .. -Aft4,
Print NAMP and Title nate
3. Annual Reporting Exemption / -
Check the exemption(s) that apply to your filing. If your organization is claiming an exemption under one category (7A or EPTL only filers) or both
categories (DUAL filers) that apply to your registration, complete only parts 1, 2, and 3, and submit the certified Char500. No fee, schedules, or additional
attachments are required. If you cannot claim an exemption or are a DUAL filer that claims only one exemption, you must file applicable schedules and
attachments and pay applicable fees.

3a. 7A filing exemption: Total contributions from NY State including residents, foundations, government agencies, etc. did not exceed $25,000
and the organization did not engage a professional fund raiser (PFR) or fund raising counsel (FRC) to solicit contributions during the fiscal year.

3b. EPTL filing exemption:Gross receipts did not exceed $25,000 and the market value of assets did not exceed $25,000 at any time during the
fiscal year.

4. Schedules and Attachments

See the following page
for a checklist of Yes X No 4a. Did your organization use a professional fund raiser, fund raising counsel or commercial co-venturer for
schedules and fund raising activity in NY State? If yes, complete Schedule 4a.
attachments to
complete your filing.
Yes X No 4b. Did the organization receive government grants? If yes, complete Schedule 4b.

5. Fee
See the checklist on the 7A filing fee: EPTL filing fee: Total fee:
next page to calculate your Make a single check or money order
fee(s). Indicate fee(s) you $ 25 $ 0 25 payable to:
are submitting here: "Department of Law"

CHAR500 Annual Filing for Charitable Organizations (Updated April 2018)

Page 1
*The "Exempt" category refers to an organization's NYS registration status. ft does not refer to its IRS ta.x designation.
CHAR500 Simply submit the certified CHAR500 with no fee, schedule, or additional attachments IF:
- Your organization is registered as 7A only and you marked the 7A filing exemption in Part 3.
- Your organization is registered as EPTL only and you marked the EPTL filing exemption in Part 3.
Annual Filing Checklist - Your organization is registered as DUAL and you marked both the 7A and EPTL filing exemption in Part 3.

Checklist of Schedules and Attachments

Check the schedules you must submit with your CHAR500 as described in Part 4:

• If you answered "yes" in Part 4a, submit Schedule 4a: Professional Fund Raisers (PFR), Fund Raising Counsel (FRC), Commercial Co-Venturers (CCV)

• If you answered "yes" in Part 4b, submit Schedule 4h: Government Grants

Check the financial attachments you must submit with your CHAR500:

El IRS Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF, and 990-T if applicable

in All additional IRS Form 990 Schedules, including Schedule B (Schedule of Contributors). Schedule B of public charities is exempt from disclosure
and will not be available for public review.
1---1 Our organization was eligible for and filed an IRS 990-N e-postcard. Our revenue exceeded $25,000 and/or our assets exceeded $25,000 in the
I—I filing year. We have included an IRS Form 990-EZ for state purposes only.

If you are a 7A only or DUAL filer, submit the applicable independent Certified Public Accountant's Review or Audit Report:

El Review Report if you received total revenue and support greater than $250,000 and up to $750,000.

• Audit Report if you received total revenue and support greater than $750,000

El No Review Report or Audit Report Is required because total revenue and support is less than $250,000

0 We are a DUAL filer and checked box 3a, no Review Report or Audit Report is required

Calculate Your Fee

Is my Registration Category 7A, EPTL, DUAL or EXEMPT?
For 7A and DUAL filers, calculate the 7A fee: Organizations are assigned a Registration Category upon
registration with the NY Charities Bureau:
O $0, if you checked the 7A exemption in Part 3a
7A filers are registered to solicit contributions in New York
111 $25, if you did not check the 7A exemption in Part 3a
under Article 7-A of the Executive Law r7A")

For EPTL and DUAL filers, calculate the EPTL fee: EPTL filers are registered under the Estates, Powers &Trusts
Law CEPTL") because they hold assets and/or conduct
• $0, If you checked the EPTL exemption in Part 3b activites for charitable purposes in NY.
El $25, If the NET WORTH is less than $50,000
DUAL filers are registered under both 7A and EPTL.
E] $50, if the NET WORTH Is $50,000 or more but less than $250,000
EXEMPT filers have registered with the NY Charities Bureau
El $100, if the NET WORTH is $250,000 or more but less than $1,000,000 and meet conditions in Schedule E - Registration
$250, if the NET WORTH Is $1,000,000 or more but less than $10,000,000 Exemption for Charitable Organizations. These
organizations are not required to file annual financial reports
Ej $750, if the NET WORTH is $10,000,000 or more but less than $50,000,000 but may do so voluntarily.

El $1500, if the NET WORTH Is $50,000,000 or more Confirm your Registration Category and learn more about NY
law at
Send Your Filing
Send your CHAR500, all schedules and attachments, and total fee to: Where do find my organization's NET WORTH?
NET WORTFI for fee purposes is calculated on:
NYS Office of the Attorney General - IRS From 990 Part I, line 22
Charities Bureau Registration Section - IRS Form 990 EZ Part I line 21
28 Liberty Street - IRS Form 990 PF, calculate the difference between
New York, NY 10005 Total Assets at Fair Market Value (Part II, line 16(c)) and
Total Liabilities (Part II, line 23(b)).
Need Assistance?
Call: (212) 416-8401

CHAR500 Annual Filing for Charitable Organizations (Updated April 2018) Page 2
Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax
OMB No. 1545-0047

Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except private foundations) 2017
10. Do not enter social security numbers on this form as it may be made public. Open to Public
Department of the Treasury I
Internal Revenue Sesvice 1 Go to for Instructions and the latest Information. Inspection
A For the 2017 calendar year, or tax year beginning , 2017, anti ending ,20
EI Check if appRcable: IC Name of organization Donors Trust , Inc . 0 Employer Identification number
El Address change Doing business as 52-2166327
Ei Name change Number ante sheet (or P.O. box if mall Is not delivered to street address) Room/state E Telephone number
0 Initial return I 1800 Diagonal Rd 2 80 (703)535-3563
El Final returenernelnated City cr town. slate ar province. country. and ZIP or foreign postal code
0 Amended mtum I Alexandria, VA 22314 G Gross receipts S 129,070,435.
Application pending F Name and address ot principal offtcer: Nei Isthis grouped= tar settadrestres70 Yes ig No
I Lawson R. Bader, 1800 Diagonal Rd Ste 280, Alexndria, VA 22314 N(b) Ara all subordinates Included? 0 Yes El No
a Tax-exempt status: El 501(03) 0501(c) ( ) (insert no.) El 4947(a)(1) or 0 527 it 'No," attach a list. (see instnections)
J Wobsito: WWw . donorstrust . orq H(c) Group exemption number
K Fenn of argenizationigl Corporation 0 Trust Association 0 Other I L Year
Yaw of formation:
formatter 19 9 91 M State of legal domicile: VA
Part I Summary
1 Briefly describe the organization's mission or most significant activities: SUPPORT CHARITIES & spoNsolt PROGRAM
, 2 Check this box lli. II if the organization discontinued its operations or disposed of more than 25% of ts net assets.
a 3 Number of voting members of the governing body (Part VI, line la) 3 4
c'Et 4 Number of Independent voting members of the governing body (Part VI, line lb) . . . 4 3
40 6 Total number of individuals employed in calendar year 2017 (Part V, line 2a) 5 e
- 6 Total number of volunteers (estimate If necessary) 8 0
a 7a Total unrelated business revenue from Part VIII. column (c), line 12 70 o.
b Net unrelated business taxable income from Form 990-T, Fine 34 7b O.
Prior Year Carted Year

0 8 =
Contributions and grants (Part VIII, line 1h) 89,187,534. 110,305,253.
0 9 Program service revenue (Part V111, line 2g) 330. 0.
r, 10 Investment income (Part VIII, column (A), lines 3, 4, and 7d) 3,395,391. 2,656,531.
11 Other revenue (Part VIII, column (A), lines 5, 6d. 8c, 9c, 10c, and 11e) . . . 51.
12 Total revenue-add lines 8 through 11 (must equal Part VIII, column (A), line 12) 92,583,255. 112,961,835.
13 Grants and similar amounts paid (Part IX, column (A), lines 1-3) 66.703,715. 110,635,290.
14 Benefits paid to or for members (Part 1X, column (A), line 4) O. O.
15 Salaries, other compensation, employee benefits (Part IX, column (A), lines 5-10) 1,086,690. 1,118,868.
1 168 Professional fundraising fees (Part IX, column (A), line 11e) O.
iKx b Total fundraising expenses (Part IX, column (D), Ilne 25) 10' 7 74 , 4 82 • .. , . , . ' . ' r.:.::::,1 ',..:1;;: '''..; :',....:'if ,:..,',.';V:1,..,..1:',::,.::
'a 17 Other expenses (Part IX, COlumn (A), lines 11a-11d, llf-24e) 827 , 952 . 1,027,637.
18 Total expenses. Add lines 13-17 (must equal Part IX, column (A), line 25) 68,618,357. 112,781,795.
19 Revenue leas expenses. Subtract line 18 from rine 12 23,964,898. 180,040.
:4 Beginning of Current Year End of Year
'1 20 Total assets (Part X line 16) 188,048,966. 211,057,394.
1 3 21
,, Total Hat:Aides (Part' X, line 26) 583,741. 628,099.
ii fi
XX 22 Net assets or fund balances. Subtract line 21 from line 20 187,465,225. 210 429,295.
Part II SigtlatUre 13100k
Under panatelas of pratury. I declare that I have examined this totem. Including accompanytng schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief. It Is
true, correct. and complete. Dectandlon of proParei (other than officer) Is based on all informatfon of which prepare? has any knowledge.

Sign sZo
., office
% Date
Nere La son R Bader, President & CEO
Type or print
print name
name and
PrlinnYawaiwepaters name Preparer's signature Date
Check D If
Pre pa rer
Use Only
Firrn's address a.
. Self-Prebare FiffeS EIN
Phone no.
May the IRS discuss this retum with the preparer shown above? (see instructions) glYes 0 NO
For Paperwork Reduction Act Nodce, se, the separate Instructions. BAA REVlanariSPRO Form NO C2017)
Fami 990 C2017) Page 2
WEIR Statement of Program Service Accomplishments
Check if Schedule 0 contains a response or note to any line in this Part III
1 Briefly describe the organizatIon's mission:

2 Did the organization undertake any significant program services during the year which were not listed on the
prior Form 990 or 990-E2? 0 Yes El No
If "Yes," describe these new services on Schedule O.
3 Did the organization cease conducting, or make significant changes In how it conducts, any program
services? 0 Yes rgi t4o
If "Yes," describe these changes on Schedule O.
4 Describe the organization's program se,rvice accomplishments for each of Its three largest program services, as measured by
expenses. Section 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations am required to report the amount of grants and allocations to otherS.
the total expenses, and revenue, if any, for each program service reported.

4a (Code: ) (Expenses $3.11 554 s 156 . Including grants of $ 110, 612, 406 . (Revenue $ 0 .
SQCIETY NEEDS, As oagggp WyERNmENTAL Ailypkypignmi

4b (Code: ) (Expenses $____ 25 §.25.94_, including grants of $ 22, 884 . )(Revenue $ 0 )


4c (Code: ) (Expenses $ including grants of $ ) (Revenue $

44:1 Other program services (Describe in Schedule 0.)

(Expenses $ including grants of $ ) (Revenue $
4e Total program service expenses OP 111, 809 , 660 .
Ray MilariO PRO Form 990(2017)
Form 990 (2017) Pogo 3
;MIME Checklist of Required Schedules
Yes No
1 Is the organization described in section 501(c)(3) or 4947(a)(1) (other than a private foundation)? If "Yes,"
complete Schedule A 1 X
2 Is the organization required to complete Schedule 9, Schedule of C.ontributors (see instructions)? . . 2 X
3 Did the organization engage in direct or indirect political campaign activities on behalf of or in opposition to
candidates for public office? ff "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part I 3
4 Section 501(c)(3) organizations. Did the organization engage in lobbying activities, or have a section 5ai(h)
election in effect during the tax year? If "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part // 4
5 Is the organization a section 501(c)(4). 501(c)(5), or 501(c)(6) organization that receives membership dues,
assessments, or similar amounts as defined in Revenue Procedure 98-19? If "Yes," complete Schedule C,
Part ill 5
6 Did the organization maintain any donor advised funds or any similar funds or accounts for which donors
have the right to provide advice on the distribution or Investment of amounts in such funds or accounts? ff
"Yes," complete Schedule D, Part I 8
7 Did the organization receive or hold a conservation easement, including easements to preserve open space,
the environment, historic land areas, or historic structures? ff "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part II . . 7
8 Did the organization maintain collections of works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets? /f "Yes,"
complete Schedule D, Part N 8
9 Did the organization report an amount in Part X, line 21, for escrow or custodial account liability, serve as a
custodian for amounts not listed in Part X; or provide credit counseling, debt management, credit repair, or
debt negotiation services? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part IV 9
10 Did the organization, directly or through a related organization, hold assets in tennporanly restricted
endowments, permanent endowments, or quasi-endowments? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part V . . 10
11 If the organization's answer to any of the following questions is "Yes," then complete Schedule D, Parts VI,
VII, V111, IX, or X as applicable.
a Did the organization report an amount for land, buildings, and equipment in Part X, line 10? If "Yes,"
complete Schedule D, Part VI 11a
b Did the organization report an amount for investments—other securities in Part X, line 12 that is 5% or more
of its total assets reported in Part X, line 16? If "Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part VII 11b
c Did the organization report an amount for investments—program related in Part X, line 13 that is 5% or more
of its total assets reported in Part X, line 16? if "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part VIII 11c
d Did the organization report an amount for other assets in Part X, line 15 that is 5% or more of its total assets
reported in Part X, line 16? If "Yes," complete Schedule D. Part IX 11d X
e Did the organization report an amount for other liabilities in Part X, line 25? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part X I 11e I x
f Did the organization's separate or consofidated financial statements for the tax year inr.lude a footnote that addresses
the organization's liabifity for uncertain tax positions under FIN 48 (ASC 740)7 If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part X . 11f I I X
12 a Did the organization obtain separate, independent audited financial statements for the tax year? ff -Yes," complete
Schedule D, Parts X1 and XII 12a
b Was the organization included in consolidated. independent audited financial statements for the tax year? If
"Yes," and if the organization answered lilo" to line 12a, then completing Schedule 0, Parts X1 and XII is optional 12b x
13 Is the organization a school described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii)? Y "Yes," complete Schedule E . . . . 13
14 a Did the organization maintain an office. employees, or agents outside of the United States? 14a
b Did the organization have aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmaking,
fundraising, business, investment, and program service activities outside the United States. or aggregate
foreign investments valued at $100,000 or more? if "Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts 1 and IV 114bl I x
is Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), One 3, more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to or
for any foreign organization? ff -Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts II and IV I 15 I Ix
18 Did the organization report on Part IX, column (A), line 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or other
assistance to or for foreign individuals? If "Yes." complete Schedule F. Parts III and IV I 18
17 Did the organization report a total of more than $15,000 of expenses for professional fundraising services on
Part IX, column (A), lines 6 and lle? ff 'Yes," complete Schedule G, Part I (see instructions) I 17 I I X
18 Did the organization report more than $15,000 total of fundraising event gross income and contributions on
Part VIII, fines lc and 8a? /1 'Yes," complete Schedule G, Part 11 I 18 I I X
19 Did the organization report more than $15.000 of gross income from gaming activities on Part VIII, line 9a?
If "Yes," complete Schedule G. Part 111 19 X
Form 990 (2017)

FtEv Maar le PRO

Form 990 (2017) Page 4
GM= Checklist of Required Schedules (continuec0
20a Did the organization operate one or more hospital facilities? If "Yes," complete Schedule 1-1 20a
b if "Yes" to line 20a, did the organization attach a copy of its audited financial statements to this retum? 20b
21 Did the organization report more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to any domestic organization or
domestic government on Part IX, column (A), line 1? If "Yes," complete Schedule 1, Parts I audit . . . 21
22 Did the organization report more than $5,000 of grants or other assistance to or for domestic individuals on
Part IX, column (A), line 2? If "Yes," complete Schedule 1, Parts I and HI 22 X
23 Did the organization answer "Yes" to Part VII, Section A, line 3, 4, or 5 about compensation of the
organization's current and former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated
employees? ff "Yes," complete Schedule J 23
24a Did the organization have a tax-exempt bond issue with an outstanding principal amount of more than
5100,000 as of the last day of the year, that was issued after December 31, 2002? If "Yes," answer lines 246
through 24d and complete Schedule K. If "No," go to line 25a 24a X
b Dld the organization invest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary period exception? . 24b
c Did the organization maintain an escrow account other than a refunding escrow at any time during the year
to defease any tax-exempt bonds? 24c
d Did the organization act as an "on behalf or issuer for bonds outstanding at any time during the year? . 24d
25a Section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), and 501(c)(29) organizations. Old the organization engage in an excess benefit
transaction with a disqualified person during the year? ff "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part 1 26a X
b Is the organization aware that it engaged in an excess benefit transaction with a disqualified person in a prior
year, and that the transaction has not been reported on any of the organization's prior Forms 990 or 9S0-EZ?
If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part 1 25b
26 Did the organization report any amount on Part X, line 5, 6, or 22 for receivables from or payables to any
current or former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, highest compensated employees, or
disqualified persons? ff "Yes," complete Schedule L, PEW 26
27 Did the organization provide a grant or other assistance to an officer, director, trustee, key employee,
substantial contributor or employee thereof, a grant selection committee member, or to a 35% controlled
entity or family member of any of these persons? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part III 27 X
28 Was the organization a party to a business transaction with one of the following parties (see Schedule L,
Part IV instructions for applicable filing thresholds, conditions, and exceptions):
a A current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part IV .
b A family member of a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee? If "Yes," complete
Schedule L, Part IV 28b X
c An entity of which a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee (or a family member thereof)
was an officer, director, trustee, or direct or indirect owner? ff "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part 11/ . . . 28c
29 Did the organization receive more ttian $25,000 in non-cash contributions? II "Yes," complete Schedule M 29 X
30 Did ihe organization receive contributions of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets, or qualified
conservation contributions? If "Yes," complete Schedule M 30
31 Did the organization liquidate, terminate, or dissolve and cease operations? If "Yes," complete Schedule N,
Part I 31
32 Did the organization sell, exchange, dispose of, or transfer more than 25% of its net assets? If "Yes,"
complete Schedule N, Part 11 32
33 Did the organization own 100% of an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations
sections 301.7701-2 and 301.7701-3? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Part 1 33
34 Was the organization related to any tax-exempt or taxable entity? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Part 11,
or IV, and Part V, line 1 34
35a Did the organization have a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)? 35a
b If "Yes" to line 35a, did the organization receive any payment from or engage in any transaction with a
controlled entity wtthin the meaning of section 512(b)(13)? If 'Yes," complete Schedule R, Part V, line 2 . . 35b
36 Section 501(c)(3) organizations. Did the organization make any transfers to an exempt non-charitable
related organization? If "Yes," complete Schedule R, Part V, line 2 36
37 Did the organization conduct more than 5% of its activities through an entity that Is not a related organization
and that Is treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes? If "Yes," complete Schedule R,
Partlfi 37
36 Did the organization complete Schedule 0 and provide explanations in Schedule 0 for Part VI, lines llb and
19? Note. All Form 990 filers are required to complete Schedule 0. 38
Form 990 (2017)
FtEV10/18/18 PRO
Form 990 (2017) Page 5
;ME Statements Regarding Other IRS Filings and Tax Compliance
Check if Schedule 0 contains a response or note to any line in this Part V
Yes No
la Enter the number reported in Box 3 of Form 1096. Enter -0- if not applicable . . . . 1 la I 13
b Enter the number of Forrns W-2G included in line la. Enter -0- if not applicable . . . . lb 0
c Did the organization comply with backup withholding rules for reportable payments to vendors and
reportable gaming (gambling) winnings to prize winners? lc
2a Enter the number of employees reported on Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax
Statements, filed for the calendar year ending with or within the year covered by this retum 2a 8
b if at least one is reported on line 2a, did the organization file all required federal employrnent tax returns? . 2b
Note. If the sum of lines la and 2a is greater than 250, you may be required to e-file (see instructions) . .
3a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? . . . . 3a X
b If "Yes," has it filed a Form 990-T for this year? If "No" to line 3b, provide an explanation in Schedule 0 . 3b
4a At any time during the calendar year, did the organization have an interest in, or a signature or other authority
over, a financial account in a foreign country (such as a bank account, securities account, or other financial
account)? 4a
b If "Yes," enter the name of the foreign country: ON.
See instructions for filing requirements for FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts
6a Was the organization a party to a prohbited tax shelter transaction at any time during the tax year? . . .
b Did any taxable party notify the organization that it was or is a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? 5b
c If "Yes" to line 5a or 5b, did the organization file Form 8886-T? 5c
6a Does the organization have annual gross receipts that are normally greater than $100,000, and did the
organization solicit any contributions that were not tax deductible as charitable contributions? Ba
b If "Yes," did the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or
gifts were not tax deductible? 6b
7 Organizations that may receive deductible contributions under section 170(c).
a Did the organization receive a payment in excess of $75 made partly as a contribution and partly for goods
and services provided to the payor? 7a
b If "Yes," dld the organization notify the donor of the value of the goods or services provided? 7b
c Did the organization sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of tangible personal property for which it was
required to file Form 8282? 7c X
d if "Yes," indicate the number of Forms 8282 filed during the year I 7d I
e Did the organization receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? 7e X
f Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or Indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? . 7f X
If the organization received a contribution of qualified intellectual property, did the organization file Forrn 8899 as required? 7g
If the organization received a contribution of cars, boats, airplanes, or other vehicles, did the organization file a Form 1098-C? 7h
8 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds. Did a donor advised fund Maintained by the
sponsoring organization have excess business holdings at any time during the year? X
9 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds.
a Did the sponsoring organization make any taxable distributions under section 4966? 9a
b Did the sponsoring organization make a distribution to a donor, donor advisor, or related person? . . 9b
10 Section 501(c)(7) organizations. Enter:
a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on Part VIII, line 12 10a
b Gross receipts, included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12, for public use of club facilities 10b
11 Section 501(c)(12) organizations. Enter:
a Gross income from members or shareholders lla
b Gross income from other sources (Do not net amounts due or paid to other sources
against amounts due or received from them ) 11b
12a Section 4947(a)(1) non-exempt charitable trusts. Is the organization filing Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041? 12a
b If "Yes," enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year . . I12b I
13 Section 501(c)(29) qualified nonprofit health insurance issuers.
a Is the organization licensed to Issue qualified health plans In more than one state? 13a
Note. See the Instructions for additional infomiation the organization must report on Schedule O.
Enter the arnount of reserves the organization is required to maintain by the states in which
the organization is licensed to issue qualified health plans 13
p.3_1 L
Enter the amount of reserves on hand I13c
14a Dld the organization receive any payments for indoor tanning scevices during the tax year? . . . 14a
If "Yes," has it filed a Form 720 to report these payments? If "No." provide an explanation in Schedule 0 . 14b
REV loileitsPRo Form 990(2017)
Form 990 (2017) Page 6
gian Governance, Management, and Disctesure For each "Yes" response to lines 2 through 7b below, and for a "iVo"
response to line 8a, 8b, or 10b below, describe the circumstances, processes, or changes in Schedule a See instructions.
Check if Schedule 0 contains a response or note to any line in this Part VI CI
Section A. Governing Body and Management
Yes No
1a Enter the number of voting members of the governing body at the end of the tax year . . la 4
If there are material differences In voting rights among members of the governing body, or
if the goveming body delegated broad authority to an executive committee or similar •
committee, explain in Schedule O.
b Enter the number of voting members included in line la, above, who are Independent . lb 3
2 Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee have a family relationship or a business relationship with
any other officer, director, trustee, or key employee? 2 X
3 Did the organization delegate control over management duties customarily performed by or under the direct
supervision of officers, directors, or trustees, or key employees to a management company or other person? . 3 x
4 Did the organization make any significant changes to its governing documents since the prior Form 990 was filed? 4
5 Did the organization become aware during the year of a significant diversion of the organization's assets? 5
6 Did the organization have members or stockholders? 6
7a Did the organization have members, stockholders, or other persons who had the power to elect or appoint
one or more members of the governing body? 7a
b Are any govemance decisions of the organization reserved to (or subject to approval by) members,
stockholders, or persons other than the governing body? 7b
8 Did the organization contemporaneously document the meetings held or written actions undertaken during
the year by the following: ..
a The goveming body? 8a x
b Each committee with authority to act on behalf of the goveming body? 8b X
8b X
9 Is there any officer, director, trustee, or key employee listed in Part VII, Section A, who cannot be reached at
the organization's mailing address? If "Yes," provide the names and addresses in Schedule 0 9 X
Section B. Policies (This Section B requests infonnation about policies not required by the internal Revenue Code.)
Yes No

10a Did the organization have local chapters, branches, or affiliates? 10a X
b If "Yes," did the organization have written policies and procedures goveming the activities of such chapters,
affiliates, and branches to ensure their operations are consistent with the organization's exempt purposes? 10b
11a Has the organization provided a complete copy of this Forre 990 to all members of its governing body before filing Me form? 11a
b Describe in Schedule 0 the process, if any, used by the organization to review this Form 990.
12a Did the organization have a written conflict of interest policy? If "No," go to line 13 ii;
b Were officers, directors, or trustees, and key employees required to disclose annually interests that could give rise to conflicts? 12b
c Did the organization regularly and consistently monitor and enforce compliance with the policy? If "Yes,"
describe in Schedule 0 how this was done 12c
13 Did the organization have a written whistleblower policy? 13 X
14 Did the organization have a written document retention and destruction policy? 14
15 Did the process for determining compensation of the followhig persons include a review and approval by
independent persons, comparability data, and contemporaneous substantiation of the deliberation and decision?
a The organization's CEO, Executive Director, or top management official 15a
b Other officers or key employees of the organization 15b
If "Yes" to line 15a or 15b, describe the process in Schedule 0 (see instructions).
16a Did the organization invest in, contribute assets to, or participate in a joint venture or similar arrangement
with a taxable entity during the year? 16;
b If "Yes," did the organization follow a written policy or procedure requiring the organization to evaluate its
participation in joint venture arrangements under applicable federal tax law, and take steps to safeguard the
organization's exempt status with respect to such arrangements?
Section C. Disclosure
17 List the states with which a copy of this Form 990 is required to be filed10.
18 Section 6104 requires an organization to make its Forms 1023 (or 1024 if applicable), 990, and 990-T (Section 501(c)(3)s only)
available for public inspection. Indicate how you made these available. Check all that apply.
1:1 Own website El Another's website Ej Upon request D Other (explain In Schedule 0)
19 Describe in Schedule 0 whether (and if so, how) the organization made its goveming documents, conflict of interest policy, and
financial statements available to the public during the tax year.
20 State the name, address, and telephone number of the person who possesses the organization's books and records: 0-
Donors Trust, 1800 Diagonal Rd Ste 280 , Alexandria„ VA 22314 003)53S-3563
REV 1tV113/18 PRO Fomi 990 (2017)
Form 990 (2017) Page 7
Part VII Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated Employees, and
Independent Contractors
Check if Schedule 0 contains a response or note to any line In this Part VII
Section A. Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees
la Complete this table for all persons required to be listed. Report compensation for the calendar year ending with or within the
organizatIon's tax year.
• List all of the organization's (=rent officers, directors, trustees (whether individuals or organizations), regardless of amount of
compensation. Enter -0- In columns (D), (E), and (F) if no compensation was paid.
• Ust all of the organization's current key employees, if any. See Instructions for definition of "key employee."
• List the organization's five current highest compensated employees (other than an officer, director, trustee, or key employee)
who received reportable compensation (i3ox 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-MISC) of more than $100,000 from the
organization and any related organizations.
• Ust all of the organization's forrner officers, key employees, and highest compensated employees who received rnore than
$100,000 of reportable c,ompensation from the organization and any related organizations.
• List all of the organization's forrner directors or trustees that received, in the capacity as a former director or trustee of the
organization, more than $10,000 of reportable compensation from the organization and any related organizations.
Ust persons In the following order: individual trustees or directors; Institutional trustees; officers; key employees; highest
compensated employees; and former such persons.
El Check this box if neither the organization nor any related organization compensated any current officer, director, or trustee.

(A) Position
On (0) (E) in
(do not check more than one
Name and Tele Average box, unless parson Is both an Reputable Reportable Estimated
hours per officer and a directoritrustee) compensation compensation from amount of
week (list any tram related other
hours for ng.e g Ra ..cF. i 1 - the organizatiens compensation
related 18:q qi a organization ON•2/1099•MIS0) from the
organizations & 1.7 (W-2/1099-1111SC) organization
below dotted .. g 8 and related
tine) iI organizations
a 1
0)Lawson R Bader 42.00
President & CEO 3.00 X X 306,655. O. 30,666.
MKimheEly 0 Dennis - 1.00
Chairman 0.50 X O. O. O.
Agames Piereson - 0.50
Vice Chairman 0.00 X O. O. O.
_04Thomas E Beach 0.50
Director , 0.00 X O. O. O.
Olgeffrey C Kysik - 42.00,
X 248,700. O. 24,870.
. CFO, Treas. A 3.00
_ffiLEt. r. 4....Liosett
. 45.00
Dir Growth Strat/Secretary 0.00 X X 152,630. O. 15,263.


pa_ -
o2) - .

113) '
. .
IN -
REV 1OREV1IIRRO Fenn WO (2017)
Form 990 (2017) Page 8
MEM I Section A. Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees (cantina
(A) Position
On (do rust check rnoro than ono CO) CP (F)
Name and title Averago box. unless person Is both an Reportable Reportable Estimated
Nom Por officer and a directontrustee) oomPoosoliort comPeosation from amount of
' from related other
week (list am/
hours for
I 2
— il 1
i 14
la X the organizations
1 organization (W-2/1099-MISC)
from the
organizations n §. '` (W-2/1099-MISC) organization
below dotted QI k i 1 and related
One) organizations
8 i


. .


lb Sub-total . 10. 707,985. O. 70,799.
c Total from continuation sheets to Part VU, Section A 10
d Total (add lines lb and 1c) ii* 707,985. 0. 70,799.
2 Total number of individuals fincludina but not limited to those listed abovel who received more than $100.000 of
reportable compensation from the organization 10. 3
Yes No
3 Did the organization fist any former officer, director, or trustee, key employee, or highest compensated
employee on line la? lf -Yes," complete Schedule J for such Individual 3 X
4 For any Individual listed on line la, is the sum of reportable compensation and other compensation from the
organization and related organizations greater than $150,000? lf "Yes," complete Schedule J for such
individual X
s Did any person listed on line la receive or accrue compensation from any unrelated organization or individual
for services rendered to the organization? lf "Yes," complete Schedule J for such person 5
Section B. Independent Contractors
1 Complete this table for your five highest compensated independent contractors that received more than $100,000 of
compensation from the organization. Report compensation for the calendar year ending with or within the organization's tax
(A) (B) (C)
Name and business address Description of services Compensation
Claire Kittle, 1490 Greenshade Way, Mount Pleasant , SC 29466 Achinistrative al recruitiag services 150,000.

2 Total number of independent contractors (including but not limited to those listed above) who •
received more than $100,000 of compensation from the organization IP. 1 • •
REV merle PRO Form 990(2017)
Form 990 (2017) Page 9
Statement of Revenue
Check If Schedule 0 contains a response or note to any line in this Part VIII
(A) MO (C) (D)
• Total revenue Related or Urvelated Revenue
exempt business exduded from tax
function revenue under sections
mvwue 512-514
c , 1a Federated campaigns . . . la
o b Membership dues . . . . lb
4. 4 c Fundraising events . . . . lc .
4,A d Related organizations . . . ld
,c7 T e Government grants (contributions) le
1re f Ali other contributions, gilts, grants,
Sk and similar amounts not induded above if no , 305, 253 .
.0 -5
c .0 g encash contributions Included In Imes la-11: S 9 , 880 , 853 .
o c
o CO h Total. Add lines la-lf lo. 110,305,253. .
= Business Codo . . .. .. . ... . .. . . _ . ..._. . ... _

g; 2a E2t2ense reimbursement 561000 0. 0. 0. 0.
cc b
8 c
tn d
E e
0 f All Other program service revenue .
. .
rt. 9 Total. Add lines 2a-21 0. . .. .
3 Investment income (including dividends, interest,
and other similar amounts) 10' 1,869,366. 0. O. 1,869,366.
4 Income from investment of tax-exempt laond proceeds
5 Royalties 10.
.. ..
(I) Real (1i) Personal
. . .
• . .
ea Gross rents . . ..
b Less: rental expenses • .
c Rental income or (loss) . , ... .... _ _. ., .. .. ... _.._ _ ...__ ..
d Net rental income or Coss) P.
7a GrOSs Mount from sales ol Ol Securities OD Other . • ,
assets other than Inventory 16 ,895,765. . -
b Less: cost or other basis
and sales expenses . 16,108,600.
c Gain or (loss) . . 787,165. ..... .. ___ .. .......... .... ..... _ .... ...._........ __
d Net gain or (loss) IP' 787,165. 0 ., . 787,165.

ea Gross income from fundraising .
> events (not including S •
0 '
co of contributions reported on line 1c). •
L See Part IV, line 18
4D a
g b Less: direct expenses . . . . b
c Net incorne or Coss) from fundraising events . I,
...__ ...._.... ; . ... _________...
. •
9a Gross inr.ome from gaming activities.
See Part IV, line 19 a
b Less: direct expenses . . . . b .. ._.._ .. .._... . ... .. ___. __. _..
c Net income or Coss) from gaming activities . . IP.
10a Gross sales of inventory, less
returns and allowances . . . a
b Less: cost of goods sold . . . b •• ,
c Net Income or (loss) from sales of inventory . . Ix.
Miscellaneous Revenue Business Code • .
______ ...)
lla Em reimbursement 561000 51 . 51 . 0. 0.
d All other revenue
e Total. Add lines 11a-11d P. 51 . • .
12 Total revenue. See instructions 0. 112,961,835. 51 . O. 2,656,531.
REV 1W18/18 PRO Form OSU (2017)
Form 990 (2017) Page 10
Part IX Statement of Functional Expenses
Section 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations must complete all columns. All other organkations must complete column (A).
Check if Schedule 0 contains a response or note to any line in this Part IX CI
Do not Include amounts reported on lines 66, 7b, (A) 03) (c) (c)
Total expenses Program service Management anti Fundraising
8b, 9b, and 10b of Part 1/111. menses general expenses expenses
1 Grants and other assistance to domestic organizations
and domestic governments. See Part IX Me 21 . . 110,635,290. 110,635,290.
2 Grants and other assistance to domestic • 1

individuals. See Part IV, line 22 0. O.
3 Grants and other assistance to foreign
organizations, foreign governments, and foreign
individuals. See Pan IV, lines 15 and 16 . . . O. 0. . ... . . .
4 Benefits paid to or for members . . . O. O. :
5 Compensation of current officers, directors,
trustees, and key employees 720,835. 900,294. 94,056. 226,485.
6 Compensation not included above, to disqualified
persons (as defined under section 4958(1)(1)) and
persons described in section 4958(c)(3)(B) . 0. O. 0. O.
7 Other salaries and wages 230,481. 180,911. 7,671. 41 899 .
8 Pension plan accruals and contributions (include
section 40104 and 403(b) employer contributions) 95,132. 52,183. 12,850. ' 30,099.
9 Other employee benefits 13,080. 7 , 4 63 . 1,571. 9,046.
10 Payroll taxes 59,340. 32,598. 8,282. 18,460.
11 Fees for services (non-employees):
a Management 150,000. 150,000. 0. 0.
b Legal 16,786., 16,786. 0. 0.
c Accounting 47,870. 27,286. 5,744. 14 890.
d Lobbying
e Professional fundraising services. See Part IV, !hell
I Investment management fees 121,228. 112,502. 8,726. 0.
g Other. (if line llg amount exceeds 10% of line 25, column
(A) amount, list fine llg expenses on Schedule 0.) . 34,717. 2,134. 6,437. 26,146.
12 Advertising and promotion 105,447. 0. 0. 105,447.
13 Office expenses 11,775. 6,325.. 2,033. 3,417.
14 Information technology 42,691. 20,817. 10,629. 11,245.
15 Royalties
16 Occupancy 135,663. 77,599. 16,144. 41,920.
17 Travel 14,133. 0. 14,133. 0.
18 Payments of travel or entertainment expenses
for any federal, state, or local public officials
19 Conferences, conventions, and meetings 268,528. 42,399. 0. 226,129.
20 Interest
21 Payments to affiliates ,
22 Depreciation, depletion, and amortization 19,834. 11,345. 2,360. 6,129.
23 Insurance 11,106. 6,352. 1, 322 . 3, 4 32 .
24 Other expenses. Itemize expenses not covered
above (List miscellaneous expenses in line 24e. If .
tine 24e amount exceeds 10% of line 25, column .
(A) amount, list tine 24e expenses on Schedule O ) .. . .. ._ _ _.
a Printin2 & production 7 , 804 . 4,464. 929 . 2 , 411 .
b Postase & delivery 10,395. 5, 946 . 1,237. 3,212.
c Telephone 7 , 674 . 4,390. 913 . 2 371 .
d Dues, Subscriptions 14,210. 8,128. 1,691. 4,391.
e All other expenses 7 , 776 . 4,448. 925 . 2,403.
25 Total functional expenses. Add fines 1 through 24e 112 , 781, 795 . 111, 809, 660 . , 197,653. 774,482.
26 Joint costs. Complete this line only if the
organization reported in column (B) joint costs
from a combined educational carnpaigLi and
fundraising solicitation Chedc here 10 DI if
following SOP 98-2 (ASO 958-720) . . . .
REY 10116/18 PRO Foim 990 e2017)
Form 990 (2017) Page 11
;MN Balance Sheet
Check if Schedule 0 contains a response or note to anv line in this Part X
(A) (B)
Beginning of year End of year
1 Cash—non-interest-bearing 1
2 Savings and temporary cash investments 59,656,691. 2 61,102,622.
3 Pledges and grants receivable, net 3
4 Accounts receivable, net 0. 4 0.
6 ;
Loans and other receivables from current and former officers, directors,
trustees, key employees, and highest compensated employees. .... _
Complete Part II of Schedule L 5
6 Loans and other receivables from other disquafified persons (as defined under section •
4958NID, Parsons described in section 4958(c)(3)(8), and contnbuting employers and
sponsoring organizations of section 501(cX9) voluntary employees' beneficiary .._._ . .. .
organizations (see instructions). Complete Part II of Schedule L 6
7 Notes and loans receivable, net 7
< 8 Inventories for sale or use 8
9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 9
10a Land, buildings, and equipment: cost or
other basis. Complete Part VI of Schedule D ipa 202,899. . ...... .
b Less: accumulated depreciation . . . . 10b 72,841. 146,142 . 10c 130,058.
11 Investments—publicly traded securities 55,434,508. 11 62,959,100.
12 Investments—other securities. See Part IV, line 11 72,688,652. 12, 86,536,555.
13 Investments—program-related. See Part IV, line 11 13
14 Intangible assets 14
15 Other assets. See Part IV, line 11 122,973. 15 329,059.
16 Total assets. Add lines 1 through 15 (must equal line 34) 188,048,966. 16 211,057,394.
17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 583,741. 17 628,099.
18 Grants payable 18
19 Deferred revenue 19
20 Tax-exempt bond liabilities 20
21 Escrow or custodial account liability. Complete Part IV of Schedule D . 21
ce n Loans and other payableS to current and former officers, directors,
e ,'
.=. trustees, key employees, highest compensated employees, and .. .. .. . __
.13 disqualified persons. Complete Part II of Schedule L 22
—I 23 Secured mortgages and notes payable to unrelated third parties . 23
24 Unsecured notes and loans payable to unrelated third parties . . 24
26 Other liabilities (including federal income tax, payables to related third
parties, and other liabilities not included on lines 17-24). Complete Part X
of Schedule D 25
26 Total liabilities. Add fines 17 through 25 . 583,741. 26 628 , 099 .
Organizations that follow WAS 117 (ASC 958), check here low and

as 27
complete lines 27 through 29, and lines 33 and 34.
Unrestricted net assets
. .. ._ . ___ ______ __ .
187,465,225. 27
l i 28 Temporarily restricted net assets 28
ts 29 Permanently restricted net assets 29
e I
u. Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117 (ASO 958), check here Ir. • and
L. complete lines 30 through 34, I
s 30 Capital stock or tnrst principal, or current funds 30
31 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building, or equipment fund . . . 31
i32 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds . 32
'23 33 Total net assets or fund balances 187,465,225. 33 210,429,295.
34 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances 188,048,966. 34 211,057,394.
Rare SU() (2017)

REV 10/16/18 PRO

Form 990 (2017) Page 12
GP11101 Reconciliation of Net Assets
Check if Schedule 0 contains a reSpOnse or note to an line in this Part XI
1 Total revenue (must equal Part VIII, column (A), line 12) 1 112,961,835.
2 Total expenses (must equal Part IX, column (A), line 25) 2 112,781,795.
3 Revenue less expenses. Subtract line 2 from line 1 3 180,040.
4 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (must equal Part X, line 33, column (A)) . . 4 187,465,225.
5 Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments 5 22,784.030.
Donated services and use of facilities 6
7 Investment expenses 7
8 Prior period adjustments 8
9 Other changes in net assets or fund balances (explain In Schedule 0) 9
10 Net assets or fund balances at end of year. Combine lines 3 through 9 (must equal Part X, line
33, column (B)) 10 210,429,295.
;MOM Financial Statements and Reporting
Check if Schedule 0 contains a response or note to any line in this Part XII . . . . . ........
Yes No
1 Accounting method used to prepare the Form 990: 0 Cash Accrual 0 Other
If the organization changed its method of accounting from a prior year or checked "Other," explain in
Schedule O.
2a Were the organization's financial statements compiled or reviewed by an independent accountant? . . . -2a X
If "Yes," check a box below to indicate whether the financial statements for the year were compiled or
reviewed on a separate basis, consolidated basis, or both:
0 Separate basis CI Consolidated basis Both consolidated and separate basis
b Were the organization's financial statements audited by an independent accountant?
If "Yes," check a box below to indicate whether the financial statements for the year were audited on a
separate basis, consolidated basis, or both:
CI Separate basis Consolidated basis 0 Both consolidated and separate basis
c If "Yes" to line 2a or 2b, does the organization have a committee that assumes responsibility for oversight
of the audit, review, or compilation of Its financial statements and selection of an independent accountant? 2c
If the organization changed either its oversight process or selection process during the tax year, explain in
Schedule O. _
3a As a result of a federal award, was the organization required to undergo an audit or audits as set forth in
the Single Audit Act and OMB Circular A-133? 3a
b If "Yes," did the organization undergo the required audit or audits? If the organization did not undergo the
required audit or audits, explain why in Schedule 0 and describe any steps taken to undergo such audits. 3b
Fowl 990 (2017)

REv lone/18m
SCHEDULE A Public Charity Status and Public Support
(Form 990 or 990-EZ)
Contplete d the organization Is a secdon 501(c1(3) organization or a section 4947(aII1) nonexempt charitable trust.
Department of the Treasury Attach to Forrn 090 or Form 800-62. Open to Public
internal Revenue Service P. Go to www.lmgov/Form990 for Instructions and the latest information. Ins •ection
Name of the organization Employer Identlficetton number
Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327
Reason for Public Charity Status (All organizations must complete this_part.) See instructions.
The organization is not a private foundation because it is: (For lines 1 through 12, check only one box.)
1 0 A church, convention of churches, or association of churches described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(0.
2 0 A school described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii). (Attach Schedule E (Form 990 or 990-EZ).)
3 0 A hospital or a cooperative hospital service organization described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ili).
4 0 A medical research organization operated in conjunction with a hospital described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(111). Enter the
hospital's name. city, and state:
5 0 An organization operated for the benefit of a college or university owned or operated by a governmental unit described in
section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv). (Complete Part 11.)
6 0 A federal, state, or local government or governmental unit described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(vb
7 0 An organization that normally receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or from the general public
described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). (Complete Part II.)
8 0 A community trust described in section 170(b)(1)(11)(A- (Complete Part II.)
9 An agricultural research organization described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ix) operated in conjunction with a land-grant college
or university or a non-land-grant college of agriculture (see instructions). Enter the name, city, and state of the college or
io El An organization 'that normally receives: (Elmore than 35f/36/0 Ofits support from contributions, membership fees, and gross
receipts from activities related to its exempt functions—subject to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 331,3% of its
support from gross investment income and unrelated business taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses
acquired by the organization after June 30, 1975. See section 5090)(2). (Complete Part III.)
11 0 An organization organized and operated exclusively to test for public safety. See section 509(a)(4).
12 0 An organization organized and operated exclusively for the benefit of, to perform the functions of, or to carry out the purposes
of one or more publicly supported organizations described in section 509(a)(1) or section 509(a)(2). See section 509(a)(3).
Check the box in lines 12a through 12d that describes the type of supporting organization and c.omplete lines 12e, 121, and 12g.
a 0 Type 1. A supporting organization operated, supervised, or controlled by its supported organization(s), typically by giving
the supported organization(s) the power to regularly appoint or elect a majority of the directors or trustees of the
supporting organization. You must complete Part IV, Sections A and B.
b 0 Type II. A supporting organization supervised or controlled in connection with its supported organization(s), by having
control or management of the supporting organization vested in the same persons that control or manage the supported
organization(s). You must complete Part IV, Sections A and C.
c Type III functionally Integrated. A supporting organization operated in connection with, and functionally integrated with,
its supported organization(s) (see instructions). YOU must complete Part IV, Sections A, D, and E.
d 0 Type III non-functionally integrated. A supporting organization operated in connection with its supported organization(s)
that is not functionally integrated. The organization generally must satisfy a distribution requirement and an attentiveness
requirement (see instructions). You must complete Part IV, Sections A and D, and Part V.
e D Check this box if the organization received a written determination from the IRS that it is a Type I, Type IL Type III
functionally integrated, or Type III non-functionally integrated supporting organization.
Enter the number of supported organizations
Provide the following information about the supported organization(s).
0) Name of supported organization Si) EIN (in Type of organization (lid Is Via organization (v) Amount ol monetary (vi) AmOurd of
(described on lines 1-10 listed In year governing support (see other support (see
above (see InsuuctIons)) docurrent? Instructions) Insuuctions)
Yes No





Total -
For PapenNork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions far Farm 990 990-EZ. BAA Schedule A (Farm ario or 9011.E.21 2017
REV ton ene PRO
Schedule A (Form 990 or 990•EZ) 2017 Page 2
Part II Support Schedule for Organizations Described in Sections 170(b)(1)(A)(1v) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi)
(Complete only if you checked the box on line 5, 7, or 8 of Part I or if the organization failed to qualify under
Part III. H the organization fails to qualify under the tests listed below, please complete Part III.)
Section A. Public Support
Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) 11. (a) 2013 (b) 2014 (c) 2015 (d) 2016 (e) 2017 (f) Total
1 Gifts, grants, contributions, and
membership fees received. (Do not
include any"unusual grants.") . . . 103,380,831. 65,582,036, 83,121,978. 89,187,534. 110,305,253. 451,577,632.
2 Tax revenues levied for the
organization's benefit and either paid
to or expended on its behalf . . .
3 The value of services or facilities
furnished by a governmental unit to the
organization without charge . . . .
4 Total. Add lines 1 through 3 . . . . 103,380,831. 65,582,036. B3,121,978. 89,187,534. 110,305,253. 451,577,632.
5 The portion of total contributions by
•• •
each person (other than a
governmental unit or publicly
supported organization) included on
line 1 that exceeds 2% of the amount ' .
shown on line 11, column (f) . . . . , 185,778,999.

• • • • • • - • • - •
6 Public support. Subtract line 5 from line 4 • • ' 265,798,633.
Section B. Total Support
Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) Po (a) 2013 (b) 2014 (c) 2015 (0) 2016 (e) 2017 (1) Total
7 Amounts from line 4 103,380,831. 65,58:
103,380,831. 65,582,036. 83,121,978. 89,187,534. 110,305,253. 451,577,632.
8 Gross income from interest, dividends,
payments received on securities loans,
rents, royalties, and income from
similar sources 270,233. 4 59, 5 9,577. 1,055,284. 2,746,041. 1,869,366. 6,400,501.
9 Net income from unrelated business
activities, whether or not the business
is regularly carried on
10 Other income. Do not include gain or
loss from the sale of capital assets
(Explain in Part VI.)
11 Total support Add lines 7 through 10 . . 457,978,133.
12 Gross receipts from related activities, etc. (see instructions) I 12 I 0.
13 First fnre years. If the Form 990 is for the organization's first, second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a section 501(c)(3)
organizaticm, check this box and stop here 01' 0

Section C. Computation of Public Support Percentage

14 Public support percentage for 2017 (line 6, column (f) divided by line 11, column (0) . . . . 14 I 5 8.04 ')/0
15 Public support percentage from 2016 Schedule A, Part II, line 14 I 15 I 64 . 56 °A
16a 331/3% support test-2017. If the organization did not check the box on line 13, and line 14 Is 33'n% or more, check this
box and stop here. 'The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization El
b 331/3% support test-2016. If the organization did not check a box on line 13 or 16a, and line 15 Is 331/a% or more, checic
this box and stop here. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization 0
170 10%-facts-and-circumstances test-2017.If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, or 16b, and line 14 is
10% or more, and if the organization meets the "facts-and-circumstances" test. check this box and stop here. Explain in
Part VI how the organization meets the "facts-and-circumstances" test. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported
organization IP. 0

b 10%-facts-and-circumstances test-2016.1f the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, 16b, or 17a, and line
15 is 10% or more, and if the organization meets the "facts-and-circumstances" test, check this box and stop here.
Explain in Part VI how the organization meets the "facts-and-circumstances" test. The organization qualifies as a publicly
supported organization
18 Private foundation. If the organization did not check a box on line 13, 16a, 16b, 17a, or 17b, check this box and see
Instructions 0
Schedule A (Form 000 or 990-E2) 2017

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Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 Page 3
YULE Support Schedule for Organizations Described in Section 509(a)(2)
(Complete only if you checked the box on line 10 of Part I or if the organization failed to qualify under Part II.
If the organization fails to qualify under the tests listed below, please complete Part II.)
Section A. Public Support
Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) 10. (a) 2013 (b) 2014 (c) 2015 (d) 2016 (e) 2017 (f) Total
1 Gifts, grants, contributions, and membership fees
received. (Do not inctude any "unusual grants.")
2 Gross receipts from admissions, merchandise
sold or services performed, or facilities
furnished in any activity that is related to the
organization's tax-exernpt purpose . . .
3 Gross receipts from activities that are not an
unrelated trade or business under section 513
4 Tax revenues levied for the
organization's benefit and either paid to
or expended on its behalf . . . •
5 The value of services or facilities
furnished by a governmental unit to the
organization without charge . . . .
6 Total. Add lines 1 through 5 . . . .
7a Amounts included on lines 1, 2, and 3 '
received from disqualified persons
b Amounts induded on lines 2 and 3
received from other than disqualified
persons that exceed the greater of S5,080
or 1% of the amount on line 13 for the year
c Add lines Ta and 7b
8 Public support. (Subtract line 7c from
line 6 . )
Section B. Total Support
Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) 11. (a) 2013 (b) 2014 (c) 2015 (d) 2016 (e) 2017 M Total
9 Amounts from line 6
10a Gross income from interest, dividends.
payments received on securities loans, rents,
royalties, and Income from simaar sources .
b Unrelated business taxable income (less
section 511 taxes) from businesses
acquired after June 30, 1975 . . .
c Add lines 10a and 10b
11 Net income from unrelated business
activities not included in line10b. whether
or not the business is regularly carried on
12 Other income. Do not include gain or
loss from the sale of capital assets
(Explain in Part VI.)
13 Total support. (Add lines 9, 10c, 11,
and 12.)
14 First five years. If the Form 990 is for the organization's first, second, third, fourth, or fifth tax year as a section 501(c)(3)
organization, check this box and stop here 1).
Section C. Computation of Public Support Percentage
15 Pubfic support percentage for 2017 (line 8, column (f) divided by line 13, column (0) 15
16 Public support percentage from 2016 Schedule A, Part III, line 15 18
Section D. Computation of Investrnent income Percentage
17 Investment income percentage for 2017 (line 10c, column (f) divided by line 13, column (0) . . I 17 I
18 Investment income percentage from 2018 Schedule A, Part III, line 17 I 18 II
19a 33In% support tests-2017. If the organization did not check the box on line 14, and line 15 is more than 33In%, and line
17 is not more than 33Ir3%, check this box and stop here. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organization .
b 331/a% support tests-2016. If the organization did not check a box on line 14 or line 19a, and One 16 is more than 331,3%, and
line 18 Is not more than 33'n%, check this box and stop here. The organization qualifies as a pubticly supported organization If•
20 Private foundation. If the organization did not check a box on line 14, 19a. or 19b, check this box and see instructions 00
REv ionene Pa0 Scherhde A (Rum 890 or 9904E42017
Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 Page 4
Part IV Supporting Organizations
(Complete only if you checked a box in line 12 on Part I. If you checked 12a of Part I, complete Sections A
and B. If you checked 12b of Part I, complete Sections A and C. If you checked 12c of Part I, complete
Sections A, D, and E. If you checked 12d of Part I, complete Sections A and D, and complete Part V.)
Section A. All Supporting Organizations
Yes No
1 Are all of the organization's supported organizations listed by name in the organization's governing
documents? If "No," describe in Part VI how the supported organizations are designated. If designated by
class or purpose, describe the designation. If historic and continuing relationship, explain. 1
2 Did the organization have any supported organization that does not have an IRS determination of status
under section 509(a)(1) or (2)? If "Yes," explain in Part VI how the organization determined that the supported
organization was described in section 509(aX1) or (2). 2
3a Did the organization have a supported organization described in section 501(c)(4). (5), or (6)? if "Yes," answer
(b) and (c) below. 3a
b Did the organization confirm that each supported organization qualified under section 501(0)(4), (5), or (6) and
satisfied the public support tests under section 509(a)(2)7 if "Yes," describe in Part VI when and how the
organization made the deterrnination.
c Did the organization ensure that all support to such organizations was used exclusively for section 170(c)(2)(B)
purposes? If "Yes," explain in Part VI what controls the organization put in place to ensure such use. 3c
4a Was any supported organization not organized in the United States ("foreign supported organization")?
"Yes," and ff you checked 12a or 12b in Part 1, ansvver (b) and (c) below. 4a
b Oid the organization have ultimate control and discretion in deciding whether to make grants to the foreign
supported organization? lf "Yes," describe in Part VI how the organization had such control and discretion
despite being controlled or supervised by or in connection with its supported organizakins. ab
c Did the organization support any foreign supported organization that does not have an IRS determination
under sections 5010)(3) and 509(a)(1) or (2)? If "Yes," explain in Part VI what controls the organization used
to ensure that all support to the foreign supported organization was used exclusively for section 170(c)(2)(B)
purposes. 4c
5a Did the organization add, substitute, or remove any supported organizations during the tax year? If "Yes,"
answer (b) and (c) below (if applicable). Also, provide detail in Part VI, including (0 the names and EIN
numbers of the supported organizatiorrs added, substituted, or removed; (10 the reasons for each such action;
(HO the authority under the organization's organizing document authorizing such action; and (iv) how the action
was accomplished (such as by amendment to the organ&ing document). 5a
b Type I or Type II only. Was any added or substituted supported organization part of a class already
designated in the organization's organizing document? 5b
c Substitutions only. Was the substitution the result of an event beyond the organization's control? 5c
6 Old the organization provide support (whether in the form of grants or the provision of services or facilities) to
anyone other than (i) its supported organizations, (ii) individuals that are part of the charitable class benefited
by one or more of its supported organizations, or (iii) other supporting organizations that also support or
benefit one or more of the filing organization's supported organizations? 11 "Yes," provide detail in Part VI. 6
7 Did the organization provide a grant, loan, compensation, or other similar payment to a substantial contributor
(defined in section 4958(c)(3)(C)), a family member of a substantial contributor, or a 35% controlled entity with
regard to a substantial contributor? If "Yes," complete Part 1 of Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ). 7
8 Did the organization make a loan to a disqualified person (as defined in section 4958) not described in line 7?
lf "Yes," complete Part 1 of Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ).
Ga Was the organization controlled directly or indlrectly at any time during the tax year by one or more
disqualified persons as defined in section 4946 (other than foundation managers and organizations described
in section 509(a)(1) or (2))? If "Yes," provide detail in Part VI. 9a
b Old one or more disqualified persons (as defined in line 9a) hold a controlling interest in any entity in which
the supporting organization had an interest? if "Yes," provide detail in Part VL
c Did a disqualified person (as defined in line 9a) have an ownership interest in, or derive any personal benefit
from, assets in which the supporting organization also had an interest? If "Yes," provide detail in Part Vh 9c
10a Was the organization subject to the excess business holdings rules of section 4943 because of section
4943(f) (regarding certain Type II supporting organizations, and all Type m non-functionally integrated
supporting organizations)? If "Yes," answer 10b below. 716-a-
b Did the organization have any excess business holdings in the tax year? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to
determine whether the organization had excess business holdings.)
Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017
REv ionene PRO
Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 Page 5
GEIVIA Supporting Organizations (continued)
Yes No
11 Has the organization accepted a gift or contribution from any of the following persons?
a A person who directly or indirectly controls, either alone or together with persons described in (b) and (c)
below, the governing botly of a supported organization?
b A family member of a person described in (a) above? 1 lb
c A 35% controlled entity of a person described in (a) or (b) above? if "Yes" to a, b, or c, provide detail In Part W. 11c
Section B. Type I Supporting Organizations
Yes No
1 Did the directors, trustees, or membership of one or more supported organizations have the power to
regularly appoint or elect at least a majority of the organization's directors or trustees at all times during the
tax year? /I"No," describe in Part VI how the supported organization(s)effective61 operated, supervised, or
controlled the organization's activities. If the organization had more than one supported organization,
describe how the powers to appoint and/or remove directors or trustees were allocated among the supported
organizations and what conditions or restrictions, if any, applied to such powers during the tax year.
2 Did the organization operate for the benefit of any supported organization other than the supported
organization(s) that operated, supervised, or controlled the supporting organization? ff "Yes, " explain in Part
W how providing such benefit carried out the purposes of the supported organization(s) that operated,
supervised, or controlled the supporting organization. 2
Section C. Type II Supporting Olganizations
Yes No
1 Were a majority of the organization's directors or trustees during the tax year also a majority of the directors
or trustees of each of the organization's supported organization(s)? ff "No," describe in Part 1/1 how control
or management of the supporting organization was vested in the same persons that contained or managed
the supported organization(s). 1
Section D. All Type III Supporting Organizations
Yes No
1 Did the organization provide to each of its supported organizations, by the last day of the fifth month of the
organization's tax year, (i) a writlen notice describing the type and amount of support provided during the prior tax
year, (ii) a copy of the Fonn 990 that was most recently filed as of the date of notification, and (Hi) copies of the
organization's goveming documents in effect on the date of notification, to the extent not previously provided? 1
2 Were any of the organization's officers, directors, or trustees either (i) appointed or elected by the supported
organization(s) or (ii) serving on the goveming body of a supported organization? If "No," explain in Part VI how
the organization maintained a close and conUnuous working relationship with the supported organization(s).
3 By reason of the relationship described in (2), did the organization's supported organizations have a
significant voice in the organization's investment policies and in directing the use of the organization's
income or assets at all times during the tax year? II "Yes," describe in Part VI the role the organization's
supported organizations played in this regard. 3--
Section E. Type III Functionally Integrated Supporting Organizations
1 Check the box next to the method that the organization used to satisfy the Integral Part Test during the year (see Instructions).
a The organization satisfied the Activities Test. Complete line 2 below.
b ['The organization is the parent of each of its supported organizations. Complete line 3 below.
c 0 The organization supported a governmental entity. Descnbe in Part W how you supported a government entity (see instructions).

2 Activities Test AVISWOr (a) and (b) below.

a Did substantially all of the organization's activities during the tax year directly further the exempt purposes of
the supported organization(s) to which the organization was responsive? If "Yes," then in Part VI Identify
those supported organizations and explain how these activities direct4, furthered their exempt purposes,
how the organization was responsive to those supported organizations, and how the organization determined
that these activities constituted substanlial4r all of its activities.
b Did the activities described in (a) constitute activities that, but for the organization's involvement, one or more
of the organization's supported organization(s) would have been engaged in? If "Yes," explain in Part VI the
reasons for the organization's position that its supported organization(s) would have engaged In these
activities but for the organization's Involvement.
3 Parent of Supported Organizations. Answer (a) and (b) be/ow.
a Did the organization have the power to regularly appoint or elect a majority of the officers, directors, or
trustees of each of the supported organizations? Provide details in Part VI.
b Did the organization exercise a substantial degree of direction over the policies, programs, and activities of each
of its supported organizations? If "Yes," describe in Part W the role_played by the organization in this
REV 10,1618 PRO Schedule A (Form 980 or 990-EZ) 2017
Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017 Page 6
Part V 'Type III Non-Functionally Integrated 509(a)13j Supporting Organizations
1 Check here if the organization satisfied the Integral Part Test as a qualifying trust on Nov. 20, 1970 (explain in Part V1). See
instructions. All other Type III non-functionally integrated supporting organizations must complete Sections A through E.
Section A - Adjusted Net Income (B) Current Year
(A) Prior Year
1 Net short-term capital gain 1
2 Recoveries of prior-year distributions 2
3 Other gross income (see instructions) 3
4 Add lines 1 through 3. 4
5 Depreciation and depletion 5
6 Portion of operating expenses paid or incurred for production or
collection of gross income or for management, conservation, or
maintenance of property held for production of income (see Instructions) 6
7 Other expenses (see instructions) 7
8 Adjusted Net Income (subtract lines 5, 6, and 7 from line 4). 8
(B) Current Year
Section B - Minimum Asset Amount (A) Prior Year
1 Aggregate fair market value of all non-exempt-use assets (see .
instructions for short tax year or assets held for part of year): . -
a Average monthly value of securities la.
b Average monthly cash balances lb
c Fair market value of other non-exempt-use assets lc.
d Total (add lines la, lb, and lc) id . :
e Discount claimed for blockage or other !
factors (explain in detail in Part VI): .
2 Acquisition indebtedness applicable to non-exempt-use assets 2
3 Subtract line 2 from line ld. 3
4 Cash deemed held for exempt use. Enter 1-1/2% of line 3 (for greater amount,
see instructions). 4
5 Net value of non-exempt-use assets (subtract line 4 from line 3) 5
6 Multiply line 5 by .035. 6
7 Recoveries of prior-year distributions 7
8 Minimum Asset Amount (add line 7 to fine 6) 8
Section C - Distributable Amount Current Year

I Adjusted net income for prior year (from Section A, line 8, Column A) 1 . - .
2 Enter 135% of line 1. 2
3 Minimum asset amount for prior year (from Section B, line 8, Column A) 3 . . .
4 Enter greater of line 2 or line 3. . 4 .
5 Income tax imposed in prior year . 5 . ... .
6 Distributable Amount Subtract line 5 from line 4, unless subject to
emergency temporary reduction (see Instructions). 6
7 III Check here if the current year is the oraanIzation's first as a non-functionally integrated Type III supporting organization (see
Schedule A (form 090 or 990-EZ) 2017

REV 10/1ene PRO

Schedule A (Form 990 or 090-E2) 2017 Page 7
MBA Type III Non-Functionally Integrated 509(a)(3) Supporting Organizations (continu
Section D - Distributions Current Year
1 Amounts paid to supported organizations to accomplish exempt purposes
2 Amounts paid to perform activity that directly furthers exempt purposes of supported
organizations, in excess of income from actMty
3 Administrative expenses paid to accomplish exempt purposes of supported organizations
4 Amounts paid to acquire exempt-use assets
5 Qualified set-aside amounts (prior IRS approval required)
8 Other distributions (describe In Part VI). See instructions.
7 Total annual distributions. Add lines 1 through 6.
8 Distributions to attentive supported organizations to which the organization is responsive
(provide details in Part VI). See Instructions.
9 Distributable amount for 2017 from Section C. line 6
10 Line 8 amount divided by line 9 amount
00 (111)
Section E - Distribution Allocations (see Instructions) (i) Underdistributions Distributable
Excess Distributions
Pre-2017 Amount for 2017
1 Distributable amount for 2017 from Section C, Ilne 6
2 Underdistributions, if any, for years prior to 2017
(reasonable cause required—explain In Part VI). See .
3 Excess distributions carryover. If any. to 2017 .
. 1
a I . •
b From 2013 " . . . .
. ,
c From 2014 • _, ,
d From 2015 .
e From 2016
f Total of lines 3a through e
g Applied to underdistributions of prior years •
h Applied to 2017 distnbutable amount
i Carryover from 2012 not applied (see instructions) . ..
j Remainder. Subtract lines 3g, 3h, and, 3i from 3f. . . •
4 Distributions for 2017 from
Section 0, line 7: $
a Applied to underdistrIbutions of prior years
b Applied to 2017 distributabie amount .
c Remainder. Subtract lines 4a and 4b from 4. . . ,
5 Remaining underdistributions for years prior to 2017, if
any. Subtract lines 3g and 4a from Ilne 2. For result 1.
greater than zero, explain in Part Vl. See instructions.

6 Remaining underdistributions for 2017. Subtract lines 3h
and 4b from line 1. For result greater than zero. explain in
Part VI. See instructions.
7 Excess distributions carryover to 2018. Add lines 3j
and 4c. .
8 Breakdown of line 7: . . .
a Excess from 2013 . . . • .. .
. -• _ .
b Excess from 2014 . . . .
• .
. . . _... ..._ .
c Excess from 2015 . . . .
. _ . _
. .... .. _. ..
_. ..___.
d Excess from 2016 . . . .
. ..... ... - . .
.. . .
e Excess from 2017 . . . . _ ... .
Schedule A (Form 090 or 090-E2) 2017

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Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-E2) 2017 Page 8
17ffirl Supplemental Information. Provide the explanations required by Part II, line 10; Part II, line 17a or 17b; Part
III, line 12; Part IV, Section A, lines 1, 2, 3b, 3c, 4b, 4c, 5a, 6, 9a, 913, 9c, 11a, 11b, and 11c; Part IV, Section
B, lines 1 and 2; Part IV, Section C, line 1; Part IV, Section D, lines 2 and 3; Part IV, Section E, lines lc, 2a, 2b,
3a, and 3b; Part V, line 1; Part V, Section B, line le; Part V, Section D, lines 5, 6, and 8; and Part V, Section E,
lines 2, 5, and 6. Also complete this part for any additional information. (See instructions.)

REV ionem PRO Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-1a!) 2017

SCHEDULE D OMB No. 1545-Q047
(Form 990) Supplemental Financial Statements
I•• Complete if the organization answered "Yes'' on Form 990,
Part IV, line6, 7, 8, 9,10,11a, 11b, 11c,11d,110,11f,12a, or 12b.
201 7
Department of the Treasury II. Attach to Form 890. Open to Public
Internal Revenue Service to Go to for instructions and the latest infonmation. Inspection
Name of the organization I Employer Identification number
Donors Trust , Inc . I 52-2166327
Part I Organizations Maintaining Donor Advised Funds or Other Similar Funds or Accounts.
Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 6.
(a) Donor advised funds (b) Funds and other accounts
1 Total number at end of year 231 . 2.
2 Aggregate value of contributions to (during year) 109,726,791. 315 400.
3 Aggregate value of grants from (during year) 110,536,796. 51,494.
4 Aggregate value at end of year 203,360,424. 813,411.
5 Did the organization inform all donars and donor advisors in writing that the assets held in donor advised
funds are the organization's property, subject to the organization's exclusive legal control? Yes El No
6 Did the organization inform all grantees, donors, and donor advisors in writing that grant funds can be used
only for charitable purposes and not for the benefit of the donor or donor advisor, or for any other purpose
conferring impermissible private benefit? El Yes No
GENII Conservation Easements.
Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 7.
1 Purpose(s) of conservation easements held by the organization (check all that apply).
El Preservation of land for public use (e.g., recreation or education) CI Preservation of a historically important land area
0 Protection of natural habitat Presenration of a certified historic structure
Preservation of open space
2 Complete lines 2a through 2d if the organization held a qualified conservation contribution in the fomi of a conservation
easement on the last day of the tax year. I • - I Held at the End of the Tax Year
a Total number of conservation easements 2a
b Total acreage restricted by conservation easements 2b
c Number of conservation easements on a certified historic structure included in (a) . . . 2c
d Number of conservation easements included in (c) acquired after 7/25/05, and not on a
historic structure listed in the National Register 2d
3 Number of conservation easements modified, transferred, released, extinguished, or terminated by the organization during the
tax year lo•
4 Number of states where property subject to conservation easement is located 10.
5 Does the organization have a written pollcy regarding the periodic monitoring, inspection, handling of
violations, and enforcement of the conservation easements it holds? Yes El No
8 Staff and volunteer hours devoted to monitoring, Inspecting, handling of violations, and enforcing conservation easernents during the year

7 Amount of expenses incurred in monitoring, iispecting, handling of violations, and enforcing c,onservation easements during the year

8 Does each conservation easement reported on line 2(d) above satisfy the requirements of section 170(h)(4)(13)(i)
a.nd section 170(h)(4)(13)(ii)? Yes D No
9 In Part XIII, describe how the organization reports conservation easements in its revenue and expense statement, and
balance sheet, and include, if applicable, the text of the footnote to the organization's financial statements that describes the
organization's accounting for conservation easements.
127M11 Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets.
Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 8.
1a If the organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), not to report in its revenue statement and balance sheet
works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets held for public exhibition, education. or research in furtherance of
public service, provide, in Part XIII, the text of the footnote to its financial statements that describes these items.
b If the organization elected, as permitted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), to report in its revenue statement and balance sheet
works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets held for public exhibition, education, or research In furtherance of
public service, provide the following amounts relating to these items:
(i) Revenue included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 1 $
(ii) Assets included in Form 990, Part X 110- $
2 if the organization received or held works of art, historical treasures, or other similar assets for financial gain, provide the
following amounts required to be reported under SFAS 116 (ASC 95M relating to these items:
a Revenue Included on Form 990. Part VIII, line 1 $
b Assets Included In Form 990, Part X $
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions for Form 890. Schedule D (Fain 0S0) 2017
REV 10/1E/18 PRO
Schectule D (form 990) 2017 Page 2
GE111111 I Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assets (continued)
3 Using the organization's acquisition, acCession, and other records, check any of the following that are a significant use of its
collection items (check all that apply):
a CI Public exhibition d Loan or exchange programs
b CI Scholarly research e D Other
c 0 Preservation for future generations
4 Provide a description of the organization's collections and explain how they further the organization's exempt purpose in Part
5 During the year, did the organization solicit or receive donations of art, historical treasures, or other similar
assets to be sold to raise funds rather than to be maintained as part of the organization's collection? . . 0 yes 0 No
Escrow and Custodial Arrangements.
Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 9, or reported an amount on Forrn
990. Part X, line 21.
la Is the organization an agent, trustee, custodian or other interrnediary for contributions or other assets not
included on Form 990. Part X? 0 Yes 0 No
b If "Yes," explain the arrangement in Part XIII and complete the following table:
c Beginning balance . . . lc
d Additions during the year 1d
e Distributions during the year 1e
f Ending balance . . . . 1f
2a Did the organization include an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21, for escrow or custodial account liability? El Yes 1:1 No
b If "Yes," explain the arrangement in Part XIII. Check here if the explanation has been provided on Part XIII . . .
7111V1 Endowment Funds.
Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 10.
(a) Current year (by Prior year (c) Two years back Willmermmback (0)Fourviumback
1a Beginning of year balance . . 181,340,385. 163,691,827. 136,724,460. 99,288,970. 28,159,110.
Contributions 110,042,191. 87,112,213. 82,239,895. 64,921,886. 103,143,426.
Net investment eamings, gains, and
losses 25,429,310. -921,349. 13,856,622. 30,326,124. 7,035,457.
Grants or scholarships . . . 110,988,290. 66,610,576.1 68,316,393. 56,936,611. 38,475,416.
Other expenditures for facilities and
programs 0. 859,767. 0. O. 7,766.
Administrative expenses . . . 1,649,761. 1,071,963. 812,757. 875,909. 565,841.
9 End of year balance 204,173,835. 181,340,385. 163,691,827. 136,724,460. 99,288,970.
2 Provide the estimated percentage of the current year end balance (line 1g, column (a)) held as:
a Board designated or quasi-endowment 10'
Perrnanent endowment IP'
Temporarily restricted endowment P.
The percentages on lines 2a, 2b, and 2c should equal 100%.
3a Are there endowment funds not in the possession of the organization that are held and administered for the
organization by: Yes No
(i) unrelated organizations
pi) related organizations "
b If "Yes" on line 3a(ii), are the related organizations listed as required on Schedule R? 31)
4 Describe in Part XIII the intended uses of the organization's endowment funds.
GEfraT/ Land, Buildings, and Equipment
Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 11a. See Form 990, Part X, line 10.
Dimc4Wion W pmw?rty (a) Cost or other basis 04 Cost or other basis (el Accumulated NI mmk wilve
(investment) (001M Wmmdation
ia Land 0 . . _ .... _ ...... O.
b BuiMMgs O. 0.
c Leasehold improvements . . . 103,967. 19,735. 84,232.
d Equipment 29,211. 20,892. 8,319.
e 00mr 69,721. 32,214. 37,507.
Total. Add lines 1a through le. (Column (d) must equal Fonn 990, Part X, column (B). line 10c.) 110. 130,058.
REV 10/16/18 PRO Schedule D Worm 990) 2017
Schedule D (Form 990)2017 Pogo 3
Part VII Investments—Other Securities.
Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 11b. See Form 990, Part X, line 12.
(a) Description of securtty or coNjory (b) Book value Cc) Method of valuation:
enclucling name of security) Cost or end-of-year market value
(1) Financial derivatives
(2) Closely-held equity interests 86,536,555. FMV
(3) Other ............

Total (Colon most equal Form 990, Part X caL firle 86,536,555.
;MIMI] Investments—Program Related.
Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Forrn 990, Part IV, line 11c. See Form 990, Part X, line 13.
(a) Description of Investment I (b) Book value I (c) Mothod of valuation:
Cost or end-of-year market value

TotaL (Column (b) musl equal Form 990, Part X col. (Milne 13.) IP,
GRIND Other Assets.
Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Forrn 990, Part IV, line 11d. See Forrn 990, Part X, line 15.
fa) Description (b) Book vase


Total. (Column (b) must &prat Form 990, Part X, col. (13) line 15.) 10.
=El Other Liabilities.
Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Forrn 990, Part IV, line lle or 11f. See Form 990, Part X,
line 25.
1. (a) Description of liability (b) Book yaks°
(1) Federal income taxes


Total. (Column fb) must mei Fenn 990, Pall X col. (13) fine 25.) I
Uabllity for uncertain tax positions. In Part XIII, provide the text of the footnote to the organization's financlal statements that reports the
organization's liability for uncertain tax positions under FIN 48 (ASC 740). Check here if the text of the footnote has been provided In Part XIII
Schedule 0 (Form 690) 2017
Schedule D (Fortn 980) 2017 Page 4
r2111U1 Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Retum.
Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 12a.
Total revenue, gains, and other support per audited financial statements 1 135,745,865.
2 Amounts included on line 1 but not on Form 990, Part ViII, line 12:
a Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments 2a 22,784,030.
b Donated services and use of facilities 2b
c Recoveries of prior year grants 2c
d Other (Describe in Part XIII.) 2d
e Add lines 2a through 2d 2e 22,784,030.
3 Subtract line 2e from line 1 3 112,961,835.
4 Amounts included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 12, but not on line 1:
a Investment expenses not included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 7b . . 4a
b Other (Describe in Part XIII.) 4b ..
c Add lines 4a and 4b 4c
5 Total revenue. Add lines 3 and 4c. (This must equal Form 990, Part I, line 12.) 5 112,961.835.
MUGU Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements With Eitpenses per Return.
Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 12a.
1 Total expenses and losses per audited financial statements • 1 112,781,795.
2 Arnounts included on line 1 but not an Form 990, Part IX, line 25:
a Donated services and use of facilities 2a
b Prior year adjustments 2b
c Other losses 2c
d Other (Describe In Part XIII.) 2d
e Add lines 2a through 2d 2e
3 Subtract line 2e from line 1 3 112,781,795.
4 Amounts included on Forrn 990, Part IX, line 25, but not on line 1:
a Investment expenses not included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 7b . 4a
b Other (Describe In Part XIII.) 4b ,
c Add lines 4a and 4b 4c
5 Total expenses. Add lines 3 and 4c. (This must equal Fonn 990, Part !dine 18.) 5 112,781,795,
Part XIII Supplemental Information.
Provide the descriptions required for Part II, lines 3, 5, and 9; Part III, lines la and 4; Part IV, lines lb and 2h; Part V, line 4; Part X, line
2; Part XI, lines 2d and 4h; and Part XII, lines 2d and 4b. Also complete this part to provide any additional information.

REV ioneme PRO Schodule D (Form 880) 2017

Schedule D (Form 990) 2017 Page 5
1,17MITIIII Supplemental Information (continued)

Schedule D (Form 990) 2017

SCHEDULE I Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations,
(Form 990) Governments, and Individuals In the United States
Complete) If the organization answered "Yes" on Forrn 990, Part IV, line 21 or 22.
lo• Attach to Form 990. Open to Public
Department of the Treasury I
Internal Revenue Service I 10. Go to for the latest information. Inspection
Warne of the organization Employer Identification number
Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327
General Information on Grants and Assistance
Does the organization maintain records to substantiate the amount of the grants or assistance, the grantees' eligibility for the grants or assistance, and
the selection criteria used to award the grants or assistance? el Yes ONo
2 Describe In Part IV the organization's procedures for monitoring the use of grant funds in the United States.
;MK Grants and Other Assistance to Domestic Organizations and Domestic Govemments. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form
990, Part IV, line 21, for any recipient that received more than $5,000. Part II can be duplicated it additionai space is needed.
(b) EIN (c)IRC section le) Amount of non- (f) Method of valuation (g) Description of
i (a) Name and address of organization (d) Amount of cash
(book. • aPProisal.
(h) Purpose al grant
or government (If appable) grant cash assistance other) now.ash assistance or assistance

..(9.See continuation .p.eses


(4) .

_ —



2 Enter total number of section 501(c)(3) and government organizations listed in the line 1 table 555
3 Enter total number of other organizations listed in the line 1 table 19' 0
For Papery/ad( Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. Schodulo I (Form 990) (2017)
REV 1W151113 PRO
Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 1

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governmonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (I) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or • Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Hampshire Cceege Summer Studies in

11931Abst Street
Amhorst. MA 01002-3359 04-6130872 501(c)I3) 53.417.00 WA Cash WA for (Mandel ald

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

121 Mystic Avenue
Suite 8
Meitiord. MA 02155 101045758 501(cH3) 5500.00 N/A C.ash NIA tor general operations

New Harvest
154 Grand Street
61ii Poor
New York. NY 10013 201425438 — 5010)(3) $10,000.00 N/A Cash NIA for parietal operations

Tor ProJed
7 Terrtpte Street
Suite A
Cartaxidge. MA 021302403 208096820 501(0(3) 5500.00 N/A Cash ht/A for general operations

Arnertcon Anti-Vivisection Society

801 Old York Road
Suds 204 for the William and Eleanor
Jerctintown, PA 19016 20034 i9SD 501(c)(3) 510,000.00 N/A C.ash N/A Cavo Award

Atternatives Research di Devetopment

801 Okl Tort Road
Suite 316
Jr:redraw...h. PA 19016 23.2740843 5010)(3) 51,500.00 N/A Cash WA for gonenal operations

2261 Markel Street
San Francisco. CA 94114 264507741 501(c)(3) S500.00 WA - Cash WA for the Notsetor Project

Ofth Stout Univac:ay Foundation

Moritz College of Law. °Niko Hail to support the College of
65 West 12th Avenue Lavta Ohlo State Buslness
Columbus. OH 43210 31.1145988 501(00) 5250.00 WA Cash N/A Law Journal

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2188327 2

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Arnount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance ASsistance

Miliaria Unherstly Foundation
indiarta University lAauter School of Law
211 South Indiatta Ave.. Baler Hall to support the Indiana Low
Bloomington. IN 47505-7C01 3.5-8018940 501(clf3) 51.000.00 NIA Cash N/A Journal

Festeralst Sod*
17761 Sired. MN
Suite 300
Washington. OC 20008 36-3235550 501(0(31 S2,560.00 NIA . Cash WA for general operations

Heantand Institute •
3939 North %Mike Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60004 38-3309812 501(c)(3) . 51.750.000.00 WA Cash WA for (tenets! °potations

Michigan Slate University College of Law

848 Nonh Shaw Lane for MSU Journal of Animal 8
East Lsinsing. M1 48824-1300 38-1358000 501(C1(3) 520.000.00 N/A Cash N/A Natural Resource Law
1501 40) Ave.
Suite 900
Seattle. WA 98101 4848.58.543 501(0(3) 8500.00 N/A Cash N/A for guttural operations

Freedom of the Press Foundation

801 Vall Nen AVeflUe
Suite E731
San Frandsen. CA 94102 48-0967274 501(c1f3) 5400.00 NIA Cash N/A for general operations

KU Endowment
Kansas Unkersity Endowment Association
P.O. Box 928 to oupport tho Kansas Journal
LaWrellte. KS 66044 480547734 501(c)(3) 51.000.06 NIA Cash N/A of Lew 8 Public Policy

Free To Choose Newark inc.

2032 Filmore Avenue
Sutte 1 for the marketing of "Amertca
Erle. PA 18506 _ 52-145.%77 501(c)(3) 5100.000.00 N/A Cash WA ln Retreat'

Schedule I (Forrn 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 3

Sch Grants to Organizations and IndvIduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.
(a) (b) (0 (d) (e) if) (g) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Center for Individual Flights

1100 Connecticut Ave. NW
Suite 825
VVashinpton, DC 200,38 52-1600481 501(0931 3500.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations —

United Poultry Concems

P.0.1304 160
Mach'pang*. VA 23405 52-1705878 501(cX3) 35,000.00 WA Cash NIA for general operations

Institute for Justice

901 North Glebe Road
Sulfa 900
Adington. VA 22203-1854 52-1744337 601(03) 310,000.00 N/A Cash N/A to support Internships

En1Plortent Policies Institute Foundation

1090 Vermont Avenuo, NW
Suite 800 for Me
Washington, DC 20005 52-1902264 501(c)(3) 3500.00 WA Cash WA Project

Students for Sensible Drug Policy Foundation

1011 0 Street NW for the C.allfomia, Oregon.
Suite 1 Washington and Nevada
Washington. OC 20001 52-2296291 501(c)(3) 310.000.00 hUA Cash WA Projects

PetConned ReStue
PO Sox 80714
Potomac. MD 20859 55-0957808 501(0(3) 35.000.00 WA Cash N/A tor general operations

State Policy Nehvork

1655 No141 Fort Meyer Dr.
Suite 360
Alnico, VA 22209-3108 57-0952531 501(c)(3) 3700.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Mountain States Legal Foundation

2598 South Lewis Way for Om Second Amendment
Lakewood, CO 80227 84-0736725 501(c)(3) 3500.00 WA Cash hUA Project

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donom Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 4

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments in the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) 031 (f) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Atlas Economic Research Foundation

1201 L Street. NW for the Institut° de
2nd Fbor Pentsamionfo Estrunigroo
Washington. DC 20005 94-2763845 501(cX3) 91.000.00 N/A Cash SUA Aaora

Gressroot Institute of Hawaii

1050 Bishop Street
0508 •
Honolulu. HI 06813 994354837 501(0(3) 91.776.00 WA Cash N/A tor genera/ operations

National Association of Scholars

8 West 38th Street
Suite 603
New York. NY loote 11-2741490 501(c)(3) S12,090.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

American Cound on Science & Muth

110 East 42nd
Suite 1300
New York. NY 10017 13-2011127 501(c)(3) 65.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Catholic AssorJation Foundation

3011 Dumbarton Street SiW —
Washington. DC 20007 20-2387987 501(c)(3) S113.030.00 N/A Cash WA for general °paragons

Jusgeird Education Project

3011 Dumbarton Street NW
WashingtOn. DC 20007 204486871 501(0(3) 5730.000.00 WA Cash N/A lea general operations

Mayo Pertorming Arta Center The Mirada Project at N!PAC

100 South Street (arts education for children
Morristown,. NJ 07060 22:mus540 501(013) 325.000.00 WA Cash N/A with autism)

Cato Institute
1000 Mossochurietb Immo, NW
Washington.13C 20001-5403 23-7432162 501(c)(3) S25.000.00 WA Cash N/A tor general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 5
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and IndvIduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govornmonta in tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (0) (0 (g) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appralsal, Assistance Assistance

cERGE-ei Foundation
715 Queen Anna Road to support the Teaching
Teaneck NJ 07666 25-1725738 501(c)(3) $ N/A Cash N/A Fellows Fh-ogram

Franklin Center
107 S. Vint Street 17718 for the Watchdog Texas
Alexandria. VA 22314 26.4066296 501(013) $15.200.00 N/A Cash WA Project

Prager University Foundation

10045 Red Run Boulevard
Sutter 250
Owings Mills MO 21117 27.1763901 501(0(3) $540.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

The Levreare Project

633 Third AVOM.10
21st Poor
Nenv York. NY 10017 27.2402608 501(c)(3) $16.000.00 NIA C.ash WA for general operations

1214 Boston Post Road. 0148
Mamaroneck. We 10543 27.2894855 501(c)(3) $10.030.00 nuA CaSh WA for general operations

Spark Freedom
605 Lang Brandi Road
Lancaster. TN 38569 _ 27.4827443 50I(c)(3) 56.000.00 WA CASA N/A for general operations

Cause olAdion
1875 Eye Street. NW
Suite 600
Washington. DC 20006 45-2605977 , 501(c)(3) $750.000.00 WA Cash WA tor general operations

Ethics 8 Pubrie Policy Center

1730 M Street. NVV
Suite 910
Washington. DC 20036 _ 52.1162185 501(0(3) $10.000.00 WA Cash WA tor general naeraliana

Schedule I (Form S90 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 6
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Free To Choose Newark, Inc.

2002 Fdmore Avenue
Suite 1
Erfe. PA 16506 5244E3677 5014113) 5500.000J:0 NIA Cash N/A tor general Were liana

Committee far a Constructive TOITIDIMOW

PO Box 65722
1AfasMnglon. DC 20035 52.1482893 501(c1i3) 6.5.000D0 WA Cash WA tor gertensl operations

Juteciel Mich
425 Third Street SW
Su38 800
Washington, DC 20024 52.1885088 501(c)(3) 55.000.00 N/A Cash N/A tor amend operations

Stale Poky Network

165.5 North Fort Meyer Dr.
Suite 360
Arlington, VA 222093108 57-0952531 5131(c)(3) — $26,000.00 WA Cosh N/A tor generol operatIons

Animal Legal Defense Fund

625 East Galati Avenue For the Untair CornpeUUtion
Cotatl. CA 94931 842881680 , 501(c10) 540,000.00 WA CaSh N/A Litigation PrOject

AIMS EeOrtcwile Research Foundation

1201 L StreeL NW to support of the Asia Uberly
2nd Floor FONM In Mtnnbal, February
Washington, DC 20005 9447E0845 S0141(3) $5.000.00 NIA Cash N/A 2017

SL Ann's Roman Caloric Church

5300 North 10th Street
Artingion. VA 22205 501(c)f3) 51.000.00 N/A Cash N/A tor general operations

SL John the Beloved Roman Catholic Church
8420 Unway Terrace
McLean. VA 22101 501(c)(3) 51.000.03 N/A Cash WA for general operations _

Schedule I (Forrn 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2168327 7
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part Grsnts to Organizations and Governments In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (E1) (0) (f) On (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section ff Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Presbyterlan Church (LISA) to support Presbyterian

P.O. Dos 643700 Disaster Assistance (Acts No.
Pittsburgh. PA 15264-3700 13-3462549 501(c)(3) SI 00.08 WA Cosh WA 00100000)

Partnerst4) for the Homeless

305 7th Avenue
14111 Floor
New York. NY 10001 13-3732698 501(c)(3) 51.000.00 N/A cash WA for ilefteial °Aerations

Fund for American Studies

1706 New Hampshire Avenue. NW
Washington. OC 20009 13-8223604 501(c)(3) 51.000.00 N/A Cash N/A tor general operations —

SclunikM Center tor Environmental Education

8480 Hagys MO Road
Philadelphia. PA 19128 23-1654975 501(c)(3) 516.000.00 N/A Cosh WA for general operations

Potomac Presbyterian Church

10301 River Road
Pelamet. MD 20854 23-6393377 , 501(cX3) 52.500.00 WA Cash NIA for general operations

So Others h9ght Eat

71 0 Street NW
WashhigtOn. DC 20001 23-7099123 501(0(3) S250.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Heritage Foundation
214 Massadussatts Avenue. NE
Washington. DC 20002-4999 , 23.7327730 501(c)(3) SI.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Harting° Foundation
214 Massachusetts Avenue. NE
Washington, OC 20002-4999 23.7327730 _ 501(c)(3) 62.600.00 N/A Cash NIA to support The Cagy Signal

Schedule l(Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc, 52-2166327 8

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and IndvIduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Oovommonts In tho U.S.

(11) (b) (c) (d) _ (9) (0 (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant 1 Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Cato Institute
1000 Massachusetts ANNUAL NW
Washtnglon. DC 20001-9403 23.7432162 501(e)r3) 91.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations
, —

CAM Ins6hile
1000 Massachusetts AVeflUe. NW
Wo3hinialon. DC 20001,5003 23.7432162 501(c)(3) 97.500.00 NIA Cosh WA for general operalions

Jack Kemp Foundatian

1200 New Hampshire Ave., NW
Suite NO
WaShingten. DC 20038 27-0856599 501(cK3) 51.000.00 WA Cash NIA for general operations

Give Direct*
P.O. Box 3221
New York, NY 10008 27-1661997 501(c)(3) 9500.00 ...._ WA Cash WA tor general operations

Mani F. Buckley, Jr. Program

234 Church Street
7th Floor
New Haven. CT C6510 274131288 5014X3) S5.000.00 WA Cash NJA for general operatic:ft

Citizens United for Seseerth In Epilepsy •

430 West Erie Street
Suite 210
C7110ago. lL 69854 384253179 501(c)(3) S1,000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Hillsdale College
33 East College Street
ifillsdale. P.11 49242 38.1374230 501(cK31 918.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

. .
Macktnoe Center tor Public Policy
140 IMO Mein Street
Midland, MI 488460588 3152701547 501(c)(3) 5900.000.00 WA Cash WA for the Vote Spotter Project

Schedule 1 (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 9
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part% Grants to Organizations and Governments In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) fe) (f) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Acton Institute
98 East Fulton Street
Grand Rapids. MI 49503 38-2926822 501(cK3) N/A Cash NIA tor general operadons

Together Rising
800 West Broad Streel
Fogs Church, VA 22040 45-5382738 501(c)(30 52.500.00 N/A Cash N/A for the Compassion Collective

Togather Rising
800 VVest Broad Street
Falls ChurCh. VA 22040 45-5382738 501(03) 5100.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

4R Foundation
210 North Park Ave
Witter Park, FL 32789 47-4082821 501(c)(3) 52,000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

15275 Collier Blvd.
Suite 201-284
Naples. FL 34119 47-5591391 501(c19) 5150.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations —

Anterkan Legislative Exchange Council

2900 Crystal Drive
8ih FtOor
Arlington. VA 22202 52-0140979 501(c1(3) 51.00).00 NIA Cash WA for general operations

Competitive Enterprise Institute

1310 L Street. NW
7th Floor
Washington. OC 20305 52-1351785 501(cB3) $1.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Competitive Enterprtoe Institute

1310 L Street, NW
7th Floor
Washington. OC 20005 52-1351785 601(c)(3) 151,000.00 N/A Cash NIA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-F2) 2017

Dortors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 10
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indy'duals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (0) (d) (a) (‘) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Freedom Works Foundation

400 North Capitol Street. NW
Suite 765 to supped the Committee to
Washington. DC 20001-1564 52-1526916 501(MM S50.000.00 NIA Cash N/A Unleash Prospedty

Freedom Works Foundation

400 North Capitol Silent. NW
Suite 765
1Nashington. DC 20001-1564 52-1526916 501(CX31 550.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for Conference 2017

DC Central Kitchen
DC Central Kitchen Deposit Box
PO Bou 417406
Boston, MA 07241-7406 524594938 501(cX3) 5500.00 NIA Cash WA for general operations

Center for Individual Rights
1100 Connecticut Ave, NW
Suite 625
Washington. OC 20036 52.1800481 501(c)(3) $1.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for the area of highest need

Northwest Center
2702 Ontario Road. NW
Washington. DC 20009 52.1808784 501(cX3) 61.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Institute for Justice
901 North (Bebe Road
Suite 800
Artington. VA 22203-1854 52-1744337 501(c)13) $1,000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

National Legal & Policy Canter

107 Park Washington Court
Fans Church. VA 22048 52-1750188 501(0(31 51,000.00 NIA Cash N/A for the area of highest need

Cornerstone SdmoIs of Washington DC

3742 Ely Place. SE
Washiniffen. DC 20019 524084049 501(c)(3) 51.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 11
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (0) (I) (9) Ill)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section ff Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Smithsonian tnslitution
Mae Stop 23. Smithsonian Astrophysical
GO Gatden Street SAO Proposal ID
Calandra, MA 02138-1518 53-0208027 501(00) 553.627.82 WA Cash WA *0000000000030104101

funertean Enlerpase Instftte

1789 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington. OC 20038 534218495 SOltoK3) $1.11:00.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Mercelus Center. OMU

3434 Washington Boulevard
4th Floor
Manton. VA 22201 54-1438224 501(c10) S100.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Arlington Food Assistance Center

P.O. Box 8281
AdInglon. VA 22208 64-1473207 601(clt3) 5250.00 WA Cash WA tor genera operations

Stato Paley Nehvork

1555 North Fort Meyer Dr.
Suite 380
Arlington. VA 22209-3108 67-0952531 501(sK3) 5250.00 WA Catth WA lot general alterations

University of the Curnberlends
8191 College Malian Calve to support Academic
INdliamsburg. KY 40789 81-0470593 501(s)(3) 65.000.00 NJA Cosh WA Sdtolarshlp Progratns

Talladega College
827 Wast Battle Street to support Academes
Tatladega. AL 35180 83-0288870 601(ci(3) 510400.00 WA Cash N/A Scholarship Programs

Texas Pubric Polley Foundation

901 Congress Avenue
Austin. TX 78701 74-2524057 501(s)(3) 51.030.00 WA Cash NIA fOt general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

L lOt (Z3-066 JO 068 uu0A) I alnP048S

suopwado pwaua0 JOJ VIN 1$93 WN 00'000.0SES (OW tOS OSLO' L I-LZ 9COOZ 30 1.100uPPASA
MN Vau4S 107.01.
"uul 'w.Puri 4/41.1 3wItti

suantuada twoua0 Jul V/N 45113 V/N 00'000'09U %Huh OS S1.19Z0Z11Z 60St-LOOZ8 ga 'aututAutra
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suefeugeo MAMA XI VIN (POO VIN 00.00041$ (ct(*)Los swim-se 91C9-0=08 VO `uutualPS sal
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suonwedo P319U011 JOJ 'MI 00103 V/N 00'003. (C)CW MS SP0C0LE1/8 SOCtOZ 30 ‘100JUllauM
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uogaptsnoa yagoasau Opit01/033 SON

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LZ£991Z-ZS siouoct
Donors Trust, inc. 52-2186327 13
Sch I. Grants to Organizations and IndvIduals in the U.S,

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govornments In the U.S.

00 (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of - Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Legionaries of Christ (Cupertino)

22825 San Juan Road
Cueortino. CA 05014 501(cif31 52.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations —

Jose Mateo Bagel Theatre

400 Harvard Street
Cambridge. MA 02138 04-2773619 5014113) 310.000.0D NIA Cosh WA for general operadons

Foundation for individual Rights In Education

510 YVainut Street
Suite 1250
Philadelphia. PA 19106 044467254 501 (c)(3) 5500.000.00 WA Cosh WA
-... _ -...for general operations

Judicial Education Project
3011 Dumbarton Street NW
Washington. DC 20007 20-2486871 501(c)(3) 32.400,000t0 WA Cash NtA for general operettons

Ed Snider Youth Hockey Foundation

3601 South Broad Street
Philadelphia. PA 19148 20-2885113 501(c)13) 310.000.00 WA Cash NIA for general operations

Institute (or Free Speech

124 South West Street
Suite 201
Alexandria. VA 22314 203876888 501(c)(31 55.000.00 N/A Cash WA for the Litigation Project

Luc/ Burns Institute

6383 Greenway Boulevard
Middleton. Nfl 53562 20.6030372 501(c)(31 31.500,000.00 WA Cash NIA for general operations

Trustees of the Untrersity of Pennaytvartle

3535 Market Street lo support the Founders
State 750 Assodele Professorship In
Philadelphia. PA 19104 23-1352615 501(c)p) S5,000.00 WA Cash WA _Gaming Internal Medicine

Schedule I (Fonn 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust Inc. 52-2166327 14
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals tri the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govornmonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 Oh (h)

Name and Addresi of El N IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

The Barnes Fourdation

2025 Benjamin FrardkIn Partway
Philadelphia. PA 19130 23-6000149 6014)(3) 52.500.00 NIA Cash WA for general operations

Buckeye Institute
68 Cast Broad Street, Suite 1120
Columbus, OM 43215.3505 31.1278593 501(0(3) 5500.000.00 WA Cash N/A for generic! operations

Acton Mande
98 East Fulton Street
Grand Rapids, MI 49503 38.2926822 501(0(3) $2,000.00, SUA Cash WA for General °aerations

FOunda5on for Govemment Accountability

15275 Cotner Boulevard
SuIts 201.270
Naples, FL 34119 45.2837507 5010)(3) 51,450,000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Frontier Lab
3 Prospect Avenue
Suite 206
Part Bldg°. IL 60088 45.2838483 501(cH3) $175,000.00 N/A C.ash WA for general operations

American Legislative Exchange COuncil

2900 Crystal Drive
6th Floor
Arlington. VA 22202 52.0140979 501(c)(3j 5275,0013.00 N/A Cash WA for genera! °aerations

Amertaut Council of Twines and Alumni

1730 Pri Street NW
Suite 600
Washington. DC 20038 52-1870003 5014)(3) 51,350.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Ste!isonlan MatWinn
Mai Step 221. Smithsonian Astrophysical
Observatory for SAO Proposal ID
60 Garden Street Cr000300000003010-V101, A
C.arnbrIdge, MA 02138-1518 53-0206027 501(c)(3) 565.000.00 WA Cash N/A Youna Sun Analog: HD 30495

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 16
Sch I, Grants to Organizatlons and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part II. Grants to Organizations and Governments In tho U.S.

(d) (b) fel (d) (0) (I) (9) (h)

Name artd Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Descripllon of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Copilot Caring far Capita) Caning's Holguin%

21160 Tdostor Ct. Inpatient Center's meditation
Falls Church. VA 22042 54-1920770 ..... _ .
501(c)C3) 319.250.00 NIA Cash N/A fOOM

Stalo Poky Nehvork

1855 NOM Fort Meyer Or.
Sulte 380
Arrington. VA 22209-3108 57-0952531 501(0(3) 51.499.500M N/A Cash N/A for Vonore, operations

Named Right to West toga! Defense

Foundation, Inc.
8001 Braddock Road
Springfield, VA 22180-0002 59-1588825 501(c)(3) 51.000.00 t4/A Catih N/A for general operations

Eternal inked Television Network

6817 Old Leads Road
Irondale. AL 35210 63-0801391 50101(3) $500.00 WA Cash N/A for genera) operations

VVyorning Cathobc College

306 Main Street
Lander. VVY 82520 83-0434307 501(413) $3.001100 NIA Cash WA for genen9 operadons

Pacific Justice Institute

PO Box 276800
Sacramento. CA 95827-8600 91-1823841 501(c)(3) $1.000,00 NIA Cash WA for general operations

SL Frances Cabrtni Catholic Church

15333 Woodard Road for vestments and sacristy
San Joso. CA G5124-2797 94-27'34503 601(c)(3) 3500.00 N/A Cash N/A suppliee

lha Geode Barn Fat:Actinic:1

15825 Sierra Highway
Santa Cholla. CA 91390 95-4778451 501(4(3) $250.00 WA Cash NJA for genera) operationS

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 16

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and indviduats in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments in the U.S.

(a) (b) (0 (d) (e) (1) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

The Fairness Cenler

P.O. Box 1482
1875 Carnp HID Bypass
Camp HiD. PA 17001 46-4482738 501(0(3) $120,000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

kWh Rowe, ine

PO B031413
Notre Dante. IN 48556 20-2828921 501(0(3) 54.100,00 WA Cash N/A taf general caterations

Market Research Foundation

4153 Chain Bridge Road
Faller. VA 22030 20-4155641 501(c)(3) 5100.000.03 WA Cash NIA for general operations

Conswners' Research. Int

1801 F Street NW
Sulle 364
Win/4510one DC 20008 22-154:0498 501(00) S500.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Energy a EnWavnent Legal Insirtute

722 1211% Street NW
41.11 Floor
Washington. OC 20005 284239005 501(e)(3) S50.000.Cg N/A Cash WA tor general operations

Proles* Verges
1214 Boston Post Road. ore
Mamaroneck W 10543 27-2884856 WM43/ 510.000.09 WA Cash WA tee general operations

Steppb0 Stones
5650 Given Road
Cindrtnati. OH 45243 31-0871799 501(043) 51.000.00 NJA , C.esh N/A for general come=

Feetcratist Sod ety

1778 I Street, NW
Suite 300
Washington. OC 20008 38-3235550 501(e)(3) WA Cash WA kr: Central operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2188327 17

Scb I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Pert II Grants to Or! animations and Governments In tho U.S.

la) (b) (c) (d) le) (f) (g) (h)
Narne and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of . Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section 11 Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Acton Institute
99 Cuban Stroll
Grand Rapids. MI 441503 3132926622 UM MO) 55.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operation*

Illinois Policy Institute

190 South LaSane Street
Suite 1500
Chicago. IL 60603 414057029 501(c1(3) 57.500.00 WA Cash N/A far general operations

Cattail, Int.
es2o AMson Point Blvd.
Suite 220 for the Common Sense
Indianapolis, IN 46250 48.1698092 501(0(3) szze.000.oct WA Cash WA Economfcs Project

Foundation for Accountability and Civic Tarsi

3011 Dumbarton Street. NW
Washington, OC 20007 48-4754874 501(c)(3) 8500.000.00 WA Cash N/A for Genera/ operations

Verde Valley Military Service Pork

PO Box 22813
Cottonwood. AZ 86326 47-5088938 501(0(3) 35.000.00 14/A Cash WA for general operartans

Ethka & PublIt Policy Center

1730 M Street. NW
Suite 810
Washington, DC 20038 52418218S 5014)(3) S10.000.00 N/A Crab WA for general operations

Competitive Enterprise Institute

1310 L Street. NW
7th Floor
Washington. DC 20005 52.1151765 5014)(3) 525.000.00 WA Cash N/A tor general operatians

Center tor Sean*/ Peaty

1901 Pennsyhanta Avenue. NW
Sulte 20t
Washington. DC 213006 52.1601976 _ 501(0(3) 5220.000.00 WA Cash NJA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governntents In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (8) (f) (9) (h)

Name and Adctress of EIN IRC Arnount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

America's Future Fotindation

1613 18th StreeL NW
Washington, DC 20038 524928321 5014n3) 55,000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Reel Clear Foundation

8160 North Cicero Avenue
Suite 410
Chicago, IL 60646 52-2120875 501(c)(3) $500,000.00 WA Cash WA tot general operations

Independent Women's Ratan

10751 Street, NW
Stele 500
Washington, DC 20008 54-1070627 501(c)13) 512.500.00 N/A Cash N/A
_ ,for a fellowship

Institute for Humane Studies
3434 Washington Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22201 94-1023852 501(0f3) 510,000.00 NJA Cash WA for the Mentortng Prograrn

institute tor Humane Studies

3434 Washington Boulevard
tAS 105
Arlington. VA 22201 B4-1823E152 501(c)(3) 510.000.130 WA Cash , N/A for general operaSons

580 College Avenue
Palo Alto. CA 94306 47-1979289 WI (0(3) $275.000.00 NM Cash NIA for general operations

UCSF Fotmdation to support the endowed

trsckhox 45339 professorship tor Dr. Adam L.
San Francisco, CA 94145.0339 94-2829914 501(cX3) $2,500,000.00 N/A .._ C.ash N/A Boxer

Manhattan Institute for Polley ReSearth

52 Vanderb3lAvenue
New York, W 10017 13-29l2529 501(c)(3) 510,000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 62-2166327 19
Sch Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.
Part 14 Grants to Organizations and GevernMente in the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) On (0) (f) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Arnount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Foundation for Guttural Review

900 Broathvey
Suite 802
New York. NY 10003 13-3108424 501(oH3) 325.000.00 WA Cosh N/A for general operations

Smile Train. Inc.

41 Madison Avenue to SuPpOrt surgery for dett ilp
28th Floor & palate babies bon In poor
NOW York. NY 10010 13-3861416 501(cX3) 82.000.00 N/A Cash hUA countries

Fund for American Studies

1708 htew Hampshire Avenue. NW to teach young students the
Suite 400 benefits of free enterprise.
Washington, DC 20009 1343223604 501(03) 32030.00 WA Cash N/A limited Discernment

Fund for American Studies

1708 New Hampshire Avenue. NW
Washington. DC 20009 13.8223604 601(03) S10.000.00 WA Cash WA for General °aerations

Property Ftights Foundation of America to protect private property. end

P.O. Box 75 usa of ESA & Ects Domain
Stony Creek. NY izaht-cois 14-1768127 501(e)(3) 32.000.00 N/A CaSh NM again, land owner"

The David Propel

PO Box 52390
Boston. MA 02205-2390 16-1616489 501(oX3) S10.000.00 WA Cash WA tor general operationS

154 Gr8114 Street
8th Floor
New York. NY 10013 20.1425438 501(e)(3) S10000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Moving Picture Uvalde to make films promoting free

375 Greermtdi Street markets, limited government.
New York. NY 10013 20.3237801 601(c)(3) 52.000.00 N/A Cash WA fiberty

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

LLOZ (Z3-066 Jo 068 twoj) apipatps

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oto spiewuJenos pue suopezwaso at swum II wed

•sn at0 eleoPIAPuj pue suopezpie6i0001 'Mei° tios

4Z LZE991Z-M Isful S101100
Donors Trust. Inc. 62-2166327 22
Sch Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part U. Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) Id) (0) If) 40 (h)
Narrte and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section d Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Americans United For Ufe

2101 Wiser! eivd
Suite 525 to defend and prated Innocent
Arlington. VA 22201 38-3908065 501(cH3) 12.000.00 WA Cash WA unborn claidten

Thomas More Society
29 South LaSalle Street to provide legal defense for
Suite 440 those who defend, prated
Chicago. IL 00003 304270023 501(cH3) 62.000.00 N/A Cesh Nth
.. unborn babies

Eagle Fantrn Eduddlond & Lege1Defonso

Fund (IL)
PO Box eta to encourage woanent lo
Anon. IL 82002.0618 37.1097202 5010X3) 82.000.00 NIA Cash WA support conservative values

Hillsdale College
33 East Co!lege Street for Imprimis' publication, or
Hillsdale, MI 49242 38.1374230 001(c)(3) 82.000.00 N/A Cash WA where ever needed most

Medlin= Center for Public Polley to promote free markets,

140 West Maln Street limited government, free
Midland, MI 48540-0568 38-2701547 501(0(3) $2,0X1.00 N/A Cash N/A enterprise. liberty

Acton Institute to Integrate Judeo-Chnstlan

88 East Fulton Slreel truths with free market
Grand Rapids. MI 49503 38-2928822 501(0(3) 52,000.00 N/A Cash N/A prindpies

Wisconsin Right lo Life Education Fund

9730 West Bluemound Road
Sake 200 to defend and protect unborn
PlOwaultee, IAI 53226 39-1548867 501(c)(3) $2,000.0CN WA Cash N/A chlidren from abortion

Crestview Academy
1519 Peterson Avenue for the Library Project and
Eau Claire, WI 54703 39.1889441 501(013) $23.000.03 WA Cash WA Door Security Pro:ect

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 62-2166327 23
Sch Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) CO In (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Henry Jackson Sodety. Me.

Signature Bank:Attn: Bib, Khan
71 Broadway
New York, NY 100013 . 46-1190785 501(e)p) 525.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations -

Foundation for Teaching Economics

26t) Russell Botdevard to introduce youth lo coon and
Suite B help aeon leachers be
Davis. CA 95816-3830 , 51-0183347 5010)(3) $2,000.00 N/A Cosh WA effective

Landmark Legal Foundation

3100 El roathvay to retum 01,1 f country to the
Sulte 1210 rule of law. limile Of our
Kansas My. MO 84111 514203802 $010)(3) 82,000,00 NIA Cash N/A Constitution

Leadership Institute
1101 North Higfdand Street to hetp students advocate
Affingtort. VA 22201 51-0235174 501(c)(3) $2,000,00 NIA Cash N/A conservative Ideals

American Legislative &dully° Coundi

NOD Crystal Wye to encourage state tegislators
6th Root to write laws promoting limited
Ariington. VA 22202 52-0140979 501(e)(3) 62.000.0:1 N/A Cash WA government

Canter for Independent Thought

1420 Walnut Streel
Philadelphia. PA 19102 52-0945376 501(e)(3) S50.4300.00 N/A N/A
Cash . for general operations
Federation for American Immigration Refomt
(FAIR) r
25 iAasaachusetts Avenue. NW to advocate limited legal
Suite 330 Immigration and no amnesty
Washington. DC 20601 52-1138128 501(0(3) 62.000.00 WA Cash WA for Meted aliens

National Center for Public Polley Research. Inc.

20 F Street NW lo advocate limited
Suite 700 government free enterprise.
WaaNnaton. DC 20001 52-1226814 501(c)(3) 32.000,120_ t4JA Cash ',NIA minimal regulaikets

Stheduie I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2186327 24
Sch L Grants to Organizations and indviduals In the U.S.

Part IL Grants to Organizations and Govemmonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Arnount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

National Right to Ufa C.ommittee Educational

Trust Fund to defend and protect the most
512 10th Street NW basic human right. Me right to
Moilinglon. DC 20004 52-1241126 501(cit3) 52.000.00 N/A Cash N/A life

Capital Research Center

1513 16th Street NW to Investtaste and report on
Washington. DC 203384480 52-1289734 501(c1(3) 52.000.00 NJA Cash WA olublIc advatecy_organizabons

Gun 06171(MS Foundation

8001 Forbes Place to support and defend the 2nd
Suite 102 Amendment ln court and the
Springliettl. VA 22151 52-1297380 501(0(3) 52.000.00 WA Cash WA cOurt of public opinion

American Inuntgragon Control Finmdation to oducoto American pubfic

PO Box 525 abt dangers & arp of
Monterey. VA 24465-0525 52-1391849 501(cX3) 52,000.00 WA Cash WA uncontrolled immigration

Freedom Works Foundation

400 North Capitol Street. NW to fight fOr teas 900. 930
Suite 765 programs. laves. and more
Washington. DC 20011-1564 52-1528918 501(00) 52.000.00 WA Cash N/A tndlv freedom

Americans for Prosperity Foundation

1310 N. Courthouse Rd
Suite 700 to encourage prosperity by
Arlington. VA 22201 52-1527264 501(c)(3) 52.000.00 WA Cash N/A supporting free markets

Students for Life cil America to encourage youth to be pro-

4755 Jefferson Davis Highway Gra and to fight for laves
Fred arickaburg, VA 22408 52-1576352 501(c)(3) $2.000.00 WA Cash NIA banning abortion

Center for Indhichsal Rights

1100 ConnectiCut Ave. NW
Suita 625
Washington. DC 20036 52-16C0481 501(0(3) 51.000.00 N/A Cash WA for the area of highest need

Schedute I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2188327 25
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) fr) (9) (h)
Narne and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicabte Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance
, -

National Lepel 8 Polity Center

107 Park Weshbeften Court
Fans Munn. VA 22048 524750188 501(4(3) $1.000.00 WA Cash WA
..for Me area ot highest need

.ludictal Watch
425 ibliel Street. SW
Sidle 800 to prornote ethics & rroraLty in
Washington, DC 20024 52-1885088 501(0(3) $2.003.00 WA Cash WA public olnce. etc. .

Students tar Sensible Dm Pokey Founder:on

1011 0 Streel NW ter the California. Oregon,
Suite 1 WaShinglon end Nevada
Washington. DC 20001 524296291 501(013) $10.000.00 WA Cash WA Projects .

M meatus Ceder, GMU

3434 Washington Boulevard
4th Floor
Arlington. VA 22201 541438224 501(03) S12,920.00 N/A Cash WA tor genet°, operations
. —1
AAercatus Center. GNU
3434 Washington Boulevard
4lh Floor
Arlington. VA 22201 54-1438224 501(en (612,920.00j, N/A CaSh . WA tor gerieval operations

Mance Defending Freedom tor Blackstone Law ag WI
15100 North 90th Street Ftwshp to defend relig
Scottsdale. AZ 85260 54-1680459 501(c)(3) $2,000.00 WA Cash N/A freedom, rt to We etc .

Independent Women's Forum

18751 Street, NW to persuade vnunen to support
Suite 600 tree markets, nde or law. small

iAlitshimpon DC 20006 541870627 501(c)a) $2.030.00 NIA Cash N/A limited government

aere Boothe Luce Policy roseate

112 Elden Street for encouragement of women
Suite P to defend/advocate
Herndon. VA 20170 _ s4-1672t38 5014)(3) $2.000.03 N/A Cash WA conservative values

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

LlOt (Z3-066 Jo 066 000d) I 01/11)0110S

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001811107101 009400 P/601 01r1

Ng 91 WN 88103 Val 00'000.Z9 lC80/1.09 913Z986L115 8SOLE 1.1 '0811080

Neu •tuopeou slultplu .inoll 1.1.L009 098 Od
P018181 9110/081100 910/110/0 GI lasuntra itueln

sqcl uaqi °swum Val 4000 V/N 90'0001S (e)Mtas S788951-89 1:000•09 1 L'I VA ilP9008 09
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wag suolun mut uumaid 91 -gul •tione9utleA
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palm 711:0040 CI Pecti MN sawn St=
uogopunoj Oa, us01893181109

cuogsuado fEIMAII3t04 WN taxa Vai 017000•009 (8R0)109 1C9Z98Cr19 801C110Zr2 VA .11011111014/

09C 011119
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voitstI9N mood 91vIS

tuttunitemo papa viti 9993 Vali meat (c)(0)tos 107.880-LS 801080ZIL VA '11011110181
mouxutl pug Auat9 cq sdrecul3 OK 01108
mum aau 011374 1SISSU CLI .10 440t9 lit#J 1419N SS9t
. . )119A442N kMod elt9S

-,9 vio0 tug Val Ian V/N oovares (C10/109 91881911N Lt1.0-Pt 198 ON 189811W1
aumetutP9 P110 WIPP 418011100 LOZ 008 'O'd
In Woad 01mA allEureouuo 9.1. • uogopunod .saluu3 411/1314 OCLEIr

400;1010de moue) to) Val 4090 Val 00'000'SS (C80/108 909/980S9 81180I ON "01111)019d
tit.09 008 Od
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433u9ISISSy apuelsissv lesitudde aoueNissy eigeouddv 1118111W9A0D
JO WIND 11003-00N 'AIN 1100e) 00110010A 1000-00N Imo tiee3 11 uolPeS JO uoilezNefuo
Jo asottind io uogdposeo 10 1101110W Jo luncituv Jo iunowv 0d1 NI3 jo ssaippy pee etuaN
(I1) (8) 0) (e) (P) (3) KO (e)
'wit, 1.11 5141.10UNUOACS pee suonequeflio slump ued

.s•n steep!Apui pus suelierlue6J0 010100J0 '143s

iz-zs 'au! 8101.10a
Donom Tiust, Inc. 52-2188327 27
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments in the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (9) (f) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Arnount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
. Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

American Stewards of Liberty

824 South Austin Avenue to protect priv. prop,. avoid
Suite 101 abuse ot ESA 8 Eminent
Georgetown. TX 78828 74-2728757 , 501(0(3) $2.000.00 WA Cash N/A Domain

Find Liberty institute

2001 Plano Pannvey. Sults 1800
Plano, TX 75073 75.1403189 501(e)(3) 31,000.00 N/A Cosh N/A tor general operations

Naomi Council for Adepten

225 North WasNrigton Street
Alexandria, VA 22314.2561 75.1721871 501(CP) 55.000.00 N/A Cash WA for at:metal operations

Cotorado Christian University

8787 West Alameda Avenue tor the Centennial institute's
Lakewood. CO 80226 8443442420 501(e)(3) S300.00. WA Cosh N/A Western Conservotive Summit

Mountain States Legal Faundodon to promote limbed

2596 South LevAs Wiry government tree enterprise.
lakenood, CO eon7 84-0738725 501(clf3) 52.00000 WA Cash NIA Individual liberty

Mountain Stales Legal Foundation •

2596 South Lewis Way tor the Second Amendment
Lakewood. CO 8027/ 84-0736n5 501(Ctra 5500.00 N/A Cash N/A Paged

Goldwater Ineatide
930 East Coronado Road lo protect freedom and
Phoenix. AZ 85C04 8843597681 501(03) $2.000.00 WA , Cash WA PlosPerilY

bulbul° tor Human e Sartain

3434 Washington Boulevard to teach shidents the beneas
HS 105 of Sneed government,
/Whalen. VA 22201 94-1623652 501(c)(3) _ $2.000.00 WA Cash WA Individual rights

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 28

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) Pii) (e) (d) (a) if) (9) (h)

Name and Address of BN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Appficebte Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Padfie Legal Foundation to preserve pdvate property

930 0 Strad rights. entl abuse of Eminent
Sacramento. CA 95814 Ere-2197343 501(c)(31 $2.000.00, NJA Cash WA ()amain

Gressmot Institute of Hcrrma

1050 Bishop Street
Honolulu. Hi 88813 930354937 501(c1f3) 61.776.00 N/A Cash N/A tor general operations

Catholic Assodation Foundation

3011 Dumbarton Street NW
Washington. DC 20007 20-2387987 501(c)(3) $830.000.00 WA Cash ram far oeneral operations

Judicte1 Education Project

3011 Dumbarton Sbeet NW
Washington. DC 20007 2324643871 $01(c)(3) $70.000.00 N/A . Cash WA for general operations

Foundation tor Individual Rights In Education

510 Walnut Street
Sulte 1250
Philadelphia. PA 19106 04-3467254 50141(3) Sz.000.chl WA Cash WA tor general operations

Manhatran Institute far Pettey Research

52 vanderen Avenue
New York. NY 10017 132912529 501(c)(3) $25.000.00 N/A Cash N/A tor general operations

Mardiattan institute tor Policy Research

52 Vanderbilt Avenue
New York. NY 10017 112012529 501(0(3) $1.500.00 N/A C.ash WA for gonefat operations

Notional Rovlow Insttruto

216 Lexington Avenue
11th Floor
New York. NY 10018 13,3648537 501(c)(3) $1.500.00 N/A Cosh N/A far general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 29

Sch I. Grants to Organizations and Intividuals in the U.S.

Part lit Grants to Organizations and Governments In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (9) If) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Desc:ription of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Government Appficable Assistance appraisal, Assistance AssEstance

Moving Refute Institute

3TS GreenWelt Street
New York. NY 10013 204237801 SOI(c)(3) S125.000 WA Cash NiA tor general operations

insttule tor Free Speech

124 SOUth West Street
Stale 201
nexentfria, VA 22314 20-3676688 WI 03(3) S200.000,00 WA Cash WA for Calera' Operations

Caesar Rodney Institute

P.O. Box M19
IMbnIngton. DE 19803 26-2176691 501 (e)13) S25.000.00, WA Cash t4/A tor general operations

Texas VVatettdog
3700 Therms= Street
Austin. TX 78702 264057133 601(cX3) S400,000.00, WA Cash NM for the Texas hterillor Project

Franklin Center
107 S. West Street 9718
Alexandria. VA 22314 28-4068298 5011g(3) 59.00000 N/A Cash N/A tor general operations

Stand Tcgether
1320 NOM Courthouse Roal
Sulte 600
ArEngtOn. VA 22201 2741E0768 5011e)(3) S100,000.00 N/A C.ash N/A —to:general operations

Rrst Amendment °wanton

534 491 Street - data disclosure end
Sole B transparency with the Stara
San Rafael. CA 94901 310308493 501(e)(3) $6.100.004 WA Cash N/A Bar ot California

Federalist Society
1776 I Street. NW
Suite 300
Washington. DC 20006 384235550 501(cx3) S2.500.00 NIA Cash WA for general operations

Schedute I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

LUZ (Z3-086 oee tui0J) oinPatin

suowedo gamuat xn V/N 11883 V/N 00'000.1t (tX3N OS ZIS8S111.-ZS WOOL 30 '1101dui1IseM
mN -ortumv angs11181181 RIJN 00Z1
Awattn wtotaaatt st Fund PIP28

cuonomdo Fasau40 on VIN MO V/N D0'000.9LS (CM &OS 9PLOSLIIS SOC1OZ 30 .881thiPtseM
sunulcum Atogiowlyi is114V 8114118oi

Guam:id° lama b soi WN 1Is83 V/1,4 00'00Vrt (C)(2)10S LCEPPLVES to9O1-COZZZ V/V110141/V
008 oginS
ImoN a11819 OWN 108
=DMA ein1411U1

summed° wooed so) WN Ot83 VfN 00'000'004S (00)tos toeztzst-zs tOttt VA '88413118M
004 811^S
131:1 ogninflir,03 11 MCI
uo8upunoA itimadsom Joi sueossatuv

suogapacto galatgoli Jcg VIVI 8c03 V/N ocr000'rS (c)(0)tos sear:oil/ZS moor 30 •uoiljupisem
0 l0 eons
J81103 4Nd3111111d V s3t183

s =paled° pawl, Joi YIN oseo V/N ocr000'osS (c)(0)toS lettINS-LI, 611VE lA '1181111/N
vez-taz oilnS
'13Ne man Sagl

BlutrtiV 111 vrN Ilse3 V/N .00'000'OSS (CH3NOS ESOLEOS-99 0600Z ao votoututem
00013001 UT0U011 BunsIsse Jos. Ott NITS
18811S VI SILL
MOM 88u1n1-1 Pue /081111 J02 uongoono4 vn

sttomorto teJaue8 48) V/N ille3 WTI 00"000'SZ IS (CMOS ZL9COSCSt Wen VA licleulliV
1942 xaEl Od
uogepunod 202022r1 20j sueopauiv Ounok

. goue)s!ssy aouejsissv lespicidg aouetspsv alcleplIddV tuatuwaNas
JO 1118.10 tise0-uoN 'AVIA .)100q) I1011130113A tpeo-uoN Wine 080 I! t1003eS . JO U0110p110010
jo 0S0dind jo uolidposat3 p potgatry jo tunowy jo girtouly 3211 NB jo snippy pue guieN
NI (8) (1) (e) (P) (5) (Q) (e)

vn stugutumos pug suoneziugOio =ale 11

.s.n tit sienpopui pug suogeziugfuo ot swats tps

OE LEE991Z-Z9 "oul siotto0

Donors Trust, Inc. 62-2185327 31
Soh I, Grants to Organizations and Indy!duals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(8) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of .\ Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Appticable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Marcuana Polley ROO Foundation

2370 ChampSatn Street NW
SuIta 12
Washington. DC 20009 52-1975211 5010)(3) 5100000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

American Federotion for Clikken Growth Fund

1880 L Street. NW
Suite 1000
Washington. DC 20038 52-2111508 501(cX3) $500.00 WA Cash WA for general octerations

American Enterprise institute

1789 MaSsachusotts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20036 53-0216495 5014)(31 31.500.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

OMU Foundation
Mercatus Center
3434 INashington Sty& 4th Floor
Arlington, VA 22201 54-1603842 501(03) 510,000.00 N/A Cash NIA for the Mescalus Center

Citizens Unites! Foundodon te promote tredhisinat

1006 Pennsylvania Avon uo, SE Funertzan YEA= ot limited
Vdtshinglon. DC 20003 54-1626748 501(c)(3) $2.000.00 WA Cash N/A government

Slate Policy NeMerk

1855 North Fort Meyer Dr.
Suite 380
Adington. VA 222094108 57-0952531 501(CX3) S2.500.00 N/A Cash NIA for general operations

ROMs Southern College tar tha Center lea Free

111 Lake Hollingsvocath Drive Entermise's 2017 Freedom
Lakeland, Fl 33831 5;0624401 501(t)(3) 525.000.00 N/A Cash N/A Week a:Wiliest

Texas PubLv Pasty Foundation

901 Congress Avenue fru the 'Right on Crtme
Auserk TX 78701 744524057 501(4X3) 55.000.00 WA Cash NIA Protect

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2186327 32

Sch I. Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In tha U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Arnount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance
. other)

National Carnal tor Adoption

226 North Washington Shoat tor the Forger Care Besmirch
Alexandria. VA 22314-2561 75-1721671 501(c)(3) 310.000.00 NIA Cash WA Prniect-

Compassion and Choices

PO Box 101810
Denver. CO 80250-1810 844328829 501(0(3) $15.000.00 N/A Cash N/A tor general operaUons

E Plunbus I./num Films

2247 151h Avenue West to support the Economic
Seattle, INA 98119 91-2053400 501(e)(3) 825,000.00 WA Cash WA Thinking Program

Institute tor Humane Studies

3414 Washington Boulevard
MS 1G5
Arlington. VA 22201 94-1623852 501(e)(3) 565.000.00 WA Cash WA tor die Learn liberty Protect

Institute tor Humane Studies

3434 Washington Boulevard
MS 105
Adkigton. VA 22201 94-1823852 801(03) 3200.000.00 WA Cash N/A tor general Operations

Students tor Liberty ' •

1101 17111 Street, NW
Suite 810 .
Washington, DC 20036 943435899 501(cX3) 510.000.00 WA Cash NIA tor general operations

University of San Diego

6998 Atcale Park tor die C.enter tor Ethics.
San Diego. CA 92110 95-2544535 5014)0) $25.000.00 N/A Cash WA Econornlea ond Public Policy

Reason Foundation
6737 Mesmer Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90250-6318 95-3298239 501(c)(3) $300,000.00 WA Cash N/A ter general oporalone

Schedute I (Form 990 or 99D-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, inc. 52-2166327 33
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and IndvIduals In the U.S.

Part Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(8) (b) (c) (d) (0) (0 (IP (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC AmouM of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valtration (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

BM of Rights Institute
200 North Glebe Road
Suite 200
Arlington. VA 22203 48-0891418 601(c1(3) 3475.000.00 WA Cash PRA tor general operations

James G. Martin Centar for Academic Renewal

353 East Six Forts Road
Suit° 200
Raloigh. NC 27809 16.1888283 501(c)(31 $5.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general °paragons

Beacon Center 01 Tenneasa*

PO alut 198848
Nashville. TN 37219 204808567 501(c)(3) 26.500.00 N/A Cash N/A for troneral operations

Martel Research Foundation

4153 Chain Brictgo Road
Fairtax. VA 22030 20-4155841 501(cR31 S300.000.00 WA Cash WA far general operations

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Prograrn

PO Boit 9509
Warwick Ri 02889.9509 23.2888152 501(0(31 260.000.09 WA Cash N/A ,for the Citizenship Fund

fiteroceegiale Shalles InsgbAe

3901 CentenNle Road
Whabhpon. OE 198074938 216050131 501(cX3) 51.000.00 WA Cash NIA flit MIlatili operations

Halftime Foundagon
214 Massachusens Avenue. NE
Washington. OC 200024999 23-7327730 501(0(31 51.000.00 N/A Cash NIA for general operations

SOX Workers Outreach Prefect

2388 Fetr Oaks Blvd
Suite 330 • for Rio Donor& operations of
Sacramento, CA 95825 28.2284838 501(c1(31 510.003.CO WA Cash N/A SWOP Sacramento

Schedule I (Forrn 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 34
Sch t, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (0) (0 (9) (h)
Name anti Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant Or
Government Applicable Assistance appralsat, Assistance Assistance

Student Free Press Assodation

4771 Mechanic Road
Hillsdale. MI 49242 27-2277658 501(0(3) 3100.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Mackinac Center for Public Policy

140 West Main Street
Midland. Ml 4136404M8 38-2701547 501103) 36.500.00 WA Cash NIA for ammo] aaefaVans
..- ,

Certea. Inc.
3077 E. 98Itt Street
Sulte 275
Indisnapobs. IN 48280 , 48-1888092 501(oW3) 3300,000.00 NIA Cash WA ler general operations

Eltdcs & Pules Policy Center

1730 Id Street NW
Sinle 910
Washintan. DC 20036 52-116211I5 501(013) 3100.000.00 WA Cash WA for General operations

Institute on Region & Democracy

1023 15th Street NW ter general operations anti tar
Suite 601 tho Ctutstlentry and National
Vtrashington. DC 20005-2801 52-1285221 50101(3) 3350.000.00 NIA Cash WA Smartly Program

Yankee Institute
216 Matri Street
Hartford. CT 08108 52-135)3144 501(c)(3) 315.000.00 WA Cash WA tor general operations

Judicial Watch
425 Third Street SW
Sulte 800
Washington. DC 20024 52-1885088 501(c)P) 31.000.00 WA C.ash N/A tor general opernons

American Enterprise Institute

1789 Massachusetts Ave. MN
Washington. DC 20038 53-0218485 501(c)(3) S500.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operation

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 35
Sch Grants to Organizations and IndvIduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (r) (91 (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Media Research Center

1111:0 Campus Cornatans Drive
Suite 800
Reston. VA 20191 SO-1429009 501(c)(3) 51.000.00 WA Cash N/A fro general oPerneene

Mortal= Center, MAU

3434 Washington Boulevard
4th Floor
ArUngton, VA 22201 544436224 501(eX31 51.030,00 N/A Cash WA tor general operations

Georgia Center for Opportunity

333 Researth Cowl
Una 210
Ptorcross GA 30092 5S-1928520 501(043) 515.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs

1401 North Lincoln Boulevard
Oklahoma Clly, OK 73104-2901 73-1438375 601(c)(3) 58.500.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

Mantyn Bums Dancers

7420 West Cactus Road
Stdle 8-5 br the MesliV11 Burns Dancers
Peoria. AZ 95381-9533 98-0932103 501(c)(3) S1.003.00 WA Cash WA 2017 Fundraiser

Institute for Kunst° Studies

3434 Washington Boutevan1
MS 105
Arlington. VA 22201 04-1823&52 —, 601(0(3) 51.000.00 WA Cash WA tor general operations

lathed Legal Defense Ftmd For the Unfair ComperiUtion

626 East Cohn' Avenuo Litigator and Food Llibootor
CotaU, CA 94931 94-26911380 601(c)(A) S80,500.00 WA Cosh NIA Probsets

National Review trabtute

215 Ltadrigton AIMS=
11th Roor
Now Yort. NY 10018 13-3849537 501(c)(3) 81,000.00 WA Cash WA for youth sponsorships

Schedule I (Form 980 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 36

Sch I. Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (0) (d) (6) if) (CO (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
OrganizeIlon or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Foundation for Economic Education

1819 Peachtree Roast NE
&Me 300
Atlanta. GA 30009 13-6008960 601(c)(3) 31.000.00 NIA Cash WA
1 - for general °paragons

John W. Pope Civitas Inslihrta

605 Wing Forest Road
Sae 'CO
Raleiph. NC 27609 20-2454741 501(c)(31 S8.500.00 N/A Cash WA for General operations

Success Acatemy Charter Schoch;

Ann: Development
95 Pine Sheet Floor 6
New Tort. NY 10005 205298861 501(0(3) 54.000.00 , N/A Cash N/A for general °paragons

Rodda Sheriffs Youth Ranches. Inc.

PO Box 2000
Boys Ranch. FL 32084 207303117 501(c)(3) 58.00000 WA C.osh WA for general operations

CARO institute .
1030 Itassachusetis Avenue. NW
Washington. DC 20031-5403 234432162 501(c1(3) S500.00 N/A Cash WA for general avocations

Annattcon Majority
PO Box 87
Purceilvfge. VA 20134 26-1501154 501(0(3) 4250.000.00 NIA Cash N/A tor genera! °paragons

Wyoming Liberty Croup

lEdil Thomas Avenue
Suite 201
Cheyenno, 1NY 82001-3549 2B-282811S 501(c)p) $45.000.00. N/A Cash WA tcrr general operations

Legacy Foundation
600 4th Street
Suite 380
Sioux City. IA 51108 203853831 501(c)(3) 5100.030.00 WA Cull WA tor genera! °paragon s

SChedule I (Fonn 0110 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. inc. 52-2166327 37
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and indviduals in the U.S.

Pad II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) M (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC AmouM of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Vatuallon (book, Mk,. Non•Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Energy & Environment Legal Institute •

722 12th Street NW
4111 Root
1.6tuthington. OC 20003 28-4230085 souctO) 52.000.00 WA Cash WA tor general operations

Project Verdes
1214 Boston Post Road. 0148
Marnaronedr. NY 10543 27-2894858 501(c)F3) . $10.000.00 WA Cash NIA for general operations

A Beller Chicago
GOO West Van Buren Street
Suite 610 ,
Chicago. IL 80807 27-4498825 501(cX3) $2.000.00 WA Cash NIA for gertorel operations

Association ol American Educators Foundation

27405 Puerta Real
Suite 230
Mission Viejo. CA 026814388 33.0823003 501(c)(3) 434,009.00 N/A Cash N/A tor general *mod= s

Ashland University
401 Wage Menus, for the moral operations of
Ashland. OM 44805 34471462B 501(c)p) 32.000.00 14/A Caiiii NJA 1h0 Ashbrook Center

Friedman Foundallon for Educationid Choke

111 Monument Circle
Suite 2850
Indiana:was. IN 48204 334978W9 501(4(31 34.000.00 WA Cash NIA for normal operations

Mackinac Center for Pubk Poky

140 Vitist Mein Street
Midland. MI 480404568 38-2701547 501(0(31 3200.00 N/A Cash NIA tor general operations

Relevant Radio
PO Box 10707
Green Bay. INI 54307.0707 384033087 501(c)(3) 3500,00 WA Cash NIA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2186327 38
Se.h Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (13) (I) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Canals Policy Institute

100 South LaSalle Street
State 1500
Chicago. IL 60603 41-20570211 , 501(03) 36,500.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Illinois Policy Institute

100 South LaSalle Street
Suite 1500
Chicago. IL 50603 41-2057026 501(c)(3) $1.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

American Friends of Stiut•Up Nam COMM/

4a worn 57th Street
26th Fl001
Slaw York. NY 10019 48-1723968 501(c)(3) S1.000,000.00 N/A Cash WA tor general operations

Fred Lewis Foundation for Youth liandtsall

10153 East Minus Street
Tucson. AZ 8.5748 464100162 501(c)(3) 32.020.00 NIA Cash WA tor general operations

15273 Collier Blvd.
Suite 201434
Naples. FL 34119 47-5591391 501f cX3) $1.000.00 N/A Cash N/A tor genoritl operations

Sal of Rights Institute

2C0 North Gleba Road
Suite 200
Arlington. VA 22203 484891418 501(0(3) SZ000,00 N/A Cash N/A tar mineral operations

Foundation tot Teaching Economies

260 Russel) Boulevard
Suite a
Doris. CA 05613.3839 51.0183347 501(c)(3) S2,000.00 14/A Cash N/A for °morel operations

Leads/slap Institute
i 101 North kahlond Street
Arrington. VA 22201 51.0235174 501(c)(3) 32.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 30
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and inclvIduals in the U.S.

Part 11, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Arnount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Capital Research Center

1513 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036-1480 62.1289734 501(c)(3) 51.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

Competitive Enterprise instihrte

1310 L Street NW
7th Floor
N4whIngton. DC 20005 52-1351785 S01(c)(3) 55.000.00 NJA Cash WA for general operations

Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow

PO Box 85722
WaShington. DC 20035 52-14628'93 501(013) 55.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Institute for Joslite

901 North Glebe Road
Suito 900
Artngton. VA 22203-11354 52-1744337 501(c)(3) 51.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Institute tot Justice

901 North Glebe Road
Suite 900
Ar6ngton. VA 22203-1854 52-1744337 501(c)(3) $1.000.00 N/A Cash N/A ,for general operations

Becket Fund for Religious Liberty

1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036 52-1858532 501(c)(3) $200.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

Maryland Public Policy Int:6Mo

PO Box 105
Gormantovm, MD 20875-0195 52-2199055 501(c)(3) 310.000.00 WA Cosh N/A for general operations

Stato Policy Network

1855 North Fort Meyer Or.
Suite 360
AdingtOn. VA 222094108 57-0952.531 501(0(3) 5200.00 N/A path NIA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 40
Sdi I. Grants to Organizations and indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govorrunonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (0 (DI (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Arnount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash • Grant or
Govemment Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

National Right to lAicalc Legal Defense

Foundation, Inc.
B301 Braddock Rand
Springlietd. VA 22180.0002 50-1588825 501(0(3) S26,000.00 N/A Cash WA for genera/ operations

Ste" UP for Students

P.O. Box 54420
Jacksonville. FL 32245-4387 59-3849371 501/0(3) S4.00100 WA Cash WA for general operations

Jupiter Medical C.onter Foundation

1210 South Old Dixie Highway
Building East 1002 \

Jupiter. FL 33458 85-0132408 501(013) S1.000.00 WA Cash NIA for general operations

Houston Baptist Unhandy

7502 Fondren Road for the Center for Low &
Houston. TX 77074 741400609 5010)(3) S100.000.00 WA Cash WA Liberty

Wyoming Catholit CO:lege

308 Man Street
Lander. INY 82520 8104343417 50103(3) S2.200.00 N/A Cash WA for general openilions

Independence Instduto
727 East 16th Avarua
Denver. CO 80203 840990300 501 (c1F3) S1.500.00 NIA Cash N/A for general operations

Santa flora University

500 El Camino Rost for Santo CLara University
Santo Clara CA 05053 94-1158617 501(c)(3) S25.030.00 WA Cash WA Wornen's Tennis

Institute for tarmac Studies

3434 Washington Boulevard
MS 105
Adington. VA 22201 041523852 501(c)(3) $1.000.00 NIA _ Cash WA for genera operakords

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 62-2166327 41
Sctt Grants to Organizations and Inch/duals in the U.S.
Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(s) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section ff Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Catholic Association Foundation

3011 Dumbarton Street t4W •
Washington. DC 213007 20-2387987 601(cn S2,500,000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

RePotous Slaters of Mercy

1985 Michigan Avenue
Alma. MI 4880t 501(0(3) S500.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

New Harvest
154 Grand Street
61h Flom
Slaw York. NY 10013 20-1425438 SOIKX3) 510.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

Salvation Army
8495 SE Monterey Ave. for Flooding Relief In the
Happy Valley. OR 97088 2244013433 501(cX3) 5100.000.00 NIA Cash N/A United States

Wootton Army
8495 SE Mordaray Ave.
Happy Valley. OR 97088 22.24013433 501(cX3) 35.000.00 N/A Cads N/A for general opernUons

Franklin Center
107 S. Weosi Street g718 for the Watchdog Texas
Alexandria. VA 22314 28.4088298 50HcX3) S4.288.00 N/A CaSil WA Pft4er-f
Erotic Service Pmvident Lega/ Education and
Research Prolect
2261 Mimtet Street
San Fruncbco, CA 94114 27-2049E188 501(.0(3) $250.00 N/A Cash WA tor general operations

Ohlo State University Foundation

Moritz College at Law. Drink° Hail to Support the Cottage of
55 West 12th Avanua -
lzarts Ohio state Business
CO:timing. OH 43210 31-1145988 601(s1(3) S250.03 WA Cash N/A Law Journal

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

L 10Z (Z3'086 oss uu0d) arvarn

suppEuedst wawa 101 Vni • VS*33 WN CO'000179 (£X0)109 9091t 1E19 - 9000Z 30 1/0101114s0M
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elitism:4ra wpm YIN Vse0 V/N 00'09Z.Z9 (0)(3)t09 91.941/01,C L960 NO AiNueensIS
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aoliels!ssy =messy lesieidde opueispsy elcluolld4V IIJOUJUJBA00
JO ille-Pa 41;80-UON 'ANA llooq) uopenleA tise3-uoN AIIIJO 4993 II uoliaaS JO uonezitiefho
Jo asodirld io uoildposaa Jo PotilaIN io turtowv jo wrtowv 3211 NI3 jo ssaippy pus aweN
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vn as ui siunpAPui Poe so0110411013J0 01 olooJ9

Elr Lle991E-L9 Isrui Inoue('
Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2186327 43

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govarnmonta In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (9) (h)

Nome and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Arrtount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Students tor Sensible Caug Policy Foundation
1011 0 Street NW for the California. Oregon,
Suito 1 Washington and Nevada
Wathlnoton, DC 20001 52-229629i 501(c)(3) $10.000.004 N/A Cash WA Protects

Carpenters Sheller
930 Noah Henry Street
Atexandria. VA 22314 54-1571849 MillfeN3) S1.000.011 N/A Cash WA tor peateral eperations

PetConnott ROSWO
PO BOX 80714
Potomac. MD 20859 55-0857808 501KK3) S5,000.00, WA Cash WA for general operations

Dlothch von Hildebrand Legacy Project

1215 University 8Nd
Steubenville, OH 43952 50-37111328 501(0(3) 5500.00 NIA Cash WA for general operoVons

Mountain Slates Legs/ Foundation

2598 South Laves Way for the Second Amendment
Lakewood. CO 80227 84-W38725 501(c)(3) ssoo.og N/A Cash N/A Project

Potluck to the Park

pia. Bos 12443
ROOM. OR 97212 93-1212531 501IcNa) 55,000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Pectic Research MOMS°

101 Montgomery Street
Suge 1300
San Ranchos. CA 94104 94-2526433 501(c)(3) 525.0301X1 WA Cestt N/A tar general operations

Auas Economic Rosearch Famatation

1201 L Street tiW to support the vault date
2nd Floor Lebanese Insblute tar Market
Washington. OC 20c05 942763845 _ 501(c)(3) 51.000.00 N/A Cash WA SiliffeS

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 44

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (I) (9) PI)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Arnount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Freedom Foundation
PO Box 552
Olympia. WA 98507 04-3138981 501(cIR S10,003.00 ,- WA Cash SUA for general operations

Csaremoni institute
1317 West Foothill Botdevard
Sults 120
Upland, CA 91788 95-3443202 501(c)(3) $50.000.00 WA Cale WA far general operations
Arnertcan Friends a/ Bata/lava Dance Company,
1201 Broadway
Suite 802
Netv Yolk NY 10001 03-0434419 501fc)13) S501/00 N/A Cash WA for genera! operations

The Jewish Federations of North America

25 Broadway
&die 1700
New York NY 10004-1010 13-1824240 5014)(3) S250,000,00 N/A Cash WA for general opera:ions

American Jewish Histarical Society

15 lAtest 113th Street
New Yost, NY 10011 13-1754804 501M3) S500.00 N/A Cash NIA tet general Ow • S

Amnon society tar Yeti Veshem

503 Fifth Avenue
42nd Ftoor
New Yort, NY 10110-4299 13-3108788 501(4(3) S10.030.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Foundation for Cultural Review

900 Broachoty
Suite 802 to support The New Crttertores
New York. NY 10003 113108424 501(0(3) 310.000.00 WA Cash N/A annual Edmund Burke Dinner

Museum olEttlitttge Street

12 ettrIstee Street
Naw Yodt. NY 10002 134379555 501(c)(3) S500.00 WA Cash N/A kV neetstel operaeons

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust Inc. 52-2165327 45
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Inchriduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (I) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Commentary. Inc.
561 7th Avenue
16th Floor
New Yost. NY 10018-1816 13-3810041 301(013) S10.000.00 N/A Cosh N/A for general operations

Pro Minim Hebraic°

1225 llitth Steel. NW
Sulta 703
Washington. DC 20036 20.0201189 501 (c)(3) $500.00 WA Cash WA for wawa! operations

WI Church Association
PO &or 1307
San Aritanb. TX 78285 20.4413244 501(cX3) S500.00 WA Cosh WA lot genera/ operations

!Cerro Yehoshua VYisroel Foundation

12S Carey Street for JWR and The internet
Lakewood. NJ 08701 22-3209160 5131foff3) S1.000.00 WA Cash NIA Protect

Center tot JevAsh Community Saidies

7 Church Lane
Suite 9
Baltimore. MD 21208 234009862 501(4E31 S1.000.00 WA Cash WA for the Deny Alert ProOct

American Friends of the Israel Museum

S45 nth Avenue
Suite 920
ttew Vogt NY 10217 23-7162582 , 501 (c)(3) S3.000.00\ WA Cash N/A for general operations

%WAG Initiative for Studying Public Affairs
1023 Thames Jefferson Street NW
Washington. DC 20007 26-2432747 501(0(3) S1.600.00 WA Cash NIA for general operations
, —

Wiliam F. Buck*. Jf. Program

234 Church Street
7th Floor to support Um annual
Now Haven, CT 06510 27-5131268 5014)13) S10.000,00 WA Cash WA "DisInvitallon Melee

Schedule I (Form 990 or 99D-E2) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 46

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II. Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (a) (e) (d) (a) (f) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Appficatrki Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance
1 -...

University of Wsconsin Eau Claire Foundation

105 Garfield Street
&bottled House 214 to support a Holocaust
Eau Claire. WI 54702-4004 390972350 501(cX3) 373.500.00 N/A
. Cash WA Professorship

Torah Academy of Mirsteapotts

2088 Jona Street
St. Louts Park. MN 654194104 4143007488 501(e)(3) S11.500.00 WA C.ash WA
, to support Scholarships

Unhiersity of Minnesota KW FoundaSon

1521 University Ave.. SE
MiruteepoBs, MN 55414 41-6038813 501(013) S1.000.00 WA Cash WA lor mineral operations

Education For Just Peace In The Middle East

PO Box 21539 to addove DAM and tasting
Washinpton, DC 20009 42-1638592 . 501 (c)(3) 32,000.00 WA Cush WA peace In the Mideast

United Lubavich Youth of Yeshiva

433 Crovai Streel
Brooktyrt. NY 11225-3119 45-0500088 501(03) ...., S5C0.00 WA Cash WA to stantort SChotarShIPs

Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs

1101 14th sow. NW
Suite 1110 lo maroon itte 2016/2017
Washington, DC 20005 52-1233883 501(0(3) S200,000.00 WA Cash WA LEEP

American Sodaty for Me Proteedon of Nature in

28 Amanda% Avenue
Greet Nadt. NY 11024 52-1487954 501(c)(3) S1.000.00 WA Cosh WA tor general operations

American CND Maas Institute

PO Iket 188350
Sacramento, CA 95818 52-2004897 501(c)(0) S5.000.00 WA .._ Cash NIA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 47
Soh I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the 1).8.

(a) • (b) (c) (d) Of (0 (9) (h)
Name and Address of 8N IRC Amount of Arnount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

American Enterprise Institute

1789 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington. OC 20038 5343218495 501(0(3) 125.000.03 N/A Cash N/A tor general operations

Aquinas College
4210 14anflng Pike
NashvIlls. IN 37205 6243812782 501 (c)(3) $580.00 WA Cash WA tor germ:rat operations

'dards on lAheets People

T710 SW 31s1Avenue
Portlast OR 97219 930584318 501(0f3) S5.000,00 NIA Cash NIA far General operations

Supporters of Hillsboro Senior Community

750 SE fiEs Ave.
Hillsboro, OR 97123 91081E1382 501(c)13) S1.500.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

University of San Diego

5998 Atcala Part
San Oleg*. CA B2110 501(Cr3) 894.000.09 WA CaSts WA far general operations

Our Lady of MOuot CarMet Catholic ChurCh

5620 South Hickory Cade
Uttleton. CO 130120 501M3) S10,000.00 WA Cash N/A tor the building fund

Prleally Fraternity of Stant Peter

119 Griffin Road
Elmhurst Township. PA 16444 50143(3) $4.000110 WA Cosh NIA for the Seminarians

Philanthnspy Roundtaido
1120 201/1Street NW
Suite 550 South
VVashington. OC 20038 13-2943020 WIMP/ $1,000.00 N/A Cash N/A Mr genera, operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2188327 48

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (1) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Researds

155 Devonshire Street
Suer) 5101
Boston, FAA 02110 22-2632081 SOIMCS) 31,000.00 N/A Cash WA Tor general operagons

Heritage Foundation
214 Manathusetlis Avenue. NE
Washington. DC 20002-4999 23-7327730 501M(3) 31.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

Wyoming Liberty Group

1902 Thorros Avenue
Suite 201
Cheyenne. VVY 512001-3549 264828115 501(c)(3) $245.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Think Freely Medla. Inc.

1920 L Street. NW
Suite 325
Washington. DC 2003S 27-1110766 501(c)(35 375.000.00 WA C.ash WA for general operations

Project Yentas
1214 BOVZI Post Road. B146
Mamaroneck NY 10543 27-2804856 50IMO) 310.000410 WA Cash , N/A for general operaeons

Si. John Use Divine

2450 River Oaks Boulevard tor the Boy Scouts
Houston. TX 77019-5826 31-1629166 501(cX3) . =COO N/A Cash N/A (Yellowstone Academy)

Thomas More Society

19 South LaSeile Street
Suite 603 for the Defense ot Davis
Chicago. IL 60603 35-4270023 501(c)(3) 36.000.00 WA Cash WA Midden

Hillsdale Coliege
33 East Wage Street
Misdate. 30 49242 _ 384374230 501(c)(35 151.000.00 NJA Cash NJA tor general operadons

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donom Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 48

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (t) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Orgonlzatfon or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistarrce appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Foundation for Goventrnent AccountaeMy

15275 Collier Boulevard
Suite 201-279
Naples. Ft. 34118 45-2837507 501(03) $225.000.00 N/A Cosh WA for genera! operations

all of Rights Institute

200 North Glebe Road
Suite 200
Arington. VA 22203 480891416 501(c)(3) S1.5C0.00 NIA Cash N/A tor general operations

Foundation for Teaching Economics

260 Russell Boulevard
Suite B
Davbr. CA 95616-3839 51-0183347 501(C)(3) t1.000A0 N/A Cash N/A for General operations

American Enterprise Insteute

1789 Massachusetts Ave. NW for Media Strotegy continued
WastUngton. OC =036 530218495 501(a)(3) 5200.000.00 WA Cosh WA funding and expansion

Character Education Partnership. Inc.

1634 'Street NW
Suite 550
Washbigton. DC 20006 54-1657505 501(c)(3) 1500.00 NIA Cash N/A for general operations

Vanderbilt University
211 Kirldand Hail for the 2017 SABURE Searle
Nash&e. TN 37240 624478022 501(CX3) S525,000.00 WA Cash WA Program

Texas Pubfic Policy Foundation

801 Congress Avenue
Austin. TX 78701 74-2524057 501(0(31 513.000.00 N/A Cash N/A
— for general operations

Christian Montessori Follosvshigs

24165IH 10 West
Suite 217 -117
Ban Antonia. ix 70257 _ 75-1520307 501001 $1.000.00 _ NIA Cash N/A far general operations

Schedule I (Forrn 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 50 •
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (9) (h)

Name and Address of E1N IRC Arnount of Arnotmt of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (boolc, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Appficable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

YES Prep Public Schools

5515 South Loop East
Suite 8
Houston, TX T7033 78-0583835 5014)(31 S1.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Colorado Christian Urdversity

13787 West Alameda AVCIWO
Lakewood. CO 80228 84-0442429 501(0(31 $12.919.04 N/A Cash WA for the Centennial institute

Oregon East Syniptbony. Mc,

P.O. Box 1438
Pendleton, OR 97801 03-0937251 501(0(3) S5,000.00 NIA Cash N/A far Me area of highest need

Inshtute for Humane Studies

3434 Washington Boulevard
MS 105
Arlington, VA 22201 944623852 5014X3) $1,000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Adz's Economic Research Foundathm

1201 L Street. NW
2m1 Floor
Washington. DC 20005 D4-2783845 501(c)(3) 31.000.00 N/A Cash NIA tor general operations

Educational Media Foundation

P.O. Box 2038
Omaha. NE 681012098 94-2816342 501(0(3) 51.000.00 WA Cash N/A for the area of highest need

Catholic Association Foundation

3011 Durnbarton Street NW
Washington. DC 20007 20-2387087 501(c)(3) 5230.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for oeneral operations

Judicial Education Propel

3011 DumbEuton Street NW
Washington, DC 20007 20-2488871 501(0(33 S245,000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general oporatiens

Schedule l(Forrn 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2188327 51
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) to) (f) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Gmnt Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Franlcdri Center
107 &NAM Street a718
Alecantirta. VA 22314 26-4066298 501(0)(3) 350.000.00 WA C.ash WA for general operations

CatInstc Medical Mission Board

100 Wel/ Street
9111 Floor for the Overseas Mission
New Volt. NY 10005 _ 13.5602319 501(0(3) 31.03000 N/A Cash N/A Mak Prtdect

Foundation tor Economic, Education

1819 Peachtree Road NE /
Stilt° 300
Atlanta. GA 30309 13.6006960 501(c)(3) $1,000.00 N/A Cash NIA kar emend (*orations

Committee to Reduce infection Maths. Inc.

5 Port:Moo Hollow Road
Greenwich. CT 08831 20-2479678 501(0(3) 31,030.00 WA Cash N/A for 9 wend *aerations

Moving Plcture !MIMI°

375 Greenwich Street
f4rw York. NY 10013 204137801 501(c)(3) s2.030.0o WA Cash N/A for general operations

Catholic League for Reirgious & CM Rights

450 Sewenfh Ave.
New Yolk NY 10123 23.7279981 501(Or3) 31000.00 WA Cosh WA tOr tho rues of Malvin need

Palmetto Promise institute

PO Ban 12676
Coturnble. SC 29211 264077338 501(e)(3) 31.000.00 WA Cosh WA for general operations

Buckeye Institute
88 East Broad Street Suite 1120
Columbus. OH 432154508 31.1278593 501(cX3) 31900000_ N/A Cash NIA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 980 or 990-EZ) 2017

LlOZ (Z3-088 Gee witIA) I ginPaLl3S

steowado ram.* an Val . MO . WN 100'000.IC 10-10)10S 9169ZSI-ZS oest-t000z oo Igneuiesem

S9L 91InS
MN laall9 Palide3 tillaN 000
1.10))0111UTIOJ 01110M VOOPOOJJ

suagaiado lama° so) WN ttsr3 VAI 'ctr000TS (cX3nos SOLissils s000z 3cre0t0uPoom
10014 tIlL
MN 19altS 1 OtC1
auu9sul esudialtra eangadutoo

suogando pusuali to) Viti tIseD WN 00"000'St (CM tO9 9CPC921-ZS 1099-ZCIAX 19 11,040V
eltataq 90998911110M etc
Gomm seam um 81mPal

suogerado wawa sal V/91 11990 VIN W000'0013 (CHO) tO9 OtIteCZLIV 0111LZ ON *110911911
laa/19 MN /9191110 Mgt
'OUf 1110M1ON OleaUn

StIOIODOOO gustuaD JO) WN t/Se0 V/N 001/00'3 (C)10t09 IZSZCOI-LIP 8CCSZ IsMungeligt10
Stint zoo *Crel
AaRael etillBJA TIMM 101 OlinntUlIBUIPS3

pund ignutry mil mai WN 10190 V/N 001300111 (CH0109 1991C:90-99 9Z01,6 V0110/1 0tuati
AHM 9051133 SLIM

paau tsau0111 P3 can etn MI v/19 U9110 WM 00.000U (CX3/10S 011999Z-9P ZlZ09 00 '91at1110
MU 1013 1)*el

suapasado puauatt xi V/N MO WN 00'000VS (C.R3)105 LOSIOLL1C 99,30•099139 IVI *Put4P174

Pon 199111980A Ott
Aziod Mad AO Atua3 09911139V/

aauelstssv aouelsjsw lesieidde aoueisissy oppranddv 12181111112A.00
JO 11113J0 4803-u0N 'ANA '4004) uulenleA 4$03-uoN WU* 4se3 1! u0IP 0S Jo uogezpiefuct
jo asoclJnd jo uonc43Saa so potaaN JO 11.1110WV JO 1t11101.1.0/ otp NI3 jo ssampv pus atueN
(4) (B) (/) (0) (P) 0) (4) (0)

•rs-n OLP Ul sjuourtuaAo0 pue suoneque8J0 o; swum 'Iliad

•sn el41 ul signPIAPul Pue suogrzwellio oi sluel9 'I tras
Z9 LZ4:991EIS 'oui 'ISIUJ. SJOLIO0
Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 53
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Inchriduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts in tho U.S.

(6) (b) (c) (d) 00 IQ (g) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-C.ash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government AppDoable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Becket Fund for Religious Liberty

1200 New Hampshlre Avenue. NW
Suite 700
Washington. DC 20038 62-1858532 501(0(3) S50.000.09 NiA Cash N/A tor general operations

Virginia Institut° for Public Policy

410 Stone 6161 Road. SW
Abingdon. VA 24210 54-1870848 501(c)(3) 151.000.00 NM Cash WA 'tor general operations

.107171 Lode Foundation

200 West Marvin Street
Suite 200
Raleigh. NC 27801 So-1858943 501(c)(3) S1,000.00 N/A Cash NIA tot united operations

Georgia Center for Opportunity

333 Research Court
Suite 210
Neretess. GA 30092 68-1828520 501(c)(3> 57.500.00 WA Cash WA tor genetol operations

James Madison Institute (or Public Policy

The Columns
100 North Duval Street
Telishassee. FL 32301 sa-zer1908 501(c)(3) S10.500.00 NIA Cash N/A for general Ot*mews

fiessitistppl Center for Publie Patty

520 Georgo Street
Jackson. MS 39202 84-0797805 501(c)(3) 515,000.00 NIA COM N/A for POIWEil operations

Oklahoma Coundl et Public Affairs

1401 North thumb Boulevard
Oklahoma City. OK 731044801 734438375 501(0 c3) S20.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for generel operations

St Joseph Foundation
85882 Water Works Rd.
Hopedale, OH 43970 74-2339653 501100) $1.000J10 NIA Cosh N/A for the fuea of highest need

Schedule I (Form 990 Of 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 64

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indy!duals In the U.S.

Part II. Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (t) (0) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Sectiort if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FON. Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance ASsistance

C.olorado Christian University

8787 West Alameda Avenue tor tho Conlannled Instifuiera
Lakewood. CO 80226 84-0442429 501(4)(3) 55.000.00 N/A Cash NIA Western Conservative Summit

Independenot institute
727 East 18th Avenue
Denver. CO 80203 8441990300 501(0(3) 83.500.00 N/A Cash WA fir Oarlea *Orations

New Genesis
1680 Shennan Street
Denver. CO 802C0 avizeisos 501(c)(3) 51.000.00 WA Cash N/A for the area of h4lhast need

Jefferson Symphony Association

P.O. Box 546
Golden. CO 80402-0548 84-6026592 501(c)F3) 163.0004B NIA Cash N/A for tho area of highest need

Rio Grande Foundation •

PO Scut 40338
Albuquerque. NM 87196 85434138448 501(c)(3) 55.000.00 WA Cosh WA for general operations

Goldwater institute
500 East Coronado Road
Phoenix. AZ 85004 88-0597661 . 501(0(31 618.500.00 NIA Cash N/A for general operatims

Washbigton Pao/ Center

PO Box 3843
Seattle. WA G81244843 014752769 501(c)(3) 017.000.00 WA C ash WA for general operations

Institute for Humana Studies

3434 Washington Boulevard
MS 105
Arlington. VA 22201 94-1023852 601(c)(3) 63.900.00A N/A Cosh WA tor general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

LLOZ (Z3-066 le 068 LaJ0J) I alnPaLPS

SUORBROIO 111101.1111 • JOJ WN 41a3 WA! 001)001S (60)105 Ce090t1-ZZ NOLO NO 'ARRA AddaN
'amt AtualuoVi 3.3 SOS
Awid varlaNaS

suogancto isJoua0 Jai V/N ktee3 WM 00'000'01S k1(3NOS 013511, VOL £100 1 AN 'WA NAN
mall 109
was puop0 Kt
NaArem /Am

SUOIIIIN020 PUZUZIO SIN V/1•4 WOO %ON 00.000.513 (C)(3)10S LL611.90S0 EOM NO Innuate
CSTOC 028 Od

suogituad0 rehltia0 SO) V/N Vo33 V/N 007000S WO) LOG 90601, 044 lgtidati Ilaa/0
ms awls uogoo you
Awoinov itooH ixusgs

suopteado (=WO ICI Vfli 111V3 Intl 00IICOV if (00 los speceave smog oo voietrpnem
matj Puz
MN laa/1S 1 MI
uolorptino IpAlailekt 751/3U033 Buoy

suanaJoao guouolf JOI V17,1 Ora YIN 00•005riS (ON tag 029te92-te tate V.3 listo3
entaAv Per* Isla3 9Z5
PanS esuala0 Peal PwluV

Suopasodo leloue0 101 MN LICOO Vita OCCCOVIS triP)100 009109Z413 MN* V3 veloo
purtj OSUVY30 POW, WAN

sialarAto wawa .toj YIN ion vai avow ts (moms Mat Z-1,0 Plef0 V3 '00/(Aaa0eS
peas 0 OM
1/011a03JaaA Peal 711Pad

0300151SSV 03UOISISSy Iosieidde eawnsissy emeouddv luouiwenos
JO WINO Oita-110N •And llooq) uolleaPIA tiseo-uoN PleJD Lin° 1! 110 9a03 JO uogezpeal0
jo esodind j0 uondposaa j0 ONION jo lunOwv jo lunowv 02:11 N83 jo ssaIPPV pue MON
(II) (B) (1) (a) (P) (3) KO (8)

•s•ri 8WOWUJOA09 pee suonezloo803 Male 'II lied

•sn Enn slonpinpui pue 400110Z1U0EIJO 01 511(113.10 140S

SS LZE994Z-ZS 'Dui lerui eieueo
Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2168327 56

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and IndvIduals In the U.S.

Part 11, Grants to Or: Muttons and Governments In the U.S.

01) (b) (c) (d) (01 (0 (111 (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government App6cable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

C.ato Institute
1000 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington. DC 20001-5403 23-7432162 5011e10) $1.04:0.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Energy & Environment Legal Institute

722 12th Street NW
4th Floor
Washington. DC 20005 26-4239085 501(d(3) S25.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

OW Stale University Foundation

Maar College of Law, Drinko Moll lo support the College of
55 West 121h Avenue Larts Ohio State Business
Columbus. OH 432io 31-1145988 501(03) 3250.0o N/A Cash t4/A Law Journal

Federalist Sodety
1778 I StreeL NW
Suite 300
Washington. DC 20008 36-32aggc0 , 501(03) 92.500.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Fedardist Society
1776 I Street. NW
Suite 300
Washington. DC 20008 36-3235550 . 501(oX3) 91.700.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for genera, operations

Philadelphia Soddy
111320 Rubin Circle
Jerome. MI 4924941530 38-6151880 501(0(3) 5500.00 N/A Cash N/A tor general operations

Center for Individual Rights

1100 Connecticut Ave, NW
Suite 625
Washington, DC 20038 52.11300461 501(c)(3) S1,000.00 WA Cash N/A for ate area of hinheat need

I/agitate for Juntlea

901 North Glebe Road
Suite 1300
Arlington. VA 22203.1854 52-1744337 501(o)(3) S1,000.00 WA Cash WA tor general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 57
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indy[duals In the U.S.

Part 0, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the US.

(a) lb) (0 (d) (e) (I) (9) (h)
Name and Address of 8N IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Ginter, rued Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

National Legal & Policy Center

107 Part Washington Court
Falb Church. VA 22046 52-1750188 501(cH3) $1,000.00 N/A Cosh NIA
-, , for the area of highest need

Students for Sensible Drug Policy Fourufallan

1011 0 Street NW for the Canto/Me. Oregon.
Sulfa 1 Wasitngton and Nevada
~Moon. DC 2C001 52-2296291 501(013) 510.000.00 WA Cash WA PekteCIS

PetConnect Rescue
PO Box 60714
Potomac. /40 20859 55485180S 501(c)(3) S5.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general opecafrorts

Mountain Stales Legal Foundation

2598 South lew4s Way for the Second Amendment
Lakewood. CO 80227 84-0736725 501(c)(3) 8500.00 N/A Cash NIA Prolem

Discovers, Institute
208 Cciumbla Streel
Seattle. WA 98104 91-1521697 501(03) 3250.000.00 WA COSA ht/A for the ID 3A project

DISCOvery Institute
208 COlumbla Street
Seallle. WA 98104 91-1521697 501(e)(3) S250.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Meals on bVheolo People

7710 SW3Ist Avenue
Portland, OR 97210 03-0584318 501(op $5,C00.00 NIA Cash WA tor general oparattons

Supporters of Haab= Sanbr Community

750 SE Mil AVe.
Hillsboro. OR 97123 930816862 501(cH3) 31.500.00 N/A COO WA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Tntst, Inc_ 52-2166327 58
Sch Gmnts to Organizations and lndviduals in the U.S.

Part it, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (e) (d) (e) (f) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Arnount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Apptimbre Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Potluck in the Part

P.O. Box 12443
Potttand. OR 97212 834212531 50141(31 5.5)XX1.00 N/A Cash WA for numeral operations

Rabbi* for Humane Studies

3434 Washington Boulevard lo boost Ma tnillaUves of the
MS 105 new President. Emily CharNee
Adington. VA 2220i D4-1823852 501(0(31 310.000.00 NIA Cash N/A ;Mehl .
Proles( SU
53 West Jackson Blvd.
Suite 1424
Chicago, IL 80804 81-2327719 501(cX3) $68.502.00 WA Cash N/A for wend operations

Manhattan Institute for Policy Research

52 Vanderbilt Avenuo
New York. NY 10017 112012528 501(00) 510.000.00 WA Cash NIA far ;anent operations

Philanthropy Roundtable
1120 20th Street NW
Suite 530 South •
Washington. OC 20038 13-2943020 501(c)(3) $87.123.00 N/A Cash NIA for general operations

Central Fund of Israel

c/o Marcus emitters Tackle
NO 601 Avenue (Avenue of the Americas)
New York. NY 10018 13.2992985 501(c)(3) S500,000.00 N/A C.esh WA , tot the BETAR Prefer.'

Founaatton tor EasnomIc Education •

1718 Peachtree Street. NYV
Suite 1048
Atlanta. OA 30309 1343006960 5014)(3) 5100.000.00 N/A Cash NIA for gertera3 operations

Foundation tor Economic Educe=

1819 Peachtree Road NE
Suite 300
Mania. BA 30309 134006980 501(c)(3) $2.000.00 WA Cash WA tor general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-E2) 2017

Donors Trust, inc. 52-2168327 59
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part IL Grants to Organizations and Govommonts in tho U.S.

fa) (b) Cc) (d) fe) CO (g) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

JOTUBLIIIIT Institute for Market Studios

0728 South Crescent Vtaw Ortvo
Boynton Bosch. FL 33437 260105601 501M S50,000.00 WA Cash N/A tor general operations

Beacon Center of Tennessee

PO Box 198848
Nashville. TN 37219 204808567 501(c)(3) $2.500.00 N/A Cash WA tor general operations

John W. Pope Clvitos InsUhda

805 Spring Forest Road
Suite 100
Raleigh. NC 27609 204454741 sot(w) Sa.600.00 NIA Cash NIA for general operations

Platte Institute lor Eooncarde Research

6910 Pacific Shunt
Salle 218
Omaha, NE 68108 2043809060 501(0(31 135.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operadons

American mo-vivtsecson Sodety

801 Old York Road
Suite 204 for the Main and Eleanor
Jenldntown. PA 19048 23-0341990 501(e)(3) ,
310.000.00 WA Cash WA Cave Awurd

National Constitution Center

525 Anti Street
Pettedelphta. PA 19160 23.2434447 501(eX3) 550.000.00 N/A Cash WA tor general operations

Kansas Paw Institute .

250 North Water Street
Suite 218
Weida. KS U2024215 23-7047821 . 501(00) $1.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operodons

Kansa* Policy Institute

250 NOrth Water SUeet
Suite 216
Waddle. KS 672024215 23-7047821 501(eX3) 53.500.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

Sdiedule I (Form 996 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 60
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Pad II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (1) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Metttod of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Vegas INIS
3050 E. Flamingo Rood
Las Vegas. NV 89121 23-7169328 501(0(3) $10.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches. Inc.

PO Box 2000
Boys Ranch. FL 32084 23-7303117 501 (cX3) 320.0130.00 NIA Cash N/A for g_enerol operations

Heritage Foundation
214 Massachusetts Avenue. NE
Washington. DC 20002-4999 23-7327730 501(013) 55,001:1.00. N/A Cash WA for coiterel operations

Cato Institute
1000 Massachusetts Avenue. NW
talcshIngton. DC 20001-5403 23-7432162 5014)(3) S5.000.00 N/A Cash WA for g enerol operations

Cato institute
1000 Massachusetts Avenue. NW
lAtishinglon. DC 20001-5403 23-7432162 501(4(3) 35.830.00 N/A Cash N/A tor world toxin/Voris

Idaho Freedom Foundation

2404 Beat Drive
Suite 314
Boise. ID 83705 28-3783048 501(c)(3) 53.500.00 WA Caah WA for General operations

Cardomla Pub6c Policy C.onter

18002 Irvine BOulevard
Suite 108
Tuctin. CA 92780 274870483 501(c)(3) 335.000.00 WA Casts WA for general operations

California Pubdc Poky Cantor

18002 Marto Boulevard
Sulle 108
Tustin. CA 92780 _ 27-2870483 501(00) 81.500.00 WA CBSh WA far general oporatforts

Schedule I (Form 090 or 890-EZ) 2017

Donors Twat. Inc. 52-2166327 61

Sch I, Grants to Orgardzations and Intividuals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments tn the U.S.

(a) 03) (c) (d) 0) (f) to) (h)
Name and Address of EiN RC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FNIV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Indiana University Foundation

Indiana UnNerdy Maurer School ot Law
211 South Indiana Ave.. Baler Hall to support Ule Indiana LBW
Etloomlnaton, IN 47505-7001 35-6018840 501(013) 31.000.00, WA Cash N/A J0101181

Fedendist Sodety
17761 Saga NW
Suite 300
Waehinglon. DC 20008 384235550 501(cg3) 375.000.00, WA Cash NIA tor general operations

Federalist Society
1776 1 Street. NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006 313.3235550 501(03) S25,000.00, WA Cash PUA Mr genera] operations

Freedom Foundation of MN
520 Nicest Mail
Suite 510
Minneapolis. MN 55402 38.4592698 501(c)(3) 33500.08 N/A Cash NIA for genere1 operadans

Michigan Slate University Coflege or Law

848 North Shaw Lane to support the Animal Weitare
East Lensing. M1 48824.1300 38-1358000 501(c)(3) 5150.000.CD, N/A Cash WA Lew Cent -

Mackinac Center tor Public Policy

140 West Maln Street
Midland. MI 48840.0568 38-2701547 501(c)(3) S15.000.00 N/A Cash N/A „.for general operations

Mackinac Cenler tor Public Policy

140 West Main Street
tkilland. MI 468404588 3/3.2701547 501(03) , $8.500.00, 14/A Coat/ WA _..,for genera) operations

Foundation for Government Accountability

15275 Collier Bouleverd
Suite 201-27B
Naples. FL 34118 45.2837507 601(c)C3) 375,000.00 WA Cash N/A tor general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donom Trust, Inc. 62-2166327 62

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Pad Grants to Organizations and Govornmonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (r) WI (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Arnount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Magas Institute
785 East 200 South
Suite 2
letd. UT etio43 45-szstre4 501(0(31 32.000.00 WA Cash WA tor general operations .

Henry Jackson Society. Mo.

Signature Bank: AIM: MI Khan
7i Broattasy
New Yoh. NY 10008 484180785 501(e)(3) S20.000.00 WA C.ash NIA tor gerserai operations

The Sim:gator
P.O. Box 448
Lerrington. VA 24450 47-1809200 501(eX3) 31.500.03 WA Cash N/A tor general operations

Una.In Network. Inc.

1742 Braddock Court
San Jose. CA 85125 47-2239040 501(oX3) S30.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

KU Endowment
Kansas Univergly Endowment Assodation
P.O. Box 820 to support the Kansas Journal
Lawrence. KS 68044 484547734 501(0(3) 61.000.00 WA Cash WA of law It Public Polley

Foundefron tor Teaching E-conomics

280 RUS.100 Etouteverd
Suite El
Delfts, CA 95816-3839 51-0183347 501(cH3) 315.000.00 NIA Cash WA tor the area othighest need

Leadership Institubi
1101 North Ifghlarce Street
Mington. VA 22201 51-0235174 5010)(3) S10.000.00 NIA Cash WA fp/ Ormond Ovations

Yankee Institute
216 Main Slag
Hartford, CT 06108 52-1358144 501(c)(3) $1.500.00 WA Cash N/A _tat General operations

Schedule I (Forrn 900 or 090-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 63
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduats in the U.S.

Pan 11, Grants to Organtr.atIons and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section N Cash Grant Non-Cash Vatuation (book, FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Physicians C.ernmittee for Responsible Medicine

5100 MAseonsin Avenue NW
Sulks 400 for the Alternatives in
Washington. DC 20016 52-1384893 501(c)(3) 33.000.00 WA Cash WA Research and Testing Project

Free To Choose Network. Int.

2002 Mune Avenue
Suite 1
Erle. PA 10500 52.1455677 501E0(3) 3150.000.00 WA C.ash WA tor general operations

Institute for Justice

901 North Glebe Road
Sulto 900
Arlington. VA 22203.1E164 62-1744337 601(4(3) $3.000.03 N/A Cash WA for oeneral operations

National Logol & Policy Center

107 Park Washington Court
Fells Church. VA 220413 524750168 601(c)(3) $3.000.00 NIA Cash WA tor general operations

Becket Fund for Religious Liberty

1200 New Hampshire Avenue. NVV
Sults 700
Washington. DC 200313 52-1858532 501(cH3) 85.000.03 WA Cash — N/A for general operegons

Employment Potties Institute Foundation

1090 Vermont Avenue. NW
Suite SOO
Washington. OO 20005 . 52-1902264 501(c)(3) 320.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general °aerations

Stele Policy Network

1655 North Fort Meyer Or.
Suite 360
Arington. VA 22209-3109 57-01352531 501(0(33 31.000.00 WA Cash NIA ter general ciagrugons

Georgia Center tor Opportunty

333 Research Coun
Suge 210
NOrcross. GA 30092 513.1928520 501(0(3) 35.000.00 WA Cash WA for gerund oporallons

Schedule 1 (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 64

Sch Grants to Organizations and Indy!duals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organtzations and Governments tn the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) 1d) (e) (f) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Arnount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-C.ash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Alabama Pofley Institute

P.O. Box 131088
81refinaharri. AL 35213 610809568 501(cr3) S2.500.00 N/A Cash NIA for general operations

Texas Public Policy Poundal:an

901 COngreSS Avenue
Austin. TX 78701 74-2524057 501(o)(3) 510.500.00 WA Cash . WA for general operations _

Elephant Care Undnined

1152 W. Bgln Street
Chandler, AZ 85224 81-3484518 501(0)(3) 55.000.00 WA , Cash WA for aeneral operations

Rio Grand° Foundation

PO Box 4=8
Albuguargua. NM 87188 85-0488448 501(en S1,000.00 WA Caush WA for general operations

Goldwater institute
500 East Consnado Road
Phoenix. AZ 85004 88-0597861 501(e)(3) $150.000.00 WA Cash WA tot general °pennons

Golchvater Institute
500 East Coronado Road
Phoenix. AZ 85004 868597861 501(e)(3) $1,000.Cr0 N/A Cash WA for general °Aerations

Sutherland Institute
Gateway Tower Vitst Binding
15 Vlest South Temple. Suite 200
Solt Leke CiN. UT 84101 874531727 501(e)(3) 55.000.00 N/A Cash NIA tor gonoral operations

Institute kr 641011IIMI Stadler

3434 Washington Boutevard
A/Tzar:on. VA 22201 94-1823852 5011°1(31 81.000.00 N/A Cash NIA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 85
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) fe) In ISO (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Arnount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Vatuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Pacific Legal Foundation

930 G Street
Sacramento. CA 95814 04-2187343 501 (cd3) 510.000.00 N/A CAM WA tor general operations

Adas Econanto Research Foundation

1201 L Street NW
2nd Floor
1Nashingitm. DC 2C005 944783845 501(c)(3) 520.000.00, WA Cash N/A tor general operadons

students for Liberty

1101 17th Street NVV
Suite 810
Washington, DC 20038 84-3435889 501(oP) 52.000.00 WA Cash N/A , for oeneral operations

Students for Liberty

1101 17th Stmet NW
Suite 810
Washington. DC 20038 04-34358Cdo 501(00,1 5103000 N/A Cash NIA for general oporotions

Catholic Assodation Foundation

3011 Dumbarton Street NW
WashingtorL DC 201307 20.2387887 501(c)(3) 5100.000.00 NIA Cash N/A tor g eneral operations

Judicial Education ProJed

3011 Dumbarton Street NW
lAfashington. DC 20007 204485871 5014)(3) $910.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

IndapendeM WGMEIWS Forwn

1875 t Street. NW
Sulte 500
Washington. DC 20006 544870627 501(cH3) 5225000.00 WA — Cash N/A for general operations

Commonwealth Foundation for Pubic Parry

225 State Street
Suite 302
HanIsburg. PA 17101 _ 23-2473845 501(c)(3) 5250.000.00 WA Cosh N/A _for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

LIAM (23-986 oee um0A) empams

suogoutdo me us B Jai VIN tern V/N 047000'ZI (CHGNOS 49 LOSUIS 9/0,:i VA 'WINO SUVA
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99 LZES9 a-ZS '3u1 1004 SJOU00

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 67
Sch I, Grants to Organizations end Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II. Grants to Organizations and Governments In tho U.S.

(8) (b) (0 (d) (0) M (9) (h)

Name artd Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
OrgardzatIon or Section if Cash GraM Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

State Policy Network

less North Fort Meyer Dr.
Suite 360 .
Atfington. VA 22200-3108 67-0952631 Mien 51.428.700.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Sante Clare Urthferolty

SOO El Camel* Real
Lucas Hall 124 far the Leavey School of
Santa Clara. CA 95053-0385 94-1156617 501(0f3) 31.000.00 NJA Cash N/A Business Real Estate Program

David KorovAlz Freedom Center

i4r24 Ventura Boulevard
Suite 820 to support the wort of Caroline
Shannon Oaks CA 81423 95-4194842 501(cX3) 510040040 N/A Cash NIA Glick

Conservative Agenda Prolect

1025 Thomas Jefferson Street NW
Suite 110G
Washington, DC 20007 28-402,2303 601(cX3i S65.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Churdi

6620 South Hickory Circle for Father Heartya Speakets
UlUelon. CO 80120 501(c)(3) $1.030.00 WA Cash N/A Fund

Foundation ror Economic Education

1819 Peachtree Road NE
Salto 300
Atlanta, GA 30309 118006980 6014)(3) $1.00900 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Wyoming Liberty Group

M2 Thomas Avenue
Suite 201
Cheyenne. VVY 92001-3540 26-2828115 507 feX3) 3250.000.00_ N/A Cash N/A for general operations

FranitEn Center
107 S. West Street 9710
Atexerukto. VA 22314 284066298 501(5)13) S23.500.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 9430 or 090-F_Z) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 68

Sch Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organ!.=Mons and Govommonts in MG U.S.

(s) (1:1) (c) (d) (a) (f) (81 (h)
Name and Address of E1N IRC Arnount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if CaSh Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applitabfe Assistance apprafsaf, Assistance Assistance

Student Free Press Associailen

P.O. Box 78 to support The Cotoga Res
Fillsdaie. Mt 49242 274277858 501(4(3) 52.000.00 N/A Cash N/A annual dinner

Project Veritaa
1214 Boston Post Rood. 8148
Manse=leck. NY 111543 27-2594858 501(03) 5990.000.00 WA C.ash WA for general operations

State Poky Nehyork

1855 North Fort Moyer Dr.
Artington. VA 222094108 574952531 601043) 5550.500.00 WA Cash WA for general operations
, —,

X15 Pioneer Way
Mountain View. CA 0404s ei-oasiser 501(c)(3) $100.000.00 WA Cash NIA for general operations

t/CSF FOundellOn to support use endowed

Lockbox 45339 professorship for Dr. Adern L.
San Francisco. CA 041454:039 94-2829914 101(OP N/A Cash WA Boxer

Sutton Academy Charter Schools

Abs: Dovefoment
95 Pine Street Floor 8
Now York. NY 10005 204298881 sot tc)(3) sso.000.00 NrA C.00ts NIA Itu were, operations

Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.

PO Boy 33249
Washington. DC 20033 114174402 501(c)(3) 55.000.00 WA Cosh N/A for general Operations

Fund for American Studkai

1706 New HainPahlre AVEMUO, NW
Washington, DC 20009 13-6223604 50104(3) 85.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

Schedule I (Forrn 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 69
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and inchriduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (0) If) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

New Harvest
164 Grond Street
eith Floor
New York. NY 10013 20-1425438 501(0(3) 510,000.00 14/A Cash WA for general operations

Salvation Awny
8405 SE Monteray Ave.
Happy Valley. OR 97088 22-2406433 501(c)(31 65,000.00 N/A Cash WA lot general operations

Heritage Foundallon
Washington. DC 20002-4999 23-7327730 501(03) 51.000.00 N/A Cash NIA for general operadons

Prager University Foundation

10045 Red Run Boulevard
Suite 250
OvAngs Mac IAD 21117 27-176390i 501(c)13) S35.000.00 WA Cash N/A
— - tar general operations

Boy Sciauts 01 America - Count:11438 Dan Beard
10078 Reading Road
Cindnnatl. OH 45241-4833 314516651 501(0(3) 51.000.00 WA Cash WA for general °paragons

Beech Acres Parenting Center

6881 Beochmont Avenue
Cindnnall. OH 45230 314536663 501(eX3) 51.000.00 WA Cash WA — 101 General operations

Ohl* State Urdverafty Foundation

Morita College of Law. Drink° Hall to support the College ot
SS West 1201 Avenue LaWs Ohlo Slate Business
Coturnbus. OH 43210 31-1145926 501NUM $250.00 N/A COM WA Law Journal

Cincinnati Obsenrelory Center

3489 Observatory Flaw
andnnall. OH 45208 31-1665954 501(40) 5200.00 WA Cash WA for General operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 70

Sch Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part Grants to Organizations and Governments In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 10 OP (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Pumose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Federalist Society
17781 Street, NW
Sults 300
Washington, OC 20006 30-3235550 501(0(3) $2.500.013 WA Cash WA for general osierationis

Hillsdale College
33 Rant Co2ege Street
Madill/3. MI 49242 38-1374230 501(c)(3) $1.500.00 NIA Cash NIA as a President's Club level gift

Chippewa Valley Technical Collage Foundation

620 West Clairemoril Ave. for the CVTC Fire Safety
Eau antra. VA 54701 39-1233557 501(c)(3) 312.000.00 N/A Cash WA Center Outdoor Test Site

Center for InstNidual Rights

1100 Connecticut Ave. NW
Suite 626
Washington, DC 20038 52-1800481 5014)(3) $1.000.00 NIA Cash . WA for the area of highest need

NatiOnat Legal 8 Paley Center

107 Park Washington Court
Falls Church. VA 22046 52-1750186 501(c)(3) stoo0.00 NIA Cash WA for the area of highest need

Judicial Watch
426 Third Street. 5'W
Suite 800
Washington. DC 20024 52-1685088 501(c)(3) $5.000.00 WA C.aSh WA to/ general operations

Students far Sensible Drug Poky Foundation

1011 0 Street NW for the California. Oregon.
Suite 1 Washington and Nevado
Washington. DC 20001 52-22982Di 501(c)I3) sio.oco.os N/A Cash WA Prolects

PatConnect Rescue
PO Box 80714
Potomac. MD 208.56 55-0857606 501(c)(3) 35.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

LLOZ (Z3-066 30 066 tu10.1) I oloPo%PS

=make pawl) Jo) VR4 gs93 AM 00'00014 (C./(0/109 SOLISTI-LS SOOOZ DO '00100900iNt
/001i MIL
MN *leallS lOtei
4,..- etrallgul 991idig4u3 0/41114 041aco
suontundo ituauat3 Jo, VR4 IMO WN 001100'91$ (e110)t09 ' seassils soma oo veleuitrawt
Amu 41L
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sunavado tentrafi.roj WM 01+3 VIN 001300.00 LS (ON LOS 491391114 9e03Z 00 '001901410M
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lawoo A090d 3900d 4 001413

plau Intl Bpi jo eats Joj VIM klga3 --• COWL VA '001011111V
19LL 008 Od
, .. 1/0j114711n0.1 &IOC 401 euealsouty OurtoA,

A11010Nue tio13V JO/ VR4 tisgp V/1.4 00'000V1 (C)(3)104 LLOOLOCle coot> tyv •spidsu Immo
mil: usan:Isea ee
emuisui uppv

wowed° pauab tOJ V/31 .

. 4003 V/N 00110(309$ (e)(0109 909tIOLIL PC09 xl Mosso
MI x*9 'O'd
trapowv Buonnisuao

SUOP.12:60 WOWS 10j ViN 4=0 V/N 09'39'9'19S (e)(0)109 60E03430I0 0003Z0 IN '0000P1mNd
LS93 x013
Awned jo 0000 04110 0:1910
/040Alun waug

stop/ado go/awl/Ai V/31 9000 YIN 0011e0'019'l$ - (C)(0)109 1L9999Z-OZ ' LOOM DO 10:090010(0/t
NtN 1000$ 00100:10010 MC
10010/d 0000011P3 10101901'

03tiOISISSV asuelsissy lesiardde asuelemsy etcleolidOV )1101.31018A00
10 101319 useo-uoN 'AVYA 'Moot° uunenjeA tise3410N WM Use° m uopas 10 uogeztuetlio
10 asodrid Jo uondposaa Jo Po(Po VI Jo lunowy jo Aglow Ot31 NI3 lo ssaippy pus atueN
(4) (8) (1) (P) (P) (3) (41 (e)

•s•ri cno swounuonoe pue suopeque640 03 930410 II ;led

•s•ri eta slonPIAPul pue suanemsfulp $10930 iloS

ZL Lzeggi,z-zg *nu! siouoa

Donors Trust, Inc, 52-2166327 71

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indvkluals in the U.S.

Part Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 91 (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant Of
'Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Colorado Oubttan UnivemIty

9787 West Alameda Avimuo for Me Centennial Instituto's
Lakonood. CO 130228 84-0442429 501(013) $1.000.00 N/A Cash WA Western Conservative Surnoth

Mountain States Legal Foundation

2598 South Lewis Way for the Second Amendment
Lakewood. CO 80227 84-0738725 50i (c)(3) 5500.00 WA Cosh WA Project

Meals on Inti eels Peopte

7710 SW 31st Avenue
Portland. OR 97219 93-0584318 501(4(3) 85.000.00 N/A Cash WA for wend operations

Supporters of Kilshom Senior Cornmurey

750 SE Oth Ave.
Hillsboro. OR 97123 8348158132 50140) 51.500.00 WA Cash WA for genend operations

Pau& tn the Park
P.O. Boa 12443
Pontand. OR 97212 93-1212531 501(e1(3) 55.020.00 N/A Cash WA for general °paragons

Grassroot Insgtule of Hawaii

1050 Bishop Street
Fionolutu. Fit 06913 99-0354937 501(0(3) 511.000.00 N/A Cash WA to tse used for Development _

Ponied SIX
S3 West Jadkson Ilhat.
Salta 1424
Melo. IL 60604 81-2327710 50141(3) 585.000.00 WA Casts WA tor gersend °paragons

Cellars Association Faundagon

3011 Durnbenon Stnsel NW
Washington. DC 20007 20.2387987 501(013) 5150.000.00 WA Cash NIA _ tor wefts operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 73
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (0 (d) (0 IQ (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organizabon or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Catho5c Association Foundation

3011 Dumbarton Street NW
Washington. DC 20007 20-2387987 501(c)(3) 9220,000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Judicial Education Project

3011 Dumber= Street NW
Washington. DC 20007 20.2488871 501(443/ S540,000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

American Sado Soddy to suppon the work of your

101 No:1h independence Mat East FL8 &MOM partner, the Bible
Philerletithia, PA 19106.2155 13-1823885 501(0(3) 51,000.00 N/A Cash N/A Sodety of Brazil

Institute for Free Speech

124 South West Street
Suite 201
Alexandria, VA 22314 20-3875886 -. 5010X3) $500,000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

Salvation Army to assist Sudanese rehmees
815 Slaters Lane in Uganda, Kenya, and the
PO Bok 269 Democratic Republic of the
Alexandria. VA 22313 22-2408493 501(c)(3) S500,000.00 WA Cosh N/A Cone

Pelican Institute foe Pada Policy

400 Poydnos
Suite 8130. 14alidrop P-5
New Orleans, LA 70130 264704791 501(cX3) S50,033.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

ifir89 Watdistog
3700 /borrows+ Street '
Austin, TX 78702 26-3057133 501(e)(3) S200,000.09 WA Cash NIA for the Texas Mannar

Tea Party Patriots Foundation

1025 Rose Creek Drive
Suite fINI-1,2
Woodstodc. CIA 30189 27.3893819 501(c)(3) S100.000.00 f4/A Cash N/A _for general oseraSons

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 74
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govornmonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (f) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Daniel Morgan Academy -

1620 L Street NW
Suite 700
Washington. DC 20038 47-1178904 501(eX3) 51,000.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Nert Generatton Freedom Fund

13267 S. Merriman Rosa 131yd
Heldman. UT 84098 47-2341631 501(eX3) 550.000.00 WA C.ash WA for general operations

Stale Pettey Network

1655 North Fort Iteyer Dr.
Suite 360
ArOngton. VA 22209.3108 57-0952531 501(c)(3) $50.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Aiaharna Poky InsUtute

P.O. Box 1310118
Birtninghata Al. 35213 634800568 501(61(3) 32,800.00 WA C.ash N/A for general operations

7umtng Point USA

217 1/2 illinab Street
Lamont. IL 60439 6041835023 501103) 525.000.00 NA Cash NIA for general operations

Garden State Inteadve

do Webster Cluentrortaln 8 Bean LLP
1747 Navel/ante Aye. NW. Ste 1003
Washington. DC 20006-4893 91.4373354 501(8113) 520.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland. CA 94621-1428 944008370 5014)(31 51.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Fund for Arneson Stualas

1706 Neer Hampshire Avenue. 1.1W to support a book proposed by
WashInglon, DC 20009 13.6223604 5014)(3) 55.000.00 N/A Cash NIA National Review

Schedule I (Forrn 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 75
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and indviduals In the U.S.

Part Gmnts to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 01 (111) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

The Foundation tra Constitutional Government

350 West 42nd Street
New York. NY 10038 32-Ct312247 501(c)(3) 3100.000.00 N/A C.ash WA for general operations

Real Osar Foundation

6160 North Cicero Avenue
Suite 410
Chicago. IL 80848 52-2128875 501(0(3) $ N/A C.ash WA for Real Clear Investigations ,

asuentont Mc(Canna College •

400 North C.laremont Boulevard
Claremont. CA 91711 95-1664101 501(0(3) 5295.000.00 N/A Cash WA for Ihe Henry Salvalod C.enter

PhEanthropy Roundtable
1120 20th Street NW
Suite 550 South
Madinah:a. DC 20036 13-2643020 5014W37 52.500.00 WA Cash N/A tor general operations

ArmsI= Antl-VIvIsecdon Soden,

801 Okl York Road
Suite 204
Jenkintavnt. PA 19046 23.0341990 501(C1O) 5500.00 WA Cash N/A tet general operations

Gotthvater Institute
500 East Coronado Road
Phoentc. AZ &5004 864597661 , 501(0(3) $1.000.00 NJA Cash WA for general operations

UCLA Foundation
10945 Uit Conte Ave.
Suite 3132 for die Scott & Cyan Banister
Los Angeles. CA 90095-1764 95-2250801 501(41(3) 520.000.00 NIA Cash WA First Amendment anis

Greenwich Land Trust

370 Round Hill Road
Greenwich. CT 08831 08.0950851 WIMP) 81.000.00 N/A Cash _ WA lor gesteral operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 62-2166327 76
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and indviduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govornmonts in tho U.S.

to) (b) (0 (d) (e) (f) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

American Jewish Joint Olstribulion Committee

AIM: Global Accounting
71 t Third Avenue. 10111 Floor to support the Taub Center for
New York. NY 10017 13-1656634 501(c1(3) 310.003.00 N/A Cash N/A Sodal Potty Studies in Israel

Manhattan institute fa Policy Researdt

52 Vanderbilt Avenue
htew York. NY 10017 134912579 501(03) 510,090.00 NIA Cash N/A tot general operations

Frtends of Israel Canter for Social 6 Economic

103 Fnuit Street
Suite 1145
Wasl CaulkMackin PA 19429 13-3129249 501(001 S5.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general opendons

Jerusalem instiluta for Market Studies

9729 South Crescent VISWOrlve
Boynton Beach. FL 33437 20-0105601 501(cH3) 55.000.00 N/A Cash NIA for general operadons

Show-Me Institute
5297 Washington Pim
St. louts. MO 63109 20-1957878 WM13) 52.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Conurdltee to Reduce Infection Oeolits. fru-

5 Partridge Hollow Road
GreenvAch. CT 05931 20-2479678 501(00) 51.000.00 NIA Cash WA tar Otnefal °Aerations

Americas Klatt:01y Foundation

8640 Trouts Street
Overland Park. KS 66212 22-3947727 501(c)f3) 63.000.00 WA Cash N/A tar General operations

Heritage Foundation
214 htassachusetts Avenue. NE
Washirtgton. DC 20002-4999 23-7327730 501 ten S1.000.00 WA _ Cash WA tar General (*vegans

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 77

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

• •
(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) M (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Middle East Forum

1850 Market Street
Suite 3800
Philadelphia, PA 18103 73-7749798 801(c)(4) $500.030.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Prolect Vargas
1214 Boston Post Road, gi48
blamaronedr. NY 10543 27.2884858 501(C)(3) 11.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Shriners Hospitals for Children

2025 East RIvor Pkwy
Minneapolis. MN 55414-9725 3134193808 501(40) 51.100.00 N/A Cash WA to support pediatric services

MacIdnac Center for Pub% Polity

tao west Main Street
Midland. MI 48840-0589 38-2701547 501(c)(3) 52.00000 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Mackinac Center for Public Policy

140 West Main Street
Midland. MI 48840.0938 38.2701547 , 5014)(3) , 512.500.00 N/A Cash . WA for general operations

Goodman Institute for Public Porrcy Researrli

8335 West Northwest legthvey
Dailas. TX isns 47.2184178 SOlfcX3) 510.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

Yankee institute
218 Main Street
Radford. CT 08108 52.1358144 501(c)(3) S180.030.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Institute for Justice

901 North G1ebe Road
Suite 800
Arlington. VA 22203-1854 _ 52.1744337 5014)01 55.000.00 N/A Cosh NJA for general operations

Schedule I (Forrn 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 62-2166327 78
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.
Part II Grants to OrowdzatIons and Govommonto In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (e) (d) (0) (f) (g) (h)

Name and Address of El N IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appralsal, Assistance Assistance

State Policy Netv.orlt

1855 North Fon Moyer Dr.
Suite WO
Arlington, VA 222093108 57.0952531 501(c)p) 519000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Mississippi Center for Public Policy

520 George Street
Jackson. MS 19202 840797905 W1(e)(3) St .000.00 WA _ Cash WA tor general operations

Goldwater institute
500 EMU Coronado Road
Phoenix. AZ 115004 884597881 501(0(3) S1.000,00 N/A Cosh WA for general operations

Padfic Research institute

101 Mortgomery Street
Sulfa 1300
San Francisca. CA 94104 94-2528433 501(c)(3) $19000.00 WA Cash WA
— ku general operabons
Alias Economic Research Fans:Mae'
1201 I. Street. NW
2nd Root
Washinaton. DC 20005 94.2783845 501(c1t3) 85.000.00 WA C.asti WA for general operations
Claremont 1.4eXenna Cannan tor ate Salvatorl Center at
Kravla Center. Lower Court Claremont btr.Kenno College
888 Columbia Avenue to support a series of
Claremont CA 91711 95-1804101 501(c)(1) $5.000.00 WA Cash WA Programs

Discovery Institute
208 Columbia Street
Scotto. WA 98104 91.1521897 501(eX3) Sa.CCO.00 WA Cash WA to: general operations

Conunonweatth Foundation for Public Pobcy

225 State Street
Suite 302
HartiSburg.PA 17101 234473845 501(03) 54.950.00 Nth Cash WA _
for general operations _

SCheduie I (Form 990 or 9913-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 79
Sch Grants to Organizations and trxhrlduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(8) (b) (e) (d) (0) (() (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Center for Urban Renewal and Education

1317 F Strool NW
Sudo DOD
Washington, OC 20004 31.1487594 501(0(3) $1.000.00 WA Cash WA for Die area of highest need

Hoven Of Rost 911rdstries, Inc.

175 East Marital Street
Akron. OH 44308 34-0750345 501(c)(3) 510.000.00 NIA Cash NIA for (moral operations

Students for Fatr Admissions

18 Camp Road
South Thomaston. ME 04858 47-16E10810 501(0(3) 50.00 WA Cash NiA for general operations

Students for Fair Admissions

18 Camp Rosd
South Thomaston. ME 04858 47.1880810 501(0(3) $499.950.00 N/A Cash N/A for gertend operatic:4s

American Enterprise tnatute .

1789 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington. DC 20038 53.0219405 501K(3) S1.500.00\ N/A Cash WA for the Enterprise Club Pro)ect

Clare Boothe Luce Polley Institute

112 Elden Street
Suite P
Herndon. VA 20170 54-1872138 501(c)(3) 52.50300 WA Cash N/A for the area of highest need

Georgia Center tot Opportunity

333 Research Court
Suite 210
Norcross. GA 30092 58-1928520 501(0(3) S1.900.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Otetrich von Hildebrand Legacy Propel

1235 University BM!
Steubethelle.0/4 43862 59-3781328 931(013) S50.000.00 WA Cash __ WA Ice general operations

Schedule I (Form 900 or 990-EZ) 2017

LlOZ (Z31:166 10 066 ue0J) I el0PeLPS

paw" isottegli so earn op to; WN listra %ON 00"00019 (00/109 OCIIECL-CZ 006P-0000C DO 1:04111NssM
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sttopomdo isiotoul to) Val Ose0 V/N 00'000'OSS (CJONOS 88Z990tr9E 694C-00909 11 .0aczti4D
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08 LEC991Z-V3 'OUI lervi SIOUOCI
Donors Trust, Inc. 62-2186327 81

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part 11, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (I) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of funount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance AssIstance

Pecan Institute for Public Policy

400 Poydros
SuIto 900. Mai:drop P-5
Now Orleans. LA 70130 28-1704791 501(c)(3) 350.000.00 N/A Cadl N/A for general operations

Progx:I Yentas
1214 Boston Post Road. 0148
klamaronecrt. NY 10543 27-2894858 501(c)13) 31.030.08 NIA Cash WA for the area or highest need

Spark Freedom
605 Lena Brandt Road
Uneasier. TN 38589 274827443 601(0(31 3500.00 WA Cash WA tor the area of highest need

Ohio Stale University Foundation

Moritz Coliege ol LIM. Drinko Hari to support the Camp of
55 MAnt 121h Avenue Low/a Ohio State Business
Columbus. OH 43210 31-1145988 501(e)(3) $250.00 N/A Cash WA Law Journal

InteNersity Clvistion Fellowship to swoon the work or Leslie

6423 Sttptan Who McAdoo on the Barilmore
Hanover. MD 21076 36-2171714 501M(3) 3250.00 NIA Cogs N/A Urban Program

Federalist Soden
1776 I Street. NW
Suite 300
WashInglon. DC 20308 38-3235550 5014)(3) 32.500.00 WA Cash N/A tor general operations

Foundation for Government Accountability

1527S Collier Boulevard
Suite 201-279
Naples. FL 34110 45-2637507 60IK1M $7.0013.08 NIA Cash WA for general operations

Capital Boson/eh Cantor

1513 1601 Wool. NW
Washington. DC 20038.1480 _ 52-1289734 &MOM _ $1.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for the area of highest need

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 82
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Pert II, Grants to Organizations and Governments in the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (11 (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Orgardzation or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV„ Non-Cash Grant or •
Gcwemment Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Freedom Wads Foundation

400 North Capitol Street. NW
Suite 755
Washington, DC 20001-1554 52-1526016 501(4(3) S50.000.00 N/A Cash WA far the area of Moltest need

Center for Incfividual Rights

1100 Connecticut Ave. NW
Sulta 625
Washington. DC 20038 524600481 5011c)(3) $1.000.00 WA Cosh WA for the area of iveness need

National Legal & Policy Center

107 Pa* linatshinglon Court
FEaS Church. VA 22046 52-1750188 501(c)P) St .000.00 WA COM NJA tor the area of highest need

America's Future Foundation

1513 16th Street. NW tO Watson the Host Chicago
Wathir411071. DC 20036 52-1928321 501(c)(3) - S5.000.00 WA - Cash WA E•ent

Students for Sensitda Drug Policy Foundation

1011 0 Street NW for the California, Oregon.
Suite 1 Washington anti Nevada
Washington. DC 20001 52-2296291 501(c)(31 510.000.00. WA Cash N/A Protect,

International Policy Nelviat US. Inc.

do Ms. Bridget, Wagner. Heritage Foundation
214 Massachusetts Avenue. NE
VVashlrtgion, DC 20002-4999 , 52-2363626 501(cX3/ S1.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for the area of highest need

Freedom Alliance
22570 Markey Cowl
Suite 240
Dulles. VA 2016114019 S4-1411430 501(013) 51400.00 NIA Cash WA
-, for the area of highest need
01-4U Foundation
School cf Low. 3301 Fulrthic Orly°. Minglon
Room 200, Hazel HaU tot the Antonat Scalia Law
Arlington. VA 22201 64-1603842 _ 501M3) S4.400.000.00 N/A Cath WA School

Schedule I (Form 990 or aso-Ez) 2017

Dortors Trust, Inc. 62-2186327 83
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indy[duals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (8) (0 (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

PoiConnect Rescue
PO 8oie 00714
POW11111C. MD 201359 554857808 501(0(3) 35.000.00 N/A Cosh N/A
.for general operations

Prefect Ste
53 West Jackson Bawl
Suns 1424
Chicago. IL 80604 81-2327719 50110/3) $74.511.00 N/A Cash WA tot Remora oPerWorts

Motattain Stales Legal Foundation

2598 South Levds Way for the Second Amendment
Lakewood. CO 80227 84-0738725 501(c)(3) 5500.00 N/A Cosh N/A Prefect

Meths on lAkeels People

7710 SW 31st Avenue
Portland. OR 97219 93-0684318 501(cR3) 35.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Supporters of HOsboro Sento:Community

750 SE 8th Ave.
Mbar*. OR 97123 93-0818862 501(cX3) 51.500.00 N/A CaSh NIA for genera/ operations

Pothick In Me Park
P.O. BOx 12443
Portland. OR 97212 93-1212531 501(4X3) S5.000.00 WA Cast NIA for general operations

POundation for lndhddual Rights In Edutalitin

510 Walnut Street
Suns 1250
Philadelphia. PA 19108 04,3487254 501(0(3) 310.1:00.00 NIA Cash N/A for general operations

Tho Witten Room

740 13roadvmy
12th Roar
New York. NY 10003 13.2931112 501M3) 310.000.00 WA Cash N/A tor general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donom Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 84
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

. (a) (b) (c) (d) (0) (f) (g) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance
ACE Programs for the Homeless. Inc.
598 Stoat/n:1y
7th Roor
New V**. W 10012 134848431 WI (OM 53.000.00 NIA Cull WA for general operations

Fund for American Studies

1706 New Hampshire Avenue. NW to support a book by Neal
Washington. DC 20009 134223604 501(00) 57.000.00 WA Cosh N/A Freeman

Fund for American Studies

1708 New Hampshire Month NW
Washington. DC 20009 13-8223804 501(0(3) 55.000.00N, WA Cash N/A for general operations

Prometheus institute
41 Discovery
Inftne. CA 92818 204558542 501(c)(3) 97.000.W N/A Cash N/A tor the Win 'Ude Pink House'

SoHo Ptoyhouse. Inc.

15 Vendom Street for 'Rap Guide to
New York. NY 10013 27-2558884 . 501(cH3) 96.000.00 rtrA Caish WA Consciousness'

Peace Through Commerce

1510 Falcon Ledge Drive
Auslin. TX 787464104 27-3971757 501(0(3) 910.000.00 WA Cash NIA for general operations

SuCkeye inslitide
88 East Broad Streel. Suite 1120
Columbus. OH 432154506 31-1278593 501fen31 81.100.00 WA Cash WA for general operator's

LJ3k0 Flittra College

555 Nags Sheridan Road —
Lake Form& IL 60045 38-216M0 501(c)(3) 510.000.00 WA Cash WA for general °aerations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2168327 85
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II. Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In the U.S.

(a) (b) (z) (d) (0) M (II) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Applicable Assistance appraisal, Msistance Assistance

Hillsdale Cokes°
33 East CoSege Street
KIWale. M1 49242 38-1374230 501(c1(3) 35.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

MAO Sdence Formation

475 RiverSide Drive
Suite 950 •
New York. NY 10115 43-2095418 501(00) 313,000.00 NIA Ciah NIA for general operations

Virginia Tech Foundation

902 Paces Fork Roar, the Philosophy, Politics. and
Blacksburg. VA 24060 54-0721690 501(013) 3100.00040 WA Cash WA Economics Program

Slate Pokey Network

1655 Nosth Fort Moyer Ot .
Suite 360
Arlington. VA 22209.3108 57-0952531 50141(3) 331.000.00 WA Cash WA tor general operations

Irma° Sdence Films

New tab, Butang 129. Su3e 201
63 Fluddrtg Avenue. Una 150
Broodyn. PA' 11205 8602151131 . WIMP) S12.030.00 N/A Cash N/A to support the Film Festival

Tho Crayon Initiative

540 Glasgow Girds
Damedle. CA 64528 80-0838971 501(0131 S15.000.03 WA Cash N/A tor gerurrai operations

2048 Andyas Drtve
Sults A
Boman, MT 59718 81-0193444 501/4(3) S1.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Garden State Maldive

P.O. 8orr 0180
Monistorwi. NJ 07983 81-4373354 501(03) 39.000.00 WA Cash N/A tor Rand aerations

Schedule I (Form 900 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 62-2166327 86
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and indviduals In the U.S.

Part 11. Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (8) (I) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN RC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
_, Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Sutherland Institute
Gateway Tower West Building
16 West South Temple. Suite 203
Sall Lek° CIly. UT 84101 87-0531727 501kX3) 52.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Hillsdale College
33 East Co2ege Street tor the Barney Charter School
Misdate, MI 48242 38-1374230 501(c)(3) S25.000.00 WA . Cash WA initiative

Freedom W01114 Foundation

400 North Capitol Street. NW
Suite 765 to support the Committee to
Washington, DC 20001-1584 52.1526918 501(cX3) S100,000.00 WA Cash NIA Unleash Prosperity

Stale Polley Network

1855 North Fort Meyer Dr.
Suite 360
Arlington, VA 22200.3108 57-0952531 501(0(3) 5724,000.09 WA Cash N/A — for general operations

Jerusatem Institute of Justice

P.O. Box 612732
Dallas, TX 75261-2732 47-1017557 501(C)(3) 35.000.00 N/A . CaSh N/A kr genera) operations

Young Voices
1342 Florida Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20009 81.2593815 501(c)(3) S5,000.0q, NIA Cash N/A tor n erseral operations

Comma...melt Foundation for Ptrbllc Polley

225 State Street
Suite 302
Harrisburg. PA 17101 212473845 501(e1(3) $60,000.03 N/A Cash WA for general operations

The Fairness Carter

P.O. BOX 1482
1675 Camp HO Bypass
Camp HID. PA 17001 484482738 501(cX3) 390.000.00 N/A Cash WA fet general operations

Stheduie 1 (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 87
Sch Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.
Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments in the U.S.
(a) (a) (c) (d) (a) (I) (9) (h)
Marne and Address of 8N IRC Amount of Arnount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Secbon if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Appticable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Urban Promise Ministries

P.O. Box 1479
Cwnden. Ml 08105 02.065Cf7513 501(e)(3) 21.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

National Revtaw Infantile

215 Leidngton Averwo
New York. NY 10016 13.3849597 50114(33 S250.00 N/A Cash WA for genera) operadans

Intercolleglete Studies institute

3901 Centerville Road
Mini:Von, OE 19807-1938 23.6050131 501(4(3) 610.000.00 N/A Cash NIA for °moral operations

GM Scouts In the Heart of Pennsylvania

350 Hato Ave.
Ittnisburg. PA 17104 244705980 501(e)(3) $10100 WA Cosh WA for general operabons

Franklin Center
190 South La Salle Street
SUM 1500
Chicago. IL 6C603-3429 26-0056298 , 501(0(33 S50.000.00 WA Cash N/A tor the area of highest need

Heahland Institute
3939 North %Mao Road for Meeting expense and for
Arlington Heights. IL 60004 36-3309812 501(0(3) s4o.000.00 WA Cash NIA I.C.S.0 .

FebrettO Children's Foundation

641 S Street NW
3rd Floor
Washington. 19C 20001 313,3294824 501(e)(3) 53.000.00 WA Cash WA far general operations

The Fairness Comer

P.O. Box 1482
1875 Comp HIll Bypass
Camp HO. PA 17001 464482738 501(013) $12.500.00 N/A CUP N/A for general operallon a

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-216&327 88
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indy[duals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to OrganizatIons artd Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (0) (I) (9) (h)
Name and Address of El N . IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appralsal, Assistance Assistance

Copilot 160 C.0118 Pregnancy Canter

713 Maryiand Avenue. NE
Washington, OC 2C002 52-1384736 501(c)(3) $500.03 N/A Cosh . WA tor general operations

Student Achievement and Advocacy Servtcas

1511 16th Street 8101
Santa Mordza. CA 90404-3347 52-2237872 501(c)(3) SI 5.000.00 WA Cosh N/A for general operations

Langley School
1411 Balls Hi0 Road
McLean. VA 221D1 544)673568 501(4(35 ss.000.cq N/A Cash N/A los general alterations

McLean Presbyterian Church

1020 Bans MI Road
McLean. VA 22101 54-0557095 501(c)(3) S2.500.00‘ WA Cash N/A for generai operations

Howard Center
934 North Main Street
Roctdord. IL 61107 54-1788267 -. 501(0(35 58.000.00 WA C.ash WA fro general operations

Garden State initiative

P.O. Box 9180
Mordstavm. NJ C17963 81-4373354 501(eX3) 547,300.00 N/A Cash WA ku genend operations

Youth for Mist International

P.O. Sox 4555 to support the missionary mark
Enntawood. CO 80155 Et4.1188718 501(c)(3) Si.500.00 N/A Cash N/A cit Steve Schutthels

lha Navigator°
P.O. Doe 6079 for EPIC Associates -
Albert Lea. MN 56007-8679 8445007898 5014)(3) 15100.00_ WA Coati N/A Washinaton DC (23294258)

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2168327 89
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organtzattons and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (0) (f) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Arnount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance ASsistance

Rio Grande Foundation

PO Sox 40=
Albuquerque. NM ones 85-0488448 501(e)(3) S6.200.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

GoSchreier Institute
500 Easi Coronado Road far the American Freedsrn
Phoenix. AZ 851304 8843597861 501(0(31 $400.000.00 NIA Cosh N/A Network

Alias Economic Research Foundation

1201 L Street NW
2nd FlOw
Washington= 20005 94-2783845 501(0(31 5500.00 WA Cash - NIA for cameral operations

Grassmot institute of Hawaii

1050 Bishop Street
Nanotutu, HI 9t3813 99-0354937 - 8014)(3) S11,000.00 WA Cash NIA for general operations

Nevi York Han of Sdence

47-01 111Ih Sherd
Corona, NY 11388 11-2104059 501(e)(3) 110,000.00 N/A Cosh WA for genera! operations

independent Feature Project

iFP Fiscal Sponsorshfp - Donabons
30 John Street
Brooklyn. W 11201 13-3118525 5010)(3) S12,500.00 WA . Can WA for general operations

Christchurch School
49 Seahorse Lane
Christchurch. VA 23031 51-0238382 501(0(3) S8,000.00 WA CaSh N/A for general operations

Discovery InsUtile
208 Columbia Street
Scalds. WA 98104 91-1521897 501(e)(3) 1)250.000.03 WA Cash WA for general operations

Sthedute I (Form 990 or 99D-EZ) 2017

L lOZ (Z3-068 JO ofie wit33) atnPatios

C911901 0ro 101 V/N 11s80 Val Cf3'1,09.93 Cc)(1)109 L91999C-CE eose•eeero iu '43rAgem
ems xoe od
walIkud11)9119001,812 010911)843 8938080A

C9PL901 ON lot V/N 111033 V/N 99"900.9CS (CH3/109 Z919913Z-CZ 609613987.0 RI layeuem
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suonamdo gueug, )80 NON 4803 Vill 00-00016 (CRoNOS CCI,90tM 99010 I:10 'Aorle/kAddo/i
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cuortEusdo lemon to) VIN (6 1:33 VIN 00'000'01S (CRo/ WS BCKL01-0C CI001 AN 1110). moN
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pOeu WM/ditto 60JB YIN 4983 V/N 00'005S (C)(3)109 PO9C129-C1 8COOZ 00 VolOUNSOM
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pH Ouluie mil paddns a; Va./ 1Iscp %ON 00'000'9S (OM 109 PICO 210 'ImoIl/od
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JO IUBJ9 4SeaAJON 'AVId ')I00q) uogenieA Llse0-00N Aim t4se3 II eolPeS JO uogeziuseu0
Jo asoctind io uondposaa Jo potpoisi Jo lurunuv jo lunowv OLII NI3 jo sseiPPV Pue allieN
(4) (6) (.1) (9) (p) (2) (q) (e)
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00 izegga-E9 suouoa
Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 91
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, RAY. Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

PO Box 9509
Warwick. RI 02889-8509 23.2850152 501(0431 13827 WA Cash N/A for NC 1057483

Vanguard Ctutittable Endowment Prcgrarn

PO Bcor 9509
Warvisk. Fti 02889-9509 23-2888152 501(031 S.5.035.60 N/A Cash NIA for A/C 1057483

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
PO Box 9509
Warwick. RI 02889-9509 23-2888152 501(033 51.65 WA Cash N/A for A/C 1057463 ,

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Progmm

PO Box 9509
Warwick, RI 02889-0509 23-2888152 501(c)(3) S17.507.07 NJA Cash N/A for NC 1057463

Vanguard Charitable Endowrnent Program

PO Box 9509
Warwick, Ft1 02889-8509 2121388152 501101(3) S10.1:0523 WA Cosh NIA for A/C 1057483

Vanguard Charllabia Endowment Program

PO Box 9509
Warwick, RI 021389-9509 23-2888162 501(033 16.007.34 _ WA Cash WA for AlC 1057463

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

PO Box 0509
Warwick. RI 02889-9509 23-2888152 501C;13) S25.003.03 WA Cash WA for NC 1057483

Vanguard Charilable Endowment Program

PO Box 9509
Warwick, RI 02889.9509 23-26138152 501_(;)4 3) S15.007.70_ WA Cash NJA for /VC 1857463

Schedule I (Form 999 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2168327 92
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (0 in (g) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Vanguard Charitable Endavarient Program

PO Box 0509
Wanvick. R1 02889-9509 202888152 501(0(31 $14.009.12 N/A Cash WA for A/C 1057483 .

Cato II/sakes
1000 Massachusetts Avenue. NW
Washington. DC 20001-5403 23-7432182 501(c)(3) 31.000.00 NIA Cash — WA for general operations

Steamboat inseute
P.O. Boz B83037 . to support the Freedom
Steamboat Springs. CO 60488 28-2096821 501(013) 5800.00 N/A Cash N/A Conference

American Transparency
200 South Frontage Road
&the 304
Bun Ftidge, IL 60527 26-3593601 501(C)(3) 8250.000.00 NIA Cash N/A for general °wrath/as

Ohio Stott/ University Foundation

Moritz College of Low. Ditnko Hall to support the College of
55 V.I't 12gi Avenue , Lavis Ohio State BusMess
Columbus. OH 43210 31-11459N 501(c)13) 5250.00 N/A Cash WA Law Journal

FedendIst SordefY
1776r street. MA/
Suite 300
1/41611610100. oc 20006 38-3235550 501(0(3) 52.500.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Misdate ccoege
33 East College Street -
Hiiisdele.1.41 49242 38-1374230 501(c/(3) 52.000.00 WA Cash WA for g anent Dor/redcap

Mackinac Carder for NM. Racy

140 iNest Main Street
Midland. M/ 488400588 _ 38-2701547 5011c1(31 51.000.00 WA Cash WA for area of highest need

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 93
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Arnount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Danlel Mortovo Academy
1620 L Street MN
SWto 700
Washington. OC 20038 47-1170604 5011c)(3) 51.600.000.00 WA , Cash WA far illelleral operations

American Legislative Exchange C.ounc6

2800 Crystal Ottve
61h Floor
jinn, VA 22202 —
5241140979 501(c)(3)
519.000.03 N/A Cash WA for general opetations

Catholic Mt:motion cerser

Sot x Street NW
Sulle 175
WaShinglon. OC 20005-1401 52-1214011 501(CrJ) 5250.000.00 WA Cash N/A for the Leonine Forum

Americans ftv Prosperity Foundellon

1310 N. Courthouse Rd
Suite 700 tor Wisconsin AFPF Issue
Arlington. VA 22201 52.1527294 501(c)(3) St 26.000.00 WA Cash WA Educedon

Americans tor Prosperity Foundation

1310 N. Courthouse Rd
Suite 700
Arlington. VA 22201 52-1527294 501(cp) 5100.000.00 WA Cash N/A tor general operagcns

Students for Life of America

4755 Jefferson DertS Highway tor the Pregnant On Campus
Fredericksburg. VA 22408 52-1576352 5010)(3) 520.000.00 N/A Cash N/A Pre/ea —

Center tor Individual Rights

1100 Connecgcul Ave. MN
Suite 825
Washington. DC 20038 52461:0481 501(0(3) 51.000110 WA Cash WA tor Ine eree cd highest need

Insttuta for Justice

901 North Glebe Road
Suite 900
Arrington. VA 222034854 52-1744337 _ WINO) 51.000.00 WA Cash N/A tor tho area ol highest neeci

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donom Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 94
Sch I, Grants to Organizations end IndvIduals In the U.S.

Part Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) le) (r) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applic:able Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Institute for Justice

901 North t3lebe Road
Suite 900
Arlington. VA 222034S54 52-1744337 50101(3) 02.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Nabenal Legal & Policy Center

107 Part Malting= Coun
Falls Church. VA 22048 52-1750188 501(c1f3) $1.000.00 N/A ,, - Cash N/A for the area of highest need

Bedrel Fund for Religious Liberty

1200 NOW Hampshire Avenue. NW
Sulfa 700
W.IshIngtcm, DC 20038 524E158532 501(c)(3) S10,000.00 WA Cash N/A for mural oPerationa

Students for Sensibte Drug Percy Foundadon

1011 0 Street NW for the California, Oregon,
Suite 1 Washington and Nevada
Washinaton, DC 20001 52-2298291 501(c1(3) 510,000.00 NIA Cash N/A Prolects

American Enterprbo Instflute

1709 Massachusetts Ave. NW
1Nashington. DC 20038 53-0218495 501(g/31 $40,000.00 NIA Cash WA far general operations

OMU Foundation
School of Law, 3301 Fairfax Dave. Arlington
Room 209. Hazel HaD for the Salle Law School
Arlington, VA 22201 544603042 501(C)(3) 5150.000.00 WA Cash WA Judge's initiative

PetConnect ROSOJEI
PO Box 80714
Potomac. MD 20859 554857808 501(c)(3) $5.000.0ct WA Cash hUA for general operaraons

James Madison institute for PubSe Pray

The Columns
100 North Duval Street
Tallahassee. FL 32301 , WA
59-2811908 501(0(3/ $1.000.00 Cash NJA for Ma area el highest need

Sthedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 62-2166327 95
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and indviduals in the U.S.

Part Grants to Organizations and Governments in the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (0 if) RP (h)

Name and Ackfress of EIN RC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Vatuation (book. FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Government Appticable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Stunnya Place
P.O. Box 53
Nehalem. OR 97131 72-1815153 UMW) $1.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Garden State Initiative

P.O. Box 9180
Morristown. NJ 07963 81-4373354 501(0(3) 547.300.00 WA C.ash N/A for aertereJ Operations

Garden Stale Initiative

P.O. Box MO
Modistes" NJ 07993 81-4373354 501(o/i3) (547.300.00) WA Cash NIA (Wu/morn' operations

Mountain States Legal Foundation

2598 South Lewis Way for the Second Arnendmerd
Lakewood. CO 80227 844738725 601(c)(3) 6500.00 NIA Cash WA sdged

Independence Instliuto
rn East 160I Avenue for the Summit Ours area of
Denver. CO 80203 84-0990300 501(0(3) 31.000.00 WA CaSh N/A highest need

Goithvider Institute
500 East Coronado Road
Phoenix. A2 65004 884597681 . 601(c)(3) S10400.00 WA Cash NIA ,tor general operations

Meals on Nil oats People

7710 SW 31 at Avenue
Portland. OR 97219 93-0584318 501(cX3) $5.000.00 WA Caeh N/A for pommel operations

Supporters of Itilisboro Senior Community

750 SE flth Ave.
Hillsboro. OR 97123 93-0816862 501(c)(3) 51.500.00 N/A Cash N/A tor general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-F2) 2017

Donors Trust. Irtc. 52-2166327 96

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indy'duals In the U.S.

Part Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (8) (h)
Name MIAddress of EIN 1RC Amount of Amount of Method of DeacrIptIon of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Geriatric Dental Group

6319 SE Pone0 Blvd.
Pordand. OR 97206 93-1071103 501(0(31 S5.000.00 WA Cash WA tor general operations

Politick In the Park

P.O. Box 12443
Portland. OR 97212 93-1212531 SoUctra) 55.000.00 WA Cash N/A for control operations .

Northwott ChIldren's Outroach

P.0, Box 1604
Lake °ammo, OR 97035 03-1315508 501(c)(3) 55,000.110 WA Cash WA tor general opernilons

Atlas Economic Research Foundation

1201 L Street. NW
2nd Floor
Washington, OC 2000S 94-2763845 601(c)(3) 54.000.00 WA C.ash N/A 4lor general operations

Students tor Likely

1101 17th Street, NW
Suite 1310
INashingion. DC 20036 94-3435E199 5014X3) 51.000.00 WA Cash NA far general operations

Pro(ect Ste
53 West Jackson lithd.
Suite 1424
Chkago. IL 60604 81-2327719 501(cN3) S79000.00 N/A Cash N/A far general operations

JuslIclat Education Project •

3011 Durnbanon Street NW
Washington. DC 2C007 20.2468871 501(c)(3) S830.000.00 N/A Cash NI/A tor general operotions

Chu Lady of Mount Carmel Cathefie Chureh

5620 South Hickory Circle tor the Poor Fund and tor
Littleton. CO 80120 501(013) 52.000.00 N/A Cash N/A Summer Camp needs

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 97

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part IL Grants to Organizations and Govemmonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (0) CO (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC AMMO!! of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section H Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Goverrunent Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Ow Fund
282 East 102nd Street
New York. NY 10029 13-3412540 501(c)(3) 550.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Fund (or Arno:icon Studies

1700 Now Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20309 13-6223004 501(c)(3) $175.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operadons

Dato Intititute .
1000 Massadwsetts Avenue. NW
Washington, DC 20001-5403 23.7432162 501 (cK3) S170,000.00, N/A Cash WA For °metal operations

Thlnk Freely Media. Inc.

1101 K Street. NW
Suite 810
Washinnton. DC 20005 27.1110796 501(c)(3) 525.000.1:0 WA Cash WA ior Genera/ operations

Proyict Valens
1214 Boston Post Road. 0148
Marnanmedt. NY 10543 2?-2894850 501(0(3) 520,000.00 WA Cash N/A tOr general operations

Prefect Yentas
1214 I3oston Post Road. 0148
Mamaroneck. NY 10543 27.2894858 501(0(3) 31,287,000.00 N/A Cash WA tor general operations

One Generation Away .

8305 Monattne COO 10 suPPOrt One Generation
Avroy'a multiple Informational
Great Fens. Ve 22066 27.2944121 501(c)(3) S950,000.00 WA Cash WA and educational Initiatives

CILIzens for Cornmunfty Values

P.O. Box 2945
Coliumbus. OH 43216 31-1075684 501(c)(3) _ S25.000.00 WA Cash WA tor general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donom Tnist, Inc. 62-2166327 98
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and indviduals in the U.S.

Part Grants to Organizations and Govemments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (C) id) le) if) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance
Hillsdale College
33 East College Street
Hillsdale. MI 49'242 • 381374230 501(40) ' 31.000.00 NIA Cash WA for the area of highest nued

Mackinac C,enter for Public Percy

140 West Main Street
Midland. Ml 486404568 382701547 501(c)(3) 375,000.00 NIA Cash N/A for nonota1ooetagons

Young ATIMCIIIIS fal Marty Foundation

P.O. Sox 17560
Arrington. VA 22216 454503672 501(013) 525.000.00 N/A , Cash WA for general operations

Ametitans for Fair Treatment

1200 NWS3rd Street
Suite 5000
Oklahoma City. OK 73116 47-911cercn5 - 501(0(3) 53,000230 WA Cash WA for general operations

Landmark Legal Foundation

19415 Deerfield Avenue
Suite 312
LeeSburg. VA 20176 51-0203602 501W13) 340.000.00 WA Cash - WA for general operations

American Legislative ExChange Council

2600 Cayslal DiVO
13th Floor
Aillngton. VA 22202 52.0140979 501(c)(3) 350.000.00 WA Cash N/A for_general operations

Conlin/1HW Entenarlso inStftute

1310 L Street. NW
71h Floor
Washington. DC 20005 52-1351785 501(c)F3) 3150,000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations
Americans for Tox Reform Foundation
722 12th Stmt. NW
Founh Floor
Washington. OC 20005 52-1400492 501(c)(3) 310.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

L tOZ (23'066 JO oes uu0A) ainPatos

sasuatlx0 WN 4693 V/N 00'000'09a (OM tog °WOOL-CI 9COOL 30 vottluctisuM

toaford utopsaia gt alrqtn3 icy / tOnoSOSS olInS
MN 10043 ISOZ OW
olOotPunoti AthutilueLnid

Pund ION 0133 WN 00'000'01S (C.MoNOS OMB 03 %WPM

Wool twIlooS IMO ot0 104 oFura 41011304 Otos 005
0=43 3110483 WM3 tunoil Jo MITI ino

peau m104410 OBIO Du) JO) Val tICO3 V/N 00'000'SS9 (C)(o) tO9 COUIZOtr9Z LOOOZ DO tolOuPtsuM
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IS t118 SO9L
-au) wool

WAJOiLtoctO ploust) lo) YIN Ltsg3 Vils) WOODIJOS (c)01tos SZ8139S1-65 Z000•091ZZ VA '131211010110S
MAI )1301212108 1009
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alusmafial a poadns as Vit.. 4023 V/14 001XIVE IS (CJ(0)109 (ZOOL9111 9000Z 30 '00111001a8M
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suonoiedo wtouati Jo) V/N IMO V/N 00'000'09S (CH3)109 t taL0I-Z9 8000Z 00 valeuP.120M
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uoiluPunod Wattud itaud ouuntIBTI

aouegissy azuelstssy lesisidde aaueispssy apeonddy pampa/too
JO ill0J0 t1s00-u0N 'AVId '4004) 00/10140A 4se0-40N weio tise3 11 401130S JO uopezpiefto
Jo asoclind jo uogdposao 10 P0410)1 Jo pinowy jo {mow DUI N13 lo ssaippv pue eweN
(4) (6) (1) (0) (P) (2) (q) (03)

•s•ri mu suunuwenoo pue Buono:weft as fautu9 'II Ind

•sn 041 tq sleTWIAP41 su011eziu0010 01 slut* '143S

88 LZ£991Z-ZS '341'1=1 &101100

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 100

Sch Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (a) (d) (0) (1) (g) Pi)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government • Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Ca1/tobc Associagon Foundagon

3011 Dumbarton Street NW
Washington. DC 20007 20-2387867 501(0(3) $305.000.00 WA Cash N/A for ganeral operations

Judicial Education Projeci

3011 Dumbarton Street NW
Washington. DC 20007 212488871 501(0(3) 330.000.00 NIA Cash NIA for general operations

American An1k/hasectIon Sortety

801 Old York Road
Sulte 204 for the Wan end Eleanor
Jenkintown. PA 19046 210341990 501(0(3) 510.000.00 WA Cosh WA ,Ceve Award

Hogywood Senior Center

1820 NE 40 Avenue
Portland. OR 87212 217201187 501(0(3) 31.000.00 WA Cash WA for tha purchase of food

Project Vcritos
1214 Boston Post Road. 0148
Memaroned. NY 10543 27-2894858 501(c)(3) $70.000.00 N/A C,ash N/A far general operatic=
Piudue University
Purdue Research Foundation tor the Purdue University
403 %Abet Woad Street Ftesearth Center In
West Lafayette. IN 47907 316001041 501(c)(3) 590.000.00 NIA Cash N/A Economics

Indiana thnversby Foundation

builana University Maurer School of Law
211 South Indiana Ave.. Baler Hail io support the Indiana Law
Bioarnington. IN 47505-7t01 316018940 501(c)(3) 51.000.00 N/A Cash NJA Journal

Fedorolist Soder./
17781 Street. NW
Suite 300
Wastangton. DC 20008 313235550 501(0(3) WA Cast) WA _bar general operations

Schedule I (Forrn 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 101

Sth Grants to Organizations and Inclviduals in the U.S.

Part 11, Grants to Organizations and Governments In tho U.S.

(a) tb) (e) (d) (o) lo (g) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Creswiew Academy
1519 Peterson Avenue
Eau Claire. OA 54703 39.1689441 501(0(3) 52.000.00 N/A Cash N/A !or the Ubrery Prafect

Invest in Education Foundation .

28 Century HID Drhre
Suite 203
Latham. NY 12110 45.34327711 501(c)(3) 5250.000.00 WA Cash WA tor general operations

Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust

3011 Dumbarton Street NW
Washington. DC 20007 48-4754874 ---. 501(0(3) 5500.000.00 N/A Cash WA tor general operations .

Tha Spectator
P.O. Box 448
Loodnedon, VA 24450 47-1000200 501(c)(3) 5500.00 WA Cash WA tor general operations .

Cardinal tnatitola for West Virginia Policy

P.O. Box 11495
Charleston. WV 25339 47-1932521 501(c)(3) 519.400.00 NIA Cash WA tor general operations

KU Endowment
Kama Universfty Endowment Assoclatton
PA. Eta: 928 to support the ICiutses Journai
Unwence, KS 88044 480547734 50140) 51.000.09 N/A Cash N/A of Law & Public Poky

Physidans Committee for Responsible Medidne

5100 Wisconsin Avenue NW
Sun° 400 tor the Allernativas tn
Washinpton. DC 20018 52-1394893 501(e)(3) 51.000.00 WA Cash N/A Research and Tasting Project

Notional Legai & Policy Corder

107 Park Washington C.casti
Falb Church. VA 22048 52-1750188 501(c)(3) 53.000.00 N/A Cash WA for genera1 operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Tnst. Inc. 62-2188327 102
Sch I. Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part IL Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (0 (0 (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Desaiption of Purpose of
Organization or SecUon if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Goverrvnent Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Independent Wants:Ms FOMM

18751 Street. NW
Suite 503
WashIngton. DC 20006 54-1670827 501(e)(3) 5500,000.00 N/A Cash WA !or general operations

Culture of Freedom Initiative '

1120 20th Street. NW
Suite 550 S
Wagthunon. DC 20038 81-5382485 501(c)(3) 51.350.000.00, WA Cash WA tor penerot operaUons

UnhrersIty of Cceorado Foundabsn

1305 University Avenue
BOulder. CO 80302 84-6049811 501(c1(3) S20,000D0 NIA cosh WA for the CTP Scholar Profflam

Dioatse of San Jose

1150 North 1st Street
Suite 100 for tho Annual Diocesan
San Jose, CA 95112-4968 94-2734503 501(0(3) 5500.00 N/A Cosh N/A gopeal 2017

to support Om Parish
SI. Frances Cebrfni Catholic Church IMprovement Plan for 2017
15333 Woodard Road (tor Church Improvements end
San Jose. CA 05124-2797 1)&2734503 501(0(3) _ 51.000.00 N/A Cash WA hyrrutcds)

Independent Wornon's Fonnn

1875 I Street, NW
Sulle 500
Washington. DC 20006 54-1670627 501(0(3) 515.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Howard Cent&
934 North Main Street
Rockford. IL 61107 54-1788267 501(e)(3) 532.000.00 NIA Cash WA
-, ..for general operations

Sutherland Inalttuto
Gateway Tower WeSt Building
15 West South Temple. Sulte 200
Salt lake City, UT 8411)1 87-0531727 501(0(3) 5270.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 991) or 990-EZ) 2017

LlOZ (Z3-066 Jo 066 uli0J) I etnPaPS

leutnar mei YIN YIP* YIN CAT ORS . (CMIOS 98SSIPIt•IC ' CIRCO HO loteleeloa
esetese8 eleIS el110 simil amismi WI IsWASS
lo 0801303 etii eaddns oi RH 041410 'met 10 demo mole
UCOOPUrt04 AOSSONIM mats emo

(luar9 Jaw* WN tlisra VON 0000000SS (CWO)109 eeLeeLL-CZ COM Vd "lette/elteIeld
Rio) cuorttuado gamma Jo} 009C elleS
WRIOA tgra °NM

14001 Jo esetpind eta Joi. WN (PEJO Wel 00'000' IS W13)109 Let t#32L-Ct LIZL6 tIO 'Peeltled
entROV 00 3N OZ91
Jetuo3 iques poesaLcoN

sue:puede 'amuse xi WN este3 VIN 001100'SS 03)Los cryson-rc NOLO uo leliettookteH

13eV Awelle211 3S Setoa
ituN tagteNeS

sucirmado gelamail Joi WN ttee0 V/N 00'000'014 (CHo)109 MS-MIR CI001 AN Vol. PAW
=LI 419
. POAS rilMJ9 tit

Ileti duNIO eel Odd= 01 Vitt 0;03 ViN 1 00'0001S (C)(3)109 PILLS LIO 'Peellted
laWIS ee0 3S MIL
(PMWD WPM tHteVle %mod '1S

tutuead swum scrip eta .tc4 YIN Imo Wel 00'00700M (Clto)10S Meet 11•Le scow 30 NendleeteM
MN ReeilS 1 OZ91
ittuarany =Gam gum

stroetuatitt ituattali to) WN eel* ViN ' 00'009111S leNteg PIC9120118 4111180 AN *seaolt cal
tAMS Pl3vid CCU
orOstut 143saqsall AoSod IsewteN

oouejsissy 0311eisissy lesjeidde eouelsissy meow:My ubsungenoo
JO jueJD tise0-ooN 'ANA liooq) uojjenjeA 14133-u0N Wale LlsuO 6 UOPOS JO U0nE211106.10
io asoduld jo uopdposaa Jo Pottloll jo tummy jo junotuv 3)J1 NI3 jo ssoippv pue auJeN
(4) (8) 6) (e) (P) 0) KO tel
*S"n 010 uj squeunuenoe pue summit:Wm 01 siuule Wed
ata o! sturIPIAPol Pug suelierlue610 ol slump tps

COI LZE991Z-09 SJ0000

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 104
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Incivkfuels In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

0) (b) (c) (d) (e) (() (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Buckeye Institute
88 East Brood Street. Stifle 1120
Columbus. OH 432154508 31-1278593 5014M) 3250,000.00 , WA Cash WA far general operations

Federalist Sodely
1776 I Street, NW
Suite 300
Washington. OC 20008 38-3235550 501 (cH3) 32.500.01 MA Cash WA tor general operations

Center for ItugvIduai Rishis

MO Connecticut Ave, NW
Suite 625
Washington. OC 20038 52-160001 501(cN3) 31.000,00, WA Cash . NIA for the aren ol highest need

National Legal & Policy Center

107 Park Washington Court
Falls Church. VA 22048 52-1750188 501(c)(3) $1.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for Ute area of Ittahest need

Students for Sauna° Drug Policy Foundation

1011 0 Street NW for the California. Oregon.
Suite 1 Washington and Nevada
Washinglcm. OC 20931 52-2296291 501(c)(3) 310.000,00 „ WA Cash NIA Projects

PeiConnect Rescue
PO Box 80714
Polotnac, MD 20859 55-0857806 5014)(3) S5•000.004, NIA cash WA for general opt/Miens

State Poky Network

1655 North Fort Moyer Or.
Sults 380
Arlington. VA 22209-3108 67-0952631 501(c)(3) 540.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operatic=

Sarnnya Plate
P.O. Box 53
Nehalem. OR 97131 72-1615153 501(0(3) 51.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Tnist. Inc. 52-2166327 105
Sch Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Port II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) M (9) (h)

Name emd Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Desaiption of Purpose of
Orgardzation or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Project Six
53 Wald Jackson Blvd.
Soda 1424
Chicago. IL 60604 81-2327719 501(03) 595.000.00 WA Cash WA for general oparaUona

Mountain States Legal Foundation

2598 South Lavas Way 84 the Second Arnendmeni
lachvood. CO 60227 84-0738725 501(cX3) 5503.00 NIA cash WA Protect

Moots on Wheets People

7710 SW 31s1 Avenue
Portland. OR 97219 , 9341564318 501(c)(3) , 55,000.00 WA Cash WA tor general operatlans

Supporters of Hillsboro Senior Community

750 SE 111h Ave.
Hdlsbaro. OR 97123 934916862 501(c)(3) 51.500.00 WA Cash WA tar general operations

00flInfie Dental Group

6319 SE Permit Blvd.
Portland. OR 97208 93-1071103 531(e)(3) 55.000.00 WA Cash WA tor general operations

Pottuck In Me Park
P.O. Box 12443
Portland. OR 97212 93.121 253l 501(c)(3) 55.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for gertend operations

Northwest Chndren's Mimed'

P.O. Box 1604
Mike Oehega. OR 97015 93-1315508 501(c)(3) 55.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Wyoming Merry Group

1902 Thames Avenue
Suite 201
Cheyenne. VVY 82001-3549 26-2820115 501(03) $245.000.00 WA C.ash N/A tor general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

LIOZ (Z3-0613 JO 08611e0d) I aInPaLPS

ktiod 3COM WN trin WN 00.0001'S te10/109 Z9OZCSOSt 1:9941 AN 493944

I A431 to CUtUrtOr SJuDiPS 'aAV 0681P0 tiZ9
mai Dawn woad% ot 119H J0Piel =Art cue
Austmiun 64=0

woadJodo gliatto13 us WN 4693 VIN 007000"SS (CH3NOS 009Z.ZZ9•Ct 6000Z au Ityteuusem

mu 'entleAV EUIlluttUNFI wort eot 1
s9o449 403;$3414 031 PUN

SSOUVAla V sari WN 4s43 WN 00'00(3'SS (c)(3)tos 901295S-Ct • Z1031 MIA% AWN

to iownOr NAN 041 Isoddnt ol az ming 'pen pJ141 tetW1011
149t4401m9a to 939J0 'Potol P3 Pews nut

94099Jado ituotta5 soi V IN tlse3 YIN °mecca (cMtes 115609VE1 91001 AN '1110A PAM
Joel! 411 t
anumv uctOupro, stz
4111141:111m0Y499 toueft0N

suoserado tesama0 Jo; WN 41343 WN 00'000'SS (C/t3h09 Lvvvest.-t.1 91SZI AN '09,04403

Rau 40AJOSOU sg
udistosuoo istuo4 4:110Z1 ipoig

suostuodo ituausb Ai WN 4993 WN OVOSZS (cm tO9 MOM= etoZOISLZO HN •JeA0UUH

COC 1013 Od

SUovviocto te101.108 Ai WN 14183 WN 00'000'0034 (CH3)109 IL999t,Z.OZ aggz 313 Vodiutt1911A6

MN 'loan N OttZ
134foid 4011133nP3 FuPIPut

SIUOVAI2d0 ituauatl Jai WN 4490 WN 017000'00V is (cMtoe 0069L1I-LP mot Da VolaultellM

COL 011^S
MN leanS 1 OL91
Atuapead uellioil ppm

nuetsissy azuetsissv lespudde ettuelsissy alcieouddv 9.12116119600
JO 11113.15 ilsu0-uoN 'ANA Nom° uollertleA Nee3-uoN lusie tise3 it uotpes JO uonec!u9610
io asectind jo uortdposeo 10 Pmeat'i to tunowy to iunouty Odl NI3 ico ssaippy pue etueN
(4) (a) (i) (e) (P) (3) (4) (e)

vn 041 ui stuewutenco pue suonezitteligt et mete tied

•s•ri am) OlooPIAPol 1919 suopeetue510 01 sluei0 ItPS

901 Lzegg tz-zg -out •Isrui tattoo

Donors Trust. Inc, 52-2166327 107
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and truhriduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (0) (f) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Arnount of Arnount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

voskimetna Foundation, Int.

PO Box 08204
Washington. DC 200904204 20-0049703 — 501(4(3) 51.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for the Widpedia Zero Project

Mantel Research Foundation

4153 Chain Badge Road
Fairfax. VA 22030 20-4153641 501(c)(3) 3160.000.00 WA — CaSh NIA for general operations

Intercollegiate Studies institute

3901 Contenrabs Road for the Collegiate Whew%
Millington, DE 19807-1938 216050131 5010401 S5.000.00, N/A Cash N/A Project

VanderbM CommuritcationS. Inc.

2301 Vanderbilt Placa
VU Statical B. 351669
Nasinal/e. TN 372354689 23-7030713 501(0(3) - 31.000.00 NJA Cash WA for the Vanderbilt Torch

Rutgers University Foundation

120 Albany Streel Plaza
Tower 1. Suite 201
NM BRIMMitii. NJ 08901 23-7318742 501(c)(3) $2.500.03 N/A Cash WA for ;moult operations

Sax Welters Outreach Project

340 South Union Avenue 67568
Walnut. CA 91789 264264638 501(00) S10,000.00 N/A Cash NJA tor general operations

Mather Insehne
44 East Mifflin Street
Suite 201 for the Minlmum Waco
Madiscm.W S3703 26-2&19114 501(4(3) 3500.00 NIA Casts N/A Succoso Stories Projoct

Intelligence Squared U.S. Foundation

690 Masraon Avenue
30111 Floor
New York. NY 10022450 27-1022579 50 I KO) $62.500.00 NIA Cash NIA tor general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-21AR•07 108
Sal I, Grants to Orgardzations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govemments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (8) (f) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amourd of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Vatuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Gmnt or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Museum of Mathematics
11 Easi 26ot Street
Now York. NY 10010 27-1450809 501(c)(3) 55.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for genend operations

Morn F. Buckley. Jr. Program

234 Church Street
7th Floor
New Haven, CT 06510 27-5131288 501(c)(3) 52.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

University c4 Notre Dante

University of Notre Dante Law School
13418 Bieldtini Hall of Law to supped the Journal of
Notre Dame. IN 48556 354888188 501(c)(3) 52.000.00 N/A Cash N/A Legislation

Federalist Society
1778 I Stroet, NW
Suite 300
Washington. DC 20006 38-3235550 501(c)(3) 51.000.00 NIA Cash WA for general operations

Federalist Society
17781 Street, NW
Suite 300
Washington. DC 20006 38-3235550 501(0(3) $50,000.00 N/A Cash N/A for the area of highest need

Michigan State University Coilege of Law

8.48 North Shaw Lana
Room 4WD far the MSU Jeumal of Animal
East Lansing. MI 48624-1300 38-136It000 SOucot ss.coo.00 N/A Cash N/A 8 Natural Resource Law

Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish

158 Vane/ Avernie SW
Grand Rap4is. MI 48504 313-1388044 501(cB31 $2.500.031 N/A Cash WA far general operations

World Science Foundation

476 Ftiverside Drive
Sults 050 ,-
New York. NY 10115 434065418 501(c)(3) 517.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations

Schedule I (Fonn 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

LIOZ (Z3-066 JO 066 LLIJ0j) I alnPaLPS

kilod MOM Pm shzu9PS V/N 093 WN 001)09' tZ$ (C)(0)LOS 091Z9L919 09tZ-90CZC 13 '013$91340091.
lulooS to aea1103 OtIl io; 09&LSOC
hulit od '091 eitnS %tool 011400/103 t t t
Niwaniun orals appow
1-190412191lid Pup sechlOPS Mtn 10 01101100
ucttlettunc4 AttstaAturt otetq ept1014
ititintOr WN 41sIll3 V/N OITOCO'SS (C1(3/109 MC09111 lOZZZ VA 1/0101194/
hulll %geld Ilh13 910 imam al PH lazaH 110Z =OH
. sndw93
90160111Y %MO =RBA RICC welFi MIPS
uogepulloA nil°
knouv vAosouto3 V/N gsuo V/N 00'0001S (C)(3)10S Z1114:09115 91340-10ZZZ VA 'uolUullhi
'mei lo leuinor eau uoddns (4 0/4/0 x01110S tOCC
410d 9 IMUJOU033 wal 10 minor 11ViD
uonepuno4 nvio

turucu anyvanbaol aLp X/ V/N ttse3 Vitt 00'000' IS (CH3)100 COMM-CS seoz ao .UOieultISBM
japt90 ge.utpcualul ta
turucts eimenbotti
krttaAtun ummeatoes

killod 394nd V mei P Emma(' WN win* VIN 007000.01S (CM105 C0994310-ES 1030Z 30 Volgul4seM
%talon hurl AesAlAtun MN .anUaAV hiniarmeN 009
tmoteatoos itoddns *I hostaNufl umoVle4090

P910/d 991191 all /03 . V/N 96,33 V/141 00000.01% (CIO) JOS ItZ9L8t-Z9 e000z Do votoultottm
zt awls
MN INNIS ulvldwoki3 OLCZ
ucileptmoj poltud kliod ettenlirm

mu isaullico earn am Jo; '

V/N 4993 Vitt OVOCOVIS (CH3)109 LCCOOLI-ZS tat-COZZZ VA 1/01031111V
OM 811119
99021 04910 40eN ICEI
9:glair 11:4 011U9sul

summed° twaup 0 AN V/N IMO V/N 001100.9LS (CHOWS 1111.60P1O-Z9 ZOZI2 VA lh3104111A/
=Li 419
*Iwo ansAio ottez
pump aeumpre aNNNleal tmalisurtl

. .
mueisissv aouelsissv lasilvdde mueisissv ammuddv luau:um/um
JO wele Lise3-110N 'AVIA ')I004) oopeoloA 4oe0-110N pimp yen A U01138S JO uopeztue6i0
lo asocUnd Jo uopdposea je potitew jo tunoutv p;) tunoutv 0211 NI3 le ssaippy pue ewoN
(4) (B) (i) (0) (P) (3) (0) (e)
-s•ri °to ui seueunueneo pue euonezpietho slum° 11 Ind

.s.n 041u! steopinpui pue suotteztueru0 oi =vie 43S

601 LZE991Z-ZS '314 slow°
Donom Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 110
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Pest II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

to) (14 (c) (d) to) (0 (13) (h)

Name and Address of ElN 111O Amotmt of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuatiorilbook, FMN.r. Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance
. other)

University of Texas Lew School Foundation to support the Texas Review

727 Easl Dean Keeton Street of Law& Poetics vto the Tex
Austin. TX 78705 74-6058794 501(c)(3) 510.000.00 N/A Cash NIA Lazar Scholarship Fund

Alternative Education Roos= Organizaton

417 Roslyn Road for the School Starters
Roslyn Heights. NY 11577 8043619017 501(cl(3) 51.003.00 N/A Cash WA Course Project

litountatn States Legal Foundalion

2596 South LevAa Way
Lakevocad. CO 80227 84-0736725 501(c)(3) 52.50060 N/A Cash WA for general operations

University of Ansi= Fotmdalon
1145 E. South Campus Drive
Room 113
Tuscan, AZ 87521 866050388 501(c)(3) sik000do N/A Cash WA for general operations

Lewis & C.lark College

LevAs & Ctart Lew School
10315 S.W. TenvillIger Blvd.
Penland. OR 97219 93-0386858 501(0(3) 510.000.00 N/A Cosh N/A for the Animal Law Review

to support the Stanford

Animal Lead Defense Fund University Chapter of the
170 East Celan Ave. Student Animal Legal Defense
Coto% CA 04031 (W2881680 601(eX3) 62.50060 WA Cosh WA Fund

Animal Legal Dalonoo Fund to support the Yale University
170 East Cotall Ave. Chapter of the Student Antinal
Cotati, CA 94931 04-2681680 501(c)(3) $2.500.00 N/A Cash 14/A Legal Defense Fund

to suption Me Texas Tech

Animal Legal Defense Fund University Chapter of the
170 East Wall Ave. Student Animal Legal Defense
Cots% CA 94931 94-2681680 501(c)(3) 62.500.00 WA Cash WA Fund

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2186327 111
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In the U.S.

(a) (b) lc) (d) fe) (f) (9) (h)
Name and Address of SIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (hook, FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
GovertvreM Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

to support the Brigham Young

Animal Legal Defense Fund University Chapter of the
170 East Cola Ave. Student Anbnal Legal Defense
Cola% CA 94931 94-26811380 501(c)(3) 52.500.00 WA Cosh WA F

Alias Eoonomic Research Foundation

1201 L Street NW
2nd Floor
Vlasshington, DC 20005 94-2783845 501(c)(3) 5500.00 WA — C.esh WA for general operations

WHOM Associates
PO Box 309/3
He Moon Etay. CA 94019 94-2924999 501(c)(3) S5.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

independent Institute
100 Swan VYay for the Center on Peace and
Oakland. CA 94(121-1428 94-3008370 501M3) 55.000.00 WA CaSh WA Utterly _
UC Son Diego Foundation
Salk institute CNL-S
10010 N. Torrey Pines Road for Roger Bingham/The
Us Jolla. CA 92037 95-2872494 501(cX3) 515.000.00 WA Cash NIA Coaaboraloiy/unrestricted gifi

Fund for American Studies

1705 New Hampshire Avenue. NVV to support ltio 5011i
Washington, DC 20009 136223804 501(cX3) 55.000.00 N/A Cosh WA Anniversary fund drive
New Harvest
164 Grand Street
8th Floor
New York. NY 10013 20-1425438 501(cX3) 680.000.00 N/A C.ash WA for the plant scaffotds prefect

000410 W. 84311 Presidential Center

PO Bea 800010
Dallas:TX 75380 204119317 501(c)(3) 510.000.00 NIA Cash WA
, Mr general operations
Lucy Bums =Mute
9383 Greenway Boulevard
liddrilaton. Vet 53582 208038372 501(03) NIA Cash WA
, for general operatic=

intercogogiate Studies instal/le

3901 Contomito Road
Millington. DE 19807-1938 23-6050131 001(c)(3) S10.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2168327 112
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

83) (b) (c) (d) (0) (9 (g) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Arnotmt of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, AssIstartce Assistance

Rite Amendment Coalition

534 4th Street
Sella Et
San RafaeL CA 64801 33-0308483 501(c)(3) 93.000.00 WA C.ash N/A for general operations
Empower Mississippi Foundation
741 Avignon MN°
Suite C
Ridgelona MS 38157 46-456.6274 501(4)(3) 53.500.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations
Judicial Walsh
425 Thtrd Street. SW
Washington. DC 20024 92-1865088 501(c)(3) 55.0130.00 N/A Cash WA tor Ironer& OPOTBOOOS
Employment Policies Institute Foundation
1090 Vermont Avenue, NW
Suit° 800
Washington, DC 20005 52-1902264 501(c)(3) 55.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations
Atlas Economic Research Foundation
1201 L Street. NYY
2nd Floor to support the 50th
Kiashington. DC 20005 844763845 501(0(3) $10.000.00 WA Cash NIA Anniversary Fund Drive

True tha Vote

P.O. BOX 13176E1 for the Phiiadelphia Voter
Houston, TX 77219.1768 27.2860095 901401 . $25.000.00 WA Cash WA Fraud Research Project

Students tor Fair Admissions

16 Cann) ROad
South Thomaston, ME 04858 47.1689810 501(0(3) 5100.000.00 WA Cosh WA for general operations
Abate East Forum
1650 Martet Street
Suite WOO
Pfriladelphla. PA 19103 23-7748798 501(c)(3) 525.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations
Fan,.ly Bridges
I 7W662 Butterfretd Road
SuRe 303A
Oak Brook Terrace. IL 60181 27.2105551 501(c)(3) $135.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

1214 Boston PoSi Road. 0148
Mamarortadt. NY 10543 27.2864856 501(4(3) 525.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general emotions

Mummy Formulation InternatIona). Ina fro the Barbershop Harmony

1804 Conant Street Soddy to support the Youth
Steven.s Paint WI 54481-5819 39-6073041 5014)(3) 57.000.00 WA Cash WA Chorus.

Schedule I (Form 890 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 113

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 01) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Arnount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Feiloveititp of Christian AiNetes

2895 Fox Drive
Gninl. Mt 49327 440610626 501(c)(3) 5300.00 N/A Cash WA tor general OPerklions
Foundation for Government Accountabrdy
.15275 Collier Boulevard
Suite 201-279
Pimples. FL 34119 45-2637507 501(03) 3156000.00 NIA Cash WA for general operations
Seminar Nemo* Trust
2300 1A6son Md.
Suite 500 for Arne/lams for Prosperity
Arrington. VA 22201 463509368 501(cl(3) 350.000.00 NIA Cash WA Arizona
Seminar Neleork 'NW
2303 Mason Edvd.
Suite 500
Arington. VA 22201 46-3508368 301(c)(3) 350.000.00 NIA Cosh WA for tne Steve Penv Project
Falls Church. Anplican
6565 Arlington EiNd.
3rd Floor
Falls Church. VA 22042 47-1006298 501(c)(3) 3400.00 WA Cash N/A
_.„ . for the area of highest need
WA Federaton of Kew York
130 East 59th Street for the tweet Public Diplomacy
New York. NY 10022-1302 51-0172429 501(413) 3500.000.00 N/A Cash WA Project
Institute for hence
901 North Glebe ROW
Suite 900
Arington. VA 22203-1654 52-1744337 501(c)(3) 315,000.00 WA Cash NrA ear menu operations

Mississippi Center tor Public Policy

520 George Street
Jaetson. MS 39202 64-0797005 , 501(c)(3) 31,000.00 WA C.ash WA for general operations
Sutherland institute
619ov...iv/Tower West Building
15 West South Temple. Suite 200 '
Salt Lake CAN. UT 84101 874531727 601(c)(3) S5.00o.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations
Human Riots Foundadon
350 AM Avenue
Suite 4515
New `fort. NY 10118 204669700 50 NCO) 3100.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general cmerarrons
American Spectator FoundallaA
933 N. Kenmore Street
Suite 405
Arlington. VA 22201 23-7002632 501(c)(3) 310.000.00 N/A Ginn WA to support the annual dinner

Schedule I (Forrn 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2186327 114

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Gmnts to OrganIzatIons and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (1) (9) (h)

Name and Address of ElN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Appficable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Heartland Institute
3839 North Alike Road to support 2 Red Team
Arlington Heights, IL 80034 38-3308812 501(0(3) 376.000.00 N/A Dash N/A briefing meetings

Mackinac Center for Pubic Policy

140 West Mai11 Street
Midland, MI 488404588 38-2701547 501(c)13) 3800.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

SL Albans School
Mount SL Alban to support a Computer
Washington, DC 20018-5069 510198804 501(c)r3) S80.000.00 N/A Cash WA Sciences Instructorship
Mercatus Center, GMU
3434 Washington Boulevard
4th Floor for the Marginal Revolution
Arlington, VA 22201 54-1438224 501(c)(3) S120.000.03 WA Cash NIA University Project
American Affairs Foundation
1 Boston Place
Suite 2800
Boston. MA 02198 8141314174 501(0(3) S350,000.00 N/A Cash N/A tor genera/ operations
Harambe Entrepreneur Mance
48 South Main Siteel
P.O. Box 3550 to support Ihe Harembo
Concord, NH 03302-3,350 904519137 601(c)(3) 55,000.00 WA Cash N/A Vallean Forum IV

Judicial Education Project

2710 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20007 20-24811871 601(4(3) 5525,000.03 N/A Cash N/A tor general operations
Consumers' Research. Mc.
1801 F Street NW
Suite 304
Washington. DC 20008 22-1500498 501(c)(3) 5220.000.00 N/A Cash NIA tor general operations
Federalist Soddy
1776 I street. Nvv
Suite 303
Washington. DC 20008 38-32355.50 501(cg3) S1,550.000.00 NIA Cash N/A tor general operations

Students tor Fair Admissions

18 Camp Road
South Thomaston. ME 00358 47-16813810 501(cp) S125,000.00 N/A Cash WA far neneral operations -;

Leederslip tnsetute
1101 North Highland Street to support the Champion
Arington. VA 22201 51-0235174 ' _ 501We 51,000.00 N/A Cash WA Academy

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust Inc. 52-2166327 115

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (0) (f) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Oesalption of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grartt or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Ping Liberty Institute

2001 Rano Parkway, Suite 1800
Plano. TX 75075 75-1403169 501(c)(3) 51,000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations
PnXed Slx
53We:a .1adcson Med,
Suite /424
Chicago. IL 60604 81-2327719 501(c)(3) 872.000.00 N/A C.ash N/A
— — for general operations
Atlas Economic Research Foundation
1201 L Street NW
2nd Mae
Washinteon. DC 20005 944763845 50140) 51.000.130 N/A Cash WA for general operations

Our Lady of iha Mountains Catholic Church

PO Boor 992
Jackson. WI 83001 501(c)13) 51.503.00 N/A Cash WA For general operagons

Manhattan Institute for Policy Research

52 Vanden:all Avenue
New York, NY 10017 13-2912529 501(cr0 S12.000.00 NJA Cash WA fro general operations
Objectivist Center (Atlas Society)
BOO Roamed Drive
Suite 200
Kingwood. TX 77339 113554791 501(cK3) 55.000.0 N/A Caah N/A for general operations
Human Rights Foundation
350 Fifth Avtmue
Suite 4515
New York. NY 10118 20.2689700 501(cX3) 52.500.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

American Friends of Mechem Melr

1327 45th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11219 38-3890502 501(0(3) S1.000.00 N/A Cash NJA for general operations
Over the Horizon
5 Revere Drive
Suite 200
Northbrook. IL 60082 45-2023073 501(c)(3) 510.000D0 N/A C.ash N/A the Hayrn Salomon Center

American Mate Ftadio

1739 University Avenue P341
OxfOrd. f4S 313855 46-14148T/ 501(0(3) 575,000.00 WA Cash WA for generai operations

E Knauss Unorn Fans

2247 15th Avenue West
Seale. WA 98119 91-2053400 _ 501(cN3) 810.090.00 NIA Cash N/A for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2168327 116

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) 0)) (c) (d) (e) ft) (8) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Arnount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Sturlento tor Liberty

P.O. Sox 97246
Washington, DC 20090.7246 94.3435899 • 501(eK3) S&S.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Direct Relief
27 S. La Patera Lano to support Hurricane Harvey
Goleta. CA 03117 95-1831116 501(en S50.000.00. WA Cash WA ROM efforts
225 Stele Street
Suite 302
Harrisburg. PA 17101 23.2473845 501(e)(3) 4113.000.00 WA Ca sh WA for amerce operations
Americans tor Fair Treatment
1200 NW 63rd Street
Suite MOD
Oldahoma City, OK 73118 47-2593565 501(c)(3) S7.000.00 WA Cash WA for genera! operations
to support Presbyterian
Prosbytorion Church (USA) Disaster Assistance (Ana No.
P.O. Box 843700 OG100000) for Hurricanes
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700 13-3482549 501(c)(3) S250.00 N/A Cash WA
. , .... Harvey_
Waslchester God AssodatIon Caddie to support ihe Caddie
Scholarship Furu1 Inc Schofarship Fund at the
49 Knotwood Road. Suite 220 Westchester Goff Assodation
Ehnsford. NY 105234813 134100835 501(eK3) S2.500.00 NIA Cash WA In New Yor
Install° tor Free Speech
124 South West Sireet
Suite 201
Alexandria. VA 22314 20.3676886 501(cK3) S3.000.00 WA Cash WA for genera! operations
Team Rublorm
6171 C.enauy filvd.
Suite 310 For Hurricane Harvey meet
Loa Angeles, CA 90045 27.1720480 601(e)(3) S1.000.00 WA Cash NIA efforts
Center tor Urban Renewal and Education
1317 F Sheet NW
SUtie MO
1Nashimpon. DC 20054 31.1467594 5ot tea . S500.00 14/A Cash WA for the area of highest need

Unhrersity of SL Mary ore* Lake

1000 East Maple Ave.
Mundelein. IL 60060 38.2171077 501(e)(3) 51.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Aston Institute
98 ESN Futon Street
Grand Rapids. Mi 49503 384926822 501(0(3) 51.000.00 WA Cash WA tor generai operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Tn251. Inc. 52-21E18327 117
Sch Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govornmonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) Pn OA in (9) (h)

Name and Address of MN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Sedion If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuallort (book. FMV. Non-Cash Grant or
Govemrnent Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

Falls Church, Anglican

8565 Arlington BNd.
3rd Floor to support the new church
Falls Church. VA 22042 47-1006295 , 501(e113) 5200.000.00 N/A Cash WA building efforts
Competitive Enterprise Institute
1310 L Street. NW
Ith Floor —
Washington, DC 20005 52-1351795 501(c)(3) $125.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general °madams
Real Clear Foundation
6160 MA Cicero Avenue
Suite 410
Chicago. IL 80648 52-2128875 5°1(03) 5500.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for genertd oporations -
School 01 Law. 3301 Fairfax Drive, Arlington
Room 209, Hazel Hail for the Economic Analysis tor
ArEngton. VA 22201 54-1603842 501(c)(3) 575.000.00 N/A Cash WA Lawyers Project
Sdtool cd Law. 3301 Fairfax Drive. Arlington
Roam 209, Karel IUD for the Antonin Scalia Law
Arragton. VA 22201 54-1803842 501(c)(3) 510.000.00 N/A Cash N/A School
American Harttage Education Foundadon. Inc.
3100 Weslayan
Suite 375
Houston. nc 77027 7&0452407 501(c)(3) , 59.900.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations
Institute for Humane Studies
3434 Washington Boulevard
MS 105
Arlington. VA 22201 94-1823852 , 501(03) 5300.00 WA Cash NfA for general operations
School ol Lew. 3301 Fairfax Drive. Arrington
Room 209. Hazel HaD
Arlington, VA 22201 54-1603842 501(cff3) 58.744.64 WA Cash WA for general operattans

SL Francis ol Assisi Calhobc Church

1131 SE Oak Streel
Portland. OR 97214 501(031 IS.coo.00 N/A - Cash WA to support the °Wog Haft
New Harvest
154 Grand Street
8th floor
NewYork. NY 10013 20-1425438 UW03) 310.000.00 N/A Cash WA for generai oceradons

Salvation Army
805 SE Monterey Ave.
Happy Voffey. OR 97088 22-2408433 501(c)(3) 55,000.001 WA Cash WA tor general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2188327 118

Sett Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (0) (0 OD (A)

Name and Address of ElN RC Amount of Arnount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Hollywood Satter Center

1820 NE 40 Avenue
Portland. OR 97212 Z3-7201187 SOlfOr3) stoma° N/A Cash N/A for the purchase ol food
Ohto Stale University Foundation
Moritz College of lanv. 0604 Had to supped the College of
56 Nest 12M Avenue Levis Ohio State Business
Columbus. OH 43210 31-1145988 501(c/f31 WA Cosh NIA Low Journal
Federalist Society
1776 I Street, NW
Suite 300
Washington. OC 20006 364235550 501(0131 52.500.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations
Fans Church. Anglican
6565 A/tinniest 131vd.
3rel Floor
Falls Church. VA 22042 47-1006298 501(c)(3) S400.00 WA Cash WA tor the area of highest need
Center for Individual Pi this
1100 Connecticut Ave, NW
Suito 626
Washington. OC 20038 52-1600481 501(cX3) 51.000.00 WA Cash WA trx the area cd highest need

Memel Logei 6 Polley Center

107 Pads Washington Court
Fails Church. VA 22046 62-1750188 501(cla/ . S1.000.00 NIA Cash WA tor the area a/ highest need
Students for Sensible Drug Policy Foundatien
1011 0 Street MN tor the Concern/a. Oregon.
Suite 1 Vddhington arrd Nevada
WaShinglon. OC 20001 52-2296291 501(c)(3) S10,000.00 N/A Cash NIA Projects

PelConnect Remo .
PO 8ox 60714
Potorruso. MO 20859 554857806 50101(3) 55.000.00 WA . Cash WA for general operations

Sonunis Place
P.O. Box 53
Nehatern. OR 07131 72-1616163 501(03) 51.000,00, WA Cash N/A for general operations

Mountetn States Legal Foundation

2598 Soulh Lewis Way . fOr the Second Amendment
Lakanood. CO GMT 844738725 501(c)(3) 5500.00 N/A Cosh N/A WORM

Moats on Meets People

7710 SW 31st MenUO
Portland, OR 07219 934584318 501(4(3) 35.000.00 WA _ Cash WA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 980-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 62-2188327 119

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and IndvIduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(8) (b) (c) (d) (a) (I) (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Arnount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Supporters of Hillsboro Senior Community

750 SE Oth Ave.
Hillsboro. OR 07123 93-0818982 501(0(3) 51.500.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations
Gelatin Dental Group
8310 SE Powell Btvd.
Portland, OR 97208 93-1071103 501(c)(3) , 55.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Potluck in the Pork

P.O. Box 12443
Portland. OR 97212 93-1212531 5014)(3) , 55,000.00 NiA Cash N/A for general operations

Northwas1 Childron's Outreach

P.O. Box 11304
Lalco ()swop. OR 07035 93-1315508 501(0(3) 55.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations
Ftegente of the Unhrereity of California
20413 Stanley Hall lo support Lilo Orel year of o
Berkley. CA 04720-3220 95-600E1145 501(4W3) (52.137.90z WA CE1311 WA fellowship In economics

The Kings Academy

8401 Betvedera Rood for the Liberty Principles Pre-
Wost Potm Booth. FL 31411 594298881 601(c)(3) --.. NIA Cosh NIA Low Program
Brevet University
Offico of the Dean Of Focuay
Pry:widens= Fll 02909 OS0258809 — 501(c)(3) f538.1330.72t WA Cash NIA for general operations

Fund for American Studies

1708 New Hampshire Avenue. NW
Washington. DC 20009 13-8223604 501(0E3/ 520.000.00 WA Cash WA
,for the area el hIllhest need
Ptetwerk of EnliatUrmed Wamen
1513 1 GM Street NW
Washinalon. OC 20038 20-5178959 501(cW3) 515.000.00 , N/A Cash WA for tho area of highest need

Salvation Anrry
PO Box 14189
andnrielL OH 45250 22-2408433 50143(3) , S10.000.00 WA Cash WA for General me:aeons
225 State Street
Suite 302
ilantriburg, PA 17101 23-2473845 501(c)(3) 52,500.00 WA Cosh WA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 9,90 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors TMSt, Inc. 52-2166127 120
Sch I, Grants to OrganLtations and Incfvkluals In the U.S.

Part IL Grants to Organizations and Governments In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (a) (0) (l) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book. FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Independent Vikenen's FO/U111

1875 I Street. NW
Suite 500 to support the Annual Award
Washington. OC 20006 54-1870627 501(0(3) 525.000.00 WA C8311 WA CIA,

Texas PubBe Po9ey Foundation

901 Congress Avenue tor the Center far Higher
Austin. TX 78701 74-2524057 901(e)(3) $150.000.00 WA Cash WA Educed=

Oregon Capital Walsh Foundatian

PO Box /30
Surfenity. OR 97385 80-0711747 501(0(3) 5225.000.00 WA Cash WA tor general opeeations

Red Fea9wa Development Group

P.O. Box 917/
Bozeman. MT 59771-907 91-1832134 501(c)(3) 92.500.00 WA Cash WA tor general operations

Taxpayer Foundation of Oregon

PO Box 23573
Tigard. OR 97281 93-1321063 501(c)(3) 5250.000.00v WA Cash WA for P WIC'S! operatons

Fund for American StuGes

1708 New Hampshire Avenue. NW
Washington. 13C 20009 138223604 501(c1(3) 582.700.00 WA Cash NIA tor general operations

Beacon WM' of Tennessee

PO Box 198848
Nashv410. TN 37219 204808567 901(cX3) 527.600.00 WA Cash N/A tor general operations
Institute for Free Speech
124 South West Sault
Suite 201
Alexandria, VA 22314 20-3676088 50I(c)(3) $14,600.00 N/A Cash N/A tor general operations

Intercollegiate Studies Institut°

3801 CentenAlle Road
IMitittneton. DE 10807-1938 23-6050131 501(c)(3) 95,500.00 N/A Cash N/A tar general operetians
Young America's Foundation
11480 Commerce Park Drive
Suite 600
Written. VA 20191-1558 23-7042029 501(c)(3) $8,400.00 NIA Cash N/A tar general operations
Accuracy In Media
4350 Eest West Highway —
Sulto 555
Bethesda. IlD 20814 23-71351337 501(c)(3) $11.000.00 N/A Cash WA tor general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2168327 121
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govornments In the U.S.

fa) lb) (c) id) 03) if) ie) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Heritage Foundation
214 Massachteatts Avenue. NE
INashington, DC 200024999 23-7327730 50I(c)(3) 522,800.00 N/A Cash WA for general centurions

C.ato Institute
1000 Mossochusetts Avenue. NW
Washington. OC 20001-5403 23-7432162 501le113) 527.600.00 WA Cash NIA for general operations
Free the People Fight the Rawer Foundsbon
511 Pennsylvania Ave. SE
I 259
Washington. DC 20003 47-5598852 501(03) 510.000.00 NIA Cash NIA for general operabons
Bill of Rights Institute
200 North Glebe Road
Suite 200
Artington. VA 22203 48-0891418 501(03) $28.000.00 NIA CaSh NIA for general operations
Foundabon for Teaching Easnorrins
260 Russell Boulevard
Sulto El
Davis. CA 95616-3830 51-0181347 501(o)13) $27.600.00 N/A Cash WA for genera, operadons

Leadership Institute
1101 North Highland Street
Arlington. VA 22201 51-0235174 501K(3) , 515.700.00 WA Cash N/A for penerre operations
Nagano! Taxpayers Union Foundation
25 Massachusetts Avenue. NW
Scala 140
Washington. DC' 20001 52-1122883 601(cp 58,300.00 N/A Cash NIA for general operations
Freedom Narks Foundation
400 North Capitol Street, NW
Suite 785
Washington. DC 20001-1564 524528918 501(413) , 522.800.00 WA Cash WA for general operations
Americans for Prosperity Foundation
1310 N. Cant/louse Rd
Suite 700
Artburton. VA 22201 5245272134 501(c)f3) 531.700.00 WA Cosh N/A tor general operations
tnstitute for Juana)
901 North Gene Road
Suite 913D
Manta% VA 22203-1854 524744337 501(e)(3) $27.800.00 N/A Cash NIA I111 general oPerations

US Vernon Ladles Association

PO Box 110
Mount Vernon. VA 22121 S4-0564701 501(013) _ 527.800.00 N/A _ Cash NIA far general operations

Schedule 1 (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 122

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and inctviduals in the U.S.

Part (3nints to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (C) (d) (e) (1) (9) (h)

Name and Address of • EIN IRC Arnotmt of Arnount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Media Research Center

1900 Campus Commons Drive
Suite 600
Reston. VA 20191 544429309 501(00) $36.7C0.00 WA Cosh WA tor general operations
Mercatus Center. GMU
3434 Washington Boutevard
4th MCC
Arfmalon. VA 22201 54-1438224 601(c)13) $23.000.00 N/A Cash WA tor genera, opendions
James Madison Institute tor Public Policy
The Coitanns
100 North Duval Street
Tallahassee. FL 32301 59-2811908 501(031 527.600.00 N/A Cash WA tor general operations
Hoover lnstkukon-Stantord Universay
434 Galvez Ma9
Strinfont University
Stanford. CA 94,305-6003 94-1151385 501ta)(3) $5.500.00 WA Cash N/A tor general operations
lastilute tar Humane Silures
3434 Washinton Boulevard
MS 105
Artapton. VA 22201 94-1623952 501(c)(3) 317.20040 N/A Cash WA . tOf genera/ operodons

David Hero** Freedom Center

PO Box 55089
Sharman Galas. CA 914E194964 95-4194642 soik.x3) 327.800.00 WA Cash WA tor generat operations
Human Rights Foundation
350 Ftith Avenue
Suite 4515
New York. NY 10118 20-2669700 sOircH3) 57.5C0.00 WA Cash N/A tor general operations _
Human Rights Foundation
350 Fifth Avenue
Suite 4616
New York. NY 10118 20.2669700 501(c)(3) $20000.03 WA , Cash WA _ tor general operations
Moving Picture institute
375 GreenvAch Street
New York. NY 10013 204237801 501(eX3) 510.000.00 N/A Cash N/A to support the Annual Dinner
Kansas Policy Institute
250 North Water Street
Suite 216
lAtichita KS 87202-1215 23-7047821 501(c)(31 $15.600.00 WA Caah N/A tor general =vacations
POIICOTI Institute for Public Policy
400 Poydros
Suilo 000, Lialldrop P-5
Now °deans. LA 70130 26-1704791 501(c)(3) 55,000.00 NIA Cash NIA tor a enerat operations

Schedule I (Form 890 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2168327 123
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Intividuals in the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (0 (d) (a) (f) 41) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Buckeye Instilute
68 East Broad Street, Suite 1120
Cotumbus, OH 432153508 31-1278593 501(c)(3) $10,000.00 WA N/A ter general Operations

Phtasztetable Sodety
11820 Ftutan Circle
Jeronso. MI 4924941530 ae-eisreao 501(cX3) 6500.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish for tee genera! operation, of

158 Vetaey Avenue SW the Pariah and of Me Sacred
Grend Reads. MI 49504 38-1366944 501(c)(3) 63.500.00 WA Cash N/A heart Academy

Moddnec Center for Public Policy

140 West Main Street
Midland. MI 48640-0568 38-2701547 501(c)(3) 315,300.00 N/A Cash N/A tor general operatons

Acton institute
98 East Futon Street
Grand Rapids. MI 48503 38-2926/322 601(c)(3) $250.00 WA Cash N/A for general meantime

Young Ansetans for Liberty Foundation

P.O. Box 17560
Arlington. VA 22218 45-3503672 501(cX3) 1250.000.00 N/A Cash WA for g mere! operations
SmithsonIan institution
Smthsordan Astrophysical Obsenastory tor SAO Proposal ID
60 Garden Street WS 23 11400003000003010-V101. A
Cambridge. MA 021384518 53-0208027 5014(3) 554.705.68 WA Cash WA Young Sun Analog: HD 30495
West Virginia Drdversity Foundation
One Waterton Place, 701 Roo to support a fellowshlp for sae
P.O. Sox 1650 PhD student at the Canter fer
Mornantown. VVV 26507 556017181 .. 601(c)(3) St 8.750.00 WA Cash WA Free Enterprise of the
State Percy Network
1855 North Fart Meyer Dr.
Suite 380
Arfingten, VA 22209-3168 57.0952531 501(c/f3) S520.1E4).00 N/A Cash WA tor genera! operations
SL Cecilia Congregation
Advancement Office
601 Dominican Drive
Nashville. TN 372254909 82-0552181 501(0(3) S500.00 N/A Cash NIA for general operations

Alabama Poky institute

P.O. Box 131088
lliantrigham. AL 35213 61+0809568 501(c)(3) S1.200.00 N/A Cash NIA far general operations

Schedule I (Forrn 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2188327 124
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part 11. Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (9) (h)
Name artd Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Govemment Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Mississippi Center for Public Policy

520 Georp Street
Jaekson. MS 39202 8407E17905 501(cX3) 35.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Goldwater ineetuto
500 Eael Coronado Road
Phoenbr. AZ 85004 80-0597801 501(6(3) 520.000.03 WA Cash WA for general operations
Pe;mani SolutionS and Compliance
Box 957089, 1125 Murphy Hat 405 Hagerd
Los Angeles. CA 900917089 918008145 501(6(3) $29.810.00 WA Cash NIA for general operations
Becket Fund for Religious warty
1200 New Hampshire Avenue. NW
Suite 700
Washington. DC 20036 52-1651532 501(e)(3) 5150.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Manhattan Institute for Pc(Icy Research

52 Vanderbilt AVM*
Now York, NY 10017 13-2912529 501(6(3) S81615.44, N/A Cash N/A tor general operations
Competitive Enterprise Institute
1310 L Street. NW
7th Floor
Washington. DC 20005 52-1351785 501(cX3) S100.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

SL Francis of Assist Cativollc Church

1131 SE Oak Street
Portland. OR 97214 501(c)(3) 35.000.00 N/A Cash WA to support the Dining Hall
President and Fellows of Harvard Collage for Harvonis Program on
70 John F. Kennedy Sweet Education Pobcy end
Taubman 3C6 Governance for the Education
Cambrldp. MA 02138 04-2103580 5010-1(3) S50.000.00 NIA Cash N/A Entreprene
Nevi Harvest .
15C Grand Street
6Ih Floor
NeW York. NY 10013 204425438 501(6(3) $10.000.00 N/A Cash WA ex general operations

CatheliC Aasocialicrn Foundation

2710 N Street NW
WasMngton. DC 20007 20-2387867 501(c)(3) 520600.00 hUA Cash N/A tar general operations

Salvation Party
8495 SE Monterey Ave.
Happy Valley. OR 97038 _ 22-2408433 _ 501(6(3) $5.000.00 WA Cash NJA for general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 125
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and IndvIduals In the U.S.

Part 0, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (0 (9) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Arrtount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Hollywood Senior Carter

1320 NE 40 Avenue
Rutland. OR 97212 . 217291187 501(c)(3) $1.000.00 WA Cash WA for the purchase of food
Pelican institute for Public Policy
400 Poydras
Suite WV. etaffdrop P-.5
New Orleans. LA 70130 284704791 501(c)f3) 32.000.00 WA Cruel WA for general operadons
ONo State University Foundation
Moritz College of Law. DrIntro Heti to amend the College of
65 West 12th Avenue Levis Ohio State Business
Columbus. OH 43210 31-1145986 501(0(3) 5'250.00 WA Cash N/A Law Journal
Federalist Society
1776 I Street. NW
Sulfa 300
Washington. CIC 20006 36-3235550 501(0(3/ 32.500.00 WA Cash WA for general operations
Frontier Lab
3 Prospect Avenue
Suite 206
Park Ridge. IL 60068 45-2838483 501(c1(3) 387.500.00 WA Cash N/A tor general aderations
Empire Center for Public Poky, Inc.
100 Slate Street
Suite 410
Albany. NY 12207 48-1987418 501(4(3) 32.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations .
The Fairness Center
225 Slate Street
Suile 303
Hanbistng. PA 17101 484482738 501(c)(3) 33.000.00 WA Cash WA for general cuirerations
Fails Church. Anglican
6565 Minster' SW.
3rd Floor
Falls Churth. VA 22042 47-1006296 501(043) 3400.00 N/A Cash N/A for the area of highest need
Center thr Individual Rights
1100 Connecticut Ave. NW
Suite 625
Washington. DC 20336 , 524600481 ..... 501(e)(3) 31.000.00 WA Cash NIA for the area of highest need

National Legal & Percy Center

107 Park Waste:ratan Court
Fails Chard). VA 22046 52-1750188 501(031 31.000.00 ,_ NIA Cash N/A tor the area el Naltem need
Students tat Seradde Ontg Pchey Randall=
1011 0 Street NW for the Cat/tombs. Cream.
Stale 1 Washington and Nevada
Washington. DC 2C001 32-229132111 501(c1(3) 310.000.00 WA Cash N/A Protects

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-E2) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 126
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

la) (b) (c) (d) Icr) if) OD (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal. Assistance Assistance

PatConnect Rescue
PO Box 60710
Potomac, MD 20850 5541857808 501(c)(3) 65,000.00 WA Cash N/A for general °paragons
State Policy Network
1855 NOM FOA Mayor Dr.
Sulto 380
Arlington. VA 22209-3108 57-0952531 501(cX3) $20.000.00, WA Cash N/A tor general operations
James Watson Institut° for Public Palo/
The Columns
100 North Duval Street
Tallahassee. FL 32301 594811908 501M3) $15.30060, NJA Cash N/A for general °paragons

Sammys Place
P.O. f3ox 63
Nehalam. OR D7131 72-1815153 501(c)C3) 51.000.00 WA Cash NIA tor general operations

TOYOS Public Policy Foundation

901 Congress Avanuo
Austin. TX 78701 74-2524057 501(0(3) , 63.500.00 WA Cash , N/A for general operations

Moiultaln Slates Legal Foundation

2598 South Lewis Win tect 010 Second Amendment
Lakewood. CO 80227 840738725 501(c0 $500.00 N/A Cash N/A , Frelact

Nevado Policy Research Institut°

7130 Placid Street
Les Vegarl. W 89119 884276314 501(03) , S2.000.03 WA CarA WA for general °aerations

Wars OA Wneets People

7710 SW3lat Avenuo _
Peraand. OR 97219 934584318 501(c)(3) $5.000.00 WA Cash WA for general °Aerations
Supporta!) Of Hillsboro Senior Community
750 SE 8g! Ave.
Rittsbora. OR 97123 910818882 501(4(3) $1.500.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Geriatric Dental Group

6319 SE Pavan Blvd.
Portend. OR 97208 83-1071103 501 la(31 $5.000.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Potluck to tho Park

P.O. 803C 12443 .
Ponland. OR 97212 83-1212531 501(cB3) 55.000,00 N/A Cash N/A tor genera/ oPel$60fis

Schedule (Forrn 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 62-2166327 127
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Inctviduals In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (0 If) (0) (h)

Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Putpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Northwest Children's Outreach

P.O. Box 1604
Lake Oswego. OR 97035 93-1316508 501(8)(3./ $5.000.08 N/A Cash WA tor general operations

Stanford University
659 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, CA 94305-8610 94-1156386 601(6)(3) $100 000.00 WA Cash N/A for the Ref!pious Liberty Ctinte

Freedom Foundation
PO Box 552
Olymfda. WA 98507 943135681 501(e)(3) 63.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations

Cm to support Me ministry ol John

P.O. Box 828222 and Ramie Book (designation
Orlando. FL 32882 95-6006173 501(c)(31 $50.000.03 WA Cash N/A 9 0448850)
Dante! Morgan Academy
1620 L Street NW
Sulk' 700
Washington. DC 2C008 47-1178804 501 (OP) 61.000,000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations
GMU Foundation
Moteatus Center
3434 Washtngton Blvd.. 4131 Floor
Arlington. VA 22201 54-1803842 5014/0) 650.000.00 WA Cash WA for the Narcotise Center

Florida Southern Coliege

111 Lake Hollingsworth Drive for the Center for Free
Lakeland. FL 33801 59-0824401 501(8)C3) $50.000.00, NIA Cash WA Enterprise
Project Sly
53 Weal Jackson Blvd.
Sulk) 1424
Chicago. IL 60604 81-2327719 501(0(3) $80.000.00 WA Cash NJA for general operations
Miss DC lAiamen's Leadership Foundatton. Inc.
2901 Connedhod Ave. NW
Suite 8-4
•WashIngton. DC 20008 81-4200387 501(e)(3) 6300.000.00
,, N/A Cash WA tor general operations
Frontier Lab
3 Prospect Avenue
Sutte 208
Park Ridge. IL 60088 45-2838483 501(e)(3l $70.500.00 NIA Cash N/A tor generat operations

Cardetai Institute for 1Atest Virginia PaEcy

P.O. Box 11485
Charleston. W/ 25338 47-1932521 501(c)131 $2.000.00. N/A _ Cash WA far general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 126
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals In the U.S.

Part Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (8) (f) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Orgartization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grartt or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Garden Slate tnitiative

P.O. Box 9180
Morristown. NJ 07883 81-4373354 501(03) S2.00090 WA Cash N/A for general operations
Invest in Education Foundation
26 Century Hin Drive
Suite 203
Latham. NY 12110 45-3027711 501(c)(3) 5200.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations
American Principles Protect Fcandation
1130 Connecticut Avenue NW
Sults 425
Was/1441ton, OC 20038 28-4442148 501(cX3) 2300.000.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

True the Vote

P.O. Box 131768
Houston. TX 77219-1788 27-2880095 501(0(3) 525.000.00 WA Cash WA tor general operati ons
National Civic Art Society
300 Now Jersey Ave.. NW
Sulto 000
Washington, OC 20001 38-3888330 501(c)(3) S50900.00 WA Cash WA for general operations
Public interest Legal Foundation
32 E. Washington Street
Suite 1875
Indianapotis, IN 48204 45-4355841 601(cX3) 5200.000.00 WA C8S11 N/A for general operations
16275 Collier Blvd.
Sulta 201-284
Naples, FL 34119 47-5591391 5014)(3) 520.000.00 WA Cash NIA for general operations
Center for Security Policy
2020 Penneylvante Ave.. NW for general operations and tor
Suite 189 The Menges Herrdspheric
Washington, OC 20006 52-1801976 501(c)(3) 6500.000.00 WA Cash WA Security PrWect
Slate Poky Nevin*
1855 North Fwt Meyer Dr.
Suite 380
Arlington, VA 222094108 57-0952531 501M3) B86900.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations
727 East 161h Aversze .
Denver, CO 80203 84-0990300 501(0(3) $19,801.98 WA Cash WA for general operations
National RENIVII Irldihrte
215 Lexhigton AVCillie
11th Flow
New Ycut, NY 10016 13-3849537 5014)(3) 510,0001X N/A Cash N/A tor the area ot highest need

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Ttust. Inc. 52-2166327 129

Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduats In the U.S.

Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (t) (9) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section If Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (boolc, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

Beacon C4010101 TO/11109800

PO Box 108646
Nestles, TN 37219 20-1608567 , 501(eX3) $2,900.00 N/A Cash N/A tor general operations
Platte Institute for Economic Research
6010 Pad!lc Street
Sutto 216
Omaha. NE 68106 204609060 501(0(3) 52.900.09 WA Cash ' WA far general operations
Pteneer tnslitule for Public Policy Research
185 Genronadre Street
Suite 1101
Boston. MA 02110 22-2832081 501(4(3) $2,900.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations
Copenhagen C.onsensus Center
1215 Man Street
P MB 5E132
Tewksbury. MA 01878 26-1214521 501(c)(3) S20.000.00, WA Cash ,.- WA for general operations
Pelican Institute for Public Policy
400 Poydras
Suite 900, Malidrop P-5
New Weans. LA 70130 26-1704791 501(c)(3) 514.000.00 WA CO3/1 N/A tor general operations

Buckeye Institute
B8 East Broad Street. Suite 1120
Cedumbus. OH 43215.3508 31-1278593 501(eX3) 52.900.00 N/A Cash N/A for general operations

Buckeye MURIA*
88 East Broad StreeL Sate 1120
Colurnbus. Ot4 4321E035W 31-127&593 501(0(3) S10.000.00, WA Cash NIA for general operations
FoundaUan for Government Atcountability
15275 Collier &Maven,
Suite 201-279
Naples. FL 34119 45.2&37507 501(cX3) $2.130.09 NIA Cash N/A for general operations
Emplre Center for Public Polley. lite.
100 &We Sbeel
State 410 •
Albany. NY 12207 46-1987418 501(e)(3) $2.930.00 WA Cash WA for general operations

Prolect a) Fab Representation

3571 Far iAtts1 Boulevard, 017
Austin. TX 76731 47.2593047 50141(3) 525.030.00 WA Cash NIA area of hInhest need
The Policy Clide
1189 Nanette Ave.
Box 210
Wilmette, IL 80091 47-2643650 50140/ 412.000.00 WA Cash N/A for the area of highest need

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Donors Trust. Inc. 52-2166327 136
Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Indviduals in the U.S.

Part 11, Grants to OrganIzations and Govommonts In tho U.S.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (g) (h)
Name and Address of EIN IRC Arnount of Arnount of Method of Description of Purpose of
Organization or Section if Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Grant or
Government Applicable Assistance appraisal, Assistance Assistance

E Foundation tor 011ahonsa

2 East C.alitornia Ava.
Oklahoma City. OK 73104 47-4570634 501(413) 510.000.00 WA Casts bUA for general operation°
trusties% tor Mike
901 North Globe Road
Sulk° 000
Arlington. VA 22203-1954 52-1744337 501MC3) 910.000.00 WA Cash N/A for general operations —
State Policy Network
1655 Wirth Fort Meyer Dr.
Suite 360
Artingtors. VA 22209-3108 57-0952531 501(en 520.000.00 N/A Cash WA for general operations
Jamers Madison institute tar Public Policy
The Columns
100 Nrults Duval Street
Tallahassee. FL 32301 594811909 501(cK3) 52,1300.00 WA Cash N/A tor general operations

Alabama Policy Institute

P.O. Box 131060
Birmingham. AL 35213 63-0809568 501(c)(3) . 52.900.00. NIA Cash N/A Tar general operations

Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2017

Schedule I (Form 990) (2017) Page 2
12i1111111 Grants and Other Assistance to Domestic Individuals. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 22.
Part III can be duplicated if additional space is needed.
(a) TY130 of grant or assistance (b) Number of (c) Amount of (d) Amount of (0)Pitattiod of valuation (book. M Description of noncash assistance
recipients cash grant noncash assistance FMV. appraisal. other)

1 Brown University - Dan Searle Fellowship 1 25,022. O. FMV 0

2 Regents U of CA - Dan Searle Fellowship 1 26,472. O. FMV 0

1-2ME Supplemental Information. Provide the information required in Part I, line 2; Part III, column (b): and any other additional information.

Pt I Line 2: Each grant is accompanied by a letter stating that if the grant is

Pt I Line 2: accepted it cannot be used to benefit any disqualified person

Pt I Line 2: or for lobbying or political purposes. All grants are made to

Pt I Line 2: U.S. 501(c)(3) public charities. The Organization relies upon the

Pt I Line 2: oversight provided by United States and individual states rules

Pt I Line 2: and regulations applicable to such charities. Grantees must agree

Pt I Line 2: that grant funds are not to be used for lobbying or any type of

Pt I Line 2: political activity.

REv tortruie PRo Schedule I (Form 990) (2017)

SCHEDULE J OMB No. 1545-0047
(Form 990)
• Compensation Information
For certain Otficers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest
C.ornpensated Employees
11. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Forrn 990, Part IV, line 23.
Attath to Form 990.
Open to Public
Department of the Treasury
Interned Revenue Service 11,Go to for instructions and the latest infomiation. Inspection
Narne of the organization Employer identllicalkin number
Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327
Ma Questions Regarding Compensation
Yes No
1a Check the appropriate box(es) if the organization provided any of the following to or for a person listed on Form
990, Part VII, Section A, line la_ Complete Part III to provide any relevant information regarding these items.
1:1 First-class or charter travel 1:1 Housing allowance or residence for personal use
0 Travel for companions 0 Payments for business use of personal residence
0 Tax indemnification and gross-up payments 0 Health or social club dues or initiation fees
0 Discretionary spending account 0 Personal services (such as, maid, chauffeur, chef)

b If any of the boxes on line la are checked, did the organization follow a written policy regarding payment
or reimbursement or provision of all of the expenses described above? If "No," complete Part III to
explain lb

2 Did the organization require substantiation prior to reimbursing or allowing expenses incurred by all
directors, trustees, and officers, including the CEO/Executive Director, regarding the items checked on line
la? 2

3 Indicate which, if any, of the following the filing organization used to establish the compensation of the
organization's CEO/Executive Director. Check all that apply. Do not check any boxes for methods used by a
related organization to establish compensation of the CEO/Executive Director, but explain in Part III.
Ei Compensation committee 0 Written employment contract
0 Independent compensation consultant 0 Compensation survey or study
(E] Form 990 of other organizations El Approval by the board or compensation committee
4 During the year, did any person listed on Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la, with respect to the filing
organization or a related organization:
a Receive a severance payment or change-of-control payment? 4a X
b Participate in, or receive payrnent from, a supplemental nonquaGfied retirement plan? 4b
c Participate in, or receive payment from, an equity-based compensation arrangement? 4c X
If "Yes" to any of lines 4a-c, list the persons and provide the applicable amounts for each item in Part III.

Only section 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), and 501(c)(29) organizations must complete lines 5-9.
5 For persons listed on Form 990. Part VII, Section A. line la, did the organization pay or accrue any
compensation contingent on the revenues of:
a The organization? —
b Any related organization? 37-
If "Yes" on line 5a or 5b, describe in Part III.

6 For persons listed on Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line la, did the organization pay or accrue any
compensation contingent on the net earnings of: j
a organization? Oa X
b Any related organization? 6b X
If "Yes" on line 6a or 6b, describe in Part III.

7 For persons listed on Forrn 990, Part VII, Section A, line la, did the organization provide any nonfixed
payments not described on lines 5 and 6? If "Yes," describe in Part III 7 X
8 Were any amounts reported on Form 990, Part VII, paid or accrued pursuant to a contract that was subject .
to the initial contract exception described in Regulations section 53.4958-4(a)(3)? If "Yes," describe
in Part III 8 X
9 If "Yes" on line 8, did the organization also follow the rebuttable presumption procedure described in
Regulations section 53.4958-6(c)? 9
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. Schedule J (Form 990) 2017
BAA REv leiten8 PRO
LICE lose Ull0A) r otoreoLPs midemittnNm Vtit3
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066 UliOd UORSUOCIU105
JOISd uo paueyep Se UOVISUCKill100 SICIWOCti3J ucgiesuecluxo uoinrsuadtueo
Peuodei (a) tnurno3 tn (0)-(1)(9) %gawp pauoiep ietno /0410 610 enaumul a smog (a) esag a) eau pue eweN Oh
tseaesuadtuo0 (d) SULUI-402 io root til elgvxvW0N (C1) pue wetuentaa (0)
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'11A lied '066 twoj uo pap!! 1,U9.19 191.11 srenpyt!pu! Aue ts!! 10u oa MOJ uo 'su0110rulsul
u! paqposep •suopez!ueguo pale19.1 woit pus (!) MOJ UO uoiteziustlio ayt wag uopesuadwoo podas .r ainpouos uo pepodw aq isnw uogasuedwoo asotim lenmpul tpea JoA
*papaw s! soeds isuomppe Ineolidnp •seeRoldw3 peiesuedwoo leatiem pue `saaAolduij Aem isaapeui isiopaga 'ammo MEE
EleTtd MS W104) r etrIP0403
it= lose lei0A) r elepaLpe OV.:1 Oti91101, ARI

•uo!leu.uolui puomppe Aue JO)

ped sm apidwoo ow '8 ped J01 pue '8 pue 'L 'qg 'eg 'qg 'eg 'op 'qo 'ep ‘e 'ql, 'el, sin!! 'Iped JO) paythei suoadyosep Jo `uoneurrydxe 'uoaowicquI eta epvtom
uoneuuenug leitummeiddns HUM
C 081Jd LIN (088 um04) r et:11MM
(Forrn 990)
Noncash Contributions
10 Complete if the organizations answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, lines 29 or 3A
Department of the Treasury
10•Attach to Form 990. Open to Public
Internal Revenue Service P. Go to for the latest Information. Inspection
Name of the organization Employer Identification number
Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327
2ffit Types of Prope
(8) (b) (o) (d)
Noncash contribution
Check if Number of contributions or Method of determining
amounts reported on
applicable items contributed Form ego. Nit vol. une ig nOnCaSh cOntribution amountS
1 Art —Works of art
2 Art—Historical treasures . .
3 Art—Fractional interests . .
4 Books and publications . .
5 _
Clothing and household ..
goods .
6 Cars and other vehicles . .
7 Boats and planes
8 intellectual property . . .
9 Securities—Publicly traded . X 83 9,300, 938. FMV
10 Securities—Closely held stock x 1 57 9, 915. FMV
11 Securities—Partnership. LLC,
or trust interests
12 Securities—Miscellaneous .
13 Qualified conservation
14 Qualified conservation
contribution—Other . . . .
is Real estate—Residential . . .
16 Real estate—Commercial . .
17 Real estate—Other
18 Collectibles
19 Food Inventory
20 Drugs and medical supplies .
21 Taxidermy _
22 Historical arlifacts
23 Scientific specimens . . .
24 Archeological artifacts . .
25 Other 10. ( )
26 Other lio• ( )
27 Other 0•• ( )
28 Other 10. ( )
29 Number of Forrns 8283 received by the organization during the tax year for contributions for
which the organization completed Form 8283, Part IV, Donee Acknowledgement 29 1.
Yes No
•— -
30a During the year, did the organization receive by contribution any property reported in Part I, lines 1 through '';• : ,
28. that it must hold for at least three years from the date of the initial contribution, and which Isn't required ..::....., ,,_,_ . I
to be used for exempt purposes for the entire holding period? 30a x
--.e , t
b If "Yes," describe the arrangement in Part II. ' , i •' 1
31 Does the organization have a gift acceptance policy that requires the review of any nonstandard :. ....- _ -1.
contributions? 31
32a Does the organization hire or use third par-ties or related organizations to solicit. process, or sell noncash
contributions? 32a x
b If "Yes," describe In Part II. ?. 1 - •, , if
33 It the organization didn't report an amount in column (c) for a type of property for which column (a) is checked, . .. .„ i ".•:...
. .
describe in Part II. ... _. - '''.1;''..: -
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 090. BAA Schedule M (Form 090)2017

Schedule M (Form 990)2017 Page 2
Part II Supplemental Information. Provide the information required by Part I, lines 30b, 32b, and 33, and whether
the organization is reporting in Part I, column (b), the number of contributions, the number of items received,
or a combination of both. Also complete this part for any additional information.

Pt 1 Line 32b: Financial institutions/brokers used to sell marketable

Pt I col(b): securities

Pt I col(b): This is the number of contributions received from a

Pt I col(b): unique donor on a particular date. May consist of

Pt I col(b): numerous different securities if received on same date

REV wens PRO Schedule M (Form 990) 2017

SCHEDULE 0 Supplemental Information to Fomi 990 or 990-EZ OMB Nm 1545-0047
(Form 990 or 990-E2) Complete to provide information for responses to specific questions on
Form 990 or 990-E2 or to provide any ackfitional inforrnation. 2017
Department of the Treasury O. Attach to Fonn 990 or 990.E7-. Open to Public
!menial Revenue Service P. Go to www.irs.gav/Fonn990 for the latest information. Inspection
Name of tho organization Employer Identification number
Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327














Pt VI, Line 12c: BASIS.






Other! Pt VI-C, Line 17 KS,KY,MA,MD,ME,MI,MN,MO,MS,NC,ND

Other: Pt VI-C, Line 17 NH,NJ,NM,NY,OH,OK,OR,PA,RI,SC,TN

Other: Pt VI-C, Line 17 UT,VA,WA,wI,WV.

Pt IX, Line 24e:

Description: Compliance fees

Total: $6,278

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-F2. BAA Schedule 0 (Form 990 or 990-EZ) (2017)

Schedule 0 (Form 990 or 990-EZ) (2017) , Page 2
Name of the organization Employer Identification number

Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327

Program services: $3,591

Management and general: $747

Fundraising: $1,940

Description: Utilities

Total: $1,498

Program services: $857

Management and general: $178

Fundraising: $463

Schedule 0 (Form 990 or 990-E2) (2017)

REV 10/18118 PRO
(Forrn NO)
Related Organizations and Unrelated Partnerships
p. Complete If the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 33, 34, Mb, 36, or 37.
P. Attach to Form 990. Open to Public
Department ol Vie TrottSu/
Internal Revenue Service 11- Go to for instructions and the latest information. Inspection
Name of the me:diet/on Employer Identification number
Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327
GRIN Identification of Disregarded Entities. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 33.

(0) (b) (e) (d) (e) (0

Narno, address, and EIN (II applicable) of disregarded entity Prirnary activity Legal domicile (state Total Income End-of-year assets Direct controlling
or foreign country) entity

(1)Donors Trust, LLC 27-070408S

1800 Diaganal Rd Ste 280 Alexandria VA 22314 Inactive -., MD Donors Trust, Inc.
(2) Talent Market, LLC 27-0685825
1800 Diaganal Rd Ste 280 Alexandria VA 22314 Pravick aininimatire szxzt eirvicts MD Donors Trust, Inc.
MDT Investments I, LLC 46-2310413
1800 Diagonal Rd Ste 280 Alexandria VA 22314 Hold investment property DE Donors Trust, Inc.

GE1711 Identification of Related Tax-Exempt Organizations. Complete If the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 34, because it had
one or more related tax-exempt oroanizations durino the tax year.
hli Ibi ici (d) (10 (f) (91
Name. address, and EIN of related organization Primary activity Legal domicile (state Exempt Code secUon Public charity status Direct controlling Section ol2(bX13)
or foreign countn,i) (Fr section 931(c)(3)) entity con
Yes No
(1)Donors CaRtital Fund, Inc . 54-1934032
PO Box 1305 Alexandria VA 22313 Grant making MD 501(c) (3) 509(a) lli Type 1 SO N/A X
(2) Prodect Liberty, Inc. 27-3542181
1800 Diagonal Rd Ste 280 Alexandria VA 22314 Bilect charitable prol_ras activity DE 501(c) (3) 509(a) (11 Pipe 1 SO NiA




For Papery/ark Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. gm REV 10/I6,113 PRO Schedule R (Form 990) 2017
2. tOZ (066 UoVal Id 011190409 OW 81491101 APJ VVEI




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Schedule R (Form 990) 2017 Page 3

MEM Transactions With Related Organizations. Complete if the organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, line 34, 35b, or 36.

Note: Complete line 1 If any entity Is listed In Parts II, III, or IV of this schedule. Yes No
1 During the tax year, did the organization engage In any of the following transactions with one or more related organizations listed in Parts II-1Y?
a Receipt of (I) interest, (II) annuities, (Ill) royalties, or (Iv) rent from a controlled entity la
b Gift, grant, or capital contribution to related organIzation(s) lb
c Gift, grant, or capital contribution from related organization(s) lc
d Loans or loan guarantees to or for related organIzatIon(s) ld
e Loans or loan guarantees by related organization(s) le

f Dividends from related organization(s) lf

g Sale of assets to related organization(s)
h Purchase of assets from related organizatIon(s) lh
Exchange of assets with related organization(s)
j Lease of facilities, equipment, or other assets to related organization(s)

k Lease of facilities, equipment, or other assets from related organization(s) - 1k

I Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations for related organization(s)
m Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations by related organization(s) lm
n Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, or other assets with related organization(s) in
o Sharing of paid employees with related organization(s) lo

p Reimbursement paid to related organization(s) for expenses lp

q Reimbursement paid by related organization(s) for expenses 1q

✓ Other transfer of cash or property to related organization(s) lr

s Other transfer of cash or property from related organization(s) ls
2 If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," see the instructions for information on who must complete this line, including covered relationships and transaction thresholds.
(0) 94 (e) (d)
Name of related organization Transaction Amount involved Method of determtrung amount invoNecl
type (a —s)

(1)NiA - No controlled entities as defined by IRC sec 512 (b) (13)





REV tOn6i101PFt0 Schedule R (Fonn 990) 2017
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Schedule R (Form 990) 2017 Page 5
Supplemental Information.
Provide additional information for responses to questions on Schedule R. See instructions.

REV tanerie PRO Schedule R (Form 990) 2017

Donors Trust, Inc. 522166327 1

Additional information from your 2017 Federal Exempt Tax Return

Form 990: Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax

Noncash Itemization Statement
Description Amount
Publicly traded securities 9,300,938.
Closely held corporate stock 579,915.
Total 9,880,853.

Schedule D: Supplemental Financial Statements

Part V, line le col (b) Itemization Statement
Description Amount
Grants by funds to gen operations 859,767.
Total 859,767.

Schedule D: Supplemental Financial Statements

Part V, line le col (e) Itemization Statement
Description Amount
Direct program expenses 7,766.
Total 7,766.
Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Consolidated Financial Statements

and Independent Auditors' Report

December 31, 2017 and 2016

Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2017 and 2016


Independent Auditors' Report 1-2

Consolidated Financial Statements

Consolidated Statements of Financial Position 3

Consolidated Statements of Activities 4
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 5
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 6-15

Supplementary Information

Consolidated Schedules of Functional Expenses 16-17

RQqE RS Rogers & Company PLLC
COMPANY Certified Public Accountants

8300 Boone Boulevard

Suite 600
Vienna, Virginia 22182

703.893.0300 voice
703.893.4070 facsimile


To the Board of Directors of

Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Donors Trust, Inc. and
its Affiliates (collectively, "Donors Trust"), which comprise the consolidated statements of
financial position as of December 31, 2017 and 2016, the related consolidated statements of
activities and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the consolidated
financial statements.

Management's Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these consolidated
financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control
relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of consolidated financial statements that are free
from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor's Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on

our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in
the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from
material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's
judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial
statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk a§sessments, the auditor
considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial
statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not
for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control.
Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness
of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.


Auditor's Responsibility (continued)

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
basis for our audit opinion.


In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all
material respects, the consolidated financial position of Donors Trust as of December 31, 2017
and 2016, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in
accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Other Matter

Our audits were conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the consolidated financial
statements as a whole. The supplementary information included on pages 16-17 is presented for
purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the consolidated financial statements.
Such information is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relates directly
to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the consolidated financial
statements. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of
the consolidated financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and
reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to
prepare the consolidated financial statements or to the consolidated financial statements
themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally
accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the information is fairly stated in all
material respects in relation to the consolidated financial statements as a whole.

Vienna, Virginia
October 29, 2018

Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Consolidated Statements of Financial Position

December 31, 2017 and 2016

2017 2016
Cash and cash equivalents $ 61,102,622 $ 59,656,691
Due from Donors Capital Fund, Inc. 314,775 108,689
Deposit 14,284 14,284
Investments 149,495,655 128,123,160
Property and equipment, net 130,058 146,142

Total assets $ 211,057,394 $ 188,048,966

Liabilities and Net Assets

Accounts payable and accrued expenses 628,099 $ 583,741

Total liabilities 628,099 583,741

Net Assets
Board-designated 204,173,835 181,340,385
Undesignated 6,255,460 6,124,840

Total net assets 210,429,295 187,465,225

Total liabilities and net assets $ 211,057,394 $ 188,048,966

See accompanying notes. 3

Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Consolidated Statements of Activities

For the Years Ended December 31, 2017 and 2016

2017 2016
Unrestricted Revenue and Support
Contributions $ 110,305,253 $ 89,187,534
Investment income (loss) 25,440,561 (921,349)
Miscellaneous income 51 330

Total unrestricted revenue and support 135,745,865 88,266,515

Program services:
Donor-advised funds 111,554,156 67,284,587
Special program funds 255,504 457,463

Total program services 111,809,660 67,742,050

Supporting services:
Fundraising/marketing 774,482 647,579
General and administrative 197,653 228,728

Total supporting services 972,135 876,307

Total expenses 112,781,795 68,618,357

Change in Net Assets 22,964,070 19,648,158

Net Assets, beginning of year 187,465,225 167,817,067

Net Assets, end of year $ 210,429,295 $ 187,465,225

See accompanying notes. 4

Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

For the Years Ended December 31, 2017 and 2016

2017 2016
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Change in net assets 22,964,070 19,648,158
Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net
cash (used in) provided by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization 19,834 19,354
Donated securities (9,880,895) (23,509,987)
Net unrealized and realized (gain) loss
on investments (23,571,195) 3,667,390
Change in operating assets and liabilities:
Increase in:
Due from Donors Capital Fund, Inc. (206,086) (108,689)
Increase (decrease) in:
Accounts payable and accrued expenses 44,358 545,665
Due to Donors Capital Fund, Inc. (86,924)

Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities (10,629,914) 174,967

Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Purchases of property and equipment (3,750) (15,511)
Purchases of investments (9,039,131) (1,050,295)
Proceeds from sale of investments 21,118,726 21,118,726
Decrease in deposit 35

Net cash provided by investing activities 12,075,845 20,052,955

Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents 1,445,931 20,227,922

Cash and Cash Equivalents, beginning of year 59,656,691 39,428,769

Cash and Cash Equivalents, end of year $ 61,102,622 $ 59,656,691

Supplementary Cash Flows Disclosure

Noncash investing activities — donated securities 9,880,895 $ 23,509,987

See accompanying notes. 5

Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2017 and 2016

1. Nature of Operations

Donors Trust, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), 509(a)(1) public charity whose purpose is to promote
liberty through limited government, personal responsibility, and free enterprise by
providing financial support to other 501(c)(3) publicly supported charities that share in its
purpose. As a means of promoting philanthropy and individual giving that alleviate
society's needs, Donors Trust, Inc. supports research and educational programs focusing
on areas such as social welfare, arts and culture, environment, foreign relations,
education, economics, and governance. Donors Trust, Inc. also offers practical solutions
to social problems by supporting organizations that are engaged in hands-on assistance
that is designed to promote individual responsibility rather than dependence on
governmental assistance.

Any person, corporation, or foundation may establish a donor-advised fund with Donors
Trust, Inc. to engage in activities consistent with Donors Trust, Inc.'s charitable purposes.
Donors can make recommendations regarding grants from donor-advised accounts;
however, the organization's Board of Directors is legally responsible for making all
grants. Donors Trust, Inc. carries out direct charitable activities. All of Donors Trust,
Inc.'s direct charitable activities are accounted for as special program fimds.

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Principles of Consolidation

The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Donors Trust, Inc. and its
affiliates, DT Investments I, LLC; Talent Market, LLC; and Donors Trust, LLC; which
are wholly owned, disregarded entities for federal and state tax purposes. DT
Investments I, LLC, holds minority interests in two non-publicly traded, nonmarketable
corporations that constitute a nonmaterial investment. Donors Trust, LLC had no activity
and held no assets during both 2017 and 2016. Talent Market, LLC provides
administrative assistance to other nonprofits whose missions are compatible with Donors
Trust, Inc.'s mission. The consolidated entities are referred to collectively as "Donors
Trust" throughout the accompanying consolidated financial statements and notes. All
significant intercompany transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.
Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

. December 31, 2017 and 2016

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Basis of Accounting and Presentation

Donors Trust's consolidated financial statements are prepared on the accrual basis of
accounting. Net assets are reported based on the presence or absence of donor-imposed
restrictions. At December 31, 2017 and 2016, all net assets were unrestricted.

Unrestricted net assets represent funds that are not subject to donor-imposed stipulations
and are available for support of operations. Donors Trust's net assets, including those
held in donor-advised accounts, are free from donor-imposed restrictions, and as such,
are reported as unrestricted net assets. These net assets are available for the operations of
Donors Trust and include both internally designated and undesignated resources. The
Board-designated net assets consist of assets held in donor-advised funds and special
program funds.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with pccounting

principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to
make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the consolidated
financial statements and accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from those

Cash Equivalents

Donors Trust considers as cash equivalents all highly liquid investments, which can be
converted into known amounts of cash and have a maturity period of 90 days or less at
the time of purchase.


Investments are recorded in the consolidated financial statements at fair value.

Unrealized gains and losses axe included in investment income (loss) in the
accompanying consolidated statements of activities.

Donated investments are recorded at fair value based on quoted market prices at the time
of receipt. Unless otherwise requested and approved, it is Donors Trust's policy to sell
all donated investments upon receipt.

Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2017 and 2016

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Property and Equipment

Property and equipment purchased at a cost of $400 or more are capitalized and recorded
at acquisition cost. Depreciation is computed using the straight-line method over the
estimated useful lives of the assets, which is generally three to seven years. Leasehold
improvements are amortized over the term of the lease. Expenditures for maintenance
and repairs are charged to expenses as incurred.

Revenue Recognition

Donors Trust recognizes contributions as unrestricted revenue in the year in which

payments are received. Donors Trust records restricted support in which the restriction is
met during the same period as unrestricted support.

Functional Allocation of Expenses

The costs of providing the various programs and other activities have been summarized
on a functional basis in the accompanying consolidated financial statements.
Accordingly, certain costs have been allocated among the programs and supporting
services benefited.

Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements

In February 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Accounting
Standards Update (ASU) 2016-02, Leases. The update requires a lessee to recognize a
right-of-use asset and lease liability, initially measured at the present value of the lease
payments, in its statements of financial position. The guidance also expands the required
quantitative and qualitative lease disclosures. The guidance is effective beginning in

In August 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-14, Presentation of Financial Statements
for Not-for-Profit Entities. The update changes the manner by which nonprofit
organizations classify net assets as well as improves information presented in financial
statements and notes about nonprofit organization liquidity, financial performance, and
cash flows. The guidance is effective beginning in 2018.

Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2017 and 2016

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Subsequent Events

In preparing these consolidated financial statements, Donors Trust has evaluated events
and transactions for potential recognition or disclosure through October 29, 2018, the
date the consolidated financial statements were available to be issued.

3. Concentration of Credit Risk

Financial instruments that potentially subject Donors Trust to significant concentrations

of credit risk consist of cash and cash equivalents, and investments. Donors Trust
maintains cash deposit and transaction accounts, along with investments, with various
financial institutions and these values, from time to time, exceed insurable limits under
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Securities Investor Protection
Corporation (SIPC). Donors Trust has not experienced any credit losses on its cash and
cash equivalents, and investments to date as it relates to FDIC and SIPC insurance limits.
Management periodically assesses the financial condition of these financial institutions
and believes that the risk of any credit loss is minimal.

4. Investments and Fair Value Measurements

Donors Trust follows FASB Accounting Standards Codification 820, Fair Value
Measurements and Disclosures, for its financial assets. This standard establishes a fair
value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair
value, and requires an entity to maximize the use of observable inputs (such as quoted
prices in active markets) and minimize the use of unobservable inputs (such as appraisals
or other valuation techniques) to determine fair value. The categorization of a fmancial
instrument within the hierarchy is based upon the pricing transparency of the instrument
and does not necessarily correspond to the entity's perceived risk of that instrument.

The inputs used in measuring fair value are categorized into three levels. Level 1 inputs
consist of unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets and liabilities
and have the highest priority. Level 2 is based upon observable inputs other than quoted
market prices, and Level 3 is based on unobservable inputs. Donors Trust recognizes
transfers between levels in the fair value hierarchy at the end of the reporting period.

Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2017 and 2016

4. Investments and Fair Value Measurements (continued)

Assets Measured on a Recurring Basis

In general, and where applicable, Donors Trust uses quoted prices in active markets for
identical assets to determine fair value. This pricing methodology applies to Level 1

Donors Trust's Level 3 investment measured on a recurring basis consists of its

investment in a privately-held limited partnership and is reported at the fair value of the
investment based on the adjusted net book value. The limited partnership invests in
publicly traded futures contracts, and Donors Trust receives a monthly statement from the
manager of the limited partnership that reflects the value of the limited partnership
interest based upon the value of the cash and publicly traded futures contracts at the end
of each month.

Management reviews and evaluates the values provided by the limited partnership's
management and agrees with the valuation methods and assumptions used in determining
the fair value of the alternative investments. Unobservable inputs used in these models
are significant to the fair value of the investments.

In addition, during 2015, Donors Trust received a donation consisting of shares of stock
of a privately held company for which the fair value is based on the year-end appraisal of
the company's shares. The appraisal was performed by a qualified, independent
appraiser, as that term is defined by Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 170, who
declared, under penalties of perjury, that he is a qualified appraiser and that he meets the
definition of a qualified appraiser. Unobservable inputs used in these models are
significant to the fair value of the investments.

Assets Measured on a Nonrecurring Basis

Donors Trust's Level 3 investments measured on a nonrecurring basis consist of a limited

liability company that holds minority interests in two closely-held, non-publicly traded
corporations. Pursuant to the purchase agreement executed by the limited liability
company, as a minority shareholder in tvvo corporations, Donors Trust is not entitled to
any of the closely-held corporations' financial information. As a result, the estimate of
the fair value is based on historical cost of the shares.

Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2017 and 2016

4. Investments and Fair Value Measurements (continued)

The following table presents Donors Trust's fair value hierarchy for those investments
measured on both a recurring and nonrecurring basis at December 31, 2017:

Levell Level 2 Level 3 Total

Mutual funds:
Fixed income $ 34,836,675 $ -$ - $ 34,836,675
Equities 20,078,538 - - 20,078,538
Common stocks:
Basic materials 150,034 - - 150,034
Consumer goods 771,112 - - 771,112
Financials services 959,773 - 959,773
technology 1,058,184 - - 1,058,184
Utilities 30,613 - - 30,613
Energy 153,277 - - 153,277
Healthcare 580,752 - - 580,752
Industrials 3,588,467 - - 3,588,467
Real estate funds 104,573 104,573
Government securities 204,390 204,390
Corporate bonds 442,712 442,712
Interest in privately
held company 1,106,398 1,106,398
Limited partnership - 84,520,572 84,520,572

Investments measured
on a recurring basis 62,311,998 647,102 85,626,970 148,586,070
Interest in LLC 909,585 909,585

Total investments $ 62,311,998 $ 647,102 $ 86,536,555 $ 149,495,655

Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2017 and 2016

4. Investments and Fair Value Measurements (continued)

The following table presents Donors Trust's fair value hierarchy for those investments
measured on both a recurring and nonrecurring basis at December 31, 2016:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total

Mutual funds:
Fixed income $ 17,676,442 $ -$ $ 17,676,442
Equities 30,541,244 30,541,244
Common stocks:
Basic materials 74,448 74,448
Consumer goods 567,501 567,501
Financials services 852,999 852,999
technology 580,473 580,473
Utilities 18,397 18,397
Energy 85,668 85,668
services 8,571 8,571
Healthcare 400,306 400,306
Industrials 3,927,290 3,927,290
Government securities 208,052 208,052
Corporate bonds 493,117 493,117
Interest in privately
held company 823,904 823,904
Limited partnership - 70,955,163 70,955,163

Investments measured
on a recurring basis 54,733,339 701,169 71,779,067 127,213,575
Interest in LLC 909,585 909,585

Total investments $ 54,733,339 $ 701,169 $ 72,688,652 $ 128,123,160

Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2017 and 2016

4. Investments and Fair Value Measurements (continued)

The following table presents Donor Trust's activity for its investments measured at fair
value using significant tmobservable inputs (Level 3):

Privately Held Co. Partnership LLC

At December 31, 2015 $ 700,039 $ 73,078,044 $ 909,585

Unrealized gain (loss) 123,865 (2,122,881)
At December 31, 2016 823,904 70,955,163 909,585
Transfer in (out) 92,675 (2,727,691)
Realized gain 73,060 -
Unrealized gain 116,759 16,293,100

At December 31, 2017 $ 1,106,398 $ 84,520,572 $ 909,585

Investment income (loss) consists of the following for the years ended December 31:

2017 2016

Interest and dividends $ 1,869,366 $ 2,746,041

Unrealized gain (loss) 22,784,030 (4,316,740)
Realized gain 787,165 649,350

Total investment income (loss) $ 25,440,561 $ (921,349)

5. Property and Equipment

Property and equipment consists of the following at December 31:

2017 2016

Computer equipment $ 27,766 $ 25,191

Furniture and fixtures 74,134 72,959
Leasehold improvements 104,237 104,069

Total property and equipment 206,137 202,219

Less: accumulated depreciation
and amortization (76,079) (56,077)

Property and equipment, net $ 130,058 $ 146,142

Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2017 and 2016

6. Related Party Transactions

Donors Capital Fund provides an annual grant, payable in quarterly installments to

Donors Trust in recognition of the fact that Donors Trust would continue to provide, on a
voluntary basis, administrative services to Donors Capital Fund. For the years ended
December 31, 2017 and 2016, Donors Capital Fund granted a total of $205,369 and
$108,869, respectively.

In addition, Donors Capital Fund provided grants to Donors Trust. For the year ended
December 31, 2017, grants from Donors Capital Fund totaled $1,794,760, of which
$1,589,391 was allocated to donor-advised and special program funds (Board-designated
funds) and $205,369 was allocated for general operations (undesignated funds).

For the year ended December 31, 2016, grants from Donors Capital Fund totaled
$20,489,463, of which $19,882,945 was allocated to donor-advised and special program
funds (Board-designated funds) and $606,518 was allocated for general operations
(undesignated funds).

7. Commitment

During 2014, Donors Trust entered into an agreement for new office space under the
terms of a noncancellable operating lease that commenced on February 1, 2015 and is set
to expire on January 31, 2025. The terms of this lease contain provisions for a free rent
period of six months coinciding with the first six months of the lease, a tenant
improvement allowance of $174,000, and annual rent increases of nearly 3%. The lease
incentives and deferred rent (which represents rent expense in excess of rental payments)
are not recognized as deferred rent and lease incentives in the accompanying consolidated
financial statements due to immateriality.

Future minimum lease payments, under all operating leases, are as follows for the years
ending December 31:

2018 137,466
2019 141,250
2020 145,139
2021 149,133
2022 153,230
Thereafter 332,714

Total future minimum lease payments $ 1,058,932

Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2017 and 2016

7. Commitment (continued)

Total occupancy expense was $135,663 and $136,433 for the years ended December 31,
2017 and 2016, respectively.

8. Retirement Plans

Donors Trust offers employees the opportunity to supplement their retirement income
through the purchase of a 403(b)(7) plan, also known as a tax-sheltered annuity plan.
The plan allows employees of Donors Trust to make elective deferrals up to Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) limits per annum. All employees are eligible to participate and
may do so at any time.

In addition, employees are eligible to participate in a SEP IRA beginning January 1 of the
year following the year they are first employed by Donors Trust, and may receive a
contribution on the last day of each quarter of each year they are employed by Donors
Trust thereafter. Donors Trust may make discretionary contributions to the plan of up to
the lesser of 25% of each employee's total compensation in a given year or up to IRS
limits per annum. In 2007, the Board of Directors approved a compensation plan that
stipulated an armual 10% SEP contribution to qualified employees. For the years ended
December 31, 2017 and 2016, Donors Trust recorded contributions to the plans of
$105,644 and $89,420, respectively.

9. Income Taxes

Donors Trust, Inc. is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under IRC Section

501(c)(3) and is exempt from income taxes except for taxes on unrelated business
activities. No tax expense is recorded in the accompanying consolidated financial
statements for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016, as there was no significant
unrelated business income.

DT Investments I, LLC; Talent Market, LLC; and Donors Trust, LLC are disregarded
entities for income tax purposes. As single member LLCs, all items of income and
expenditure are attributable to Donors Trust, Inc. and are reported on its armual Form
990. All activities are related to the mission of Donors Trust, Inc.

Donors Trust, LLC became inactive during 2011 and held no assets during 2017 and

Management has evaluated Donor Trust's tax positions and has concluded that there are
no uncertain tax positions that require recognition or disclosure in the accompanying
consolidated financial statements.

Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Consolidated Schedule of Functional Expenses

For the Year Ended December 31, 2017

Program Services Supporting Services

Donor- Special
Advised Program Fundraising/ General and Total
Funds Funds Marketing Administrative Expenses

Grants $ 110,612,406 $ 22,884 - $ $ 110,635,290

Salaries and benefits 590,939 82,510 324,069 124,430 1,121,948
Advertising and promotion 105,447 105,447
Printing and production 4,464 2,411 929 7,804
Professional fees 46,096 150,110 37,906 12,181 246,293
Postage and delivery 5,946 3,212 1,237 10,395
Occupancy 77,599 41,920 16,144 135,663
Depreciation and amortization 11,345 6,129 2,360 19,834
Insurance 6,352 3,432 1,322 11,106
Telephone 4,390 2,371 913 7,674
Travel and entertainment 42,399 226,129 14,133 282,661
Office equipment and supplies 6,325 3,417 2,033 11,775
Dues, membership, and subscriptions 8,128 4,391 1,691 14,210
Investment and bank fees 112,502 8,726 121,228
Web site costs 20,817 11,245 10,629 42,691
Utilities 857 463 178 1,498
Compliance fees 3,591 1,940 747 6,278

Total Expenses $ 111,554,156 $ 255,504 $ 774,482 $ 197,653 $ 112,781,795

Donors Trust, Inc. and Affiliates

Consolidated Schedule of Functional Expenses

For the Year Ended December 31, 2016

Program Services Supporting Services

Donor- Special
Advised Program Fundraising/ General and Total
Funds Funds Marketing Administrative Expenses

Grants $ 66,466,779 $ 236,936 $ - $ $ 66,703,715

Salaries and benefits 545,555 65,588 299,818 175,729 1,086,690
Advertising and promotion 88,262 88,262
Printing and production 7,010 9,640 876 17,526
Professional fees 23,232 150,000 21,104 9,479 203,815
Postage and delivery 3,584 6,145 512 10,241
Occupancy 89,286 893 25,446 20,808 136,433
Depreciation and amortization 12,665 127 3,610 2,952 19,354
Insurance 8,305 83 2,367 1,935 12,690
Telephone 4,663 628 1,352 1,106 7,749
Travel and entertainment 10,223 635 173,830 184,688
Office equipment and supplies 9,915 142 2,837 2,351 15,245
Dues, membership, and subscriptions 8,743 971 9,714
Investment and bank fees 82,431 4,163 86,594
Web site costs 12,196 12,197 24,393
Compliance fees 2,431 8,817 11,248

Total Expenses $ 67,284,587 $ 457,463 $ 647,579 $ 228,728 $ 68,618,357


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