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Gonversation Practice John red John Crea Alex nog red Ceca r\og reg red rca Alex ro red rca John Cashier Listen and Practice What do you want to eat? Hmm... let's see, we can have some pizza or maybe a hamburger. | think fll have a hamburger, and you? | would like a pizza. Yes, sir..? May I help you? Yeah ! Id like a hamburger, with tomatoes, lettuce and cheese, Anything to drink? Yes. What do you have? Well, we've got milkshakes, soda, and juice, Do you have any hot drinks? Yeah, we do. Would you like one? Yeah, | would like a cup of coffee. Ok sir, thatl be five dolars and ninety-nine cents Here you are, Here's your change ‘Thanks. Next, please! Good afternoon ma'am. Good afternoon. How may | help you? is PREMIUM ENGLISH PROGRAM TT | would like a pizza and a soda. eng What soda would you like” ein) | would like a Coke, please. nc Ok, That would be four dollars and forty-five cents. nd 2 Here itis, eng k, here is your change. ar Thanks. es : Where do you wanna sit? Ta | don't know. You pick the seat rs Let's sit here then. ar ‘Ok. es Do you know where Luis is? Ta No, | don't rs Does he know if we are in the cafeteria? nl : Yes, | told him we were going to be here. res ‘Why is he taking so long? Ta | don't know. He always takes a long time. res : Does he? Tr) Yeah. He is the kind of person who is never punctual rs He prefers being late? John | guess so, .. res Look! There he is ..! PREMIUM ENGLISH PROGRAM Roleplay Dictation Follow the conversation Function: Ordering food Hi, welcome to Premium Food, can | take your order? Yes, | would like a hamburger Would you like fries with that No, thank you Anything to drink? Yes, I'd like a diet soda, please Very well, that would be nine dollars and forty-five cents Reading Comprehension Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks. The Blue Banana This is a_____story about myself. I am Steve Wayne. I am 50 years old, and live in the States. My family and I were at a in New York. What a place! It was bigger than the National Stadium. It has three stories. On the first floor, people usually have coffee, tea, juice and sandwiches. On the second floor, there is only Peruvian food, and on the third, people have more. of food to eat. In this section, there are delicious international dishes. As I was telling you about my experience, it's not a very one, I went to the third floor of this restaurant, "The Blue Banana", and asked the for the menu. She was very____and pretty too. T'll never forget her. She brought me the, and I asked her for some salad and water, while I decided which dish to eat. After a few minutes, I called the waitress again, but this time I was willing to give her my order. The. came to take the order and I told her that I only wanted to have some vegetable soup. She took the order and told me she was bringing it right away. After a few minutes, I saw her coming towards me and all of a sudden, she tripped, and all the__was on me. I'll never forget that day! PREMIUM ENGLISH PROGRAM Phonics BP Choose the incorrect word. ful: Took, Push, Moon, Cushion Jol : Room, Spoon, Food, Sock if: Lift, Fifth, Fast, Live ivi: Fat, Vet, Arrive, View Vocabulary Match the images with the words in the box. Brush teeth Use deodorant Take a shower Shave ‘Wash hair Wash hands Take a bath Use mouthwash Use dental floss Put on perfume. 6 1, 8, 9. 10. PREMIUM ENGLISH PROGRAM

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