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Technical sciences 51


Guseva A.I., Lebedeva A.V., Sheina E.A.
National research nuclear university «MEPhI», Moscow,

This researching is directed on the urgent scientific problem solution which consists in development of high-
quality electronic manuals on the basis of modern computer technology for learning computer science. There have
been developed and implemented two training simulators in SCORM 2004 for two subjects: Arithmetic and Logical
Foundations of Computer Science. Training simulators are used in e-learning systems in National research nuclear
university «MEPhI». AdobeFlashProfessionalCS5 using integrated programming language ActionScript 2.0 has
been used as the development environment. The results of students learning before and after adoption of training
simulators has been analyzed by using cluster analysis k-means. Statistics demonstrate that using information-edu-
cational resources in format SCORM 2004 is more effectively than using worksheets.

Keywords: iinformation-educational resources, methodology SCORM, systems of electronic training, program training
apparatus, cluster analysis k-means

The development of information technology This packages also include the xml-file (the mani-
cause the advent of many tools for development fest). This file describes the structure of the package and
e-learning elements. To use e-learning elements the files which included into training unit. This file should
be named «imsmanifest.xml» and have to be in the root
and e-learning systems which have been devel- directory of the package.
oped by various technology, the standards are Blocks of educational material which included into
applying. Standard SCORM (Sharable Content the package can be of two types: asset and sharable con-
Object Reference Model) 2004 have been re- tent object (SCO). Asset – an element which interacts
ceived the widest recognition among all of the e- with the LMS-server. It could be a html-page, a picture,
learning standards. The standard SCORM 2004 a flash-file, etc. SCO – an element that interacts with the
based on the following basic requirements for LMS-server: reports on the progress and results of the
educational assets, such as accessibility, adapt- study, receiving and transmitting additional data, etc.
ability, affordability, durability, interoperability, Sample of the code manifest is represented at Fig. 1.
Adobe Flash Professional CS5 using integrated pro-
reusability. gramming language Action Script 2.0 has been used as
At the National Research Nuclear Universi- the development environment.
ty MEPhI (NRNU MEPhI) has been developed Training simulator «Arithmetic Foundations of Com-
a system of e-learning «MEPhIst» which allows puter Science» provides tasks to convert the number of deci-
to use courses of various vendors supporting mal number system to binary, octal, and hexadecimal [6].
standard SCORM. Standard SCORM assets Training simulator «Logical Foundations of Com-
are formed into a common SCORM package, puter Science» consists of four tasks on topics such as the
which is a bundle of several or more packages distributive law, the law of Blake-Poretsky, law clutch-
containing content of Web-pages. The material ing, absorption law [4].
Training simulators are operated in two modes: self-
in SCORM-package presented by individual training and knowledge control [2, 3]. While self-training
small blocks which can be included in different the user can choose the topic of task. If the answer is
training courses and regardless of development incorrect, the user can’t start other task and the system
tools can be used by e-learning system. SCORM generates an error. Remarks for the competed task doesn’t
packages may contain the following educational accrue. While knowledge control user have to go through
components: electronic lectures and presenta- all the stages of the training simulator to obtain the re-
tions , tests, training simulators, etc. [2, 3]. marks. In both modes, the student is offering to construct
There are many online – calculator to con- the answers from the given elements.
vert numbers from one system of numeration Passing algorithm and scoring of training simulator
«Arithmetic Foundations of Computer Science» is repre-
to another and to study the laws of mathemati- sented at Fig 2.
cal logic in the public domain currently. Also Passing algorithm and scoring of training simulator
there is a set of theoretical programs but they «Logical Foundations of Computer Science» is repre-
don’t formation practical skills of the students. sented at Fig. 3.
To increase the quality of education have been
developed and implemented two training sim- Results of research and their discussion
ulators in SCORM format for two subjects: Self-training of the course «Computer
Arithmetic and Logical Foundations of Com- Science» in 2011 was provided by lectures,
puter Science. homeworks and written tasks. The difficulty
of checking tasks was more than 200 hours
Materials and methods of research because more than 80 % of the students were
Training simulators are part of software simulators able to take the job in the second or third time
in SCORM-format packages, the elements of which are only with the help of interactive communica-
also lectures and tests. tion with the teacher.


52 Technical sciences

Fig 1. Code of xml-file (the manifest) for describes the structure of the package and the files which
included into training unit «Arithmetic Foundations of Computer Science»

Fig. 2. Activity diagram in Enterprise Architect describing passing algorithm and scoring of training
simulator «Arithmetic Foundations of Computer Science»


Technical sciences 53

Fig. 3. Activity diagram in Enterprise Architect describing passing algorithm and scoring of training
simulator «Logical Foundations of Computer Science»

In 2012, to reduce the difficulty of check- sible between k-clusters. By using this method
ing tasks were used two training simulators: could be selected the number of clusters and
«Arithmetic Foundations of Computer Sci- thus were hypothesized of a partition of test re-
ence», «Logical Foundations of Computer Sci- sults into four clusters: «unsatisfactory», «sat-
ence». Students were suggested to use training isfactory», «good» and «excellent». Analytical
simulators in self-training mode for develop- platform Deductor Studio has been chosen for
ing skills for solving practical problems. After doing cluster analysis.
one week training, was given access to training The partition into clusters in Deductor Stu-
simulators in the knowledge control mode for dio according to the following algorithm:
students. 1. The initial distribution of objects into
The results of final tests of the course clusters. Center of the cluster – the average
«Computer Science» have been thoroughly value of the variables of objects in the clus-
analyzed. Cluster analysis has been chosen for ter. Sets the number of k and in the first step,
test’s results statistical processing. This method these points are considered the «center» of the
is used for objects classification into relatively clusters. Each cluster corresponds to one cent-
homogeneous groups which are called clusters. er. The choice of initial centers are randomly.
Objects must be similar together in each cluster As a result, each object is assigned to a parti-
and differ from objects in other clusters. cular cluster.
To perform clustering method was chosen 2. Iterative process. Selected new centers
clustering k-means (k-means). This method of clusters and objects redistributed. The pro-
based on the definition as long distances as pos- cess of computing centers and redistribution of


54 Technical sciences

objects continues until the centers of the clus- The results of the clustering were divided
ters are stabilized that is all objects will belong into 4 clusters. Evaluation results were a hun-
to the cluster to which they belonged to the dred point scale. Comparison cluster’s volume
previous iteration. in 2011 and 2012 years is represented at Fig. 4:

Fig. 4. Comparison cluster’s volume in 2011 and 2012 years

The diagram shows that the cluster with the can automate through interactive software sim-
results of «good» increased in 2012, and the ulators developed methodology SCORM. The
cluster with the results as «satisfactory» also results of solved tasks are automatically evalu-
increased. In turn, the clusters are «excellent» ated and passed to the learning management
and «unsatisfactory» decreased due to redistri- system LMS. And in this case there is a sharp
bution of clusters. The cluster with the results increase in the number of students, academi-
of «good» added the results of the clusters cally as «good» or «excellent». Digestibility of
«satisfactory» and «unsatisfactory». study material in this group of students, only
4 % less than when using electronic journals
Conclusions jobs. The difficulty of test results with training
Statistics shows that the using of training simulators is very low.
simulators as effective as the written job almost. References
For all clusters using training simulators a
smaller spread in the center of the cluster the 1. Guseva A.I., Lebedeva A.V., Sheina E.A. Implementa-
tion results of training simulators in SCORM 2004 for learning
variance is reduced by half, so that changes of computer science in National Research University // Fundamen-
clusters is less than 2 %. In this case, the diffi- tal research. – 2013. – № 4. – Р. 1059–1064.
culty of test results of each training simulators 2. Guseva A.I., Kireev V.S., Sheina E.A. Introduction ex-
is less than a minute. perience of results of scientific researches in educational pro-
The use of e-learning elements allows cess of research university // Software and Systems. – 2010. –
№ 4. – Р. 202–207.
to realize systematic monitoring of results of
3. Guseva A.I., Ivanov A.V., Kozgin I.M., Kireev V.S., Tzu-
training for the organization of independent plakov A.S. Development of SCORM methodology in creating
work of students. Electronic journals jobs en- off information-educational resources // Information-measuring
able not only for automatic collection of stu- and control systems. – 2012. – № 8, т. 10. – P. 44–48.
dent’s solved tasks, but they’re also create an 4. Guseva A.I., Lebedeva A.V. Application in education
environment for interactive communication courseware simulator «Logical Foundations of Computer Sci-
with the teacher for correction and rework ence» in the format SCORM 2004 // Scientific Session MIFI-
2013. XVI International Telecommunication Conference of
tasks. This individual work with the teacher Young Scientists and Students: Sat. scientific papers. Part III. –
sharply increases the number of students, aca- М.: NRNU MEPHI, 2013. – Р. 116–117.
demically as «good» or «excellent», digestibil- 5. Guseva A.I., Lebedeva A.V., Sheina E.A. Application in the
ity of educational material in these groups of educational process of software training simulators for the course
students using e-learning elements of the tasks «Computer» in the format SCORM 2004 // Prospects of develop-
ment of science and education: Sat. scientific. mp. Materials of the
on average 1,5 times higher than without them. International Scientific Conference. – 2012. – Part 12. – Р. 35–36.
However, at high flows of students, the diffi- 6. Guseva A.I., Sheina E.A. Software development training
culty of test results is overrun at several times simulator «Arithmetic Foundations of Computer Science» in the
the required standards of labor. format SCORM 2004 // Scientific Session MIFI-2013. XVI In-
In some cases, when performing tasks ternational Telecommunication Conference of Young Scientists
and Students: Sat. scientific papers. Part III. – М.: NRNU ME-
based on an algorithm the process of learning PHI, 2013. – Р. 114–115.


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