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I have lived in Columbus, Ohio my entire life.

This city is very important to me, so I also

find it very important to give back to my community and volunteer whenever I can. A health aid
organization I used to be a part of in college hosts free annual health screenings for those who
are unable to afford doctor’s appointments and aid. Helping others in need really puts my own
life in perspective. I have grown up in an area where my parents were able to provide housing,
supplies, and other daily materials which we may take for granted. It’s important to give back to
your community when you can because it helps to make your community an all-around better
place for everyone.
The location for this volunteering opportunity was the Hilltop Community Worship
Center in Columbus, Ohio. This community center often provides meals, daycare, activities, and
other services for those in need. The main topic for our attendance at the community center was
to teach about insurance, healthcare education, hygiene, and provide health screenings.
Healthcare and insurance may often be overlooked in areas of lower socioeconomic status. It is
important to educate everyone on these topics, and to provide resources for services which can
help with affording healthcare. Experts on this topic from Legal Aid Society of Columbus set up
a station to help these people get a better understanding of how they can afford certain health
services. Another station we set up involves the Ohio State dental students and KidSMILES. We
were able to gather items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, deodorant, and other resources
to give away to children to promote the importance of hygiene. It was very fulfilling to see the
excitement on the children’s faces by receiving items which we use every day and are so used to.
I helped to organize many of the bags of items given to the children prior to the event occurring.
The majority of what I did at this screening was welcome guests in, handout and describe
different pamphlets and brochures for the various organizations both at the event and in
Columbus and talk about why we were there as an organization. I enjoyed my role because I was
able to talk to everyone that came in and help anyone who had any questions. I looked at my role
as the person who had to set the tone for the event. I found this very important because I had to
make sure everyone felt safe, welcome, and that we were here because we care about our
community and want to help those who may be in need.
Helping others is something I have always strived to do. It’s why I went into healthcare
and ultimately why I am becoming a dosimetrist. Being able to help others in need, whether it is
for my community or helping a cancer patient by creating a treatment plan to fight their cancer, I
will always find it fulfilling having the opportunity to assist anyone in need. As a dosimetrist,
this is a very important quality because it leads me to set my differences aside and make my
community or workplace better by helping those in need.

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