Reflection On 10 Commandments

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Based from what I’ve read about the preamble of the following commandments, it wanted us

to learn and understand its purpose on why God give this and how it will help us and how are we
going to benefit from it. He gave the Ten Commandments for the personal well-being or wellness
of His people. In Exodus 20:2, God said, “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the
land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” God had already save them from slavery of Egypt.
And when they finally arrived from the promise land, He gave them rules that they need to
follow which would govern their lives. God will approve on his people as long as they follow
and keep the laws because this focus on the personal well-being. The New or either the Old
testament was pointing one thing is that we’re saved the same way, humanity is saved by grace,
which is appropriated through faith. God gave the law, not to save His people but to teach them
how to live. The commandments serves as a foundation of the Israel, they were headed to their
common land, the land of Canaan. But what they needed to bind them together was a
constitution, a law. That’s what we find, beginning the Exodus 20. The law was given to them to
remind them that they’re sinners but people fails to follow the command and some broke the
laws that really upset God, but God loves his people that’s why he make a sacrificial system that
will led to the forgiveness of the sin. The law become our teacher that teaches us and lead us
closer to God, but in my own understanding the law doesn’t save us. It reminds us of how much
we need God’s forgiveness for salvation.

The 1st Law- teaches us to have only one God and that we should stay faithful to him and we
should not praise another God beside him.
The 2nd Law- was pointing out that we should not praise other because praising is like
worshiping other and God is a jealous God, we should not rely on object or other people to
empower us.
The 3rd Law- is teaching us that we should know our place and never disrespect him and that no
one really truly know him that’s why have no rights to talk to him that in negative ways, it gives
me permission not to speak about God if I am unsure.
The 4th Law- never neglect our obligation to him, we should always prioritize him because
without him we are nothing. We should have time for ourselves and for our God. never forget
him because he is our everything.
The 5th Law- They are the people whom God entrusted us because God knows that they are the
only person that will do anything for their child and will love their children like the way God
love his children. it gives the chance to establish a free and healthy relationship with my family,
if in order to honor our parents we need to change our relationship with them.
The 6th Law- our life’s are only given to us and we should all respect the rights of everyone to
live and never steal this from them because only God has the power to do that, never do thigs
that you might regret in the end because for sure we will pay for this sin.
The 7th Law- we are all sexual beings and that can never be remove to us, but we should know
our limitations and know when is the proper time to such things. The right time and the right
partner will come when God allows it to happened.
The 8th Law- never interest others and never take what is not yours because this might lead to a
great chaos. This teaches us the boundaries of what is and is not ours and we need to learn to
work on the things we want and never steal to others.
The 9th Law- it reminds me of how I used to be and how much I have changed, and every time I
feel insecure or threatened by others it helps me not to fall back into bad habits and keeps me in
good relationships with others.
The 10th Law- we don’t find happiness by stealing others ownership we should learn to respect
others, I have been set free I have realized that freedom brings the knowledge that the simple
things in life are the most pleasurable and are freely available.

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