The Scrip Unit5 Impr

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c c

Oh Look At The
Hole-Punch! Look
At The Cute
Little Hole-
Version 1 c
V e Writers Vreatment
V e Step Outline & Ot er Pre Docs c
Jonny Sharples c
3/18/2011 c
onny S arples 2
Oh Look At The Hole -Punch! Look At The Cute Little Hole -

The Treatment

pct One: Introduce Problem

Scene 1

INV Office Cubicle ± MORNING,

Opening S ot see a Box placed by a pair of ands on to a desk V e

camera goes to t e top of t e box as t e ands open t e box and
places ole-punc on t e desk V e camera focuses on t e ole -punc
as it begins to move and get use to it gets use to its surroundings
V e workers and becomes visible as e strokes t e ole -punc and
t en types on t e keyboard Fade Out Vransition

pct Vwo

Scene 2

Int Office Cubicle ± Midday,

Fade In, camera focus on t e and typing (sound of printer) Camera

focus on t e ole -punc blowing bubbles sleeping V e Hand comes in
to s ot wit paper in and and tries to get t e ole-punc to punc
a ole in t e paper b ut t e ole-punc wake s ocked rejects it by
pinc ing it lips t e laug s  V e camera focuses on ole -punc and
come in and rocking t e piece of paper ( uman made side -effects of a
plane can be eard) V e Hole -Punc looks to open is but turns at
t e last minute Now t e and appears slowly into t e screen as t e
ole-punc smile ps t e and inc es towards t e ole -punc becomes
s ocked V e Hand immediately jab t e paper forward as t e ole -
punc dodges t e jabs Finally t e and t rows down t e paper and
begins typing as ole -punc relaxes

pct 03

Scene 3

Int Office Cubicle ± Late pfternoon

Fade In, Camera focus on t e and typing on t e keyboard V e Hole -

punc come in to screen and nudges t e arm once and waits Moment
later it nudges again, t is time stopping t e and from typing V is
time t e ole-punc extends i t mout to suggest food V e and
brings toward t e paper as ole -punc clamps down punc ing oles in
t e paper ps t e and tries to pull t e paper out t e ole punc
lock and stop it from coming out V e and and t e ole -punc tug at
t e paper before it tears and a t ud is eard as t e and flies
backward wit t e paper torn in t e and and t e camera s akes

The Step Outline

pct One: Introduce Problem

onny S arples 3
Oh Look At The Hole -Punch! Look At The Cute Little Hole -

Hand opens box contains t e new ole -punc and places it on t e


V e and gets t e ole -punc to punc a document w ic it does

W en e tries to ole -punc anot er documents t e w ole punc

refuses turning away

pct Vwo: Fig ting V e Problem

V e and attempts again to get t e ole -punc to cooperate but t is

time by using an airplane noise to ge t t e outcome V e result sees
t e ole-punc blow raspberries and laug 

pttempting for a second time t e and goes in wit C oo -c oo noises

V is time t e ole -punc turn away every time t e paper gets close
say µnonono¶

In final attempt seems al most successful as t e ole -punc is asleep

but as t e paper get near t e ole -punc awakes and dodges t e jabs
t e and makes

pct V ree: Resolving t e Problem

V e and is working on t e keyboard, as t e ole -punc nudges t e

and to get its attention for feeding Yet w en giving paper t e
ole-punc tries eating it all w ilst t e and tugs to get it off
t e ole-punc  Ripping t e document is ruined

The Premise

V e story is of an office worker w o tries to get is c ildis , new

ole-punc to punc p apers

The Logline

V is story is a depict ion of an office worker battle to get co -

operation from is newly boug t c ildis ole-punc  V roug out e
uses different baby tec niques to get it to punc t e paper w ic in
t e end goes all wrong
Character Biographies

V e Office Worker

V e Office worker is a fres er at t e new agency and is all about

t e best impressions During is second day at t e job is big boss
asking to rig t memos for is next lecture Knowing t is t e worker
it Staples and purc ased new stationary V e memos will ave to go
in a folder as t e manager request Yet w en in eriting a new old -
punc e didn¶t know ow ard it would be

V e Hole-Punc
onny S arples 4
Oh Look At The Hole -Punch! Look At The Cute Little Hole -

pfter travelling from C ina ; t e newly made ole -punc lays in

ibernation waiting for it new master Yet for mont s t e box lay
dominant Yet as one day t e ole -punc s ell rattle awaking t e
ole-punc  No sooner e was born into t e world as a brig t lig t
comes from t e top of is box W at it doesn¶t know is w at to come

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