St. Paul University Philippines: Prelim Examinations A.Y. 2020-21

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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City Cagayan 3500

Christian Formation Office


Prelim Examinations A.Y. 2020-21

I. PERSONAL PRAYER. We invoke the presence, grace, and guidance of God for our family
and community in this difficult time. (10 pts)

Heavenly Father, we come to you this hour asking for your divine guidance, touch us and fill us
with your light and your love. We’re aware that you know that the world you build is in a state of
crisis because of the pandemic, we beg for your help. Let us bear in our minds that all of this has
its purpose. I know that you have a bigger plan awaits and we trust in you. Protect our love ones
in any danger, keep them safe and look upon them. We pray for those people that are fighting
silent battles give them strength when they are weak, let them feel love when they are forsaken,
give them courage when they are afraid, comfort when they feel alone, hope when they are
rejected and peace within self, Amen.

II. TRUE OR FALSE- A, B, C, D. Analyze the statements carefully and write A if only the
first statement is true; write B if only the second statement is true; write C if both statements are
true; and write D if both statements are false. Write your answer on the space provided before
each item. (2 pts each)

1. God is holy. God calls on all of us to be holy, just like Him. -C

2. To be holy means to live a life of goodness and virtues. To be holy means to reflect God in
one’s being/person and deeds. -C
3. To become “one body” simply means physical unity between the husband and wife. This
unity means losing one’s identity by merging with another into one personality, yielding to
domination by the other. - D
4. The two inspired accounts of creation in Genesis provides firm basis for understanding man
and woman and their conjugal union. From these accounts we discover two purposes of
marriage: procreation and unity or human completeness. -C
5. By virtue of their vow of poverty, the religious and the clergy are forbidden to acquire
material possessions. They are enjoined to live a life of simplicity. -C
6. Marriage reflects the covenant relationship between Yahweh and the Israelites. Just as
Yahweh forgave the Israelites for their infidelity, the husband or wife must also find it in his
or her heart to forgive the unfaithful spouse. -C
7. A husband is the head of the family. All decisions pertaining to the family must come from
him. -A
8. Only single persons and those who live consecrated lives like priests and nuns are called to a
life of chastity. Married couples are exempted from the call to chastity. -A
9. The first miracle of Jesus involves the changing of water into wine. This happened in Cana
during a baptism ceremony. -C
10. In the Old Testament we discover God as just and faithful. In the New Testament, Jesus
manifested His holiness by being obedient to the will of His Father. -C

III: Fill in the blanks. St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians 5:21-33 offers authentic relationship
between husband and wife with reference to Christ’s love for the Church. Supply the missing
word to complete the whole scriptural text.

Christ Wife husband Church Holy Loves leave One

Respect subordinate savior sanctify Wives Blemish members God
Man Pray hope bodies mystery Water hates Love

“Be subordinate to one another out of reverence for ___ Christ____. Wives should be ____
subordinate _____ to their husbands as to the Lord. For the ____husband _____ is head of his
_____wife_______ just as Christ is the head of the ____Church_____, He himself the
____savior_____of the body. As the Church is subordinate to Christ so ____ Wives ______
should be subordinate to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, even as
Christ loved the Church and handed himself over for her to ____sanctify____ her, cleansing her
by the bath of ____Water_____ with the word that he might present to himself the church in
splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing that she might be _____Holy____ and
without ____Blemish______. So, husbands should love their wives as their own
_____bodies_____. He who ______Loves_______ his wife loves himself. For no one
_____hates _____ his own flesh but rather nourishes and cherishes it even as Christ does the
church because we are ____ members_____ of his body. For this reason, a ____Man____ shall
_____leave______ his father and mother and be joined to his wife; and the two shall become
_____One_______ flesh. This is a great ____mystery_____, but I speak in reference to Christ
and the church. In any case each one of you should love his wife as himself and the wife should
_____Love_______ her husband.

IV. Essay. Answer the following briefly. (10 pts each)

1. Read the story about Jesus’ miracle at the wedding in Cana. What message can we get
from the story?

The message it wanted us to get is that wedding is ceremony that are sacrament that
shared between couples this is done in order to unite the couple as one, they share one life
together and must stay together following Gods Law. The second lesson we learn from
the Wedding Feast of Cana is that God wants to pour abundant grace upon your marriage.
Wine symbolizes joy. Jesus made an overabundance of wine

2. The husband is the head of the wife and of the family. What does this mean?

We all know that fathers are the pillar or the support of the family, there role is to provide
for the needs of his family. And being a father comes a big responsibility, Like God he is
the Father and thus he is the head, and with that He does His job perfectly. and for the
meaning of husband is the head, he should be like God. He has responsibility for each
member of the family, and this responsibility should be put into action in order to have a
better result for the family.

3. Which state of life do I feel connected/attracted to? How do I respond to God’s call to
holiness in this state?

There are many chances that I felt and knew that God is calling me but in away that I serve His
people. I came to realization that maybe God made me take nursing course so I could one day
help those people that are far-flung and has poor access to medical/health care. And it’s always
been my passion to help and serve other, when my family do charity work, the feeling evoke to
me is so over joyed and that it made me tear up.

You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather,
serve one another in love. (Gal 5:13)

Prepared by: HOLLIS A. SIBAL,


Reviewed by: Approved by:


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