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The recent history and current status of the area of verbal behavior are considered in terms
of three major thematic lines: the operant conditioning of adult verbal behavior, learning
to be an effective speaker and listener, and developments directly related to Skinner's Ver-
bal Behavior. Other topics not directly related to the main themes are also considered: the
work of Kurt Salzinger, ape-language research, and human operant research related to
rule-governed behavior.
Key words: verbal behavior, operant conditioning of vocal behavior, verbal behavior ac-
quisition, verbal behavior in apes, rule-governed behavior, verbal stimuli and the listener

A reasonable history might have been the involving language. The behavior of prever-
following: As a result of major contributions bal children and of humans who for various
by Darwin, Thorndike, Pavlov, Watson, reasons fail to develop language was studied
and important contributions by many under laboratory conditions and found to be
others, B. F. Skinner in the mid-thirties governed by essentially the same laws that
developed the approach that has come to be had been discovered with rats and pigeons.
known as the experimental analysis of be- This laboratory-based science of human
havior. At first this consisted largely of behavior gave rise to a vigorous applied ap-
laboratory research with lower animals- proach called behavior modification, dealing
mainly rats and pigeons-on the relations at first with young children and institu-
between behavior and its consequences. tionalized psychotic and mentally retarded
Rapid progress was made with these simpler adults, but soon applying the science of
species, whose behavior was found to be af- behavior to all types of 'clients' and in all
fected in lawful ways by reinforcement con- types of settings. In this latter respect, it was
tingencies of considerable complexity. clear that human language complicated the
Laboratory work with other species, espe- picture considerably, but extensive labora-
cially monkeys and apes, revealed consider- tory research on language was already under
able generality of the basic relations. Species way, and new knowledge in this area would
differences had to be considered, of course, undoubtedly contribute greatly to our under-
but turned out to be related chiefly to (1) standing and control of human behavior.
sensory and motor capacities, (2) the specific Basic research on language was concerned
events that function as effective conse- with several major issues: What does the
quences, and (3) unlearned behavior related language repertoire consist of? How do
to mating and care of the young. children acquire this repertoire? When
It soon became possible to extend this type linguistic behavior occurs, how do the result-
of research to human behavior, which had ing stimuli affect listeners, and how do
been the principal goal all along. The most language repertoires affect speakers as self-
straightforward extensions were obtained listeners?
with simpler forms of human behavior not But this is not the way things actually hap-
pened. The first paragraph is reasonably
correct. When it comes to the extensions to
This paper was written in tribute to Don Hake. human behavior, however, there are two
Reprints are available from the author, Department of
Psychology, Western Michigan University, clear discrepancies. First, the vigorous ap-
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008. plied approach called behavior modification
developed without the benefit of any ap- circulated subsequently. Skinner's analysis
preciable laboratory research with humans. of verbal behavior differed quite remarkably
At the beginning (the late fifties and early from what might have been expected -first,
sixties), it was a direct attempt to use in the richness, complexity, and detail of the
operant, animal-laboratory methods and treatment; and second, in its empirical base
concepts to alter socially important human that was either the animal laboratory data of
behavior. The relevance of these concepts to The Behavior of Organisms (1938) or "basic
human behavior was taken for granted by facts . . . well known to every educated per-
the behavior modifiers, as it was in Skinner's son" (1957, p. 11). Skinner comments on this
Science and Human Behavior (1953), which un- issue in The Shaping of a Behaviorist (1979) as
doubtedly played a major role in the devel- follows:
opment of this movement. There were some I had collected a lot of experimental data
published studies demonstrating that human on verbal behavior-on how people learn
behavior is indeed affected by consequences, strings of nonsense syllables, or the
and in a manner not drastically different nonsense names of nonsense figures, and
from nonhuman behavior, but such demon- I had my own results on verbal summa-
strations could hardly be considered a care- tion, alliteration, and guessing. They
ful laboratory extension. Only with the re- began to clutter up the manuscript with-
cent explicit identification of an area referred out adding much by way of validation.
to as "human operant research" has there
been an effective call for human laboratory They threw the book as a whole badly out
research (e.g., Hake, 1982; also relevant is of balance because I could not find exper-
the newsletter publication, Experimental iments for the greater part of the analysis.
Analysis of Human Behavior Bulletin, edited by I was still the empiricist at heart, but I did
W. F. Buskist of Auburn University). not think it would betray that position if
The second departure from "what-might- my book were not a review of established
have-been" is that a complex and detailed facts. I was interpreting a complex field,
behavioral treatment of human language be- using principles that had been verified
came available simultaneously with the under simpler, controlled conditions. Ex-
experimental analysis of behavior. While cept for certain aspects of the solar sys-
Skinner was working on the basic methods tem, most of astronomy is interpretation
and relations that would be reported in The in this sense, its principles being derived
Behavior of Organisms in 1938, he was already from laboratory experiments. I decided to
convinced that these same principles were leave out all experimental data. (An in-
necessary and sufficient for understanding teresting question then arose: what sur-
vived to reinforce writing or reading the
human language. He dates the beginning of book? Was not confirmation the be-all
his systematic work on language as 1934 (the and end-all of science? It was a question
personal epilogue, "No Black Scorpion," re- concerning my own behavior, and I
ported in Verbal Behavior, pp. 456-460). By thought I had an answer: "February 2,
1945 much of the material that was to appear 1945. What is motivational substitute for
12 years later in Verbal Behavior had been thing-confirmation? Pretty important in
completed, and was the basis of a summer teaching method to graduate students.
course at Columbia University in 1947.
Ralph Hefferline attended that course and a Resulting order instead of confirmation?"
mimeographed version of his transcribed My reinforcers were the discovery of
shorthand notes was distributed privately uniformities, the ordering of confusing
the following year. Another version of this data, the resolution of puzzlement.) (p.
material was the basis of the William James 282)
Lectures by Skinner in the fall of 1947, and By the early fifties most of the relatively
several hundred mimeographed copies were small group of people who were practicing or

teaching about the experimental analysis of classified as a plural noun, the experimenter
behavior knew of the existence of Skinner's said "mmm-hmmm"- the type of vocal
soon-to-be-published major work on lan- response by a listener meant to encourage a
guage, or had actually seen one of the earlier speaker to continue. This increased the
mimeographed versions. The influential text relative frequency of plural nouns and was
by Keller and Schoenfeld (1950) devoted 25 taken as evidence that verbal behavior was
pages (pp. 376-400) to a consideration of sensitive to its consequences, just like the
verbal behavior based largely on Skinner's other behavior studied in the operant condi-
work; the forthcoming book was mentioned tioning laboratory.
in a footnote (p. 210) in Science and Human Many similar studies soon appeared and
Behavior (1953); some attention to the larger from 1958 they were the basis of several
work was also undoubtedly inspired by the reviews (Greenspoon, 1962; Holz & Azrin,
article, "The Operational Definition of Psy- 1966; Kanfer, 1968; Krasner, 1958; Salz-
chological Terms," which appeared in Psy- inger, 1959, 1969). By the late sixties,
chological Review in 1945. Verbal Behavior was however, this particular type of research had
finally published in 1957 and was more than become infrequent, and there is very little of
twice as long as the mimeographed versions. it taking place at the present time.
So by the end of its first 20 years, the ex- Why did so much of this research take
perimental analysis of behavior was well on place and why did it stop? Three factors may
its way as an approach to basic research in have initiated and maintained this research.
behavior. It had given rise to a rapidly grow- Operant research had grown remarkably
ing applied branch called "behavior modifi- since 1938, largely, it would seem, as a
cation" (and later, "applied behavior anal- result of the discovery of a good experimen-
ysis") and also had available an extensive tal paradigm. Skinneres use of rate in the
and carefully worked out interpretation of free-operant setting, the cumulative recorder
that most complex behavior, human lan- providing a form of "already analyzed" data,
guage. A most encouraging beginning. It is the discovery of the various effects of inter-
now a quarter of a century later. What has mittent reinforcement - all had led to a
happened since that early period of rapid ex- rapidly increasing body of important re-
pansion, and more specifically, what has search findings. The possibility of a break-
happened to the behavioral analysis of lan- through in the study of human language was
guage? At the considerable risk of over- certainly part of the inspiration for the work
simplification, it seems possible to identify in the operant conditioning of verbal behav-
three major lines of development plus some ior.The search for a good methodology for
relevant miscellanea. the study of language was the main purpose
of Greenspoon's own efforts in this area (per-
THE OPERANT CONDITIONING OF sonal communication, August, 1984), and
ADULT VERBAL BEHAVIOR the possibility that one had been found was
probably important to many of those who
While at Indiana University in the late followed his lead.
forties, Skinner's graduate seminars were Dollard and Miller's Personality and Psycho-
sometimes devoted to verbal behavior. Joel therapy (1950) provided an analysis of the
Greenspoon, a student in the clinical pro- psychotherapy situation that emphasized the
gram, was a member of one of those semi- reactions of the therapist as reinforcement
nars and as a result developed a method for for the client and thus an important factor in
the experimental investigation of the effect of changing the client's behavior. The operant
reinforcement on verbal behavior (Green- conditioning of verbal behavior in the
spoon, 1955). He asked his subjects to say Greenspoon experiment was amusingly sim-
words-but not sentences or phrases; when ilar to popular presentations of the interac-
the subject said a word that could be tion between nondirective therapist and
client, a similarity that was not lost on the ing experiments. As a result, no distinctly
increasing number of students of behavior 'verbal' characteristics or effects seem to have
and professors of clinical psychology. So a emerged from these experiments" (p. 815).
number of the studies during the late fifties This is probably due to the fact that in the
were directly aimed at understanding or im- experimental analysis of behavior the usual
proving the clinical psychologist's pro- laboratory dependent variable is the rate of
cedures, and understanding the develop- response, defined by operation of some me-
ment of abnormal behavior. chanical device, such as a microswitch. Ver-
Many cognitively oriented psychologists bal behavior achieves its uniquely verbal ef-
questioned the validity of the operant condi- fects by consisting of a sequence of multiple
tioning of verbal behavior. They argued that but functionally separate topographies that
in these studies human subjects were simply until recently could not be identified by
aware of the nature of the experiment and, automatic recording equipment. It may not
when it suited them, cooperated with the ex- be possible to force the verbal dependent
perimenter. From that point of view, the ex- variable into the typical operant research
periments were not demonstrating operant mold and have anything verbal left over. Of
conditioning, but rather a more complex course the sequence of multiple topographies
cognitive process. The data with subjects could have been studied as a dependent var-
who were not aware of the contingencies, iable, but only by using a human observer to
then, became the focus of much of the later identify the different response units. How-
research, with behaviorists trying to demon- ever, this research procedure was unattrac-
strate conditioning in unaware subjects, and tive.
cognitivists trying to show that only when There is a strange incongruity between
the subjects were aware did any "condition- Skinner's elaborate analysis of verbal
ing" take place. behavior in terms of operant and respondent
Why did this general line of research come conditioning and an attempt to show only
to an end? A simple answer is that the break- that verbal behavior is affected by its conse-
through did not take place, and beyond quences. Skinner showed no doubt about the
showing (although this is still disputed by operant nature of verbal behavior, and in
cognitivists) that verbal behavior is operant fact mentions Greenspoon's experiment in
behavior and thus affected by its conse- Chapter 6 of Verbal Behavior (pp. 148-149),
quences, there was not much additional treating it as a special case rather than fun-
yield. The development of behavior modifi- damental to the analysis.
cation in the late fifties and early sixties, In summary, this thematic line did not
with its emphasis on direct manipulation of lead anywhere and has died out. In labora-
the environment, may have detracted from tory characteristics it resembles recent work
an interest in traditional psychotherapy. It on the effects of such things as rules and in-
also detracted from the significance of structions on human schedule performance,
Dollard and Miller's (1950) analysis, which but the latter approach has a verbal indepen-
merely reinterpreted psychodynamic dent rather than dependent variable. With
therapy. the advent of computer technology, it should
The awareness controversy may have had be possible to overcome the difficulties of
detrimental effects, in that the issue did not studying verbal behavior as an operant
seem methodologically resolvable. A more dependent variable, and this thematic line
subtle difficulty was identified by Holz and may be revived. But the same computer
Azrin (1966): "Perhaps, because of the technology makes possible so many other
polemic regarding conditionability of verbal unanticipated ways to study verbal behavior
response, the experiments have been forced that any new developments probably will not
into strict parallels of basic motor condition- appreciably resemble the older research.
LEARNING TO BE AN EFFECTIVE assumptions. This has discouraged
SPEAKER AND LISTENER behavioral interest in this literature. The ex-
perimental analysis of behavior and its ap-
Having arrived at basic principles describ- plications have emphasized manipulative
ing the way environmental variables alter rather than descriptive research; however,
the repertoires of individual organisms manipulative experimentation is difficult in
(respondent and operant conditioning, ex- this area because of the ethical implications
tinction, stimulus control, etc.), the next of "tampering" with the normal language-
step is to see what repertoires are developed. acquistion process.
In humans the verbal repertoire is highly Nevertheless, there has been some impor-
significant. Understanding the behavioral tant research of this type. Not long after the
processes by which an individual becomes operant conditioning of adult verbal behav-
an effective speaker and listener is important ior began, several studies appeared demon-
and will have great practical value in making strating that infants' vocal behavior was af-
possible an effective technology of educa- fected by its consequences. After Brackbill's
tion. This should include preventing and (1958) demonstration that infants' smiling
remediating defective verbal repertoires, as was affected by continuous and by intermit-
well as improving on normal acquisition. tent presentation of adult smiling, vocaliz-
There is a large body of literature on ing, touching, and the like, Rheinhold,
language acquisition. Much of it describes Gewirtz, and Ross (1959) showed similar ef-
the chronology and sequencing of various fects with vocalizations in 3-month-old in-
aspects of the verbal repertoire, and the rela- fants. Subsequent studies by Weisberg
tions of this chronology and sequencing to (1963), Todd and Palmer (1968), Routh
other variables (e.g., birth order, IQ scores, (1969), and Haugan and McIntire (1972)
socioeconomic status, personal and social showed similar effects and in addition pro-
characteristics of parents). This information, vided information about other variables rele-
though not unimportant, does not contribute vant to the reinforcement effect. For most of
much to an understanding of the behavioral this work the dependent variable was simply
processes relevant to the chronology or se- frequency of vocal responses, but Routh
quencing. Of course, if the verbal speaking (1969) was also able to alter the relative fre-
and listening repertoire is innate, as some quency of vowels versus consonants using
linguists and psychologists believe, then differential reinforcement.
short of genetic and physiological informa- As the issue of awareness confounded the
tion, description of what appears and when operant conditioning of adult verbal behav-
is all that is possible. Although innate deter- ior, so the effectiveness of adult social
mination is not incompatible with a behav- responses as eliciting stimuli has confounded
ioral approach, the empirical evidence for the interpretation of the effects of such
extensive (though not necessarily exclusive) responses as reinforcement for infant vocal
environmental participation is overwhelm- behavior. These issues have been reviewed
ing, and there is a good deal of research and extensively (Hulsebus, 1973; Millar, 1976),
speculation about the nature of this partici- studied more carefully with various control
pation in the traditional literature on procedures (Bloom, 1975, 1977, 1979;
language acquisition. Bloom & Esposito, 1975; Sheppard, 1969),
From the perspective of an experimental and finally resolved in support of the original
analysis of behavior, there has not been findings (Poulson, 1983). These studies are
much basic research in this area. When important in demonstrating that the social
traditional approaches attempt a func- reactions of adults can play a role in increas-
tional analysis rather than simply describ- ing the frequency of infant vocalizations and
ing developmental sequences, they typically in shaping the specific topographies that
rely on mentalistic-cognitive terms and ultimately become the child's speech. Of
course they do not prove that speech does in behavioral deficits. These methods and
fact develop as a function of reinforcement; results direct our attention to important
however, that a frequently occurring type of features of the normal environment-child in-
adult reaction functions as an effective con- teraction that might well be overlooked were
sequence is sufficient to maintain an interest it not for their role in creating or remediating
in the role of reinforcement in the develop- verbal deficits. An example is the procedure
ment of verbal behavior. called incidental teaching (Hart & Risley,
Imitation is an important way of acquir- 1975), which consists of systematically
ing new verbal behavior, so the work on the prompting, then requiring verbal behavior
role of reinforcement in the development of from the child in the process of interacting
generalized imitation is critical to the under- with the nonverbal environment. For exam-
standing of normal acquisition (see Peter- ple, in a playroom setting, a child's observ-
son, 1968). The first studies in this area were able interest in playing with a toy that is on a
by Baer and Sherman (1964), Metz (1965), shelf too high for the child to reach functions
and Baer, Peterson, and Sherman (1965), as a basis for teaching the location, shape,
and since then imitation has been the topic color, etc. of the toy, with the receipt of the
of extensive research in applied behavior toy reinforcing the child's appropriate verbal
analysis. Another line of applied behavioral behavior. The effectiveness of this training
research contributing to this general theme technique, especially in the continued occur-
concerns the generation of specific kinds of rence of new behavior outside the training
verbal repertoires-for example, the use of situation, suggests the importance of such
descriptive adjectives (Hart & Risley, 1968), natural reinforcement in the development of
generative use of the plural morpheme verbal behavior under normal conditions,
(Guess, Sailor, Rutherford, & Baer, 1968), and invites further descriptive research in
prepositional usage (Sailor & Taman, 1972), behavioral terms.
acquisition and generalization of verbs With the exception of the work on the ef-
(Campbell & Stremel-Campbell, 1982), and fects of reinforcement on infant vocal behav-
the development of generative sentences ior, this thematic line is not only a tech-
(Lutzker & Sherman, 1974). nology for the remediation of defective ver-
Within the context of remedial instruc- bal behavior but also an important source of
tion, other important research topics have facts, concepts, and theories relevant to the
been: receptive language training (e. g., Baer acquisition of a verbal repertoire and to the
& Guess, 1971); transfer between receptive interaction of that repertoire with nonverbal
and productive language (e. g., Keller & behavior. It is concerned both with behaving
Bucher, 1979); developing a nonvocal (sign) as a speaker and as a listener.
repertoire (e.g., Faw, Reid, Schepis, Fitz- This work seems to have resulted most
gerald, & Welty, 1981), and the relation be- directly from the basic notions of operant
tween verbal and nonverbal behavior (see conditioning and single-subject research
Israel, 1978, for a review of this area). methodology as described by Skinner
Although most of the research has been (1938), from the broad implications of this
with children whose verbal behavior is defi- work for all aspects of human behavior dis-
cient (e.g., culturally disadvantaged, men- cussed in Science and Human Behavior (1953),
tally retarded, autistic), the behavioral from the development of basic-research
methodology, results, and implications are methodology for the study of children's
all relevant to the general topic of verbal behavior, and a strong societal need to deal
repertoire acquisition. In many cases the more effectively with developmentally
behavioral methods used to improve the ver- disabled, culturally disadvantaged, and
bal behavior of these subjects also would be other handicapped children.
appropriate for improving the verbal behav- Interestingly, this extensive body of
ior of normal children and for preventing research makes almost no use of the con-
cepts, terms, and analyses that appear in ner's analysis already had a highly produc-
Skinner's (1957) Verbal Behavior. Although tive research methodology, involving
the term "verbal behavior" had become wide- response rate as the dependent variable and
spread, the recent trend is toward increased automated data collection; and in 1958 the
use of the traditional term, "language," in Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
spite of its implication of a common process UEAB) began publication. Operant research-
underlying kinds of behavior that differ con- ers in the late fifties and early sixties were
siderably from one another, such as speak- strongly committed to behaviorism as a data-
ing and listening. The terms for elementary based science, and less interested in-or in
verbal relations - "mand," "tact," "echoic," some cases even embarrassed by - Skinner's
etc. -are used occasionally, but not to any speculative extensions to human affairs.
important purpose; the research could easily Possibly as a reflection of this same orienta-
have been conceived without the benefit of tion, or as a result of conflict with nonbehav-
the distinctions Skinner makes. ioral orientations, the applied behavior anal-
At present this line of research and theory ysis developing in this same period also had
is very active. There is good contact with an emphasis on data as the only valid basis
and contribution to basic research, involving for procedure and policy, and from this per-
a productive interaction between this work spective Verbal Behavior did not seem par-
and the area described later as the study of ticularly useful.
rule-governed behavior. Most of the studies The book is really most appropriate for
are with developmentally disabled children, language scholars who are also strongly pre-
but the merging of this thematic line with disposed to welcome a behavioral approach
behavioral medicine makes it likely that to their subject matter-at best a small
behavioral contributions will increase under- group. I have used it as a text for graduate
standing of the effects of brain injury on ver- and undergraduate students ever since it was
bal behavior. This is a contribution that is published, and found that the students' main
sorely needed. difficulty is not with the "behavioralizing,"
but rather with what is being behavioralized.
For example, the following are included in
SKINNER'S BOOK, VERBAL BEHA VIOR the first 20 entries listed in the index:
A third thematic line consists of inter- abstraction; acrostics; agglutinated lan-
pretation and research arising more or less guages; agnosia; agrammatism; alexia;
directly from Skinner's own analysis of ver- allegory; alliteration; allusion; amanuensis;
bal behavior. Much of this work is, like Ver- and ambiguity.
bal Behavior itself, interpretation rather than In 1959 Verbal Behavior was given a very
experimental research, although some re- unfavorable review by N. Chomsky, a well
search has resulted from Skinner's analysis known linguist. This review has been repub-
and this seems to be increasing. lished in several sources, is widely quoted,
There has been much comment about the and is often credited with having discouraged
seeming paucity of research generated by language scholars from a possibly more fa-
Verbal Behavior. Salzinger (1978) suggested vorable approach to Skinner's analysis. This
that a major reason is that the book pre- seems reasonable, but the effect is probably
sented no data. E. Vargas (in press) noted overestimated. There had long been a
that few instructors have taught much about strongly antideterministic and antibehav-
Skinner's analysis, that it is diametrically op- iorist sentiment at the core of the humanities
posed to the widely prevalent common-sense and the behavioral and social sciences. It is
interpretation of language, and that the book difficult to believe that Chomsky could have
is not easy to understand. Another reason done much to intensify this sentiment, al-
may be that the basic researchers whose though the critique was enthusiastically re-
training prepared them to appreciate Skin- ceived by those who were already convinced
that Skinnerian behaviorism was a bad The papers just described are for the most
thing. MacCorquodale's (1969) "Verbal Be- part technological applications, based on
havior: A Retrospective Appreciation" ap- theory and on empirical observation, but are
peared inJEAB; it was an "attempt to clarify not research in the formal sense. More for-
why Verbal Behavior is vulnerable to some mal research also has been conducted. The
misunderstandings" and a reconstruction of basic classification system (mands, tacts,
"the salient points of the book's argument" etc.) was used by Salzinger (1958) to study
(p. 831). One year later MacCorquodale the verbal communications of emotionally
(1970) critically described Chomsky's re- disturbed adolescents, and by Horner and
view. Since 1970, a great deal has been writ- Gussow (1972) to study mother-child inter-
ten on the topic of verbal behavior from a actions of two 3-year-old black children. Boe
behavioral perspective, including an anal- and Winokur (1978) investigated the control
ysis of linguistic theory by Julia (1983) and of echoic behavior in college students; Lee
two introductory-level books (Peterson, (1981) studied the independence of the
1978; Winokur, 1976). speaking and listening repertoires and, later
In describing Verbal Behavior as "an exer- (Lee & Pegler, 1982), the independence of
cise in interpretation rather than a quan- spelling and reading. Likewise, Lamarre
titative extrapolation of rigorous experimen- and Holland (in press) have investigated the
tal results" (1957, p. 11), Skinner adds: independence of mands and tacts.
The lack of quanititative rigor is to some Although the amount of formal research
extent offset by an insistence that the con- directly related to Verbal Behavior is still
ditions appealed to in the analysis be, so small, Skinner's "exercise in interpretation"
far as possible, accessible and manipula- has had a profound influence. One continu-
ble. The formulation is inherently prac- ation of this theme is in the philosophical
tical and suggests immediate technological and theoretical area. The behavioral episte-
mology that developed out of Verbal Behavior
applications at almost every step. (p. 12) is an active and growing alternative to tradi-
One of the earliest of such applications was tional approaches. Perhaps the most encour-
Zoellner's (1969) method for teaching aging development is the increasing revision
English composition at the college level. J. and refinement by others of Skinner's
Vargas (1978) offered a program for teach- analysis of verbal behavior.
ing composition to elementary school pupils. A different approach that does not fit
Sloane, Endo, and Della-Piana (1980) pro- readily into the main themes identified in
vided an analysis of and some suggestions this paper, but which should be noted, is
for facilitating creativity, and Skinner that by Salzinger and his associates (Salz-
described "How To Discover What You inger, 1959, 1968, 1969, 1973, 1978; Salz-
Have To Say" (1981) in an application to inger, Portnoy, & Feldman, 1964, 1966).
professional writing. Johnson and Chase Their work is unique in having employed a
(1981) used some basic concepts from Verbal much broader methodology to study lan-
Behavior to develop a typology of verbal tasks guage than is seen in any of the preceding
for the purposes of instructional design. themes (which are mostly concerned with the
Glenn (1983) used Verbal Behavior to analyze speaker rather than the listener). Skinner
client maladaptive behavior (e.g., lying, (1957), for example, was mainly concerned
denial, demanding) in the clinical situation; with the speaker and has been criticized for
and Burns, Heiby, and Tharp (1983) used it failing to deal more extensively with the ef-
in an analysis of auditory hallucinations. fects of verbal stimuli on the listener (e.g.,
Sundberg (1983) used it to assess the lan- Parrott, 1984). He justifies his emphasis on
guage deficits of the mentally retarded, and the grounds that in many respects verbal
there are other applications not mentioned stimuli serve the same function that nonver-
here. bal stimuli do (e.g., as conditioned elicitors,
discriminative stimuli, conditioned rein- functional language, but instead studied the
forcers) and have no uniquely verbal fea- effects of training and generalization of a
tures (Skinner, 1957, pp. 33-34)'. There are small number of "concepts." His book
cases in which functioning as a listener (Premack, 1976) reports the results of that
seems uniquely verbal, but this seems to be research and includes insightful general in-
because of the listener's repertoire as a terpretations of verbal behavior and its con-
speaker. trolling relations. The first report of this
Much of Salzinger's research has dealt work was published in JEAB (1970) and
behaviorally with conventional psycholin- Premack's earlier contributions are not far
guistic issues, usually related to the effects of from the mainstream of behavioral thought,
verbal stimuli on a listener or reader. He but the work described in the book seems to
uses the cloze procedure (Taylor, 1953), owe more to a cognitive orientation than to a
Osgood's semantic differential (Osgood, behavioral one. The training methods were
Suci, & Tannenbaum, 1957), and other clearly behavioral in the explicit use of rein-
related techniques, both as dependent and forcement and in the manipulation of stim-
independent variables (Salzinger, 1978; see uli, but the interpretation of the results is in
also Salzinger & Feldman, 1973; Salzinger & common-sense, semitechnical, or logical
Salzinger, 1967). Recently (1984) he argued terms that usually imply internal processes.
that behavioral psychologists should broaden Many human verbal responses are, in fact,
their methodological scope. That the verbal under the control of complex abstract rela-
dependent variable seems to require a multi- tions such as the ones Premack studied, and,
ple classification of topographies is probably in spite of various methodological criticisms
revelant to the paucity of operant research (Terrace, 1979a), he would seem to have
on verbal behavior. Salzinger has been able shown that chimps' behavior can be brought
to produce and to inspire a steady output of under the control of similar abstract rela-
basic behavioristic language research, mak- tions.
ing use of a much broader methodological Early efforts to develop human language
perspective than has been seen in much of in chimpanzees were directed at vocal be-
the other experimental literature. havior, but probably because the ape's vocal
apparatus does not make human noises eas-
VERBAL BEHAVIOR IN ily, if at all, such efforts were unsuccessful.
NONHUMAN ANIMALS Gardner and Gardner (1969) avoided the
vocal difficulty by teaching a chimpanzee
Efforts to teach language to nonhuman (Washoe) hand movements and positions
animals is a thematic line of research that (using the conventional signs of the
has derived very little from the experimental American Sign Language of the deaf) as ver-
analysis of behavior. However, in early bal responses, a strategy that was soon
operant research, behavior was developed in followed by other researchers (Fouts, 1974;
nonhuman animals that was deliberately Patterson & Linden, 1981; Terrace, 1979b).
similar to parts of the human verbal reper- When human adults teach children to
toire-for example, some components of talk, they do not have to give any considera-
arithmetic behavior (Ferster & Hammer, tion to the complexities of language, viewed
1966). The most ambitious project was either from a cognitive-linguistic perspective
Premack's work (1970, 1976), which was or from a behavioral one. They simply talk
concerned with the extent to which chimpan- to the children, tell them the words for
zees could behave appropriately with respect things, actions, relations, etc., prompt them
to certain logical and/or semantic relations. to use these words in appropriate situations,
In contrast to the other ape-language and seemingly without much instructional
researchers described below, Premack did effort, the children become verbally fluent.
not attempt to develop a general-purpose By the time a child is 3 or 4 years old, there
is usually no question about the linguistic computer, the early work with Lana was
status of the vocal repertoire. much like the work with the signing apes.
Ape-language research could have had Instead of being "taught signs," she was
similarly unambiguous results. The research- "taught lexigrams." On the other hand, se-
ers essentially tried to teach the apes to sign quencing and grammatical relations were a
the same way children are taught to talk. part of the training contingencies: The com-
There was considerable initial success in that puter that processed the input from the
the apes learned to make the individual signs animal's console would not accept (and thus
seemingly under the same kinds of control- would not reinforce) inputs that were not
ling variables relevant to a child's early proper according to the rules of the artificial
words. The vocabulary of signs grew rap- language that was being used. And as with
idly - in some cases at a rate similar to a the signing apes, Lana might have devel-
child's early vocabulary growth - and there oped a repertoire of such complexity and ef-
was no clear reason to believe that the apes fectiveness that no one would have doubted
would not soon be discussing the details of its linguistic status. She did acquire some
the project with the researchers. Had this verbal behavior according to behavioral
happened, the research would have been an criteria, but again it did not reach the level
enormous scientific success, easily fundable, that even quite young children reach, or a
and undoubtedly of great popular interest. level any more impressive than that achieved
The researchers themselves were properly by the signing apes.
conservative, but early press coverage More recent work by Savage-Rumbaugh,
strongly implied that dramatic results were Rumbaugh, and Boysen (1978a, 1978b,
imminent. When Terrace (1979b) entered 1980) with Lana and two additional chimps,
the field, it was easy to believe that progress Sherman and Austin, resembles to some ex-
would be even more rapid. tent the work by Premack. The goal has not
Unfortunately, this did not happen. The been to develop a general-purpose verbal
apes continued to learn more signs, but their repertoire, but rather to test for specific
language did not "take off' as a child's does. cognitive capacities that are presumed to be
The work came under considerable criticism essential to language. In a series of ingenious
from ethologists, linguists, and psycholin- experiments involving tool usage, tool "nam-
guists who questioned whether the apes' ing," categorical sorting, and cooperative
behavior was "really" language, and the ape- behavior between chimps, these reseachers
language researchers began to criticize each seem to have demonstrated more complex
other's work. The research was very expen- and human-like forms of verbal behavior
sive, and when grant funds dwindled, some than appear systematically in any of the
of the projects had to be discontinued. other projects.
Rumbaugh (1977) overcame the vocal in- It is difficult to judge the ape-language
adequacy of his chimpanzee subject, Lana, research from a behavioral point of view,
by teaching her to select particular keys on a because the rationale, procedural descrip-
console. Each key had a distinctive embossed tions, and interpretations of results are
figure (lexigram) on it, and the different lex- heavily cognitive in form. The animal is said
igrams were systematically related to envi- to be "associating" objects and their "names"
ronmental objects, properties, actions, or and thus learning the "meanings" of the signs
relations. This approach has the advantage or lexigrams. When they sign or touch lex-
of replacing topography shaping with sim- igrams, they are said to be "using" the signs
pler training procedures, and of automatic or lexigrams to "express these meanings, or
recording of responses rather than depen- to express their emotions or needs." If their
dence on human observation and judgment. behavior is true communication, their "use"
Except for the type of language and the of signs or lexigrams is done with "inten-
automated management of the system with a tionality"; otherwise it is merely "responding
to stimuli in a rote manner." They "sym- be studied with pigeons (Sundberg, 1984).
bolically encode" various environmental To what extent such less expensive animals
events and relations, which permits them can be usefully studied with respect to in-
later to "recall these representations." When teresting aspects of verbal behavior is simply
they react to the signs or lexigrams produced not known at this time, but their use would
by others, they are responding "receptively," certainly be a reasonable approach. And of
that is, receiving "information," which they course, it would be ideal if behavioral psy-
may or may not "process" adequately. Thus, chologists with extensive familiarity with
ape-language research provides many exam- Verbal Behavior and related research could do
ples of what Skinner has called "internal sur- their own research with apes.
rogates of the contingencies" (1977, p. 1), or
"internalization of the environment" (p. 5).
These hypothesized internal events could be RULE-GOVERNED BEHAVIOR AND
defined behaviorally, but it would be much HUMAN OPERANT RESEARCH
easier if the language were more behavioral Another recent research development is
to begin with. A hopeful sign is the recent one that in many respects resembles the
paper by Savage-Rumbaugh (1984) inJEAB operant conditioning of adult verbal behav-
in which she interpreted the projects men- ior described above. It started with attempts
tioned above (Savage-Rumbaugh et al. to understand why human schedule perfor-
1978a, 1978b, 1980) in terms of the concepts mance (e.g., on a fixed-interval schedule)
and general approach of Skinner's Verbal did not resemble that of other organisms that
Behavior. had been studied. Instead of the typical
There seem to be two future directions fixed-interval scallop, humans on fixed-
that this type of research might take with interval schedules in a laboratory setting
respect to the experimental analysis of (e.g., pushing buttons for monetary rein-
behavior. First, the current ape-language forcement) either showed a low rate pattern
researchers might become more familiar with only a few responses occurring during
with behavioral theory and research-pos- the interreinforcement interval, or responded
sibly as a result of supportive interest and of- at a high rate throughout the entire interval.
fers of cooperative participation on the part A good deal of recent research has been
of behavioral psychologists who are in- aimed at understanding these human devia-
terested in this area. This would seem to be tions from lower animal schedule perfor-
occurring to some degree already. Another mance. It has become clear that they are
future development might be behavioral related to instructions given by the ex-
psychologists doing their own research in the perimenter, implied from the experimenter's
development of human language in non- behavior, or somehow occur as a part of the
human animals. Most of the accomplish- subject's own verbal repertoire as a form of
ments of the apes studied so far do not seem "self-instruction" (Harzem, Lowe, &
very different from nonverbal behavior that Bagshaw, 1978; for a review, see Lowe,
has already been demonstrated in laboratory 1979). The topic is sometimes considered in
settings with smaller brained and much less terms of sensitivity to schedule parameters,
expensive animals. From the perspective of with instructional variables affecting sub-
Skinner's Verbal Behavior, many of the jects' sensitivity (Shimoff, Catania, & Mat-
elementary aspects of behaving as speaker thews, 1981).
and listener should be demonstrable with Although this research examines human
monkeys. Some work, although not very operant performance (repeated responding
behavioral, is under way with the parrott under the control of a reinforcement sched-
(Pepperberg, 1981) and with sea lions ule) and a type of factor that affects it (in-
(Schusterman & Krieger, 1984). Some of the structions that are given, implied, or self-
basic verbal functional relations may even generated), it can also be conceptualized as a
convenient way to study the effects of verbal ior. Journal of Expenrmental Child Psychology, 23,
stimuli, including those that are self-gen- 367-377.
Bloom, K. (1979). Evaluation of infant vocal con-
erated, on nonverbal behavior. There is con- ditioning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 27,
siderable current interest in rule-governed 60-70.
behavior, but not much research. Here is a Bloom, K., & Esposito, A. (1975). Social condition-
ing and its proper control procedures. Journal of Ex-
way to study rule-governed behavior with a perimental Child Psychology, 19, 209-222.
convenient and well understood dependent Boe, R., & Winokur, S. (1978). A procedure for
variable. A similar approach is involved in studying echoic control in verbal behavior. Journal
the study of the effects of verbal behavior on of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 30, 213-217.
Brackbill, Y. (1958). Extinction of the smiling
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sign language skills with profoundly retarded per-
and the generation of correspondence be- sons. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 14,
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