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Exam—CEE 345

1. (6 points) Give 3 reasons why all the well equations we have been using for homework,
generally do not work well in the real world.

2. (4 points) Given the flow lines shown below. Which hydraulic conductivity is greater, K1
or K2? How do you know? (No calculations required).


3. (5 points) A confined aquifer is 18.5 m thick. The potentiometric surface drops 1.99 m
between two observation wells that are 823 m apart. If the hydraulic conductivity of the
aquifer is 4.35m/day, how many cubic meters of flow per day are moving through the
aquifer per unit width?


4. (10 points) Two pumping wells, A and B, are 100 m apart. They each completely
penetrate a homogeneous, unconfined aquifer, and pump at exactly the same rate, 10
m3/day. Prior to pumping, the water level (head) was 30 m. An observation well that is
located 50 m from well B and 150 m from well A, records a drawdown of 0.3 m. Assume
steady state conditions and a radius of influence of 100 m for each well. Make a sketch
and show your work. (HINT: you can compute everything in x & z on one line).
a) What is the hydraulic conductivity?

b) What is the drawdown half way between the two wells?


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