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Hellow Mary-Ann

How are you? How's the family? I hope everything is alright.

Right know I'm visiting Aby and Krishna in Roatan, Eveything is bestiful and the Beaches are just

The weather is tropical so in the night is really cool, so basically we can stay all day in the beach.

Since I've come here, i've been waking up early and taking a run, around the place we are staying,
after my run, i clean myself and with the girls we go and grab breakfast at the Hotels Cafeteria and
then we stay at the beach the hole dy so we enjoy the sun and waves.

In the afternoon we come back to our rooms and relax a little, then when its time we go out for
our dinner, I really love the food here.

I'm sending you this pair of photos, so you can see the marvelous place and come here so you can
relax, their beaches are beatifull the people are great and just eveything is wonderfull, you'll love
this place.

Next week I'm traveling to S.P.S and I hope i'll see you on friday

Love, Andrea

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