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Drugs and fracture healing Thamer A Hamdan, Riyad A Hussein, Abdulla M Jawad

Basrah Journal Review Article

of Surgery Bas J Surg, March, 11, 2005



Thamer A Hamdan, Riyad A Hussein, Abdullah M Jawad

University of Basrah, College of Medicine, Basrah; IRAQ.

F racture healing is a physiological

process by which bone regenerates
itself following injury. It occurs through
Effect of prostaglandins
inhibitors of their synthesis (non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;

five stages: haematoma, inflammation, NSAIDs) on fracture healing:

callus formation, consolidation and (A) The role of prostaglandins (PGs):
remodeling1,2. These stages are not sharply Prostaglandin production and COX-2
demarcated and that two or more stages mRNA are increased in fracture callus
may be seen at same time in different parts during the first two weeks following
of bone3. injury, suggesting a role in the early phase
The healing process can be influenced by of bone healing9. The production of COX-
a wide variety of factors in both 2 metabolites during the inflammatory
directions; augmenting or delaying. The phase is required for efficient bone healing
augmenting factors of fracture healing can and that mesenchymal cell differentiation
be described under biological (e.g. is a major target of cyclo-oxygenase
autogenous bone graft)4, mechanical (e.g. activity. Under basal conditions, COX-2
cyclic loading on fractured bone)5, activity maintains a population of
biophysical (e.g.electro-magnetic stimu- mesenchymal stem cells in a preosteoblast
lation)4 and pharmacological factors; the state responsive to additional osteoblastic
subject of this review. signals. During injury, the elevated COX-
On the other hand, factors delaying 2 expression increases the osteoblastic
fracture healing include patient factors potential of mesenchymal stem cells and
(e.g. malnutrition, anaemia and diabetes supports their differentiation to osteoblast
mellitus)6, fracture characteristics (e.g. in response to osteogenic signals9.
diaphysial frac-ture distal to entry of the Dekel et al10 conducted a study in which
nutrient artery takes more time to heal the investigators measured the release of
than metaphysical fracture)7, orthopaedic PGs from muscle and bone in fractured
treatment ( e.g. inade-quate immobili- rabbit tibias. The results demonstrated that,
zation and repeated manipulation)8, and in comparison to the undamaged control
also different pharmacological factors. tibias, the fractured tibias released

Bas J Surg, March, 11, 2005

Drugs and fracture healing Thamer A Hamdan, Riyad A Hussein, Abdulla M Jawad

significantly more prostaglandin E and effects of various NSAIDs on skeletal

prostaglandin F as early as three days repair19. NSAIDs delay bone healing,
following fracture, suggesting that probably through their prostaglandin
increased production of PGs serves as one inhibitory action20. There are many
of the responses of bone and muscle to individual variations between NSAIDs
trauma. Classically, a combination of regarding their inhibitory effects on
redness, warmth, swelling, and pain serves fracture healing.
as the characteristic signs of inflammation. A recent human study examined features
Experimental investigations over the past associated with non-union of the femoral
several decades have elucidated a role for shaft and included 32 patients with non-
PGs in each of these key aspects of union of fractured femur and 67
inflammation, thus producing a direct link comparable patients with united fracture.
between PGs and inflammation11. They found that there was a marked
Higgs et al12 examined the role that PGs association between non-union and the use
play in attracting additional inflammatory of NSAIDs21.
cells to sites of phagocytosis and
inflammation and they concluded that PGs Aspirin
might possess a chemotactic affinity for
polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) at There was a dose-related retardation of
sites of inflammation. Regarding the role healing of fractured right radius and ulna
of PGs in bone healing, Dietrich et al13 of the rat which was statistically
stated that PGs caused an increase in the significant only at the highest level of
actual number of osteoclasts, so they aspirin22. Aspirin injected intramuscularly
served as powerful stimulators of bone (25mg/kg/day), resulted in a significant
resorption. In addition to that, Lin et al14 inhibitory effect on fracture healing of
concluded that PGs enhanced bone fractured rabbit tibia when given for 14
formation via an increase in the osteoblast days, but no significant effect was found
concentration. when administered for 2 days23.
Local infusion of PGE2 for 6 weeks on a
plated unilateral osteotomy in rabbits Diclofenac
caused a dose-dependent stimulation of
callus formation and increased total bone Diclofenac given intramuscularly for 7-10
mineral content15. PGE2 was also infused days to rats with closed diaphyseal
into the anterior tibial periosteum of the fracture of the right tibia, clinically
right leg of rabbits for 6 weeks. It resulted inhibited fracture healing at 2 weeks but
in the formation of primitive woven bone not at 4 or 6 weeks postfracture24.
and in muscles the formation of Similarly, oral administration of
connective tissue16. diclofenac twice daily for 21 days
Non-prostanoid EP2 receptor-selective significantly delayed fracture healing in
PGE2 agonist injected into the proximal rats (operated on by transverse osteotomy
tibial metaphysis of the rat, dose- of proximal tibia of the left leg and
dependently stimulated local bone measured by x-ray, CT scan, 3-point
formation17,18. bending and histology)25. In vitro,
(B) Effect of NSAIDs diclofenac significantly decreased the
Over the past two decades, many proliferation of human osteoblast at
studies using animal models of fracture concentration probably reachable in vivo
healing have reported inhibitory (6mg/ml)26. Diclofenac injected intra-

Bas J Surg, March, 11, 2005

Drugs and fracture healing Thamer A Hamdan, Riyad A Hussein, Abdulla M Jawad

muscularly in rabbits inhibited healing of the femur in rats under both stable and
fractured tibia when given for 14 days and unstable conditions when assessed 4-6
assessed by radiological and histological weeks after surgery16,31. The inhibitory
means, but no significant effect on fracture effect of indomethacin (1mg/kg/day,
healing was found after being orally)on fracture healing in rats was
administered for 2 days only23. However, found to be reversible after cessation of
the effect of combined diclofenac and treatment32. In rabbits, indomethacin
aspirin treatment seems to be synergistic, (10mg/kg) was also shown to decrease the
producing a significant delaying effect bone mineral content and maximum
when assessed histologically even after 2 bending strength of tibial osteotomies
days of treatment23. Another NSAID fixed with a small metal plates33. On the
related to diclofenac (ketorolac) delayed other hand, in selected clinical situations,
the healing of simple, closed transverse inhibition of bone formation can be
fractures in male rats27. clinically useful as in preventing
heterotopic ossification34,35. Patients with
Ibuprofen and Naproxen concurrent fractures of the acetabulum and
long bones who received indomethacin to
Ibuprofen (30mg/kg/day) orally for 4 or 12 prevent heterotopic ossification, have a
weeks inhibited repair of femoral fracture significantly greater risk of non-union of
in rats when assessed by mechanical and the fracture of the long bones compared
histological examination. This effect was with those who received radiation or no
not reversible after cessation of prophylaxis36.
ibuprofen28. Ibuprofen at doses of 17 and
34mg/kg daily also inhibited bone healing COX-2 inhibitors
of grooves made in both right and left
mandibular condyles of the rabbit29. Rofecoxib oral administration to rabbits
Naproxen blocked bone resorption in the decreased new bone formation in the tibia
cancellous bone of the proximal tibial in a similar way to non-specific NSAIDs
metaphysis of the rat by slowing osteoclast as naproxen19. The healing of tibia
activity at a dose ranging from 2 to 32 fractures in mice was significantly delayed
mg/kg/day20. Naproxen also impeded new by COX-2 inhibitors with marked
bone growth when given orally for 4 reduction in osteoblastogenesis histo-
weeks in rabbits19. logically37. Etodolac, another COX-2
inhibitor, when given intraperitoneally
Indomethacin daily for 3 weeks inhibited closed, non-
displaced fractures in rats38. Animal data
Indomethacin orally (2mg/kg/day) serious- suggested that the effect of COX-2
ly impaired the healing of femoral inhibitors is both dose dependent and
fractures assessed by mechanical, reversible39. On the other hand, celecoxib
radiological and histological methods30. did not delay healing of right femurs in
Allen et al22 also found that indomethacin rats, as seen at 12 weeks postfracture.
at all dose levels tested (1,2 and 4 However, it increased fibrous healing at 4
mg/kg/day) retarded healing of fracture and 8 weeks following fracture31.
right radius and ulna in rats. Moreover, Gerstenfeld et al27 reported that daily
indomethacin was found to inhibit healing administration of ketorolac (a non-
of intramedullary pinned osteotomies and selective NSAID) had a greater effect on
also non-displaced unilateral fractures of the process of healing compared with the

Bas J Surg, March, 11, 2005

Drugs and fracture healing Thamer A Hamdan, Riyad A Hussein, Abdulla M Jawad

COX-2 selective NSAID; parecoxib (a Gentamicin i.m. twice daily for 3 weeks
prodrug of valdecoxib) which produced did not cause impairment of healing of
only a small effect27. experimental fracture in male rats
evaluated by radiological and torsional
Oxicams strength testing of fracture callus45.

Although heterotopic bone formation in Vancomycin, administered intraperiton-

quadriceps of the right hind limb in rabbits eally twice daily for three weeks did not
is inhibited by indomethacin; piroxicam impair healing of experimental fracture in
seems to be ineffective35. However, rats45.
tenoxicam given i.m. for a week before
and 48 hours after fracturing rat tibia, Cefazolin-treated rats with closed, non-
delayed fracture healing40. displaced, bilateral femoral fracture were
not different from control43.

Phenylbutazone decreased healing rate of

cortical defects in tibia when given orally Vitamins
to horses41.
Vitamin C
Effect of opioids and related
compounds on fracture healing Vitamin C seems to be an essential
substance in fracture healing. Single high
Opioids peptides (selective agonist of dose of vitamin C intramuscularly
some opioid receptors) accelerated the accelerated healing of fractured right tibias
development of newly synthesized spongy in rats compared with control46. It also
bone tissue in mice when injected accelerated healing of right tibias in rats
intraperitoneally within seven days when administered 3 days before and 3
postfracture42. Tramadol had no negative times per week for 21 days after fracture47.
effect on the proliferation of human
osteoblast in vitro26. Vitamin E

Antibiotics Healing of fractured left fibulas of rabbits

became better after administration of
Fluoroquinolones, such as ciprofloxacin, vitamin E (20mg/kg/day) intramuscularly
have adverse effect on growing cartilage for 5 days when assessed histologically at
and endochondral ossification in children. 4 weeks after facture48. Similar findings
Ciprofloxacin treatment for 3 weeks of were obtained when right femur of rabbits
rats with closed, non-displaced, bilateral were fractured in another experiment49.
femoral fracture beginning 7 days after These effects are related to the
fracture resulted in inhibition of healing antioxidant effect of vitamin E on oxygen
during the early stages of fracture repair43. radicals in the fractured area. Vitamin E
Levofloxacin and trovafloxacin dimini- also had positive effect on both early and
shed healing of experimental closed, non- late phase of fracture healing in rat tibia
displaced bilateral femoral fractures of when administered intraperitoneally
rats, when given twice daily for 3 weeks (20mg/kg). In this experiment, malondi-
beginning 7 days after fracture44. aldehyde concentrations, a measure of

Bas J Surg, March, 11, 2005

Drugs and fracture healing Thamer A Hamdan, Riyad A Hussein, Abdulla M Jawad

lipid peroxidation associated with oxygen Finally, parathyroid hormone injected

free radicals, were significantly decreased subcutaneously into rats for 8 and 16
on day 15 and 45 days after fracture50. weeks can enhanced fracture strength and
callus amount and after withdrawal, these
Vitamin D parameters continued to increase59.

Single high dose of vitamin D (chole- Growth hormone

calciferol) intramuscularly (50000 IU/kg)
stimulated fracture healing in right tibia of Growth hormone (given subcutaneously
guinea pigs51. Similarly, calcidiol (25-OH- twice daily for 20 days) had an initially
vit.D) administered subcutaneously to stimulatory effect on external callus
elderly female rats significantly improved formation in rats with closed tibial fracture
the mechanical strength of fractures of and medullary nailing. However, the
middle third of both femora in rats 5 callus formed was loosely structured and
weeks later52. was not removed by the normal modeling
and remodeling process60. In addition,
Hormones and local factors growth hormone stimulated massive
invasion of marrow cells in the external
Corticosteroids fracture callus60.

Systemic corticosteroids (0.15mg/kg/day Estrogen and related compounds

prednisolone) inhibited bone healing of
ulnar osteotomy in rabbits53. Prednisolone In overiectomized rats, inhibitors of bone
given subcutaneously for 2 months before resorption (estrogen, raloxifene and
and 6 weeks after ulnar osteotomies alendronate) affect bilateral osteotomies of
performed in adult female rabbit clearly femoral midshafts fixed with intra-
inhibited bone healing54. In contrast, medullary wires differently. Alendronate
methylprednisolone did not inhibit healing markedly suppressed bone resorption and
of intramedullary pinned osteotomies of formation activity, while estrogen and
femurs in rats 6 weeks after surgery55. raloxifene had insignificant effect on
fracture repair61. Similarly, 17-beta-estra-
Parathyroid hormone diol did not offer advantage in terms of
healing of bilateral shaft fractures in
Intermittent parathyroid hormone (200ug overiectomized rats57.
/kg/day for 20-40 days) increased callus
formation and mechanical strength of the Insulin
healing rat tibial fractures56. Recombinant
human parathyroid hormone given to Deficiency of insulin had been reported to
overiectomized rats once daily for 30 impair fracture healing in animal models
consecutive days during fracture healing of fracture62.
of bilateral tibial shaft fractures, increased
morphometric and mechanical parameters Fibroblast growth factor-2(FGF-2)
of the healing process57. Subcutaneous
injection of low-dose parathyroid hormone This factor mixed with gelatin hydrogel
(10μg/kg)enhanced healing of unilateral was injected to each osteotomy site of
femoral fractures in rats evaluated 28 and rabbit proximal tibia. FGF-2 local
42 days after fracture58. application was found to have an

Bas J Surg, March, 11, 2005

Drugs and fracture healing Thamer A Hamdan, Riyad A Hussein, Abdulla M Jawad

accelerating effect on the repair of meta- Miscellaneous drugs

physeal fractures63.

Cytotoxic drugs
Systemic nicotine administration resulted
in a significant lag in formation of cortical Doxorubicin given intravenously as a
continuity of white rabbits with midshaft single daily dose starting from the time
tibial osteotomies64, 13% of fractures of surgery (posterolateral lumber spinal
showed no clinical evidence of union in fusion in rabbits) played a significant
the nicotine group while all fractures in inhibitory role in the process of spinal
the control group healed. Biochemical fusion68.
testing showed the nicotine exposed bones
to be 26% weaker in three-point bending Statins
test64. In rats, nicotine administration
orally in drinking water, also impaired Statins were found to have anabolic
bone healing of parietal bone defects and effect on bone. Simvastatin included in
grafting. is study reported previous in vitro the diet (~120 mg /kg body weight / day)
data confirming that nicotine diminishes was shown to increase callus transverse
osteoblast function65. area of fractured femur of mice
examined 14 days after fracture. The
Alcohol force required to break the bone and
energy uptake were also increased69.
Ethanol (15%) given for 5 weeks to rats
with tibial fractures fixed with Phenytoin
intramedullary nails, was found to disturb
bone metabolism; significantly lowering Phenytoin (intraperitoneally or locally
the body bone mineral density and total in the fracture site) promoted healing of
calcium than control66.Moreover, ethanol both radius of each rabbit; 9,16 and 30
reduced bending movement and bending days postfracture70.In human, Tang et
stiffness both in fractured and unfractured al71 found that administration of
tibiae. However, the healing process of an phenytoin orally can markedly promote
induced tibial shaft fracture was not healing closed fractures of tibia and
affected66. Chronic ethanol consumption fibula.
(for 6 weeks) of male rats, as part of liquid
diet, resulted in deficient bone repair of an Calciofix (a drug containing essential
injury induced in both fibulae (evaluated amino acids and lactose). This drug
through determining rigidity of the fibulae significantly accelerated rate of bone
by three-point bending, and flexural formation in transversal fractures of the
modulus and mineral content of the repair left fibula and right femoral condyle
tissue)67. defects in rabbits72.

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Drugs and fracture healing Thamer A Hamdan, Riyad A Hussein, Abdulla M Jawad

Drugs Augmenting Delaying No effect

Prostaglandin PGE2 15-18
NSAIDs Aspirin22,23 Piroxicam35
Indomethacin16, 22,30-36
COX-2 inhibitors
Opioids Opioid peptides42 Tramadol26

Antibiotics Ciprofloxacin43 Gentamicin45

Levofloxacin and Vancomycin45
trovafloxacin44 Cefazolin43
Vitamins Vitamin C46,47
Vitamin E48,49,50
Vitamin D51,52
Hormones Parathyroid Corticosteroids Methylpredni-
hormone56-59 (prednisolone)53,54 solone55
Growth factor60 Alendronate61
Insulin62 Estrogen61
Fibroblast growth Raloxifene61
factor-2 ( FGF-2)63 17-beta-estradiol57

Nicotine Nicotine64, 65

Alcohol Ethanol66,67

Miscellaneous Simvastatin69 Doxorubicin68

Table: Effects of different pharmacological agents in fracture healing.

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Drugs and fracture healing Thamer A Hamdan, Riyad A Hussein, Abdulla M Jawad

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Bas J Surg, March, 11, 2005

Drugs and fracture healing Thamer A Hamdan, Riyad A Hussein, Abdulla M Jawad

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Bas J Surg, March, 11, 2005

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