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Internship Report

IT Company

Student Name
Internship Report

Approving Statement

I have read and understood the complete internship report to be submitted by the above named

student in partial fulfillment of the relevant degree program. I concur with this submission for the


Name of Supervisor________________________________________

Date_____________________ Signature______________________

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Internship Report

Executive Summary

This report focuses on my internship period and the personal goals and objects that I set during

the period. Lime Tech Solutions offered me a four month internship from 8 th September to 8th

December, 2015. The reason I choose to do my internship in the San Francisco area is because

the experience would be beneficial especially in achieving my learning objectives. I aspired to do

my internship in a real life company to interact with the real business world. In this way I would

acquire new skills and improve on the one I have. I aimed at understanding the hiring process as

a HR specialist and latter do a Master’s program. At Lime Tech Solutions, one of my primary

responsibilities included participating in hiring process. Since my internship started, we hired

two new employees for the company. I was given a chance to participate in hiring interviews and

observe the process. This gave me an opportunity to use my knowledge learned at Lincoln in a

real business world. This report describes my four month compulsory internship which

constitutes part of my MBA program and internship. As my interests are in the Human Resource

Management field, my work was concentrated on the HR department at Lime Tech Solutions, a

unique company within the San Francisco area. This internship report summarizes the activities

that helped achieve my stated objectives. It contains a description of the activities I carried out at

Lime Tech Solutions. It then reflects on my functions, the different circumstances that occurred

and how I achieved my learning objectives. It concludes with my experience during the

internship program.

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Key Words: HR department, Lime Tech Solutions, internship, hiring process and MBA


Table of Contents
Approving Statement 1
Executive Summary 2
Introduction 4
Focus of the Internship Report.................................................................................................................4
Report Overview.....................................................................................................................................5
Industry Background and History............................................................................................................6
Demographic Transformations............................................................................................................8
Labor Shortage and High-Skilled Workers..........................................................................................9
The Value of HR................................................................................................................................10
In-House HR Staff..............................................................................................................................10
Staffing Firms....................................................................................................................................11
HR Information Systems (HRIS)........................................................................................................11
Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs)..................................................................................11
HR Consulting...................................................................................................................................12
Description of the Internship Company and Background......................................................................12
My Role in the Organization 13
Formal Job Description.........................................................................................................................14
MBA and Concentration Level Tasks and Responsibilities...................................................................14
Definition of Terms 15
Operations 17
SWOT Analysis.....................................................................................................................................17

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An Impressive Website.......................................................................................................................19
Developing Visible Experts................................................................................................................20
Search Engine Optimization..............................................................................................................20
Content Marketing.............................................................................................................................21
Social Media......................................................................................................................................21


Focus of the Internship Report

I am about to complete my Bachelor’s degree in ____. All the Xth year in my program

are required to conduct an internship for 5 months. I chose to carry my internship in the San

Francisco area is because of the expected experience that I would receive. I wished to do my

internship in a real life company to interact with the real business world and learn from the

experience. I hoped to develop new skills. I aimed to understand the hiring process as a HR

specialist and latter do a Master’s program. As a result I chose to carry out my internship in a

company that will offer the opportunities to develop and improve my business skills and provide

the best experience in a business environment. The reason I chose San Francisco is because it is

within my county area. It is my home. The organizations within this area will give me a chance

to be great at what I do while having to deal with issues I am familiar with. It seems convenient

for me knowing that all my family and friends live in this area.

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At Lime Tech Solutions, one of my primary responsibilities included participating in

hiring process. Since my internship started, we hired two new employees for the company. I was

given a chance to participate in hiring interviews and observe the process. This gave me an

opportunity to use my knowledge learned at Lincoln in a real business world. Currently, I can

participate in any hiring interviews since I am already aware of the questions I have to ask the

potential employee and what answers would result in the positive outcome of the hiring


Another task I was assigned to is enhancing marketing for the company. We used

CrunshBase website to get all information about start-up companies. Since Lime Tech Solutions

is a relatively new company, opinions and help of more experienced experts were required to run

the business efficiently and accomplish goals. My task was to communicate with representatives

of CrunshBase and discuss the further steps that had to be taken in order to increase performance

and productivity. During my internship I participated in many activities that played a major role

in the achievement of my goals. I got an opportunity to venture to the field to help with various

HR tasks. I managed to learn greatly from this experience.

Overall, my experience as an intern in HR department of Lime Tech Solutions provided

me with the opportunity to employ all my knowledge obtained at Lincoln University. I am

grateful to Lincoln University, all my teachers and Lime Tech Solutions for their knowledge,

experience and support during my MBA program and internship.

Report Overview

The report provides a short summary of my compulsory four month internship carried out as

part of my MBA program and internship. The internship was carried out from 8 th September to

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8th December, 2015 at Lime Tech Solutions. As my interests lie in the Human Resource

Management field, my work was concentrated on the HR department at Lime Tech Solutions, a

unique company within the San Francisco area. At the start of my internship I wanted to achieve

the following learning objectives.

 Understanding the functions and working conditions of NGOs;

 To experience working in a professional environment;

 To see possible future career options;

 To develop my knowledge and skills in relation to business;

 To understand the organization of research projects (planning and preparation)

 To learn how to analyse research methodologies (methods used in the fields for data


 To get experience in fieldwork.

 To get experience through interacting with people from different cultures while working

in a real business environment;

 To improve communication skills;

 To build a business network.

The report details the activities that I carried out. The activities were crucial in aiding me

achieve my stated objectives. I describe the activities and the roles I played while interning at

Lime Tech Solutions. I also reflect on my functions, different business circumstances and

conflict, and my achievement of my learning goals. The conclusion provides my learning

experience in the company.

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Industry Background and History

Human resources (HR) is a common word that intended to stand for a broad variety of

activities. A number of the tasks that are carried out by Human Resource experts comprises of

firing and hiring staff, establishing organisational structures and shaping the business culture

after an acquisition or a merger, being in charge of communications between the staff, settling

disputes among the staff, establishing benefits schemes, steering the regulations of the

government, tackling legal matters for instance working safety, sexual harassment, establishing

schemes and policies for gauging performance, staff training, recognition and training. In other

terms, Human Resource doesn't comprise of a single of a role or action but a vast system of

them; essentially, Human Resource refers to all associated to the employee-employer

association. Both generalists and specialists can locate an occupation here, with tracks of experts

ranging expert from skill acquisition to pension plan allocation to official compliance. In Human

Resource, there's everything that an individual may require.

Extensively considered a sustenance function, in current years Human resource has

adopted on an strutting dimension that is continuously increasing in the corporate world as

directors have identified employees being an origin of competitive advantage organisations for

instance the container store, Intel, Southwest Airlines, Edward Jones, Nokia and others

companies have revealed that Human Resource activities that provide sustainable surroundings

for strong business cultures and staff can result to better shareholder’s returns in being more

productive, innovative and efficient than their nobles (Mathis, et al., 2014). in the meantime, the

human resource role has been complicated by the process of globalisation, establishing new

problems for instance supervision of employee regulations and employee management in a

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variety of cultures and nations, whereas technology has established a new series of chances for

reforming administration of Human resource and exercising-everything beginning by putting

programs of benefits in the internet to on-line learning to mechanized payroll and other human

resource administrative roles.

Without having any doubts, the human resource PR actioner’s activities and

responsibilities differ depending on the company’s size. The human resource pro frequently

wears numerous hats at a small organization, while at huge organizations both specialists and

generalist human resource roles will both be found. Bigger organizations, for example, split

Human Resource into field and corporate operations, policies set by those who are on the

business side and those who are in divisions working in the field tackle daily issues and

implement programs (Marczely & Marczely, 2002). Numerous mid-sized and little businesses or

those containing employees less than 1000 are continuously outsourcing a number of or even

each and ecru role of human resource. A small number of tasks that lie under human resource in

both large and small firms for instance compensation, benefit consulting, executive recruitment

and staffing and systems of human resource have developed into sectors of multiple billion-

dollar service intended to sustain in-house functions of human resource.

The matters faced by practitioners of human resource also differ by industry. Training,

benefits and compensations, staffing models and organization culture in the customer goods

business, for instance, are vary a lot from the one’s seen in health care or retail.

In which ever firm you will be employed in, the pros of human resource states to us that

flexibility, grace beneath fire and the capability to switch gears quickly from the manager to

counselor to mediator will all come in practical (Deb, 2009). A number of specialist functions,

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for instance benefits and competitions, needs additional information analysis, while other

functions, for instance relationship of employees, training and development of the organization

necessitates strong skills of communication and emotional intelligence of high levels.

Demographic Transformations

Some enduring demographic trends are influencing human resource. As retirement of

baby boomers approaches, there is an expectation of the workforce shrink, with the likelihood of

a parallel output decline as an addition, numerous workers at the moment contain elder-care

roles-with numerous juggling roles for both elders and their children. However patterns of

relatives are revolving as well, with the increase in number of single-individual couples and

households with the absence of children. Baby boomer retirement is anticipated to result to

cultural move in the place of work and Generations Y and X take the lead, high rates of

demanding tasks, management-employee associations less hierarchical, and boss shifting away

from enduring job relationships. During 2003, in the United States of America, Hispanics

became the biggest group of immigration and minorities is likely to increase to assist assemble

the declining number of employees in the United States. Employees, adding difficulties to

supervising the labor force.

Labor Shortage and High-Skilled Workers

Specialists forecast shortage of labor gratitude to age bracket stirring through the labor

force that is minor than the one that is leaving it. Particularly, workers who are highly- skilled

will be difficult to obtain as growth of job will be intense in sectors for instance health services,

education and business and professional sectors that need a trained workforce. As retirement of

baby boomers approach, the trained employee gap is likely to strike 5.3 million in the year 2010,

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as said by a National Alliance of Manufacturers research. Other anticipate the influence of this

scarcity to be much sooner felt, whereas a number propose that the rising tendency for

organizations to outsource labor offshore could alleviate the degree of difference. Mainly in

demand will be skilled workers and managers in high-tech tasks. This is excellent information

for occupation seekers and should make large chances in Human Resource (Lewis, et al., 2007)

(Mathis, et al., 2008). Frequently organizations bid up wages when there is high work demand,

but the main influencing companies remain to be those having tough Human Resource customs

and worker-friendly surroundings. The strategic Human resource significance will barely

develop as a result. Agencies of staffing should gain advantage from this movement, too,

although it won't be lacking problems: "while the economy's getting great," as said by one

insider, "it's astonishing, but it's as well a problem to discover truly good individuals."

The Value of HR

For numerous years, Human resource was measured as an "extra" or a "pleasant to have,"

and Human Resource individuals were the first to be in a layoff. In late 1990s, that transformed.

Though workers in Human Resource are not usually considered as important to an organization

base line of achievement as those in an organization’s revenue-generating location, organization

teams have greatly identified Human Resource's strategic significance. Establishing a strong,

clear-defined culture enables a competitive benefit by influencing the finest candidates. Tough

organization cultures have as well been related to a lot higher worker morale, which,

consecutively, decreases turnover (and the related costs of training and recruiting new workers)

and maximizes productivity (Carroll, 1979). The significance of Human Resource should persist

to rise. "At the big organizations, Human Resource is climbing the ladder in term of

trustworthiness," as said by an insider. “VPs of Human resource are more and more being
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requested to sit at the management table." We separated the chances in Human resource to in-

house service and staff companies that include HR information system, staffing firms and

consultants. Inside each of these sections, you'll desire to think about the precise practical parts

you'd like to practise.

In-House HR Staff

All issues such as workers relations, compensation and benefits, training, data symptoms

and staffing are dealt with by the HR employees. In big firms, numerous individuals can labour

on these functions which are more categorised into speciality areas-for instance, the benefits and

comps staff can involve specialists in the areas such as health insurance, pay roll and 401 (k)

plans. HR individuals may put on numerous hats, in the kisser firms, yet nearly each firm within

the country have an individual managing HR challenges on board. The significance to the Hr

department, to the firms you are bearing in mind is the major thing you would need to clearly

assess as a person seeking employment (Deb, 2009). When the office of HR is still at the bottom,

immediately besides the furnace, you can be in a position to cancel that firm way from your list.

Staffing Firms

These companies supplement or replace roles within the in-house. They involve firms

like Kelly, spheroin, man power and lesser firms that major on temporary position, increasing

fee rate hourly of the candidate they put in place. It also involve the executive-recruitment

companies that position candidates of higher level into position of full time and charges clients a

hefty percentage in the first year earnings of the candidates. Employment in these firms always

needs one to be a bright judge of people and a perfect salesperson and bargainers.

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HR Information Systems (HRIS)

Players here comprises of service bureaus organisations for IT for instance Oracle-

individual Soft that provide system and software for operating the organisations payroll, worker

data, recruitment systems, and personnel resources management (Flaschel, 2009). Achievement

in this unit also needs technical skills about software and system and a capability to implement

training and plan.

Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs)

PEOs are a comparatively new growth within HR, and they lay some place between

service bureaus, in-house staff and consultants, essentially, PEOs subcontract the managerial

division of the HR role and from time to time more, mainly from mid-sized and small businesses,

conducting everything from tax payroll to profit to regulatory conformity and tax management

(Johnson & Turner, 2010). The aim of PEOs is to sell profit like retirement plans and health

insurance together with know-how in legal issues and regulatory compliance to firms that are

very small to purchase them on their own.

HR Consulting

The act of consulting in HR is a great business. Majority of the primary consulting

companies provides lines of service related to HR. They offer names that are unique to them,

such as “organizations” (at the group of Boston consulting), “organisation individuals and

performance “. (At Booz Allen Hamiton) and “performance of humans “(at a Accenturi). In these

areas consultants major on each and every thing from managing change, to developing skilled

programmers, conducting health care programs for their clients and to manage revolutions. The

task is mostly strategic, observing on individuals issues of managing a big firm. Most of it is

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driven by information for instance in actuarial consulting, which is based on economic planning

that involves the firms lasting hiring projections.

Description of the Internship Company and Background

The company provides affordable IT services and computer support to upcoming

business enterprise in San Francisco and the East Bay. We aim to help our customers overcome

competition through employing IT in their business. We offer services such as IT planning, cloud

computing solutions, and reliable tech support.

Our business model is primarily that of a straightforward service business. We provide

technical services on an ongoing basis to a range of business clients. Some of our services are

delivered under a flat-fee agreement, in which clients are guaranteed a certain number of hours

of support per month. We also provide as-needed support, primarily on a pre-scheduled basis, to

clients who only need our services occasionally (Kloper, et al., 2006). We supplement our

service-based income through the sale of products, web applications, and online services. Our

clients look to us for our recommendation on technical products, and in some cases we are an

authorized reseller and clients are able to purchase these products/applications directly from us.

These products include VOIP phone systems, online backup and file sharing solutions,

information storage, and more. We take care to only recommend products that we are

comfortable using, ourselves.

Clients find us primarily through word-of-mouth recommendations. Over the years we

have developed a pretty wide network of professional contacts, and these folks often recommend

our work to their colleagues and fellow business owners. Some clients also find us through our

website (Lewis, et al., 2007). Our website has some organic search engine optimization, due to

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the fact that we blogged frequently for many years (though less so, recently). In the past, we have

also paid for online marketing through services such as Google Adwords, but we were not happy

with the results of these efforts. Finally, we sometimes offer referral rewards to clients or

contacts that provide us with successful professional referrals.

My Role in the Organization

My primary responsibilities included participating in hiring process. Since my internship

started, we hired two new employees for the company. I was given a chance to participate in

hiring interviews and observe the process. This gave me an opportunity to use my knowledge

learned at Lincoln in a real business world. Another task I was assigned to is enhancing

marketing for the company. We used CrunshBase website to get all information about start-up

companies. Since Lime Tech Solutions is a relatively new company, opinions and help of more

experienced experts were required to run the business efficiently and accomplish goals

(Mahajan, 2007). My task was to communicate with representatives of CrunshBase and discuss

the further steps that had to be taken in order to increase performance and productivity

Formal Job Description

I was invited for a position of an unpaid internship that took place over the course of

September 8th, 2015 through December 8th 2015. My responsibilities involved working 15 hours

a week bearing the title of office administrator intern. Lime Tech Inc. is an IT service business.

The company provides technology support services to new businesses throughout the San

Francisco Bay Area. My duties included helping the organization of intern administrative

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processes. Help coordinate inflow of job applications and applicant review process. Contribute to

office management tasks, such as answering phones and responding to general inquiries.

MBA and Concentration Level Tasks and Responsibilities

Coursework regularly includes fundamental business ideas and human resource particular

themes. Students are taught business methodologies and figure out how to utilize them in

ordinary business operations. Themes secured in a system can include: Bookkeeping, business

investigation, financial aspects like economics, business administration, and finance and asset

management organizational. Career options include a wide array of areas. Human resource

personnel can have an assortment of employment responsibilities and assignments, from

choosing how an enterprise ought to be staffed to settling on the decision between utilizing

independent entities or contracting from inside of the organization (Marczely & Marczely, 2002).

Chiefs additionally enrol and prepare workers and guarantee that representatives are superior

workers. An MBA graduate in Human Resource Management system can work in positions such

as: Human resource management as a manager, affirmative action personnel, payroll directors

and staffing officers as well as finance executive.

Definition of Terms

In order to get in touch with the field of human resource, the following terms are crucial since

their usage is common within the human resource industry.

Absolute A system of rating where the person rating doles out a particular worth

Ratings on an altered scale to the conduct or execution of a person as opposed to

doling out evaluations in light of correlations between different people.

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Affirmative Also called: Positive discrimination. Performed on behalf of women and

Action other minority or disadvantaged groups as well as members of these

groups are put in governing positions. 

Dr Robert Kaplan and Dr David Norton developed this system in the
early 90's.
It is a measurement and management system that allows firms to

elucidate their vision and strategy and interpret them into

implementation. The aim of the balanced scorecard is to connect

business performance to the enterprise strategy. This is achieved

through measurement of results in knowledge of customer, the

organization’s financial performance, learning and growth and the

nosiness internal process (Marczely & Marczely, 2002).

Behavioural Consists of an interview technique based on a person’s past experiences,

Based Interview behaviours, knowledge, skills and abilities.

The candidates are asked to provide specific examples that show

behaviours or skills. This is used to predict future behaviour and


Behavioural In involves certain behaviours of the workers which are the subject of

Competency measurement and appraisal. They are identified through job competency

or helps determining those employees contributing to the

success of the company.

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Change The ability of a firm to predict change and make pre-planned efforts to

Management manage how it is introduced, implemented, and its consequences.

Compensation Compensation made to injured employees that occur during the period

of employment.

Compensation is paid where liability is determined. It is paid to the

injured or to the family members that are reliant on the injured (Mathis,

et al., 2014).

The business skills, knowledge and abilities that are required of

employees in order efficiently carry out their duties.
It involves investigating and evaluating potential investment
Due diligence
prospective. It involves collecting accurate information that assists the

business in the transactions.


SWOT Analysis

Strengths: Industry experience; familiarity with high-tech environments; good reputation with

clients; flexible business model; ease with a variety of platforms, applications, and new

technologies; able to serve both high tech and small biz clients

Weaknesses: Lack of a large staff; identity of business closely linked to founder/technical lead;

lack of large revenue stream enabling investment into the business; central office not located in

San Francisco, but in the East Bay. Lack of time to focus on strategic business development.

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Opportunities: Having established its reputation in the SF Bay Area (and area with incredibly

high technical expectations), the company could market products and services to other

geographic regions (particularly products or services that could be provided remotely).

LimeTech could also direct marketing efforts toward niche-based clients who have proven a

good match in the past. Limetech would do well to hire a part-time associate with sales expertise,

who could help the company acquire more accounts.

Threats: Challenges recruiting skilled talent, due to the high cost of living in the Bay Area.

Challenges keeping up with new technologies and staying savvy in the midst of constant

innovation and change. New businesses/service providers constantly driving services prices

down. Health/wellness issues could be a threat, due to the company’s reliance on the founder as a

primary asset.


For innovation administrations firms, this is a period of gigantic open door – and

progressively complex difficulties. As the commercial center develops more hypercompetitive

than any time in recent memory, powerful IT promoting turns out to be completely fundamental.

There's a noteworthy contrast between innovation administrations and different commercial

enterprises, be that as it may: the requirement for advancement positions considerably more very

in innovation. That ought to shock no one. New thoughts are the backbone of an innovation

organization today, permitting the association to proceed into the future as opposed to being

supplanted by contenders with comparable or better offerings (Maxwell, 2009). These

discoveries affirm that in the innovation business, development is a great deal more than a trendy

expression – it's a direly felt need, and the establishment of proceeding with business. There are a

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few key patterns reshaping IT promoting today, and keeping in mind the end goal to make viable

showcasing techniques and arrangements, we have to first distinguish and completely

comprehend these patterns. Innovation administrations purchasers are searching for answers and

training. They need to know how to take care of their issues today – and the organizations that

offer them some assistance with accomplishing this construct validity while situating themselves

to give administrations later on. There's an intense symptom, as well. Regardless of the

possibility that a guest who discovers answers in your site doesn't connect with you for

administrations, they may allude you to another purchaser taking into account your aptitude.

Truth be told, more than 80% of firms have gotten such a referral from a firm they had not

worked with straightforwardly (McDonald & Kolsaker, 2014).

Online networking is far past proving itself as a reasonable advertising channel – as far as

raising deceivability – and believability – for firms, it's a need. LinkedIn is an installation of the

expert administrations world, and among the top ways that purchasers look at potential

administrations suppliers. With online networking stages' new development, be that as it may,

new dangers are rising (McDonald & Meldrum, 2013). While it's difficult to completely control

what workers put out there, guidelines and best practices to direct viable online networking use

should be established. Not just will this support interest over the firm (no rules at all regularly

feels overpowering to the uninitiated), however it offers a cover of security, in the event that

something goes wrong. A meeting of IT with business system has been fuelled by the ascent of

enormous information (Weidinger, et al., 2014). Developing straightforwardness in an

association's information and mapping that information to business procedure have ended up

essential to firms' prosperity. Accordingly, the part of the CIO has changed – and advertising to

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the CIO is about imparting innovation advantages the same amount of as it is conveying about

business advantages. For innovation administrations firms, there are six key systems that can add



Directing examination on your commercial centre, you'll know your customers'

requirements and desires better — which places you in a position to serve them all the more

successfully. Statistical surveying likewise gives you understanding into how your procedures

are performing. You can build up a more goal, careful comprehension of which parts of your

firm are performing best, and additionally knowledge into which benefits you ought to offer.

An Impressive Website

Previously, numerous tech firms developed by listening in on others' conversations. The

innovation practically sold itself, so they didn't need to market much – which is the reason

numerous tech firms have poor sites with poor client encounters. Nowadays, however,

especially in the innovation administrations industry, your site must be noteworthy. For

customers, it is an immediate pointer of your believability. Our examination on referral

showcasing demonstrates that an unremarkable site is among the top reasons that purchaser’s

tenet out referrals.

Developing Visible Experts

Keep in mind the significance of customer training? Notwithstanding fulfilling a crowd

of people interest, delivering instructive substance fabricates the profile of individual specialists

inside of your firm. Truth be told, this procedure is key for innovation firms. By building the

profile of experts inside of your firm, they can in the long run get to be Visible Experts – the

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kind of industry rock stars who feature meetings, draw in both business and ability, and come to

characterize a firm. Obvious Experts are such an intense resource on account of the "Corona

Effect." When gatherings of people perspective one of your specialists as legitimate, that shine

exchanges to the firm overall. Your association's expanded status moves thus to other individual

experts inside of the association, who can utilize the added believability to construct their

notorieties for being Visible Experts. It's a positive input circle, and it's an intense point of

preference for innovation administrations firms (Meldrum & McDonald, 2007).

Search Engine Optimization

Like the innovation administrations commercial center all in all, SEO is always

advancing – and it's essential to keep up. Yesterday's best practices can turn out to be today's

reason for punishment. Yet, in a hypercompetitive situation where perceivability is basic, viable

utilization of SEO is required. What do firms need to think about SEO? The key is this: "on

location" SEO (more or less) expands your webpage's pertinence through vital utilization of

focused watchword expressions connected with your administrations and skill, in blend with a

solid specialized SEO establishment on your site. "Off-site" SEO expands your site's apparent

power through earned connections, online networking, brand notice, and outer thought authority

pieces like visitor articles. For a more definite arrangement of activity, we've added to a SEO

agenda for IT administrations firms.

Content Marketing

Over and over, we come back to instructive substance – and that is on account of it is the

motor behind your whole IT promoting system. Truth be told, the "substance channel" is key for

IT administrations promoting, drawing in important gatherings of people, and attempting to drive

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closer and closer engagements that qualify leads and at last create new business. Substance

promoting envelops an assortment of substance sorts over an assortment of channels, including

your own web properties – your site, web journal, and online networking habitations – and

additionally other web properties (Shajahan, 2004). Through media, expert accomplices, content

syndication, and visitor blogging, you can spread your ability to a scope of new groups of

onlookers. Also, this is the centre objective of substance promoting. By instructing target

gatherings of people and tending to their difficulties through substance, you will construct

validity and perceivability that will at last prompt new business and to develop (Sherman, 2014).

Social Media

It's an actuality: online networking is a key element in the development of IT

administrations firms. It's a key channel for not just systems administration with individuals in

the commercial center and partaking in industry discussion, additionally offering your substance

and driving engagement to your gathering of people. As we talked about beforehand, a more

develop online networking environment implies new difficulties, and drives the requirement for

new guidelines. To exploit the advantages of online networking, IT administrations firms must

figure out how to do it viably. Getting it done, online networking is a situation to exhibit your

initiative in the business while drawing in with other master substance and sharing your own.

The internship program provided me with a chance to put my academic learning into

practice. Working in Lime tech Solutions for the four months gave me an opportunity to put in

practice my skills and to develop new ones. I was able to experience working in a multicultural

environment. By being directly involved in majority of the activities the company helped me

gain experience especially in relation to human resource which I am interested in. the internship
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program has complemented my academic program. It has shown me how I should apply my

learning concepts. It has also prepared me for future jib involvement. i achieved all the

objectives that I set before I started the interview.

Internship programs offer opportunities for people to practice and exercise their skills. I

was given the opportunity, however, I felt restricted in the contributions that I could make. I do

think I explored enough job options in the company as during the four months I worked on only

one department. There was little flexibility in the job that I could do. The company did not allow

me to explore other department which would have helped me learn more about the business

activities. It would also have assisted in knowing what I look most and therefore know what to

look for in the job market. Internships should allow for exploration so that interns can discover

new skills and learn as much as possible.

Carroll, A. B. (1979). A Three-Dimensional Conceptual Model of Corporate Performance. The Academy of
Management Review, 4(4), 497-505.

Deb, T. (2009). Managing Human Resource And Industrial Relations. New Delhi: Excel Books India.

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