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Libra: Applied Technologies Adding Value to a Giant Ultra Deep Water

Pre-salt Field - Santos Basin, Brazil

Sylvia M.C. Anjos and Fabio M. Passarelli, Petrobras; Olivier E. Wambersie, Petrobras/Shell; Keith Lewis,
Consultant; Paulo Sergio Rovina, Osmond Coelho, Mariela Martins, Orlando J. Soares Ribeiro, Ricardo A. Rosa
Fernandes, and Fernando A. Borges, Petrobras

Copyright 2019, Offshore Technology Conference

This paper was prepared for presentation at the Offshore Technology Conference Brasil held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 29–31 October 2019.

This paper was selected for presentation by an OTC program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of
the paper have not been reviewed by the Offshore Technology Conference and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Offshore Technology Conference, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written
consent of the Offshore Technology Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may
not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of OTC copyright.

Libra reservoirs are among the most productive in Brazil pre-salt province, with oil columns up to 400 m
thick. These heterogeneous carbonate reservoirs contain oil with a relatively high Gas Oil Ratio (GOR) and
CO2 levels ranging from 40 to 45% in the associated gas. It is also characterized by sparse occurrences
of intrusive and extrusive igneous rock within the pre-salt and post salt horizons, which causes additional
challenges for seismic imaging and reservoir architecture modelling. Driven by the challenges and fueled by
an innovation spirit, the Libra Consortium have been developing a portfolio of technologies to address those
challenges and close the technical and operational gaps, in order to add value by reducing and managing
uncertainties, optimizing production and overall improving hydrocarbon recovery. Since Libra development
strategy is based on full reinjection of produced gas for CO2 disposal purposes and enhanced oil recovery,
gas management and its operational robustness over the full life cycle of the field are key. In this context,
a focused and robust technological approach based on applied technology portfolio has been adopted to
address the many unique challenges and add value to the project through the implementation of new and
innovative solutions as well as technologies over the life cycle of the projects.

Objectives/ Scope
This paper aims to present the current status of Libra technology portfolio that spans from the sub-surface
to the production system and offloading, as well as the human factor dimensions of our operations. It also
includes elements of digital transformation as a key enabler for most of the technologies, to enhance their
efficiencies and performance.

Methods & Procedure

This paper sets out to explain what has been done to identify industry technical solution gaps, the
development of technical programs to address Libra challenges and the acceleration of research and
development activities to the application of technological solutions on Libra.
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Under development on the first Production Sharing Contract (PSC) in Brazil since October 2013, Libra
is one of the largest and most promising oil and gas deepwater project ever developed by the industry.
Libra is a consortium operated by Petrobras (40%) in partnership with Shell (20%), Total (20%), CNOOC
Limited (10%) and CNPC (10%). The Consortium also has the participation of the state-owned company
Pré-Sal Petróleo SA (PPSA) as the manager of the Production Sharing Contract. Libra may be seen
as a Joint Industry Project in terms of Project Based Technology Development, using and sharing best
available technologies, directly developing, assessing and deploying the most appropriate solutions. In
this collaborative environment, the Libra partners through its operator leverages existing state-of-the-art
and innovative technologies and aims to close technology gaps to maximize project value and increase its
Libra block is located around 180 kilometers from Rio de Janeiro coast, in Santos Basin ultra-deep water
ranging from 1,700 m to 2,400 m (Figure 1), under the salt layer (pre-salt) with total well depths of up
to 6,000 m. The prospect area is around 1,500 km2. The reservoir fluid has a GOR of 440 Sm3/Sm3 and
the contaminant CO2 ranges from 40 to 45%, in volume. The subsurface structures are formed by thick
carbonate reservoirs with relatively high heterogeneity andoil columns of up to 400 m - equivalent to the
height of the Sugar Loaf Mountain in Rio de Janeiro. This giant reservoir is among the most productive
ones in the country; with productivity in excess of 50 kboe/d per well. The Libra development marks a
technological step change in the oil and gas segment.

Figure 1—Libra block location


On November 2017, the Libra consortium achieved its first Oil production from the Extended Well Test
(EWT) operations on the Pioneiro de Libra FPSO (Figure 2), declaring commerciality of the NW area of
the Libra accumulation. The first oil from Libra NW area, since then named Mero, was the first step of an
extensive Libra Development program.
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Figure 2—FPSO Pioneiro de Libra that performs extended well tests (EWT)

The development of Mero field will have up to 4 (four) definitive production systems in Mero Area
(Libra NW), representing more than 20 billion dollars of CAPEX. Figure 3 shows the current view of the
Mero field development plan.

Figure 3—Mero field development plan will contain 4 production units: Mero 1, Mero 2 (FPSO Sepetiba), Mero 3 and Mero 4

In order to manage efficiently the Libra high well deliverability with high GOR and high CO2 content in
the associated gas, combined with high reservoir pressures, innovative technical solutions and technologies
have been deployed to support the field development, maximizing value in this challenging and frontier

Geologically, Libra had a complex tectonic evolution with structural highs, conditioning the deposition of
high-energy carbonate rocks in a lacustrine shallow water platform environment. The rock consists mainly of
thick microbial carbonate reservoirs with relatively high heterogeneity with intrusive and extrusive igneous
rocks that also add additional complexity to the field.
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The data from the wells drilled to date, pressure and logging results, together with offset-field
analogues and studies conducted within the Libra team on Water Alternating Gas (WAG) injection and
seismic effectiveness provide adequate data to support the development of focussed areas for technology
development and field application.
Our technology efforts are directed towards increasing petroleum recovery factors and improving
efficiency of capital investment of Libra. In particular, with high initial GOR (~440 Sm3/Sm3), high CO2
content (44%) and planned full gas re-injection, a robust gas management over the field full life cycle is
one of the major challenge of the Libra Development.
In this context, since 2014, Libra have been applying a systematic approach to commence with technology
de-risking and develop its technology portfolio focussed on outstanding and high value opportunities to
enhance Libra Area Development. The portfolio is dynamic and evolves with the progress of its results. It is
ranked based on value, technology development, do-ability and timely implementation. Figure 4 illustrates
the Libra's Technology Portfolio.

Figure 4—Libra Applied Technogies Portfolio

Initially, 19 technological solutions were identified, spanning from the sub-surface (e.g. igneous rocks
and reservoir characterization, 4D seismic solutions), to subsea systems, FPSO topside production and
oil offloading. It has been extended to include the human factor dimensions of Libra operations and
elements of Digital Transformation as enablers for most of the technologies to enhance their efficiencies
and performance. Further content and definition follow:

Subsurface Technologies
Igneous rocks and coquinas geological researches have the objective of improving geological
understanding of the reservoir, better prediction of intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks and coquinas
distribution. This research also includes the use of drones to map fractures and faults on igneous outcropos
in Rio de Janeiro State where igneous rocks correlate in age with the ones in Pre-salt.
Permanent Rervoir Monitoring (PRM) project goal is to increase hydrocarbon recovery and
profitability by tracking fluid fronts to determine sweep efficiency and detecting by passed oil for improved
well placement & infill drilling opportunities. The challenge is huge due to the weak 4D change in stiff
carbonate reservoirs due to moderate porosity, the small gas/oil contrast due to higher density CO2 and also
the irregular topography at the base of salt in Libra area. Therefore, the limit of technology is being seeked
to prepare for first permanent monitoring system to be implemented in Pre-Salt.
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Marine Vibrator Source (MVS) is an improver of 4D PRM approach. PRM operators attribute the most
of the remaining non-repeatability noise (average 3% with PRM and air-guns) to residuals of geometry
misfits (errors below 5 m) and non-repeatable emission. MVS has the potential to largely improve both, if
a sufficiently high emission power is obtained.

Well Technologies
Acid Soluble Plug (ASP) works as a viable completion alternative to wireline or tubing conveyed
perforating. The ASPs are installed in a pre-perforated reservoir liner and dissolved when soaked in acid,
allowing access to the reservoir. This allows the technology to be easily applied in reservoirs where matrix
acid jobs are employed.
Wet Disconnect Tool (WDT) facilitates the parting and subsequent removal of the upper completion
from the lower completion without any mechanical intervention and leaving the intelligent completion lower
assemblies such as packers, gauges, and ICV's (Intelligent Completions Valves) in place.
Intelligent Well Completions (gas injection and production management) project aims to improve
reliability and real time zonal data for gas contribution enable more pro-active reservoir management.

Subsea Technologies
Free Hanging Catenary (FHC) design aims to eliminate costly investments in mid-depth buoyancy
modules and (as a result) enables faster and safer installation offshore. Several design improvements
were evaluated to reduce overconservative assumptions ususally considered due to uncertainties in the
early design phases. It will also include the development of the next-generation of Flexible Pipes: Hybrid
Composites Flexible Pipes.
Rigid Pipe Corrosion Protection project will identify alternative metallic materials to provide internal
corrosion resistance to rigid steel subsea pipes. The main objective is to find suitable candidates to replace
Inconel 625. Increasing the options for material selection may reduce seasonal price variation for steel pipes
- without compromising corrosion resistance requirements.
HISEP™ - Dense Phase CO2 Separation has the objective of increasing oil production and extend the
oil plateau production by reducing the GOR in the oil before arriving at the FPSO. This is achieved by
gravitational separation of inlet rich rich CO2 gas and directly injection at the seabed. This allows large
opportunity forgas plant debottlenecking and/or topsides plant footprint reduction.
Chemical Cocktails to inhibit wax, reduce pour point, inhibit scale, prevent hydrates and corrosion, and/
or inhibit asphaltenes has a potential to enhance solids management in wells or subsea infrastructure, and
could possibly result in simplified umbilical architecture (e.g., less tubes) and reduced overall umbilical
cost, for Libra.
Deep-water Lift for topside cooling water systems show potential to generate significant benefits by
optimizing systems and reducing utility consumptions by obtaining cooler water at depth.

Topside Technologies
All Membrane project consists in validating compact gas treatment system capable to remove H2S and
water, with positive impact in topsides weight and footprint.
Carbon Molecular Sieves (CMS) project consists in performing pilot-plant demonstration tests in
Petrobras Facilities in Aracaju, using a 2-inch CMS membrane module, to qualify more efficient membranes
for CO2 separation from natural gas and to test its performance under higher operational pressures.
CTV (Cargo Transfer Vessel) aims to provide an alternative lower cost offloading solution, via direct
offloading to conventional tankers. CTV is a specialized vessel with capabilities to connect to the FPSO
and to the "interface" ship manifold on the conventional tanker.
Human Factors and Resilience Engineering‘ study has the objective of providing better operational
and safety performance, by applying behavioral science and emergency situation techniques, at individuals,
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team and organizational levels. In loco interviews and evaluations on drilling rigs and at FPSO Pioneiro de
Libra provided a unique view and proposed solutions to increase safety and performance of our operational

Libr@ Digital
The vision of the Libr@Digital program is to transform Libra in a fully connected asset that uses "digital
toolboxes" and leverages digital data and information to monitor and quickly diagnose trends that may
impact the safety of personnel, environmental and field performance in terms of equipment reliability,
production performance and hydrocarbon recovery. The program is set to optimize/redefine processes,
improve data access and integration, developing integrated digital twins with the objective to set a
PETROBRAS Asset of the Future by 2024. Development of connected Digital twins from reservoirs
to topside, a Data lake to promote easy data access and integration, use of block chain for processes
optimization including smart contracts and intensive use of machine learning are the main technologies that
are being implemented to reach Libr@ Digital goals (Figure 5).

Figure 5—Main Technologies of the Libr@ Digital

Life Cycle Field Management

Apply and enhance methodologies used in reservoir simulation for the process of reservoir dynamic
management, in order to improve the decision making process to maximize life cycle value.

The libra development is a frontier project, pushing the envelop of deepwater technologies. It is a world-
class project in several counts, with high quality carbonate reservoir and remarkable well deliverability,
however combined with sparse occurrences of intrusive and extrusive igneous rock and very high initial
GOR and CO2 contamination. The development plan is based on full gas re-injection, and in view of the
above, the gas management strategy and operational robustness over the field life cycle is one of the major
challenges of Libra Development and the key to maximize Libra value.
The emergence of the Digital Transformation at many different levels of the project, from a technological
process and ways-of-working angles, is bringing disruptive opportunities that need to be integrated in the
project lifetime.
In this context, the Libra Technology Portfolio was developed as a dynamic and live tool with tremendous
focus on the identification and the development of technologies, which are applicable through the life cycle
of Libra and more broadly the pre-salt province. In particular, improved tools, processes and studies are
being developed for better subsurface understanding and real-time monitoring, integrating element of the
Digital Transformation "tool-box". Innovative solutions for gas processing and utilization provide large
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opportunity for better management of large volumes of high CO2 content gas with direct impact on the oil
stream in terms of accelerating and extending the oil production plateau.
The Libra Applied Technology Portfolio approach is an excellent example of how technologies developed
in collaboration with JV partners and timely integrated in the field development plan through its life cycle
shows high potential to add significant value to the development of a giant field.

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