Math Q4 W1A

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Topic: Events, Union, and Intersection of Events

Learning Competency: Illustrate events, union, and intersection of events

Code: M10SP-IIIf - 1

Events - a set of possible outcomes resulting from a particular experiment. It is also the subset
of a sample space. When the event has a single outcome then it is called a simple event and
when it has more than one outcome it is called compound events.
Union of events - a set that contains all of the elements that are in at least one of the two
events. The union is written as A  B .
Intersection of Events - a set that contains all of the elements that are in both events. The
intersection of events A and B is written as A  B

1. What are the outcomes in rolling a die?
Sample Space = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
Simple Events:
Getting a 1 Getting a 3 Getting a 5
Getting a 2 Getting a 4 Getting a 6
2. Two coins are tossed simultaneously.
A. What are the possible outcomes?
Sample Space = {HH, HT, TH, TT}
B. Which one of the following is a simple event?
a) Getting at least one tail.
The event having at least one tail = {HT, TH, TT}
This can be disintegrated to {HT}, {TH}, and {TT}. Hence, it is not a
simple event.
b) Getting first head and then tail.
The event of getting head first and then tail = {HT}. This is a simple
3. In the experiment of rolling a single die, the event E : “the number rolled is even” and event
T : “the number rolled is greater than two.”
E={2, 4, 6} T={3, 4, 5, 6}
Find the union and intersection of events E and T.

A. E  T = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}.

In words, the union is described by “the number rolled is even or is greater than two.”
Every number from one to six except the number one is either even or is greater than two

B. E  T = {4, 6}
In words the intersection is described by “the number rolled is even and is greater than
two.” The only numbers from one to six that are both even and greater than two are four
and six.

Learning Materials are for nonprofit educational purposes which exclusively used for Schools Division of Digos
City. Copies are not for sale.
Activity 1- Identification
Direction: Write S if the outcomes of the given activities are simple events and C if
compound events.
1. Rolling an even number on the first die and an odd number on the second die
- C
2. Rolling a 1 on the first die
- S
3. Drawing the ace of hearts from a deck of cards
- S
4. Tossing a head with a penny
- S
5. Rolling an even number less than 5 on a die
- C
6. Drawing a heart, replacing the card, then drawing a spade
- C
7. Drawing a red ace from a deck of cards
- C
Activity 2: Solving

Direction: Solve the following problems.

8. A two-child family is selected at random. Let B denote the event that at least one child is a
boy, let D denote the event that the genders of the two children differ, and let M denote the
event that the genders of the two children match. Find B ∪ D and B ∪ M.
- B = {bb, bg, gb} B = {bb, bg, gb}
D = {bg, gb} M = {bb, gg}
So, B ∪ D = {bb, bg, gb} So, B ∪ M = {bb, bg, gb, gg}
9. A study of binge alcohol drinking by college students was published by the Journal of Public
Health in July 2015. Suppose an experiment consists of randomly selecting one of the
undergraduate students who participated in the study.

Consider the following events:

A: {The student is a binge drinker}
B: {The student is a male}
C: {The student lives in a dorm}

Describe each of the following events in terms of unions and intersections.

a) The student is male and a binge drinker.
b) The student is male or lives in a dorm.
Learning Materials are for nonprofit educational purposes which exclusively used for Schools Division of Digos
City. Copies are not for sale.
a. A ∪ B b. B ∪ C
10. In the experiment of rolling a single die find the intersection, C ∩ D of the events
C: {The number rolled is odd}
D: {The number rolled is greater than 2}

C ∩ D = {3, 5}

11. Given the following sets; U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, A= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, B = {2, 4, 6, 8} and
C = {4, 5, 6}. Draw a Venn diagram that illustrate the following;
a. A ∩ B∩ C
b. A ∪ B ∪ C
A. B.

∪ ∪

Reference: Retrieved May 25, 2020, from:

Notes: a) This is exclusively for the use of Digos City Division. b) The division welcomes
suggestions for the improvement of this worksheet. Kindly email to


Digos City NHS

Learning Materials are for nonprofit educational purposes which exclusively used for Schools Division of Digos
City. Copies are not for sale.

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