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The Debt We Owe

DATES TO KNOW Message from the Party President
Some of you may recall a popular country and will be accepting nominations from Leadership
western song from the 1950’s. The words candidates until March 29. This will give all
included “another day older and deeper in debt”. candidates a minimum of 2 months to solicit
Over 50 years later, these words would be most support from Party members throughout
appropriate for the taxpayers of British Columbia! the Province. Registration information for the
To be precise, collectively, BC taxpayers are Leadership Convention will be posted on our

26 February 2011 now over $47 billion in debt (total provincial website by the end of February.
debt for the 2010/2011 fiscal year). The current
The BC Liberal Party votes
government (Finance Minister Hansen) projects In order to be eligible to participate at the
for its new leader
this to increase to $60 billion by 2013! To service Convention, a person must have been a Party
this incredible debt will cost us $8 million per day. member for a minimum of 21 days prior to the
1 March 2011
Leadership date of May 28.
The BC Conservative
In addition to the debt servicing, we are also
Party begins accepting
facing huge increases for many years in the The Party has now commenced the process to
nominations for its
future for medical premiums as well as BC Hydro develop an election platform for the next general
leadership vote in May rates. All this coming from a fiscally responsible election (or any possible by-election that could
government?? Little wonder that British be held as early as this year). The platform will
Columbians are looking for a real conservative be based on our Core Conservative Values and
17 April 2011
government. our policies which are currently under review.
The BC New Democrat Party
Party members have been invited to submit
votes for its new leader.
The BC Conservative Party is on schedule for proposals for this process and the response has
many important events to be held in 2011. been overwhelming! The final document will be
28 May 2011 As reported in our January newsletter, our adopted at a general meeting of the Party later
The BC Conservative Party Leadership Convention is scheduled for May 28, this year. On January 29, the Party held a meeting

votes for its new leader 2011. It will be held at the Sheraton Vancouver in Surrey to solicit ideas that would differentiate
Guildford Hotel located in Surrey. The Party BC Conservatives from the other major political
(continued on page 2)
KNOW YOUR The View from the Other Side of the Fence
The BC Conservative name A government which is weak enough to give this repeatedly in the last few years as Ireland,
is a familiar one in the people everything they want, is strong enough Greece, and many other EU countries are
world of BC politics.
to take everything we have. And therein lies the going bankrupt. Closer to home, the economic
political slight of hand which has been perpetrated meltdown has seen US states like California
The BC Conservative Party on mostly unknowing British Columbians by and Nevada face the same thing. In Canada,
is formed, with Charles Wilson both NDP and BC Liberal governments in the some of our provincial governments, including
becoming its first provincial
leader, while still part of a Liberal - recent past. They are the political magicians! BC, have piled up their deficit and debt at
Conservative coalition alarming rates. For those of us who are in our
Governments are smart enough to know senior years, it isn’t much of a problem because
that if you give the people what they want, we won’t be here to suffer major fallout from
1903 then it is easier to get the tax dollars you it. But we must remember that this kind of
The BC Conservative Party, need to fund your government programs. financial mismanagement is in effect mortgaging
instrumental in developing the
new Party System, wins BC’s our children and grandchildren’s future.
first election under that system, Someone wisely once said that we get the
leading the province for 13 years
government we deserve. How does that work? The second alarming problem is that in giving
Simply put, squeaky wheels get greased. Most people what they want, governments often
Canadians unfortunately are a passive lot play to the baser side of human nature, greed,
who are willing to let vocal minorities set the unbridled pleasure, selfishness, and things like
agenda politically. In this province, in my view, that. A case in point is the present Liberal
The BC Conservative
Party wins a majority to lead the it has mostly been left of center activists who government’s flip flop on gambling. Before he
province, under the leadership of have set that agenda with their loud insistent came to office, Premier Campbell assured us
Simon Fraser Tolmie
demands on government. It has translated into that they would not be expanding gambling in
a “the government owes us a living” mentality. this province. But they caved under to powerful
If governments want to get elected they need interests and we now have unlimited access
to curry the favour of the people. “Give them to gambling whether it be casinos or online
what they want and we will get elected.” gambling. In my view, this cannot be good for
society. Yes, a very few people get rich but there
There are some things dangerously wrong with are countless others suffering from gambling
this. One is that, if government does not curb addictions when their money should be spent
their spending, it goes into deficit and debt on rent and food and the necessities of life.
which can lead to financial ruin. We have seen (continued on page 3)

Message from the President

(continued from page 1)

parties in BC. There are many! The Party continues to increase our membership and finances.
New Constituency Associations are being set up which will ensure that a full slate of Conservative
candidates will be running in the next general election. To conclude, I would encourage all members
and prospective members to become active participants in the Party. By remaining committed to our
objectives, we will succeed in placing BC Conservative MLAs in the legislature of the Province of BC.

Wayne McGrath, President, BC Conservative

Page 2
Community Spotlight: Campbell River KNOW YOUR
Located on the East Coast of Vancouver Island, Campbell River is a town that was built by the
( continued. )
resources that BC is famous for; logging, mining and fishing. Today, the commercial fishing has been
almost entirely replaced by the growing aquaculture industry, forestry has been whittled down to
logging alone and mining is hardly at the level of its heyday. Campbell River is a town in transition and 1941
desperately looking to re-invent itself in the new world economy. While federally conservative ( Indian The BC Conservative Party
Affairs and Northern Development Minister, John Duncan, is the MP for the region) , Campbell River forms government with the Liberal
party in order to stop the CCF
sits as the largest city in what has traditionally been provincial NDP territory for the past 40 years (save (precursor to the NDP) from giving
for a brief BC Liberal foothold in 2001-2005). power to the unions in BC

Changing times and fortunes, however, are making this community one that may be hotly contested in
the 2013 election. With the resource unions no longer having the numbers or support that they have 1951 - 1986
been able to supply to the NDP in the past, the tenure of the BC NDP in the region looks to be on shaky The BC Conservative Party
changes its name to the BC
ground. The NDP’s inability to effectively support business growth and development, something that Progressive Conservative Party,
Campbell River is striving for, and the BC Liberals history of ignoring the long term needs of the region, but holds few, if any, seats. By the
1986 General Election, the party is
makes this seaside community ripe for the BC Conservatives to gain ground.
all but dissolved.

Want to spotlight your community? Email your community’s story to the editor:
The BC Conservative Party
returns to its original name and
Other Side of the Fence sits on the fringes until being
revitalized in the 2009 election. By
(continued from page 2)
mid 2010, the party is a challenger
The problem is that government itself becomes lives. In the present disarray of the major parties once again.

addicted, addicted to the increased revenue that in BC, it may be time for that to happen, for
gambling and the “sin taxes” bring into its coffers. something new and different politically. That new
So they actually encourage many of the ills of party may just be the revitalized BC Conservative
our society rather than helping make it better. Party. You owe it to yourself to check it out and DID YOU KNOW?
And, of course, new bureaucracies have to be then make up your own mind. We don’t need
The interim NDP leader, Dawn
created to govern and regulate every piece of the another four years of political magic in this
Black, actually suggested that
pie in which government has its finger. Ultimately province!
NDP MLA Jenny Kwan, who led
that finger is a hand reaching into your wallet.
Reed Elley is a former pastor and a former Member of the dissident movement against
Parliament for the riding of Naniamo Cowichan, which
he represented for 7 years as a member of the Reform, Carole James, should resign
I think we need a political party who is prepared
Alliance and Conservative Parties.
from the party....via Facebook!
to take a stab at stopping this vicious whirlwind
Problems in the NDP are far
of taxing and spending. We need a party who
from over.
will bring commonsense back into government,
one that has the moral courage not to give us
everything we want and who is prepared to limit
the control that government has on our everyday


The Future of BC is in Your Hands

Page 3
BECOME A MEMBER? by Sean Smith, Editor, The Conservative View
In the beginning, there was chaos. There What stands out for me on all of this is a very
was infighting, personal attacks, legal simple question; with all of this bitterness
actions and a distinct separation in the party. that is growing and festering in these two
No, I am not talking about the BC Liberal or parties, how can they ever come together to
BC NDP leadership campaigns. I am talking be leaders of our province?
about our very own BC Conservatives.
The damage in the BC NDP is so bad that
Less than 2 years ago I was questioning the the interim leader actually demanded MLA
future of the party, to the point of throwing in Jenny Kwan resign and she did that via
VERNON BC VIT 9E7 the towel. A fellow member convinced me Facebook. The rift between Christy Clark
1.866.800.9025 to stay in and see what happens “when the and the other BC Liberal candidates is dust settles”. I did and over the next several growing to the point that, should she win, the
months I watched the coming and goings future of these former senior cabinet minister
of people in the executive, the creation may seriously be in doubt, causing an
of the Tactical Advisory Group and roar even larger rift to happen in the BC Liberal
FOLLOW THE BC of discontent amongst the people of the coalition. Where I doubted the future of my
CONSERVATIVE PARTY VIA province grow to a crescendo that could not own party a couple of years ago, I now doubt
SOCIAL MEDIA. be ignored. It was the glue that began to the future of our opponents.
bind our members into a common goal; build
the BC Conservative Party. The fact is, the BC Conservative has one
thing that the other parties do not have going
In the past few months, we have watched for them: teamwork. From the TAG working
SEARCH FACEBOOK GROUP: the BC Liberals and the BC NDP go through with the Executive to the Executive working
British Columbia Conservative a myriad of changes. Both leaders stepping with the Constituency Associations, to the
Party down, one by the force of the people, the CA’s working with our newest members, we
other by the force of her own party. We have are a single and undeniable force. As we
watched 2 leadership races begin, one that enter into our own leadership race in March,
was bitter fight from the very first nomination, I hope that we can all remember this and we
@bcconservatives (party)
while the other was a pleasant little “love- can all work toward those common goals we
@bccpni (North Island)
in” until some realized that their little walk all wish to achieve. Together, as a team, we
in the park was really going to be a race. can build BC into that province we all desire.
Coming Soon.

Page 4
Photographs by Paul Judson Stobbe and
Design and BC Conservatives logo are property of the BC Conservative Party. All rights reserved.


Contact Sean Smith, Editor of the Conservative View, for details
on production and delivery costs. Minimum 500 per order
THE BC CONSERVATIVE Help Us Build the Party

Membership sign-ups are up. Donations are up, Donate to the Party
President: too, but if the party is to grow and to become a
Wayne McGrath serious contender in the BC political arena, we You can make donations to the party, online, need more. More members and more money. ranging from as little as $25 to as much as
We need your help, to ensure the future of $1000 (or more).
TAG Chair: British Columbia is one that we can all look
Randy White forward to. The Conservative Party of British Columbia is a
Registered Political Party and your contribution
Communications Director: Club 500 in any one year may entitle you to generous

Jeff Bridge political tax credits on your next tax return.

Membership in Club 500 will be available to
any person or corporation who donates a The refund (or reduction in tax payable)
minimum of $500 in any given year P a y m e n t depends only on the amount donated and not
Party Spokesman:
can be made to either the provincial Party or a on taxable income. One only needs to file a
Keith Roy
registered CA or a combination of both. tax return in order to receive it. The tax credit
There will be a new Club 500 established each formula is:
calendar year.
Newsletter Editor: Unless a donor is opposed, the name of the * for contributions between 0 and $100, you
Sean Smith donor will be on our website and they will will get back 75%; receive a Letter of Appreciation from the Party * for contributions between $100 and $550,
President. you will get back $75 plus 50% of the amount
Please submit questions over $100;
or articles to Jeff Bridge, Regular Membership * for contributions over $550, you will get
Communications Director, BC back $300 plus 33 1/3% of the amount over
Conservative Party. Deadline You can become a member for as little as $10 $550 up to a maximum of $500 annually.
(1 year). Other options include $20 (2 years),
for monthly submissions is the
$30 (3 years) and $35 (5 years). You can sign Please Note: The maximum tax credit available
second Friday of every month.
up online (, contact of $500 can be obtained by making a total
the party via mail or phone, or ask an existing political contribution of $1150 per annum.
member in your area.

The Future of BC Starts Here

Page 5

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