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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Bulacan
District of Obando


Paco, Obando, Bulacan


PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Bulacan
District of Obando


Paco, Obando, Bulacan


DepEd Vision

We dream of Filipinos
who passionately love their country
and whose competencies and values
enable them to realize their full potential
and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.

As a learner – centered public institution,

the department of education continuously
improves itself to better serve its

DepEd Mission

To protect and promote the right of every Filipino

to quality, equitable, culture-based,
and complete basic education where:

Students learn in a child – friendly,

gender – sensitive, safe and motivating environment

Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner

Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution,

ensure and enabling and supportive environment
for effective learning to happen

Family, community and other stakeholders are actively engaged

and share responsibility for developing lifelong learners

Core Values

Maka-Diyos, Tao, Makakalikasan, Makabansa

PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies


“The greatest gift we can give our children is the gift

of Education”. Thus, said former DepEd Secretary

In related sentiment, Paco Elementary School believes

that the best way to educate the community, and hence
brings forth national success is through educating the
Filipino children. And in this particular place and time,
Paco Elementary School invests on the focal point and the
central figure of the entire educational system – the
pupils themselves. Henceforth, this Pupils’ Handbook has
been conceptualized by its current school Head RAMIL G.
PAGTALUNAN, not only as a prerequisite and one important
part of School – Based Management Dimension, but also as
a testimony of how Paco Elementary School valued most its
best asset and the core of its existence – the school

Thus, this handbook is primarily dedicated to them and

to them and the author hopes that this may help in the
realization of the school vision and mission for the
benefit of them all.


Paco Elementary School joins the entire Department of

Education in pursuing one of its mandates embodied in the
1987 Philippine Constitution, Article XIV, Sections 1, to

Section 1: The State shall protect and promote the

right of all citizens to quality education at all levels
and shall take appropriate steps to make such education
accessible to all.

In this connection, this handbook is very much needed

in order for the school children to be made aware of
their importance, rights, roles and duties as the most
valuable internal stakeholders in this institution of
learning --- Paco Elementary School.

Furthermore, SBM: Internal Stakeholders cite the school

pupils as focal point of the school vision and mission.
Thus, it requires Pupils’ handbook as a prerequisite in
assisting school pupils in their attainment and awareness
of their rights and responsibilities for the success and
development of educational goals.

PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies


A. General Guidelines
1. It is the policy of the state to provide for a free and
compulsory public elementary education.
2. No Filipino pupil / student shall be refused admission, by
reason of sex, creed, socio-economic status, racial or
ethnic origin, political and other affiliation, in the
public school system. Due to limited space some students may
be referred to other public schools or to private schools
under Educational Service.
3. For admission to Kindergarten, all children who are five
years old and above seeking enrolment on or before the start
of the school year, shall submit a birth certificate. In the
absence of a birth certificate, a baptismal certificate or
any proof of birth. Grades I to VI shall submit Form 138 –


1. Transfer may be allowed on the following grounds:

1.1 Displacement of families arising out of natural or
manmade calamities, enroll affected pupils without the
immediate need for the usual, required documents (D.O.
No. 62, s 1995)
1.2 Change of residence (D.O No. 19, s. 1996)
1.3 Health problems and other compelling valid reasons such
as threat to life.


1. Philippine educational Placement Test (D.M No. 255 s.

1999) is administered to youths/adults who have been
out of school for at least two (2) years, who are over
aged in school by at least three (3) years and who are
Filipino Citizens.

PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies

2. Philippine Validating Test (D.O. No. 22, S. 1998) is
administered to the following pupils / students:
2.1 Those who studied in a school operating without
2.2 Those who have superior academic performance;
2.3 Those who, by force of circumstance were not able
to finish the last grading period in their school,
but passed all the subjects in the first three (3)
grading periods;
2.4 Those who are seeking transfer to a school in the
Philippine during the school year provided they
have completed at least three (3) grading period;
2.5 Those who studied in a non-graded school but
desire to transfer to a graded type of school;
2.6 Those who studied under an educational system that
is different from that of the Philippines, whether
local or foreign;


A. Grading System – (DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015)

1. Policy guidelines in Classroom Assessment for the K to 12
Basic Education Program has defined in DepEd Order No. 8,
S. 2015 shall be continue to enforce.

A. Promotion

1. Pupils’ promotion shall be by subject and shall

continue to be based on the performance standard of
75%. Sixty five percent (65%) shall remain the lowest


A. Retention

1. A pupil shall be retained in the grade level if he

incurs failures in the following: No Read, No Pass
Policy, and average grades lower than 75 in all subject
areas prescribed in the K to 12 Curriculum.

PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies


1. Candidates for honors in Grades 1 to 10 shall be drawn

form the top (10) pupils/students of the school who
performed at the Advance Level. They must not have a
final grade lower than 85 (Proficient Level) and they
should have no grade at Developing Level in any
2. To determine the top ten (10), pupils / students shall
be ranked using the 7-3point scheme (7points for
academic performance and 3 points for co-curricular
activities) as contained in Enclosure Nos. 1 & 2 of
DepEd Order No. 92, S. 2009, Revised Guidelines on the
Selection of Honor Pupils/Students in Public
Elementary and Secondary Schools.
3. Transferees shall be considered in the ranking
provided they were enrolled not later than the second
week of classes of the current School Year.
4. The general average shall be computed to three decimal
places. In order to compute for all general average,
the exact numerical equivalent of the students’ final
ratings across subjects shall be used. In case of a
tie, candidates shall be both be declared in the same
honor ranking (both as valedictorians, salutatorians
and so on). Refer to Enclosure Nos. 2 and 3 of this
Order for sample computation of grades.
5. All candidates for honors must be of good moral
character and have not been subjected to any
disciplinary action within the current School Year.
6. Achievements of pupils/students in specific academic
disciplines (such as Mathematics, Science and English)
and in special curricular areas (such as sports, the
arts and campus journalism) shall be given
recognition. A separate set of honor students may be
declared for each curriculum program.
7. Duly recognized annexes of public elementary and
secondary schools, provided the annex is a complete

PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies

school with all the curriculum grades/year, shall
select their own set of honor pupils/students.

8. Any member of the School Selection Committee must not

be related within the second degree of consanguinity
or affinity to any of the candidates for honors.

9. The School Head shall be the chairman of the School

Selection Committee composed of at least three (3)
members from the teaching staff and shall make the
final announcement of honor pupils/students after
final results have been duly recommended to and
approved by the School Head and/or Schools Division
Superintendent, respectively, not later that fifteen
(15) days before the recognition/commencement rites.
Candidates for honors and their advisers must be
present during the selection process.

10. In case of protest, it shall be filed by the

candidate with his/her parent or guardian to the
School Head within five (5) working days from the
final announcement and shall be settled by the School
Selection Committee within five (5) working days from
the filling of the protest.

11. The existing DepEd Order No. 92, S. 2009 shall be

applied in the selection of honor pupils/students in
Grades 2 to 6 of the elementary level and Second year
to Fourth Year of the Secondary Level.

i. Academic Excellence (7 points)

Academic excellence shall be based on the general average of all
the learning areas in the curriculum year. The procedure for
ranking based on academic excellence is as follows:

a. Compute the average of each learning area up to three

decimal places
b. Get the average of the grades of all learning areas.
c. Rank the candidates according to their average.
d. Multiply the rank by 7 points.

PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies

ii. Co-Curricular Performance (3 points)
Co-Curricular performance covers the achievements of the
candidates in all levels (schools, division, regional, national,
and international) in five (5) areas as indicated and/or defined
in Enclosure No. 2 of DepEd Order No. 92, S. 2009; namely: a)
Contests and Competition (CC), b) student Leadership (SL), c)
Campus Journalism (CJ), d) Officership and Membership (OM, and e)
Participation and Attendance (PA). The procedure in the
computation of co-curricular performance in the ranking of honor
pupils and students is as follows:

a. Require each candidate to present and submit certified true

copies of all documentary and evidentiary requirements of
his/her co-curricular achievements pursuant to Paragraphs 1
to 8 of Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Order No. 92, S. 2009,
except when the co-curricular achievement is of public
b. Validate each co-curricular achievements of each candidate;
c. Classify all valid co-curricular achievements of each
candidate and get their corresponding points according to
the five (5) Areas/Activities and the points for Co-
curricular Performance in Enclosure No.2 to DepEd Order No.
92, S. 2009;
d. Get the total points of each candidate b adding all points
regardless of the number of valid co-curricular achievements
in one Area/Activity’
e. Rank the candidates from highest to lowest based on their
sums/total points; and
f. Multiply the rank by three (3) points to get the weighted

iii. Final Ranking

a. Add the weighted ranks of the pupils or students
b. Rank the sums from the lowest to the highest

PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies

(See Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Order No. 92, S. 2009 for the
specified/given points for co-curricular activities.

References: DepEd Order No. 74, S. 2012


1. Exert his utmost to develop his potentialities for service,

particularly by undergoing an education suited to his
abilities, in order that he may become an asset to his
family and to society.

2. Uphold the academic integrity of the school, endeavor to

achieve academic excellence and abide by the rules and
regulations governing his academic responsibilities and
moral integrity.

3. Promote and maintain the peace and tranquility of the school

by observing the rules of discipline, and by exerting
efforts to attain harmonious relationships with fellow
students, the teaching and academic staff and other school

4. Participate actively in civic affairs and in the promotion

of the general welfare, particularly in the social, economic
and cultural development of his community and in the
attainment of a just, compassionate and orderly society.

5. Exercise his rights responsibly in the knowledge that he is

answerable for any infringement or violation of the public
welfare and of the rights of others.

Excerpts from DECS Order No. 20, S. 1991


PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies

Conformably with DepEd and Division Policies and Regulations
governing the maintenance of wholesome and favorable school
atmosphere, good school discipline, and minimizing, if not
totally eliminating, school hazards and accidents, and the like;
the following rules and regulations are to be observed by
individual pupils of Paco Elementary School:

1. As much as possible, pupils should also wear the prescribed

school uniforms requested of them.
2. All pupils must come to school promptly. Pupils who are
officers and members of Supreme Pupil Government, with
assigned duties and responsibilities, are required to
discharge their functions efficiently as expected of them.
3. Reporting and playing in school compound during Saturdays,
Sundays and holidays should be discouraged.
4. All forms of misbehavior such as shouting, jumping, running
etc., during free period should be minimized through proper
guidance and supervision of teachers.
5. Pupils should be sent home right away after classes.
6. Pupils should be properly trained and supervised in the
proper disposal of waste materials such as candy wrappers,
plastics, etc.,
7. Proper segregation of wastes must be observed religiously at
all times.
8. Picking up of pieces of papers, dry leaves and all sorts of
debris should be made and observed routinely after
supervised recess time; before and after classes are
started; and then, adjourned respectively.
9. Taking caring of all gardens and ornamental & vegetable
plants should also be made routinely.
10. No pupils will go out of school compound during class
hour or free period.

Prohibition of Fraternities and Sororities in
Elementary and Secondary Schools

Considering that enrolments in elementary and secondary

schools are relatively small and students come from the
immediate communities served, the presence of

PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies

fraternities/sororities which serve as socializing agents
among pupils/students-peers, is not deemed necessary…
Effective upon receipt of this Order, fraternities and
sororities are prohibited in public elementary and secondary
schools. Penalty for non-compliance is expulsion of

Excerpts from DECS Order No. 20, S. 1991


Authority to Maintain School Discipline:
Every school shall maintain discipline inside the school
campus as well as outside the school premises when pupils or
students are engaged in activities authorized by the school.

Excerpts from DECS Order No. 92, S. 1992

Imposition of Disciplinary Action

1.1.1 School Officials and teachers shall have the right

to impose appropriate and reasonable disciplinary
measures in case of minor offenses or infractions
of good discipline. However, no cruel or physically
harmful punishment shall be imposed or applied
against any pupil or student.
Excerpts from DECS Service Manual 2000, Chapter 3, Section 1

Suspension / Expulsion (Sections 145-151, part VI Chapter

III, Service Manual 1960)

1.1.2 For first and other offenses from school not to

exceed three (3) days may be authorized by the
principal without the prior approval of the
Division superintendent. However, parents must be
informed by the teacher or the school principal of
any misconduct on the part of their children for
which disciplinary action is necessary.

1.1.3 For a persistent offender or one guilty serious

offense, a suspension for not more than one (1)
year may be imposed subject to the approval of the
Division Superintendent.

PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies

1.1.4 Suspension for a school year or more, or expulsion
from school can be ordered only by the Secretary

1.1.5 In all cases of suspension, a written promise of

future exemplary conduct signed by the pupil/student and
countersigned by his parents or guardian shall be required as a
condition for readmission and must be required in the case of
suspension for more than three (3) days.


 Gross misconduct

 Cheating and stealing

 Assaulting a teacher or any other school authority or his

agents or students

 Smoking inside the school premises

 Vandalism, writing on or destroying school property like

chairs, tables, windows, books, laboratory equipment and


 Gambling of any sort

 Drinking intoxicants and liquor

 Carrying and concealing deadly weapons

 Extortion or asking money from others

 Fighting, causing injury to others

 Using, possessing, and selling of prohibited drugs

 Hazing in any form or manner whether inside or outside the

school premises

 Immortality / sexual harassment

PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies

 Instigating, leading or participating in concerted

activities leading to stoppage of classes. Preventing,

threatening students or faculty members or School

Habitual tardiness especially during the first period in the

morning and in the afternoon shall not be allowed. Teachers
concerned shall call for the parents of the student
concerned or visit him at home.
Refer to DepEd Order No. 45, S. 2008: Student Uniforms are
not required in Public Elementary Schools
While the general policy is that the wearing of a school
uniform shall not be required in public schools (as embodied in
DepEd Order No. 45, S. 2008) it is still necessary for Paco
Elementary School Pupils to follow the content of DepEd Order No.
46, S. 2008 to serve as guidance on what constitutes proper
school attire. The following principles should be serves as a

1. A pupil’s basic right to go to school, study and learn is of

paramount importance and should be respected and promoted at
all times.
2. A pupil’s attire should reflect respect for the school as an
institution of learning.
3. A pupil’s attire should not become a cause for
discrimination particularly for students belonging to a
lower socio – economic status.
4. Promoting physical hygiene and proper school decorum is part
of the teaching – learning process in Paco Elementary
School, thus, a student’s attire and physical appearance
should manifest learnings from this process.
5. Given these principles, the suggested attire for elementary
pupils may be:
For Boys: Plain white polo shirt/T-shirt with sleeves
Royal blue short pants
For Girls: Plain white blouse Royal Blue Skirt
Foot wear – Black shoes and white socks

PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies

6. For pupils with existing uniforms, they can still continue
wearing them, if they do so desire.


1. Classrooms are to be used for academic purposes only.

2. No group actions like boycott of classes/demonstrations
against any issue, person or teacher will be allowed.
3. Co-curricular activities shall be subject to prior approval
of the school head.
4. Meetings, assemblies, convocations and activities shall be
held in the presence and with knowledge of the Principal,
Guidance Counselor, teacher or Club Adviser/Coach:


1. Only bonafide students of the school shall be allowed inside

the school campus.
2. No visitors shall be allowed inside the campus during school
hours except for valid reasons. They shall be required to
sign the logbook of the security service.
3. Teacher shall confer with parents/guardians or entertain
visitors during their off period.
4. No pupils or visitors shall be allowed inside the school
building and the premises after the last class period has
ended except foe the schools with night classes.


In line with the Republic Act 8749 known as Philippine Clean

Air Act of 1999, the DepEd prohibits smoking and the scale
cigarettes and other tobacco products inside public and
private school campuses, buildings of the division, regional
and national offices. Said campuses, premises, buildings and
offices shall be declared as “No Smoking Areas” or “Zone of

PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies

Excerpts from DepEd Order No. 33, S.

The use of cellular phones and the like should be prohibited

inside the classrooms particularly during the examinations

to prevent these gadgets from disrupting classes as well as

for cheating.

The school principals are directed to ensure that text

messaging during classes and within school premises

should be stopped and closely monitored in order to

prevent the school children from engaging in misguided

and immoral activities through these gadgets.

Excerpts from DECS Order No. 70, S. 1999 /

DECS Order No. 26, S. 2000

Prepared by:


Teacher III


Principal II

PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies

3.The right to have access to their own school records, the
confidentiality of which the school shall maintain and preserve;

4.The right to the expeditious action to the issuance of official

certificates, diplomas, transcript of records, transfer
credentials and other similar documents within thirty days from

5.The right to publish a student newspaper and similar

publications, and to invite resource persons during assemblies,
symposia, and other activities of similar nature;

6.The right to have free expression of opinions and suggestions,

and to avail of effective channels of communication with the
appropriate academic and administrative bodies of the school;

7.Religious Rights of Students: “Pursuant to the Constitutional

guarantee on the rights of the citizens to freedom of religion
and non-discrimination on the basis of sex, religion, creed or
color, all schools should strive to ensure that these rights of
students are protected and strengthened.” Paco Elementary School
makes sure of this.

Excerpts from DepEd Order No. 53, S. 2011

8.The right to form, establish, join and participate in

organizations and societies, for purposes not contrary to law;

PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies

9.The right to be free from involuntary contributions, except
those approved by their own organizations or societies.

PACO ES Pupils’ Handbook on Policies

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