Suffering of The Filipinos

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Suffering of the Filipinos

According to Patrick Flores (November 10, 2003) The readdresses the problematic of coloniality
and modernity by exploring a kind of engagement that enables the history of the Philippine colonial
painting to inscribe conditions of conversion, artiness and social movement in the political economy and
performance of the practice. He regards painting as idiom of both colonial visuality and folk/popular
aesthetic culture. In fleshing out this idea, He turned to works. Esteban Villanueva’s Basi revolt(1821)
consisting of fourteen panels which depicts the failed rebellion in Northern Philippines against the
Spanish governments regulation of a sugarcane wine called “Basi” and Juan Luna’s Spoliaruim(1884).
Underwriting this project is the aesthetic of suffering which he believe is the key to visuality of
transformation and the Salvific vision to be discerned in the pain of bearing the colonial cross and the
sacrifice of pursuing it’s redemption. At the time of the emergence of New Spain, in the America’s
around four centuries past colony at the end of the 19 th century.

Experience of Filipinos

According to Dayang Marikit, the Philippine history professor colonization destroys the native
cultures of those who have been colonized and to add insult to injury, colonization may also be used as
propaganda to twist reality to further dehumanize those who have been subjugated. Colonizers use
Skewed reasons to justify the colonization of cultures and humans and here are act of pure animal

*Double Standards-A Chinese man attacking as white man>Barbarism/ A white man attacking a Chinese

*Dehumanization- Colonizers depict themselves as the “heroes/saviors who brought civilization to thee
barbarians to justify rapes, murder genocides that they did.


According to Pan, Africanists Christianity is a western colonial religion that at the service of
colonialism contributed to the erosion of the intellectual, cultural, religious and political values and
richness of Africa. According to European colonialism Europeans moved beyond explorations and into
colonization of the Americas, they brought changes to virtually every aspect of the land and its people,
from trade and hunting to warfare and personal property. European goods, ideas and diseases shaped
the changing continent(

Development: A comparative Analysis of Spanish and British Colonies by Matthew Lange, James
Mahoney and Matthiias von Hau McGill University, Northwestern University and brown University.

American Journal Of Sociology

Vol. lll, Issue 5, pages 15412-1462

British and Spanishcolonialism, the authors show that the economic models of the colonizing
nations also affected the reversals of fortune. Mercanlilist Spain tended to colonize most extensively
precolonial regions that were populous and highly developed in turn Spanish colonization and
consequences for post-colonial development.

Factors that make People neglect to know the History

According to colonization of African by the Europeans. The Three main factors that lead to
Europeans imperializing Africa in the 19 th century were economic, military technology and politics.
Economic was one of the important factors for imperialism in Africa (https:

Values and Characteristics of the Filipinos

Colonial period colonialism stripped Filipino women of their position. They were expected to
remain within the home and only concern themselves with house work and raising children.

Impact Of Colonialism: Thoughts, Politics and Governance

In Bangladesh According to Ahmed Shafiqul Huque, the Associate Professor in the department
of Public and Social Administration at the city University of Hong Kong. He presented an earlier version
for this paper at the 4th Commonwealth and post-colonial studies Conference, Georgia Southern
University, in April 1995. His most recently to Bangladesh was 1996, Colonialism was a lasting
impression on the lives of people. Countries under colonial domination experience a distinctly different
way of developing maturing and arriving at a state where the legacy of independences continues to
affect their existence and performance. Colonial experience have beneficial impact in the sense that the
process of development is through importation of influences and ideas. Subsequently, products of the
colonial educational system have provided leadership to movements aiming to end colonial rule. At the
same time, colonial rule leads to negative experience for natives. Strict maintenance of law and order
intolerance to governing power and repressive measures adopted by colonial powers to control the
principle of democracy practiced in the parent countries, however in the name of law and order. The
overall result is total confusion as leaders choose governing strategies to suit their convenience.

21st Century Colonialism

According to Micahel Schwartz, the author of War without End, The Iraq war in context explains
how the Obama administrations occupation of Iraq is beginning to resemble the Bush administration ns.
Acting in the dark of night, in fact seems to catch the nature of American plans for Iraq in a particularly
striking ay despite of death of Michael Jackson. Iraq made it back into the Tv news as Iraq is celebrated a
highly publicized American military withdrawal from their cities. Fireworks went off some Iraqis
gathered to dance and cheer the 1 st military parade since Saddam Hussein’s day took place the U.s
handed back many small bases and out post and Prime Minister Nourial- Maliki proclaimed a national
holiday “Sovereignty Day’’ he called it.

Spain Era During Colonialism

A colonial period of nearly 33 centuries followed the major Spanish conquests. The empire was
created in a time of rising European absolutism which flourished in both Spain and Spanish America and
reached its height in the 18th century. The overseas colonies became and remained the king’s private
Spanish Colonial policies

According to Queen Isabella in 1504, the Spanish sovereigns created the House of trade 9Casa de
Contraction) to regulate commerce between Spain and the New world. Their purposes were to make
thee trade monopolistic and thus poor than maximum amount of bullion into royal treasury. This policy
seemingly successful at first fell short later because Spain failed to prove necessary manufactured goods
for its colonies, foreign competitors appeared and smuggling grew. In 1524 Charles created the Council
of the Indies (Consejo de Indias) as a lawmaking body for the colonies. During the 3 centuries of its
existence, this council enacted a massive amount of legislation through much grew absolute and
become a dead later. A problem early faced and never truly solved by Spain was that of the Indians, the
home government was generally benevolent in legislating for their welfare but could not altogether
enforce its humane policies in distant America. Spanish Dominican friars were the first to condemn the
encomienda and work for its abolition. A belief held by some Spanish theologians -that Indians were
inferior beings who were destined to be natural slaves, to be subdued and forcibly converted to
Christianity generally prevailed over the opposition of Las Casas and fellow Dominicans. The Ecomiendor
its equivalent endured although this feudalist institution declined as royal absolutism grew.

American Era

Summary of the American Colonial period. The rule of the U.s over the Philippines had 2 phases.
The first phase was from 1898-1935, during which time Washington defined its colonial mission as one
of fuselage and preparing and preparing the Philippines for eventual independence. The first colony was
founded at Jamestown Virginia, 1607.Many of the people who settled in the new World came to
escaped religious persecution. The Pilgrims, founders of Plymouth, Massachusetts arrived in 1620. In
both Virginia and Massachusetts, the colonist flourished with some assistance from native Americans.

Japanese Era

Japanese colonial rule91910-1945) was a contradictory experience for Koreans. On the one
hand, Japanese colonialism was often quite harsh. For the first 10 years. Japan ruled directly through the
military and any Korean dissent was ruthlessly crushed. Japanese Korea was the period when Korea was
under Japanese rule, between 1910-1945. Joseon Korea came under the Japanese sphere of influence in
the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1876 and a complex coalition. ( During the
occupation, Japan took over Korea’s labor and land, nearly 100,000. Japanese families settled in Korea
with land they had been given, they chopped down trees by the millions and planted non-native species,
transforming a familiar landscape into something many Koreans didn’t recognized.


Philippines was colonized by the Spanish for over 300 hundred years up until the end of the
Spanish- American War in 1898. Spain lost and so they took their place as overseers for the next 50
years( Spanish Colonization begun when a Spanish explorer Miguel
Lopez de Legaspi arrived from Mexico and formed the first European settlements of San Miguel in Cebu,
one of the premier centers of trade in the region. The expedition continued Northward reaching the bay
of Manilaon, where new towns were established. The Spanish brought political unification to most of
the Philippine Island and influenced the locals with Western practices and religion. Founding the
Katipunan was a revolutionary society founded on July 7 by anti- Spanish Filipinos in Manila. It was
sponsored by Jose P. Rizal who wrote two novels: Noli Me tangere and El Filibusterismo which incited
Filipino nationalism and revolt against the Spanish colonizers. He formed a civic movement organization
called la Liga Filipina on July 3rd 1892. This league spoke of social reforms through legal means. The
league was disbanded four days after its formation and Jose was declared an enemy of state by Spanish
Authorities. He was exiled to the remote Philippine Island in Mindanao. Then Andress Bonifacio,
Teodoro Plata, Ladislao Diwa, and others first formed a secret society called Katipunan. It sought
Independence from Spain through armed revolt and was later discovered. As a result, it started the
Philippine Revolution later in 1896. The Philippine revolution was an armed military conflict between the
people of the Philippines and Spanish colonial authorities. It began upon the discovery of anti0-colonial
secret organization Katipunan by the Spanish Authorities on August 1, 1896. In a mass gathering in
Caloocan, the Katipunan leaders organized themselves into revolutionary government and openly
declared a nationwide-armed revolution. After a year the bloody fighting with support from the U.S to
the Philippines, the Spanish signed the truce pact of Biak-na Bato on December 14,1897 ending the
Philippine Revolution. The Philippine revolution marked an important turning point in Filipino
Nationalism and was major cause for the inevitable downfall of Spanish Colonial Rule. The Revolution
also led to increased unfriendly relations between the Spanish and Americans and is believed to have
caused have caused the Spanish American war territory.

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