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Malviya National Institute of Technology

Computer Science and Engineering

Paper Reading Assignment

Training Seminar


Made by- Nishant Yadav

Submitted to- Dr. Arka Prokash Majumdar

With the rapid growth of Internet of Things (IoT) applications, the classic centralized
cloudcomputing paradigm faces several challenges such as high latency, low capacity
and network failure.To address these challenges, fog computing brings the cloud closer
to IoT devices. The fog provides IoTdata processing and storage locally at IoT devices
instead of sending them to the cloud. In contrast tothe cloud, the fog provides services
with faster response and greater quality. Therefore, fog computingmay be considered
the best choice to enable the IoT to provide efficient and secure services for manyIoT
users. This paper presents the state-of-the-art of fog computing and its integration with
theIoT by highlighting the benefits and implementation challenges. This review will also
focus on thearchitecture of the fog and emerging IoT applications that will be improved
by using the fog model.Finally, open issues and future research directions regarding
fog computing and the IoT are discussed.

Abstract i.

1.Introduction 1.

2. Challenges of the Cloud of Things 1.

3. Fog Computing 1.

3.1. Definition of Fog Computing 2.

3.2. Characteristics of Fog Computing 2.

3.3. Benefits of Fog Computing 2.

4. Fog Computing with IoT 3.

5. Applications of Fog with the IoT 3.

6. Challenges of Fog with the IoT 4.

7. Open Issues of Fog with the IoT 5.

8. Conclusions 5.

References 6.


This paper provides an overview of the integration of fog computing with the IoT; this
involvesan investigation of the fog state-of-the-art, characteristics and benefits. The
integration of the IoT with fog computing is also discussed by highlighting the
integration benefits, emerging IoT applications and challenges encountered. Related
models and articles that discuss the integration of the IoT with the fog are described.
Open research issues regarding the IoT and fog computing are also discussed.
Compared to other surveys conducted on fog computing, which will be discussed in
Section 4,this paper focuses on providing a review of fog computing in the context of
the IoT.
The contribution of this paper can be summarized as follows:
•Discussing recent articles which investigate the integration of fog computing with
differentIoT applications.
•Investigating IoT challenges and how they will be resolved by integrating the IoT
withfog computing.
•Providing various IoT applications that benefit from the integration of the fog with the
•Discussing the challenges that result from integrating the IoT with fog computing.
•Discussing future research directions regarding fog computing and the IoT.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents the challenges of
integratingthe IoT with cloud computing; Section 3 presents fog computing with its
characteristics, architectureand benefits; Section 4 introduces integration of the fog
with the IoT by discussing related works thatdiscuss the convergence of the IoT with
fog computing; Section 5 provides different IoT applicationsthat rely on fog computing;
Section 6 discusses the challenges facing the integration of the fog with theIoT; Section
7 presents open issues; and finally, Section 8 is the conclusion.

2.Challenges of the Cloud of Things

The CoT paradigm introduces new challenges to the IoT system that cannot be
addressed by the traditional centralized cloud computing architecture, such as latency,
capacity constraints, resource-constrained devices, network failure with intermittent
connectivity andenhanced security. In addition, the centralized cloud approach is not
appropriate for IoT applications where operations are time-sensitive, or Internet
connectivity is poor. There are many scenarios where milliseconds can have serious
significance, such as telemedicine and patient care.

3.Fog Computing

This section provides an overview of fog computing, its characteristics, benefits and

3.1. Definition of Fog Computing

Fog computing is a paradigm with limited capabilities such as computing, storing and
networkingservices in a distributed manner between different end devices and classic
cloud computing. It provides a good solution for IoT applications that are latency-
Though the term was originally coined by Cisco, fog computing has been defined by
many researchers and organizations from a number of different perspectives. Yi et al.
have provideda general definition of fog computing. It is stated as; “Fog Computing is a
geographically distributed computing architecture with a resource pool which consists
of one or more ubiquitously connected heterogeneous devices (including edge
devices) at the edge of network and not exclusively seamlessly backed by Cloud
services,to collaboratively provide elastic computation, storage and communication
(and many other new servicesand tasks) in isolated environments to a large scale of
clients in proximity”

3.2. Characteristics of Fog Computing

Essentially, fog computing is an extension of the cloud but closer to the things that
work with IoTdata. Fog computing acts as an intermediary between the cloud and end
devices which brings processing, storage and networking services closer to the end
devices themselves. These devices are called fog nodes.

3.3. Benefits of Fog Computing

The benefits of fog computing can be summarized as follows:
•Greater business agility: With the use of the right tools, fog computing applications
can be quickly developed and deployed. In addition, these applications can program
the machine to work according to the customer needs.
•Low latency: The fog has the ability to support real-time services (e.g., gaming, video
•Geographical and large-scale distribution: Fog computing can provide distributed
computingand storage resources to large and widely distributed applications.
•Lower operating expense: Saving network bandwidth by processing selected data
locally instead of sending them to the cloud for analysis.
•Flexibility and heterogeneity: Fog computing allows the collaboration of different
physical environments and infrastructures among multiple services.
•Scalability: The closeness of fog computing to end devices enables scaling the
number of connected devices and services.

4. Fog Computing with IoT

Fog computing can solve many of IoT challenges. We can summarize them as:
•Latency constraints: The fog performs all computation operation such as managing
and analyzing data andother time-sensitive actions close to end users, which is the
ideal solution to meet latencyconstraints of some of IoT applications.
•Network bandwidth constraints: Fog computing enables hierarchical data processing
along the cloud to IoT devices.This allows data processing to be carried out depending
on application demands,available networking and computing resources. This, in turn,
reduces the amount of datarequired to be uploaded to the cloud, which will save
network bandwidth.
•Resource-constrained devices: Fog computing can be used to perform operations that
need huge resources on behalf ofresource-constrained devices when such operations
cannot be uploaded to the cloud.Therefore, this allows reducing devices’ complexity,
lifecycle costs and power consumption.
•Uninterrupted services: Fog computing can run independently to ensure continuous
services even when it hasirregular network connectivity to the cloud.
•IoT security challenges: Resource-constrained devices have limited security functions;
therefore, fog computingacts as the proxy for these devices to update the software of
these devices and securitycredentials. The fog can also be used to monitor the security
status of nearby devices.

5. Applications of Fog with the IoT

There are many significant areas where fog computing can play a vital role in different
IoT applications. This section provides an overview of various IoT applications that can
benefit from fog computing.

(1) Connected Car

With the use of the fog instead of the cloud, collisions and other accidents can be
reduced as it does not suffer from the latency of the centralized cloud approach,
enabling it to start literally saving lives.

(2) Smart Traffic Lights

Fog computing allows traffic signals to open roads depending on sensing flashing
lights. It senses the presence of pedestrians and cyclists and measures the distance
and speed of the nearby vehicles.Sensor lighting turns on when it identifies
movements and vice-versa.Smart traffic lights may be considered to be fog nodes
which are synchronized with each other to send warning messages to nearby vehicles.

(3) Smart Home

The IoT has many sensors and devices connected in the home. However, these
devices come from different vendors and have different platforms, making it difficult to
get them to work together.In addition, some tasks need a large amount of computation
and storage. Fog computing solves many of these issues. It integrates all different
platforms and empowers smart home applications with flexible resources

(4) Healthcare and Activity Tracking

Fog computing plays a vital role in healthcare. It provides real-time processing and
event responses which are critical in healthcare

6. Challenges of Fog with the IoT

Although the fog computing paradigm offers many benefits for different IoT
applications, it faces many challenges that stand in the way of its successful
deployment. These challenges include scalability, complexity, dynamicity,
heterogeneity, latency and security.

(1) Scalability: The number of IoT devices is in the order of billions, which generates a
huge amountof data and requires a huge amount of resources such as processing
power and storage.

(2) Complexity: Since there are many IoT devices and sensors designed by different
manufacturers, choosing the optimal components is becoming very complicated,
especially with different software and hardware configurations and personal

(3) Dynamicity: One of the important features of IoT devices is the ability to evolve and
dynamically change their workflow composition. This challenge will alter the internal
properties andperformance of IoT devices.

(4) Heterogeneity: There are many IoT devices and sensors which are designed by
different manufacturers. The management and coordination of networks such
heterogeneous IoT devices and the selection of the appropriate resources will become
a big challenge.

(5) Latency: One of the main reasons to replace the cloud with fog computing is
providing low latency, especially for time-sensitive applications. However, there are
many factors presenting a high latency of application or service performance on fog
computing platforms.

(6) Security: Although fog nodes will need to be protected by using the same policy,
controls and procedures and use the same physical security and cybersecurity
solutions, the fog environment itself is vulnerable and less secure than cloud
computing. Existing security andprivacy measurements of cloud computing cannot be
directly applied to the fog due to its mobility, heterogeneity and large-scale geo-

(7) Resource management: Fog end devices are often network devices equipped with
additional storage and computing power. Sensible management of fog resources is
required for efficient operation of the fog computing environment.

(8) Energy consumption: The fog environment involves a large number of fog end
devices; the computation is distributed and can be less energy-efficient than the
centralized cloud model of computation. Therefore, reducing energy consumed in fog
computing is an important challengethat needs to be addressed.

7.Open Issues of Fog with the IoT

It is obvious that fog computing is a new technology that needs more research to
address all the challenges previously mentioned. This section provides an overview of
open issues and future research directions related to fog computing and its integration
with the IoT. Fog computing is an extension of the cloud, which is a central controller of
fog servers that aredeployed at different locations.In a fog, only selective localized
applications are provisioned and synchronized with the cloud. Selecting the
appropriate communication between the fog and cloud that ensures high performance
and low latency of fog nodes is a key challenge. Communications between Fog
Servers: Each fog server manages a pool of resources at different locations.
Communication and collaboration between fog servers are necessary to maintain
service provision and content delivery between them. If the communication efficiency is
increased, the performance of the entire system willbe improved.The data transmission
between fog servers faces many challenges that need to be addressed.


In recent years, the IoT has attracted the attention of both academia and commercial
organizations. It is becoming an integral part of our lives. It has the ability to connect
almost everything to everythingelse in our environment.However, the traditional
centralized cloud has many issues, such as high latency andnetwork failure. To resolve
these issues, fog computing has been developed as an extension of thecloud, but
closer to the IoT devices in which all data processing will be performed at fog
nodes,thereby reducing latency, especially for time-sensitive applications. The
integration of fog computingwith the IoT will bring many benefits to different IoT
applications. n summary, thepurpose of this paper was to provide a review in order to
summarize up-to-date research contributionson fog computing and the IoT and its
applications in our world, as well as demonstrating futureresearch directions and open
issues regarding integrating fog computing with the IoT.

Carlo Puliafito, Enzo Mingozzi, Francesco Longo, Antonio Puliafito, and Omer Rana.
2019. Fog Computing
for the Internet of Things: A Survey. ACM Trans. Internet Technol. 19, 2, Article 18 (April
2019), 41 pages.

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