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Agreement occurs when two or more people have the same opinion or idea. Also, when two
or more people do not have the same idea or opinion. To express disagreement we use: so,
too, neither, and either + auxiliary verbs or modal verbs.


Agreement in affirmative

so + auxiliary + pronoun / pronoun + auxiliary, + too

1- The verb “be”.

Sentence Agreement 1 Agreement 2

1 I am an English student. So am I I am, too
2 I was in Japan last year. So was I I was, too

2- Other verbs. (Cook, speak, run, etc). We use the auxiliary (do / does / did).

Sentence Agreement 1 Agreement 2

1 I speak English. So do I I do, too
2 I visit Japan every year. So do I I do, too
3 I cooked fish yesterday. So did I I did, too

3- Modal verbs. (can, should, will, etc). We use the same modal.

Sentence Agreement 1 Agreement 2

1 I can speak English. So can I I can, too
2 I will visit Japan next year. So will I I will, too
3 I should buy a new TV. So should I I should, too

4- Present perfect . We use ( have, has ) as auxiliary.

Sentence Agreement 1 Agreement 2

1 I have bought a new house. So have I I have, too
2 I have visited Japan. So have I I have, too
3 My father has travelled to New York. So has mine mine has, too
Me too
Agreement in negative

Neither + auxiliary in positive + pronoun / pronoun + auxiliary in negative + either.

1- The verb “be”.

Sentence Agreement 1 Agreement 2

1 I am not a French student. Neither am I I am not, either.
2 I wasn’t in Japan last year. Neither was I I wasn’t, either.

2- Other verbs. (Cook, speak, run, etc). We use the auxiliary (do / does).

Sentence Agreement 1 Agreement 2

1 I don’t speak Russian. Neither do I I don’t, either.
2 I didn’t visit Japan last year. Neither did I I didn’t, either.

3- Modal verbs. (can, should, will, etc). We use the same modal.

Sentence Agreement 1 Agreement 2

1 I can’t speak English. Neither can I I can’t, either.
2 I will visit Japan every year. Neither will I I won’t, either.
3 I shouldn’t buy a new TV. Neither should I I shouldn’t, either.

4- Present perfect. We use ( have, has ) as auxiliary.

Sentence Agreement 1 Agreement 2

1 I haven’t bought a new house. Neither have I I haven’t, either.
2 I haven’t visited Japan. Neither have I I haven’t, either.
3 My father hasn’t travelled to New York. Neither has mine mine hasn’t, either.

Me neither

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