Evocative Speech

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What’s so appealing about cigarette , past decades a lots of people died because of cigarretes if you want
to join on this group of people who wants to be died so you should start lighting up cigarette smoke kills
more people around the world including second smoker than aids, alcohol , car accident, murder, suicides,
and drugs according to department of health many of the average age is more affected at their young age
they learn how to smoke they start from tasting and later on it becomes addiction to them. many diseases
that smoking can cause their servical cancer, kidney , cancer pancreatics, cancer pneumonia , stomach
cancer chronic lung diseases , coronary heart and cardiovascular diseases and ther's so many other if you
smoke 23 times more likely developed lung cancer and women who smoke about 13 times more likely to
vote lung cancer as well about ninety percent of lung cancer deaths in men and eighty percent women and
did you know how many chemicals are in a single cigarette there are 4,000 chemical compounds are
created by burning a single cigarrete many of these 4000 chemicals are toxic and produced carbon
monoxide and nitrogen oxide cigarettes also cause asthma ,headaches , arthritis, nervousness , ulcer ,
mental deppression and shortness of breath . the cost of cigarette right now are so expensive but think of
it they are have capability to buy a cigarette more than a food that they are complaining how expensive is
food but theyre not thinking about the cost of their cigarretes . smoke 30 cigarettes a day which is like a
pack and a half cigarettes are the most trade item on earth i recently search it so i was amazed how they
are so addicted on this cigarette with a approximately a trillion being sold from country to country . more
likely tobacco is highly regulated with legal legislation cigarette contain more than 4,000 ingredient
which when burned can also produce over 200 compound chemicals many of these compound chemical
have been linked to lung cancer that’s all thank you .

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