Hagio 4

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Bam Panggat

The Way of Saint Charles

Saint Charles Borromeo was born at Arona in Lombardy in the year 1538. After having
taken honors in both civil and canon law, he was made cardinal and bishop of Milan by his
uncle, Pope Pius IV. As a true pastor of his flock he tirelessly promoted Christian life by the
reform of his diocese, the convocation of synods and the promulgation of regulations intended to
foster the Church’s mission. He died on November 3, 1584.
Saint Charles Borromeo is one of the saints I knew recently. In fact, I would just hear
about him because he is the namesake of the Major Seminary of Manila. Inside the seminary, I
got to hear the name of Saint Charles Borromeo being invoked when we pray the Prayer for
Seminarians, since he is the patron of seminarians. I also know that he is portrayed as a bishop
who wears a cord around his neck. Reading about Saint Charles Borromeo made me learn that at
a young age, he was made bishop, and it was during the height of the sinfulness of many of the
clergy and bishops who tried to stay in power by appointing their nephews, relatives and even
children to the episcopacy and the cardinalate. Despite the many temptations and the lure of
power that could have blinded him, Saint Charles chose to follow the way of humility and
simplicity. He was even arrested for going against the Pope. His faithfulness to the teachings of
Christ and his love for the Church paved the way for a great reform inside the life of the Church.
This is the challenge that we have to face in the midst of the temptations of modernity, a lavish
lifestyle and power. We must always keep our feet grounded and centered in Christ. The reforms
Saint Charles had to pursue were difficult, but trusting in the grace of God is what drove him to
be steadfast in his desire to develop a culture of renewal. In the end it is the grace of God that
drives us to be obedient to Christ’s will. I am challenged to follow his footsteps to always be
humble and simple, taking up my cross daily and following God. Saint Charles is an inspiration
for me because every day, I am faced with the temptation to Lord over my power to other people,
but every day I am also given a chance to choose between two standards – that of Christ’s and
Satan’s. Satan’s path is always wider, easier and appealing at first, but relying only on the Grace
of God will help me choose to follow the Standard of Christ, so that in all things, God may be

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