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LI listening assessment 3.

The listening assessment for this period is called: “Chasing dreams and beginning again” due to
Sunday July 25th. midnight.
Please watch the video as many times as possible so you can answer the questions below.
Answers must be brief but complete.
Video link:

Please answer the questions in different color.

1. What kind of child was Kate? What was her dream?

Kate’s part of her journey was that she was an old child, awkward child, she thoughts the world
was around her and that people was supposed to pay her just for listen when she was playing
the kleeness/box guitar child. Kate’s dream was when the Blue Jays called her because they will
need her to sing at their game she thought it could be turned into a show she was going to take
across the country. Kate was always thinking the world was her stage.
2. What kind of child was she at school?
Kate was a child that lands the principal’s office more time than she cares to disclose. She was
the recipient of the report card comment that said: “Kate needs to focus more in class”.

3. what was the outlet for her excessive energy and social awkwardness?
The outlet for her excessive energy and social awkwardness were sports. She had to played
hard, played every sport, threw javelins, smashed birdies.

4. what things she had to do when she was a teacher?

As a teacher she had to packed her lunch every day with five pieces of low-fat turkey deli meat,
one fat-free yogurt, one apple, and she ate it every day at 9:45. 11:05, and 2:10. Kate had to
taught seven subjects a day, day in and day out; she coached, she ran workshops for the board,
mentored student teachers, everything.

5. Briefly explain what the lady Barbara Deutsch said about our pilot light?
Lady Deutsch said about pilot light the, we all have one and it burns right in the center of us.
When we do what we love it burns bright, it fills you from your feet to your head. But if you
ignore your calling, your pilot light starts to dim, until sadly, one day, if could even go out.

6. Briefly explain Kate´s fork-in-the-road moment.

Kate’s fork-in-the-road moment it all started when a kid she teached asked her was her dream?
Then Ms. Kate answered that she was always wanted to be an actress. The little kid asked her
why aren’t you doing it? And eight years old kid make her see two choices, but she had to diced
to leave que school. It was a good path and a dark path. Kate took the dark one because there
was her dream. The fork-in-the-road was Kate’s dreams and happiness were all about.

7. what did Kate´s family do when they were worried about her?
They sat her down and they had an intervention, saying her that they know what she wants but
giving like a stop mentioning cancer which show how deeply their fear ran. This because they
were so worried because she wants to give up a life of security for being an artist.

8. what did an agent say to her when she moved to Toronto to be a movie star?
“You are simply too old to be dreaming of being a movie star, honey”.

9. when did her biggest success happen?

Everything started to change when she had time to reacquainted with her. She started to know
who she was, there she found abundance. She recognized that instead of being the captain of
her own ship, she was trying to fit the mold and expectations of others. She knew that she was
in a very dark habit of hiding the things about her because she thought they were ugly or

10. what is Kate´s final message in the video?

She said that what matters was to understand who we are as persons. We must unbecome the
things we wasn´t so we could be who we were meant to be. It doesn´t matter when people are
questioning or judging you, a person must be natural and not what others think or tell to be.

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