L - Station Phase Ii Total Shutdown Schedule

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Date: 17.01.2021

L-Phase-2 Total shutdown is scheduled from 19.01.2021 for the period of 10 days (19.01.2021 to
28.01.2021) to carry out annual maintenance of NG, sea water systems & other common systems.

All shut down maintenance activities shall be coordinated with maintenance personnel to ensure personnel
safety and safe execution of the works.

The following is the tentative program for the shut down

Keep L-Ph-2 DM- water Tanks full.

Maintain reservoir levels high in coordination with Water Field Operation to meet water demand

17.01.2021 (SUNDAY)
- Inform DUSUP regarding L-Phase-2 SW shut down
- Shut down CEST-L86 in coordination with SOD. GT-L21 to remain standby.
- Shut down DS-93 subject to Desal-L61, L63, L64 and L65 normal in service. At least two L1
Desal with low distillate conductivity for WTP. Isolate PW header-2 and drain for replacement.

18.01.2021 (MONDAY)
- Shut down CEST-L85, HRSG/GT-83 & in coordination with SOD,
- Shut down HRSG/GT-84 & DS-91 in coordination with SOD.

19.01.2021 (TUESDAY)
- Finally shut down DS-L92 and Aux. Boiler-87 and slowly depressurize the steam header
- After cold run flush the distillers with seawater and stop BRP. Start distiller draining.
- Isolate & drain Lime stone filters. Backwash and drain SW activated carbon & gravel filters.


1. All shut down activities shall be coordinated with all station DM-SOs & SOD.
2. HP, IP & LP steam headers shall be depressurized and completely drained. Drain valves shall remain open
until the headers are pressurized.
3. Clean drain system shall be closely monitored during shut down and alternative arrangements for the drain
pit draining shall be kept available.
4. PTW shall be issued after isolation of individual systems and cool down of the turbine only after request
by maintenance through SAP is submitted. Isolations shall be done by night shift for issue of PTW by
morning shift on time.
5. For NG system outage clearance from Outage planning shall be taken. Individual equipment in the NG
system shall be isolated.
6. GT- shall remain standby on open cycle. If NG system outage is given (in consultation with outage
planning) unit shall be available on DFO as last priority.
7. All isolations shall be carefully carried out and checked before issuing PTWs. Safety tagging system shall
be strictly followed. Operators shall clearly record all isolations in the logbook.
8. No equipment under PTW shall be started until all concerned depts. sign the ‘Equipment Testing’ form.
9. Following return of PTW the system shall be normalized and it shall be ensured that the maintenance
personnel mention the works carried out in SAP.
10. All safety measures shall be taken and safety rules shall be strictly followed during operation and
maintenance activities. Operators shall be vigilant and regularly follow up the maintenance activities.

Manager Op. (L)
cc : EVP (G)
VP - (P1 / P2 / PP / MM) / VP-TO
SM- P2 (Op. /EM / I&CM)/ SM- MM (GT/ ST / DS )/SM-OP-P1/ SM-OOP
M-Op (D/ E / G / H / K/ M) / AM- Lab (L) / All concerned by email

L2-TPSd2021 1

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