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 Study of mind and behavior. It encompasses the biological influences, social pressures,
and environmental factors that affect how people think, act, and feel.
 Psychology helps us in;
 Learning
 Motivation
 Sensation(perceive/see things)
 Perception
 Emotion


1) PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY- deals with the biological factors that helps shape
human nature; a study with the relationship between behavior and senses, organs,
nervous system, muscle and glands.
2) DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY – the changes of individual; a scientific study
on how individual changes over time; studies behavior from prenatal to semi sense of old
3) DIFFERENTIAL PSYCHOLOGY- concentrates on the differences between
individuals abilities; concerned in the extinct of differences.
4) EDUCATIONIAL PSYCHOLOGY- uses psychological approaches and methods in
dealing with education from kindergarten to college; applied knowledge; learning
5) ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY – uncommon patterns; concentrate on the study of
behavior disorders include perception, emotions and memory or unerotic behavior.
 Sigmund Freud – assumed that mind was divided into three(3) divisions; ID,
EGO, and SUPER EGO which had both conscious and unconscious part.
i. The ID – is motivated by two(2) biological drives; - sex and aggression; it
operates according to the pleasure principle that seeks satisfaction and avoiding
pain. Aggression is covert or overt, often harmful, social interaction with the
intention of inflicting damage or other harm upon another individual.
ii. EGO – guided by the reality principle; also called as self- esteem; the goal is to
find safe and socially acceptable ways on satisfying the Id desire ; control the
pleasure principle.
iii. SUPER EGO – develop from childhood; also called as conscience ; limits

6) CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY - deals with diagnosis.

 PSYCHIATRIST – doctor of medicine and can use medical and psychological
 PSYCHOLOGIST – is a PhD in psychology who uses only psychological
procedures such us administration of test and practice therapyaoccurs in
industry,terview, applies psychological techniques, job training method, fatigue
reduction, efficient work procedures, work motivation.
7) SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY – study individual attitudes, origin and effect of individual
personality effect(?) development, includes the nation, socialization; study of the crowds,
audiences, nations and races.
8) VOCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY – helps individual decides what sort of life work he
should choose, attempts to discover attitudes for particular studies or occupation.
9) LEGAL PSYCHOLOGY – deals with different factors involve in crime.
10) MENTAL HYGIENE PSYCHOLOGY – studies various methods of caring of mind to
avoid becoming mentally disturb, more on prevention rather than cure.
11) ENGINEERING PSYCHOLOGY – implies the work management of human factors
that are closely related fields ,broad to being by automation and the space age.

Physiological basis of behavior and

 Heredity - transmission of the characteristics of parents to their offspring through the
genes. It also shapes what is unique to a particular person.
-your genes has something to say about how much capable of learning whether you or
not are subject to depression .
 Heredity and Environment
- From the beginning of life to end, organisms are constantly being molded by both
heredity and environment. The nature and extent of one influence it always
depend on the contribution of the other.
 Nature and nurture
-although genes play a role in human behavior they alone, but they do not define
who we are. Biologist who studies even the smallest animal even agree that
virtually impossible to separate …
 Nature and nurture
- Often influence our mind and behavior. Neither of them operates one of them.
Therefore both genes and environment are necessarily to exist.
 Nurture- used to describe environmental experiences
 Nature- often use to describe organisms biological inheritance
 Environment- refers to all that surrounds. Example: house(inside,people), neighborhood.


 Prenatal – before birth.

- union of sperm and ovum produce a fertilized egg called ZYGOTE. Zygote divided into
2 parts ; (outer and inner) after few more days it attaches to the wall of the fallopian
tube. - outer part forms the part of placenta and umbilical cord. Inner portion is the
one that becomes the embryo. Embryo is an unborn, unhatched offspring in a process of
- placenta is an organ that develop in the uterus during pregnancy that provides oxygen
and nutrients to the growing body of baby and remove waste product from the baby’s
- umbilical cord/navel string /birth cord / funiculus umbilicalis is a conduit between a
developing embryo and placenta.
 Germinal stage- over once the implantation of zygote completed , two weeks after
conception .
 Embryonic stage – 8 weeks. This stage is the critical because embryo is vulnerable to
damage and defect.
- 1 ½ inches long (8 weeks)
 Fetal – after 8 weeks. Embryo now is called fetus, further develop other systems and
organs. Nervous, Respiratory system are develop by 28 weeks. Nervous system are
develop 12 weeks before birth. When mother is pregnant avoid German measles, avoid x-
rays , std, smoking, alcohol.
 Newborn and Infancy – having a baby takes responsibility. Newborn can never survive
in their own however they are far from inert( very slow to move) and passive(accepting
what others do).
- Infancy- birth cry is a reflex behavior to expand the lungs. Example gag reflex,
grasping reflex, pupillary reflex( contract eyes), patellar reflex( tapping the patellar
tendon, usually result kinking of the foot), plantar reflex ( occurs when you tickle the sole
of the infants feet).
-Newborn start with other body activities like squirming(twisting from side to side),
twisting ( form into a bend or distorted shape) rubbing, bending( form a curve ) hips
swaying, head rolling from side to side. Kicking, cries, sucks, swallow , urinates, vomits,
stretches ,neonate.
- Built in reflexes of newborn: sucking and grasping (automative )
-infancy motor development ( infancy period is often referred to us the babyhood)
- First few days after birth is called neonate.

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