Research Problem vs. Research Question

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Subject: Practical Research 1

Grade Grade 11
Topic: Research Problem and Research Question
Resources Book (Practical Research 1)
and Power point presentation
Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
1. Define a research question and a research problem
2. Give the relationship between research problem and a research question
3. Formulate correct research questions
Starting Prayer
activity: Checking of Attendance

Motivation: Review past activity or topic by eliciting students’ ideas.

Prepare the students for a game to warm-up.
Game: Examine and identify if the phrases given are good research topics by putting
the emojis 💓, 👍, or 👎.
Using the 3 major criteria.
 💓 – perfect research topic
👍- highly technical
👎 – too broad or narrow topic

Example: Home Schooling

Answer: 👎

1. The Rise and Fall of Marcos Regime

2. Effects of Minecraft in Boosting Elementary Student’s Creativity
3. Global Warming
4. Effects of Domestic violence to children
5. Binge Watching K-Drama

Discussion: The teacher will start the discussion by showing the words: PROBLEM and QUESTION
Then introduce the topic for today using prepared slides.


-Meaning of Research Problem
-Background of the Problem
-Research Questions
-Example of Research Problem, Research Topic, General Question, Specific Questions
-Guidelines in Formulating Research Questions
1. Establish a clear relation between the research questions and the problem or
2. Base your research questions on your RRL or Review of Related Literature
because existing published works help you get good background
knowledge of the research problem and help you gauge the people’s current
understanding or unfamiliarity about the topic, as well as the extent of their
knowledge and interest in it. Convincing solutions to research problems
or answers to research questions stem from their alignment with what
the world already knows or what previous research studies have already
discovered about the research problem or topic.
3. Formulate research questions that can arouse your curiosity and surprise
you with your discoveries or findings. This is true for research questions
asked about a problem that was never investigated upon.
4. State your research questions in such a way that they include all dependent
and independent variables referred to by the theories, principles, or concepts
underlying your research work.
5. Let the set of research questions or sub-problems be preceded by one
question expressing the main problem of the research.
6. Avoid asking research questions that are answerable with “yes” or “no” and
use the “how” questions only in a quantitative research.
7. Be guided by the acronym SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic,
time-bound) in formulating the research questions. Applying SMART, you
must deal with exact answers and observable things, determine the extent
or limit of the data collected, be aware of the timeframe and completion
period of the study, and endeavor to have your research study arrive at a
particular conclusion that is indicative of what are objective, factual, or real
in this world.
Activity: Put a Check on it

There will be questions about a research problem or topic. ‘Promoting Intercultural

Competence through SFC or Systemic Functional Grammar’ Justify your choice by
writing your reasons, comments, reactions. Put a check on the box that represents
your judgement on the quality of the research questions asked it.

Research Questions:
1. Is SFC a contemporary language theory?
_________ correct
_________ incorrect

2. To what particular subject of SFC applicable

_________ correct
_________ incorrect
3. What is intercultural competence?
_________ correct
_________ incorrect

On your paper:
4. Do you agree that SFC increase intercultural competence?
_________ correct
_________ incorrect

5. How does SFG promote intercultural competence?

_________ correct
_________ incorrect

6. In what way is SFG similar to intercultural competence?

_________ correct
_________ incorrect

: Directions: PAIR WORK. Keeping in mind what you learned in this lesson, do the
following with your partner.
1. On a piece of paper, make a list of some problems in your environment that
need immediate solutions.
2. Choose one problem in the list. Based on this problem you selected, identify
your research topic, give or describe the justifications/reasons behind
your decision to do a research work, and mention, too, the benefits and the
beneficiaries of your research work
3. Formulate one general or “mother” question to reflect your research problem
or topic.
4. Banking on whatever background knowledge you have about your chosen
topic, formulate five research questions or sub-problems that are closely
related to the general question.
Assignment: Read the next chapter or lesson

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