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Automotive Management Capstone

Artifact 1-3: SEMA 2019

Matt Manatrey

AMGT 300/301, Fall 2019

Program Learning Outcome:

SALES AND MARKETING Students will demonstrate the ability to effectively analyze, present, and
facilitate the development and management of products and services from conceptualization to product

MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP Students will apply knowledge of management and leadership tools
and skills used to coordinate and implement the effective use of assets in running a transportation-
related business.

Executive Summary:

SEMA is the world’s largest automotive trade show that is held every year in Las Vegas Nevada. There
are many companies and products that are new to the market, as well as almost 2,000 vendors there to
talk about their latest and greatest products in the automotive industry.

Along with products, the latest trends and vehicles are showcased at the trade show. Being a trade
show, everyone in attendance was a part of the automotive industry in some aspect, and getting the
chance to talk to some of these respected people in the industry was beneficial in landing a job upon
graduation of the AMGT program.


I have always heard of SEMA, but I never thought I would ever get the opportunity to actually attend the
show in Las Vegas. When I was offered the opportunity to attend SEMA by being a part of the
Automotive Management Student Organization, I knew that this would be something that I would
always remember. Being a part of the SEMA student program, we were given special opportunities to
meet with potential employers and showcase some of the etiquette that was learned through the AMGT

Through me attending this trade show, I learned that there is a lot more to the automotive industry than
just the OEM’s and parts companies. I also learned that I can go anywhere with this degree, as many of
the companies were based in many parts of the country, allowing me to explore different areas in the
country to potentially set up and establish roots. When someone tells me my favorite thing that I did
while I was in college, I will always say going to SEMA, it just was something that I will never forget and
remember forever. I hope that I will be able to attend SEMA once again.

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