Feasibility Analysis of A Solar Energy Project

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Feasibility analysis of a solar energy project

Engineer: Agustín Labra Fidanza

July 27, 2021, Santiago, Chile

Scope of the study

Renewable energies in Chile have experienced an exponential growth in recent years, as have the technologies used to
implement them. Among these renewable energies is solar energy, which has great potential in the Chilean territory given
the geographical and climatic characteristics of the northern part of the country. Even so, being a relatively new
technology, there are many uncertainties related to the feasibility, implementation and durability of the project. The
purpose of this report is to guide investors on the potential risks they would take when participating in a solar energy
The scope of this study is to determine the technical feasibility of the construction of a new solar energy plant, situated in
northern Chile. Within the parameters to be analyzed, the most relevant aspects are:
• Technology choice: with solar tracker or ground-based system; with monocrystalline or polycrystalline panels, etc.
• About the emplacement: what risks do we know about the emplacement? What do we know about the soil
properties, hydrologic conditions in the basin of study and extreme climatic events?
• The standard of quality and homologation in the Chilean industry.
• Operation and maintenance.
• Feasibility of connection with the SEN system.

Technical analysis
Technology choice: First of all, it is necessary to determine the technology used in the panels (mono or polycrystalline),
as well as in the axis, either axis with fixed structure (ground power plant) or with integrated solar tracking. Although it is
a higher investment cost, it offers between 30 to 45% extra energy. It is also essential to know the efficiency of the solar
panel at the time of installation and during his lifetime (example seen in figure 1).

Figure 1. Efficiency during the lifetime of the solar panel. Source: firstsolar.com

About the emplacement: the climatic, topographic and geological conditions are crucial. In the first instance, an analysis
of the solar radiation of the area of interest will generate, in broad terms, the energy production capacity (Figure 2). A
topographic map will provide the topographic shadows that will directly affect solar production. In addition, it is
recommended to have periodic measurements of direct solar radiation at the site of interest throughout the year.
Figure 2. Solar radiation in northern Chile. Source: solar.minenergia.cl

The wind effect: Not only solar radiation is important, but also climatological measurements of the site. First, the national
wind explorer (Figure 3) can be used to determine the frequency and intensity of the gusts to which the plant will be
exposed. This will be essential both in the design phase and in the operation and maintenance phase (it is an important
factor in dust-generated fouling). In addition, on-site measurement of air humidity, among other aspects, is suggested.

Figure 3. Wind conditions in northern Chile. Source: eolico.minenergia.cl

To determine the soil properties: geotechnical studies representative of the area used are suggested. These studies
should determine the type of soil, stratigraphic profiles, plasticity indices and the physical-chemical composition of the
soil. Potential risks of landslides on slopes, soil erosion and soil corrosion effects, among other phenomena, should also
be determined.
Hydrological study and water availability: The hydrological risks of the basin associated with the corresponding return
period should be analyzed. This will be essential when designing drainage works, if relevant.
It is also important to analyze the capacity to use water in a sustainable way to clean the solar panels. Water quality studies
are suggested, especially on water hardness, which should not exceed 75 mg/L. Water availability is also important,
covering both hydrogeological and legal aspects (water rights).
Solar panel regulations: it is essential to install solar panels that comply with current regulations, including the following
• IEC 61215: Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules - Design qualification and type approval.
• IEC 61730-1: Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification.
• IEC 61701: Photovoltaic (PV) modules - Salt mist corrosion testing.
• IEC 62093: Balance-Of-System components for photovoltaic systems - Design qualification natural environments.
Operation and maintenance (O&M): Although the main costs are those related to the initial investment (CAPEX), the
operation and maintenance of the plant plays an important role in the efficiency throughout the life of the project (Figure
4). Panel cleanliness is a key factor in achieving high conversion efficiencies and, therefore, dust on panel surfaces must
be periodically removed. In the design phase it is imperative to determine the necessary infrastructure for maintenance
(roads, hydraulic networks, personnel facilities, etc.).

Figure 4. Effect on energy produced depending on different number of cleanings in a year. Source: phineal.com

Accessibility to the SEN grid: knowledge of the distance and topographical phenomena between the solar plant and the
national grid will determine the electrical grid extension to be built (Figure 5). To reach the SEN grid is an important part
of the CAPEX of a solar plant.

Figure 5. Distribution of the Central Interconnected System. Source: sic.coordinador.cl

Conclusions and comments

The construction of a solar plant involves several risks, which can be correctly estimated considering the studies suggested
in this report. It is suggested that the investor request these reports to determine that the technologies used are within
the national standards, as well as a good knowledge of the emplacement, so that the geotechnical capacities and climatic
risks that will affect the plant are known. It is also suggested to require, within the design phase, the operation and
maintenance measures and strategies adopted during the lifetime of the project.

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