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Darienne C.

Trespeces BSA1-B

Gauge Your Learning!

Provide concise answers (maximum of 5 sentences) to the following questions.

1) Did the lesson present change your perspective in Mathematics? Why?

At some point, I have realized that Mathematics isn't that bad. I just lack the interest to take some time
to understand it and to appreciate it. Mathematics makes the world go round since it is undeniably an
essential element for our daily lives. Mathematics is an art, and not everyone knows how to appreciate

2) What is the most fascinating information that you have learned about Mathematics in


It underscores the exploration of patterns in nature and the environment. Nature embraces
mathematics completely. Many different things around us have a deep sense of awareness and
appreciation of patterns. Mathematics is not all about numbers. Rather, it is more about reasoning,
making logical inferences and generalizations, and seeing relationships in both visible and invisible
patterns in nature and the world.

3) Enumerate and describe two other things for each of the following:

a) things that show the Fibonacci numbers.

Pinecones, pineapples, a sunflower, flower petals, and leaves.

Fibonacci numbers allow for the maximum number of seeds on a seed head in a sunflower, so the
flower makes optimum use of its space. As the individual seeds grow new seeds can be added to the
middle of the seed head, pushing out those at the periphery so that the development can continue

In leaves, Fibonacci can be seen in their stems as well as their veins when rising off the branch. The more
they expand outwards, the greater the sequence of Fibonacci is noticeable.

b) things that illustrate the Golden Ratio.

A storm, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, and a human body, or mouth and eyes.

In Egypt, the Great Pyramid has a 230.4-meter base and an approximate original height of 146.5 meters.
The ratio of half the base dimensions of the pyramid's slant height is 1.61804, which is remarkably
similar to the Golden Ratio.
The Golden Ratio is very prominent in the event of a hurricane. The central circle is formed by the
changes in pressure. Hurricane displays the Golden Ratio of its spiral shape as its numerical quantities
are calculated.

c) things that follow a Golden Rectangle

Playing cards, windows, book covers, file cards, ancient houses, futuristic skyscrapers, the drawing of
Mona Lisa, Da Vinci's self-portrait, and the Last Supper and St. Jerome in the Desert paintings.

According to the Golden Ratio, one of the famous pieces painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, known as the
Mona Lisa, is drawn. We can see by drawing a rectangle around her mask that it is golden indeed. "The
Last Supper" was based on the Golden Ratio, known as the Divine Proportion in the Renaissance period.
Da Vinci set the table precisely at the height of the golden portion of this painting. At the golden parts of
the composition's width, he placed the two disciples at Christ's side.

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