MC/EL/RN/ES/PE/MR/MN/GL 264 (Fluid Mechanics 1) : Lecture # 18 Flowing Fluids and Pressure Variation (Dynamics)

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(Fluid Mechanics 1)
Lecture # 18
Flowing Fluids and Pressure Variation
Ernest Adaze (MS, BSc, MASME, MSPE)
020 770 62 35

Objectives for the day…

Develop a good understanding of velocity, acceleration and

flow visualization
Introduce you to new flow terminologies such as streamlines,
steady and uniform flow
Distinguish between Laminar and Turbulent flows
Describe the difference between convective and local


Lagrangian and Eulerian Viewpoints

There are two ways to express the equations for fluids in motion:
Lagrangian and Eulerian.

Lagrangian Viewpoint
Under this viewpoint, the motion of a specific fluid particle is recorded for
all time (watch individual, single particle all the time, at all locations x, y,
and z).
This is the familiar approach in dynamics.

Using the Cartesian coordinate system, the

position vector (R) is expressed as:

R t   xi  yj  zk
where i, j, and k are the unit vectors in the x, y and z directions respectively

Lagrangian and Eulerian Viewpoints

The velocity of the particle is obtained by differentiating the position
vector of the particle with respect to time.

dRt  dx dy dz
V t    i j k
dt dt dt dt

V t   ui  vj  wk
where u, v, and w are the component velocities in the x, y and z
directions respectively.


Lagrangian and Eulerian Viewpoints

Eulerian Viewpoint
Under this viewpoint, the idea is to focus on a certain point in space and
describe the motion of fluid particles that pass through this point as time
goes on.
In this case, the fluid particle velocity depends on the point in space and
time. Thus,

u  f1  x, y, z , t  where S is the position vector of

v  f 2  x, y , z , t  the particle along the streamline.
In order to describe the entire
w  f 3  x, y , z , t  flow field, we must know the fluid
motion at all points in the field
V  V S , t 

Streamlines and Flow Patterns

Flow Pattern:
It refers to the construction of lines in the flow field to show the direction of
flow. These lines are known as streamlines.

These are lines drawn through the flow field in such a manner that the
velocity vector of the fluid at each and every point on the line is tangent to
the line at that instant.

In other words, a streamline is a line that is tangent everywhere to the local

velocity vector.


Streamlines and Flow Patterns

Consider a flow of water from a slot in the side of a tank, as shown in
Figure 1.

The velocity vectors have been sketched at three different locations.

 So the streamlines are describing the direction of
the flow.
 Streamlines form the flow pattern.
 Since the velocity is tangent to streamlines, it
 
V  dS  0
Figure 1

Streamlines and Flow Patterns

Dividing Streamline
 Whenever flow occurs around a body, streamline follows the flow
 At the point of division, the velocity = 0 and the point of division is
called stagnation point.

Figure 2


Uniform and Non-uniform Flow

Uniform Flow
 For a uniform flow, the velocity is constant in magnitude and direction
along a streamline at each instant in time. Thus,
0 (Uniform flow)
 Here, streamlines are rectilinear (straight and parallel) as shown in
Figure 3.

Figure 3

Uniform and Non-uniform Flow

Non-uniform Flow
 For a non-uniform flow, the velocity is not constant (changes along the
streamline) in magnitude, direction or both. Thus,
0 (Non-uniform flow)
 Here, the flow has streamline curvature and as such tends to be non-uniform
shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4


Steady and Unsteady Flow

Steady Flow
 For a steady flow, the velocity remains constant with time at every location in
space. Thus,

V (Steady flow)
Unsteady Flow
 For an unsteady flow, the velocity keeps changing with time (at least at some
points). Thus,

0 (Unsteady flow)

Methods of Developing Flow Patterns

1. Analytical Method
a. Governing equation is highly non linear PDE
b. Closed form solution is limited to very few cases
c. Closed form solution is available for ideal flow and incompressible flow

2. Computational Method, CFD

a. Numerical or Computational Fluid Dynamics

3. Experimental Method
a. Flow Visualization (oil droplet, smoke and very thin thread or yarn)



Pathline, Streakline and Streamline

 
Streamline: It has been defined earlier: V  dS  0
Pathline: This is a line drawn through the flow field in such a way that it
defines the path that a given (actual) particle of fluid has taken. See Figure 5.

Fluid particle at t = tstart

Pathline A pathline is formed by following the

actual path of a fluid particle.

Fluid particle at t = tend

Fluid particle at some
intermediate time

Figure 5

Pathline, Streakline and Streamline

The locations or trace of injected dye or smoke (not the actual particle) at a
given point in the flow field as it travels downstream
Or: Streaklines are the most common flow pattern generated in a physical

Streaklines produced by coloured fluid

introduced upstream; since the flow is
steady, these streaklines are the same as
streamlines and pathlines.

Figure 6


Difference between Path, Streak and Stream-


 In steady flow all three lines are coincident (the same) if they start from the
same point.

 In unsteady flow: the pathline, streakline and streamline can be three

distinct lines.

 Pathline and streakline provide a history of the flow field and the
streamline indicate the current flow pattern.


Facts about Streamlines

 Close to a solid boundary, streamlines are parallel to the boundary.

 Because the fluid is moving in the same direction as the streamlines, fluid
can not cross a streamline.

 Streamlines can not cross each other. If they were to cross, this would
indicate two different velocities at the same point. This is not physically

 This implies that any particle of fluid starting on a streamline will stay on
that same streamline throughout the fluid.




 A useful technique in fluid flow analysis is

to consider only a part of the total fluid in
isolation from the rest. 3-D

 This can be done by imagining a tubular

surface formed by streamlines along which
the fluid flows as shown in Figure 7.

 This tubular surface is called a streamtube.


Figure 7 17

Laminar and Turbulent Flows

Turbulent flow is characterized by a mixing action throughout the flow field,
and this mixing is caused by eddies of varying size within the flow.

It is characterized by the following:

Full of irregularities, eddies and vortices
(mixing flow). Flow is more uniform little
away from the wall.

Velocity is fluctuating. Velocity field is

stochastic that is "the velocity components
are random variable described by their
statistical properties
Figure 8


Laminar and Turbulent Flows

Laminar flow is the type of flow with a very smooth appearance.

No mixing phenomena and eddies. A typical example is the flow of honey or

thick syrup from a pitcher.

It is characterized by the following:

 Smooth appearance layer of flow
 Velocity distribution is parabolic (less
 Velocity is constant with time at any
given position (nofluctuation)
Figure 9

Comparison of Laminar and Turbulent Flows



Real Fluid Flow and Ideal Fluid Flow

Real Fluid Flow: This flow implies friction effect (viscosity exists, called
viscous fluid flow)

Ideal fluid flow: It is a hypothetical fluid. It assumes no friction (viscosity

= 0, called inviscid flow)


One-Dimensional and Multidimensional Flow

One-Dimensional (1-D) Flow
 Consider the velocity distribution for an axisymmetric flow in a circular
duct as shown in Figure 10.
 The flow is uniform, or fully developed, so the velocity does not change in
the flow direction (z).
 The velocity depends on only one spatial dimension, namely the radius r,
hence the name one-dimensional (1-D) flow.

Figure 10


One-Dimensional and Multidimensional Flow

Two-Dimensional (2-D) Flow
 For a two-dimensional flow, the velocity depends on two dimensions,
namely x and y.
 Consider the velocity distribution for a uniform flow in a square duct as
shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11


One-Dimensional and Multidimensional Flow

Three-Dimensional (3-D) Flow
 For a three-dimensional flow, the velocity depends on three dimensions,
namely x, y and z.
 Consider the velocity distribution in a square duct as shown in Figure 12.
 Note that the duct cross-sectional area is expanding in the flow direction

 This implies that the velocity will depend on the z direction as well as x and

Figure 12


The acceleration of a fluid particle is the rate of change of the particle's velocity
with time.
Cartesian Component
Lagrangian formulation
If the position vector is: r(t) = x(t) i + y(t) j + z(t) k
Then the velocity vector will be:
V(t) = dr(t)/dt = dx(t)/dt i +dy(t)/dt j + dz(t)/dt k
= u(t) i + v(t) j + w(t) k
This implies the acceleration vector will be:
a(t) = dV(t)/dt = du/dt i + dv/dt j +dw/dt k
= ax i + ay j +az k

But in fluid mechanics, the Eulerian approach is favorable and in the present
course we will use the Eulerian formulation

Eulerian formulation
The velocity at a point in the flow field is a function of both space and time.

V = u(x,y,z,t) i + v(x,y,z,t)j + w(x,y,z,t)k
The acceleration of a fluid particle in the x direction is given by:
ax = du(x,y,z,t)/dt
By using the chain rule for the differentiation of a multivariable function, the
following is obtained:
 u dx u dy u dz u dt
ax    
x dt y dt z dt t dt
dx dy
u and v 
dt dt 26


Eulerian formulation
This implies that the acceleration in the x-direction in the Cartesian coordinate
will be:
 u u u u
ax  u v w 
x y z t
Similarly, the acceleration in the y and z directions are respectively given as
 v v v v
ay  u  v  w 
x y z t
D(...) is called substantial or
material or total derivative
 w w w w Dt
az  u v w  operator
x y z t
 Du  Dv  Dw
az  ay  az  27
Dt Dt Dt

Local Acceleration
( )
These terms are called local accelerations. A local acceleration is defined as the
variation of velocity with time at a point on the pathline.
Local acceleration terms occur only when a flow field is unsteady.
In a steady flow, the local acceleration is zero.
Convective Acceleration
The remaining terms of the total acceleration equation are called convective
accelerations. Convective acceleration depends on the variation of velocity along the
( ) ( ) ( )
u v w
x y z
Convective accelerations occur when velocity is a function of position in a flow field. In
uniform flows, the convective acceleration is zero.


Normal and Tangential Components

Figure 13

Now the fluid particle is moving along the streamline with a curvilinear
motion. This implies the acceleration is given as:

dV/dt = d/dt( V(s,t) et)


Normal and Tangential Components

Figure 13
The final form of the acceleration of a fluid particle in curvilinear motion is:
 V V V2 
a  (V  )eˆt  ( )en
s t r
The first term is the tangential acceleration and the second term is the
normal acceleration and r is the radius of curvature of the path. 30


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