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BO GIAO DYC VA DAO 1 CONG HOA XA HOLCHU NGHIA VIETNAM FRUONG DAT HOC SU PHAM TP.HCM Oc lip - Ty do -Hanh phic oR ~ I. DE THI TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 CHUYEN NAM HQC 2011 - 2012 MON: TIENG ANH CHUYEN ‘Thoi gian: 120 phat A. MULTIPLE CHOICE: 1. PHONOLOGY (10 points) Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three. 1 Avresult B. user C. musician D. consist 2. A.comic * B village C. antique D. picnic 3 ‘A. volcano B. collapse C. flavor D. slavery 4. Aveffects B. earthquakes C. mouths D. bat 5 A. subway B, subtle C. climber D. plumber Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other three. 6. A. oceanic B. magnificent C. detergent D. oasis 7. A.developed B. envelope C. antelope D. influence 8 A. committee B. guarantee C. absentee D. referee 9. A.assess B. access C. applaud D. affront 10. A. reconfirm B. reconnect, C. recommend D. recompense IL, VOCABULARY, PREPOSITIONS & STRUCTURES (30 points) 1. Thave more than once wamed him the risk of getting the disease. A. of B. in Cat D.on 2. The moth’s habitat is being destroyed, and it has nearly died, A. off B.of Cout D. down 3. Thad no difficulty figuring ‘what is wrong with the machine. A. in/out B. in/ about ‘at round D. for/ out 4. Weedid not have enough time to___hima visit. A. take B. bring C. pay D. offer 5. They have three sons, two of ___are army officers. A. which ~ —” B. whom C. who D. that 6. Don’t waste time __that article. It’s a lie. A. toread B. reading C. when reading —_D. to be reading 7. Five bottles of milk will be delivered to that remote area A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of 8. If you want to do the job, you should have agood___of English A. perfection" B. demand C. master D. command 9. Come and join us at the concert, 2 A. Shall we —_B, will you C. don’t you D. aren't you 10.1 want to make sure that you have no business relations that company. A. with C. for D.on 11. Lalways want to forget all my failures. A. regretting —_B. regretful C. regrettable D. regretted Page 1/7 12. The flood caused a lot of damage the crops. A. for B.of C. with 13. C. M. Schultz, created the character Snoopy, was a talented American artist A, wiho B. that C, whose D. whom 4. something wrong, the ceremony would have been a success. ‘A. Had Helen not said B. Had not Helen said C. Were Helen not to say D. Should Helen not say 15. Olga is sai in Moscow only in the first three years of her life, A. to live B.tohavelived CC. that she lived. that she had lived 16. The earthquake resulted __ big fires in many places. A. of, CC. from Dain 17. My marks are __ : A. the same like his B. the same as his C. the same like him D. the same as him 18. Did I mention to see Vicky on Sunday? ‘A. about going B. going, go D. to you about going 19. _____ I could pass this entrance exam! Ale B. Only if C.Asif D. Ifonly 20. He was _ that no teacher wanted to teach him. A. such disruptive boy _B. too disruptive disruptive a boy D. avery disruptive boy 21. This is the house were broken A. which windows B. which C. where the windows _D. with the windows 22. There are she should not have got the job. A. those who say B. someone who says C. those whom, you say. some people whom you say 23, They’re staying in rented accommodation for the time A. going B. doing C. making D. being 24, It took Edward a long time to living in Canada, A. be used to B. used to C. get used to D. be used for 25, The film is released at the end of next year. ‘A.on the verge of being —B. on the point of being C. due to be D. about to be 26. - “Would you pick the kids up from school this afternoon?” = “No, I'm afraid I " A. wouldn't B. won't C. shan’t D. can't 27. We on the beach now if we hadn't missed the plane. ‘A. might have lain _B, could be lying C. would have lain D. would lie 28.1 expect you'll feel a lot better when you your exams out of the way. A. will get B. had got C. have got D. are getting 29. It's high time up to your responsibilities as @ grown-up. A. you faced B. you face C. you have faced —_D. to face 30, Usually a bird species gains public recognition faces the danger of extinction. A. which only B. only when €. only when it D. which Page 2/7 IIL, ERROR IDENTIFICATION (20 points) 1. The caverns were more excited before the guides came and took away the adventurous aspect B Dating the bleak snes fod became too scarce that sayin an Gane were cee Bs ae number of lottery sine fad money on charity and social work. z A Wee ie manager know the truth abut the sete would behave in auiterent way. 5. The woman kept aie me stat ob coud she do there for cee e : 6. Once Iread ite whole oe teen what the one meant in the first few lines. 7. Most ie am try to get involve in some activities eke: studying like ees orarts, Avis c 8. If you happen to get any other informations, please phone me without delay. A B Cc D 9. prefer to watch football on TV to going to the stadium to wateh it. A B c D 10. Dora decided to quit her well-paid job, that was surprising to almost anybody. A B Cc D IV. READING COMPREHENSION (20 points) Read the following passage and choose the best answers to the questions. It’s often said that we leam things at the wrong time. University students frequently do the minimum amount of work because they're crazy for a good social life instead, Children often scream before their piano practice because it’s so boring, have to be given gold stars and medals to be persuaded to swim, or have to be bribed to take exams. But when you're older? Ah, now that’s a different story. Over the years, I’ve done my share of adult leaming. At 30 I went to a college and did courses in History and English. It was an amazing experience, For starters, I was paying, so there Was no reason to be late — I was the one frowning and drumming my fingers if the tutor was delayed, not the other way round, Indeed, if I could persuade him to linger for an extra five minutes, it was a bonus, not a nuisance. I wasn’t frightened to ask questions and homework was a pleasure not a pain. When I passed, Thad passed for me and me alone, not my parents or my teachers. The satisfaction I got was entirely personal, Some people fear going back to school because they worry that their brains have got rusty. But the joy is that, although some parts have rusted up, your brain has Jearnt all kinds of other things since you were young. It’s learnt to think independently and flexibly and is much better at relating one thing, to another, What you lose in the rust department, you gain in the maturity department, In some ways, age is a positive plus. For instance, when you're older, you get less frustrated, Experience has told you that, if you're calm and simply do something carefully again and again, eventually you'll get the hang of it. The confidence you have in other. areas — from being able to drive a car, perhaps - means that if you can’t, say, build a chair instantly, you don’t, like a child, want to Page 3/7 destroy your first pathetic attempts. Maturity tells you that you will, with application, eventually get there. Leaming late doesn’t mean having to go back to school. Recently, | learnt how to swim. I thought I could swim before, but I could always get across the pool quicker by walking than swimming. Wearing my glasses to see the other side didn’t help, because I never put my face in the water. True, T thought I looked silly wearing goggles with lenses over my eyes and a nose clip, and picking up colored rings from the bottom of the pool to conquer fear of water, but the sense of achievement when I finally managed to swim speedily from one side of the pool to the other was huge. [ only wished my family had been there to congratulate me, as I felt I deserved. Then there was the skating. Inspired by seeing ice-dancers on TV, I staggered on to the ice quite recently and, unlike the younger students, was tense with terror in case I fell over. I was the worst in the class, but I did eventually get a piece of paper that said I had now achieved the art of skating forwards. And although P’ll never do ice-dancing, I feel pretty courageous for braving the ice. Finally, there was the piano. I hated piano lessons at school, but I was good at music, And coming back to it, with a teacher who could explain why certain exercises were useful and musical concepts that, at the age of ten, I could never grasp, was magical. Initially I did feel a bit strange, thumping out a piece that I'd played for my school exams, with just as little comprehension of what the composer intended as I'd had all those years before. But soon, complex emotions that I never knew existed poured from my fingers, and suddenly I could understand why practice makes perfect. 1. The writer uses piano practice as an example of something that .. A. people should not be forced to do. B. children often refuse to do unless they are rewarded C. older people may be more willing to do than children. D. children do not gain much benefit from 2. What surprised the writer when she did her first adult learning course? A. She was able to leam more quickly than she had expected. B. She found learning more enjoyable than she had expected. C. She got on better with her tutor than she had expected. D. She had a more relaxed attitude to it than she had expected. 3. The writer says that when you learn later in life, you A. find that you can remember a lot of things you learnt when younger. B. should expect to take longer to learn than when you were younger. C. do not find it more difficult to learn than when you were younger. D. are not able to concentrate as well as when you were younger. 4, What gives adult learners an advantage, according to the writer? A. They are able to organize themselves better than younger people. B. They are less worried about succeeding than younger people. C. They pay more attention to detail than younger people. D. They have more patience than younger people. 5. The writer says that when she took swimming lessons, . A. she did so mainly to impress her family. Page 4/7 B. she had to overcome, feeling foolish C. she made surprisingly quick progress. D, she was confident that she would succeed. 6. When the writer took up skating, she was A. proud of the little progress that she did make. B, embarrassed by the way the others treated her. C. sorry that she had decided to try doing it D. determined not to remain the worst in the class. 7. What pleased the writer when she took piano lessons? A. She could remember a piece she learned at school. B. She could see the point of what she was doing, C, She succeeded in impressing her music teacher. D, She discovered that she had some musical abi 8. What is the writer’s main purpose in the article? A. to emphasize the pleasures of adult learning B. to point out how easy adult learning can be C. to explain her reasons for doing adult learning D. to describe the teaching methods used in adult learning 9. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “bribed to take exams” in paragraph 1? A. threatened with exams B. tempted into taking exams C. given money / presents to take exams 1D, encouraged to take exams 10. Which is the best title for the article? A. Why fear going back to school? B. The importance of schooling C. Some ways of learning D. Learning later in life Y. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (20 points) Two main techniques have been used for training elephants, which we may call (1)___the tough and the gentle. The former method simply (2) of setting an elephant to work and beating him until he does what is expected of him, Apart from any moral considerations this is a stupid method of training, (3)_____it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn man-killer, The gentle method requires more patience in the early stages, but produces a cheerful, good-tempered elephant who will give many years of loyal (4) ‘The first essential in elephant training is to-assign (3) the animal a single mahout who will be entirely (6)___ for the job. Elephants like to have one master just as dogs (7)___, and are capable of a considerable degree of personal affection. There are (8) __ stories of half-trained elephant calves who have refused to feed and pined to death when by some unavoidable circumstance they have been (9).__.__of their own trainer. Such extreme cases must probably be taken with a grain of salt. But they do underline the general principle thet the relationship between elephant and mahout is the (10)__ to successful training, Page 5/7 1. A.orderly B. consequently __C. seemingly D. respectively 2. A. composes B. consists CC. contains D. comprises 3. A. for B. but C. although Daasif 4. A. function B.use C. service D. friendship 5. A. for C. with D. into 6. A.cared B. looked C. available D. responsible 7. A.ate B. wi D. like 8._A.more B. even D. whatever 9. A. deprived B. separated C. isolated -D-abotished ——_—__—_—— 10. A. way B. key . condition D, solution B. WRITTTEN TEST I. USE THE CORRECT FORMS OF THE GIVEN WORDS (20 points) He was deeply about his rudeness at the meeting. (APOLOGY) ‘Though we kept asking, he refused to his name and address. (CLOSE) Giving a child punishment is necessary, but giving too much punishment is (PRODUCE) 4. Sarah is a good leader who always makes __ decisions, (OPPORTUNITY) | failed to take the last chance to get a job there. (FORTUNE) 6. People living in the countryside are said to give more __ to guests than urban people. (HOSPITABLE) 7. What we have done so far is completely _ . We have to do everything again from the beginning. (AFFECT) 8. The hall was decorated for the ceremony and everybody was impressed. (ORDINARY) 9, When we sawithe girl's ___face, we all knew that she had failed. (TEAR) 10, The latest styles in shoes all others on the market, (SELL) ere Il. OPEN CLOZE TEST (30 points) ‘Supply each blank with one suitable word. WOOD FROM THE SEA Many things can be found on the beach, but (0) one of the most useful is wood. Wood that is washed up comes in varying shapes and sizes, (1) fish-boxes to parts of ships. Most old coastal cottages and houses have (2) _ beachwood built into them somewhere and many fishermen have a pile of beachwood from (3) _ they can select the required piece for any job in hand. Not only cut wood, (4) the trees themselves may end up on the tideline. Tom up by (5) : roots in time of Hood or avalanche, (6) are riverborne and finally seaborne. They (1) ____ even carry in their roots large rocks. These rocks (8) ___ sometimes left behind, out of their geological context, to puzzle and intrigue those who come across them. The trees can ofien be traced back to their source simply (9) __ looking at the rings of their trunks. These can then be compared with (10) __ of other trees to establish which area they came from After being washed by sea and sand, tree roots often take on strange shapes and ean look like living creatures (11) as snakes and many people use these unusual pieces of art (12) decorative features in their homes, They can be tumed (13) attractive settings for plants, Or you may see a beachwood tree (14) used in a garden, pethaps with a bird-table (15) __ top of it UII. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (30 points) Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning. In some questions, you have to use the given words without changing their forms in any way. 1. They only made the announcement after the judges had given the remarks. Not until ......... nein 2. [felt ashamed because I had made the mistake three times. Having ....... perro : 3. Idon’t mind whether you stay for a few more days or you leave now. It makes .. e oeteeneeeen, 4. Paul’s repeated questions on the salary really annoyed me. (NERVES) 5. Dora enjoyed every chance she had to practice speaking Spanish, (USE) Doran 6. Itis common knowied English .. : 7. Normally Ihave a 10-minute journey to school. (TAKES) Normally 8. He wants to have a place at university. To this end, he is studying very hard. (VIEW) He . 2 9. She smiled in a friendly way and waved goodbye. (GAVE) She en ete 10. Inever have enough time. (SHORT) I % ge that English is an international language. (KNOWN) IV. WRITING A PARAGRAPH (20 points) Write a paragraph of about from 50 to 70 words on the topic “My favorite school activity”. HET - Ghi chit: Can 66 coi thi khong gidi thich d@ thi. Page 7/7 BO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO CONG HOA XA HOI CHUNGHIA VIET NAM. TRUONG DAI HQC SU PHAM TP.HCM. Déc lip - Ty do -Hanh phic pet Se bAP AN DE THI TUYEN SINH VAO LOP 10 CHUYEN NAM HOC 2011 - 2012 MON: TIENG ANH CHUYEN A. MULTIPLE CHOICES I. PHONOLOGY (10 points) LD 2 3B 4.€ BA 6.4 TA BA 9B 10.D IL. VOCABULARY, PREPOSITIONS & STRUCTURES (30 points) LA 2€ 3A 4c 3.B 68 7A 8D 9B 100A 11. 7) 13.4 14.4 15.B Hep pine 18.B 19.D 20.C 20 C 22.4 23.D DAG 25.C 26.D 27.B 28.C 29.4 30.C IIL. ERROR IDENTIFICATION (20 points) 1B 2c 3B aA 5. 6A TB 8B 9A 10.B IV. READING COMPREHENSION (20 points) 150; 2.B 3.€ 4.D 5.B 6A 7B 8A 9.C 10.D V. GUIDED CLOZE TEST (20 points) LD 2B 3A ae 5.B 6.D EG 8B 9A 10.B B. WRITTEN TEST 1 WORD FORMS (20 points) Tapologetic | 2. disclose 3, unproductive? | 4. opportune | 5. counter-productive Unfortunately 6. hospitality 7.ineffective | 8. extraordinarily | 9. tearful 10. outsell IL. OPEN CLOZE TEST (30 points) 1. from 2.some . 3. which 4, but 3. the / their 6. they - 7. may / can/ 8. are 9. by 10. those might 11, such 12. as 13. into 14. being 1S. on Ill, SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (30 points) 1. Not until the judges had given the remarks did they make the announcement/ was the announcement made. 2. Having made the mistake three times, I felt ashamed. 3. Itmakes no difference to me whether you stay for a few more days or you leave now. 4, Paul’s repeated questions on the salary really got on my nerves. 5. Dora made (full/good) use of every chance she had to practice speaking Spanish, 6. English is known to be an international language. 7, Normally it takes me 10 minutes to get/ go to school. 8. He is studying very hard with a view to having a place at university. 9. She gave a friendly smile and waved goodbye. 10. Tam always short of time. 1V. WRITING A PARAGRAPH (20 points) Ideas (8pts) ‘What the school activity is Why it is interesting/ Why you like it How often you join it ‘What lesson you can learn from it Structure (6pts) Variety of structures Grammatical accuracy Vocabulary(6pts) Correct use of parts of speech Good choice of vocabulary

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