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Automotive Management Capstone

Artifact 2-4: Term Project Presentation

Matt Manatrey

Management of Variable Operations, AMGT 402, Spring 2021

Program Learning Outcome:

CUSTOMER RELATIONS SKILLS AND PROFESSIONALISM Students will demonstrate and/or describe
professional methods of interacting with colleagues, as well as business to business, and business to
customer interactions.

SALES AND MARKETING Students will demonstrate the ability to effectively analyze, present, and
facilitate the development and management of products and services from conceptualization to product

Executive Summary:

For this project, the group of students were to create a presentation to a group of perspective
dealerships to showcase the features and specifications of a new vehicle that was introduced in that
model year. Students were to be asked questions during the presentation and a showcase of the actual
vehicle was required on site.

This project consisted of PowerPoint Skills, presentation skills, professionalism skills, and
working in a team. It also required the use of interviews and research on the vehicle presented.


This presentation was the pinnacle of the AMGT program presentations, present a 45-minute
presentation on specs of a vehicle and while presenting, to try and answer questions about the vehicle,
and how it will be brought to market. I thought this presentation would be next to impossible to nail
perfectly. But after watching a previous year’s presentation, I knew that this presentation would be one
of my favorites. We chose a Chevy Trailblazer for our vehicle, since it was something that 2 of our group
members had experience with and could easily get a hold of one in order to present it.

With this project, I learned a lot about this vehicle and all the specifications that this vehicle. I never
thought I would enjoy looking up this information, but after spending multiple hours researching how
we were to bring this vehicle to market I knew that we had a gem of a presentation on our hands with
all the required information for the presentation and as well as to not have any questions from the
audience, since the goal was to be a thorough as possible. I was nervous for the presentation, but by
combining elements such as videos, GIF’s and animations of the vehicle, I knew that this presentation
would be one of the longest and most memorable ones to date, especially since we had to have the
actual vehicle on site for a demonstration.
Although I thought this presentation was going to be challenging, especially with a 45-minute time
minimum, I made sure to squeeze every bit of information into this presentation so that the customer
would leave with no questions and the 45-minute time limit of the presentation easily was surpassed by
the presentation and the showing and demo of the vehicle. I thought getting the car would be a
challenge posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and its shortage of computer chips, meant that the vehicle
we chose had to be driven from a dealership more than an hour away from Big Rapids, and it was the
only one in stock in the entire West Michigan area. I hope that I can carry over all of the things I learned
from this presentation into the working world with me and I hope that I can use all the information from
the vehicle on something.


Term Project Presentation Folder (Photo’s and File)

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