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Crit Care Nurs Q

Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 179-187

© 2005 Uppincott WiUiams & Wilkins, Inc.

Critical Rehabilitation of the

Patient With Spinal Cord Injury
Joyce M. Fries, MS, OTR/L
Most healthcare practitioners have worked with patients with spinal cord injury at some point in
their career, for some it is a specialty. The critical care area usually only has patient with spinal
cord injury for a brief time before they are transferred. More recently, there are longer intensive
care unit stays due to multiple trauma and lack of insurance. Nurses must be cognizant of in-
dications, contraindications, and best practice interventions to contribute positively to patient's
long-term outcomes. As part of the multispecialty team, nurses can be pivotal in preventing sec-
ondary complications, especially pressure ulcers. Rehabilitation team members can be consulted
early to provide expertise in managing this complex diagnostic group. Keywords: early referral,
occupational therapy, positioning, pressure relief, spinal cord injury

T HIS article will discuss the advantages of

critical rehabilitation of the patient with
spinal cord injury (SCI)- According to the SCI
subsequent years,' and complications or sec-
ondary injuries can lead to long critical care
stays. Another contributing factor is whether
Network, a resource provided by the National the patient was insured at the time of in-
Spinal Cord Injury Association (NSCIA), the jury. The absence of insurance coverage could
incidence of SCI is 40 cases per million pop- extend the critical care and acute hospital
ulation in the United States; however, there stay as much as 3 months. Therefore, nurs-
have been no studies regarding incidence ing staff needs to familiarize themselves with
since the 1970s. Most new SCI cases (40.9%) best practice methods for the patient with
are caused by motor vehicle crashes, followed SCI.'
by faUs (22.4%) and violence (21.6%). While it In an effort to minimize the costs related
is hoped that the presence of air bags in cars to SCI, healthcare practitioners must strive to
will decrease the incidence of SCI, this would prevent secondary complications from SCI,
not impact the number of violent acts or falls including decubitus ulcers, pulmonary em-
causing SCI.' boli, and joint contracture. The absence of
The yearly lifetime costs for healthcare and normal sensation, combined w^ith the absence
living expenses per year for higher-level in- or w^eakness of normal motor ability, creates
juries (C1-C4) are $626, 588 for the first year a very high risk for the development of pres-
and $112, 237 for each subsequent year' Al- sure ulcers. Prolonged bed rest and abnormal
though sums are lower for incomplete SCIs, respiratory function can lead to pulmonary
the expense combined with lost earnings and emboli. Finally, abnormal muscle tone and
productivity create a multimillion-dollar effect absence of active range of motion (AROM)
on the US economy. Mortality rates are high- can produce joint contractures. All of these
est during the first year after injury than in complications can increase length of stay, add
more expense, and limit the patient's ability
to participate in acute rehabilitation after dis-
charge. The involvement of the acute rehabil-
From the Scripps Mercy Hospital, San Diego, Calif
itation team is essential in minimizing these
Corresponding author: foyce M. Fries, MS, OTR/L,
Scripps Mercy Hospital, 4077 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA Once a patient has been diagnosed with an
92103 ( SCI, the first priority is to protect the skin.
This should be a concern whether the spine back and the bed is inclined, or when they
has been stabilized or not. Commonly, health- are sitting upright in a wheelchair (for a pro-
care practitioners are fearful of moving pa- longed period of time without pressure re-
tients who have not yet undergone stabiliza- lief and an adequate cushion). The weight of
tion surgery. There are many times, however, the upper-body rests on the upper thigh and
that surgery is delayed because of sepsis or pushes the ischial tuberosities posteriorly to-
other life-threatening issues, but diligent posi- ward the thigh. These ulcers are of great con-
tion changes and proper equipment must be cern because they commonly develop out-
utilized. Staff can physically stabilize the spine ward from the inside, w^ith Uttle evidence on
during position changes by keeping the spine the skin. It is not uncommon for these ulcers
in anatomical alignment: zero rotation. This to require debridement down to the bone.
will require the aid of at least 3 staff mem- Heels are also a high-risk area for pres-
bers with no lifting restrictions. One person sure ulcers. The bony protrusion of the cal-
must stabilize the neck while the other 2 turn caneous, also with a nattual curvature, rests
the patient's trunk slowly and careftilly. Flex- against a flat bed surface. The bone pushes
ing the hips, knees, and ankles and holding toward the skin. Circulation is compromised
the feet flat on the bed surface will allow for and the dermis begins to necros. Sometimes,
better control of the lower body. A staff mem- blisters w^Ml form or skin will break open into
ber can control the knees toward the direc- a circular pattern. Heels should be protected
tion of the turn (which will lead the torso in from the first day after admission. Boots can
the same direction) while the third staff mem- be used to keep heels suspended by provid-
ber controls the shoulder girdle. Care must be ing support to the lower leg and foot. These
taken to prevent spine rotation when using orthotics are typically lined with sheepskin
this technique. Changes in position must oc- material, which adds comfort and allows for
cur every 2 hours at a minimum whether or evaporation of perspiration.
not stabilization has been completed.^"'' In addition to orthotics, many different
Foam wedges, pillows, or air-filled rolls are types of beds are available that reduce pres-
useful in maintaining alignment once the de- sure via rotation. These are used mostly to
sired position has been achieved. Care should benefit respiratory function, but are also very
be taken to protect all bony prominences. effective in reducing the pressure over bony
One of the most common areas for a decu- prominences. The Roto-Rest bed is often
bitus ulcer is the sacral spine. This is caused used for patients who have not yet under-
from the natural curvature of the back apply- gone stabilization. This system can keep the
ing pressure against a flat surface. A patient spine aligned with antirotation segments for
with normal sensation w^ill make tiny postu- the head. The Roto-Rest should never be used
ral adjustments to relieve pressure where a to apply cervical traction but it can maintain
patient with SCI will be unable to feel the neutral spine position (zero rotation) while ro-
pressure or move to relieve it. This area is tating the body up to 62° on each side (to-
also in the center of the mattress where air is tal arc of 124°).^ This bed has pressure re-
less likely to provide for evaporation of sweat duction foam and gel-packed surfaces to help
and skin quickly becomes moist or macerated. minimize the risk for skin breakdown over the
When sheets are used to lift the patient to- sacrum. It is imperative that critical care staff
ward the head of the bed shearing occurs di- are trained in the proper operation of these
rectly over the sacrum. Once the skin is dam- beds since the foam padding is firm (to pro-
aged, the prevention of an ulcer is even more vide enough support to immobilize) and w^Ul
difficult and unlikely. cause pressure if not continually rotating.
Another common area for pressure in SCI There are several other specialty mattresses
is the posterior thigh, which is caused from designed for pressure relief. The Triadyne®
pressure through the ischial tuberosities. This and Kinair® systems have air-filled nylon
happens when patients are in bed on their sections that relieve pressure and decrease
Critical Rehabilitation of the Patient 181
shearing. The Triadyne bed has a proning op- ited because of spinal shock and edema, pa-
tion and rotation of the upper-body portion tients may only be able to contribute to the
to improve respiratory functioning.'''^ These team by directing their care. Patients may gain
features are effective in reducing the risk for control over certain issues by taking respon-
pressure ulcers but the rotation can only be sibility for daily tasks. They can direct posi-
utilized after stabilization of the spine has tion changes by retninding staff when it's time
been completed. Often, these systems come to be turned and can be given choices about
with air-filled positioning devices that can im- how and when bathing and hygiene tasks will
prove alignment of the spine and extremities. be completed. It is necessary to have a clearly
Despite the effectiveness of these mattresses defined method of communication to maxi-
in pressure relief, they are unable to prevent mize the patient's level of autonomy.
pressure and position changes must be com- It may be necessary to provide the patient
pleted every 2 hours. Healthcare practitioners with an adapted call system to ensure his or
should be cautioned not to assume the mat- her needs are known. These adaptive devices
tress is addressing the issue of pressure relief. should be based on current motor function
When specialty beds are not available, the and allow the patient to operate the call sys-
patient should have some type of mattress tem with little effort. Some adaptive switches
overlay. There are gel overlays, compressor are low-pressure (less than 2 oz of pressure),
air-filled overlays, and air mattress overlays as use voice control, use a sip-and-puff straw like
well. At the very minimum, a patient with SCI switch, or use chin movement to control the
should be provided w^ith an air mattress and call system. The type of device prescribed by
regular repositioning when resources are lack- the therapist will be dependent on how much
ing. The most important rule of pressure re- motor function is present. High-level cervical
lief is that a change in position is the best po- SCIs often cause patients to limit volitional
sition. Healthcare practitioners must support movement to the head and neck. Lever-type
the spine and turn the patient every 2 hours, toggle switches can be positioned under the
regardless of the surface. This can be challeng- chin and opening the mouth will depress the
ing and time-consuming but should be priori- lever, which wUl in turn activate the switch
tized because once a pressure ulcer is present, and control (turn on or off) the device to
the length of stay, cost, and psychosocial ef- which it is attached. Since the position of the
fect will increase exponentially.^''*'^ If diligent head will change every 2 hours, these devices
repositioning can prevent a decubitus, the pa- can be difficult to keep within reach of the
tient can rapidly progress and participate fully patient.
in an active rehabilitation program. Another option is the sip-and-puff switch.
Once the patient with SCI has been re- This is also designed for a one-way (on/off)
ferred to rehabilitation service, including oc- toggle switch and is operated by a sip (sucking
cupational and physical therapy, he or she through a straw) and puff (blowing through
will undergo a comprehensive initial evalua- the straw). The straws can be placed at the
tion. A baseline level will be documented, in- edge of the mouth to allow the patient easy ac-
cluding motor ability and sensory awareness. cess to the switch. Sip-and-puff switches can
The patient and therapist will identify client- also be challenging to continually reposition.
centered goals on which therapeutic inter- The low-pressure switch has many differ-
ventions will be based. Interventions include ent sizes and shapes. Often, they are round
remediation of performance components as and flat and contain wire that can be utilized
well as adaptation for those components that within the existing call system with an adap-
are not likely to improve.^ In an effort to en- tive plug. These switches take less than 2 oz of
courage active patient participation, he or she pressure to activate. They can be operated by
will be instructed by the rehabilitation staff turning the head, shrugging the shoulder, or
to guide his or her own care as much as any other slight motion the patient may pos-
possible.^ Since early motor function is lim- sess. They are easier to position since they are
simply placed within the range of the patient's scapula that rests on the bed. The hips and
available motion. knees should be flexed, w^hich will allow the
Finally, there are voice-activated switches patient to remain on his or her side with-
that utilize itifrared technology. These can op- out much support. Pillows or foam cushions
erate any device that accepts itifrared signals, should be placed between the knees and be-
such as TV, VCR, and similar electronic de- hind the back to maintain accurate position-
vices. Most hospital call systems are "hard ing. Shoulders can be flexed to 90°, or at the
wired" and cannot be used with infrared tech- side (neutral), but elbows should be extended
nology as yet. Eventually, devices similar to (0° elbow flexion). This will allow for alter-
these will allow the patient to control almost nating flexion and extension of the elbows
all electronic devices in the home. They may and shoulders when supine versus side lying.
also be used to operate an electric wheelchair. Again, the head of the bed should be as low as
The rehabilitation team can assist health- possible to increase surface area and decrease
care practitioners in turning patients and pro- pressure over bony prominences. In the pro-
vide proper positioning protocols.^ Not only cess of turning, all staff should be cognizant
must the patient be rolled into alternating of the spine and should always avoid rotation
positions, but these positions should also in any area.
maximize range of motion and assist in pre- Hand positioning will vary depending on
venting joint contracture. A patient with a the level of injury. In higher-level SCI, C6 and
complete SCI at or above C4 will have no above, the hands should be kept flexed at all
upper-extremity AROM; however, compen- times. Rehabilitation staff will provide "ten-
satory movements of the upper trapezious odesis stretches.' These stretches are careful
muscles can provide the patient w^ith an abil- passive range of motion (PROM) of the wrist
ity to support himself or herself in a sitting and hand keeping the fingers flexed during
position. This can only be achieved •with ex- wrist extension to end range, and allowing the
ternal rotation beyond normal ranges. One fingers to extend with wrist flexion to end
way to accomplish this is to position patients range. This will lead to intentional shortening
with their shoulders abducted to 90°, elbows of the soft tissue of the forearm and create a
flexed to 90°, and shoulders fully externally "grasp" type position of the hand. If this oc-
rotated. The forearms and hands will be next curs, the patient may eventually have gross
to the patient's head on either side. It is op- grasp and release and perhaps allow for a
timal to have a pillow under the head but higher level of independence.^ Ankle position
not under the forearms since this will facil- should always be maintained in neutral. Heel
itate more external rotation at the shoulder boots should be provided within a few days of
and can only be done while the patient is admission to ensure that this is attained. Many
supine. The head of the bed must be as low as different types of boots are available from the
tolerated (measured by pulmonary function) rehabilitation department or an Orthotics and
to increase the surface area of the body and Prothestics Vendor The therapy staff will of-
prevent pressure over the ischial tuberosities. ten provide on/off schedules for the boots to
Patients with injuries at or above C4 may com- allow for hygiene and skin checks and to en-
plain that they feel they are unable to breathe sure additional pressure is not added to the
because of the weight of the denervated chest skin by the boot itself.
and abdominal musculature upon their trutik. Range of motion should also begin early and
It should be explained that these positions are continue throughout the patient's length of
crucial in preventing skin ulcers and that the stay. The motor impairments caused by SCI
feeling will subside, or that they will acclimate limit AROM and when combined with abnor-
after a few hours. mal muscle tone, the potential for joint con-
When side lying, the patient shotild have tracture is high. Joint range of motion may
most of the upper-body weight over the also assist in preventing the development of
Critical Rehabilitation of the Patient 183
heterotrophic ossifications, which limit ROM When patients are stabilized, hopefully
and are difficult to remove once present. within the first week of admission, more
Therapists will provide PROM through the full active rehabilitation can occur. There is
availability of the joint. Hips and shoulders evidence that suggests early surgical mobiliza-
must be flexed and extended to the very ends tion can improve functional outcomes and
of the arc to allow adapted sitting positions patients can begin the rehabilitation process
once the patient has reached full rehabilita- sooner.'" This has benefits on the physical
tion potential. functioning as well as respiratory and cir-
In the case of incomplete SCI, therapists culatory systems alike. There is less risk of
will also utilize active assisted range of motion secondary complications like deep vein
to facilitate the return of normal muscle func- thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolus, and
tion and AROM. It is critical that rehabilitation pneumonia. While it may be necessary for
staff provide ROM with an awareness of the the patient to remain on many medications
soft tissue and bony structures of each joint or a ventilator, once surgical stabilization has
they move. For instance, a patient in a hospi- occurred, activity levels should be increased.
tal bed in a supine position will tend to have Stabilization can occur surgically without
abducted scapulas. This is due to the weight the need for additional braces or in conjunc-
of the upper body on the bed and the mobil- tion with orthotic devices. The most cumber-
ity of the scapula. The therapist completing some of all devices is the Halo Vest. "While
ROM must palpate the scapula to ensure the it has clear advantages in ensuring cervical
bone is moving with the rhythm of the shoul- spine immobilization, it imparts many limi-
der girdle. This will ensure that ail soft tissue tations on patient independence. The metal
structures remain intact and uninjured. If the components are screwed into the skull and
scapula ^vas not mobilized with the shoulder, attached via rods to a sheepskin-lined plastic
the potential for a torn tendon or impinged vest secured on the torso. Many patients re-
nerve is high. Family members may be edu- port they feel their head is floating and never
cated on how to provide ROM if they feel com- truly supported (especially enough to sleep
fortable and demonstrate proper techniques. well).'' There are many precautions, which
Family members can be involved early in include not using soap on the skin under the
the rehabilitation of their loved one. Reha- vest'^ (to prevent irritation of the skin) and
bilitation staff can instruct family member not placing pillows behind the posterior sup-
in ROM techniques and provide education port bars. This can add force to the pins sites
on the common rehabilitation continuum of and cause misaligtmient of the halo. Some pa-
care. Resources about support groups, inpa- tients report increased cotnfort when a small
tient rehabilitation facilities, and the nature of towel or pillowcase is rolled up behind the
SCI may be beneficial to family members. Of- neck to take space and reduce the sensation
ten, family members are concerned about the of "floating." Extra sheepskin vests are nor-
appearance of the patient but do not feel com- mally issued to ensure that a clean vest is
fortable or know what questions to ask. Once always available but they should not be re-
the aspects of SCI are described, they may feel placed without the assistance of an orthotic
more at ease. Much of the progress in SCI oc- technician. The vests can be washed with
curs after the acute stay when the swelling mild soap, well rinsed, and air-dried.
around the spinal cord is relieved and true The Minerva Brace provides the patient
outcomes can be measured. There have been with cervical and thoracic immobilization
many occasions when patients have improved with a brace made of plastic and metal. There
well beyond all medical expectations. It may are 2 padded sections around the cervical
be helpftil to have other people with SCI of area, one that supports the chin and another
the same level to visit the patient and family that supports the back of the head. Each of
to provide support and answer questions. these supports is attached to the thoracic
section via flat metal rods. These are riveted section (placing it without help would ro-
on top of the thoracic section but can be ad- tate the spine). Fitting the TLSO properly is
justed for length with the proper tools. The dependent on the placement of the curved
thoracic section has several Velcro straps: 2 low^er portion over the pelvis and the flat-
connecting the front and back, and one over tened upper portion on the sternum. It should
each shoulder, and chinstraps connect the fit snugly enough to prevent flexion, hyperex-
chin support to the posterior head supports. tension, or rotation of the spine. Patients may
The anterior metal supports allow for endotra- report feeling pressure under the top or bot-
cheal tube access to the neck. These devices tom but it may be necessary to ensure immo-
can be removed while the patient is in bed and bilization of the vertebra.
are less cumbersome, but also less immobiliz- When only lumbar-sacral immobilization or
ing than the Halo vest. support is indicated, there are many types of
When a lesser degree of cervical immobi- braces available. Aspen makes a lumbar-sacral
lization is indicated, surgeons may prescribe orthosis (LSO) that can be adjusted for size
cervical collars. At times, they may have a tho- and has 3 Velcro straps in the front that many
racic component as well. The vest section is patients are able to adjust independently. An-
similar to the Halo vest but attaches to the other orthotic called the chair back brace has
cervical coUar w^ith plastic tabs. These are hard plastic components attached to a corset-
much less restrictive and can usually be re- type fabric section. These are secured with
moved for bathing and dressing. Sometimes, metal clips but also have laces that provide for
the patient may be issued and cervical collar custom sizing. Hard plastic LSOs are also avail-
independently of attachments. The Aspen® able when custom fitting and increased im-
and Miami J® cervical collars come in sizes mobilization is desired. These are fabricated
relative to neck length and width. They also out of the same plastic as the Kydex TLSO but
come with extra pads to allow for cleaning. do not extend up to the sternum. Once the
Philadelphia cervical collars are Ught orange brace has been identified and provided (by
foam and come in only one size. They are ef- the Orthotics Vendor), the rehabilitation staff
fective for mobile patients but may cause pres- can assist the patient and/or train the family in
sure ulcers on the posterior head when used the correct procedure for donning and doff-
with patients on bed rest. ing the device.
When fractures are more inferior, or lower Once the spine has been stabilized, immo-
in the spine, it may be necessary to use a bilized, and supported as determined by the
thoraco-lumbar-sacral orthosis (TLSO). These surgeon, rehabilitation staff can begin to mo-
can be large and bulky because they must bilize the patient out of bed. Considerations
immobilize a large section of the spine. Of- for mobilization are dependent on the level
ten, they are made of a white plastic material of injury. Levels are based on the most caudal
(Kydex) and have 2 sections (anterior and segment with normal function and are mea-
posterior) that meet on the sides of the pa- sured by the "Standard Neurological Classifi-
tient and are fastened with 6 Velcro straps cation of Spinal Cord Injury."'" This scale eval-
across the front. The patient must be cus- uates the motor and sensory function at each
tom measured for this orthosis (while they are spinal level. Sensory function is tested by ap-
supine) by an orthotic technician and deliv- plying Ught touch or pinprick to each der-
ery takes at least 24 hours depending on the matome from C2 through S4-5 bilaterally and
vendor. scoring as absent, impaired, or present. Each
They can be donned -while supine in bed myotome muscle groups from C5-T1 and Ll-
or sometimes the surgeon wiU allow the pa- Sl are tested for muscle response and graded
tient to sit and donn the brace. Donning the from 0 to 5,0 is no contraction and 5 is normal
brace in supine can be challenging since pa- AROM against gravity. The area between Tl-Ll
tients will always need help to place the rear is tested for sensation only because there is no
Critical Rehabilitation of the Patient 185
way to accurately complete a muscle test on only elbow flexion in the left upper extrem-
postural muscles."' ity (LUE). This would allow the patients to
Therapists anticipate what functional level develop a grasp-and-release ability with one
the patient can achieve based on the findings arm. Therefore, they will be able to feed them-
of the initial evaluation. Those with high le- selves, dress themselves, and go to the toilet
sions (C3 and above) wUl likely require me- themselves with little or no help from another
chanical ventilation. Therefore, these patients person.^
will always need physical assistance from oth- Since patients with high-level injuries can
ers to live in the community. Despite this fact, become high functioning after an acute reha-
many people with high-level injuries can use bilitation program, it is imperative to begin ac-
an electric wheelchair, control most of their tive rehabilitation as soon as possible. The first
environment with specialized adaptive con- step in an active rehabilitation process is mo-
trol units, and direct the care that is provided bilization. Mobilization begins with moving
to them. There is no limit to the technology in bed, rolling side-to-side, transitioning from
now available to patients with very little mo- side lying to sitting, or supine to sitting, and
tor function. finally sitting at the edge of the bed. Even pa-
The lower down the spinal cord, the more tients with high-level injuries (C4) can learn to
functions a patient will have. Patients with C3- sit by "locking" the elbows into extension and
4 injuries w^ill have some neck motion and balancing the upper extremities and trunk
scapular function. They may not need me- with a biomechanical technique. Therefore,
chanical ventilation but will be a full-time one of the first interventions includes teach-
wheelchair user. These patients will require ing patients and their family members how to
full-time assistance from another. When the le- move properly in bed. It is crucial to keep cor-
sion is in the C5 area, the patient will have rect spinal alignment, with no rotation. Ro-
shoulder movements and can achieve inde- tation on the spine can cause torque, which
pendence with upper-body self-care skills in- can in turn cause further soft-tissue damage,
cluding self-feeding, oral hygiene, shaving, edema, or additional spinal cord trauma. The
and handwriting with adaptive devices and shoulders, spine, and pelvis create a basic "H"
set-up. When the lesion is near the C6 level, shape and this should be maintained through-
patient will have some forearm and wrist out the roll from supine to one side. Initially,
movement, increasing the complexity of tasks the patient w^ill need assistance but should be
and decreasing the need for adaptive equip- able to roll correctly w^ithout assistance after
ment or assistance.^ training.
People with SCI at the C7-8 level may Mobilization for higher-level injuries will in-
achieve fully independent living. They will be clude dependent transfers to a wheelchair.
able to transfer to all surfaces using their up- Some hospitals have "Medi-Chairs," which re-
per extremities. They can drive an adapted cline to a completely flat position, and then
vehicle, and can return to the workforce if incline to upright sitting. These are helpful
proper retraining has been provided. Each when grading the task of sitting from fully
of the lower segments provides the patient supine to fully upright since these chairs can
with more motor ability and sensation and a stop at any point in between. Patients with
higher-level of independence. Some patients SCI will require lower extremity compression
with initial paraplegia may gain full gait abil- (w^ith compression stockings, sequential com-
ity later in their course of treatment. In ad- pression devices, or ace wraps) and an abdom-
dition, it is not uncommon for patients to inal binder to prevent orhtostatic hypoten-
demonstrate differences in motor ability on sion. When orhtostatic hypotension occurs,
one side versus the other. For example, a pa- the chair can remain partially reclined until vi-
tient with a C5-6 SCI may have wrist exten- tal signs return to normal and then incremen-
sors in the right upper extremity (RUE) but tally inclined. Usually, orhtostatic hypotension
will diminish with ongoing sitting activities that will loan equipment to patients until long-
when time is taken to slowly incline and re- term needs have been identified.
cline the chair and avoid sudden changes in When patients are independent in bed mo-
posture. bility, they may begin to work on the transi-
Once the patient can tolerate sitting in a tion from side lying to sitting. This normally
chair, a proper cushion must be issued. There involves the use of the upper extremities to
are many wheelchair cushions available and push the shoulder girdle over the pelvis and
some are specially designed for use with SCI. into a sitting position. Patients with lower-
The Roho® cushion has been found to be ef- level lesions will be able to use the elbow
fective in reducing the risk for pressure ulcer, extension, and stabilization of the shoulder
and recurrence when used as a wheelchair complex, to assist. Higher-level injuries will
cushion and as a mattress section.'''^ Cush- require manual assist to assume a seated po-
ions must be of the correct size for the patient sition (usually with a recliner chair). It is nec-
and the chair in which they are seated. If the essary to train the patient with these tech-
lateral thighs are sliding off the cushion, there niques from both sides whenever capable
will not be adequate pressure relief over the since each environment is unique and the pa-
ischial tuberosities and increased pressure on tient may have to get up from either side of
the trochanter. In addition, if the cushion is the bed. Sitting balance and sitting tolerance
too large for the chair, it will push upward are the next steps in demonstrating improve-
onto the patient's thighs and or the patient ment. This process may take several weeks
will not be properly centered on the cushion. to attain but offers the patient great benefit.
Despite the presence of a cushion, pressure They will enjoy a vertical world in which they
relief techniques must be completed every 15 can interact with others, participate in activ-
minutes and for at least 15 seconds. ^"'' The ities of daily living (ADLs), and continue to
patient should be instructed to monitor the strengthen postural muscle groups.
time and remind staff to assist in this effort. Patients that can sit with fair balance may be
With higher-level injuries the staff may have taught to use a slide board to transfer to a chair
to recline the chair for the patient whereas pa- or wheelchair. Eventually they may develop
tients with lower-level injuries will be able to the strength and skill to transfer without us-
move themselves enough to relieve pressure ing the slide board. A patient with paraplegia
for the required time. should be independent with wheelchair mo-
Ideally, an electric wheelchair with a "tUt bility at the end of the rehabilitation stay and
in space" option, alternative operating devices may begin to work toward ambulation with
(joystick, chin lever, or sip-and-puff) and a assistive devices Oong leg braces) if additional
pressure-relieving cushion would benefit a motor function has returned.
majority of the patients with SCI. The "tilt Patients with SCI have many issues that
in space" allows for the entire seat back and must be closely monitored and carefully man-
seat bottom to recline while keeping the pa- aged to ensure a minimum of secondary prob-
tient's trunk and lower extremities supported. lems and complications. It is rare that an SCI
There is little concern for shearing effects occurs without other injuries. More common
on the skin because the entire chair reclines is SCI combined with fractures, which adds
rather than only the seat back. With adap- to immobilization of extreinities and often
tive controls, as above, the patient can con- leads to joint contractures. Commonly, there
trol his or her pressure relief without assis- are wounds that limit positioning alternatives
tance from staff. Many hospitals do not have and add to the risk for pressure ulcers over
the resources to purchase chairs such as these other bony prominences. Head injuries are
and alternative equipment may be necessary. frequently found in patients with an SCI,"
The rehabilitation department may have re- and add cognitive deficits including memory
lationships with vendors in the community loss, poor insight, and poor judgment, making
Critical Rehabilitation of the Patient 187
it difficult for the patient to recall and adhere that early surgical stabilization and early trans-
to the many precautions for an SCI. When all fer to the rehabilitation setting can improve
of these impairments are combined there are long term outcomes. It is the goal of all re-
many other issues to consider in addition to habilitation professionals to facilitate the pa-
the SCI. tient's return to their previous environment
Tremendous effort must be put forth to pre- (home), occupation (job), and leisure inter-
vent secondary complication such as decu- ests. It is our responsibility to ensure that this
bitus ulcers. This can be accomplished with process occurs swiftly and without incident,
the provision of adequate equipment as well while fostering the highest possible level of
as a multispecialty team."' Literature suggests independence.


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