Speech of Cory

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Importance of the corazon c aquinos speech before the united states of congress on the grand narrative

of ph history

ito lang yung alam kong accomplishments "The accomplishments of Filipinos as a nation are that, we
had the chance to fight our way to attain our freedom and to remove a dictator that is hungry for
power. The nation could have a fresh start with new governance away from corruption and greed."

Accomplishments of filipinos as a nation based on cory aquino speech

Corazon Aquino, in full Maria Corazon Aquino, née Maria Corazon Cojuangco, Philippine political leader
who served as the first female president of the Philippines year 1986 to 1992, restoring democratic rule
in that country after the long dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos.

Corazon Aquino, full name Maria Corazon Aquino, née Maria Corazon Cojuangco, was a Philippine
politician who served as the country's first female president from 1986 until 1992, ushering in
democracy after Ferdinand Marcos' lengthy tyranny.

Corazon Cojuangco was born into a wealthy, politically prominent family based in Tarlac province, north
of Manila. She graduated from Mount St. Vincent College in New York City in 1954 but abandoned
further studies in 1955 to marry Benigno Simeon Aquino, Jr., who was then a promising young politician.

Corazon Cojuangco was born in Tarlac province, north of Manila, to a rich and politically powerful family.
In 1954, she graduated from Mount St. Vincent College in New York City, but she dropped out of school
in 1955 to marry Benigno Simeon Aquino, Jr., a promising young politician at the time.

Corazon remained in the background during her husband’s subsequent career, rearing their five children
at home. Her husband, who had become a prominent opposition politician, was jailed by Marcos for
eight years , and Corazon accompanied him into exile in the United States in 1980.

Corazon stayed out of the spotlight for the rest of her husband's career, raising their five children at
home. Corazon accompanied her husband, who had become a famous opposition leader, into exile in
the United States in 1980, after Marcos imprisoned him for eight years.

Benigno was assassinated upon his return to the Philippines in August 1983. This event galvanized
opposition to the Marcos government.
In August 1983, Benigno was killed upon his return to the Philippines. The opposition to the Marcos
regime was intensified as a result of this occurrence.

When Ferdinand E. Marcos unexpectedly called for presidential elections in February 1986, Corazon
Aquino became the unified opposition’s presidential candidate. Though she was officially reported to
have lost the election to Marcos, Aquino and her supporters challenged the results, charging widespread
voting fraud.

Corazon Aquino became the unified opposition's presidential nominee after Ferdinand E. Marcos
suddenly called for presidential elections in February 1986. Despite the fact that she had officially lost
the election to Marcos, Aquino and her allies contested the results, alleging massive voter fraud.

High officials in the Philippine military soon publicly renounced Marcos’s continued rule and proclaimed
Aquino the Philippines’ rightful president. On February 25, 1986, both Aquino and Marcos were
inaugurated as president by their respective supporters, but that same day Marcos fled the country.

High-ranking military officials publicly denounced Marcos' continuing reign and declared Aquino the
genuine president of the Philippines. Both Aquino and Marcos were sworn in as presidents on February
25, 1986, by their respective supporters, but Marcos departed the nation the next day.

When former President Corazon Aquino spoke before a joint session of the United States Congress in
September of 1986, the dust was only beginning to settle. It was her first visit to America since the
dictator Ferdinand Marcos had been deposed in February of the same year, and the Philippines was
reckoning with everything his administration had inflicted.

The dust had hardly begun to settle when former President Corazon Aquino testified before a joint
session of the United States Congress in September 1986. It was her first trip to America since dictator
Ferdinand Marcos was overthrown in February of that year, and the Philippines was still dealing with the
consequences of his rule.

That included $26 billion in total foreign debt, and a communist insurgency that grew, throughout the
Marcos era, from 500 armed guerillas to 16,000. We were just at the start of a long road to recovery.
This included a total foreign debt of $26 billion and a communist insurgency that expanded from 500
armed guerillas to 16,000 under Marcos' presidency. We were only at the beginning of a lengthy journey
back to health.

So Aquino lodged an appeal for help. Addressing the House, she delivered a historic speech that
managed to sway in our favor the vote for an emergency $200-million aid appropriation.

As a result, Aquino made a request for assistance. She gave a historic address to the House, swaying the
vote for an emergency $200 million assistance appropriation in our favor.

In the moving speech penned by her speechwriter Teddy Locsin, Jr., Aquino defended her reconciliatory
stand on the communist insurgency—a sensitive issue in the U.S., given that this was 1986—and asked
for financial aid towards rebuilding the Philippine economy.

Aquino defended her reconciliatory stance on the communist insurgency—a delicate subject in the
United States at the time—and called for financial aid to help restore the Philippine economy in a
touching speech written by her speechwriter Teddy Locsin, Jr.

"We fought for honor, and, if only for honor, we shall pay," she said, agreeing to pay the debt that was
stolen by Marcos. "And yet, should we have to wring the payments from the sweat of our men’s faces
and sink all the wealth piled up by the bondsman’s two hundred fifty years of unrequited toil?"

"We battled for honor, and if only for honor, we will pay," she replied, promising to repay Marcos for
the debt he had taken. "And yet, do we have to wring the payments from our men's sweat and sink all
the wealth accumulated by the bondsman's unrequited toil for two hundred fifty years?"

The speech was impassioned, deeply personal, and effective; interrupted 11 times by applause and
bookended with standing ovations. House Speaker Tip O'Neill called it the "finest speech I've ever heard
in my 34 years in Congress.

The speech was passionate, personal, and powerful, with applause interrupting it 11 times and standing
ovations at the finish. It was the "finest speech I've ever heard in my 34 years in Congress," according to
House Speaker Tip O'Neill.
" Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole told her, "Cory, you hit a home run." And House Minority Whip
Trent Lott said, "Let's just say the emotion of the moment saved the day." It would go down in the
annals of our history as one of the former President's finest speeches.

" "Cory, you hit a home run," Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole congratulated her. "Let's just say the
passion of the occasion saved the day," House Minority Whip Trent Lott remarked. As It would go down
in history as one of the former President's most memorable addresses.
ito lang yung alam kong accomplishments "The accomplishments of Filipinos as a nation are that, we
had the chance to fight our way to attain our freedom and to remove a dictator that is hungry for
power. The nation could have a fresh start with new governance away from corruption and greed."


with the impeachment it gave the Philippines another door, an opportunity to change the future of our
country as inhumane acts happens left and right.

To make things right for the country as

The People Power Revolution also known as the EDSA Revolution and the Philippine Revolution of
1986 was a series of popular demonstrations in the Philippines that began in 1983 and culminated in
1986. The methods used amounted to a sustained campaign of civil resistance against regime
violence and electoral fraud.

This case of nonviolent revolution led to the toppling of President Ferdinand Marcos and the

restoration of the country's democracy.

In addition to the achievements of Filipinos in former president Corazon aquinos speech was the
successful revolt against a dictator,

The People Power Revolution, also known as the EDSA Revolution or the Philippine Revolution of
1986, was a series of public rallies that began in 1983 and ended in 1986 in the Philippines. The
tactics adopted amounted to a long-term civil resistance campaign against regime violence, Election
results that have been tampered with, and attempts at fraud, vote-buying, intimidation have been

The tally board of the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) shows Marcos in the lead, whereas
the National Citizen's Movement for Free Elections (NAMFREL) continuously displays Cory Aquino
in the lead. President Ferdinand Marcos was toppled and the country's democracy was restored as a
result of this nonviolent revolution.

with the impeachment it gave the Philippines another door, an opportunity to change the future of our
country, to make things right as The countries economy still have a big international debt
with the impeachment it gave the Philippines another door, an opportunity to change the future of our
country as inhumane acts happens left and right. To make things right for the country as The countries
economy still have a big debt

Attempts of fraud, vote-buying, intimidation, and violence are reported and election returns are
tampered with. The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) tally board shows Marcos leading while
the National Citizen's Movement for the Free Elections (NAMFREL) consistently shows Cory Aquino
ahead by a comfortable margin.

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