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By Donna Hoover

he application of Variable Fre- VFD Advantages

quency Drives (VFDs) in turf irri-

gation systems is a hot topic. A ENERGY SAVINGS

VFD is an electronic device that Any time the demand is lower than
changes the frequency of the AC power the design point of the system, VFDs
going to a motor, thereby varying the reduce the motor speed (and there-
motor speed. When attached to a fore horsepower), resulting in a reduc-
pump, the change in motor speed tion in energy. The amount saved
affects the flow and pressure of the depends on the design of the system,
pump discharge. actual demand and other factors.


This occurs because VFDs can be con-
figured to ramp the motor up and
down in a controlled manner.


The valves historically have required
excessive maintenance (though there
has been improvement in recent
designs). Additionally, control valves
reduce the pump discharge pressure
5-10 PSI, perhaps resulting in the
need for a larger pump.

VFD Disadvantages

ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITIES Surge / lightning protection presents

The forces of nature in certain geo- another potential challenge. Since
graphic areas may be of concern when the printed circuit boards inside VFDs
considering the use of VFDs. In Flori- can be sensitive to surges, intermit-
da, for instance, heat, humidity and tent problems or catastrophic failures
lightning are natural phenomena that can occur. Well-engineered VFD sys-
can affect the performance of VFDs. tems include a line reactor or other
device to guard against surges.
Since most VFDs are rated to operate
in ambient temperatures up to 104∞

F, in Florida auxiliary cooling would Since many VFD problems can be dif-
be necessary. For drives mounted in ficult to trace, it is often necessary to
an industrial enclosure, an air condi- call in a highly trained drive specialist
tioner or air/water heat exchanger to make repairs. When a VFD fails, it
would suffice. There are also drives can take a week or more for the
that can be mounted outside. These problem to be diagnosed and a new
are produced by some VFD manufac- VFD ordered and installed. (Larger
turers in NEMA 4 packages. They VFD systems do come with a bypass
should include a fan to cool the drive that enables the system to be run in
when running. It is necessary that manual if the VFD fails).
they be shielded from direct sunlight. 13
Ideal VFD Applications Specifying a VFD
Some excellent situations for applying a Pump Station
VFD in a turf irrigation pump system are: Once it has been determined that a
VFD is appropriate for the application, the

Any pump station with dramatically

varying flow rates over a wide flow designer should consider the following:
range, the VFD can be a better regu-

Is the system designed to maintain
lating device than a control valve. constant pressure? The pump station
Care must always be taken to achieve should be designed to maintain a
evenly balanced flow requirements constant discharge pressure. In a well
across the irrigation zones. designed VFD system, a pressure
transducer provides a control feed-

Some conventional pump stations uti-

back. The VFD, when properly
lizing jockey or pressure maintenance
tuned, maintains constant pressure, in
pumps The pumps keep the mainline
effect matching pump output to
pressurized, offsetting the weeping of
actual demand in the field. If a feed-
field valves. Jockey pumps reduce the
back signal from a pressure transduc-
wear and tear on the main pump
er is absent, most of the advantages
when low flows are required. A VFD
of a VFD are lost.
on the main pump in lieu of a jockey
pump may enable the pump to bet-

How is the temperature limitation of

ter operate at low flows. the VFD being handled? If the VFD is
to be installed in an industrial enclo-

Booster pumps for potable water or irri-

sure, an air conditioner or air/water
gation. The incoming pressure and dis- heat exchanger should be specified.
charge demand can vary greatly based If the VFD comes in a self-contained
on time of day and other variables. NEMA 4 package, it can be mounted
under the pump enclosure or on an

Pump stations with higher horsepower

pumps. They are better candidates for open skid. In that case, the VFD
energy savings than smaller stations. should include a cooling fan and also
be shielded from direct sunlight.

What electrical protection is being

offered? The pump station manufac-
turer must include a separate device
for disconnect, ground-fault/short-cir-
cuit protection, and surge / lightning
protection as required by the Nation-
al Electrical Code, the VFD manufac-
turer, and best design practices.

Does the pump station include a VFD

for each motor? For stations with
multiple pumps, there should be an
individual drive for each motor. Many
manufacturers include one VFD and
transfer the motor “across the line”
when the next pump starts. This is
done to reduce cost, but will result in
reduced energy savings and unbal-
anced loads between the pumps.

What pump control
logic is provided?
The pump station
should be designed
to not only maintain
a constant discharge
pressure, but also to
retire the pump on a
“no-flow” signal.
Without this logic the
system will cycle
between high and
low operating set
points, and the life of
the motor and piping
will be affected. To provide the “no- major importance to properly design the
flow” retirement, as well as “loss of system to ensure optimum efficiency and
prime” and “low pressure” shut to reap the rewards a VFD promises.
down sequences, the pump station Time spent is money saved!
should include a programmable logic
controller (PLC) or an integrated logic Hoover Pumping Systems has
card within the VFD. been manufacturing irrigation
pump stations for the Florida mar-
k e t f o r 2 5 y e a r s . For more informa-
The benefits of using VFDs in many
tion, please contact George Newman
turf irrigation applications are notewor- or Kevin Cavaioli at Hoover Pumping
thy. Thoughtful consideration should be Systems, 954-971-7350. E m a i l :
given, however, to each individual situa- or
tion to warrant the use of a VFD. It is of

What's Wrong
With This
There are at least
four obvious
problems with
this pump inlet
connection . . .
Can you see them?
For the answers
turn to page 32. 15

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