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(ESTABLISHED & Managed By The Sargodhian Spirit Trust)



Section – A (Marks 17)

Q. 1 Choose the correct answers.
i. The major portion of natural gas is
(a) ethane (b) propane (c) butane (d) methane
ii. In organic compounds carbon atoms form;
(a) ionic bond (b) metallic bond (c) covalent bond (d) non of these

iii. Which of the following is an aromatic compound.

(a) Propanol (b) Cyclohexane (c) Acetone (d) Benzene
iv. There are a few homologous series of compounds. The existence of homologous
series is due to;
(a) Functional group (b) Cracking (c) Isomerism (d) Polymerization
v. Which of the following compound is heterocyclic?
(a) Pyridine (b) Pyrole (c) Thiphene (d) All of the above
vi. Select from the following the one, which is alcohol;
(a) CH3-CH2-OH (b) CH3-O-CH3 (c) CH3COOH (d) CH3-CH2-Br
vii. Lassaigne’s solution is prepared in the detection of elements of organic compound.
Which metal is used for the reaction with organic compound?
(a) Aluminium (b) Sodium (c) Iron (d) Copper
viii. When AgNO3 is added to the Lassaigne’s solution which colour is formed for
(a) Blue (b) Violet (c) Green (d) Deep Yellow
ix. When water vapours are passed over white anhydrous copper sulphate, which
colour is formed?
(a) White (b) Deep blue (c) Yellow (d) Brown
x. The simplest molecule of Bucky Ball contain carbon atoms;
(a) 20 (b) 8 (c) 60 (d) 100
xi. If a molecule contains more than one functional group, it is known as;
(a) Derivative (b) Polyfunctional (c) Heterocyclic (d) Isomer
xii. The sp2 hybrid orbitals are oriented in space at one angle;
a. 109.50 b. 1800 c. 1000 d. 1200
xiii. The geometry of acetylene is,
a. angular b. bent c. trigonal d. linear
xiv. Which reaction is used as test for the presence of alkene;
a. reaction of cold diluted alkaline KMnO4 b. Combustion
c. Polymerization d. Catalytic hydrogenation
xv. The general formula of alkane is;
a. CnH2n+2 b. CnHn c. CnH2n d. CnH2n-2
xvi.Sodalime is;
a. NaOH b. KOH c.. Mixture of Na and Ca hydroxide d. CaO and NaOH
xvii.The marsh gas is
a. Ethane b. Methane c. Propane d. Butane
Acidic hydrogen is present in
a. Acetylene b. Ethane c. Benzene d. Ethene

-------------THE END-------------
(ESTABLISHED & Managed By The Sargodhian Spirit Trust)


Section – B (Marks 21) (7X3=21)

Q. 2 Answer any seven parts. All questions carry equal marks.

i. Why are the elements of group I called alkali metals?

ii. Write down the chemical reactions of the following elements of 3rd period with chlorine:
a. Sodium
b. Aluminum
c. Silicon
iii. How organic compounds are derived by fermentation process?
iv. What is coal? How is coal used as source of organic compounds?
v. What is name of new allotropic form of carbon? Give its definition?
vi. What is Homologous series?
vii. How sulphur can be detected in organic compounds?
viii Why carbon is SP3 hybridized in the compounds?
ix. How is pi-bond formed in alkenes and alkynes?
x. What is cis-trans isomerism?

Section – C (Marks 21) (7X3=21)

Q. 3 Answer any seven parts. All questions carry equal marks.

i. Why alkanes are relatively chemically inert?
ii. Alkenes usually undergo addition reactions while alkanes do not why?
iii. What is stereoisomerism?
iv. Give four characteristics of Homologous series.
v. What are conjugated bonds formed?
vi. Why alkenes are more reactive than alkynes?
vii. Justify the given order of reactivity? Alkenes > Alkynes > Alkanes
viii What is meant by dehydration of alcohols?

ix. What are polymerization reactions?

x. How will you convert acetylene into benzene?
Section – D (Marks 26) (2X13=26)

NOTE: Answer any 2 questions. All questions carry equal marks.

4. (a)How will you prepare 1-butene from?

(i) an alkyl halide (ii) Alcohols (iii) Electrolysis of salt (iv) Vic-dihalides.

(b). What products is formed when n-propane undergo following

reactions?(i) Combustion (ii) Nitration

5(a). Explain Friedal Craft acylation and alkylation with complete mechanism.
(b). Explain the following electrophilic substitution reactions of benzene with mechanism.
(i) Halogenation (ii) Nitration (iii) Sulphonation.

6. Write the structural formulas for the following benzene derivatives:

a) 2,4,6-trinitrophenol
b) 1,4-dichlorobenzene
c) 4-nitrophenylamine
d) 2-methlbenznesulphonic acid
e) 2-hydroxybenzoic acid
f) 2-chlorophenylamine

7. Name the following benzene derivatives:

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

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