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WHAT IS LANGUAGE? 1. Intrapersonal – communication with 1. Aristotle’s Communication Model

Language - there are three variables in communication
2. Interpersonal – communication with two or process: speaker, speech, and audience
- has a system of rules (grammar), a sound more parties
system (phonology), and a vocabulary
(lexicon) 3. Extended – communication with the use of
Speech Community
4. Organizational – communication among 2. Speaker Speech ModelAudience
Laswell’s Communication
- people share the same set of rules in the the people of and organization/company
language system - Harold Dwight Laswell, 1948
a. Formal – allows communication to take
Language Acquisition - focused on the Ws: Who says, What in,
place via designated channels of message flow
Which channel to, Whom and with What
between positions in the organization
- acquiring language used by the community

Mother Tongue  Downward – management to

- language acquired while growing up  Upward – employee to management
 Horizontal – same level but different
- first language departments
Second Language  Crosswise – employees from different
department to different levels 3. Shannon-Weaver’s Communication
- learning other language and using it Model
b. Informal – unofficial channels of message
Language Learning flows; grapevine - Claude Elwood Shannon and Warren
- learning language by studying formally in *Organizational Culture
school or informally on their own - introduced in 1949
- own culture of an organization
Language Contact - originally for radio and television serving
- dictates the kind of behavior that
- communicating with other culture using your employees should possess
own languages
5. Intercultural – communication with
Language Change different cultural background

- changing your language due to constantly

interacting with other culture
Communication According to Purpose and
Style 4. Berlo’s Communication Model
WHAT IS COMMUNICATION 1. Formal - David Berlo, 1960
Communication - formal language delivered orally or in - “SMCR”; sender, message, channel, receiver
written form
- exchange of thought, ideas, concepts, and - modified to “SMCRN”; sender, message,
views between two or more people - texts are thought out carefully and written
channel, receiver, noise
well before to be delivered
- to inform, entertain, and persuade
- circumstance/environment in which
communication take place 2. Informal

- does not employ formal language

Communication According to Mode - personal and ordinary conversation

1. Verbal – spoken and written words - to socialize and enhance relationships

2. Non-Verbal – gesture, facial expression, General Principle of Effective

body language Communication
3. Visual - pictures, charts, tables, graphs, etc 1. Know your purpose in communicating.
Models – representation of real world
phenomenon applied to different forms 2. Know your audience.
Communication According to Context 3. Know your topic.
4. Adjust your speech or writing to the context - has a wide reach and can disseminate Synchronic Cultures – the flow of time is
of the situation. information to a bigger audience quickly viewed as a sort of circle, with the past,
present, and future all interrelated
5. Work on the feedback given you. THE GLOBALIZATION PHENOMENON
Principles of Effective Oral Communication Globalization
Affective – readily shows emotions
1. Be clear with your purpose. - process by which people and good move
easily across borders Neutral – does not telegraph feelings, but keep
2. Be complete with the message you deliver. them carefully controlled and subdued
- integration of markets, trade, and investments
3. Be concise. with few barriers to slow the flow of products
and services among nations
4. Be natural with your delivery.
What drives globalization?
5. Be specific and timely with your feedback.
- technology
Principles of Effective Written
Communication - internet
1. Be clear. - transportation
2. Be concise. What’s good about it?
3. Be concrete. - millions of people were led out of poverty
4. Be correct. - made companies socially responsible
5. Be coherent. - trade and cooperation with different nations
6. Be complete. What’s bad about it?
7. Be courteous. - dangerous to the environment
Ethics of Communication - inequality
1. Establish an effective value system that will - not everybody has benefited
pave the way for the development of your
integrity as a person. - does not close the gap between the rich and
the poor
2. Provide complete and accurate information.
- could lead to “unparalleled peace and
3. Disclose vital information adequately and prosperity”

- communication across cultures is
- the channel through which one expresses his challenging, it has its own set of rules
communicative intent
- it is important because the domestic force is
1. Face-to-Face Interaction growing more and more diverse, ethnically and
- informal or casual conversation between
two or more people HIGH-CONTEXT VS LOW-CONTEXT
- establish or maintain relationship High-Context – leave much of the message
unspecified, to be understood through context,
2. Video
nonverbal cues, and between-the-lines
- communication with the use of web cameras interpretation of what is actually said

4. Audio Low-Context – expect messages to be explicit

and solicit
- transmitted sound
- only the voice of the speaker is heard
Sequential Cultures – business people give
5. Text-Based Communication full attention to one agenda item after another
- use of e-mail, facsimile, text messaging, and
instant messaging to communicate

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